

Level 4 Oliver Twist

Chapter 1

Preview questions

1.I think Oliver was born into a poor family.

2.I think Oliver will ask for some food.

3.I think Oliver’s first job will be working on a farm.

Review questions

1.Poor people with no jobs lived in workhouses.

2.Mr. Bumble, the beadle, gave Oliver his name.

3.The board decided to give the people in workhouses less food because they thought people in workhouses

were getting too much food, and that by giving them less, they would leave the workhouse and find jobs. I do not think it is right to starve people by giving them less food. It is better to give them education and training to help them find jobs.

Chapter 2

Preview questions

1.I would not like to sleep in a room full of coffins because I would be very scared.

2.I think Oliver will not stay with Mr. Sowerberry, because at Mr. Sowerberry’s house he had to eat dog

food and sleep in a room full of coffins.

3.I think it is not good to give money to beggars. It is better to give money to charity organizations that can

help the beggars.

Review questions

1.Oliver hit Noah Claypole because Noah said bad things about his mother.

2.The beadle explained Oliver’s behavior by saying the Sowerberry’s had given Oliver too much good food

which had made Oliver believe he was someone special.

3.It took Oliver seven days to walk to London.

Chapter 3

Preview questions

1.I think Oliver is in danger because he is all alone in the big city of London.

2.I think the Artful Dodger made friends with Oliver because he is a friendly boy and he could see that

Oliver needed some help.

3.I think Fagin will look after Oliver by giving him food and a place to sleep, but he will also take advantage

of Oliver.

Review questions


1.The Artful Dodger and Charley Bates did not make things. They stole wallets and handkerchiefs from

people in the street.

2.The man at the bookshop was sitting outside reading a book.

3.The people chased Oliver because they thought he was the thief.

Chapter 4

Preview questions

1.I think the lady in the picture is Oliver’s mother.

2.I think Fagin will be very angry about Oliver’s disappearance, and will blame the Artful Dodger and

Charley Bates.

3.I think Fagin will find Oliver and will take him back to the dirty house.

Review questions

1.Nancy found out what had happened to Oliver by pretending to be his sister and asking questions about

him at the police station.

2.Mr. Grimwig did not really think Oliver was a bad boy. He just liked to argue with his friend.

3.Fagin found out which house Oliver was in when the man who had bought Oliver’s old clothes had

showed them to Fagin.

Chapter 5

Preview questions

1.I think Mr. Brownlow will try to find Oliver, but Fagin will play a trick so that Mr. Brownlow cannot find


2.I think Nancy will try to help Oliver because she feels sorry for him.

3.It could be right to steal something from a bad person if it would help a good person.

Review questions

1.To try and get Oliver back, Mr. Brownlow put a notice in the newspaper saying he would pay five pounds

to anyone with information about Oliver.

2.Mr. Bumble told Mr. Brownlow that Oliver was a bad boy. He said his parents were criminals, he was

never happy with what he had, and he ran away after trying to murder a man who was kind to him.

3.Sikes needed Oliver to help him because Sikes needed a small boy to get into the house through a window,

and open the door to let Sikes in.

Chapter 6

Preview questions

1.Sikes will not use his gun on Oliver because he needs Oliver to get into the house for him.


2.I think Oliver will agree to help Sikes burgle the house because he will be very scared that Sikes will shoot


3.I think the burglary will be successful.

Review questions

1.When Oliver got into the house, he planned to wake the people living there and tell them thieves were

trying to steal from them.

2.Oliver was bleeding because he got pulled through a broken window.

3.Mr. Bumble kissed Mrs. Corney.

Chapter 7

Preview questions

1.I think Oliver will be sick for a long time and Bill Sikes will try to leave him in a workhouse.

2.I think when Fagin hears that the burglary failed; he will be very angry and try to kill Bill Sikes.

3.I think Mr. Bumble and Mrs. Corney will keep the gold that Old Sally had stolen from Oliver’s mother. Review questions

1.Monks is Fagin’s criminal friend.

2.I do not think Mr. Bumble loves Mrs. Corney. He wants to marry her because of her money.

3.The servants in the house were brave because they fought back against the burglars. When they were

outside, they were not brave. They felt frightened and decided to go back to the house.

Chapter 8

Preview questions

1.I think the doctor will help Oliver more than the police.

2.I think Oliver will get into trouble with the police because he was with a group of burglars when he got


3.I don’t think you can really be a criminal when you are only ten years old. For example, Oliver is not a bad

person. He had bad circumstances.

Review questions

1.Mr. Losberne tried to frighten and confuse Giles and Brittles by asking them angrily if they were sure

Oliver was the boy they had shot. He did this because he believed Oliver’s story, and wanted to help him.

2.Giles did shoot someone. He shot Oliver, but he thought he hadn’t shot anyone.

3.Mr. Brownlow’s house was empty because he and his housekeeper, as well as Mr. Brownlow’s friend, had

gone to the West Indies six weeks earlier.

Chapter 9

Preview questions

1.Oliver is not safe yet. I think Fagin will come looking for him again.


2.I think the two ladies in the house will try to keep Oliver.

3.Happiness can last forever, but we must also feel sad sometimes.

Review questions

1.Oliver did not really see Fagin at the window. There were no footprints or any other evidence that Fagin

and the tall man had really been at the window.

2.Rose said that she could not marry Harry because nobody knew how her mother and father were. She

thought this would cause trouble for Harry and make them both unhappy.

3.I think Rose is right to be worried about this. However, if Harry said he loved her and didn’t care about

that problem, I think Rose should listen to him and marry him.

Chapter 10

Preview questions

1.I think Mr. Bumble will not be happy when he is married because he did not marry for love.

2.I think Mrs. Bumble will not tell her husband what Old Sally told her. I think she will keep the gold for


3.I think Mr. Bumble will meet Fagin.

Review questions

1.I think Mr. Bumble was not right. I think men and women should listen to each other and work together.

2.Mrs. Bumble gave Monks a small bag containing a gold locket with two pieces of hair in it, and a gold

wedding ring w ith a date and the word ‘Agnes’ written on it.

3.Monks put a heavy stone into the little bag and then dropped it in to the river.

Chapter 11

Preview questions

1. A man should not hit a woman. It is better to solve problems by talking about them.

2.Criminals can be good to each other sometimes, if they like each other very much.

3.I think Nancy will get away from Sikes by killing him.

Review questions

1.Sikes wanted Nancy to bring the money because he did not trust the Artful Dodger.

2.Nancy knew where to find Rose because she heard Monks tell Fagin where Rose and Oliver were staying.

3.Na ncy did love Sikes. She couldn’t leave him.

Chapter 12

Preview questions

1.Noah will not become a successful criminal, because Noah is cruel and stupid.

2.Mr. Brownlow will find Monks.


3.I think Nancy will keep her promise to be on the bridge, and they will be able to ask her where to find


Review questions

1.‘Lagged’ means that a criminal will be sent to Australia as punishment for a crime.

2.Fagin said the best way to look after yourself was to look after your friends. This is a good idea because if

you help your friends, they can help you when you are in trouble.

3.Mr. Brownlow wanted to meet Monks so that he could find out more about Oliver’s past.

Chapter 13

Preview questions

1.I think the story will have a happy ending. I think Oliver will get to live with Mr. Brownlow.

2.I think the police will catch Sikes and put him in jail.

3.I think Harry and Rose will marry and live happily ever after.

Review questions

1.Mr. Brownlow knew Monks because Mr. Brownlow had been best friends with Monks’ father and had

been going t o marry Monks’ aunt.

2.Sikes died by falling off the roof of a building and hanging himself.

3.Rose was Oliver’s aunt.

Level 4 Oliver Twist < Summaries >

Chapter 1

Oliver was born in a workhouse. Nobody knew who his father was and his mother died soon after Oliver was born. He was raised in an orphanage, where he was always hungry. When he was nine years old, he went back to the workhouse. He got even hungrier, and asked for more gruel. The board was shocked and tried to get rid of him by offering five pounds to anyone who would take him to be an apprentice. He is apprenticed to an undertaker.

Chapter 2



《雾都孤儿》英文读书笔记 篇一: Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of


雾都孤儿主要内容 《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的长篇写实小说。狄更斯一个世界名著的代名词,艺术上以妙趣横生的幽默、细致入微的心理分析,以及现实主义描写与浪漫主义气氛的有机结合著称。马克思把他和萨克雷等称誉为英国的“一批杰出的小说家”。 时代背景 每一个作品都会或多或少的打上时代和社会的烙印。资本主义的发展,使英国成为世界超级大国。但繁华之下,是贫穷和不幸。这种繁荣孕育在危险和肮脏的工厂和煤矿里。阶级冲突越发明显,终于在1836年到1848年中接连爆发。19世纪末期,大英帝国国力逐渐下降。作为一个时代的产物,文学日趋多样化,许多伟大的作家出现在那个时代。 人类的本性是美好的,美好从来不会厚此薄彼,它体现在最出色的君子身上,也在最底层的济贫院学生的身上滋长。奥利弗,一个济贫院的可怜学生,一个善良,正义的孤儿,在肮脏的世界中一直保持一颗纯洁的心灵,他无疑是美好的。 情节分析

奥利弗一出生就没有了母亲,在孤儿院里挣扎了9年后,又被送到棺材店老板那儿当学徒。难以忍受的饥饿、贫困和侮辱,迫使奥利弗逃到伦敦,又被迫无奈当了扒手。他曾被富有的布朗罗先生收留,不幸让小扒手发现又被带回贼窝。善良的女扒手南希为了营救奥利弗,不顾贼头的监视和威胁,向布朗罗报信,说奥利弗就是他找寻许久的外孙。后来南希被贼窝头目杀害,警察随即剿了贼窝,奥利弗终于和亲人团聚。 尽管他从小在济贫院艰难生活,妈妈的名誉一直被侮辱;尽管因为一次添粥事件,奥立弗被送给了黑心的棺材店老板,忍受辱骂殴打后逃去了伦敦;尽管刚出虎穴又入狼窝,他被迫成了一名盗贼。但他一直保存着他的天真、纯洁,也正是因为他的这份纯洁南希为之动容,帮他报信,最终他被家人找到,过上了幸福安稳的生活。 主旨升华 小说故事情节可谓一波三折,其中也有很多正义和邪恶之人。虽说“机灵鬼”等“小小偷”无可救药,但他们反映出了当时英国社会的黑暗。那个少年犯组织都是孤儿组成的,那些无人管教,被人遗弃的孤儿被“培养”成了小偷,而奥立弗并没有被带坏,可见他的内心是多么纯洁。当他见到了盗窃的过程,仅仅见了他却吓得没命地跑走


Character analysis of Nancy in Oliver Twist 班级:Class 1 姓名:项久桐

Introduction. Charles Dickens, he is the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era. He writes many famous works. Oliver Twist is one of them. In this novel, Dickens presents the everyday existence of the lowest members of England society. During that period, Enclosure Movement and poor laws makes the situation more difficult. This paper mainly focuses on the analysis of Nancy. She is one of the characters in Oliver Twist. From her, we can find double characters. She is a distinctively contradictory person. It truly shows us the miserable life of the London at that time by Nancy’s fatality. Through analyzing the causes of Nancy’s character, we could perspective the decadence and sunless of the whole British social political system. We could learn that London is filled with unfairness and oppress the poor. It is this kind of society system and her nature that killed Nancy finally. Even if Nancy is not the main character of the novel, but she is the key character. Many readers are influenced by her complex and tragic life. Her existence lets us think about a lot of things. What is good? What is evil? Through her change, we can get the writing aim of the novel. As if everybody gives a little love, this world would become more colorful and sweet. Ⅰ. Analysis of Nancy’s double character. A.Nancy’s negative nature Nancy is a typical character of the novel. Oliver Twist’s fate is closely related with Nancy. Nancy as a thief lives in the bottom of the society. That kind of environment rubs down her self-esteem and the sense of shame. Just because of this, she tries everything to protect her group and has no courage to expose the criminal gang. What she receives forms her negative and screwy world outlook, value, and view of life. As you brew, so must you drunk. Nancy hurts others and herself both. 1.The protection of thieves. Nancy is a thief. And she thinks she is one part of the group with time passing. When Nancy decides to help Oliver get out of Monk’s trap, she also expresses the protection of the


《雾都孤儿》 文章简介 是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的写实小说。以 雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了 一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿 院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫 与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮 助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。如同狄更斯的其他小说, 本书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及 帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。本书曾多次改编为电影、 电视及舞台剧。世界知名导演罗曼·波兰斯基于2005年 也曾将此书拍成电影。 写作背景 雾都孤儿产生于英国维多利亚时期,是英国历史上最光辉灿烂的时段。初期,英国面临着飞速的经济发展及严重的社会问题。大工业革命高潮迭起,各种科技发明与技术创新为国家经济带来新生力量。但在这繁荣与财富下掩盖的是工人阶级的贫困与不幸,为了谋生连妇女和儿童都要受雇到艰险肮脏的工厂矿山去卖苦力。狄更斯广泛描写了19世纪英国维多利亚时代的社会生活,揭露了资产阶级金钱世界的种种罪恶《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯第一部动人的社会小说。这时他虽然还没有认识到社会罪恶的根源,但通过孤儿奥列佛的遭遇揭开了处于社会底层的人们哀苦无告的生活画面。 作者简介 英国小说家查尔斯·约翰·赫芬姆·狄更斯(Charles John Huffam Dickens,1812年2月7日~1870年6月9日)英国维多利亚时期的著名小说家,一位杰出的英国批判现实主义代表者,作品至今依然盛行,对英国文学发展起到重要影响。 狄更斯1812年出生于英国朴次茅斯,是海军职员约翰·狄更斯和伊丽莎白·巴洛所生的第二个孩子。狄更斯5岁时全家就迁居占松(Chatham),10岁时又搬到康登镇(Camden Town)。 小时候狄更斯曾经在一所私立学校接受过一段时间的教育,但是12岁时,父亲就因债务问题而入狱,狄更斯也因此被送到鞋油场当学徒,每天工作10个小时。或许是由于这段经历,使得狄更斯的作品更关注底层社会劳动人民的生活状态。 ?不过后来由于父亲继承了一笔遗产而令家庭经济状况有所好转,狄更斯也才有机会重新回到学校。狄更斯并没有接受很多的正规教育,基本上是靠自学成才。某


Oliver Twist was born to be an orphan in a workhouse ,where children are maltreated and constantly starved. Beadles of the workhouse hate Oliver’s personality and traffic in him to an undertaker to work as an apprentice. Unable to bear the cruel abuse, Oliver run away to London. There he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves headed by old Fagin. Oliver is taught and forced to steal. He is once rescued by the kind-hearted Mr Brownlow but caught by the thieves again.It finally turns out a man named Monks is Oliver’s brother,who wants to make the boy a criminal due to the inheritance.In the end, with the help of Nancy, Oliver escapes from the menace of all the bad men and is adopted by Mr Brownlow,leading a happy life.


《雾都孤儿》故事梗概 19世纪30年代的英国,在一个寒风料峭的深夜,一个男婴刚在贫民区里呱呱坠地,苦命的母亲便撒手人寰。谁也不知道产妇的身份,男婴由此成了无名孤儿。后来他被当地教会收养,抚养他的女管事给他起名奥利弗·忒斯特。 奥利弗(巴尼·克拉克饰)9岁时,由于没人供养他上学读书,于是进了济贫院的童工作坊,每天从事繁重的体力劳动。因为奥利弗既不会耍滑偷懒,也不会阿谀奉承,所以经常受到管事的打骂。这些正在发育的孩子们终日衣不遮体、食不果腹,万般无奈下,他们决定抽签选定提出加粥的人选,结果抽中的正是奥利弗。晚餐时,奥利弗如实提出了要求他对管事说道:“Please,sir.I want some more”(拜托!先生,我再来些)大惊失色的管事决定撵走这个造反的隐患。 不过幸运的是,奥利弗终于没能成为打扫烟囱的小工,而是被殡仪馆老板索尔比利相中,成了他用五英镑买来的学徒。循规蹈矩的奥利弗很快得到老板夫妇的器重,却也遭到了年长学徒诺尔的嫉妒。诺尔取笑奥利弗死去的母亲,奥利弗忍无可忍大打出手,后来却被老板误解,遭到毒打。一气之下,奥利弗含恨出走,奔向远方的雾都伦敦。 不幸刚一到达就受骗误入贼窟。窃贼团伙的首领费尽千方百计,企图把奥利弗训练为扒手供他驱使。奥利弗跟随窃贼伙伴“机灵鬼”和贝茨上街时,被误认为他偷了一位叫布朗洛的绅士(恰巧是他父亲生前的好友)的手绢而被警察逮捕。后因书摊老板证明了他的无辜,说明小偷另有其人,他才被释放。 由于他当时病重昏迷,且容貌酷似友人生前留下的一副少妇画像,布朗洛收留他在家中治病,得到布朗洛及其女管家比德温太太无微不至的关怀,第一次感受到人间的温暖。窃贼团伙害怕奥利弗会泄露团伙的秘密,在费金指示下,塞克斯和南希费尽心机,趁奥利弗外出替布朗洛归还书摊老板的图书的时候用计使他重新陷入了贼窟。 但当费金试图惩罚毒打奥利弗的上时候,南希挺身而出保护了奥利弗。费金用威胁、利诱、灌输等手段企图迫使奥利弗成为一名窃贼,成为费金的摇钱树。一天黑夜,奥利弗在塞克斯的胁迫下参加对一座大宅院的行窃。正当奥利弗准备趁爬进窗户的机会向主人报告时,被管家发现后开枪打伤。窃贼仓惶逃跑时,把奥利弗丢弃在路旁水沟之中。奥利弗在雨雪之中带伤爬行,无意中又回道那家宅院,昏到在门口。好心的主人梅丽夫人及其养女罗斯小姐收留并庇护了他。无巧不成书,这位罗斯小姐正是奥利弗的姨妈,但双方都不知道。在梅丽夫人家,奥利弗真正享受到了人生的温馨和美好。 但费金团伙却不能放过奥利弗。有一天一个名叫蒙克斯的人来找费金,这人是奥利弗的同父异母兄长,由于他的不肖,他父亲在遗嘱中将全部遗产给了奥利弗,除非奥利弗和蒙克斯是一样的不肖儿女,遗产才可由蒙克斯继承。为此蒙克斯出高价买通费金,要他使奥利弗变成不可救药的罪犯,以便霸占奥利弗名下的全部遗产,并发泄自己对已去世的父亲的怨恨。正当蒙克斯得意洋洋的谈到他如何和帮布尔夫妇狼狈为奸,毁灭了能证明奥利弗身份的唯一证据的时候,被南希听见。南希见义勇为,同情奥利弗的遭遇,冒生命危险,偷偷找到罗斯小姐,向她报告了这一切。正当罗斯小姐考虑如何行动时,奥利弗告诉她,他找到了布朗洛先生。罗斯小姐就和布朗洛商议了处理方法。罗斯小姐在布朗洛陪同下再次和南希会面时,布朗洛获知蒙克斯即他的已故好友埃得温。利弗得的不肖儿子,决定亲自找蒙克斯交涉,但他们的谈话被费金派出的密探听见。塞克斯就凶残的杀害了南西。南西之死使费金团伙遭到了灭顶之灾。费金被捕,后上了绞刑架,塞克斯在逃窜中失足被自己的绳子勒死。与此同时,蒙克斯被布朗洛挟持到家中,逼他供出了一切,事情真相大白,奥利弗被布朗洛收为养子,从此结束了他的苦难的童年。为了给蒙克斯自新的机会,把本应全归奥利弗继承的遗产分一半给他。但蒙克斯劣性不改,把家产挥霍殆尽,继续作恶,终被锒铛入狱,死在狱中。邦布


Oliver Twist, written in 1837-38. Tells the story of an orphan boy, whose adventures provides a description of the lower depths of London. Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s, England. His mother, whose name no one knows is found on the street and dies just after Oliver’s birth. He is brought up in the workhouse where he and other orphans are maltreated and constantly starved. One day, because Oliver asks for more gruel, he is dent to an undertaker to work as an apprentice, Noah Claypole, makes di sparaging comments about Oliver’s mother, Unable to bear it, Oliver attacks him and run away to London. There he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves headed by old Jew Fagin. In the thieve’s den Oliver is taught the skill of pocking and stealing and is forced to steal. He is rescued for a time by the kind-hearted Mr Brownlow. But Nancy and other gang members find him and bring him back .It finally turns out that a mysterious man Monks wants to make the boy a criminal. Once Oliver is forced to help a burglar,Bill Sikes, in a burglary. In the course of it, Oliver is shot and badly wounded, the kindly care from Mrs Maylie and her beautiful adopted niece Rose brings him back to health, Nancy, who now repents for what she has done, tries to help .she tells Rose and Mr. Brownlow of the mystery about Oliver’s origin and is found out by the gang and brutally murdered by Bill Sikes. Persued by his guilty conscience and an angry mob, he inadvertently hangs himself while trying to escape. Fagin is arrested and executed .It is now know that


《雾都孤儿》话剧剧本 场景:苏尔伯雷太太的棺材铺的厨房、 出场人物:奥立弗(曾锐)、诺亚·克雷波尔(李家豪)、夏洛蒂(张慧婕)、苏尔伯雷太太(钟雅楠)、邦布尔先生 (郑皓杰)、苏尔伯雷(肖乐陶)、狄克(钟程) 道具:一块羊肉、一张铺着桌布的桌子等。。。 【棺材铺楼上】 (诺亚显出奸诈的表情,不停转动着小眼珠) (诺亚将双脚跷在桌布上,用手揪了一下奥立弗的头发,拧了一下他的耳朵) 诺亚(用轻蔑的语调):“我看你呀,贼头鼠脑,就是一个卑鄙小人,我能肯定你将来一定被上绞架处死,不信,你等着吧” (奥立弗表情不变,表现得很自然) 诺亚(光露凶光,语气愤怒):“济贫院,(停顿2秒)你母亲还好吧?”奥立弗(表情紧张,呼吸急促,):“她死了,你别跟我谈她的事。” 诺亚(继续用嘲讽的语气):“济贫院,她是怎么死的?” 奥立弗(自言自语,面无表情):“我们那儿有个老护士告诉我,是她的心碎了,我知道心碎了是怎么回事。”

诺亚(继续用不屑的态度,不紧不慢地说着):“济贫院,你真是蠢到家了。”(奥立弗眼泪从脸颊往下流) 奥立弗(用手擦掉眼泪):“不是你,(停顿1秒)反正不是你。” 诺亚(冷笑着说):“噢,不是我,嗯?” 奥立弗(很愤怒,很大声):“对,不是你。。。够了,你别跟我提起她,最好不要提。” 诺亚(用冷嘲的语气,用力把鼻头皱扰起来):“最好不要提?”“好啊。不要提。济贫院,别不知羞耻了。你妈也一样。她是个美人儿,这没得说。喔,天啦。” (奥立弗保持沉默,但心中很愤怒) 诺亚(用嘲弄并带着假装怜悯的语调):“你知道,济贫院。。你知道,现在已经没有办法了,当然,你那时也是没办法,我对此深感遗憾,我相信大家都是这样,非常非常同情。不过,济贫院,你得知道,你妈是个里里外外烂透了的践货。” 奥立弗(愤怒地唰一下抬起头来):“你说什么?” 诺亚(冷冷地):“里里外外烂透了的贱货,济贫院,她死得正是时候,不然的话,现在可还在布莱德维感化院做苦工,或者是去流放,要么就是给绞死了,这倒是比前边说的两种情况更有可能,你说呢?” (奥立弗猛地跳起来,把桌椅掀翻在地,一把卡住诺亚的脖子,拼命推搡,他牙齿咬得格格直响,用尽全身气力朝诺亚扑过去,把他打倒在地。)(奥立弗直挺挺地站在那里,胸脯一起一伏,目光炯炯有神,他扫了一眼倒在他脚下的诺亚)

名著Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》中英文简介知识讲解

名著O l i v e r T w i s t 《雾都孤儿》中英文 简介

Oliver Twist, written in 1837-1838,was the second novel of Charles Dickens. Ittells the story of an orphan boy, whose adventures provides a description of the lower depths of London. Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s, England. His mother, whose name no one knows is found on the street and dies just after Oliver’s birth. He is brought up in the workhouse where he and other orphans are maltreated(虐待) and constantly starved. One day, because Oliver asks for more gruel(稀粥), he is sent to an undertaker(承办人) to work as an apprentice(学徒), Noah Claypole, makes disparaging(诽谤的) comments about Oliver’s mother, Unable to bear it, Oliver attacks him and run away to London. There he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves headed by old Jew Fagin. In the thieves’den(贼窝) Oliver is taught the skill of pocking and stealing and is forced to steal. He is rescued for a time by the kind-hearted Mr. Brownlow. But Nancy and other gang members find him and bring him back .It finally turns out that a mysterious man Monks wants to make the boy a criminal. Once Oliver is forced to help a burglar, Bill Sikes, in a burglary. In the course of it, Oliver is shot and badly wounded, the kindly care from Mrs. Maylie and her beautiful adopted niece Rose brings him back to health, Nancy, who now repents(后悔) for what she has done, tries to help .she tells Rose and Mr. Brownlow of the mystery about Oliver’s origin and is found out by the gang and brutally(残忍地) murdered by


雾都孤儿主要内容 本文是关于读书笔记的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 雾都孤儿主要内容(一) 故事发生在19世纪30年代的英国,在一个寒风料峭的深夜,一个男婴刚在贫民区里呱呱坠地,苦命的母亲便撒手人寰。谁也不知道产妇的身份,男婴由此成了无名孤儿。后来他被当地教会收养,抚养他的女管事给他起名奥利弗?忒斯特。 奥利弗(巴尼?克拉克饰)9岁时,由于没人供养他上学读书,于是进了济贫院的童工作坊,每天从事繁重的体力劳动。因为奥利弗既不会耍滑偷懒,也不会阿谀奉承,所以经常受到管事的打骂。这些正在发育的孩子们终日衣不遮体、食不裹腹,万般无奈下,他们决定抽签选定提出加粥的人选,结果抽中的正是奥利弗。晚餐时,奥利弗如实提出了要求,大惊失色的管事决定撵走这个造反的隐患。 不过幸运的是,奥利弗终于没能成为打扫烟囱的小工,而是被殡仪馆老板索尔比利相中,成了他用五英镑买来的学徒。循规蹈矩的奥利弗很快得到老板夫妇的器重,却也遭到了年长学徒诺尔的嫉妒。诺尔取笑奥利弗死去的母亲,奥利弗忍无可忍大打出手,后来却被老板误解,遭到毒打。一气之下,奥利弗含恨出走,奔向远方的雾都伦敦。 在伦敦郊区,饥寒交迫的奥利弗遇到了阿特福,阿特福不仅为他提供了栖身之处,还将他引荐给一个叫费金的人(本?金斯利饰)。

天真无邪的奥利弗还蒙在鼓里,他住的地方其实是个贼窝,这些孩子都被当作犯罪工具,而费金正是他们的“教父”。 一天,奥利弗和阿特福等人一起上街,阿特福行窃时意外败露,混乱中,奥利弗被人当作小偷抓进了警局。幸亏一位书店老板证明了奥利弗的无辜,而被偷的富翁布朗罗也心生爱怜,于是将奥利弗接到了家中。 费金和同伙西克(杰米?福尔曼饰)并未善罢甘休,趁奥利弗外出买书之际将其绑架,而布朗罗则误以为小男孩携款潜逃,心中失望不已。又回到贼巢的的奥利弗在费金的哄骗下道出了布朗罗家的境况,并被西克胁迫前去抢劫。虽然抢劫被成功阻止,但奥利弗却被冷枪击中,正当西克准备将他抛进河中之际,同行的托比救下了奥利弗。 险恶叵测的西克依然鼓动费金除掉奥利弗以绝后患,而他的女友南茜则试图保护奥利弗,并和布朗罗取得联系,希望帮无辜的奥利弗逃出魔窟。孰料,南茜的意图已被费金察觉,不久便被西克残忍的杀害。 警方很快对西克和费金展开抓捕,逃跑中,西克不慎丧命,费金最终被绳之以法。不久,布朗罗带着奥利弗探望狱中的费金,尽管经历了种种费金造就的不幸,而善良的奥利弗却仍在心底默默为他祈祷。 雾都孤儿主要内容(二) 富人的弃婴奥利佛在孤儿院里挣扎了9年,又被送到棺材店老板那儿当学徒。难以忍受的饥饿、贫困和侮辱,迫使奥利佛逃到伦敦,又被迫无奈当了扒手。他曾被富有的布莱罗先生收留,不幸让小扒手


Oliver Twist Oliver Twist is written by British writer Charles John Huffam Dickens in 1838. Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. When he was a child, he had received education in a private school for a period of time. But he had not taken much formal education, essentially studying by himself. By the age of 12, Dickens’s father was jailed because of the debt problem. Then he was sent to London as an apprentice in a shoeshine field, where he had to work for 10 hours a day. Maybe because of this experience, Dickens’s work focused more on the life of social labor people. His work is still popular now and has a great influence in English literature. The hero of the novel is Oliver Twist who was an orphan. Everyday, he suffered from starvation and bully. At last, he can’t ignore the abuse of the boss, he escaped to London along. Then the story began. As soon as he reached London, he was noticed by a thief gang. The head of the gang tried to make Oliver work for him. One day, when Oliver and a member of this gang called Bates were walking in the street, Oliver was arrested by the police because of a misunderstanding that a


《雾都孤儿英文读后感》 雾都孤儿英文读后感(一): Learn to love and care Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time。 It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens。 The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside。 These supreme resources Im talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention。 Theyre abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another love and care。 Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life。 They showed love and care to others,just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply。 Mr。 Brownlow is one such person。 The other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place。 Being wrathful, he caught Oliver,and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked。 Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards。 With sympathy, Mr。 Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home。 There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr。 Brownlows own son。 One day, however, Mr。 Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected。 The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him。 After that he disappeared in Mr。 Brownlows life。 Searching for a while,Mr。 Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money。 But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later。 Without hesitation, Mr。 Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil。 Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr。 Brownlows reaction。 But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him。 Jesus said in the Bible。 Forgive not seven times,but seventy-times seven。 Why is that? Because forgiveness is our


《雾霾作文》 雾霾作文(一): 雾霾 呼呼外面吹来一阵冷风,袭面而来,双眼看到的已不是以前的世界,遥望远方,只有白茫茫一片。2013年,我认识了它雾霾。 某一天,学校里传来了雾霾来袭的通知,看着窗户外,是黄白色的雾霾。这就是雾霾?我在电视上看到过几次,他们不是在北京吗?怎样扩散到浙江来了?怎样游荡到我家来了?这天因严重的雾霾而放假,那以后呢?它们还会来吗?我上网查了查,雾霾原先就是雾与霾的结合体。这追魁祸首并不是雾,他只是帮凶,最恐怖的居然是人类一手创造出来的霾!霾是由汽车尾气、工业废气、家庭油烟等有毒气体组成的,它的力量是足以威胁人的生命的。看过关于雾霾的资料以后,我不禁哀叹道:这都是人类自作自受啊! 于是,我也在这一天留下一幅画《雾霾天真带劲》。画中有一个黑影,若隐若现,若有若无,雾霾是黄色的,遮掩住了他睁得又大又圆的眼,只见得他带有嘲讽好处而上弯致45角的 嘴唇和对话框里的话。对话框也淡淡的,里面的文字也被黄气遮住。我把最后的感叹号画得大大的,期望人们看到以后有一丝丝愧疚。 或许,我能做的,就这些了 那以前令我向往的,陷阱般的,无比奇妙的意境消失了。它曾一度被视为人间仙境,但是,渐渐地,人们对它充满了憎恶,它也不想这样,它甚至不属于这个世界,是人类创造了它。如今,它厌倦了,厌倦了这个世界,它要报复人类,它的存在受到了威胁。这一切的一切都是人类自我本生的过错啊! 瞧,它在哭泣,它的泪化作了有毒气体,它要以相等的代价回报人类了 雾霾作文(二): 可怕的雾霾 这几天,南京来了一个不友好的朋友雾霾。 星期三晚上,妈妈接到了一条张老师发来的信息:明天由于雾霾影响,空气污染很严重,明天暂时停课一天。我连忙问妈妈:雾霾是什么啊?唉妈妈叹了口气说:由于人们过度开发地球,造成了很大的污染;超多汽车的尾气排放,也造成了空气污染;还有许多不讲礼貌的人,随地乱扔垃圾,使我们身边到处都被污染。听了妈妈的话,我自我暗暗下决心,决定要做一个环保小卫士。 第二天一早,我打开窗户,看到外面的世界像蒙了一层灰黑的纱布,空气中弥漫着一股奇怪的味道,本应红红的太阳像蒙上了一层丝巾变得暗淡无光,远处的高楼只有一点淡淡的轮廓;院子里的小树朦朦胧胧很不清楚,小鸟也不明白飞到哪儿去了;路上的行人都戴着厚厚的口罩,行色匆匆。一切都变得毫无生机,死气沉沉,好可怕的雾霾。 我们要爱护地球妈妈,赶走雾霾,保护环境,从身边的点滴做起。不友好的朋友你赶快走吧!

concidences in Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿情节巧合(英文论文)

Oliver Twist is Charles Dickens? first fully crafted novel. It centers on the hard years of an orphan, Oliver Twist, and is set against the seamy underside of the Lon2don criminal world. Dickens created a lively picture of lowlife under the capitalistic system. As the author of the novel, he mounted a direct attack on the cold impersonality of the workhouse system representing the class people with hard - heartedness, tyranny and hypocrisy. He used his unique humor, fierce satire and penetrating insight to expose the dark sides of the then society. Meanwhile he showed his great sympathy for the miseries and hardships suffered by the working people. It is widely acknowledged that the book?s main theme is positive and optimistic, which reflects Dickens held radical ideas at that time, and reviews were and are generally favorable. However, Dickens was severely criticized for introducing many coincidences in the plot of the story. For example, the first person that Oliver Twist picks pockets happens to be Mr. Brownlow, a good friend of his father?s. Later, Oliver is forced by Fagin to accompany Sikes in an attempted robbery of a house, (needing a small boy to enter a window and open the door for the (housebreakers), whose owner, Mrs. Maylie, by chance is his mother?s elder sister – his aunt. Such incidents which seem to be unbelievable are regarded by many as” uneven and contrary to the real life. ”Seemingly, coincidences become the negative side of the novel. Some even go so far as to think Dickens was not well - thought in plotting the story. As a novelist, Dickens represented English critical realism writing during the 19th century. He was
