

Special Seminar: Assessing Emergent Business IT Using the Web of

System Performance

Brian Whitworth1, Cheikna Sylla2,Elizabeth Whitworth3

1Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University (Albany), New Zealand 2School of Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

3Psychology Department, Carleton University, Canada


[The title of the paper should be written in bold in 14 point font, centered on the top of the paper. The first letter of every word in the title should be capitalized. Leave one line, the authors’ names and their affiliations, following the title, must be 11 point font.]

Abstract:[9pt, bold, the first letter should be capitalized] Businesses must often decide whether to purchase emergent technology in various states of maturity. Purchasing immature technology can have serious consequences for a business, but equally not purchasing new technology can invoke intangible opportunity losses that are equally costly in the long term. Businesses that don’t upgrade their IT can go out of business, but upgrading every time can be equally disastrous.[9pt]

Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4 [9pt]

[Every paper should include an abstract within 500 words. At the end of the abstract, skip a line and then type “Keywords:” (NOT bold, italic, and followed by a colon) followed by 3 to 8 words that describe the focus and contribution of the paper. ]

1.INTRODUCTION[10pt, capitalized, bold]

The use of information technology (IT) has become a primary survival factor for business organizations in a global competitive environment. However just as IT can make money for business, it can also lose money, as IT has become a major corporate expenditure.……

[This document has been prepared using the required format (Microsoft Word version 6.0 or later). Using this document as a template is highly recommended as it gives the best input for the final publications. ]

[Body of the paper: The whole paper should be written in “Times New Roman” font. Except the title of the paper that is in 14-font size and authors’ names with their affiliations in 11-font size, the whole paper should be written in 10 fonts. ]

[Do not use multiple columns. The line spacing should be single line. Every paper should be less than or equal to 6 pages. Set the page to A4 with margins of 2.54cm all around. Do not use headers and footers, do not use end notes and do not put page numbers. Microsoft Word file is strongly preferred. ]

2.WHY A NEW THEORY OFINFORMATION SYSTEMPERFORMANCE? [10pt, capitalized, bold] [Headings are numbered and capitalized. All major headings are centered in bold in 10 fonts. Do not put a period after the text of the heading.There should be no more than three levels of heading. ] In the infancy of software development, designers held functionality (what the system does to the world) as the primary goal of software development. This is because at that time, software was just a tool, as say a hammer is a tool. As information systems developed however, they not only became more complex, but also less passive and more active systems in their own right. IS today works with the user not just for the user, and now

enables a virtual online society that could span the globe. Hence functionality has become an insufficient indicator of information system performance. The main battle against functionality as the prime directive of system designers was carried out by the proponents of usability, human-factors and human-computer interaction, supported by theoretical frameworks such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). These views presented ease of use as equal to usefulness in determining user acceptance of a system[1], e.g. if a web site performs well functionally, but users don’t like it and click on to other sites, then it is a failure. Functional failure and usability failure it was noted have the same effect – the system does not run!

3.WHAT IS A SYSTEMS APPROACH? [10pt, capitalized, bold]

Nearly forty years ago Bertalanffy noted that certain mathematical formulas repeated across many disciplines like chemistry, physics and biology [2], which used the same formulae to describe completely different things. Hence was borne the idea of studying a “system” without referencing what type of system it was.

Computer systems seem systems in a general sense [3], so a hardware computer system of chips and circuits is also a software system of information exchanges, and today also the human-computer combination [4], e.g. a plane is mechanical, its computer controls are informational, but the plane plus pilot is also a system –a human-computer system. Human-computer interaction (HCI) sees computers as more than just technology (hardware and software). Table 1 summarizes the four computer system levels, matching the idea of an information system (IS) as hardware, software, people, and business processes[5]. The levels are different views of the same system not different systems, and match disciplines of Engineering, Computing, Psychology and Sociology, respectively.

[Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to where they are cited. Captions should be Times New Roman 9-point, bold. Figures and Tables should be numbered separately and consecutively. Avoid color diagrams. Figure’s captions should be flush center below the figures, and Table captions should be in center above the table body. Initially capitalize only the first word of each caption. Table contents should be Times New Roman 9-point, no bold. ]

Table 1. Information system levels

4.WHAT DOES THE FIGURE REPRESENT? [10pt, capitalized, bold]

In the web of system performance (Figure1):

?Web area represents system performance in general, so a bigger the area means a greater system performance potential.

?Web shape represents the goal criterion


which vary with the environment, e.g. a threat environment

may mean security has more weight.

?Web lines represent goal tensions, imagined as



Figure 1. The web of system performance

connecting rubber bands that can pull back one performance dimension as another increases.

5.HOW ARE THE DIMENSIONS EDFINED? [10pt, capitalized, bold]

5.1Ideas seem similar to Alexander’s synthesis of form.[10pt, no capitalized, bold]

[Subheadings are flush left, in bold in 10point type, not be capitalized. There should be one line space before second-level heading. Keeping two space for third-Level heading that is also in bold in 10 point type, as shown in the subheading for this paragraph. ]

Yes, this model merely applies Alexander’s theory to IS. Over forty years ago Alexander noted the “tension” problems of physical world system design [5]. Since then, his architectural pattern theory has been applied to information systems (IS) and object orientated (OO) design. Design tensions arise when physical systems composed of parts have multiple contextual demands. For example, in a simple machine such as a vacuum cleaner, each part, like the engine, can be designed for its specific function by using the best materials. Specialized materials allow a powerful engine, with more suction, but this may also create more noise, heat and weight, making the vacuum harder to use. Part specialization may also mean more complex joints that fail easier, reducing reliability. Finally, customizing parts can increase manufacturing material diversity, raising costs.

[All equations should be placed on separate lines and numbered consecutively, with the equation numbers placed within parentheses and aligned against the right margin as shown in equation (1).

Min C = ∑∑


N i













Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appear or immediately following. ]

5.2Is WOSP useful for system evaluation as well as system design? [10pt, no capitalized, bold]

Yes, it can be used as a process-oriented design framework for system developers, or a product-oriented evaluation framework for system users/buyers. The common concept of system performance connects the two fields: generally designers want to produce high performance systems, and likewise users want to buy them.

5.2.1Reason A

Design then, is the art of synthesizing “forms” to reconcile contradictory contextual demands, e.g. vacuums that are both lightweight and powerful. “Patterns” are generic solutions to design conflicts that repeat: “Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem.” [6]. If problems repeat, it makes sense to re-use successful solutions. The logic applies as well to IS design as it does to physical design.

6.CONCLUSIONS[10pt, capitalized, bold]

Supply chain coordination has become the key strategic area that has direct impact over the success of any enterprise i n today’s highly competitive business environment.

[Making sure author’s paper follows t he guidelines for submissions. If there is a mismatch, the author(s) will be informed of needed corrections. ]

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT[10pt, capitalized, bold]

This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 70572071. [Use the singular heading even if you have many acknowledgments. Avoid expressions such as “One of us

(S.H.C.) would like to thank ... .” Instead, write “F.A. Author thanks ... .”.Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments expressions such as “This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 123456”.]

REFERENCES[9pt, capitalized, bold, centered]

[1]Bird R B, Stewart W E. (1960).Lightfoot E N. Transport Phenomena. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 75

[2]Henry R C, Lewis C W, Collins J F. (1994).Vehicle-related hydrocarbon source compositions from ambient data: the

GRACE/SAFER method. Eniron Sci Technol, , 28(5): 823-832

[3]Ma Tingxi, Lu Xueshu. (1992).Computer aided analysis of the penetration of mounted tillage implement. In: Zhang Wei,

Guo Peiyu, Zhang Senwen, eds. Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development: V ol I. Beijing: International Academic Publishers, 157-160(in Chinese)

[4]Young L C. (1974). The Application of Orthogonal Collocation to Laminar Flow Heat and Mass Transfer in Monolith

Converters. Ms D Thesis. Washington: University of Washington,

[5]Larsen C E, Trip R, Johnson C R. (1995-01-25). Methods for Procedures Related to the Electrophysiology of the heart.

US Patent 5 529 067.

[6]APHE. (1985). Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association,

Washington, DC,

[7]Xie Xide. (1998-12-25). Creating new way to study. People’s D aily, (10)

[8]Chescheir G M, Westerman P W. (1984). Rapid Methods for Determining Fertilizer Value of Livestock Manures. ASAE

paper No.84-4082. Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineering

[9]Chaplin M. (2003). Guar gum. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0112781795.html,/water/hygua.html,

[Number citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the brackets [2]. Multiple references [2], [3] are each numbered with separate brackets [1]–[3]. When citing a section in a book, please give the relevant page numbers [2]. In sentences, refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] shows ...”]


容易发表的中文核心期刊 许多高校对大学生发表论文持鼓励态度,有些高校甚至对发表论文的同学给予学分减免的支持,甚至报销版面费用。另外,对于有兴趣进行研究的同学来说,论文发表是对自己研究的一种肯定。大学生在专业期刊特别是中文核心期刊发表论文还是比较难的,特别是高职高专的学生。因此在选择期刊的时候不要盲目投稿,要尽量选择一些容易发表的期刊。笔者根据观察和发表论文的经验,向同学们推荐几个容易发表的期刊,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。 1、商场现代化。这个杂志是北大图书馆2004年版贸易经济类核心期刊,《商场现代化》杂志系中国商业联合会主管,由中商科学技术信息研究所和北京永川商标发展中心共同主办,主要面向商场、企业、公司的中高层管理者。本刊主要刊发国内外商业流通领域理论研究成果,商业管理学术论文和商业市场调查报告,作者不仅包括国内外商界研究机构资深人士和商业、财经院校教授、研究生,还有政府、行业主管部门领导和企业家精英。本刊因其系统性、实用性、权威性、前瞻性而成为商界管理层传阅率最高的杂志之一,并连续多次评为国家级贸易经济类核心期刊。主要栏目有:流通论坛、经营管理、营销之道、品牌策略、电子商务、物流平台、经济与法、资本运营、投资分析等。笔者的第一篇核心论文就发表在这个杂志上。 这个杂志没有学历和职称歧视,无论是博导还是大学生,只要论文达到发表要求,交纳一定的版面费用就可以发表,大概是800一个版,可以发表一个版的文章,并且投稿录用的时间比较短,杂志也比较厚,拿出来比较有档次感,接收电子投稿,因此对于经济条件较好的同学不妨一试。 2、经济论坛。这个杂志是北大图书馆2000年版贸易经济类核心期刊,河北省社会科学院主办,也是经济类核心期刊,是半月刊。这个杂志审稿速度也比较快,并且不存在学历和职


英文论文格式要求 (2009-01-08 10:03:39) 转载▼ 分类:外文期刊知识 标签: 教育 论文发表 期刊投稿 学术论文 很多老师可能想发英文论文,但是不知格式如何调整,一般英文期刊格式都是国际上的APA 格式,鉴于以前曾在英文期刊工作过,所以在此贴出格式要求,这样老师们在投稿前整理妥当,通过率也高一些。要知道,您若是直接投到国外编辑部邮箱,他们是不会帮您整理的哦。其实无论是学术期刊投稿,还是其他生活类,时尚类等通俗期刊投稿,整齐的稿件格式,专业的排版,全角半角选择正确,没有词汇语法错误,都会让编辑们有赏心悦目的感觉,忍不住要多看一眼您的文章。编辑也是人啊,不要把稿件扔过去就完事了,编辑每天要干的事情非常多,你说你懒,编辑会说,对不起我更懒。 不多说废话,在此贴出格式: 英文论文APA格式 英文论文一些格式要求与国内期刊有所不同。从学术的角度讲,它更加严谨和科学,并且方便电子系统检索和存档。 版面格式

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举例: Table 1. The capitals, assets and revenue in listed banks 图表和图片 图表和图片的题目格式与正文相同,位于图表和图片的下部。题目前加Figure后跟数字,表示此文的第几个图表。图表及题目都居中。只允许使用黑白图片和表格。 举例: Figure 1. The Trend of Economic Development 注:Figure与Table都不要缩写。 引用格式与参考文献 1. 在论文中的引用采取插入作者、年份和页数方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This在论文中的引用采取作者和年份插入方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This problem has been studied previously (Smith, 1958, pp.20-25)。文中插入的引用应该与文末参考文献相对应。 举例:Frankly speaking, it is just a simulating one made by the government, or a fake competition, directly speaking. (Gao, 2003, p.220). 2. 在文末参考文献中,姓前名后,姓与名之间以逗号分隔;如有两个作者,以and连接;如有三个或三个以上作者,前面的作者以逗号分隔,最后一个作者以and连接。 3. 参考文献中各项目以“点”分隔,最后以“点”结束。 4. 文末参考文献请按照以下格式:


论文写作总结 题目: 题目应该覆盖主要目的或者信息,也应该吸引读者,不能太长。并且应该避免附标题。摘要: 用第三人称写,说明文章目的,方法,结果和结论,不应出现“本文”,“我们”“作者”字眼,也不要有“首次”,“最后”,“简单”,“主要”和“次要”等修饰词。 摘要四要素:研究工作的目的,方法,结果,结论 引用别人的话: 单一作者时:某某(1987)提出。。。。。。;某某(1981)的研究发现。。。。。; 几个作者时:国内一些学者(某某,1997;,某某,1984;某某,1845)的研究。。。。。; 一些研究者(某某,1998主张;某某,1874)主张。。。。。 MIT 的Arthur Smith 教授他提醒我尽量不要使用被他称为“投机性”词汇的一些词,如“obviously”,“probably”,“certainly”,“undoubtedly”等。因为使用表示可能性的词汇,这说明你不能无法证明你的观点,而是在进行假设和猜测。可信度自然非常低。 引言部分: 引言部分主要回答为什么研究,介绍论文背景,相关领域研究历史与现状,本文目的意义,创新在什么地方(有待解决的问题) 引言第一句号很重要,应当明确提出这篇文章的目的,并且表示目的很重要。 引言包含的要素(老外写) 1文章的目的;2对目的的证实(为什么整个工作重要);3背景,其他人已经做了的,怎样去做的,我们以前已经做的;4指导作者:作者应该在文章中看到什么?文章中让人感兴趣的关键点是什么?我们使用了什么,我们使用什么方法来做的?本文采用的基本方法和假设5概括和总结:作者所期望的结论是什么? 编辑对引言一般意见:引言是否充分反映了当前存在的问题,并阐述了该项研究的必要性?编辑部对参考文献一般意见:参考文献是否遗漏了近期重要文献? 结果: 不要罗列结果,要分析,结果间要有逻辑联系。 Plant and soil杂志主编提醒注意:引言的最后以:你研究工作的目的和提出一个清楚的假设作为结尾。并且指出,事实上对。。的研究之前没有人做个并不是一个好的理由。因为你的研究在逻辑上很可能是跟随过去的研究。 引言写作注意事项: 1好的引言相当于文章成功一半,最重要是保持鲜明的层次感和极强的逻辑性,层层递进关系。首先:阐述自己研究领域的基本内容,要尽量的简洁明了,不要罗里罗嗦一大堆。一些显而易见的知识要用概括性的而不是叙述性的语言来描述。 2其次:接下来就是引言的重头戏之一:文献的总结回顾。要特别着重笔墨来描写。一方面要把该领域内的过去和现在的状况全面的概括总结出来,不能有丝毫的遗漏,特别是最新的进展和过去经典文献的引用。这是两个最容易出现的问题,应该是我们要极力避免的。 3再次:然后就是分析过去研究的局限性并且阐明自己研究的创新点,这是整个引言的高潮所在,所以更是要慎之又慎。阐明局限要客观。在阐述自己的创新点时,要仅仅围绕过去研究的缺陷性来描述,完整而清晰的描述自己的解决思路,并且文章摊子不要铺的太大。创新


全文1.5倍行距 标题标题标题标题(二号宋体,居中,加粗)【说明:(标题是能反映论文中特定内容的恰当、简明的词语的逻辑组合,应避免使用含义笼统、泛指性很强的词语(一般不超过20字,必要时可加副标题,尽可能不用动宾结构,而用名词性短语,也不用“……的研究”,“基于……”)。】作者11,作者22,作者31,……(四号楷体,居中) (1. 学校院、系名,省份城市邮编;2. 单位名称,省份城市邮编)(五号楷体,居中) 摘要:(小五号黑体,缩进两格)摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容……(小五号楷体) 【说明:摘要应具有独立性和自含性,即不阅读全文,就能获得必要的信息。要使用科学性文字和具体数据,不使用文学性修饰词;不使用图、表、参考文献、复杂的公式和复杂的化学式,非公知公用的符号或术语;不要加自我评价,如“该研究对…有广阔的应用前景”,“目前尚未见报道”等。摘要能否准确、具体、完整地概括原文的创新之处,将直接决定论文是否被收录、阅读和引用。摘要长度200~300字。摘要一律采用第三人称表述,不使用“本文”、“文章”、“作者”、“本研究”等作为主语。】 关键词:(小五号黑体,缩进两格)关键词;关键词;关键词;关键词(小五号楷体,全角分号隔开) 【说明:关键词是为了便于作文献索引和检索而选取的能反映论文主题概念的词或词组,每篇文章标注3~8个关键词,词与词之间用全角分号隔开。中文关键词尽量不用英文或西文符号。注意:关键词中至少有两个来自EI控词表。一般高校数字图书馆均可查到。】 中图分类号:(小五号黑体,缩进两格)TM 344.1(小五号Times New Roman体,加粗)文献标志码:(小五号黑体,前空四格)A(小五号Times New Roman体,加粗) 【说明:请查阅中国图书馆分类法(第4版)(一般要有3位数字,如TM 344.1)】 引言(四号宋体,加粗,顶格) 引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言引言……(五号宋体,段前前缩进两格) 【说明:引言作为论文的开端,主要回答“为什么研究”这个问题。它简明介绍论文的背景、相关领域的前人研究历史与现状,以及著者的意图与分析依据,包括论文的追求目标、研究范围和理论、技术方案的选取等。引言应言简意赅,不要 收稿日期: 基金项目:省部级以上基金资助项目(必须要有编号) 作者简介:姓名(出生年-),性别,职称,学位,主要研究方向,(Tel);(E-mail)。 导师姓名(联系人),性别,职称,硕(博)士生导师,(Tel);(E-mail)。


Special Seminar: Assessing Emergent Business IT Using the Web of System Performance Brian Whitworth1, Cheikna Sylla2,Elizabeth Whitworth3 1Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University (Albany), New Zealand 2School of Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA 3Psychology Department, Carleton University, Canada 2345@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0112781795.html, [The title of the paper should be written in bold in 14 point font, centered on the top of the paper. The first letter of every word in the title should be capitalized. Leave one line, the authors’ names and their affiliations, following the title, must be 11 point font.] Abstract:[9pt, bold, the first letter should be capitalized] Businesses must often decide whether to purchase emergent technology in various states of maturity. Purchasing immature technology can have serious consequences for a business, but equally not purchasing new technology can invoke intangible opportunity losses that are equally costly in the long term. Businesses that don’t upgrade their IT can go out of business, but upgrading every time can be equally disastrous.[9pt] Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4 [9pt] [Every paper should include an abstract within 500 words. At the end of the abstract, skip a line and then type “Keywords:” (NOT bold, italic, and followed by a colon) followed by 3 to 8 words that describe the focus and contribution of the paper. ] 1.INTRODUCTION[10pt, capitalized, bold] The use of information technology (IT) has become a primary survival factor for business organizations in a global competitive environment. However just as IT can make money for business, it can also lose money, as IT has become a major corporate expenditure.…… [This document has been prepared using the required format (Microsoft Word version 6.0 or later). Using this document as a template is highly recommended as it gives the best input for the final publications. ] [Body of the paper: The whole paper should be written in “Times New Roman” font. Except the title of the paper that is in 14-font size and authors’ names with their affiliations in 11-font size, the whole paper should be written in 10 fonts. ] [Do not use multiple columns. The line spacing should be single line. Every paper should be less than or equal to 6 pages. Set the page to A4 with margins of 2.54cm all around. Do not use headers and footers, do not use end notes and do not put page numbers. Microsoft Word file is strongly preferred. ] 2.WHY A NEW THEORY OFINFORMATION SYSTEMPERFORMANCE? [10pt, capitalized, bold] [Headings are numbered and capitalized. All major headings are centered in bold in 10 fonts. Do not put a period after the text of the heading.There should be no more than three levels of heading. ] In the infancy of software development, designers held functionality (what the system does to the world) as the primary goal of software development. This is because at that time, software was just a tool, as say a hammer is a tool. As information systems developed however, they not only became more complex, but also less passive and more active systems in their own right. IS today works with the user not just for the user, and now


中国核心期刊论文格式要求 2010-04-14 21:08 一、限在“CSSCI检索期刊2003”、“中文核心期刊(学术刊物,非杂志类)北大2004版”期刊发表的论文格式 (一)基本要求 1、您的论文请用WORD等文本编辑软件打好后以附件的形式发到我们的电子信箱lunwen888@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0112781795.html,中,便于我们及时下载进行编辑。来稿以5000字为宜,并附100-200字的内容摘要,3-8个关键词,标题、内容摘要和关键词必须翻译成英文;内容摘要的写作应力求简明扼要,具有相对独立性和完整性,客观反映论文的主要内容和研究方法。摘要的写作应避免出现“本文论述了......对......有重要意义”之类的用语。 2、关键词是反映论文主要内容的名词性术语一般每篇可选3-8个,应尽量从《汉语主题词表》中选用。未被词表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语和地区、人物、文献等名称,也可作为关键词标注。关键词应以与正文不同的字体字号编排在摘要下方。多个关键词之间用分号分隔。中英文关键词应一一对应。中文关键词前以“关键词:”或“[关键词]”作为标识;英文关键词前以“Key words:”作为标识。 3、稿件内容力求观点鲜明、选题新颖、逻辑严密、下笔有据、论证充分、结合实际、深人浅出、文字通顺、言简意赅。当然如果您的论文达不到上述的要求,“核心论文发表网”的站长将利用其职业(经济学编辑)特长和同学关系网(编辑联盟)负责帮您编辑,直至发表。 (二)标题 标题应简明、具体、确切,能概括文章的特定内容,符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原则,一般不超过20个字。必要时可加副标题,用较小字号另行起排。文章标题及作者姓名单位均须翻译成英文。 (三)注明投稿日期 是指您投稿的日期。示例:收稿日期:2004-02-18 (四)基金项目 获得基金资助产出的文章应以“基金项目:”或“[基金项目]”作为标识注明基金项目名称,并在圆括号内注明项目编号。多项基金项目应依次列出,其间以分号隔开。示例:基金项目:国家社会科学规划基金资助项目(2004BJL001)(五)作者简介 作者的姓名、出生年、性别、民族(汉族可省略)、籍贯、职称、学位等作出介绍,其前以“作者简介:”作为标识。一般排在篇首页地脚,置于投稿日期(或基金项目)之后。同一篇文章的其他主要作者简介可以在同一“作者简介:”标识后相继列出,其间以分号隔开。 示例: 作者简介:张三(1960-),男,汉族,福建厦门人,厦门大学会计系教授,博士。 (六)正文 文内标题力求简短、明确,题末不用标点符号(问号、叹号、省略号除外)。层次不宜过多,一般不超过5级。大段落的标题居中排列,可不加序号。层次序号可采用一、(一)、1、(1)、1);不宜用①,以与注号区别。文中应做到不


学术期刊论文标准格式 1 、题目 中文题名一般不超过20 个汉字,必要时可加副题名。文章应附英文题名。 2 、作者及其工作单位 中国作者姓名的汉语拼音采用如下写法:姓前名后,中间为空格。姓氏的全部字母均大写,复姓应连写。名字的首字母大写,双名中间加连字符;名字不缩写。例:zhao ling (赵灵), 文章应标明所有作者的工作单位,包括单位全称、所在省市名及邮政编码,以便于联系和按地区、机构统计文章的分布;单位名称与省市名之间应以逗号分隔。整个数据项用圆括号括起。英文文章和英文摘要中的作者工作单位还应在省市名及邮编之后加列国名,其间以逗号分隔。例: (华中电力集团公司,湖北武汉430027) 3 、摘要 切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。用第三人称。不必使用" 本文"、"作者"等作为主语。缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。 4 、关键词

一般每篇文章可选3~8 个关键词。多个关键词之间应以分号分隔,以便于计算机自动切分。中、英文关键词应一一对应。 5、参考文献 参考文献著录项目:① 主要责任者(专著为作者而非译者)。多个责任者之间以","分隔,注意在本项数据中不得出现缩写点". "(英文作者请将作者名写 全)。主要责任者只列姓名,其后不加"著"、"编"、"主编"、"合编"等责任说明。②文献题名及版本(初版省略)。③文献类型及载体类型标识。④ 出版项(出版地、出版者、出版年)。⑤ 文献出处或电子文献的可获得地址。⑥ 文献起止页码。⑦ 文献标准编号(标准号、专利号)。 各类参考文献条目的编排格式及示例如下: 专著、论文集、学位论文、报告 [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页 码(任选). [1] 刘国钧,陈绍业,王凤翥.图书馆目录[m]. 北京:高等教育出版社, 1957.15-18. 期刊文章 [序号]主要责任者. 文献题名[j]. 刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码. [5] 何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[j].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173.


Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Center use Helvetica (Arial) 14 FULL First Author1, a, FULL Second Author2,b and Last Author3,c 1Full address of first author, including country 2Full address of second author, including country 3List all distinct addresses in the same way a email, b email, c email Keywords:List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index. For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12 Abstract.This template explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready paper for Trans Tech Publications. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm or 8 x 11 inches); with the margins: bottom 1.5 cm (0.59 in) and top 2.5 cm (0.98 in), right/left margins must be 2 cm (0.78 in).(We shall be able to publish your paper in electronic form on our web page https://www.360docs.net/doc/0112781795.html,, if the paper format and the margins are correct. If not, we will have to scan your paper which, when compared with an electronic version, results in very poor quality) Your manuscript will be reduced by approximately 20% by the publisher. Please keep this in mind when designing your figures and tables etc. Introduction All manuscripts must be in English, also the table and figure texts, otherwise we cannot publish your paper. Please keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper. Use italic for emphasizing a word or phrase. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for section headings (cf. remarks on section headings, below). Organization of the Text Section Headings. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph (like the subsection heading of this paragraph). Page Numbers. Do not number your paper: Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV]. If square brackets are not available, use curly {meV} or standard brackets (meV). Special Signs. for example , αγμΩ () ≥ ± ● Γ {1120}should always be written in with the fonts Times New Roman or Arial, especially also in the figures and tables. Macros. Do not use any macros for the figures and tables. (We will not be able to convert such papers into our system) Language. All text, figures and tables must be in English.


北大核心期刊论文发表经验汇总 期刊之家网论文能定制积八年经验汇上千案例 抓紧时间下载以免下线无处寻觅………… 发表中文核心期刊及其更高级刊物的作者投稿经验推介,包括期刊之家网对多位期刊论文写作高手的约访。期刊之家网将隔段时间陆续推出经验谈系列,也力图能将各行各业、各类期刊的论文写作经验及知识谈都囊括在内。 一般每隔一空行后为不同作者的经验介绍,请那些投稿经验不丰富的朋友耐心看完,一定会对你发文章大有帮助 期刊之家网友经验谈之(一):投稿中遇到的问题 我个人认为,现在的中文学报文章都不怎么好: 1、投稿周期长、关系稿多,还收很贵的版面费,不合算; 2、同样影响的外文期刊,不收版面费, 3、要投中文稿件,英文摘要要写好,中文表达要清楚,只要说明白自己做的是什么、为什么这么做、得到了什么结果、同国内外同样工作的比较情况,引用本刊的文章。 期刊之家网友经验谈之(二):实验出真知,耐心得正果 2004年下半年我进的实验室,先跟在一位师兄后学习了两个月,

之后我就独立做实验了接手了一个方向,是关于三唑类化合物的合成。刚开始真是不顺利——午睡也取消了、通宵也熬了、饭量也降了,一直没作出来,而同实验室的同学已作出了十几个新化合物。那时真是郁闷!!一直到05年春节后,我终于做出来了!做合成的都知道,只要路线打通了,后面的接不同的取代基就很简单了!!等到我做了8个新化合物时,导师又把安排到能源组搞催化剂,同时要求我把这段时间所作的工作总结一下,准备发篇文章! 对于没发过文章的人来说,难度可想而知了!!首先,看相应的期刊——别人到底是什么格式、该期刊的特点和侧重点等等。那段时间,前后大约一个月,初稿大概花了20天,之间导师让修改了4遍,刚开始是修改自己的表达不够专业,而用的通俗用语;等框架构建起来了,标点、大小写、中英文表达等等这些小问题!当然,这期间没少受导师的批评——基础太差,文献看的太少,动手能力很是欠缺!!不过幸运的是,最终该文也发表了!! 经过这次发文章之后,自己对写文章不是很恐惧了,而且也了解了其中的程序。但唯感欠缺的是如何准确的给自己的工作定位,能够正确选中所投期刊的档次和种类!! 首先实验结果要争真实可靠。 其次格式一定要符合所投刊物的要求,这很重要。 语言方面要精炼,表述意思要清楚,整体简洁而思路清晰。 参考文献的引用要准确和适当,中文的期刊,一般要求你的参考文献中的要投的这个刊物的文章的参考文献占一定的比例。


英文引用及参考文献格式要求 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著C——论文集N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章D——学位论文R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母.如:MalcolmRichardCowley应为:Cowley,M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:FrankNorris与IrvingGordon应为:Norris,F.&I.Gordon.; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:MasteringEnglishLiterature,EnglishWeekly。 二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码. 【举例】 [1]王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58. [2]夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3]Heider,E.R.&D.C.Oliver.Thestructureofcolorspaceinnamingandmemo ryoftwolanguages[J].ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearch,1999,(3):62–6 7. 2.专著类 【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码. 【举例】[4]葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42. [5]Gill,R.MasteringEnglishLiterature[M].London:Macmillan,1985:42-45. 3.报纸类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). 【举例】 [6]李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N].光明日报,1998-12-27(3). [7]French,W.BetweenSilences:AVoicefromChina[N].AtlanticWeekly,198 715(33). 4.论文集 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码. 【举例】 [8]伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C].上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17. [9]Spivak,G.“CantheSubalternSpeak?”[A].InC.Nelson&L.Grossberg(e ds.).VictoryinLimbo:Imigism[C].Urbana:UniversityofIllinoisPress,1988, pp.271-313.


accounting journals 会计杂志 目前各国定期出版的会计和与会计有关的杂志种类很多,美国和英国等英语系国家比较著名的会计杂志有以下20 种:(1) 《算盘》杂志(Abacus);(2) 《会计》杂志(Accountancy); (3) 《会计师杂志》(Accountant);(4) 《会计师杂志》(Accountant's Magazine);(5) 《会计与工商业研究》(Accounting and Business Research);(6) 《会计历史学家杂志》(Accounting Historians Journal);(7) 《会计研究》(Accounting Review);(8) 《审计》(Audit);(9) 《特殊会计师杂志》(CA Maga-zine);(10) 《注册公共会计师杂志》(CPA Journal); (11) 《财务分析师杂志》(Financial Analyst Journal);(12) 《高级财务管理人员》杂志(Financial Executive);(13) 《政府会计师杂志》(Government Accountants Journal);(14) 《内部审计师》杂志(Internal Auditor);(15) 《会计杂志》(Journal of Accoun-tancy);(16) 《会计和经济学杂志》(Journal of Accounting and Economics);(17) 《会计、审计和财务杂志》(Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance);(18) 《会计研究杂志》(Journal of Ac-counting Research);(19) 《管理会计》杂志(Management Accounting); (20) 《税务咨询师》杂志(The Tax Ad-viser)。 一、期刊简介 美国《会计研究评论》(Review ofAccounting Studies,简称RAS)期刊系新兴会计学术期刊,刊载具有重要学术贡献论文之园地,期刊内容涵盖分析性、理论、实证与实验等不同研究方法之论文,涉及应用理论模型、基础研究、实证假设、实验预期及田野研究等。现任主编为哥伦比亚大学教授Stephen Penman。RAS 期刊创刊于1996年,虽然系一相当年轻期刊,但由于期刊论文严谨且编辑要求之水准甚高,已迅速跃升为除美国传统三大会计学术期刊外(The Accounting Review、Journal of Accounting Research、Journalof Accounting and Economics),最为重要之顶尖会计学术期刊。 RAS每年出版四期,近年来,通常于每年九月或十月举辨一次期刊学术会议(RAS Conference),针对特定的会计议题向外征稿,依据期刊学术论文要求,从来稿之论文挑选数篇(约6篇)于学术会议中发表,并于次年出版学术会议论文双期刊(double issue)。学术会议通常于美国重要大学举办,例如:最近三年学术会议分别于哥伦比亚大学举办(2005年)、圣母大学(University of NotreDame)(2004年)、加州大学洛杉矶分校(2003年)。有关RAS期刊及学术会议相关讯息请参阅网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/0112781795.html,/rast/。 二、研究议题与方向 RAS期刊之论文,最近几年研究主题特别明显集中于财务报表(含会计资讯)之分析与运用,大量刊登无论是实证或分析性之财务报表与会计资讯之解读与运


外文期刊的论文要求格 式 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Center use Helvetica (Arial) 14 FULL First Author1, a, FULL Second Author2,b and Last Author3,c 1Full address of first author, including country 2Full address of second author, including country 3List all distinct addresses in the same way a email, b email, c email Keywords: List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index. For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12 Abstract. This template explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready paper for Trans Tech Publications. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm or 8x11 inches); with the margins: bottom 1.5 cm (0.59 in) and top 2.5 cm (0.98 in), right/left margins must be 2 cm (0.78 in).(We shall be able to publish your paper in electronic form on our web page , if the paper format and the margins are correct. If not, we will have to scan your paper which, when compared with an electronic version, results in very poor quality) Your manuscript will be reduced by approximately 20% by the publisher. Please keep this in mind when designing your figures and tables etc. Introduction All manuscripts must be in English, also the table and figure texts, otherwise we cannot publish your paper. Please keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper. Use italic for emphasizing a word or phrase. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for section headings (cf. remarks on section headings, below). Organization of the Text Section Headings. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph (like the subsection heading of this paragraph). Page Numbers. Do not number your paper: Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV]. If square brackets are not available, use curly {meV} or standard brackets (meV).
