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4. Applications of modern tools: Master proper techniques, skills and modern engineering tools in mechanical engineering field, and have the ability of analyzing and solving practical problems, developing new equipment according to different engineering problems.
11. Project management: understand the multidisciplinary background of mechanical engineering and master the principle and methods of engineering management.
8. Professional ethics and standard: grasp a good knowledge of humanities and social sciences and have a strong sense of social responsibility and professional ethics, and can comply with the professional ethics and standard during mechanical engineering projects.
3. Plan and develop solution: Master the basic skills of mechanical engineering including drawing, calculation, experiment, testing and the basic process operation and design the specific mechanical system, mechanical device and automatic control system according to different engineering problems.
6. Social responsibility of engineer: have good consciousness of economy, safe, efficiency and service and can assess the influence of related system scheme on social, safe, efficiency and culture based on specific requirements and engineering backgrounds.
2. Problem analysis:With the ability of comprehensive application of the theory of science and technical methods for the system expression, the model establishment, analysis, solution and demonstration of mechanical engineering problems.
5. Literature search: have the ability to search and synthesize the professional literature and can collect and analyze the related data according to specific engineering problems.
交流,具有一定的国际视野和跨文化的交流合作能力。 11、项目管理:理解机械工程项目的多学科背境,掌握并应用工程管理的原理与方法。 12、终身学习:对终身学习有正确认识,具有不断学习和适应发展的能力。 Ⅱ.Graduation Requirements 1. Engineering knowledge: To solve engineering problems including mechanical design and manufacturing,
Curriculum for Undergraduate of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Major
一、培养目标 本专业培养具有综合的机械工程基本理论和专门知识,具备德、智、体、美全面发展、基础理论厚 实、知识结构合理、适应能力强、富有创新创业精神和实践能力,能在机械工程领域从事机械设计、机 械制造、测试和信息技术开发、机电系统控制、科学研究、生产组织协调与管理等方面工作的高素质工 程技术人才。期待毕业生五年左右达到以下目标: 1、遵纪守法,积极向上,较好融入工作环境,对社会有贡献; 2、能在工作实践中,适应工作岗位的各项要求,具备独立解决复杂工程问题的能力,成为独挡一面 的技术骨干; 3、有能力进入研究生阶段学习,并在科研岗位上有一定的理论建树; 4、具备良好的自学能力和终生学习意识,根据工作需要,自主学习新知识和新技术,能很好地适应 社会和企业的发展; 5、对技术和市场发展有一定的分析把控能力,具备自主创新与创业基本条件。 Ⅰ. Training Objectives The major aims at training high quality engineers and technical talents with comprehensive basic theory and specialized knowledge of Mechanical Engineering, and with the overall development of moral, intellectual, physical and virtue, and with the solid basic theory, the reasonable knowledge structure, adaptable, innovative and entrepreneurial spirit and practical ability to engage in the job of engineering design, mechanical manufacturing, test and information technology development, mechanical and electrical system control, scientific research and production organization and management. Graduates of this major are supposed to achieve the following objectives in five years: 1. Being law-biding and positive, can good integrate into the work environment and contribute to society; 2. Be able to adapt requirements of work position, possessing ability to solve complicated engineering problems independently and can become technical expertise; 3. Have the ability to study at graduate level and be able to obtain some theoretical achievements in scientific research posts; 4. Have strong sense of self-learning and ability to continuous study and can learn new knowledge and technology independently according the requirements of work; 5. Have strong analytical and supervisory skills in technical and market development and have basic conditions of independent innovation and entrepreneurship. 二、毕业要求 1、工程知识:能够将数学、自然科学、机械工程以及一定的经济管理知识用于解决机械设计制造、 产品开发、生产协调管理等实际工程问题。 2、问题分析:具有综合运用所学科学理论知识与技术方法对实际机械工程问题进行系统表达、建立 模型、分析求解和论证的能力。 3、设计/开发解决方案:掌握机械工程专业所需的制图、计算、实验、测试和基本工艺操作等技 能,能够针对机械工程专业领域复杂问题,制订满足特定需求的机械系统、机械装置、自动控制系统的
product development and production organization and management using mathematical, natural science, mechanical engineering and some knowledge of economy and management.
背景进行分析,利用机械工程设计及评估规范评价相关方案对社会、安全、效益以及文化的影响。 7、环境和可持续发展:能够正确理解和评价针对实际机械工程问题的解决方案对环境及社会可持续
发展的影响。 8、职业道德与规范:具有较好的人文科学方面的知识,具备相当的人文素养、社会责任感和职业道
德,能够在机械工程项目实践中理解并遵守职业道德和规范,履行责任。 9、团队合作:具有在多学科团队中发挥作用的能力和较强的人际交流能力。 10、交流:能够就机械工程领域中的学术问题及实际工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通
方案或技术。 4、现代工具的应用:能够针对机械工程专业领域的复杂问题,掌握并使用各种恰当的技术、技能和
现代化工具,具有分析解决问题并进行科学研究开发新设备的初步能力。 5、文献检索:具有对专业文献资料检索综合的能力,能够针对机械工程专业领域的复杂问题进行资
料搜集整理及分析。 6、工程师社会责任意识:具有良好的经济、安全、效益和服务意识,能够基于实际需求及工程相关
7. Environment and sustainable development: have the ability to assess the influence of related mechanical system scheme on environment and sustainable development.
9. Team work: have the ability to play a role in the multidisciplinary team and have strong interpersonal
武汉科技大学培养方案 skills.
10. Communication: can communicate effectively with industry peers and public in the field of mechanical engineering, and have certain abilities in international perspective, cross-cultural communicationand cooperation.