2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修三课件Unit 3 课件ppt版本

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river.They are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,The of Huckleberry Finn and Life on the Missisippi. In
this author loved the river so much that even his is about the river.“Twain” is an old word for “two “mark twain” is to say that the water is two fath and it is a navigable② depth for the steamship em the Mississippi River those days.Twain left school age of twelve to look for work.
•他的作品因描写普通人和他们的说话方式,尤其是他的幽 著称。因为他写了许多小说、短篇故事和游记,他变得富 且在大众读物领域很受欢迎。耶鲁和牛津大学都因他的作 他名誉,然而他的晚年因为几起灾难而黯然失色。1910年 他在康涅狄格州的雷丁去世,享年75岁。然而,他仍然是 最受欢迎的作家之一。
• Notes
at public readings.Yale and Oxford Universities ho
him for his writing.However,the later part of his heavily overshadowed③ by several misfortunes.He d
Redding,Connecticut,on 21st April,1910 aged 75.Y
全文结束!谢谢 仅供参考学习之用
•Over the next two decades he was a printer,a riv pilot,a soldier,a gold miner,a businessman and
newspaper reporter.In 1865,he published The Celeb Jumping Frog of Calaveras County which was about a
• Mark Twain
• Mark Twain was born in Florida and spent his in Hannibal,Missouri,along the Mississippi River his most famous books describe people on this grea
bring up go ahead by accident stare at account for on th take a chance in rags as for
1.请求(Requests) Would you(please)...? I wonder if you'd mind... May we as Could you...? If you don't mind,may I...? Please don't... 2.点餐(Ordering food) 功能 Can I help you? I'll take your order in a minute. Are you read sir./madam? What would you like...? Enjoy your meal! Here's your bill.
frog contest.His writing became famous for its des
of common people and the way they talked,but espe
for his humour.He became rich from many novels,sh
stories and travel journals he wrote and was very
1.宾语从句(Noun clauses as the object) Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a man coul month in London. I wonder,Mr Adams,If you'd mind us asking a few question May we ask what you're doing in this country and what your pl I didn't know whether I could survive until morning. If you don't mind,may I ask you how much money you have? 2.表语从句(Noun clauses as the predicative) The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid h That's why we've given you the letter.
are. I'd like... I'll have... Do you have...? What do you suggest? I'll have that. The bill,please. Can I have the check,please?
3.购物(Shopping) I'd like to have... I'm looking for... Do you have any...? Can you show me...,please? May I try it on? Do you have 功能 How much is it/are they?Well,I'll think about it. Just have a look. I'll take it. That's it. May/Can I help you? What can I do for you? What about th Did you find everything OK? Is that everything? That's all
必修③ ·人教版
Unit 3
The Million Pound Bank Note
Fra Baidu bibliotek 习目 标 展 示
话题 Forms of literature and art:short story and drama;how to a
birthplace novel adventure phrase author scene wand businessman permit ahead bay stare fault spot passa embassy seek patience contrary envelope unbelievable 词汇 pineapple dessert amount rude manner scream genuin indeed bow barber
• ①fathom n.英寻(测量水深单位,合6英尺或1.8米 navigable adj.可航行的;适于通航的 ③overshadow v
• Task
• What did Mark Twain's writing become famous
• His writing became famous for its descriptio common people and the way they talked,especially humour.
still one of the most popular writers in the world
马克·吐温出生于佛罗里达,在密西西比河边密苏里州的汉 尼拔度过了他的童年时代。他最著名的三部作品都是描写生活 在这条河上的人物的,这三部书是《汤姆·索亚历险记》《哈克 贝利·费恩历险记》和《密西西比河上的生涯》。的确,这位作 家深爱着这条河,甚至他的笔名都与这条河有关。twain 是 “二”的古用语。因此,mark twain 的意思就是:这条河水深 两英尺,对于当时航行在密西西比河的汽船来说,它是一个可 以通行的深度。12 岁时,他辍学去找工作。在随后的 20 年里, 他当过印刷工、船上的舵手、士兵、金矿工人、商人以及报社 记者。1865 年,他出版了《卡拉维拉斯郡大名鼎鼎的跳蛙》, 这篇作品是关于一场跳蛙比赛的。