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SMEs are an important part of the national economy, the development of social economy and stability plays play a decisive role role. With the effect of clusters of medium-sized and small enterprises in China's economic and social development in the increasingly prominent position, has become an important force to promote the fast growth of the economy. However, at present our country small and medium-sized enterprise difficult, the failure rate is high, the average life expectancy in the 3-5 years, one very important reason is that the small and medium-sized enterprise funds management system is not perfect, there are internal management confusion, the lack of a sound monetary fund internal control system, inadequate supervision and other issues, so that small and medium enterprises reputation and profit ability drops. Only good money management this small link, adopt scientific and reasonable management and control measures, to small and medium enterprises to improve the economic benefits, make it develop steadily in the market economy. This paper comprehensively expounds the reason of inventory management and the impact on the enterprise, and puts forward some countermeasures for the effective management of the enterprise inventory, in order to obtain the maximum economic efficiency. Firstly, the background and meaning of this dissertation, through literature review, proposes this article research mentality and the research content; secondly, an overview of the importance of inventory management, inventory management concept, enterprise inventory management; analysis of present situation of inventory management in the small and medium-sized enterprises, find problems in the management, and proposes the corresponding solution strategy; finally, summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of this paper.

Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprise; inventory management; problems and Countermeasures


摘要................................................................................................................................................................. I 引言. (3)

一、存货管理相关理论概述 (3)

(一)存货的含义的功能 (3)

(二)加强企业库存管理的重要性 (3)

二、中小企业存货管理的现状 (4)

(一)鑫峰机械制造企业存货管理存在的问题 (4)

1、鑫峰机械制造企业存货管理现状................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

(1)存货周转率低 (5)

(2)存货成本和库存水平都较高 (6)

(4)呆滞品库存高 (6)

(5)信息沟通不畅 (6)

1、我国中小企业市场竞争不规范 (7)

4.3.5我国中小企业创新不足 (7)

三、加强中小企业存货管理的对策 (8)

参考文献 (11)

谢辞 (1)
