









1、Warm-up/ Lead- in复习/导入

2、Presentation 呈现



5、Summary and Homework 总结&作业

六、Blackboard Design板书设计




授课思路:PWP 模式

1.Warming-up/Lead in:


3.While- listening

4.Post- listening

5.Summary and homework



When I grow up, I am going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. So how am I going to do it? First, I’m going to find a part-time job and save some money. Then I’m going to be a student at an art school in Paris. And I am going to learn French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be famous.






(5)试讲时间:10 分钟。

1.Warming-up/ Lead in:

Good morning everyone, nice to see you again, how are you? Great? So glad to hear that, so, are you ready for today’s lesson? Ok, class begins! First, Look at me, I brought some hats for you, can you guess the job through those hats? How about this one? Doctor? Correct! And this one? Policeman? Great! And this one? Worker? No, guess again, yes, I heard Firefighter! Cool! What do you want to be in the future? An engineer ? Teacher ? Great. Everyone has his or her ideal job. Now today, let’s learn something about it.


We are going to listen to a recording. First, I’d like to share some listening tips for you. When you get a listening material, you should pay more attention to notional words such as noun, verb, number and so on. Try to write them down, especially time, place, person, etc. Then you can line some information up, and have a better understanding of the material. You’ll have the chance to follow this rule today.

Ok, now, please look at the picture on the PowerPoint. Can you recognize it? Great! It is a fashion magazine. Let me give you some hint: What we will learn in this class is closely related to the content of this picture. Can you guess what it is? Yeah you can say whatever you think. Talk with your elbow partners, and let’s see who will hit the point. Oh, I heard someone said that maybe it is about a fashion magazine? Maybe, what’s your opinion, Amy? Well, about a book. Really, let’s listen to the tape together to see about that!


Boys and girls, I will play a tape for you now. Please listen to it carefully to see if your prediction is right. Ok? let’s start.

OK, that‘s all for the listening material. So, what does the passage talk about? Who would like to try? Just be brave. Oh Linda, please. Do you agree with her? Yes, that’s true. It’s about the future plans. Is your prediction right?

I see some of you nod your head, very good. Have you ever dreamed about what you will be? Well, I believe all of you have ever thought about that. And some of you must have done something for that, right? Then what’s the author’s plan of being a reporter? Can’t remember them all? Well, let’s listen for the second time.

Now let’s listen to the tape again. This time, you need to listen carefully, and figure out what the exact plans are. You can write down the key words. And when the recording Finish again, I will invite some of you to complete the plan on the blackboard? clear? Well, let’s begin, Finished? Ok, look at the black board, who’d like to have a try. Yes, you please……


Ok, after listening, I think all of you have understand the context of this recording, in the recording, the author not only tell us his dream, but also explain his plan for that dream, right? Just now, from your whisper, I heard that you all have your dream job, but do you have any plan? Yes? No? Well, it doesn’t matter, you can think about it now.

I can give you 10 minutes to think it deeply, and you can also talk with your elbow partner, then, I will choose some of you to make a short report about your ideal job and how to achieve it. Clear? Ok, you can start….ok, stop, you are so involved, then who want to share first? Yes, the boy near the door, Oh, you want to be a journalist, that’s cool, then you should practice your ability of expression, anyone else? .....I wish all of you can realize your dream.

5.Summary and homework

How time flies! Class is almost over. What did we learn today? Can you make a summary for us? ok, Blair you please, yes, today we learnt some listening tips, listened a short recording, and talked about our dream job, that all? Very good, sit down, please.

Everyone, action speaks louder than words, you know, I hope you can do as your plan, work hard to achieve your dream, ok?

And here, your after school task,please listen to the recording and try to imitate it. And do a survey about your parents’ plan on this weekend. I will ask some of you to show it next class. OK?Class is over. Good bye everyone.


1. Teaching aims

1) Knowledge aim

Students will master some listening tips

2) Ability aim

Students will be able to talk about their future job, and improve their listening

3) Emotional aim

Students will work harder to realize their dream

2. Teaching key and difficult points

(1)Key point

Help students to understand the listening material

(2)Difficult point

Guide students to talk about their future job

3. Teaching and learning methods

Task-based language teaching method (TBLT); Cooperative learning method;independent learning method

4.Teaching Procedures

Step 1: Lead in

Teacher will lead students to talk about their parents’ job

Step 2: Pre-listening

1)Teacher will explain some listening tips

2)Teacher will show a picture and student should make a prediction.

Step3: while-listening

1) extensive-listening: check prediction

2) intensive-listening: Listen for the second time and complete a chart

Step 4: Post-listening

Talk about their dream job

Step 5: Summary and homework

Students summarize, and teacher give some supplement. Homework: retell the listening material; do a survey.

5.Blackboard design Plans


考题:初中英语《升降调讲授》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 初中英语《升降调讲授》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up Show a video of two people talking about something, their conversation contains lots of questions and special questions, then ask students what kind of tone they hear during the conversation. Step 2 Presentation 1. Students read the text on the book and find out the difficult new words and solve the problems by themselves.

2. Read after the teacher and experience the change of the tone. Then,teacher tells students that falling tone represents doubts and falling tone represents affirmation. Step 3 Practice 1. Read after the tape and pay attention to their pronunciations. 2. Peer editing: Read the dialogue with desk mates and correct the pronunciation for each other. Step 4 Production 1. Role-play: Two students a group to play out the conversation in the text book. One act as the woman and the other act as Mary, during reading, students should pay attention to the change of the rising and falling tone. 2. Make conversation.Two students a group to make a conversation which contains rising and falling tone and then ask some students to show their work in front of the class. Step 5 Summary and homework Summary: Ask one student to act as the little assistant teacher and summarize the knowledge learned today. Homework: Surf the internet to find out more sentences that contains raising and falling tone, and then share it with the rest of the class next day. (二)板书设计 Blackboard Design: 答辩题目解析 1.请谈谈你这节课的教学目标是什么?【教学设计类】 【参考答案】 这节课的教学目标分为三维目标。首先,知识目标是:学生能够理解和掌握升降调的用法。其次,能力目标是:学生能够在日常交流中运用升降调来表达自己的情感。最后,情感目标是:学生能够理解说话者在升降调背后表达的语意,并且对英语学习更加感兴趣。


语音教学试讲 1. Teaching aims 1) Knowledge aim Students will be able to master the rules of liking. 2) Ability aim Students can train their listening and speaking skills. 3) Emotional aim Students can be more confident in learning English.. 2. Important and difficult points 1) Important point Students will be speaking the linked words correctly. 2) Difficult point Students can use the rules of linking in a real situation. 3. Teaching and learning methods Communicate teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method 4. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming up I will present a English song “Valder Fields” Step 2: Presentation 1)Students will listen to the tape to get the main idea of the passage 2)Students will listen again and understand the whole passage


20XX年高校教师资格证说课稿 各位评委老师好: 我是来自XX院的教师XX,我的专业是XXXX,主讲XXXXX这门课程。今天我说课的题目是XXXXX的第六章第三节《XXXXX》(板书)。下面我将从说教材、说教法、说学法和说教学程序这四个方面进行说课。恳请在座的各位老师批评指正! 一、首先我来说下教材 XX学是XX专业的专业必修课,目的是使学生理解劳动力的需求和供给行为,掌握劳动力市场的运行规律及人力资本投资的基本原理。根据我校学生实际我选用的教材是由中国人民大学出版社出版的,XX教授主编的XX。 第六章人力资本投资是劳动经济学中不可或缺的一部分,而在职培训投资又是人力资本投资的重要类型之一。在职培训投资的主要内容有三部分,分别是在职培训投资概述及基本类型划分、在职培训的成本收益及其归属和有关在职培训的推论。 根据著名教育心理学家布鲁姆的教学目标分类理论、结合教学大纲和学生特点,本课时确定了以下教学目标: 第一,知识目标。使学生了解在职培训的概念及类型,理解在职培训的成本收益归属,掌握有关在职培训的推论。 第二,能力目标。通过对在职培训成本收益归属的分析,提高学生自主探索、独立思考的能力,培养学生理论联系实际解决问题的能力。 第三,情感目标。提高学生对在职培训投资的重视,树立终身学习的观念。 针对明确的教学目标我确定的教学重点是有关在职培训的几点推论,教学难点是在职培训的成本收益归属。确定依据是只有理解和掌握了上述内容才能使学生正确理解劳动力市场上的人力资本投资行为,并掌握人力资本投资的基本理论。 二、其次我来说教法 为了充分发挥学生在课堂中的主体地位,调动学生学习的积极性,我主要采用了讲授法、案例教学法、讨论法、启发式教学法和多媒体教学法来讲授新课。


高中历史教师资格证面试试讲逐字稿万能模板 1、题目:《罗马法的发展与起源》 2、内容: 公元前3世纪早期,罗马征服并统一了意大利半岛,然后向地中海地区扩张。公元前27年,罗马帝国建立。至1世纪后期,罗马帝国已经建立三十名个海外行省,控制欧、亚,非三大洲的广阔疆域,统治了许多不同的民族。在征服过程中,不同民族之间的矛盾显现出来。特别是被征服者,由于得不到公民法的保护,对罗马统治表现出强烈不满。随看版图的拓展,国际交往的扩大,商品经济和贸易的发展,在政治经济活动中也产生了许多新问题、新矛盾。显然,仅适用于罗马内部的公民法已无法应对这些新变化。为统治如此庞大的国家,罗马帝国的皇帝高度重视法律的制定,把法政大权掌握在自己手里。他们颁布的法令成为罗马法的组成部分。法学家也积极编幕法典,进行法律解释,以充实罗马法律。为巩固统治,帝国对行省上层阶级大量授予公民权,对无罗马公民权的外邦人给以适当的司法保障。3世纪,帝国境内自由民内部公民与非公民的区别不复存在,万民法成为适用于罗马统治范围内一切自由民的法律。6世纪,东罗马帝国皇帝查士丁尼组织法学家,把历代的罗马法加以系统化和法典化,汇编成《民法大全》,罗马法体系最终完成。 3、基本要求 (1)请在10分钟之内完成试讲 (2)围绕万民法设置两个提问。 (3)有必要的板书设计 教材设计逐字稿 【教学过程】 环节一:导入新课

教师利用多媒体课件展示帝国元首奥古斯的一段抱怨:“麻烦在于人口众多,管理事务繁杂。因为公民包括了种族和能力上完全不同的各色人等。他们的秉性和愿望更是千差万别,统治起来困难至极。” 教师提问:为什么会出现这样的新问题和新矛盾呢?引导学生思考,进入新课教学。 环节二:新课讲授 (一)背景 过渡:上节我们学习了习惯法到《十二铜表法》。同学们一起来回忆一下,在这一时期,罗马确定的这种公民法的主要适用范围是什么? 学生回答,教师总结:罗马公民,仅指罗马共和国时期的成年男性公民。 教师出示“罗马扩张示意图”,提问:从地图上我们能够得到哪些信息? 学生回答,教师总结:从宏观上看罗马疆域不断扩大,至1世纪后期,罗马帝国已经建立控制欧、亚、非三大洲的广阔区域,成为整个地中海地区的主人。


Good morning, everyone ! I’m No.____ candidate. Nice to meet you! (鞠躬) Today my topic is about ________________________,(板书) I will analyze the lesson from the six parts.:analysis of teaching material, teaching aims and demands, student analysis, teaching methods, learning methods and procedures. Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material . Status and functions : The topic of this unit is about________________. It is from the unit ______of PEP English < go for it> the _______semester of grade ______. This is an interesting topic for students .So all the activities in this unit are helpful to raise students’ learning interest. As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students .This unit includes two sections (section A and section B). I will finish section A from 1a to Grammar Focus in this period. Let students learn happily and easily. All the activities in this lesson are designed to help Ss consolidate the language points in this unit. Part 2 Teaching Aims and Demands Knowledge objects: The Ss can master the usage of the important words, expressions and sentences. Ability objects: To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To improve the student’s reading ability. To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies. Emotion or moral objects: By studying this lesson,the students will put the moral education in the language study. In order to achieve these aims, we must be clear about the important points and difficult points: The important points:The difficult points: Part3 Teaching Methods In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of English language. So in this unit,I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Task-based” language teaching (). The Situational Approach() . Part4 The Studying of Students and learning Methods Most of the students are from the countryside, and most of them are poor in cooperative learning skills. Some students are not active in the class, and some students don’t like English. Therefore, I’ll make Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study and let the Ss pass "Observation—Imitation—Practice " to study. Part5 Teaching Procedure Period 1(1a--- Grammar Focus) Step 1 warming up It will cost 3 minutes In this step , I’ll ask students to have a free talk with the knowledge they have learnt last lesson . In this way , students will pay their attention to our class easily , and their speakingability will be improved . Step 2 leading in It will cost 2minutes . I’ll show some pictures about__________________, and tell something about _________, these can form a relaxing atmosphere and let the students get ready f or the next step . Step 3 presentation It’ll cost 20 minutes I’ll show some words and sentences ,and ask students to guess the meaning of new words , with the help of PPT . I’ll set a real situation to help


教师资格证面试语文说课 《故都的秋》说课稿 尊敬的评委、老师们,大家下午好!我今天说课的内容是《故都的秋》。根据语文课程标准的新理念和语文教学的基本原理,从本文自身的特点出发,我准备从教材、教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学过程等几个方面来进行述。 一、说教材:《故都的秋》选自全日制普通高中语文第二册第一单元第二课,是一篇具有浓郁地域色彩的写景抒情散文。在学习过程中,根据散文单元的教学要求,让学生通过鉴赏品味语言,把握文章的思想主旨,体会作者的情感。 二、说教学目标:根据课标的要求和本人对教材的理解,并结合学生的实际,我设计了“三、二、一”个教学目标:所谓“三”是要求学生掌握3个知识点:分别是怎样扣住“清”、“静”、“悲凉”来写故都秋;怎样把故都的秋与南国的秋进行对比;如何以情驭景,以景显情;“二”是培养学生两个方面的能力:分别是有感情地诵读课文、品味揣摩语言的能力;通过理解本文“情”与“景”的自然融合,培养学生初步的文学鉴赏能力;“一”是实现一个德育教育的目标,那就是体会作者在山河破碎、内外交困的现实下,赞美自然风物的真情以及内心的忧思及落寞,体会作者深沉的爱国之情。 三、说重点、难点、重点:联系文中展现的五个秋景片段,学习以情驭景、以景显情的表现手法,进一步体会散文“形”与“神”的有机结合。难点:体会作者通过对北平秋色的描绘所流露出的内心

情感。 四、说教学方法:我的教学对象是高中二年级的学生,他们对散文并不陌生,感受过散文的语言美、意境美,而且大部分同学也能说出散文“形散而神不散”的特点,但学生的能力主要还停留在初读和泛读上,思维能力和审美能力仍在形成之中。 1.教法:(1)诵读法。美文需要美读,因而把学生的诵读提到首位,在此基础上引导他们主动探究,合作讨论。⑵点拨法。在感受故都秋之美时教师适当点拨,引导学生更好地体味作者的感情。⑶探究讨论法。通过学生分组讨论文章的写作方法和语言特色,培养学生的阅读和鉴赏能力,唤醒他们的审美体验。 2.学法:在学生的整个学习过程中,我强调以读为主,倡导自主的学习方式,引导学生进行探究式学习。(1)课前预习法(课前预习,了解作者、作品等相关知识和背景,寻找有关描写秋景的诗文)(2)诵读感知法(学生反复诵读、体会情感)(3)合作探究法(学生自由选择课堂任务、合作伙伴,组织学习讨论,分析解决问题) 五、说教学过程:本课安排两个课时完成。 (一)导入:在背景音乐《长亭送别》中让学生欣赏几幅关于北方秋天的图片,之后让学生谈谈自己对秋天的感受,可以用自己的话说,也可以引用别人的诗句来说。每个人对秋天的感受是不一样的,那么今天这节课我们就来看看郁达夫先生笔下的秋天又是怎么样的呢? (二)解题:“故都”指的就是北京,也称北平,为什么作者用“故


小学社会与科学教师资格证面试试讲逐字稿万能模板 1.题目:《光和影》 2.内容: 3.基本要求

(1)在十分钟内完成试讲; (2)要有适当板书; (3)要有提问互动环节。 教学设计: 【教学目标】 科学概念目标: 1. 光源、遮挡物和屏是影子产生的条件。 2. 可以自己发光并且正在发光的物体时光源。 3. 影子的长短、方向随着光源位置、方向的改变而改变;影子的大小与光源与遮挡物的距离有关;物体影子的形状与光源照射的物体的侧面形状有关。 科学探究目标: 1. 做光和影的实验,并将观察的结果准确地进行记录。 2. 根据实验结果分析推理出光源、遮挡物、影子之间的关系。 科学态度目标: 1. 愿意倾听他人的意见,乐于讲述自己的观点。 2. 乐于进行小组合作学习。 3. 在实验观察中养成严谨、细致、实事求是的态度。 科学、技术、社会与环境目标: 了解观察、推理、倾听是人们经常用到的认识活动。 【教学重点和难点】 探究影子变化的特点。 【教学准备】 分组实验:手电筒、长方形木块、A4纸、铅笔、尺子 【教学过程】 一、课前导入 (教室里所有的窗帘全部拉下,灯都熄灭)教师以手影游戏引入,利用投影机的灯光,教师现场做手影,让学生根据看到的影子判断是什么小动物。让也有些会手影的学生上台来表演。通过以上的活动,让学生初步的了解影子的形成条件,引导学生说出影子形成的条件。二、知识构建 师:同学们,我们知道了影子形成的条件,最首要的是要有光,那有光就要有光源。哪位同学尝试地说一说你所理解的光源。 同学1:要能自己发光的物体。 同学2:也要是正在发光的物体,比如:现在我们教室的日光灯,现在熄灭了,没有发光,所以说也要是正在发光的物体。 师:这两个同学说的都很不错,都能说出自己的理解的光源。实际上就是光源就是这两个同学说的。哪个学生再来总结一下光源的概念。 同学3:能自己发光并且在是正在发光的物体。 师:我们知道了光源的概念,你能判断下面的物体哪些光源哪些不是光源呢?全班同学一起判断。 三、实验探究 师:将一本书放在投影机和白板(屏)之间,学生能看到影子,书本向投影机方向移动时,会发现什么? 生:影子变大。


第二部分基础知识运用(共40小题,计40分) 五、选择填空。(共25小题,每小题l分;计25分) A.从下面方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换画线部分的选项。 (共4小题,每小题l分;计4分) A. at home B. around C. is good at D. look alter 26. My mother usually goes to work at about 7:30 in the morning, 27. John is a clever boy. He does well in all the subjects, 28. Dave' s father was ill two days ago, so he had to take care of him at home. 29. Last night, Tom was not in. He went to a movie with his friends. B.从各题的A、B、C三个选疆中选择正确答案。(共l7小题,每小题l分;计17分) 30. --Maria, here is my new house. --Wow, you have __ beautiful house ! A. a B. the C. 不填 31. Tom usually goes fishing __ Sunday morning. A. at B. on C. for 32. --Peter, is this your pen? --Yes, it' s __. Many thanks. I looked for it everywhere. A. mine B. me C. I 33. --Where did you go yesterday, Rick? -- I went to see a because I had a cold. A. teacher B. doctor C. reporter 34. Lady Gags is very popular, and she by many boys and girls at school. A. loves B. is loving C. is loved 35. --Excuse me, whose Japanese book is this? --It be Tom ' s. In our class, only he is studying Japanese. A. must B. can't C. would 36. It' s interesting that there are many people speak French in Canada. A. which B. where C. who 37. Parents often ask their kids __ their internet friends because the kids may be in danger. A. to meet B. not to meet C. meeting 38. Look! Peter TV happily, but his parents are busy in the kitchen. A. is watching B. watches C. watched 39. --Hey, Tony, You look so tired today. ---I __ until 12 o' clock last night for the math test. A. woke up B. stayed up C. grew up 40. My cousin knows a lot about geography, __ he is only four years old. A. because B. so C. although 41. Some scientists think that it will take __ of years to make robots do most work for humans. A. hundreds B. hundred C. thousand 42. Please keep quiet, everybody! I have important to tell you. A. nothing B. something C. everything 43. This T-shit is not large enough. Please show me a one,


教师招聘初中英语面试试讲稿1 Unit 2 The road to modern English-Reading part Good morning, my dear teachers. I am No.3. It is my great honor to share my teaching idea with you. My topic is “The road to modern English”. I will show my lesson from the following 6 parts. Part 1. The analysis of teaching material. This lesson is a reading passage which is from unit 2, book 2 published by PEP for senior high ss. The content of this lesson is about the varieties and development of English. By learning this lesson, students will know more about how English developed. According to the teaching material. I set up the following teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives: 1. By reading the text, students get to know the learning and usage of key words such as;Voyage, apartment and so on. 2. Get the skill about how to write the development of a language. Ability objectives: 1. Make use of some reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning and information gathering, summarizing and guessing meaning of the new words from the text. Emotional objectives: 1. To cultivate students’ cooperative spirit. 2. Know the importance of learning English and realize that eglish is the bridge to understand foreign language. Then I will talk about the teaching key points and difficult points. The key points are that how to improve students’ reading skills and help students to understand the text. How to understand the text deeply is the difficult points. Part 2. The analysis of students Students of senior 1 have grasped a certain amount of English language development and some skills of English reading So this passage will attach their attention, interest and deepen their understanding of this topic.


高校教师资格证考试教学技能测试 《教学的意义与任务》说课稿 一、教材分析:教材的意义和作用 我要说课的题目是《教学的意义和任务》,这部分内容来源于人民教育出版社出版,由黄济等老师主编的《小学教育学》一书,第八章第一节,在课本的199页。 在教育学课程中,教学具有十分重要的意义。我国古代学记一书中有句话是“教学相长”。在学校工作中,教学处于核心地位,教育目的的实现和教育任务的完成,需要依靠教学活动来实现。在教学这一章中,教学的意义和任务是第一节内容,通过对本节内容的深入学习,可以让学生更加深刻地认识到教学的重要性,为学习教学方法、教学原则等做铺垫。因此我选择《教学的意义与任务》这一节作为我的说课内容。 二、教学目标 教学目标的确定必须科学、简明,切合教材要求,符合学生实际,切实突出重点,体现全面性,综合性和发展性。为此,确定以下教学目标 (1)知识目标:掌握教学的概念,帮助学生厘清教与学的词源,分别从中国古代的词源与西方词源上,理解教学的内涵。掌握教学的意义,从学校整体工作上把握教学的重要性。掌握教学的一般任务。 (2)能力目标:本次教学希望使同学们能真正的了解和掌握教学的内涵,并且认识到教学的重要性,同时也能根据自己的实际情况,掌握一般的教学任务,提高自身的教学能力。 (3)情感目标:希望通过此次授课帮助中学生们树立正确的学习态度,要求学生认识到,从教学的本质来看,教学是双边活动,是教师与学生共同建构的。所以,学生也要发挥自己的主观能动性,独立思考,主动学习,而不是被动的盲目学习。 三、教学重、难点 (1)教学重点:对于教学的内涵的理解是本节内容的重点,教学是整个教育学学科中兼有理论和实践性质的重要内容,需要让学生认识到教学的理论特征,同时也需要让学生了解和掌握教学概念中的本质特征,这是教学的重点。 (2)处理方法:对教学的概念进行重点详细讲解,首先从词源角度分析中西方教育家对教学的不同认识,通过中国甲骨文中教学二字的写法以及中国古代大教


初中英语教师资格证面试真题 【写作】 1.试讲题目:写作教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: Dear Eudora, I am thinking of going on a camping trip in the Northern Territory. But I’ve heard so much about the dangerous creatures in Australia that I’m a bit scared about going out of the city. Perhaps I’d be better staying in Sydney. I know there are lots of interesting things to see there too. What do you think I should do? Bests wishes, Li Haidi 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对该语篇的内容,进行相应的书信写作教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。 【词汇】 1.题目:词汇教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: My young people today care about the way they look. They often buy “designer”clothes because they think they look cool. People also think designer clothes are better made. For example, many people think the right running shoes will make you running faster or player better. Of course, this is not always true. It’s the training -not the trainer-that improve you speed or you score. Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. But if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool. what does that say about us? Maybe it’s just clever advertising. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给课文。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对所给材料的划线部分,设计短语使用的教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。


教师招聘面试试讲是重要环节,考生要想最终在激烈的竞争中胜出,就必须从细节入手,做到完美,才能打动考官,赢得胜利。本站为大家带来的初中英语面试词汇课试讲稿,希望能帮助到大家! 初中英语面试词汇课试讲稿 一、强化语音教学,为词汇教学打好基础 词汇教学一般采取由音到形再到义的顺序。音是学生接触一个词的最初印象,如果读不出音就记不住形,无音无形就谈不上什么义,因此,要牢记一个单词,首先应把音念准。听是语言教学的根本方法,先听音、后开口和发准音是语音教学的基本步骤。在语音教学中,教师可以自己读,也可用录音带,要求学生静静地听,并告诉学生听后进行模仿。教师可以把两组或几组音先读给学生听,让学生辨出哪一组发的是哪个音,也可以把音标写在黑板上,读一个句子或一组词,让学生辨出含有该音的词。 语音教学虽然重点是语音,但不能就音论音,而应把单音放在词和句中,反复练习,不断纠正。同时要充分利用现代教学设备,以电视、录像、录音、幻灯等多种形式,给学生提供更多模仿、练习发音的机会,以达到最终准确发音的目的。

二、词汇教学,提升英语价值 词汇是英语语言的基本构成要素,不同词汇组合到一起构成了英语语句。因而,初中生在学习英语课程时必须要掌握相关词汇的具体含义,从而有助于提升学生的英语水平。英语词汇教学应注重学生理解、应用、表达等方面的能力培养,这对于初中英语教学有着显著的教育价值。学生在初中阶段接触英语课程时容易混淆知识内容,对小学、初中英语的差异性把握不准,这对后期初中英语学习是不利的。英语词汇教学对学生英语知识应用能力的培养大有帮助,教师在词汇教学中能让学生接触到不同词汇的具体运用方式,对各词汇的具体含义有深刻的理解。此外,当学生掌握足够的词汇量以后,教师也可为学生搭建词汇应用平台,使其能充分发挥自己的英语才能。 三、探究引导,锻炼词汇能力 词汇是英语知识的基本构成,“探究引导”是英语词汇教学的有效方式,教师通过引导学生参与词汇学习以激发其大脑潜能,对英语词汇能有充足的记忆与理解。1、创造探究机会。初中英语词汇内容丰富多样,不同学生对词汇知识的理解存在差异。为了让所有学生的词汇能力得到锻炼,教师应努力创造探究机会,让学生有机会参与探究活动。面对初中新教材改革,我则要求学生在学习中对新、旧词汇进行总结,如kickback(回扣),hippie(嬉皮士),special economic zone(经济特区),yumcha(饮茶),realwoman(淑女);eyeball(观察),cowboy(莽


小学语文教师资格证面试逐字稿万能模板 1. 题目:《桥》 2. 内容: 黎明的时候,雨突然大了。像泼。像倒。 山洪咆哮着,像一群受惊的野马,从山谷里狂奔而来,势不可当。 村庄惊醒了。人们翻身下床,却一脚踩进水里。是谁惊慌地喊了一嗓子,一百多号人你拥我挤地往南跑。近一米高的洪水已经在路面上跳舞了。人们又疯了似的折回来。 东面、西面没有路。只有北面有座窄窄的木桥。 死亡在洪水的狞笑声中逼近。 人们跌跌撞撞地向那木桥拥去。 木桥前,没腿深的水里,站着他们的党支部书记,那个全村人都拥戴的老汉。 老汉清瘦的脸上淌着雨水。他不说话,盯着乱哄哄的人们。他像一座山。 人们停住脚,望着老汉。 老汉沙哑地喊话:“桥窄!排成一队,不要挤!党员排在后边!” 有人喊了一声:“党员也是人。” 老汉冷冷地说:“可以退党,到我这儿报名。” 竟没人再喊。一百多人很快排成队,依次从老汉身边奔上木桥。

水渐渐窜上来,放肆(sì)地舔着人们的腰。 老汉突然冲上前,从队伍里揪(jiū)出一个小伙子,吼道:“你还算是个党员吗?排到后面去!”老汉凶得像只豹子。 小伙子瞪(dèng)了老汉一眼,站到了后面。 木桥开始发抖,开始痛苦地呻吟。 水,爬上了老汉的胸膛。最后,只剩下了他和小伙子。 小伙子推了老汉一把,说:“你先走。” 老汉吼道:“少废话,快走。”他用力把小伙子推上木桥。 突然,那木桥轰地一声塌了。小伙子被洪水吞没了。 老汉似乎要喊什么,猛然间,一个浪头也吞没了他。 一片白茫茫的世界。 五天以后,洪水退了。 一个老太太,被人搀(chān)扶着,来这里祭(jì)奠(diàn)。 她来祭奠两个人。 她丈夫和她儿子。 3.基本要求: 带领学生们有感情的朗读课文,体会洪水的无情 引导学生通过文本学习分析本文的所运用到的手法和技巧。


试讲题型:2013年英语中考试题(完形填空) It is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of 61 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too, 62. If he notices that he is being looked at, he may 63 uncomfortable. It is t he same in daily life. When you are looked at for several more times, you will look 64 up and dow n in order to 65 if there is anything wrong with you. If 66 goes wrong, you will feel angry with th e person who is looking at you. 67 can speak, right? Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are 68. If you wi sh to draw someone's 69 , you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds. For lovers, they e njoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot 70 . Clearly, eye communicat ion should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation. 61. A. future B. fear C. experience D. Exercise 62. A. late B. long C. low D. loud 63. A. feel B. smell C. sound D. taste 64. A. itself B. himself C. myself D. yourself 65. A. see B. guess C. hear D. expect 66. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 67. A. Ears B. Eyes C. Mouth D. Nose 68. A. different B. difficult C. tiring D. boring 69: A. direction B. lesson C. attention D. trouble 70. A. write B. print C. read D. express
