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• ‘This is a private conversation.’
结构: 肯:主语+ was/were +其它. (n./adj./prep.) 否:主语+ was/were +not +其它. (1.was/were后加not; 2. some → any)
in public (公共/开地)
eg. No smoking in public.
3. privacy n.隐私 eg. Everyone has his privacy.
conversation chat n.闲聊 / talk n.谈话
1. have a conversation with sb.
Were they at work last week ? Yes, they were
② 昨天下午你在哪儿?
? I was at home .
肯定句: 主语+ Ved +其它。 动词过去式的变化规则: 1.一般情况直接+ ed 2.以不发音字母e结尾直接+ d 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的,变 y i +ed 4.辅元辅结尾,该音节重读,双写尾字母+ ed
2.他昨天六点到家。 He arrived home at six o’clock yesterday.
3.我们昨天早上打篮球了。 We played basketball yesterday morning
肯定句: 主语+ Ved +其它。 否定句: 主语+ didn’t + V原 +其它。
一般疑问:Was/Were+主语 +其它? (1.Was/Were提前大写; 2. 第一人称 → 第二人称 3. some → any)
①Yes, I was at the greengrocer’s on Thursday.(根据本句提问)
Were you at the greengrocer’s on Thursday? ②They were at the doctor’s yesterday morning.(对划线部分提问)
• They were talking loudly.
get:指天气冷暖,长短的变化 become:指身份,地位的改变
• I got very angry. • I could not hear thewenku.baidu.comactors.
• I turned round.
bear 1. bear to do sth. 忍受做某事
容忍 eg. I can’t bear to see you like this. bore-borne 2. =stand=put up with 忍受
eg. I can't put up with their bad behavior any longer.
1.He telephoned me three times yesterday.(改为否定句) He didn’t telephone me three times yesterday.
2. I played computer games yesterday morning.(改一般疑问句) Did you play computer games yesterday morning?
2. 请坐 have a seat = sit down please
3. 坐某人的座位;取代某人 take one’s seat
eg. Take __D__, please. I’ll get you some water.
A. a chair B. chair C.seat D.a seat
take a chair 带/拿把椅子
Last week I went to the theatre.
go to the theatre: 去看戏 go to the cinema: 去看电影
• I had a very good seat.
Take/Have a seat, please. 请坐。
• The play was very interesting.
5.He telephoned me three times yesterday.(对划线部分提问) ___H_o_w___ _m__a_n_y___times___d_id___he telephone you yesterday?
6. No, he didn’t say hello to me.(对本句提问)
3. in+过去的年份 in 1995 in 1998 4. 时间段+ago 多久之前
second(秒), minute(分钟), hour(小时),day(天), week(周), month(月), year(年), century(世纪)
5.其他: just now 刚才
the other day/week… 几天前/周…
hear: 听见(强调结果) listen to: 听(强调过程)
None of your business.
• ‘It’s none of your business,’ the young man said rudely.
1. none of : 在祈使句中表达一种断然,粗暴的口气。 2. sb’s business: 指某人(所关心的或份内)的事。
如:slip, plan, stop, prefer(更喜欢)等… 5.不规则变化。
口诀:清念/t/, 元浊/d/, /t/ /d/之后念/id/.
肯定句: 主语+ Ved +其它。
翻译:1.昨天她给我打了三次电话。 She telephoned me three times yesterday.
public 公共的,公有的
a private hospital / school / talk
private view 个人观点
2.短语 in private(私下地)
eg. You can talk with me in private.
true—truly ;polite--politely 6. 特殊不规则变化
1.conversation: 两个或更多人互相交换意见的交谈。
2.talk: 用作复数时指正式交谈。 phone talks peace talks
3.dialogue : “对话”,多指剧中的对白。
3. I played computer games yesterday morning.(划线部分提问) When did you play computer games?
4. I played computer games yesterday morning.(划线部分提问) What did you do yesterday morning?
Where were they yesterday morning?
③ office, she , the , Monday, at ,was, on (连词成句)
She was at the office on Monday
6. Translation.翻译
① 他们上周工作(at work)了么? 是的,他们工作了。
intersting: 修饰sth. intersted: 修饰sb.
• I did not enjoy it.
1. enjoy n. 享受... 2. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做... 3. enjoy oneself = have a good time
• A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.
对V过去式提问→ What ……..do?
1. yesterday yesterday morning/afternoon / evening
the day before yesterday
2. last类
last night / week /month /year the night /week/month/year before last
4.chat : 指熟人间的非常随便的交谈,强调谈话的亲密和
seat & sit
sit 为不及物动词,指“坐下”; seat为及物动词,“安排...坐下”。
eg. Sit down,please!
eg. The teacher seated us in the back row.
3. 扮演/演戏 play a role in eg. Iphone is playing a key role in our life.
4.名词“戏剧” cosplay= costume play
seat s
座位 4. seat v. 坐下,使就座
5. be seated 坐着,位于
1. 坐下 take a seat = sit down
Did he say
hello to you ?
eg. I had a conversation with my friends yesterday. 2. be in conversation (with)... (与...)交谈中
1.玩 play the game 2.演奏;打/踢(球) play the piano; play football
• In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again.
1. 承受,承担 bear the money 2. 忍受 (一般与can/could连用在疑问和 否定句) I can’t bear living here.
• ‘ I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily.
同义:turn around
• I looked at the man and the woman angrily.
• They did not pay any attention.
1.支付(价款等) pay...for... 2. 给予(注意等) pay attention 3.去(访问) pay a visit 4. 工资,报酬 n. my pay
(1.请didn’t 帮忙,放在主之后动之前; 2. V过去式 → V原 3. some→ any)
一般疑问句: Did +主语+ V原 +其它?
(1.请Did 帮忙,放句首; 2. V过去式 → V原 3. 第一人称→ 第二人称 4. some→ any)
肯:Yes, 主语 + did. 否: No, 主语 + didn’t.
2. in business 经商 eg. They lost all money in business last year.
3. do business (with) (同...)做买卖
形容词变副词的规则变化: 1. 词尾直接加ly 2. 以le结尾,去e+y gentle--gently 3. 以ll结尾直接+y full--fully (充分地,完全地) 4. 以辅音字母+y结尾,y变i+ly happy--happily 5. 少数以e结尾,去e+ly;其他以e结尾的+ly
1. pay no attention (to) 毫不关注 2. pay little attention (to) 爱理不理 3. pay much attention (to) 高度关注
business business=busy+ness
1. on business 出差 eg. I went to Beijing on business last month.