



1. traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 中国医药学

2. basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论

3. clinical experience临床经验

4. treatment based on syndrome differentiation 辨证论治

5. miscellaneous diseases杂病

6. Chinese pharmacy 中药学

7. four properties and five tastes/flavors四气五味

8. acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox 针灸

9. classical Chinese philosophy古代中国哲学

10. sweating therapy; diaphoresis汗法

11. purgation 下法

12. vomiting therapy; emetic therapy 吐法

13. the School of Reinforcing the Earth补土派

14. etiology 病因学

15. prescription; formula 方剂

16. medical practice 医疗实践

17. therapeutic principles 治疗原则

18. herbs cold and cool in nature 寒凉药物

19. nourishing yin and reducing fire滋阴降火

20. diseases caused by blood stagnation瘀血致病


1.TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in their struggle against diseases.


2. TCM has a unique and integrated theoretical system.


3. TCM is a science that studies the rules of life as well as the occurrence, progress, prevention and treatment of diseases.


4. Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine has laid a solid foundation for the formation of theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine.


5. Classic of Difficulties has supplemented what was unaddressed in the Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine in many respects, especially in pulse lore.


6. Discussion on the Causes and Symptoms of Various Diseases is the earliest extant monograph on the causes and symptoms of diseases in China.


7. Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.


8.Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes various diseases.


9. Compendium of Materia Medica is recognized as a monumental work in the history of Chinese materia medica and a great contribution to the development of pharmacology in the world.


10. Traditional Chinese materia medica includes not only medicinal herbs, but also minerals and animal parts.


11. In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared the so-called four great medical schools.


12. Zhang Congzheng believed that all diseases were caused by exogenous pathogenic factors and advocated that pathogenic factors should be driven out by means of diaphoresis, emesis and purgation.


13. Liu Wansu believed that “fire-heat” was the main cause of a variety of diseases and that these diseases should be treated with drugs cold and cool in nature.


14. Li Gao, entitled with the School of Reinforcing the Earth, emphasized on warming and invigorating the spleen and stomach.


15. Zhu Danxi advocated the remedies of nourishing yin and reducing fire in treatment of diseases, so he was entitled as the School of Nourishing Yin.


16. Study on Warm Disease is a clinical specialty focusing on the occurrence, progress, diagnosis and treatment of warm diseases.


17. The School of Warm Disease has developed the rules of treatment of warm disease based on syndrome differentiation in light of defensive phase, qi phase, nutritive phase,


18. Wang Qingren in the late Qing Dynasty corrected mistakes about anatomy made in ancient medical books and advocated the theory that diseases were caused by blood stagnation.


19. Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine has paved

a new way for the development and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.


20. Great progress has been made in systematic and experimental study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.




Huangdi Neijing(Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine) by many medical experts in history .It’s the

earliest and greatest medical classic extant in China,the most authoritative one in TCM. It has developed the therapeutic principles based on syndrome differentiation ,seasonal changes, geographical localities and individual constitution.

Nanjing(Classic of Difficulties)by Qin Yueren,also known as Bian Que.It has supplemented what was unaddressed in Huangdi Neijing in many respects ,especially in pulse lore.


一.术语翻译1. five zang-organs; five zang-viscera五脏

2. six fu-organs 六腑

3. system of meridians and collaterals经络系统

4. Holism整体观念

5. organic wholenss 有机整体

6. social attribute社会属性

7. (of the five zang-organs) open into开窍

8. sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store生长化收藏

9. diagnostics 诊断学

10. relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正关系

11. therapeutics 治疗学

12. common cold due to wind and cold 风寒感冒

13. different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease同病异治

14. the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases 异病同治

15. balance of water metabolism 水液代谢平衡

16. clearing away heart fire 清心火

17. nature of disease疾病本质

18. treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side 以左治右

19. drawing yang from yin 从阴引阳

20. treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part病在上者下取之。二.句子翻译

1. The theoretical system of TCM is mainly characterized by holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation.


2. TCM believes that the human body is an organic whole.


3. The constituent parts of the human body are interdependent in physiology and mutually

influential in pathology.


4. The holism permeates through the physiology, pathology, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment of diseases.


5. Changes in the natural world directly or indirectly influence the human body.


6. Qi and blood in the human body tend to flow to the exterior in spring and summer and to the interior in autumn and winter.


7. The heart opens into the tongue and is internally and externally related to the small intestine. 心开窍于舌并与小肠相表里。

8. TCM has noticed that the fact that social activity psychologically influences human beings.


9. According to TCM, the body and spirit coexist, interacting with each other and influencing each other.


10. Yang qi in the human body tends to flow to the exterior in the daytime and to the interior at night.


11. Regional and climatic differences, to some extent, influence the physiological activities of the human body.


12. Syndrome is a generalization of pathological changes at a certain stage during the course of a disease.


13. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation, one of the characteristics of TCM, is the basic principle in TCM for understanding and treating diseases.


14. Syndrome includes the location, cause and nature of a disease as well as the state of pathogenic factors and healthy qi.


15. Differentiation of syndrome and treatment of disease are two inseparable aspects in diagnosing and treating diseases.


16. Clinical doctors pay great attention to the differentiation of diseases. But therapeutically they care more about the differentiation of syndromes because diseases can be cured by treating syndromes.


17. Syndrome can comprehensively and accurately reveal the nature of a disease.


18. Different diseases may demonstrate the same syndrome because of the similarity in pathogenesis.


19. If the syndrome of middle qi sinking appears in two different diseases, they all can be treated by the therapeutic method for elevating middle qi.


20. The treatment of diseases in TCM does not only simply concentrate on the difference or similarity of diseases, but on the difference or

similarity of pathogenesis.




1. philosophical concept哲学概念

2. mutual transformation 相互转化

3. balance of yin and yang 阴平阳秘

4. transformation between yin and yang 阴阳转化

5. extreme cold turning into heat 寒极生热

6. pathological changes病理变化

7. absolute predominance绝对偏盛

8. general rule of pathogenesis病机总纲

9. supplementing what it lacks of 补其不足

10. eliminating wind and dispersing cold 祛风散寒

11. mutually inhibiting and promoting 相互消长

12. mutually inhibiting and restraining相互制约

13. interdependence 相互依存

14. excess of yin leading to decline of yang阴胜则阳病

15. contrary and supplementary to each other相反相成

16. organic whole有机整体

17. impairment of yang involving yin阳损及阴

18. deficiency of both yin and yang 阴阳两虚

19. deficiency cold syndrome 虚寒证

20. suppressing yang and eliminating wind潜阳熄风


1. Yin and yang are two concepts in classical Chinese philosophy.


2. Yin and yang are the summarization of the attributes of two opposite aspects of interrelated things or phenomena in nature.


3. The formation, development and changes of all things in the universe are the result of the movement of yin and yang that oppose to each other and unite with each other.


4. The celestial qi pertains to yang because it is light and lucid, while the terrestrial qi pertains to yin because it is heavy and turbid.


5. The course of mutual restraint and inhibition between yin and yang signifies their process in mutual reduction and promotion.


6. Yin cannot exist alone without yang and vice versa.


7. Separation of yin and yang results in exhaustion of essence qi.


8. Only through constant reduction, growth and balance can the normal development of things be maintained.


9. Under given conditions, either yin or yang may transform into its counterpart.


10. Sprout of things signifies transformation while extreme development of things indicates change.


11. Yin and yang are indispensable for the human body.


12. Functions pertain to yang while substances to yin.


13. If yin and yang fail to promote each other and are thus separated from each other, it will lead to the end of life.


14. No matter how complicated pathological changes of a disease are, they are nothing more than relative predominance of yin or yang.


15. The so-called healthy qi refers to the structure and functions of the body, including body resistance against diseases.


16. If any part of the body, either yin or yang, becomes deficient to a certain extent, it will inevitably lead to insufficiency of the other part.


17. Imbalance between yin and yang is the intrinsic factor responsible for the occurrence and progress of a disease.


18. The manifestations of complexion can tell whether a disease pertains to yin or yang in nature.


19. The basic therapeutic principle is to supplement insufficiency and reduce excess.


20. Only when appropriate herbs are chosen can excellent therapeutic effects be ensured.




1. the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases 五行学说

2. free development 条达舒畅

3. to be generated and to generate生我、我生

4. restraint in generation 生中有制

5. Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.木曰曲直

6. Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping. 土爰稼穑

7. Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing. 水曰润下

8. over restriction and counter-restriction 相乘相侮

9. Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient. 木虚土乘

10. generation, restriction, inhibition and transformation 生克制化

11. disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ母病及子

12. insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney 肝肾精血不足

13. blood deficiency in the heart and liver 心肝血虚

14. exuberant fire in the heart 心火亢盛

15. insufficiency of liver yin肝阴不足

16. declination of kidney yang肾阳式微

17. weakness of the spleen and stomach脾胃虚弱

18. suppressing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 平肝和胃

19.insufficiency of kidney yin肾阴不足

20. discordance between water and fire水火不济


1. Wood, fire, earth, metal and water are the five most essential materials indispensable to human existence.


2. The formation of the theoretical system of TCM was deeply influenced by the doctrine /theory of five elements.


3. Water is characterrized by moistening and downward flow.


4. The liver pertains to wood because it controls elevation.


5. The spleen pertains to earth because it controls transportation and transformation.


6. The kidney pertains to water because it controls water metabolism.


7. Restriction implies that one thing brings under control or restraint of the other’s grow th and function.


8. Since wood generates fire, wood is the generator of fire; since fire generates earth, fire is the generator of earth.


9. Subjugation or over restriction means to launch a violent attack when a counterpart is weak.


10. When wood is too strong, it will over restrict the spleen and counter-restrict metal.


11. Since the heart yang can warm the body, it pertains to fire.


12. The liver stores blood to complement the heart.


13. The kidney stores essence to nourish blood in the liver.


14. The idea that the disorder of a child-organ attacks the mother-organ means that the disease is transmitted from a child-organ to its mother-organ.


15. The human body is an organic whole. So disorders of the internal organs can be manifested over the surface of the body.


16. Restriction includes over restriction and counter-restriction, both of which are abnormal restriction among the five elements.


17. The basic relationships among the five elements are generation, restriction, over restriction and counter-restriction.


18. The one that generates is the mother-element while the one that is being generated is the child-element.


19. Clinically the doctrine/ theory of five elements is used to decide therapeutic principles and methods.


20. The doctrine/ theory of five elements obviously has certain limitations 。


