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I. 选择填空。(15分)


1. Ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse to capture the city of Troy.

A. huge

B. wonderful

C. wide




2. —I worked as a volunteer in the school library last Friday afternoon.

—Really? Can I go with you next time?

A. had

B. made

C. was



【解析】A选项had表示“有”;B选项made表示“做,制作”;C 选项was表示“是”。题干中的“work as”表示“担任,从事……工作”,因此正确答案选C。

3. —I have difficulty in learning Chinese. Could you give me some help?

—Sure. Reading a lot will help you improve your Chinese.

A. questions

B. problems

C. tasks




4. —China’s first large passenger plane C919 flew successfully on March


—Yes. What’s more, it was built on our own in Shanghai.

A. with some help

B. from our friends

C. by ourselves



【解析】A选项with some help表示“得到了一些帮助”;B选项from our friends表示“来自我们的朋友”;C选项by ourselves表示“我们独立完成”。题干中的“on our own”表示“凭我们自己”,因此正确答案选C。

5. —Hi, Bob! What’s going on over there?

—Oh, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them.


B. appearing

C. working




示“出现”;C选项working表示“工作”。划线词组所在句子句意为“——嗨,鲍勃,那边发生什么事情了?——噢,汤姆和迪克正在下象棋,一群学生在围观。” 词组“going on”表示“发生”,因此正确答案选A。

6. —Ding Ning beat Miu Hirano, a Japanese player, in the 2017 World Table Tennis Championship entering the final.

—We were all excited at the good news.

A.fought with

B. won against

C. lost by



【解析】A选项fought with表示“与……斗争”;B选项won against表示“赢,打败”;B选项lost by表示“因……而吃亏,因……而受损失”。题干中的beat表示“战胜、打败”,因此正确答案选B。

7. —Did you see the movie Dangal last week?

—No. I hardly go to the cinema these days. I am busy writing a book report.

A.o ften

B. always

C. seldom




8. —In Shenzhen the city center will be connected to all the districts by metro in several years.

—Great, I’m proud of living in Shenzhen.

A. closed to

B. joined to

C. added to



【解析】A选项closed to表示“离……近; 与……关系密切”;B选项joined to表示“加入,与……相连”;C选项added to表示“添加,增加”。题干中的“connected to”表示“与……


ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共7题,每小题1分,计7分)

9. You are beautiful today. Your shoes color your dress color.

A. catches

B. matches

C. meets




10. is the quality to be brave when you are facing difficulties.

A. Courage

B. Pride

C. Humor
