



例如,1.--------Li Lei can dance ------So can Tom.

2-------.I like eating apples. --------So do I.

3,-------He does his homework carefully. --------So do they.

4,------ Li Ming is a good student . ---------So is Mary.

二.Neither/nor 引导的倒装句


例如,1,--------Li Lei can’t dance. --------Nor can Tom..

2,---------I don’t like eating apples. ---------Neither do I.

3,--------He doesn’t do his homework carefully. ---------Nor do they.

4,------Li Ming isn’t a good student. -------Nor is Mary.


So+主语+功能词,该句型必须具备两个条件-----a,上句为肯定句;b,该主语与上句主语一致。例如,1,--------The book is a good book. ----------So it is.

2,----------Tom is a lazy boy. -----------So he is.


1.-----They are good students.-------

A.So we are.

B.So are we.

C.Nor are we.

D.Nor we are.

2.-------It is a good day today. --------

A.So is it.

B. So it is.

C.Neither is it. DSo does it.

3.-------You are a good man. --------

A.So am I.

B.So I am.

C.Nor am I.

D. Nor I am.

4.-------She is a beautiful girl. -------

A.Nor am I. B So am I. C So he is. D. Nor is he.

5.-------I sleeped very late last night..------

A.So am I.

B.So I am.

C.So did I.

D.So I did.


1.Jim’s mother was ill last night. So Mary’s mother.

2.----Wei hua has two eggs every morning. - ---- I.

3.Xiao Li was born in 1997. she was.

4.------I has a big nose. ------- you are.

5.----She likes English very much. ----So they.

6.----Bob had a good time last summer. ----- Tom.

7.----I have finished my homework already. ----- Tom.

8.---He will leave for Bei Jing tomorrow. ----So she.

9.------We were having lunch at 11 o’clock yesterday. ------- So I.

10.------Now he is sleeping. -------So I.

11.-----He had eaten 23 apples before he sleeped ----So she.

12.----He doesn’t like English. ----- I.

13.----We don’t eat rice. ---- they.

14.----She won’t sleep in class in future. ----- he.

15.----The twins don’t like pork. ----- they.


1..─Y ou like singing and dancing. ─____.

A.So do I

B.So I do

C.I do so I so

2.Her mother is a warm-hearted old lady. ____.

A.So my mother is

B.So is my mother

C.Is my mother so mother so is

3.The fairy story "Snow White" is very interesting. ____.

A.So it is

B.So is it is so it so

4.You didn't go for an outing at the seashore. ____.

A.Neither do I

B.Neither did I

C.I didn't neither

D.Did neither I

5.Marx was born in Germany,and German was his native language. ____.

A.So it was with Engels

B.So was Engels

C.So Engels was

D.Was Engels so

6.─Look.There ____.

─Oh, there ____.,es the bus; comes it

B.the bus comes; it comes,es the bus; it comes

D.the bus comes; comes it

26.─I don't think I can walk any further.

─____. Let's stop here for a rest."

A.Neither am I

B.Neither can I

C.I think so

D.I don't think so

27.Be quick! ____.

A.The bus comes here

B.The bus here comes

C.Here the bus comes

D.Here comes the bus

28.John's not been to London. ____.

A.Ben isn't either

B.Neither is Ben

C.Nor Ben has

D.Neither has Ben

29.The doctor asked Charlie to breathe deeply. ____.

A.Charlie does so

B.Charlie did so

C.So does Charlie

D.So did Charlie

34.Not only ____ but also she likes singing.

A.she likes painting

B.does she like painting

C.likes painting she

D.she does like painting

37.The students have learned a lot from the workers and ____. the teachers have

B.have the teachers so have the teachers

D.have so the teachers


高考倒装句专项练习 Part One 单项选择 1._______ and caught the mouse. A. Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumped C. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat 2.______ and the lesson began. A. In came Mr Brown B. Mr Brown in came C. In came he D. came in Mr Brown 3. Over _______ , dead. A. rolling the goat B. rolled the goat C. did the goat roll D. the goat rolled 4.— Where is my shirt, mum? —_________. A. There is it B. There it is C. There is D. Here is it 5. — Where is your father? —Oh, ________. A. here he comes B. he here comes C. here does he come D. here comes he 6.The door opened and there ________ . A. enters an old man B. entered an old man C. did an old man enter D. an old man entered 7. Now ______ your turn to recite the text. A. will come B. comes C. has come D. there is 8. Often _____ them not to smoke here. A. we advised B. advised me C. did we advise D. had we advised 9. ________ playing soldiers. A. Inside the room were two boys B. Inside the room two boys C. Were two boys inside the room D. Inside the room was two boys 10. On the wall _______ two large portraits. A. are hanging B .Hanged C. hang D. hangs 11. _______ who was wounded in the stomach. A. Among them were a soldier B. Among them was a soldier C. Among them a soldier was D. Among they was a soldier 12. Next door to ours ________ , who is no less than eighty. A. that lives an old man B. does an old man live C. lives an old man D. where lives an old man 13.She plays the piano very well, ______. A. so every one of us does B. every one of us does C. so does every one of us D. so do every one of us 14.You say he works hard, ______, and _____. A. so he does; so you do B. so he does; so do you C. so does he; so do you D. so does he; so you do 15. —I thought you women were present at the meeting. —__________. A. So we were B. So we did C. So were we D. So did we 16.I don’t think Jack will come today, _____. A. nor will Mary B. and Mary doesn’t C. Mary will either D. or Mary does 17. She is fond of cooking, _____I . A. so am B. nor am C. neither do D. nor do 18.Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language. A. So it was with Engles B. So was it with Engles C. So was Engles D. So did Engles 19.A fish needs water and without water it will die._______. A. So does a man B. So will a man C. So it is with a man D. So is it with a man 20. So absorbed _______ the work that she often forgot to _____ her meals. A. had she been in; do B. she was in; make C. was she in; take D. she had been in ; have 21.So loudly ______ that every one of the class could hear him. A. did he speak B. did he spoke C. spoke he D. he spoke


语文文言文句式之倒装句 导读:倒装句 倒装句主要有四种: (1)主谓倒装。在感叹句或疑问句中,为了强调谓语而将它放到句首,以加强感叹或疑问语气。例:甚矣,汝之不惠。全句是“汝之不惠甚矣”。谓语前置,表强调的意味,可译为“你太不聪明了”。 (2)宾语前置。否定句中代词充当宾语、疑问代词充当动词或介词的宾语以及用“之”字或“是”字作为提宾标志时,宾语通常都要前置。例:“何陋之有”即“有何陋”的倒装。可译为“有什么简陋呢”,“何”,疑问代词,“之”,助词,无实在意义,在这里是宾语前置的标志。 (3)定语后置。古汉语中有时为了突出修饰语,将定语放在中心词之后。 例1:遂率子孙荷担者三夫“荷担者三夫”是“三夫荷担者”的倒装,定语“三夫”后置,以突出中心词“荷担者”,可译为“三个能挑担子的成年男子”。 例2:予谓菊,花之隐逸者也。“花之隐逸者”是“隐逸之花”的倒装。可译为“具有隐逸气质的花”. 例3:尝贻余核舟一,“核舟一”是“一核舟”的倒装,定语“一”后置,可译为“一个核舟”。 (4)介宾结构后置 A、用介词“于”组成的介宾短语在文言文中大都后置,译成现

代汉语时,除少数译作补语外,大都数都要移到动词前做状语。例:何有于我哉?全句为“于我有何”的倒装句,介宾结构“于我”后置。译为“在我身上有哪一样呢”;“告之于帝”是“于帝告之”的倒装,介宾结构“于帝”后置,译为“向天帝报告了这件事”;“躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世”,全句为“于南阳躬耕,于乱世苟全性命”的倒装,介宾结构“于南阳、于乱世”后置,可译为“亲自在南阳耕种,在乱世中苟且保全性命”。 B、介词“以”组成的介宾短语后置,在今译时,一般都前置做状语。 例:屠惧,投以骨。全句为“以骨投之”的倒装,介宾结构“以骨”后置。译为“把骨头扔给它”。 为坛而盟,祭以尉首:“祭以尉首”是“以尉首祭”的倒装,介宾结构“以尉首”后置,可译为“用将尉的头来祭祀”。 醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者:“述以文”是“以文述“的倒装,介宾结构”以文“后置,可译为”用文字来记述。 愿陛下托臣以讨贼兴复之效:“托臣以讨贼兴复之效”是“以讨贼兴复之效托臣”的倒装,介宾结构“以讨贼兴复之效“后置。 感谢您的阅读,本文如对您有帮助,可下载编辑,谢谢


as引导让步状语从句的倒装形式 as引导的这种让步状语从句语气比较强,语体正规,经常用于书面语言,意为“尽管,虽然”。从句需要进行倒装。 其倒装构成形式见下表。 ■使用as引导让步状语从句时,还应注意以下几点: 1.这类让步状语从句一般应置于主句之前,但有时也可放在主句之后或插入到主句之中。 e.g. He would do it,forbidden as he was. The book,masterpiece as it is,is far from popular. 2.这类让步状语从句中的as有时也可以换用成though;如果表语是名词时还可以用that来替代。 e.g. Disabled though(=as)he is,he tries his best to serve the people. Lover of towns that(=as)I am,I realize that I own a great debt to my early country life. Patient though(=as)he was,he was unwilling to wait three hours. 3.有时as表示原因时也可使用倒装结构,这时应注意as表示原因与表示让步的区别,其辨别方法主要是根据句子的意义。

e.g. Busy as she is,she cannot attend the meeting. (原因) Busy as she is,she works hard at English. (让步) Fast as he read,he finished the book in time. (原因) Fast as he read,he could not finish the book in time. (让步) 4.注意下列几种说法,意义基本相同: Rich as (though) he is,I do not envy him. (Al)though he is rich,I do not envy him. However rich he may be,I do not envy him. No matter how rich he is,I do not envy him. I do not envy him,even though he is rich.


倒装句 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。 Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。 注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装。 I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn't leave the room until the child fell asleep.


倒装句分为全部倒装和部分倒装。 I、倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1 )表示方式或方位的副词或介词短语放在句首,如:here, there, now, the n, up, dow n, in, away, of, in the room, on the wall 等 例如:Then came the chairman. 那时总裁来了。Here is your letter. 你的信。 South of the river lies a small factory. Out rushed the childre n. Ahead sat an old woma n. 2)such置于句首时,此时such多被认为是表语。 例如:Such are the facts; no one can deny them. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 n、倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句子的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 一、only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,且放在句首时。 例如:Only in this way can you lear n En glish well. 只有这样,你才能学好英语。 Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 叫了三次,他才来参加会议。 如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。 例如:Only whe n he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 病得狠重时,他才 卧床休息。 二、句首为否定或半否定的词语,女口no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, notun til … 等。 例如:Never have I see n such a performa nee. 从未见过如此糟糕的表演。 Nowhere will you find the an swer to this questi on. 无论女口何你不会找到这个问题的答案的。 Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.


As引导让步状语从句倒装的用法 为了帮助同学们全面掌握让步状语从句的倒装用法,本文将这类语法现象归纳为以下五种句型: 一、名词+ as / though + 主语+ 动词 King as he was,he was unhappy. 他虽是国王,但他并不幸福。 Child as he is,he knows to help other. 他虽是个孩子,却知道帮助别人。 【说明】其中的动词通常为连系动词,也就是说位于句首的名词是其后连系动词的表语。另外,要特别注意位于句首的名词前习惯上不用冠词,即使其前有形容词修饰也不用冠词。比较: Boy as [though]he is,he likes to play with girls.=Though he is a boy,he likes to play with girls. 他虽是男孩,却喜欢与女孩子玩。 Strong man as [though]he is,General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks.= Though he is a strong man,General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks. 波赛将军虽然坚强,但在过去的数周里也受到了严峻的考验。 二、形容词+ as / though + 主语+ 动词 Successful as he is,he is not proud. 他虽然成功,但不骄傲。 Improbable as it seems,it’s true. 虽然看起来不太可能,但却是真的。 Stupid as it sounds,I was so in love with her that I believed her. 尽管听起来很愚蠢,我是如此爱她竟然相信了她的话。 Patient as he was,he didn’t like waiting that long. 他虽说有耐心,也不愿等这么长。 Beautiful though the necklace was,we thought it was over-priced. 那条项链虽然很漂亮,我们认为价钱太高。 【说明】其中的动词也通常为连系动词,也就是说位于句首的形容词是其后连系动词的表语。 三、副词+ as / though + 主语+ 动词 Much as I like Paris,I couldn’t live there. 尽管我喜欢巴黎,但我不能住在那里。 Hard though they tried,they couldn’t make her change her mind. 尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意。 Fast as you read,you can’t finish the book in two days. 尽管你读得很快,你总不能在两天之内就读完这本书。 He was unable to make much progress,hard as he tried. 尽管他做了努力,却未能取得很大进步。 【说明】有的词典将much as 作为习语看待,认为它是一个用以引导让步状语从句的复合连词。再如: Much as I admire him as a writer,I do not like him as a man. 他作为一名作家我很佩服他,但我却不喜欢他这个人。 Much as I like you,I couldn’t live with you. 我尽管很喜欢你,却不能和你在一起生活。 四、动词原形+ as / though + 主语+ 动词 Object as you may,I’ll go.纵使你反对,我也要去。


最新倒装句经典 一、倒装句 1.Only in this place ________ such beautiful water and mountains. A. we can find B. can we find C. we found D. found we 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:只有在这个地方我们可以找到如此美丽的水和山。only+状语(介词短语)位于句首,其后要部分倒装,故把情态动词后助动词放在主语前,情态动词+主语+谓语的语序,故选B。 【点评】考查倒装句,注意only+状语(介词短语)位于句首,其后要部分倒装的用法。 2.—Will you go to the park tomorrow? —If you don't, ________. A. so do I B. so will I C. neither do I D. neither shall I 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:—明天你要去公园吗?—如果你不去,我也不去。so +主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词:某某确实如此,与上文是同一人。So+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某也如此,与上文不是同一人。上文是否定句,下文表示某某也不,用neither +助动词+主语。这些句式在时态上与前一个句子相同。倒装句处在条件状语从句中,依据主将从现的原则,倒装句应用将来时态,故选D。 【点评】本题主要考查倒装句式,为了避免和前一句话的内容重复,英语中习惯用so,neither引导的倒装句。其主语与前一句主语不是同一人。So表示肯定,neighter表示否定。其时态与前句的时态保持一致。另外来考查了主将从现的用法,在条件,让步,时间等状语从句中,主句如果用将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。 3.—Tara has made great progress in English this term. —_______, and ________. A. So she has; so have you B. So she has; so you have C. So has she;so you have D. So has she; so have you 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:塔拉这学期的英语取得了很大的进步。她的进步的确大,你的也不小。so,位于分句或句子的开头,这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人(或事物),表示“我也这样”之类的概念。其句型可归纳为: so + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语。如果第二分句只是重复前句的意思,用来表示赞同时,so之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒。so,开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致。so开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换。所以选A。


中考英语倒装句讲解 为了强调或平衡句子结构,英语中常用倒装。倒装有全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did等,并将其置于主语之前。现将倒装句分类讲解如下: 一.完全倒装: 1.以here,there,now,then等地点或时间副词开头的句子,谓语动词是be,come,go,remain等,而主语又是名词时,用全部倒装。注意:如果句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如: Herecomesthebus!/Hereitcomes! 2.有些动词与副词out,in,up,down,away等构成不及物动词短语。为了使句子更生动,常将这些副词提前到句首,这时用全部倒装。注意:句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如:Upwenttherocket./Upitwent. 3.将表示地点的介词短语放在句首进行强调时,使用全部倒装。谓语动词常为不及物动词。如:Fromthewindowcamethesoundofmusic. 4.当句子主语部分较长,谓语部分较短,或为了强调句子的表语时,常使用全部倒装。句子的结构为“表语+系动词+主语”。如:Gonearethedayswhenwehadnothingtoeat. 5.if虚拟条件状语从句中,如果将连词if省略,需用部分倒装。如:WereI you,Iwould gothere. 6.as引导的让步状语从句的倒装有如下几种形式: 1)从句的谓语部分为“不及物动词+副词”时,常将此副词提前到从句句首。如: Hardasyoutry,youwillnotsucceed. 2)从句的谓语部分为“情态动词+不及物动词”时,常将此动词提前到从句句首。如:Waitasyoumay,hewillnotseeyou. 3)从句的谓语部分是“系动词+形容词”时,常将此表语形容词提前到从句句首。如:Proudasthenoblesare,theyareafraidtoseeme. 4)从句的谓语部分是“系动词+单数名词”时,则常将这个表语提前,但要省略名词前的不定冠词。如:Childasheis,hecantellrightfromwrong. 二.半倒装: 1.具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装。如: seldom,rarely,not,never,bynomeans,innotime,hardly...when,nosooner...than,notonly...butalso 等。 E.g:Notonlydoeshedowellinhislessons,butalsoheoftenhelpsotherswiththeirlessons.


英语倒装句(Inversion) 主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序: 一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order); 二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order)。 而倒装语序中又有完全倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)完全倒装(Full Inversion):又称"全部倒装",是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。 部分倒装(Partial Inversion):指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前,而谓语动词无变化。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 英语句子的倒装一是由于语法结构的需要而进行的倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而进行的倒装。 前一种情况,倒装是必须的,否则就会出现语法错误;后一种情况,倒装是选择性的,倒装与否只会产生表达效果上的差异。 语义解析 一、表示强调: 倒装句最突出、最常见的修辞效果就是强调,其表现形式如下: +状语或状语从句置于句首,句子用部分倒装。 例子: Only in this way can you solve this problem. 只有用这种方法,你才可以解决这个问题。 Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。 2. hardly,in no way,little,scarcely,seldom,never,no more, no longer,not, not only, no sooner, not only … (but also),not until… 等具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用部分倒装。 例子: No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. 我刚到家就下起了雨。 Seldom do I go to work by bus. 我很少乘公共汽车上班。 Not until twelve o'clock did she go to bed last night . 她昨晚十二点才上床睡觉。 3. so / such...that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分。 例子: So unreasonable was his price that everybody startled. 他的要价太离谱,令每个人都瞠目结舌。 To such length did she go in rehearsal that the two actors walked out. 她的彩排进行得那么长,以致于那两个演员都走出去了。 以上各例都用倒装语序突出了句首成分,其语气较自然语序强烈,因而具有极佳的 修辞效果。 二、承上启下


英语倒装句的用法讲解 倒装是一种语法手段,用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。 完全倒装 1) 完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。 例如:The teacher came in and the class began.(没有倒装) In came the teacher and the class began. (老师走了进来,然后开始上课。) 2) there引出的完全倒装句:除了最常见的there be句型以外,there还可以接appear, exist, lie, remain, seem to be, stand等,一般都译成"有"的含义,构成完全倒装句。 例如:There appeared to be a man in black in the distance.(远处有个穿黑色衣服的人。) 3) 由地点和时间副词引出的完全倒装句:以地点副词here, there和时间副词now, then 开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而主语又是名词时,构成完全倒装句。Up climbed the boy when his mother came. 4)表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词且主语是名词时使用完全倒装 5)在强调状语时1)当句首状语为方位词或拟声词,谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动词时句子须倒装。例如: 1 Up went the plane. 2 In came the chairman and the meeting began. 注:如果主语是代词则不发生倒装。例如: 1 Out they rushed! 2 Lower and lower he bent. (2) 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子须倒装。例如: 1 Round the corner walked a large policeman. 2Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man. 3 当句首状语由“only +副词”,“only +介词词组”,“only +状语从句”构成时,句子须倒装。例如: 1 Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. (不属于完全倒装) 2 Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end. (6)当句首状语为here, there, now, then等时,句子须倒装,主语是代词时,句子不用倒装。例如: 1)Here is a ticket for you. 2)Now comes your turn. 3)Here he comes. (7)以关联词so (…that)开头的句子中,句子须倒装。例如: 1)So small was the mark that I could hardly see it. 2)So quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus. 3)So much does he worry about his financial position that he can’t sleep at night. 注:在该结构中,“so +形容词”是表语的前置;“so +副词”是状语的前置。


新目标初中阶段so, neither倒装句练习题 ( ) 1 Mary never does any reading in the evening,__________ . A, so does John B, John does too C, John does not to D, nor does John ( ) 2 --Well, I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. -- __________. A, So it is B, So is it C, So does it D, So it does ( ) 3 --Father, you promised! --Well, ________.But it was you who did not keep your word first. A, so was I B, so did I C, so I was D, so I did ( ) 4 --I will never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! -- _____________. A, Nor am I B, Neither will I C, Same with me D, So do I ( )5 If you don't go,neither __________. A. shall I B. do I C. I do D. I shall ( ) 6 --Your father is very strict with you. -- _________. He never lets off(放过) a single mistake of ours. A. So he is B. So is he C. He is so D. So does he ( ) 7 -- Thomas won the first prize in the competition. -- _______! A. So he did B. So did he C. So he did, too D. So had he ( ) 8 —In modern times, girls like beautiful clothes. -- Yes, ________ and_________. After all, our life has greatly


倒装共分两类:全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将全部谓语动词都放在主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词,系动词或情态动词放在主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其放在主语之前。 A全部倒装:把全部谓语放在主语前。 1there be句型(特殊的全部倒装句型) There are bloody contents, violence and pornography in the Internet. 2 there \ here \ now \ then放在句首时,句子进行全部倒装。 Now is the time to take action. 3方位状语开头时,句子进行全部倒装。 In books are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages. 4主语与表语互换位置(当主语过长而表语过短时,可以把主语与表语互换位置从而构成全部倒装) Well-known is that energy crisis poses a threat to the society. 5伴随状语开头(With或Along with放在句首时,句子应该全部倒装) With globalization have come many problems. B部分倒装:只将情态动词、助动词或系动词放在主语前 1 only +单词、词组、状语从句位于句首,句子进行部分倒装。 Only through education can we rise in the world. 2以否定意义状语开头,句子进行部分倒装。 Never has this topic failed to fascinate people. 3 neither nor开头,句子进行部分倒装。 Economic success is not the only factor in achieving happiness, neither is social status. 4 so开头,句子进行部分倒装。 Success teaches us something about ourselves. So does failure.


倒装句 一、定义:英语最基本的语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。但有时由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采用倒装形式。 Eg:The bus comes here. Here comes the bus. 车来了。 二、》 :将谓语动词完全移到主语之前称为完全倒装, 三、分类:全倒装 半倒装:只将助动词或情态动词放到主语之前称为部分倒装。 Eg:Many years ago there lived an old man in the wooden house. 很多年前有一位老人住在那间木屋里。 Never have I been late for school this term. 这学期,我从来没上学迟到过。 四、全倒装:“五全”=有时表地方 ! 经常与be/come/exist/fall/follow/go/remain/seem/stand(表示移动或动态的不及物动词连用)或用表示类似“存在”观念的其他不及物动词如:live, stand, come, lie, flow, enter, rise 和appear等

㈠、“有”:在“there be”结构里 Eg:There is a box on the table. 桌子上面有一个盒子。 … ㈡、“时”:表示时间副词,如:now,then, Eg:Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。 ㈢、“表”:表语放句子前,“表语+系动词+主语”的结构 Eg:Present at the party were Mr. Green and many other guests. 格林先生和其他的客人在这个聚会上。 \ Seated on the ground are a group of young men. 一群年轻人坐在了地上。 ㈣、“地”:地点状语放在句首 Eg:In south of the river lies a small factory. 小工厂位于河的南方。 From the valley came a cry. 山谷传来一阵哭声。 》 ㈤、“方”:表方位的副词here, there 或out, in, up, down, away, off等标志词放在句首Eg:There lies a large wheat field in front of the house. 房子前面有一大片麦田。 Off all the lights went when I came in.


文言特殊句式复习 ——倒装句 【教学设想】:近几年中考试卷中,课外文言文阅读理解,除了考查实词和虚词的意义和用法,还经常涉及文言句式的理解。因此,要正确理解和翻译,常常需要学生掌握一些句式的特点。倒装句是文言特殊句式中最难的一种,本节课的设计主要是通过课内出现的一些倒装句的复习,让学生熟悉倒装句的形式,在此基础上引导学生探寻一定的规律,帮助学生在阅读中更好地辨识这种句式,更准确地理解和翻译。 【学情分析】初三学生,经过三年的学习,对于文言文句式逐渐地接触,有所了解,但是缺乏整体认识和知识的归纳。所以,在初三下学期,引导学生复习典型的例句,归纳知识点,有利于学生对知识的掌握。 【教学目标】:1、学会鉴别倒装句。 2、借助倒装句特点,结合语境正确地理解和翻译。 【教学方法】:归纳法、合作探究、讲练结合 【学习方法】:自主、合作、探究。 【课时安排】:一课时 【教学过程】 一、课堂导入。 同学们,在文言文的阅读中,我们会发现,古人说话有时候会颠倒着说,比如在《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》这篇课文中,作者说邹忌不相信自己比徐公美,原文是怎么说的? 学生回答:忌不自信。 像这种词语顺序颠倒的句子,我们把它叫做?倒装句。今天我们要复习和探讨的就是这种特殊的文言句式。 二、知识准备。 (一)倒装句----即指一些句子成分的顺序出现了前后颠倒的情况。 (二)句子成分及构成: 主要成分——主语、谓语、宾语(中心语) 附属成分(修饰成分)——定语、状语、补语 符号:主语谓语宾语定语()状语[ ] 补语< > 例句: ①水鸟梳理羽毛 主谓宾 ②我相信自己 主谓宾 句子成分------由词或短语充当 主语和宾语常用词或词充当。 谓语常用词充当。 (三)现代汉语中句子成分的排列顺序。 水鸟梳理羽毛。


as或though引导的倒装句 一、名词+as / though+主语+动词 King as he was, he was unhappy. 他虽是国王,但他并不幸福。 Child as he is, he knows to help other. 他虽是个孩子,但却知道帮助别人。 Teacher though he is, he can’t know everything. 他虽然是老师,但也不可能什么都懂。 【说明】其中的动词通常为连系动词,也就是说位于句首的名词是其后连系动词的表语。另外,要特别注意位于句首的名词前习惯上不用冠词,即使其前有形容词修饰也不用冠词。比较: Boy as [though]he is, he likes to play with girls.=Though [Although]he is a boy, he likes to play with girls. 他虽是男孩,却喜欢与女孩子玩。 Strong man as [though]he is, General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks.= Though [Although]he is a strong man, General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks. 波赛将军虽然坚强,但在过去的数周里也受到了严峻的考验。 二、形容词+as / though+主语+动词 Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽然成功,但不骄傲。 Improbable as it seems, it’s true. 虽然看起来不太可能,但却是真的。 Stupid as it sounds,I was so in love with her that I believed her. 尽管听起来很愚蠢,我是如此爱她竟然相信了她的话。 Patient as he was,he didn’t like waiting that long. 他虽说有耐心,也不愿等这么长。 Beautiful though the necklace was,we thought it was over-priced. 那条项链虽然很漂亮,我们认为价钱太高。 【说明】其中的动词也通常为连系动词,也就是说位于句首的形容词是其后连系动词的表语。 三、副词+as / though+主语+动词 Much as I like Paris, I couldn’t live there. 尽管我喜欢巴黎,但我不能住在那里。 Hard though they tried, they couldn’t make her change her mind. 尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意。
