综合教程1 Unit2课后习题答案

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Unit 2

Active reading one

2 Choose the best way to complete the sentences

1(b) 2(b) 3 (a) 4(a) 5 (c)

Dealing with unfamiliar words

3 Match the words in the box with theirdefinitions.

1 honest about the situation or your opinions, even if this offends people(frank)

2 a place that many people go to for a holiday (resort)

3 tasting extremely good (yummy)

4 containing a lot of liquid, so tasting good (juicy)

5 dark in a way that makes you feel sad or a little afraid (gloomy)

6 lack of experience of life (innocence)

7 the ability to understand and make good judgments about something (perception)

8 ideas, behaviour, or statements that are not true or sensible (nonsense)

4 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box.

1 The waves were very large in size as they fell onto the beach. (enormous)

2 There was so much seafood that it was holding tightly onto the plate. (clinging)

3 In the area of land where they were visiting, it wasn’t usual to eatfish and chips. (region)

4 When he had eaten the shellfish, he got rid of the shells. (discarded)

5 To eat shellfish you need special tools to break open the shells and dig out the food. (implements; crack; scrape)

6 The boy was especially fond of his mother’s bread and cakes from the oven. (baking)

7 Because they’re smooth, wet and quite difficult to hold, it’s quite achallenge to try your first oysters. (slippery)

5 Answer the questions about the words in thebox.

1 Which word means feeling? (emotion)

2 Which word means a feeling that a situation is so bad that there’s nothingyou can do to change it? (despair)

3 Which word means to say you’re not happy with someone or something? (complain)

4 Which word describes how your face looks when you’re annoyed or worriedabout something? (frown)

5 Which word describes something that is unpleasant to taste, smell orsee? (nasty)

6 Which word means to say something to someone in order to have fun byembarrassing or annoying them slightly? (tease)

6 Check (√) the true statements

1 2 4

Active reading 2

Dealing withunfamiliar words

4 Answer the questions about the words andexpressions in the box.

1 (a) moreactive

2 (a) itsfeatures

3 (b) the reason for it

4 (b) made in afactory

5 (a) help causehormones to leave the brain

6 (a) press itstrongly

7 (b) your parents

8 (b) liquid

9 (a) tellpeople

5 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box.

Key: (1) luxury (2) nourishing (3) mould (4) manufacturer (5) snap

(6) condensed (7) flavour (8) popularity (9) genetic (10) trait

Language in use

giving extrainformation

1 Rewrite the sentences.

1 The restaurant was in a French seaside resort by the Atlantic Ocean, whereyou get excellent seafood.

2 My father, who wanted me to try my first oyster, had decided to take mefor lunch to a restaurant.

3 The oyster, which was slippery, was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since.

4 Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, which means “food of the gods”.

5 The world’s best-selling type of chocolate, milk chocolate, which is sweeter and smoother than dark chocolate, didn’t appear until the end of the 19th century.

6 Daniel Peter, who was Swiss, perfected the process of making milk chocolate.

leaving out words

2 Rewrite the sentences.

1 and the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood, crabs,prawns, lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other ...

2 On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws, and alongside was abattery of implements used to crack the shells ...

3 The next development was learning how to get cocoa butter from the beans, a process first tried in 1825.

4 Condensed milk is a thick, sweet milk sold in cans.

5 Hormones are a chemical substance produced by your body. word formation

4 Answer the questions with the words youformed in Activity

What’s the word for:

1 how you feel if the sea makes you ill? (seasick)

2 someone who likes shopping a lot? (shopaholic)
