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1. His friend has ________ (遭受) from illness for several years.

2. Her husband has gone abroad on business. She is quite _________ (牵挂) about him.

3.I am only able to look at nature through dirty ____________(窗帘) hanging before the dusty windows .

4.To get as much information as possible, we should learn to _________(交流).

5.I do not want to set down a _________(系列) of facts in a diary as most people do.

6.I would be g__________ if you could give me some advice.

7.I stayed awake on p_________ until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.

8. --- So you didn’t say“hello” to him last night?

---Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he i_____me and walked on.

9.He gave me some a_______ on how to learn a foreign language.

10.People aged from 13 to 19 are called t________ .


1.“I went to the Great Wall yesterday,” Li Hua said. (改为间接引语)


1.If the camera is broken again , he will have to pay ________________________(让别人修理它).

2 _ _______________(在遛狗时),you are careless and _____________(它松开了) and was hit by a car. 3.Your friend asks you to ________________________(帮助他在考试时作弊)_______________(通过看你的试卷). 4.______________________________________________(列举出你的朋友对你来说很重要的原因).

6.As the moon gave ________________________(太多的光),I ____________________________(不敢打开窗户). 7.Another time five months ago, I _______________________(恰巧在楼上) when the window was open.

8.It was the first time in a year and a half that ______________ (我第一次面对面地目睹夜晚).

9.It is no pleasure to look through these any longer because nature is one thing ________________________(必须亲身体验的). (改错幷改正)

10.Mother asked her if she was very hot ___________________________(穿着这么多的衣服).


The money he spent within a month ___ ___ ___ 1000 yuan.


More and more people ___ ___ ___ the situation in Libya.


Let’s ____ ___ the pain again and s ee if there is still something needing improving.


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ that he has gone abroad.


___ ___ whatever happens.


1.With a lot of problems ____, the new government is now having a hard time.

A. solving

B. to solve

C. solve

D. having solved

2. After that, he knew he could any emergency(紧急情况)by doing what be could to the best of his ability.

A.get away with B.get on with C.get through D.get across

3. It was _____ he came bank from Africa that wear _________ he met the girl he would like to marry.

A. when; then

B. not; until

C. not until; that

D. only; when

4. The young clerk kept silent about accident____ lose his job.

A. so not as to

B. so as not to C so as to not D. in order to not

5. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare, you must learn to ______.

A. support

B. care

C. spare

D. share

6. -----What has made Mary so_______? -----Losing her new bicycle.

A. worrying

B. troublesome

C. upset


7. On Christmas Eve, we put up some balloons to ______ the festival atmosphere.

A. make for

B. add up

C. add to

D. join in

8. —Mary, don’t you believe your sister?—Yes. I believe _____ she says.

A. however

B. no matter how

C. whatever

D. no matter what

9. Roses need special care _____ they can live through winter.

A. because

B. so that

C. even if

D. as

10. John had trouble _____ his maths though he ______ every effort in it.

A. in; make

B. with; make

C. learning; made

D. with learning; made

11. ---- Sorry, I am late again. ---- You ____ here thirty minutes ago.

A. should have come

B. would come

C. should come

D. must have come

12. The water of the lake was so ______ that it looks like glass.

A. silent

B. calm

C. still

D. quiet

13. You’d better have the second-hand car ______ before you sell it.

A. repaired

B. repair

C. in repair

D. repairing

14. What great trouble we had _____ where his house was.

A. in finding

B. to find

C. find

D. found

15. While ____ out of the window, I saw my father walking the dog in the garden.

A. look

B. looks

C. looking

D. looked
