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I f anyone can be called a scientific giant (巨人)after Albert Einstein,也a person

must be Stephen Hawking. On March 14,也e world-famous British scientist died at 76 in Cambridge, UK.

Hawking was found to have a serious illness when he was 21. It stopped him from

walking and talking. H e had to sit in a wheelchair and“speak”using a computerized voice. However, his illness could not stop him from achieving great也ings.

He explained that the universe (宇宙)began wi出the Big Bang and will end in black holes. This becam e the basic for a lot of other research.咱1y goal is simple,”he once said.“It’s a complete unde rstanding of the universe.”

Hawking also made great efforts to help others understand the universe. He wrote A Bri电{History of T im e which has sold more th a n 10 million copies around the world. In the b毗he叫lains也e start a nd end of the universe using simple language. He also wrote books for chi恼en,like George and The B梧Bang.They help kids learn about space.

Stephen Hawking was also a great fa也er.He had three children, and°he passed on也ree pieces of adv ice to the m.

•Alwa ys keep working, because work gives purpose and meaning in life.

•Alwa ys loo k at阳stars,never look down at your feet.

• If you are lucky enoug h, you will fi nd lov e. N ever th row it awa y.

H a wkin g has left u s. B ut jus t as his c hildr en sa id aft er his deat h, Hawkin g’s wo rks a nd sp irit will live on fo r many years.

79. Stephen Hawking was born一一一一_in the UK.

A. in 1942

B. i n 1945

C. in 1947

D. in 1950

80. Hawking一一_when he W岱21years old.

A.啊。te a famous book

B. h ad a serious illness

C. went into the universe

D. found black holes

81. Hawking wrote A Brief H istory of T ime in order to _一一·

A. make money for his research

B. i mprove his knowledge of the world

C. t ell kids也e importance of h istory

D. help others understand the universe

82.Hawking th inks work gives purpose and -一-in life.


B. e x严rience



83.Which part of a magazine can this passage be taken from?


B. H istory.


D. Culture.


Which animals are smart? Your answer may be dogs, monkeys or elephants. Now there is one more animal: sheep.

Scientists from Cambridge University said that sh即could be trained to iden崎(识别)human faces, the BBC reported. Before test吨,scienris岱let the sheep take a look at pictures of four famous people, including Barack Obama. Then the sheep went into a room wi由仰o computer screens. One screen showed a famous person. The sh叫always walked toward the screen with the correct faces.

After discovering the sh呵’s abili可to旦旦旦旦famous people, researchers gave them a new task. They w缸时to see whether由民e farm animals could correctly iden峭the same people from different angles (角度).To由eir s町眠,出e sheep were still able to iden屿them,though they were a bit slower . 由m before. Finally,由e researchers wanted to know证由e she叩could identi命也eir trainers from a photo. As a result,也e sheep could do this wi由out any回国ng.

The resul臼show由at也e she叩’s face-recognition ab出阳缸e similar to也ose of monkeys and humans, according to the BBC.

Face reco阴阳is v町difficult,but sheep have big brains. The researchers said it皿ght be interest由g m耻也阳E to find out咄咄er she叩could iden崎different facial expressions made by humans.

84. A ccording to the passage, she叩could_ after being trained.

A. s ing and也nee to music

B. b ecome smart like monkeys

C. Jook for farm animals

D.work on computer screens

85.What does the underlined word“旦旦E盟”probably mean in Chinese?


B.模仿C,了解 D.分类

86.It was a bit for sheep to identi市the same people from d班erent angles也an before.

A. faster



D. n icer

87. Th e she叩can identify the让一一一_from a photo without any training.



C. r esearchers



Afa也er and his son went to a kite-flying festival. The son felt very happy when he saw也e sky

filled with colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too.币1efa也.e r由m bought a kite for his son.

The son started to fly也e kite. Soon, his kite w田high up m阳sky.After a while,由e son said,

“Fa也er,it see ms that the string (线)is Stopp鸣曲e kite from flying higher. If we cut i且it will be岳出

and fly even higher. Can we cut it?”η1e f灿u cut由e string and the kite started to go higher. This

made也e little boy happy.

But由en,slowly,由e kit冠started to come down. It soon fell to由e ground. The son was very

surprised to see由is.He asked his father,“i thought that after cutting the string,出e kite would fly

high旺Why did it fa ll dowr俨

The fa ther explained,

stay in the sky. Y ou helped the kite go up in the right direction by凶ing the string. But when you cut the

string, it could no longer support也e kite.”

You may som创imes feel like there areα归in things that are holding you back and stoppin也you

from growing. B ut in fac飞也ese might be由e things由at suppo民you也e most Remember也is:stro吨

sup p o此can help you grow!

88.Why did the boy feel happy? (不超过10个词)

89.What did the boy think stopped the kite from flying higher? (不超过10个词)

90.What can we team from阳story?(不超过10个词)




91.The ship was helpless against the L一一(力量)of the storm.

92.It was very b一一(勇敢的)of Tony to tell us也e刨出.

93. This special dish was c一一一(创造)by his lo由g mo也er.

94.The ba�ic d一一-(设计)of the car is very similar to也at of阳lier models.

95.M町’s done business明白Mr Weston before and she v _ {重视)the work he giv盹












Dear sir,

Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. I'd like to be a volunt臼r for the coming swnmer



Li Hua
