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必修三Unit 4Astronomy:the science of the stars 单词学案

1. astronomy [ə'strɒnəmɪ] 天文学astronomer [ə'strɒnəmə]n. 天文学家

biology [baɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]生物学biologist [baɪ'ɒlədʒɪst] n. 生物学家

geography [dʒɪ'ɒgrəfɪ]地理学geologist [dʒɪ'ɒlədʒɪst] n. 地质学家,地质学者

physics ['fɪzɪks] 物理physicist ['fɪzɪsɪst] 物理学家physical物理的,身体的

science科学scientist科学家chemistry chemist

2. atom ['ætəm] cn. 原子carbon['kɑːb(ə)n]n. [化学] 碳nitrogen['naɪtrədʒ(ə)n]n. [化学] 氮vapor [veipə]水蒸气oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] n 氧dioxide [daɪ'ɒksaɪd] n. 二氧化物carbon dioxide 二氧化碳low-carbon lifestyle低碳生活方

3. solar ['səʊlə]adj.太阳的;日光的, 阳历的solar energy solar system solar year (lunar year)

4.system ['sɪstəm]c n.系统,体系,制度systematic [sɪstə'mætɪk]adj.成系统的,成体系的

a new education system transport system 运输系统a heating system 供热系统 a systematic way 一个成系统的方法

5. religion [rɪ'lɪdʒ(ə)n] n. 宗教;宗教信仰adj 有宗教信仰的虔诚的

6. .theory ['θɪərɪ]cn.学说,理论pl in theory 理论上,按理说

That really sounds fine ______ ______, but do you think it is good in practice?

7.billion ['bɪljən] n. 十亿billionaire [bɪljə'neə] n. 亿万富翁billions of stars two billion stars

million ['mɪljən] 百万billionaire 百万富翁millions of two million

8. globe [gləʊb] n.球体,地球仪,地球(the globe) lamp globe 灯泡; 球灯罩

global ['gləʊb(ə)l] adj.全球性的,全世界的worldwide adj\adv fight global warming

9. violent ['vaɪəl(ə)nt]adj.猛烈的,激烈的,暴躁的n. violence adv. violently

①violent crimes/movies a violent man. ②______ storm 暴风骤雨③She shook her head__________强烈地

④There is too much_____________ on TV. ⑤ answer violence with violence

patient –patience different—difference important—importance dependent dependence intelligent intelligence

10. atmosphere ['ætməsfɪə]大气层,气氛

① Completely lost in the exciting________of football match, he didn't feel his pocket picked.

②I like the atmosphere we can express ourselves freely.

11. .unlike prep.不同,不像;---反义词like prep 像look like be like

Music is quite unlike any other art form. It’s very unlike him to be so late.

like v.喜欢She is like /resembles her mother She likes swimming.

dislike v.不喜欢She dislikes swimming. Likes and dislikes

12. fundamental [fʌndə'ment(ə)l] adj. 基本的,基础的Hard work is to success.

the fundamental rules of mathematics

13.presence ['prez(ə)ns]. 存在;出席;参加in sb’s presence in the presence of s b 当着sb的面

present [prɪˈzent ] vt.赠送,颁发,呈现~sb. with sth./ ~sth. to sb.

①They present precious gifts to the boy. ②The ships in the bay present a beautiful sight.

['preznt] adj.①现在的,当前的;the present situation

②在场的,出席的(后置定语)All the people present voted for him.

★be present at ★be absent from

['preznt] n. ①礼物=gift; ②现在,目前★at present/at the present time

At present, we will present a present to our friend

14 . harmful adj 有害的n vt adj.无害的________

★do harm to sb/do sb harm=harm sb 对sb有害★be harmful/harmless to 对…有害(无害)

Smoking _____ _________ ____/______ _______ _____ your health.

扩展:▲do / cause damage to … e.g. The heavy rain didn’t do much damage to the crops.

能力提升:The damage the earthquake _________ the village is great.

15 chain [tʃeɪn] 链子,连锁,锁链 a chain of supermarkets/a supermarket chain a chain of events
