

The British gentleman culture

In the eyes of most aliens, the British are kind of arrogant and hard to deal with. Nevertheless, in fact, the British who are good at mutual understanding are considerate. What’s more, no matter what they do, they often make efforts to leave a good impression on others. Therefore, gentlemen can be found everywhere in UK. Additionally, they know well how to create a coordinate atmosphere for others to have harmonious and pleasant life. “Gentleman” originated in the middle of the seventeenth Century, which was developed by the full of heroic and chivalrous knights. And then it prevailed in Britain and developed to the extreme. What’s more, the gentleman is not only outside of the British national culture but also a new social and cultural value doped by the British society. Once hearing a joke, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not. That is once the president of the United States in Washington said:” I don’t qu ite understand that many British class men, officials, a lawyer, the doctor and even the unemployed individuals can be called a gentleman. The nobles and the poor have a gentleman. Why do so many individuals who are from all walks of life can be called a gentleman? Can you help me to ask the meaning ofthe word?” After more than two hours, the secretary said,” a gentleman is a

person who doesn’t trouble others.”

The concept of the gentleman has been deeply rooted in the human heart and it can also explain the British culture strength and the ability to adapt in the past hundreds of years. In fact, it was rich in value system under the external factors such as clothes, leisure activities and other external factors. What’s more, the values derived from the medieval chivalry culture and it went through the culture baptism in the nineteenth Century.


介绍英国文化的英语作文2篇 英国文化英语作文一:介绍英国The Englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behave ladily. They also show their respect to ladies. They always say Lady first. In their daily life. the English pay attention to their appearance. They dress neatly. They shake hands when they meet other. When they are with others, they usually say pleasethank yousorry and so on. The breakfast in Britain is very rich. Usually there are all kinds of egg products, oatmeal, bacon, ham, sausages, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee and so on. They are popular with the western countries. Whats more, the English like drinking tea. They have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon. They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends. 【参考译文】 英国人崇尚绅士风度和淑女风范,讲究女士优先。在日常生活中,英国人注意仪表,讲究穿著,英国人的见面礼是握手礼。与人交往时,注重用敬语请、谢谢对不起等。英式菜的早餐很丰盛,一般有各种蛋品、麦片粥、咸肉、火腿、香肠、黄油、果酱、面包、牛奶、果汁、咖啡等,受到


The British gentleman culture In the eyes of most aliens, the British are kind of arrogant and hard to deal with. Nevertheless, in fact, the British who are good at mutual understanding are considerate. What’s more, no matter what they do, they often make efforts to leave a good impression on others. Therefore, gentlemen can be found everywhere in UK. Additionally, they know well how to create a coordinate atmosphere for others to have harmonious and pleasant life. “Gentleman” originated in the middle of the seventeenth Century, which was developed by the full of heroic and chivalrous knights. And then it prevailed in Britain and developed to the extreme. What’s more, the gentleman is not only outside of the British national culture but also a new social and cultural value doped by the British society. Once hearing a joke, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not. That is once the president of the United States in Washington said:” I don’t qu ite understand that many British class men, officials, a lawyer, the doctor and even the unemployed individuals can be called a gentleman. The nobles and the poor have a gentleman. Why do so many individuals who are from all walks of life can be called a gentleman? Can you help me to ask the meaning ofthe word?” After more than two hours, the secretary said,” a gentleman is a


英国首相卡梅伦2020年新年英语演讲稿 本文是关于英国首相卡梅伦2020年新年英语演讲稿,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 It’s a New Year –and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution—to stick tothelong-term plan that is turning our country around. When we came tooffice, our economy was on its knees. Three and a halfyears later, we are turning a corner. We see it in thebusinesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs,thefactories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again. The plan isworking. That’s why thisyear, 2019, we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are goingtoredouble our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole countryand secure abetter future for everyone. We’ll continuewith the vital work on the deficit. We’ve reduced itby a third already, and this year we will continue that difficult work,tosafeguard our economy for the long-term, to keep mortgage rates low and to helpfamiliesacross Britain. We’re going tokeep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feelfinanciallysecure, cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty. We’ll keep onworking even harder to create more jobs, whether that’s through investmentinour roads and railways, lower jobs taxes, or more help for Britain’s amazingsmall businesses. Those who run oursmall businesses are heroes and heroines, they are the backbone of oureconomyand we are supporting them every step of the way. We are going tokeep on with our vital work on welfare and immigration


英国“绅士文化”形成原因 人们在提到英国文化时,脑海中浮现的都是风度翩翩的英伦绅士。“绅士风度”已经成为英国的品牌形象。英国的绅士言行举止要绝对的理智,而且一般都是受过良好教育的,举止优雅、谈吐不凡,他们对于女性是绝对尊重的。英国的绅士风度是整个英国民族价值观念的外在体现。 英国的绅士风度是从英国的贵族精神的演变而来的。其“贵族精神”是一种传承中的贵族意识。英国人善于妥协,但是精神上的价值取向的妥协与政治上的妥协产生的后果是不同的。政治上的妥协保证了政治发展过程的连续性和平稳性,不会大起大落地影响社会经济的发展,而精神价值取向的妥协却最终让传统势力维持着优势,变革的观念很容易就被传统的惯性所战胜。英国的贵族始终有着强韧的生命力,在政治现代化的进程中,英国贵族填补了因为王权衰落所造成的政治真空,成为国家权力的主要执掌者。英国的贵族精神主要有骑士精神、热爱自由坚持独立、对于知识和文化的高度推崇等。英国的文化发展是离不开贵族精神的。 在我看来,英国的绅士文化形成的原因如下: 首先,英国有一个较美国或其他欧洲国家更长的历史,较长期的封建统治使英国人更具容忍、安于现状的品质。 其次,英国四面环海、土地贫瘠、气候恶劣,所有这些都造成了英国人早期的忧患意识和自强精神。艰苦的生活培养了英国人一种十分重要且可贵的品质:妥协与宽容。 除此而外,维多利亚女王对绅士文化的行程也有很大的推动作用。维多利亚女王在位的时期是英国逐渐走向鼎盛的时期,在六七十年间大英帝国臻至极盛:工业发展,经济进步,同时也是英国各种礼仪形成的最主要时期。而新兴的绅士扮演着日益重要的角色。从文学作品、电影和漫画中,我们都可以看到这种头戴圆顶硬礼帽、手拎一把雨伞的绅士形。她最终使英国成为世界著名的“礼仪之邦”。维多利亚女王就曾因其高雅的个人修养而享誉欧洲大陆。她制定了一系列严厉的家规,对自己子女在修养方面要求相当苛刻,稍有不慎便对他们进行无情地鞭打和杖责。她对自己的要求也是相当严格的,要求自己处处做到高雅、体面、端庄、节制。维多利亚时代被后人称为“文雅社会”。这位英国女王的行为对以后英国的中产阶级产生了极大的影响,成为他们相继模仿的最高标准。 真正的绅士品质并不取决于表面的时尚或礼貌,而取决于道德价值;并不取决于个人的财富,而取决于个人的品质。各种行为、品质包括优雅得体的谈吐、举止、永恒不变的谦逊以及面对重大困难时的从容、勇气,通过公立学校这条途径最终汇集起来。随着大英帝国的迅速扩张而名闻天下,英国绅士的概念于是也明晰起来。


英国人在初相识时,一般的礼节是:向老年人引见年轻人;向妇女引见男子;向有贵族头衔的人介绍没有头衔的人;向地位高的人引见地位低的人;在两个妇女之间,是向已婚的引见未婚的,如果未婚的妇女明显地年长,则又是向年纪大的引见已婚的年轻妇女;如贵族是男的,另一方是妇女,则遵从“女士优先”的原则,把贵族介绍给妇女。 英国人一般不行拥抱礼,相互之间也很少拥抱,甚至父亲也不拥抱儿子,只有在儿子小的时候才会拥抱。英国人也较少跟别人握手,甚至跟常见面的朋友也不握手。只有在第一次介绍相识,或朋友之间很久没有见面时才握手。 第一次认识时,一般都以握手为礼。介绍时,一般是由妇女、地位高的、年纪大的那一方先伸手,然后才是男子、地位低的、年纪轻的那一方再伸手。被介绍与一个男子相识时,应与他握手,但如果被介绍与一位女士相识时,就应等她先伸出手来,然后才可伸出自己的手。妇女被介绍时,不一定要伸出手来与人家握,但是她们常常伸出手来以示友好。男子在与女子握手前应该先脱下自己所戴的手套,而女子则不必如此做。到英国人家作客,一般要先和女主人寒暄、握手,然后才同男主人打招呼。 宴会一般是男女数相等。排座位时是男女间坐,而且夫妻二人绝不挨在一起。如果男女数目不等,也不必勉强凑数,一般应男多于女。 英国人席间不劝酒,宾主饮多少全凭自己。祝酒词一般是“为女王健康干杯!”或者简单地说“干杯!”宴会后,客人要多留一会儿,与主人继续聊天。最后告辞时,客人与主人夫妇握手,说一两句话表示感谢。客人之间握手告别也可,点头示意也可,不拘一格,视情况而定。宴会一般在晚上十点半到十一点钟之间结束。受到款待之后,一定要写信表示谢意,否则会被认为不懂礼貌。 英国人也忌用山羊、孔雀等做商品装潢。山羊有“不正经男子”和“坏人”的意思;孔雀是祸鸟,孔雀开屏是自我炫耀的不良习性。 英国人很忌讳黑猫,尤其是黑猫若从面前穿过,会感到恶心,认为这将预示要遭到不幸。 英国人对墨绿色很讨厌,认为墨绿色会给人带来懊丧。他们忌讳把食盐碰撒,哪怕是不小心的,也会感到非常懊丧,认为这是引发口角或与朋友断交的一个预兆。他们忌讳有人打碎玻璃,认为打碎玻璃就预示着家中要死人或起码要有7年不幸。 英国人非常忌讳“13”这个数字,认为这是个不吉祥的数字,日常生活中尽量避免“13”这个数字。用餐时,不准13个人同桌。如果13日又是星期五的话,认为是双倍的不吉利。 英国人忌讳百合花,并把百合花看作是死亡的象征。 他们忌讳在众人面前相互耳语,认为这是一种失礼的行为。 有些英国人认为,在吃饭时如果刀叉碰响了水杯而任它发响不去制止,便会带来不幸。因此,在英国人家里作客、吃饭时要尽量避免刀叉器皿碰撞出声,万一碰了杯子发出小铃般的响声时,也要赶快用手按一下叫它停止作响,以免主人介意。


英国首相卡梅伦2019年新年英语演讲稿It’s a New Year –and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution—to stick tothelong-term plan that is turning our country around. When we came tooffice, our economy was on its knees. Three and a halfyears later, we are turning a corner. We see it in thebusinesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs,thefactories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again. The plan isworking. That’s why thisyear, 2019, we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are goingtoredouble our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole countryand secure abetter future for everyone. We’ll continuewith the vital work on the deficit. We’ve reduced itby a third already, and this year we will continue that difficult work,tosafeguard our economy for the long-term, to keep mortgage rates low and to helpfamiliesacross Britain. We’re going tokeep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feelfinanciallysecure, cutting income


所谓英国绅士的概念,重要的也许不是一些表面的细节。当然,它更不是每当我向一位新结识的中国朋友说出自己的国籍或出生之地时,对方一下子睁大了眼睛惊呼“噢,您一定是位绅士”那么简单(女士似乎比男士更容易联想到这一点)。因此,在分析中国新兴的中产阶层及其价值观之前,很有必要花点篇幅讨论英国绅士的今天以及他们形成的历史。 让我们首先来了解“绅士”一词的内涵。 美国著名的《韦氏在线大辞典》(Merriam-Webster Online)中,对于“绅士”一词作出了四种较为详尽的解释,即指“出身高贵的男士”、“拥有田产的贵族男士”、“出身高贵又有骑士风度的男士”、“无需为生活劳碌奔波的闲汉”等。事实上,与现代英语中的很多词汇一样,“绅士”一词也源自拉丁语,而拉丁语的拼写是“gentilis”,意指属于某一家族的男士。 多少个世纪以来,英语中的“绅士”一词及其社会定义已经发生了很大的改变。 20世纪初,英国历史学家乔治·斯蒂威尔曾指出:英语中的“绅士”一词最早出现于1413年。当时,国王亨利五世(1387—1422年)颁布了这样一道法规:在上诉或控告的过程中,都需要陈述被告的财产和地位。这也就意味着,需要有一个新词汇来代表在骑士和男爵家庭中的年轻成员,以区别于那些有头衔的兄弟姐妹们。 大约与此同时,“绅士”一词首次出现在文学作品中。在诗人杰弗里·乔叟最为著名的《坎特伯雷故事集》中,有一则于1386年从法文翻译过来的道德故事《梅里白的故事》(Meliboeus)。从这则故事中,我们可以知道绅士一词的最初含义,以及维持好名声的重要性:“一个为留下好名声而勤奋做事的人,毫无疑问可以被称作是绅士”。几年以后,在乔叟的另外一本译自法文的作品《玫瑰的浪漫》(The Romance of the Rose)中,我们可以发现另一个有趣的定义:“他是一个绅士(gentil),因为他长期像绅士(gentilman)那样行事”。 这一时期,我们能比较准确地知道绅士的数量。因为地位高的绅士必须佩戴盾形徽章以证明其血统。 亨利八世时期(1491年到1547年在位,他以拥有六位妻子而在英国著名),允许四类男士佩戴盾徽,他们分别是peers(即贵族,包括公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵、男爵),knights(即骑士,介绍他们时,可以用“Sir”称呼),esquires(即先生,他们人数众多,原本是骑士的助手,先辈往往也是骑士),gentlemen(即绅士)。不过,容易引起混乱的是,“gentlemen”(绅士)也可以用来指称上述所有四类人,也就是我们所说的上层人士和贵族。他们几乎都很富有,其中大部分人都想方设法获取新的社会财富。当亨利国王与罗马教廷决裂时,原本属于教会的土地被没收,成为国王的财产。新兴阶层通过购买这些原本属于教会的土地很快就变得受人尊敬,地位相对较低的绅士抓住这一机会提高他们的历史地位,


第!"卷第#期信阳农业高等专科学校学报$%&’!"(%’# )**"年!)月+%,-./&%012.3/.454-26,&7,-/&8%&&949:96’)**" 英国人绅士风度的形成及其文化内涵 胡静;胡军 <信阳农业外资项目办公室;河南信阳#=#***> 摘要?每个民族都有自己特有的精神特征@本文通过对英国绅士所拥有的保守A礼貌及尊重女士等特征进行 了分析;并通过详实的史料论证这些特征所产生的文化源渊@ 关键词?绅士B保守B礼貌原则B文雅社会 中图分类号?C*"文献标识码?5文章编号?!**D E#F!=<)**">*#E**F)E*! 每个民族都有自己特有的精神特征;而每一个精神特征都必然蕴藏着特定的文化内涵及其形成这种精神特征的历史根源@谈到英国人;我们首先会想到他们的绅士风度@英国人绅士风度的最大特征是?保守;礼貌以及尊重女士@ !英国人绅士风度的表现特征 英国人非常崇尚传统的观念及制度;而对于新生事物的接受能力却远远低于其他欧洲国家的民族@在英国;君主政体仍旧被保留下来@直到今天;一些有名望的人仍旧希望从女王那里得到诸如?G公A候A伯A 子A男H之类的封爵@英国律师戴假发;穿长袍的习俗也一直延留至今@现代社会;电力和天燃气用于室内保暖和取热;在很长一段时间内已经完全代替了煤火的使用@但在一般英国人的居室内仍旧有虚设的炉壁@英国人的保守怀旧心态由此可见一斑@这对于一个文明现代的发达国家来说的确有点不可思议I!J@礼貌A缄默是英国绅士风度的又一表现@英国人非常讨厌喋喋不休的G侃大山H;即使同他人聊天;话题也是很讲究;家庭A身份A年龄A工作甚至事业都被认为是他们的私生活;别人无权干涉过问@否则;就违背了他们的礼貌原则@西方有一种说法?G英国人的家就是他们的城堡@H英国人特别讲究尊重每个人自己的G个人天地H;因此;天气成为英国人永恒的话题@这是因为英国位于大西洋北岸;属于海洋性气候;受北大西洋暖湿气流的影响;四季变化不明显;但一日之内天气状况可能瞬息万变@英国人认为G在英国本土没有气候;只有天气H@所以说;英国的天气每时每刻都是个新鲜而有趣的话题@英国绅士还有一个特点;就是沉默@外出旅行;一般人都喜欢带份报纸;拿本书;以慰闲余@G K2!9.692L4%!M’N是他们永恒的主题@尊重女士也是英国绅士的一大特点@如果两个陌生人见面;介绍人一般都是先向女士引见男士;向地位高的人引见地位低的人@在英国;男士为女士开门;让座位;拿行李是司空见惯的事@因为G K O%P2.4 -9L Q96709R/!9L N本身就是英国人所崇尚的一种道德规范@ )英国人绅士风度的形成 首先;英国有一个较美国或其他国家更长的历史@长期的封建统治使英国人更具容忍性和安于现状的品质@加之英国处在一个与欧洲大陆相隔离的群岛上@尽管在地理概念上;英国是欧洲的一部分;但事实上;孤立的地理位置使英国人与欧洲人的思维大相径庭@这一点是英国人性格特征来源的主要原因B其次;英国人绅士风度的形成还与英国历史上最出名的女王之一SS维多利亚女王有关@维多利亚女王在位六十年@她在位的时期正是英国逐渐走向鼎盛的时期;同时也是英国各种礼仪形成的主要时期@她最终使英国成为世界著名的G礼仪之邦H@维多利亚女王本人也因其高雅的个人修养而享誉欧洲大陆@她在位时制定了一系列严厉的家规;对子女在修养方面的要求苛刻;稍有不慎便对他们进行无情地鞭打和杖责@她对自己严格要求;要求自己处处做到高雅A体面A端庄A 节制@维多利亚时代被后人称为文雅社会@这位英国女王的行为对以后英国的中产阶级产生了极大的影响;成为他们相继模仿的最高标准@C9.7!9R/.; C9.7!9!/M3等词即来源于这一时期@维多利亚时期也就是英国绅士风度最终形成及完善时期@ 当然;随着社会的发展以及国际交流的不断深入;英国人的性格特征随着价值观的变化也在发生着潜移默化的变化@但这种潜意识的绅士风度却影响着一代又一代的英国人@了解它潜在的文化底蕴对大家掌握西方语言文化大有裨益@ 参考文献? I!J王文光’了解英国I T J U北京?世界图书出版公司;!F F V’ <编辑?兰和群> 收稿日期?)**"E!*E!W 作者简介?胡静;女;河南漯河人;信阳农业外资项目办公室助理翻译U 万方数据


Good morning everyone. The country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise , perhaps the biggest in our history. Over 33 million people from England, Scotland,Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar have all had their say. We should be proud the fact that in these islands we trust the people with these big decisions, we not only have a parliamentary democracy but on questions about the arrangements for how we’ve governed, there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves, and that is w hat we have done. The British people have voted to leave the European Union, and their will must be respected. I want to thank every one who took part in campaign on my side of the argument, including all those who put aside party differences, to speak i n what they believed was the national interest. And let me congratulate all those who took part in the “Leave Campaign”for the spirited and passionate case they made. The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered . It was not a d ecision that was taken lightly, not least because so many thing were said by many different organizations about the significance of this decision. So there can be no doubt about the result. Across the world people have been watching the choice that Brito n has made. I would reassure those markets and investors that Britain’s economy is fundamentally strong. And I would also reassure the Brits in the European countries and European citizens living here that there would be no immediate changes in your circum stances,there will be no initial change in the way our people can travel, in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold. We must now prepare for a negotiation with the European Union. This will need to involve full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom are protected and advanced. But above all, this will require strong, determined and committed leadership. I am very proud and very honored to be Prime Minister of this country for six years. I believe we’ve made great steps with more people in work than ever before in our history,with reforms to welfare and education, increasing people’s life chances, building a bigger and stronger society, keepin g our promises to the poorest people in the world, and enabling those who love each other to get married whatever their sexuality. But above all restoring Britain’s economic strength. And I am grateful to everyone who’s helped to make that happen. I have also always believed that we have to confront big decisions, not doubt them. That is why we deliveredthe firstcoalition government in seventy years to bring our economy back from the brink. It is why we delivered a fair, legal and decisive referendum in S cotland. And it’s why I made the pledge to renegotiate Britain’s position in the European Union and to hold the referendum on our membership and have carried those things out. I fought this campaign in the only way I know how which is to say directly and p assionately what I think and feel head, heart and soul. I held nothing back. I was absolutely clear about my belief that the British is stronger safer and better off in side the European Union. And I made clear the referendum was about this and this alone not the future of any single politician including myself.

餐厅英语类 英国饮食文化之早餐篇

美联英语提供:英国饮食文化之早餐篇 分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧 https://www.360docs.net/doc/062625735.html,/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0 Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the traditional fast food of fish and chips. 今天,人们在英国吃了更多样化的饮食比以往任何时候。以及区域饮食的英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰,许多移民社区介绍了他们的菜以前unadventurous英国人:中国,希腊,印度,意大利,泰国,美国快餐食品,如比萨饼,汉堡包和炸鸡已在一定程度上取代传统的快餐店的炸鱼和薯条。 Because of the climate and the Germanic origins of many of its early people, the UK has been a traditionally beer drinking rather than a wine drinking country. Nevertheless, in recent years, vineyards in the south of England have proved successful. In the west of England the traditional drink is cider, rather than beer. Over Britain as a whole, however, the traditional drink is tea. 由于气候和日耳曼起源及其早期的许多人,英国一直是传统上喝啤酒,而不是葡萄酒


高尔夫球是一项高雅的运动,它不但对场地、球具和球技有着高标准的要求,而且对每一个打高尔夫球的人的自身修养亦有着严格的要求。 1、礼让为先 高尔夫球规则第一章就是礼仪规则,高尔夫球运动最崇尚的精神就是“让”,上发球台互相礼让,在球道上让打得近的球员先打;在果岭上,让球离球洞较远的人先推杆;打的慢的一组让打得快得一超越先打;球技好的球员与球技差的球员一起打时可以让杆……… 礼让是一种美德,它已经成为高尔夫球运动的传统。随着时间的推移,礼让已成为不成文的规则,所有打高尔夫球的人必须遵行。 2、爱护场地 高尔夫球是绅士运动,除了环境优美,场地设施高雅之外更主要的表现在打球人的一举一动要不失绅士风度。 其中,爱护场地设施是每一个打高尔夫球的人必须做到的,如果在草地上打球时把草皮铲起了,应该马上把铲起的草皮捡回放回原处,由球童放一些细沙,然后用脚踩一踩再离开。假如球打进了沙坑要从球离沙坑最近的边缘进入沙坑去打球。球打出沙坑后要用平耙打沙坑耙平。恢复原状、看到果岭上有球砸的印或小坑时,应主动用专用的叉子把两边的草向中挤一挤然后用推杆向下压一压把它修复平整。 3、熟知规则 高尔夫球的规则比较复杂,比赛中要自己按规则打球,所以一定要熟知规则,并能在实践中正确运用。 如果能自觉地遵守规则,即使球打得差一点也会受到别人的尊敬,如果你知道得不多能够虚心地向队友或球童请教,不断地丰富你的知识遇样也会受到别人的尊敬。虚心学习可以丰富知识也会促使你的球技迅速提高。 4、丰富高尔夫球知识 高尔夫球知识范围是很广泛的,高尔夫球员要不断地学习和丰富高尔夫球的知识。 (1)对球技的钻研是无止境的。从握杆、预备姿势、挥杆一直到根据果岭的方位、风向、沙坑、长草区、水池等,各种障碍确定打球的技术,都需要认真地思考和练习,在教练或球友的指点下学习有关的资料和书籍会使技术不断提高。 (2)要学习英语掌握高尔球常用的术语,达到运用自如的程度。


卡梅伦辞职演讲全文(中英对照) 大家早上好 Good morning everyone, 英国刚刚举行了一场规模巨大的民主活动 the country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise, 也许是英国历史上最大的一次 perhaps the biggest in our history. 来自英格兰苏格兰威尔士北爱尔兰 Over 33 million people from England, 和直布罗陀超过3300万的人民行使了发言权 Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar have all had their say. 应该是感到自豪的是我们信任 We should be proud of the fact that in these islands 这些岛屿上人民做出重大决策 we trust the people for these big decisions. 英国不仅拥有一个议会民主制 We not only have a parliamentary democracy, 而且有关英国如何治理的问题 but on questions about the arrangements for how we've governed 有的时候就需要问问人民自己 there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves 这就是我们所做的 and that is what we have done. 英国人民已经投票决定离开欧盟 The British people have voted to leave the European Union 他们的意愿必须得到尊重 and their will must be respected. 我想感谢所有为留欧派奔走的人 I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, 包括所有抛弃党派分歧的人 including all those who put aside party differences 他们支持自己坚信的对有利于国家的观点 to speak in what they believe was the national interest 同时让我向所有脱欧派人士的 and let me congratulate all those who took part in the Leave campaign 努力和激情表示祝贺 for the spirited and passionate case that they made. 英国人民的意志必须服从


英国文化特质: 1.独立、自由 2.孤傲、怀旧、保守 3.实践精神和经验主义 4.谦谦君子国——绅士文化 5.贵族精神 狭窄的英吉利海峡把英伦三岛与欧洲大陆隔开,外来入侵和控制英国都不容易,这使英国历史发展具有鲜明的独立自由的个性。英国人就最显著的性格特征——孤傲,他们不愿意和别人多说话, 从来不谈论自己。英国属于温带海洋性气候,降雨量大。常年的阴雨天气带来压抑的感觉,同时经常出现雾天,这样的天气或许使人性格沉默。同英国气候适中,人的心理情绪趋向稳定,这使英国人性格不溫不火,十分冷淡。 过去的种种荣誉使英国人们沉迷于往日的辉煌以及英国人性格中的孤傲,这些造成了英国文化中的怀旧和保守的特性。 英国人具有一种强烈的实践精神, 就像其俗称——约翰牛一样, 约翰牛一旦行动起来, 就具有超出所有逻辑表达的实践精神, 是个不折不扣地讲实际的实干家。 贵族文化 一是文化的教养,抵御物欲炫富主义的诱惑,而拥有高贵的人文品质和素质操守。 二是社会责任的担当,作为社会精英,严于自律,珍惜荣誉,扶助弱势群体,担当起社区与国家的责任。 三是自由的灵魂,有独立的意志,有知性与道德的自主性,能够超越时尚与潮流,不为政治强权与多数人的错误意见所奴役。 英国自封建时代始就有贵族,绅士风度跟贵族的做派有关。在其进入资本主义后,贵族不仅是有钱的象征,很多时候它代表好的教养,高的社会地位,被国王封为贵族是英国人莫大的荣誉。所以绅士风度应该指优雅的举止,恰当的谈吐,有正义感,有责任心。绅士是从骑士精神演变而来的。绅士文化有点像我们的儒家道德思想,主张谦和,礼让,女士优先。 在学校教育方面, 受自由主义思想影响, 强调“儿童中心”, 实施“开放学校”制度。 教育改革是渐进的。 闻名于世的英国早期的“导生制”和“见习生制”,就是通过实践、并且在实践中使准教师获得教学经验进而训练其学习如何教学的师资培养模式。 20世纪八九十年代英国兴起的“以学校为基地”的教师培养模式也正是受此历史传统而逐渐形成的。其重视教师教育的实践特性,强调“透过实践”培养教师,从而强化教育实习,强化实习教师实践能力培养等特性,都与英国人注重实践的经验主义文化传统紧密相关。 经验主义文化传统使英国教育研究更具实证性,教育改革注重实验性,教育决策渐进性。绅士教育思想作为优秀而独具特色的英国公学以一贯之的培养目标,保持着自己的独立地位。即使今天的英国,在家庭教育中,按照“绅士教育”传统来教育孩子,仍是一个特色。“向上流社会看齐”成为英国学校教育的一条基本原则。 公学的教学水平, 学生的学业成绩等都是一流的。而且, 对学生入学的学业要求很严, 生活制度也严格, 常常是斯巴达式的。提倡刻苦用功, 勇于献身的治学精神。注重学生的品德训练和自我约束力的提高, 一直是英国公学的特点。


"Good morning everyone, the country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise, perhaps the biggest in our history. Over 33 million people from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar have all had their say. We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trust the people for these big decisions. We not only have a parliamentary democracy, but on questions about the arrangements for how we've governed there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves and that is what we have done. The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected. I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, including all those who put aside party differences to speak in what they believe was the national interest and let me congratulate all those who took part in the Leave campaign for the spirited and passionate case that they made. The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered. It was not a decision that was taken lightly, not least because so many things were said by so many different organisations about the significance of this decision. So there can be no doubt about the result. Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made. I would reassure those markets and investors that Britain's economy is fundamentally strong and I would also reassure Britons living in European countries and European citizens living here there will be no immediate changes in your circumstances. There will be no initial change in the way our people can travel, in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold. We must now prepare for a negotiation with the European Union. This will need to involve the full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom are protected and advanced. But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership. I'm very proud and very honoured to have been Prime Minister of this country for six years. I believe we've made great steps, with more people in work than ever before in our history, with reforms to welfare and education, increasing people's life chances, building a bigger and stronger society, keeping our promises to the poorest people in the world and enabling those who love each other to get married whatever their sexuality, but above all restoring Britain's economic strength. And I'm grateful to everyone who's helped to make that happen. I have also always believed that we have to confront big decisions, not duck them. That is why we delivered the first coalition government in 70 years, to bring our economy back from the brink. It's why we delivered a fair, legal and decisive referendum in Scotland. And it's why I made the pledge to renegotiate Britain's position in the European Union and to hold the referendum on our membership and have carried those things out. I fought this campaign in the only way I know how, which is to say directly and passionately what I think and feel - head, heart and soul. I held nothing back, I was absolutely clear about my belief that Britain is stronger, safer and better off inside the European Union and I made clear the referendum was about this and this alone - not the future of any single politician including myself. But the British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path and as such I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction. I will do everything I can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months but I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. This is not a decision I've taken lightly but I do believe it's in the national interest to have a period of stability and then the new leadership required. There is no need for a precise timetable today but in my view we should aim to have a new prime minister in place by the start of the Conservative Party conference in October. Delivering stability will be important and I will continue in post as Prime Minister with my Cabinet for the next three months. The Cabinet will meet on Monday, the Governor of the Bank of England is making a statement about the steps that the Bank and the Treasury are taking to reassure financial markets. We will also continue taking forward the important legislation that we set before Parliament in the Queen's Speech. And I have spoken to Her Majesty the Queen this morning to advise her of the steps that I am taking. A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new prime minister and I think it's right that this new prime minister takes the decision about when to trigger Article 50 and start the formal and legal process of leaving the EU. I will attend the European Council next week to explain the decision the British people have taken and my own decision.
