




For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Favorite Novel. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:




My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days which is written by Jules Verne. The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances, which gained him the name――Father of Modern Science Fiction.

This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days. It gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey.

From this story, we can see the author’s deep love for the sea, travel and adventure, which played a

vital role in his life. We are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge.





活动策划服务合同 活动方:(以下简称甲方) 服务方:方心文化策划有限公司(以下简称乙方) 甲乙双方在平等的基础上,遵循自愿、公平、等价有偿的原则,根据相关法律法规的规定,经协商一致达成本合同条款如下,以期共同遵守。 一、活动概况: l、活动名称: 2 、活动时间: 二、活动内容: 甲方委托乙方为“”活动的策划及执行公司,策划(执行)以下内容: 1、 2、 3、 三、费用支付: 1、本合同总金额为:¥__________元(大写____________________)。 2、本合同签订后,甲方即向乙方支付人民币¥____________整(大写 ___________________________)为预付款。 3、活动结束后,甲方向乙方支付合同余款,即人民币¥____________________ 整(大写________________________)。 四、甲方的权利和义务: 1、甲方有权利从乙方处获取活动方案,并对活动要求提出意见。 2、甲方由义务向乙方提供完整的资料以确保乙方能完成任务。 3、甲方有权对乙方的工作内容及工作进度进行监督,对重大问题有权要求乙方更改。 4、甲方应如期向乙方支付费用。 五、乙方的权利和义务: 1、乙方所制定之策划方案,获得甲方负责人同意并签字确认后方可实施,并接受甲方监督。 2、乙方应保证工作质量及工作进度。 3、乙方应忠诚地按照甲方所同意的方案策划及实施活动,未经双方同意不得擅自更改。 4、如在活动期间发生紧急状况或不可抗力因素导致活动无法正常进行,乙方应毫不迟延地通知甲方并积极予以协助解决。

本条款所称不可抗力因素,包括台风、暴雨、地震等重大自然灾害,或行政事业性单位禁止活动开展等人为因素,或其他甲乙双方尽合理注意义务仍不可预见之情况。 六、违约责任: 1、乙方须按甲方要求及最终认可确认意见实施制作。如因其它因素要更改或取消制作内容,乙方应提前1-3日书面通知甲方并获得甲方书面认可,否则视为乙方违约。 2、如因不可抗力因素致使项目工作不能如期开展或完成,乙方不承担由此引起的任何责任。 3、任何一方违反本合同的任何义务、承诺、保证或由任何一方在本合同中所作的声明与事实不符或有误导成份,造成本合同不能履行或不能完全履行时,该方即构成违约,应承担违约责任,负责赔偿守约方因此造成的损失。 4、甲方应在活动结束后3天内(含活动当天)支付合同之全部余款,否则视为逾期。逾期付款的,应按每天向乙方支付合同总金额1%的滞纳金。 5、合同生效后,如甲方单方面中途中止协议,应按本合同各项目产生总金额支付25%的违约金;对于已执行部分,则需支付全部资金,若造成乙方损失应负赔偿责任。 6、若乙方未能按合同所规定的时间如期开展活动,造成甲方损失应负赔偿责任。 七、合同纠纷解决方式: 1、执行本合同发生争议,必须先由双方当事人友好协商解决。协商不成的,可向人民法院提起诉讼。 2、就本合同提起诉讼的,由合同履行地、原告或被告所在地法院管辖。适用中华人民共和国法律。 八、其他事项: 1、本合同正本一式四份,合同双方各执两份,具有同等法律效力。 2、本合同若有未尽事宜,合同各方可另行签订书面补充协议,补充协议经合同各方适格代表人签字并加盖公章后生效,与本合同具有同等效力。 3、合同自双方法定代表人签字并盖章之日起生效。 甲方:(签章):乙方:(签章): 法定代表人:法定代表人:


英语四级预测作文一: 延迟退休 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Retirement Age Be Postponed? You’d write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Your writing should be based on the following outline. 1. 近年来,推迟退休年龄引发人们热议 2. 推迟退休年龄有利也有弊 3. 我的看法 Based on a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of individuals admit that aging society will bring a variety of problems to their life. Along with the trend of longevity, it has become a trend for people to debate whether it is wise to postpone retirement age. A number of individuals favor postponing the retirement age. In their eyes, it is this policy that enables the aging society to build up enough work-force. As a matter of fact, people in mounting numbers have come to realize this problem in an aging society. Even so, others hold a different view that postponing retirement age carries some risks. This policy can bring old people stress, but cannot arouse their enthusiasm for work, and cannot help them to enjoy their retirement pension. I am convinced that we should take into account the wishes of old people. If those seniors have enthusiasm for work, we should educate, advocate and encourage them to work and perform their tasks; if not, it is advisable for the society to create a comfo rtable twilight for them. If we try our utmost to do so, the future of old people’ life will be promising and hopeful. (187 words) 英语四级预测作文二: 教育回报 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Education Pays based on the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings in 2010). Please give a brief description of the chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Given is a simple but enlightening chart by US Bureau of Labor: (图表描述万能) in2010,it had become a trend for doctors, masters and bachelors to earn more money in a week in US--- $1551, $1272 and $1038. Meanwhile, we can notice that weekly earnings of college graduates with no degrees, those with high school diploma and people with less than high school diploma were $712, $626 and $444 respectively. (注:图表描述没有必要面面俱到,写出大体趋势即可。) Obviously, this chart can be naturally associated with the importance of education: if individuals intend to acquire/ gain/ get better earnings, it is advisable for them to gain higher degrees. In contemporary America, it has become a trend for a host of companies/firms/corporations/ organizations to hire doctors and masters and pay them better salaries. It is education that enables them to build up adequate knowledge, skills and ability to deal with important tasks. As a matter of fact, employees and employers in large numbers have come to realize the significance of higher degrees. 英语四级预测作文三:


合同编号:YT-FS-5609-87 活动策划合同范本(完整 版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

活动策划合同范本(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方(代理方):____ 乙方(被代理方):____ 为了发展我国文艺文化事业,繁荣文化市场,为乙方提供便捷、有益的交易机会以及维护乙方合法利益,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等、公平、互利的原则,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《著作权法》及相关法律、法规实施条款的规定,经双方充分协商,达成如下协议,并誓言共同守信。 一、代理事项 乙方接受甲方的代理策划合约,委托甲方独家代理策划乙方_____。 二、____代理范围 甲方全权负责乙方____的全案策划以及全权代表乙方就该____在全国(含港台)范围内的对外洽谈、

市场推广等,以求乙方____交易的顺利达成。 三、本合约有效期 本合同有效期为_____年,自双方签订合约之日起计算。即自_____年_____月_____日至____年_____月_____日止。 四、代理____简述 ____名:《 ____ 》 剧种:□电视剧□电视电影□电影□戏剧□舞台剧(单选) 集数:____ 类型:____ ____状态:□创意□故事大纲□分集梗概□策划方案□文学剧本□小说及其它体裁文学本(可多选) 版权保护中心登记号:_____(没申请可不填) 五、甲、乙双方的权利与义务 5.1 甲方承认乙方所签代理策划____为乙方创作完成,乙方享有上述____及根据该____所拍摄的影视剧的署名权;


2019年英语专业四级作文范文:数字化时代 Life is becoming more digital and the digital is becoming more alive. Have you ever noticed that you were surrounded by all kinds of digital products? Digital camera, digital computer, digital television, and so on. Because of these stuff, great changes have taken place in our morden life. Firstly, with the development of digital products, TV, film and music go on-line and mobile. Our life are becoming more and more colorful. Secondly, the growth of peer to peer digital media means that people can generate and transact digital content and services over global networks. Nowadays, information is being unleashed and re-shuffled. And everything is becoming increasingly more connected. This is both very exciting and a bit unnerving. At last, the digital age has renewed our interest in friendship which means there is also an opportunity to deepen our sense and appreciation of it. To sum up, our future is digital. To achieve success in the 21st century, all of us need to attain proficiency in digital products.


2020年大学英语四级作文预测范文:减少校园浪费Reduce Waste on Campus As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can. Some students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so on.The negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects. In the first place, it makes some students dependent on their parents for money, which is harmful to their development. If they don’t learn to support themselves, they will be “useless people” when they graduate. In the second place, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling. Last but not the least important, there is no denying the fact that our country is still poor. There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help. As far as i am concerned, i should set a good example to reduce waste on campus. First of all, i will refrain from wasting anything, from food to stationery. What’s more, i’m determined to call on more schoolmates to fight against waste. Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus.


2020下半年英语四级作文预测:代沟问题2020下半年英语四级作文预测:代沟问题 Directions: Write a composition entitled Generation Gap. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 现代生活越来越好,但老年人和年轻人之间的代沟却依然不可 逾越 2. 产生代沟的原因 3. 解决的办法 【范文】 Generation Gap Though many aspects of our social life have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the olders remain and even grows wider. In my opinion, because of the influence of individualism from western civilization, the youths do not blindly follow what the elders say, that causes the gap. The young arecreative and revolutionary, always go along with the trend and like changing. While the old, accustomed to everything of the past, are hostile to change. Also with more and more different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is natural the young hold different opinions from the old. I think in order to narrow the gap, both parts should try to understand and respect each other, instead of trying to


活动策划合同书 In accordance with the relevant provisions and clear responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the following terms are reached on the principle of voluntariness, equality and mutual benefit. 甲方:__________________ 乙方:__________________ 签订日期:__________________ 本合同书下载后可随意修改

合同编号:YH-FS-548826 活动策划合同书 说明:本服务合同书根据有关规定,及明确双方责任与义务,同时对当事人进行法律约束,本着自愿及平等互利的原则达成以下条款。文档格式为docx可任意编辑使用时请仔细阅读。 定作方(简称甲方):_________ 承揽方(简称乙方):_________ 签订地点:_________签订时间:_________ 甲、乙双方本着互利互惠的原则,经友好协商,达成以下协议: 一、甲方委托乙方拍摄、制作动画影视片,成片长度5分钟,并为甲方提供_________母带_________盘,vcd光盘碟。 二、甲方权利和义务: 1、甲方需向乙方支付制作费用共计人民币元整(小写¥元整)。 2、甲方应向乙方提供制作所需的相关资料,并保证资料的真实性和合法性。 3、甲方需对拍摄现场进行组织、安排、明确具体拍摄要

求,配合乙方现场拍摄,如因组织安排不力而影响拍摄时间、效果,均由甲方承担责任。 4、审片期间,在不脱离脚本的情况下,甲方有权要求乙方进行部分修改。 三、乙方权利和义务: 1、乙方必须严格按照甲方脚本要求进行拍摄及制作,且成片各项技术指标均需达到播出要求,如出现质量问题,由乙方承担全部责任,并采取相应补救措施。 2、凡因甲方原因导致该片无法按期完成或影响成片质量,甲方向乙方提出补救要求时,乙方有权拒绝或向甲方提出补偿要求。 3、乙方在制作期间,甲方不得随意更改脚本,如果因此造成乙方工作量增加或延误交片时间,乙方有权要求甲方另行付费。 4、乙方不得向外泄露甲方提供的相关资料,并应对甲方的商业资料进行绝对保密。 四、付款及审片方式: 1、付款方式:


环球时代专四讲议:英语专四作文范文参考 英语专四作文范文参考——大学生村官 题目:College Graduates Work as Village Officials 写作要求 Nowadays, while many college graduates ? ght ? ercely for a position in big cities, some of them choose to leave big cities for the countryside and work as village o f? cials. What in your mind are the possible bene? ts of this choice? Write on Answer Sheet Two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: College Graduates Work as Village Of?cials You are to write in three parts. In the ? rst part, state speci? cally what your idea is. In the second part, provide reasons to support your opinion OR describe your idea. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 审题思路 本题是一道分析利弊/差异型的题目,说明大学生毕业后去当村官有什么好处,可以按以下思路展开: 先对这种现象表示肯定,是一个必然的趋势,然后列举大学生为乡村带去的好处(新概念、新技术等)以及大学生从这种工作中得到的收获(更广阔的发展空间、人生价值的 实现等)。 范文赏析 College Graduates Work as Village Of?cials Today the issue how college graduates should choose their careers has aroused public concern. Some time ago, it was reported that some college graduates chose to work as village of?cials. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some


2020年英语四级作文预测话题(3):大学降低标准 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Universities lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)近年来很多大学都会降低标准招收名人学生,一些人强烈反对这样做 2)但也有很多人认为这很正常 3)你对此的看法是??,为什么? 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一些人对于某种现象的看法,提纲第2点指出对该现象的另外一种看法,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的看法,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述近年来大学降低标准招收名人学生这个现象;对比阐述关于该现象的两种不同的看法和各自的理由;表明“我”更倾向于哪种看法并说明理由。 参考范文: Should Universities lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities? In recent years, many famous universities lower admission requirements for celebrities. More and more celebrities, especially sports stars, have been admitted to famous universities even without an entry examination. This phenomenon has become a subject of widespread controversy.


预测一 Physical Training 1.保持健康非常重要; 2.据调查显示,大学生身体素质逐年在降低; 3.谈谈在大学校园里进行体育锻炼的重要性。 【范文】 Physical Training As the saying goes, happiness lies first of all in health. It is certain that health is more valuable than wealth and wisdom. Only with good health a person can achieve and realize his goals. Recently, surveys showed that physical quality of college students declines year by year. In order to better serve for socialist construction, college studens should realize the importance of physical training. Firstly, physical training helps to improve and maintain health as movement is the source of life. Facing with heavy burden of study, the students without strong physique could not gain success. Secondly, it enables college students to form good habits. What’s more, it can strengthen psychological quality. All in all, physical training will not only guarantee college students to live longer, but also let them enjoy the life. 【点评】 文章由谚语开头,指出健康的重要性。第二段结合调查结果,说明大学生身体素质不断降低。第三段从大学生的角度列出进行体育锻炼的重要性:体育锻炼帮助改善健康状况;能使大学


合作协议书 甲方: 乙方: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他相关法律、法规,本着友好合作、互惠互利的原则,经双方协商达成如下协议: 一、甲、乙双方共同合作在举办仪式活动。 二、本次活动时间为年月日( (am/pm) 时分至 (am/pm) 时分。 三、乙方负责工作:现场布置、音响、演员、礼仪等,具体项目详见本合同《附件清单》。 四、甲方负责工作:提供搭建设施所需水电、现场搭建时的场地协调、活动期间的安全保卫等。 五、乙方保证于年月日前布置好表演区域、舞台及音响及其他设施。 六、合同价款:本次活动,甲方向乙方支付合同价款共计人民币元整(¥)。 七、付款方式:甲方需在合同签订后 3 日内以现金或支票的方式支付给乙方合同总金50%的费用,即人民币元整(¥);活

动结束后一周内一次性付清剩余费用共计人民币元整(¥)。乙方应在甲方付款前提供等额发票,否则甲方有权延期付款。 八、合同的变更 1、活动开始前,任何一方需要对活动内容以及所需设施作临时变动时,须事先通知对方,征得对方同意后方可进行变动。 2、合同履行过程中,双方对于活动内容以及活动所需设施做相应变动的,则双方应签订补充条款,就变更部分相关事宜另行约定。 九、违约责任 1、乙方未按本合同约定向甲方提供前述设备和服务,则甲方有权责令乙方立即纠正,乙方应当场协调解决。 2、如乙方未按协议约定履行相关义务,甲方有权酌情扣减相应费用,给甲方造成损失的,乙方应赔偿相关的损失。 3、如甲方未按前述约定按时支付乙方款项,乙方有权停止活动执行及演出安排,并且乙方有权按本合同总标的30%向甲方收取逾期付款违约金。 4、合同签订后,甲方未经乙方同意,擅自取消(或解除)本合同的,则甲方应向乙方支付合同价款30%的违约金。 5、合同履行过程中,因不可抗力等因素导致合同不能履行的,双方互不承担违约责任。 十、本协议履行过程中发生争议,双方应协商解决,协商不成任何


英语专业四级写作解析及预测 一、作文 1.测试要求: 根据所给题目或列出的写作提纲或图标,数字统计表等(也附有写作提纲)写一篇200字左右的短文。能做到内容切题,结构完整,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。 2. 写作评分标准 作文主要考察以下几点:内容切题,结构完整,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体等,满分为15分。 15分:文章内容切题,思想表达清楚,行文通顺流畅,论证严密,论据充分,基本无语言错误。 14-12分:文章内容切题,思想表达清楚,语言比较通顺,连贯,只有极少数研发错误。 11-9分:文章内容基本切题,尚能表达中心思想,但说理不够清楚,文字连贯不够好,有少量语言错误。 8-6分:基本切题,思想表达不够清楚,连贯性差,语言错误多。 5-3分:文章调理不清,语言缺乏连贯性,句子错误很多或语言虽然通顺流畅,但完全偏题。 二、便条 1. 测试要求 便条主要考察的是格式、内容、语言的的提醒、字数等5方面,满分为10分。

2. 写作评分标准 格式:包括日期、称呼、结尾3部分,总分值为2份,凡不符合正确格式或要求的均扣1分,最多扣2分。 内容:便条一般包括3部分内容,总分值为3份。判卷时少一点扣1分,最多扣3份。 语言:语法、词法正确,总分值为4分。严重词法、句法错误扣1份,一个句子或同类错误扣1份,拼写等小错误两个扣1份,最多扣4分。 语言得体性:总分值为1份。当总分在8分以上时可考虑加此分。 总字数:少于40或多于80词扣1分。 历年真题分析

作文命题方式分析: 一、对比选择型命题 第一类:advantage、disadvantage型如2006年 第二类:yes or no 型如:2011,2010,2009,2007,2004 二、给定观点型命题 如:2008 三、自由发挥型命题 第一类:my idea 型如:2005 第二类:the best way to stay healthy 2014英语专业四级考试作文预测 社会热点类 1.civil servant craze(公务员热) 2.what should the media focus more on? 3.backpack traveling of college students(大学生背包旅行) 4.does “no drinking“policy stand for progress of university? (禁酒令进入大学是进步吗?) 5. on no smoking 6.my view on taking plastic surgery before job-hunting(先整容再求职之我见) 7. ways for kids to keep clear of online position



最新2014年6月英语四级作文预 先附: 2014年6月英语四级考试流程 为了帮助大家在最后阶段做好复习冲刺工作,特搜集整理相关作文预测,希望大家能通过这些预测作文,了解一些写作技巧和亮点表达。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled More

People Choosing Overseas Destinations for Their Holidays based on the statistics provided in the chart below. Please give a brief description of the chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. More People Choosing Overseas Destinations for Their Holidays From the chart given above, we can observe that the number of people traveling abroad experienced some changes during the past several years. From 1993 to 2003, the number of Chinese people choosing overseas destinations for their holidays increased rapidly from less than 5 million to 20 million, and then to 70 million in 2011. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, the authorities have issued some preferential policies to promote the development of the overseas tourism industry, which encourages a


编号:_____________ 活动策划执行合同 甲方:________________________________ 乙方:________________________________ 签订日期:________ 年_____ 月______ 日 甲方:

乙方: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等有关规定,本着友好合作、互利共赢的原则,就乙方向甲方提供 ___________________________ 节目演艺人员聘请及节目执行有关事宜,签订本合同,共同信守。 一、活动概况 1、活动名称: ____________________________________ 活动(下称“活动”)。 2、活动时间: __________ 年___________ 月___________ 日。 3、活动地点: __________ 市____________ 区____________ 路_____________ 号 ___________ 。 4、活动内容:乙方负责活动的节目内容, 是否_____________ 包括整个活动的【前期策划、活动场 地的布置、活动区域物料的设计及制作、灯光舞台设备的提供、现场工作人员的聘请和管理,活动结束后乙方相关设备的撤场等】。具体详见合同附件。 二、活动费用及支付方式 1、本次活动费用共计为人民币 __________ 元整(小写:Y _____________ 元),构成说明见合 同附件;该活动费用为演艺人员演出费用,是否______________ 包括此次活动涉及的【乙方人工、物料、交通、活动策划、创意及创意表现、现场布置、执行、设备运输、安装、拆除、资料搜集、人员报酬(包括主持人及其他工作人员等)、活动接待、视频制作、管理费用、利润、税金】等乙方妥善履行本合同、甲方应付乙方的一切费用,除此之外,甲方无需就本合同向乙方或第三方支付任何费用。该活动费用不因任何原因调增(甲方要求增加合同报价之外项目的,需商议另行增加活动费用)。 2、本合同签订后 __________ 个工作日内,甲方向乙方支付活动费用的____________ %;乙方向甲方递交活动的节目流程方案并经甲方审批同意,活动当天演出人员到达活动现场时,甲方向


2014年12月大学英语四级作文预测Should we help others in need? 1. 现在经常有这样的现象发生:路上有人摔倒,没人敢上前帮忙。 2. 这是人们的公德心缺失还是其他什么原因呢? 3. 你对此有何看法? 【作文范文】 Should we help others in need? Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. But what’s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need. I would like to elaborate my views on this issue. Firstly, I think people’s moral sense has degraded. When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others. Secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions. So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits. In general, I contend the idea that we should be warm-hearted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived. College Students’Living Condition


2013年06月四级预测作文 (一)The Use of Cell Phones 1、在校大学生都有手机,其中包括智能手机 2、有些学生上课时使用手机发短信、上网、甚至打电话 3、你对此现象作出评价 The Use of Cell Phones Cell phones are no longer considered a luxury. Most college students have phones, and some of them even pride themselves in owning smart phones. However, it has come to our attention that some students use cell phones in class. Even the lecture is going on, they ignore the class rules and switch on their cell phones. They may use cell phones to text messages or browse the Internet. It is not usual to catch one or two students secretly making telephone calls. In my view, students should know not to use cell phones in class, which is strictly not allowed. When the class begins, they should either switch off their cell phones or mute them. Whatever the case, they should never use them in class. (二)What It Means to Be a volunteer 1. 越来越多的人从事志愿者工作 2. 志愿者工作的社会意义 3. 作为大学生,应该怎么做 What It Means to Be a volunteer In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters. According to a survey, in 2008, there were about 1,700,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games. Actually, an increasing number of people become volunteers every year in China. V olunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society. Olympic Games are a good example. As is known to all, volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games. Without them, it would be a tough task to hold this unprecedented Olympic Games. Therefore, we can say that it was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games. As modern college students, we should get actively involved in volunteering activities. By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizational ability. Undoubtedly, all of these are critical for our person growth. So, we should take this chance to learn and to grow. (三)发展个性Should We still Cherish Chinese Traditional Virtues 1. 当今的年轻人越来越强调个性发展; 2. 发展个性是否意味着忽视中国的传统美德; 3. 你的观点。 Should We still Cherish Chinese Traditional Virtues Toda y’s youth do things in their own ways, spend money on whatever they want and talk to people in their own languages——personality development is overstated by young people these days. To some of them, personality means to be totally different from who their parents used to be. But the problem is that during their pursuit of their personal goals they ignore some of the traditional virtues of which their forefathers were proud. Take the question of fidelity to elders for example. With better education and diffe rent experiences, some young people find it’s hard to agree with their parents any longer. They have a feeling of superiority and even sometimes turn their back on their elder parents.
