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self ! My hands started to ache as I 16 turned the heavy
metal wheels. I came to know that controlling the direction
of the wheelchair was not going to be an easy task.
主要有记叙文、说明文和议论文三种体裁。 但大多以叙为主, 叙议结合;
讲述一个贴近考生实际生活的小故事,在末 尾进行升华,揭示人生的道理,往往富有思 想性教育性;
细读首句,跳过空格,通读全文, 把握大意
2016 课标全国 I A Heroic Driver
Let's find the answers to the questions and search for the clue words.
A Heroic Driver
Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One
asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go. They let him
and the other man go.
57. A.woman
上下义/总分 (hyponymy)
上义词 (概括)
下义词 (具体分述)
morning in 2009, Larry was 41 along 165 north
after delivering to one of his 42 .
41. A. walking
B. touring
C. traveling
D. rushing
42. A. passengers
B. colleagues
46. A.used C.removed
B. disabled D. abandoned
同/近义词 (synonym)
51 the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get
out of the broken window. They told her to stay 52 until
should not move 55 she injured her neck.
52. A. quiet C. away
B. still D. calm
反义词 (antonym)
Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the
other man 56 and let them go to work. Then, Larry
(hypo- (semanti (cognate
nymy) c fields) word)
after delivering to one of his 42 .
41. A. walking
B. touring
C. traveling
D. rushing
42. A. passengers
B. colleagues
C. employers
D. customers
Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher(灭火器).
Then, Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go.
They let him and the other man go.
58. A. forbidden
......Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by
getting so close to the burning vehicle!
51. A.Starting
Байду номын сангаасC.Passing
One thing is 59 ----- Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!
One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from under
Leaflets have been delivered to every household. 传单已发送到每家每户。
A Heroic Driver
Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One
morning in 2009, Larry was 41 along 165 north
Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher(灭火器).
One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from
under the 46 vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake
58. A. forbidden C. asked
B. ready D. free
反义词 (antonym)
同/近义词 (synonym)
Fill in the table
2016 (记叙)
同近义词 反义词
上下义/ 语义场/ 同源/
(the (synonym) (antonym) 总分 同一话题 同根词
I tried to find a 12 position and thought it might be restful,
13 even kind of nice, to be 14 around for a while. Looking
around, I 15 realized I would have to handle the thing my-
the emergency personnel arrived, 53 she thought the car
was going to 54 . Larry told her that he had already put
out the fire and she should not move 55 she injured her
高考英语完形填空解题技巧指导课件(56张 PPT)
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
完形填空: 对 语篇缺失的信 息进行猜测、 推断、验证。
格式塔心理学: 又叫完形心理学,当看见不完整的事物时,人 们根据脑子里对事物的完整概念,会在思想上 把它补全.
to travel at 50 miles an hour 以每小时50英里的速度行进 News travels fast these days. 如今消息传播得很快。
• to travel around a place, for example on holiday/vacation, or to perform, to advertise sth, etc. 在…旅游;在…巡回演出(或做宣传 广告等)
C. employers
D. customers
Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher(灭火器).
• [单独使用的动词] to go or move at a particular speed, in a particular direction, or a particular distance (以某速度、朝某方向或在 某距离内)行进,转送,传播
after delivering to one of his 42 .
41. A. walking C. traveling
42. A. passengers C. employers
B. touring
D. rushing
语义场 (同一话题)
B. colleagues (semantic
D. customers field)
12. A. flexible
B. safe
C. starting
D. comfortable
14. A. shown
B. pushed
C. driven
D. guided
Do you also find it difficult to achieve high grades in the cloze test?
瞻前顾后,先易后难, 各个击破 再读全文,反复检查
高考完形填空选文的第一句话通常是完整的。该句 往往就是主题句(Topic Sentence),这就为我们理解 文章的内在联系提供了一个“窗口”,它的句意往往为 全文提供中心信息,能直接概括全文大意、揭示主题。
充分重视首句的标示作用,利用它为解题找到一个 突破口,据此展开思维,争取开局胜利。
and 47 get hold of the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two
good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put
45. A. flames
B. smoke
C. water
D. steam
B. ready (antonym)
C. asked
D. free
let sb go
• to allow sb to be free 放,释放(某人) 让某人离开
Will they let the hostages go? 他们是否会释放人质?
Then, Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go. They let him and the other man go.
the 46 vehicle.
The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he
had 49 an emergency call. They 50 heard a woman's voice
coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle.
How can we change this situation? Do you know why it is called “Cloze” ? The blanks in the passage are closely related to the context.
词语同复现 Reiteration
He toured America with his one-man show. 他在美国进行了个人巡回演出。
A Heroic Driver
Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One
morning in 2009, Larry was 41 along 165 north
• TAKE GOODS/LETTERS 送货 / 信 ~ (sth) (to sb/sth) to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take sb somewhere 递送;传送;交付;运载
They told her to stay 52 until the emergency personnel
arrived, 53 she thought the car was going to 54 . Larry
told her that he had already put out the fire and she