
create tablespace cx datafile 'E:\ORL\cx.dbf'
size 50M
extent management local uniform size 512k;

create user cx_admin identified by 1515925156
default tablespace cx;
grant connect to cx_admin;
grant dba to cx_admin;
create table goods(gno varchar(5),gname varchar(20),gtype varchar(20),gprice number(3,2));
create table retail(rno varchar(5),gno varchar(5),gname varchar(20),rsum number(4),rmoney number(6,2));
alter table goods add constraint g_p primary key(gno,gname);
alter table retail add constraint r_p primary key(rno,gno);
alter table retail add constraint r_f foreign key(gno,gname) references goods(gno,gname);

alter table retail modify rmoney number(6,2) not null;
alter table retail modify rsum number(4) not null;

create profile cx_profile limit
failed_login_attempts 5
password_lock_time 1
password_life_time 30;
create user cx_cx identified by 1515925156
default tablespace cx
profile cx_profile;
grant connect to cx_cx;
grant select,alter,delete,update on cx_admin.goods to cx_cx;
grant select,alter,delete,update on cx_admin.retail to cx_cx;

create user cx_work identified by 1515925156
default tablespace cx;
grant connect to cx_work with admin option;
grant create view to cx_work with admin option;
create user cx_query identified by 1515925156
default tablespace cx;
grant connect to cx_query;
grant select on cx_admin.goods to cx_query;
grant select on cx_admin.retail to cx_query;
alter table retail add gprice number(3,2);
alter table retail add gyear date;
alter table goods add gyear date;
conn cx_work/1515925156
grant create view to cx_cx;

conn sys/oracle as sysdba
drop user cx_work;
create or replace view retail_view as select rno,rmoney from retail;
create function retail_fun(v_no varchar) return varchar is v_money number(4);
select rmoney into v_money from retail where v_no=rno;
return v_money;
var c_fun number;
call retail_fun('20001') into:c_fun;

SELECT file_name FROM dba_data_files;

conn sys/oracle as sysdba;
shutdown immediate;(cmd)
//创建一个把2017的数据放在 "2017年销售情况"
create table "2017年销售情况" as select * from retail where to_char(gyear,'yyyy-mm-dd')>=('2017-01-01');
create or replace trigger retail_tri after insert or update or delete
on retail for each row
if inserting then
insert into "2017年销售情况"(rno,gno,gname,rsum,rmoney,gprice,gyear) values

elsif updating then
update "2017年销售情况" set

elsif deleting then
delete from "2017年销售情况" where rno=:old.rno;
end if;

insert into goods values('10001','樱桃','水果','7.00',to_date('2016-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into goods values('10002','榴莲','水果','6.00',to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into goods values('10003','哈密瓜','水果','5.00',to_date('2016-05-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into goods values('10004','香蕉','水果','8.00',to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into goods values('10005','橘子','水果','3.00',to_date('2016-06-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into goods values('10006','秋衣','服饰','9.00',to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into goods values('10007','裤子','服饰','4.00',to_date('2017-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into goods values('10008','背心','服饰','3.00',to_date('2017-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));

insert into retail values('20001','10001','樱桃','5000','5000.00','7.00',to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into retail values('20002','10002','榴莲','4000','3000.00','6.00',to_date('2016-08-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into retail values('20003','10003','哈密瓜','3000','2000.00','5.00',to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into retail values('20004','10004','香蕉','3000','3000.00','8.00',to_date('2016-09-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into retail values('20005','10005','橘子','2000','4000.00','3.00',to_date('2017-02-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into retail values('20006','10006','秋衣','10','100','9.00',to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into retail values('20007','

insert into retail values('20008','10008','背心','10','100','9.00',to_date('2017-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
