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Establishing Business Relationship

我们将把装运日期、船名通知你方。We shall inform you of the date of shipment, name of steamer.


We wish to inform you that business has been done at $200 per metric ton.

兹通知你方,我方已将所索样品寄出。Please be informed that we have already sent the samples required. 希望随时报道你地的市场情况。we hope you will keep us informed of the market condition at your end.


We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have a good chance of cooperating with you in your business extension.


We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefits


We will make inquiries about the business possibilities of your new products.

感谢你方对地毯的询价。We thank you for your enquiry for carpets.


We owe your name and address to the First Commercial Bank at your end.

我们要买羊毛。we are in the market for wool.

此产品畅销。There is a good market for this article.


We will try to market this product at our end if you allow us a 5% commission.


We avail ourselves of this opportunity to thanks you for your close cooperation.

承蒙驻伦敦中国银行介绍,得知贵公司的名称和地址。我方愿借此机会与贵方联系,建立业务关系。Having had your name and address from the bank of China in London,we avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.

你们必须让我们熟悉细节。You will have to acquaint us with the details.

我们熟知日本的市场状况。We are well acquainted with the market condition in Japan.

我们经营化工商品已有多年。We have been in the chemical line for many years.

这是金属器皿中的一种好货。This is a good line of hardware.

你的价格与市价完全不符。Your price is entirely out of line with the market.


In line with cables exchanged, we confirm having sold you the following.

随函附寄商业发票一式两份。We are enclosing our commercial invoice in duplicate.

请参阅8月5日去信所附的价目表。Please refer to the pricelist enclosed in our letter of August 5. Enquiries:


As we understand that you are main exporter of electric fan in China, we should appreciate it if you could quote us the lowest price(send us the lowest quotation) for 1000 pieces with details.


All prices are quoted in US dollars at a special discount of 5%.


Please quote us your lowest price for the following items and let us know the time of validity of the price.
