John Keats英文简介

John Keats英文简介
John Keats英文简介

John Keats

John Keats (1795-1821), major English poet, despite his early death from tuberculosis at the age of 25. Keats’s poetry describes the beauty of the natural world and art as the vehicle for his poetic imagination. His skill with poetic imagery and sound reproduces this sensuous experience for his reader. Keats’s poetry evolves over his brief career from this love of nature and art into a deep compassion for humanity. He gave voice to the spirit of Romanticism in literature when he wrote, “I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart’s affections, and the truth of imagination.” Twentieth-century poet T. S. Eliot judged Keats's letters to be 'the most notable and the most important ever written by any English Poet,” for their acute reflection s on poetry, poets, and the imagination.

II Early Life

Keats was born in north London, England. He was the eldest son of Thomas Keats, who worked at a livery stable, and Frances (Jennings) Keats. The couple had three other sons, one of whom died in infancy, and a daughter. Thomas Keats died in 1804, as a result of a riding accident. Frances Keats died in 1810 of tuberculosis, the disease that also took the lives of her three sons.

From 1803 to 1811 Keats attended school. Toward the end of his schooling, he began to read widely and even undertook a prose translation of the Aeneid from the Latin. After he left school at the age of 16, Keats was apprenticed to a surgeon for four years. During this time his interest in poetry grew. He wrote his first poems in 1814 and passed his medical and druggist examinations in 1816.

III Life as a Poet

In May 1816 Keats published his first poem, the sonnet 'O Solitude,' marking the beginning of his poetic career. In writing a sonnet, a 14-line poem with a strict rhyme scheme, Keats sought to take his place in the tradition established by great classical, European, and British epic poets. The speaker of this poem first expresses hope that, if he is to be alone, it will be in “Nature’s Observatory”; he then imagines the “highest bliss” to be writing poetry in nature rather than simply observing nature. In another sonnet published the same year, 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer,' Keats compares reading translations of poetry to awe-inspiring experiences such as an astronomer discovering a new planet or explorers first seeing the Pacific Ocean. In “Sleep and Poetry,” a longer poem from 1816, Keats articulates the purpose of poetry as he sees it: “To soothe the cares, and lift the thoughts of man.” Within a year o f his first publications Keats had abandoned medicine, turned exclusively to writing poetry, and entered the mainstream of contemporary English poets. By the end of 1816 he had met poet and journalist Leigh Hunt, editor of the literary magazine that published his poems. He had also met the leading romantic poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley.

“Endymion,” written between April and November 1817 and published the following year, is thought to be Keats's richest although most unpolished poem. In the poem, the mortal hero Endymion's quest for the goddess Cynthia serves as a metaphor for imaginative longing—the poet’s quest for a muse, or divine inspiration.

Following “Endymion,” Keats struggled with his assumptions about the power of poetry and philosophy to affect the suffering he saw in life. In June of 1818, Keats went on a physically demanding walking tour of England’s Lake District and Scotland, perhaps in search of inspiration for an epic poem. His journey was cut short by the illness of his brother Tom. Keats returned home and nursed his brother through the final stages of tuberculosis. He threw himself into writing the epic “Hyperion,” he wrote to a friend, to ease himself of Tom’s “countenance, his voice and feebleness.'

An epic is a long narrative poem about a worthy hero, written in elevated language; this was the principal form used by great poets before Keats. The subject of “Hyperion” is the fall of the primeval Greek gods, who are dethroned by the Olympians, a newer order of gods led by Apollo. Keats used this myth to represent history as the story of how grief and misery teach humanity compassion. The poem ends with the transformation of Apollo into the god of poetry, but Keats left the poem unfinished. His abandonment of the poem suggests that Keats was ready to return to a more personal theme: the growth of a poet's mind. Keats later described the poem as showing 'false beauty proceeding from art' rather than 'the true voice of feeling.' Tom’s death in December 1818 may have freed Keats from the need t o finish “Hyperion.”

Two other notable developments took place in Keats’s life in the latter part of 1818. First, “Endymion,” published in April, received negative reviews by the leading literary magazines. Second, Keats fell in love with spirited, 18-year-old Fanny Brawne. Keats's passion for Fanny Brawne is perhaps evoked in 'The Eve of St. Agnes,' written in 1819 and published in 1820. In this narrative poem, a young man follows an elaborate plan to woo his love and wins her heart.

Keats’s great crea tive outpouring came in April and May of 1819, when he composed a group of five odes. The loose formal requirements of the ode—a regular metrical pattern and a shift in perspective from stanza to stanza—allowed Keats to follow his mind’s associations. Lite rary critics rank these works among the greatest short poems in the English language. Each ode begins with the speaker focusing on something—a nightingale, an urn, the goddess Psyche, the mood of melancholy, the season of autumn—and arrives at his greater insight into what he values.

In “Ode to a Nightingale,” the nightingale’s song symbolizes the beauty of nature and art. Keats was fascinated by the difference between life and art: Human beings die, but the art they make lives on. The speaker in the poem tries repeatedly to use his imagination to go with the bird’s song, but each time he fails to completely forget himself. In the sixth stanza he suddenly remembers what death means, and the thought of it frightens him back to earth and his own humanity.

In 'Ode on a Grecian Urn,' the bride and bridegroom painted on the Grecian urn do not die. Their

love can never fade, but neither can they kiss and embrace. At the end of the poem, the speaker sees the world of art as cold rather than inviting.

The last two odes, 'Ode on Melancholy' and 'To Autumn,” show a turn in Keats’s ideas about life and art. He celebrates “breathing human passion” as more beautiful than either art or nature.

Keats never lived to write the poetry of 'the agonies, the strife of human hearts' to which he aspired. Some scholars suggest that his revision of “Hyperion,” close to the end of his life, measures what he learned about poetry. In the revision, 'The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream,' Keats boldly makes the earlier poem into the story of his own quest as poet. In a dream, the poem’s speaker must pass through death to enter a temple that receives only those who cannot forget the miseries of the world. Presiding over the shrine is Moneta, a prophetess whose face embodies many of the oppos ites that had long haunted Keats’s imagination—death and immortality, stasis and change, humankind’s goodness and darkness. The knowledge Moneta gives him defines Keats’s new mission and burden as a poet.

After September 1819, Keats produced little poetry. His money troubles, always pressing, became severe. Keats and Fanny Brawne became engaged, but with little prospect of marriage. In February 1820, Keats had a severe hemorrhage and coughed up blood, beginning a year that he called his “posthumous existence.” He did manage to prepare a third volume of poems for the press, Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems.

In September 1820, Keats sailed to Italy, accompanied by a close friend. The last months of his life there were haunted by the prospect of death and the memory of Fanny Brawne.


简介:1985年2月5日出生,简 称C罗,葡萄牙足球运动员,司 职边锋可兼任中锋,现效力于西 甲皇家马德里足球俱乐部,并身 兼葡萄牙国家队队长 曾获荣誉:2014年1月,C罗获 得2013年度国际足联金球奖;8 月29日,获得欧洲最佳球员奖

姓名:里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯·桑托斯·雷特 简介:出生于1982年4月22日,巴西著名足球运动员,前巴西国家队的核心人物,司职进攻性中场(前腰),简称“卡卡” 曾获荣誉:2007年,卡卡成为了世界足球先生。

姓名:里奥·梅西 简介:1987年6月24日出生于圣菲省罗萨里奥市,阿根廷足球运动员 曾获荣誉:2016年1月12日,梅西荣膺2015年度FIFA金球奖,五度得奖创纪录。

姓名:伊戈尔·卡西利亚斯·费尔南德斯简介:1981年5月20日出生于西班牙马德里,西班牙足球运动员,司职守门员,现效力于波尔图足球俱乐部 曾获荣誉:2000年,卡西利亚斯入选西班牙国家队。2008年成为国家队队长。代表国家队出战过2002、2006、2010、2014年世界杯;2004、2008、2012年欧洲杯

姓名:梅苏特·厄齐尔 简介:1988年10月15日出生于德国的盖尔森基兴,德国籍足球运动员,场上司职前腰及左边锋。效力于阿森纳足球俱乐部。 曾获荣誉:2014年,厄齐尔帮助阿森纳夺得英格兰足总杯和社区盾杯两个冠军。

姓名:大卫·贝克汉姆 简介:1975年5月2日出生于英国伦敦雷顿斯通,前英国职业足球运动员,司职中场 曾获荣誉:2001年被评为英国最佳运动员,2010年获得BBC终身成就奖


奥黛丽赫本的名言英文 导读:本文是关于奥黛丽赫本的名言英文的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、我深信遇事要坚强,相信乐观的女孩最美。我也相信明天会更好,相信奇迹的存在。 I believe in being strong and optimistic. I also believe that tomorrow will be better, believe in the existence of miracles. 2、随着你的成长,你会发现你的两只手中一只手是自助的,另一只是来帮助他人的。 As you grow up, you will find that one of your hands is self-help, the other is just helping others. 3、我经常需要独处。如果我从周六晚到周一清晨都能独自待在自己的居所,我将感到十分快乐。这是我重新焕发活力的方式。 I often need to be alone. I would be very happy if I could stay alone in my house from Saturday night to Monday morning. This is how I rejuvenate myself. 4、人的优雅,关键在于控制自己的情绪。言语间的鲁莽伤害人,是最不可取的一种行为。 The key to human elegance lies in controlling one's emotions. Interlingual recklessness is the most undesirable act of hurting people.


皇家马德里队的简写是“MCF”所以在他的标志上有显示。 队服上面的标志主要是赞助商的商标。有时候还有其他的标志和含义,不能一概而论。比如去年,国际足联授权皇马“20世纪世界最佳俱乐部”,队服上也有相关的标志。以下是网摘的皇马队服变化史,希望帮到你皇家马德里的队服在过去的一个世纪里变化很大。俱乐部成立时制定的球队章程第18条对队服有这样的规定:普通比赛时,球队所使用的队服应该是深蓝色的短裤,白色的上衣和深色的球袜,特别重要的比赛,球员们的比赛用服应该是白色的上衣和短裤,黑色带花边的球袜,腰带是西班牙国旗的颜色。 随着时间的推移,皇家马德里开始倾向使用白色球衣。1925/26赛季皇家马德里使用了和英国球队科林蒂安队相仿的球服。但是仅仅使用了一个赛季,因为战绩不佳,球员们认识队服不吉利而不再使用。 之后很多年,皇家马德里都是从Casa Melilla处购买球衣。 1980年皇马和体育用品业巨头阿迪达斯签定了合同,引起了队服上的一次重大变革:球服边缝第一次出现了三条带子。从1982年开始,更多的企业成为皇马的赞助商,尤其是最近几年随着市场开发的不断深入,为了吸引球迷的购 买欲望,皇马球衣的式样也在不断更新。

巴塞罗那对的简写是“F.C.B.”在图标上有出现。 俱乐部的会徽从最早的钻石型徽章到现在经历了几个阶段的变化,但它的精髓始终被保持下来。这包括加泰罗尼亚的红黄两色区旗,四个黄条与四个红条是加泰罗尼亚的民族旗帜。队徽上有一个红十字,那是加泰罗尼亚守护神Sant Jordi(Santa Jordi是加泰罗尼亚语圣乔治的拼法,传说Sant Jordi帮人们搞定了恶龙,拯救了他们,使得他们都信基督了。于是加泰罗尼亚国王就请Sant Jordi 前来帮忙作战)的十字架。队徽上著名的红和蓝一说是创始人甘伯先生借用家乡巴塞尔队的颜色,一说是受到瑞士人用的红蓝双色铅笔的灵感。那个球是向在1899年时协助球队建立的英格兰公校MERCHANT TAYLOR的橄榄球队致敬。当年甘伯先生从瑞士抵达巴塞罗那之后,苦于无处踢球,就在报纸上登了一条招募志同道合者一起踢球的广告。于是,巴塞罗那俱乐部便诞生了,也就产生了这个闻 名于世的队徽。


皇家马德里足球队 简介 皇家马德里足球俱乐部Real Madrid Club de Fútbol ,中文简称为皇马是一家位于西班牙首都马德里的足球俱乐部,球队成立于1902 年3月6日,前称马德里足球队。1920年6月29日,时任西班牙国王阿方索十三世把"Real"西语,皇家之意一词加于俱乐部名前,徽章上加上了皇冠,以此来推动足球运动在 西班牙首都马德里市的发展。从此,俱乐部正式更名为皇家马德里足球俱乐部。 皇家马德里足球俱乐部,拥有众多世界球星。2000年12月11日被国际足球联合会FIFA评为20世纪最伟大的球队。2021年9月10日被国际足球历史和统计联合会评为20 世纪欧洲最佳俱乐部。2021年9月10日被评为2021年度欧洲最佳俱乐部。 皇家马德里已夺得过11次欧洲冠军杯冠军夺冠次数欧洲足坛第一、32次西班牙足球甲级联赛冠军西甲第一、19次西班牙国王杯冠军、9次西班牙超级杯冠军、3次欧洲超级 杯冠军、5次世俱杯冠军含前身丰田杯,夺冠次数第一 球队历史 球队初期 皇家马德里足球俱乐部前身是建于1896年的西班牙斯凯足球队,当时仅有会员30人,队员当时只有7、8人,比赛是在利斯塔大街的一片空地上进行的。 19~20世纪之交,在西班牙首都马德里市刚度过美西战争和国内混乱之际,足球狂热 爱好者卡洛斯·帕德罗斯的决定在该市推广足球运动,经过几年的筹备,1902年3月6日正式成立了马德里社会俱乐部,由英国人阿瑟.约翰逊任第一任主教练,帕德罗斯之弟胡安·帕德罗斯·鲁比奥就任主席。1902年4月22日,俱乐部正式通过政府认可,马德里 足球俱乐部成立。 俱乐部成立初期,更多的是参加地区级别的联赛和简单的“地方联赛”,参加国家级 别的赛事则要从1903年正式开始的西班牙国王杯算起。俱乐部在最初的4届国王杯均捧 桂冠,当时西班牙还未举办全国联赛,只有王室举办的西班牙杯赛,马德里队1905年首 次夺冠,又在随后的三年连续夺冠。 皇冠加冕 俱乐部被冠以“皇家”之名要推迟至1920年,经过一些波折之后又在1941年重新拥 有“皇家”称号并延续下去。


皇马历年阵容 1998/1999赛季皇马球员名单 1 守门员伊尔格纳 2 后卫帕努奇 3 后卫卡洛斯 4 后卫费尔南多.耶罗 5 后卫桑奇斯 6 中场雷东多 7 前锋劳尔 8 前锋米贾托维奇 9 前锋苏克 10 中场西多夫 11 前锋赛维奥 12 后卫伊万.坎波 13 守门员孔特拉斯 14 中场古蒂 15 前锋莫伦特斯 16 前锋埃托奥 16 后卫杰米 17 后卫雅尔尼 18 后卫卡兰卡 19 后卫费尔南多.桑斯 20 后卫罗哈斯 22 中场卡伦布 1999/2000赛季皇马球员名单 1 守门员伊尔格纳 2 后卫萨尔加多 3 后卫卡洛斯 4 后卫费尔南多.耶罗 5 后卫桑奇斯 6 中场雷东多 7 前锋劳尔 8 中场麦克马拉曼 9 前锋莫伦特斯 10 中场西多夫 11 前锋赛维奥 12 后卫伊万.坎波 13 守门员比萨里 14 中场古蒂 15 后卫埃尔格拉

16 前锋埃托奥 18 后卫卡兰卡 19 前锋阿内尔卡 20 前锋巴利奇 21 后卫格雷米 22 中场卡伦布 23 后卫朱利奥.萨塞尔 25 前锋奥根尼亚诺维奇 27 守门员卡西利亚斯 31 前锋梅卡 36 前锋扎莱特 38 中场费尔南多 2000/2001赛季皇马球员名单 1 守门员伊尔格纳 2 后卫萨尔加多 3 后卫卡洛斯 4 后卫费尔南多.耶罗 5 后卫桑奇斯 6 后卫埃尔格拉 7 前锋劳尔 8 中场麦克马拉曼 9 前锋莫伦特斯 10 中场菲戈 11 前锋赛维奥 12 后卫伊万.坎波 13 守门员塞萨尔 14 中场古蒂 15 后卫格雷米 16 中场弗拉维奥 17 前锋穆尼蒂斯 18 后卫卡兰卡 19 前锋托特 20 中场塞拉德斯 21 中场索拉里 22 后卫帕文 24 中场马克莱莱 25 守门员卡西利亚斯 2001/2002赛季皇马球员名单 1 守门员卡西利亚斯 2 后卫萨尔加多


Audrey Hepburn Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4 , 1929 in Brussels , Belgium . She really was blue –blood from the beginning with her father ,a wealthy English banker , and her mother , a Dutch baroness . After graduating from private schools , Audrey went to a ballet school in London on a scholarship and later began a modeling career. As a model ,she was graceful . After being spotted modeling by a producer , she was signed to a bit part in the European film Nederland’s in 7 lessen in 1948 . The part wasn’t mush , so she headed to America to try her luck there . Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US with her role in Roman Holiday in 1953 . This film turned out to be a smashing success as she won an Oscar as Best Actress . This gained her enormous popularity . One of the reasons for her popularity was the fact that she was so elf like and had class . Roman Holiday was followed by another similarly wonderful performance in the 1957 classic Funny face . Sabrina , in 1954 for which she received another Academy nomination , and Love in the Afternoon , in 1957 , also garnered rave reviews . In 1959 , she received yet another nomination for her role in Nun’s Story . Audrey reached the pinnacle of her career when she played Holly


赫本生平英文简介 赫本,英国电影和舞台剧女演员。1948年,赫本在一部时长仅39分钟的荷兰风光纪录片《荷兰七课》中出镜,开始电影生涯。下面是给大家整理的赫本生平英文简介,供大家参阅! 赫本简介Audrey Hepburn, May 4, 1929 was born in Brussels, Belgium, the British film and stage actress. In 1948, Hepburn in a length of only 39 minutes of the Dutch landscape documentary "Dutch seven lessons" in appearance, began film career. In 1954, she starred in the film "Roman Holiday" for the first time, and won the Oscar for Best Actress Award. In the same year, she was in the stage play "Mermaid" in the performance, won the Tony Award for best actress. In 1961, she starred in the movie "Tiffany's Breakfast". In 1964, she starred in the song and dance "My Fair Lady". In 1989, the film for many years Audrey guest starred in the last film "forever." In his later years, Audrey Hepburn was a charity, a representative of the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and for


英超:曼彻斯特联队、切尔西、利物浦、阿森纳、托特纳姆热刺、曼彻斯特城 意甲:AC米兰、国际米兰、尤文图斯、罗马、佛罗伦萨、拉齐奥 西甲:皇家马德里、巴塞罗那、巴伦西亚、比利亚雷亚尔、马德里竞技、塞维利亚 德甲:拜仁慕尼黑、沙尔克04、多特蒙德、汉堡、不莱梅 荷甲:埃因霍温、阿贾克斯、费耶诺德、阿尔克马尔 法甲:里昂、马赛、摩纳哥、波尔多、里尔 希甲:雅典AEK,希腊奥林匹亚科斯 葡超:本菲卡、波尔图 乌超:基辅迪纳摩、顿涅茨克矿工 俄超:莫斯科火车头、圣彼得堡泽尼特、喀山鲁宾、莫斯科中央陆军 苏超:凯尔特人、格拉斯哥流浪者 土超:费内巴切 巴甲:圣保罗、桑托斯、科林蒂安 阿甲:河床、独立、博卡青年、拉普拉塔大学生 英格兰足球超级联赛(FA Premier League) 意大利足球甲级联赛(Serie A,简称“意甲”)

西班牙足球甲级联赛(Primera división de Liga,简称La Liga)

德国足球甲级联赛 荷兰足球甲级联赛(原名为Holland Casino Eredivisie) 法国足球甲级联赛(Championnat de France de football Ligue 1,法语通常简写为Ligue 1 或者是L1,中文通常简称“法甲”

希腊足球超级联赛(英文:Super League Greece) 葡萄牙足球超级联赛(Super Liga) 欧洲足球五大联赛,指意大利足球甲级联赛、英格兰足球超级联赛、西班牙足球甲级联赛、德国足球甲级联赛、法国足球甲级联赛。有时不含法国足球甲级联赛而称为四大联赛。这些联赛代表了当今世界足坛最顶级的足球水平,吸引了众多球星。也常常引导足球发展的新方向。


皇马英文简介 Real Madrid is the earliest established Spanish and even the world, one of the club's predecessor, Kathleen football In 1896, only 30 members were only 7-8 people, The game is on the street in a clearing costa. In 1902, on March 6, the Madrid club formally established by the British society, Arthur - the first coach, responsible Johnson, In 1920, on June 29, Spanish king "Real" < Hispanic, Real meaning a word for "club former, In order to promote the football movement in the capital city of Madrid, Since then, officially renamed the Madrid club football club... After the establishment of real Madrid in the national league begins when Spain not only hold the league cup, the king held royal In 1905, then the first title in 1906, 1907, 1908, the three consecutive win the Spanish football team giants. In 1928, the Spanish league start, ten teams, in the previous, due to the relatively weaker team won the championship, not, Introduced the famous goalkeeper until after check at twice in 1932 and 1933 title, after 20 years, not won the league title. Early 1950s, real Madrid ace, heavy hire countries introduced heng and Ed, alfredo di stefano reached the golden age of 20 century, Known as "real Madrid era", 1954, regain the premiership title, 21 years in 1955 and win the championship, In the same year, the uefa champions league football league started from real Madrid, Spain, representing one thought, The first back-to-back champions league, the 5th this record has no any team, real Madrid also became the European football dream trip "," In the 1970s, the golden age of the cayman with real Madrid, remain strong momentum of title. Although during this period without special stars, But the effort to unite in the team, in 1972, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979 five championships, In 1980, in the champions league and cup in 1982, after six years, for obtain cup champion, and entered the difficult period, In 1985, real Madrid star sanchez and introduced the Argentine star in Mexico, plus its jorge valdano BuTeLa star and the strength, - In 1985, 1986, become two uefa cup history first league back-to-back champions, 1986-1990, the fifth consecutive premiership title, the Spanish football history records created, but at the same time in the champions league, but with a championship, Even created 0:5 - the worst record history of AC milan, overall, the late 1980s in league cup, The second team history can be called golden period, 1990, due to the premiership after bad management and indebted. While the rise of old rivals Barcelona, make the team, 1995, blow again finally won the league title, but after only a year, and only league sixth, To 10 years history, 1996, capello at this job, and took the title of luxury, In 1998, 2000, and 2002 March in five years away from real Madrid European champions league, more by FIFA as "the best team in the 20th century. After entering 2000, real Madrid in the chairman perez under the guidance of "star", make the luxury of "the merengues." Figo zidane, ronaldo, David Beckham and Michael Owen and stars such as real Madrid, but in succession by

体育英语 足球英语 体育英语翻译

体育英语:C罗再回老特拉福德皇马挺进欧冠八强 编辑点评:3月6日凌晨欧冠第二回合曼联与皇马的世纪对决吸引了世人的眼球。皇马在穆里尼奥的临场调度下,通过莫德里奇和C罗的两粒进球,从老特拉福德功成身退,顺利挺进欧冠八强。比赛既有乌龙,也有红牌,还有点球争议,不可谓不精彩。让我们通过这场比赛来学习一下足球场上的英语吧。 United looked on course for a place in the quarter-finals at Real Madrid's expense after Sergio Ramos's own goal just after half-time gave them a platform to build on the 1-1 draw from the first leg at the Bernabeu. The tie was transformed by Turkish referee Cuneyt Cakir's decision to send off Nani for an aerial challenge on Real Madrid defender Alvaro Arbeloa after 56 minutes - a red card that reduced Ferguson and his players to fury. Jose Mourinho's side, a subdued force until then, took advantage ruthlessly with two goals in three minutes from ex-Tottenham midfield man Luka Modric and former United golden boy Cristiano Ronaldo to move into the last eight. United responded superbly with a typical late rally that brought a series of fine saves from Real keeper Diego Lopez, but events midway through a dramatic second half settled the destiny of an enthralling game. Mourinho now moves on towards his target of a third Champions League with three different clubs while United must concentrate on domestic matters as they close in on a 20th title with a commanding 12-point lead in the Premier League and a place in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup. quarter-final 四分之一决赛:简单的构词法,明了易懂,好学好记 own goal 乌龙球:这一词本就是香港球迷根据英语的音译,相比于中文“自摆乌龙”的解释,英文的说法则十分浅显易懂 first leg 第一回合:欧冠的淘汰赛阶段分为两个回合。与之相似,足球比赛中的上下半场也同样是用序数词来表示,即first half 和second half Bernabeu 伯纳乌球场:皇家马德里的主场。英语一般发音为[‘b ?:n ?b au] last eight 八强:即足球比赛淘汰赛阶段的前八名


奥黛丽赫本是全世界最有影响力的女演员之一,年轻时凭借《罗马假日》获得奥斯卡金 像奖的她在生命的后半段时光里一直致力于慈善事业,我们无论是看到她在《罗马假日》中 饰演清新迷人的安妮公主,还是在她人生最后一部电影《直到永远》中饰演一位慈祥可亲的 天使,我们都能看到她善良的笑容,不同的是少了一分可爱,多了一份庄重,当在1993年美 国电影艺术和科学学院将奥斯卡人道主义金像奖授予她的时候,她已经因结肠癌过世,坟墓 就在瑞士的和平之邸,至今仍有上万名粉丝去瑞士来瞻仰这位伟大的女演员。 在这里我并不想讲一位伟大的演员的故事,因为与她同时代的女演员无论是曾四次获得 奥斯卡金像奖的凯瑟琳赫本还是凭借乱世佳人永垂影史的费雯丽,她们永远都是以电影为载 体而继续存活,而奥黛丽赫本并不是如此,奥黛丽赫本在1988年曾担任联合国儿童基金会亲 善大使,在这个职位上,她不时举办一些音乐会和募捐慰问活动,并不时造访一些贫穷地区 的儿童,足迹遍及埃塞俄比亚、苏丹、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、等许多国家,深受到当地人民 的广泛爱戴和欢迎。 1992年底,她还以重病之躯赴索马里看望因饥饿而面临死亡的儿童, 并最终病倒在那,当诺贝尔和平奖得主特雷莎修女获悉奥黛丽·赫本病危的消息时,她号召 所有的修女彻夜为奥黛丽·赫本祷告希望使其能奇迹般地康复,然而在1993年1月20日, 奥黛丽赫本还是在瑞士的和平之邸过世,享年64岁,在她死后她的儿子肖恩费勒遵照遗愿成 立了以奥黛丽赫本为名的儿童基金会,成立至今已有二十年。不仅 如此,世界各地的影迷还自发发起了宣传奥黛丽赫本精神的活动,仅在中国影迷所组成 的奥黛丽赫本吧每月就有五次以上免费赠送奥黛丽赫本的明信片,这在各个影迷的贴吧都是 几乎不复存在的他们有的是自绘的,有的是掏腰包买的,无一例外,他们都希望能够传播奥 黛丽赫本的精神,帮助每一个人重新获得一缕新的希望,我曾有幸获得过一张这样的明信片, 虽然那张明信片的画工十分拙劣,连奥黛丽赫本一点点的神韵都没有表现出来,但它却让我 感到奥黛丽赫本,她的存在不仅仅就是在胶卷里,她的存在是一种精神,是一种信仰,甚至 在每一个善良的人的身上,我们也总会看到奥黛丽赫本的影子,当一个人把一种精神当作一 种信仰,那么他就是世界上最可怕的人。尽管奥黛丽赫本没有出人的气质、也没有过人的 演技,但是她的存在却不会因为岁月的流逝而改变,也许有一天电影将会消失,但奥黛丽赫 本却永远不会消失,也许她的精神总是有隐藏在心灵的深处,被一些人所遗忘,但她的精神 将永远融合于每个关心弱者、帮助他人、热爱和平、永远微笑着面对生活的每一个人的精神 里。 十八世纪英国著名的诗人亚历山大蒲柏曾在诗作《艾洛伊斯致亚伯拉德》中有这么两句 话,原文是“the world forgetting, by the world forgot.,eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!”翻译过来是这样的“遗忘了世人,也被世人遗忘,美丽的心灵内的永恒阳光!”篇二: 奥黛丽赫本15句名言——双语 (一) remember, if you ever need a helping hand, youll find them at the end of each of your arms. as you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. 记住,如果你在任何时候需要一只手来帮助你,你可以在自己每条手臂的末端找到它。 随着你的成长,你会发现你有两只手,一只用来帮助自己,另一只用来帮助别人。 (二) for beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. 若要可爱的眼睛,要看到别人的好处;若要优美的嘴唇,要讲亲切的话;若要优雅的姿 态,走路时要记住行人不只你一个。


Founded in 1902, Real Madrid Club de Fútbol has been one of the superpowers in European football since the middle of the last century. Indeed, they were awarded the honour of “Best club of the 20 th century by FIFA, an award for their huge domestic success and also for their domination of Europe. Real Madrid was not always named thus and the “Real” (or “Royal”) part of the name was only added after the club received a blessing from King Alfonso XIII in 1920. The club play in a white strip and they are commo nly known as “Los Merengues” (the whites). The club’s home is at the Santiago Bernebéu stadium in Madrid, it is one of Europe’s finest and holds over 80,000 fans and is now also a huge tourist attraction in the city. Since the start of the Spanish national league in 1928, Madrid have never been relegated from the top division. The start of the clubs success really came under the Franco regime – he saw the club as an excellent propaganda vehicle and poured resource into the club to try to make them a dominating force in Spain and beyond. It is from this point that one of the greatest rivalries in football was born with Catalan club Barcelona. The suppression of the Catalan language and culture by Franco’s regime immediately put Barcelona in opposition to Madr id, the team who seemed to represent the dictator’s regime and some unsavoury match fixing incidents further soured relationships and made the rivalry all the more fierce. Probably Madrid’s finest period came between 1955 and 1960 when they won an unpreced ented five European Cup’s in a row. This really put the club on the map as a dominant force in Europe and no club has matched the feat since. Probably the finest display came in the 1960 final where they demolished their German opposition, Eintracht Frankfurt, 7-3. Real have since gone on to win the trophy four more times and this total of 9 is better than any other team. Amongst Real Madrid’s domestic honours are a massive 29 league titles and 17 Spanish cup triumphs, equally unrivalled by any team in Spain. In recent years Madrid have been extremely successful also, famed for the having the resource to buy the most high profile signings, it has seemed like no price tag is too big for Real Madrid. In 2000 they brought in Luis Figo from rivals Barcelona for €60million, the following year saw French wonder Zinedine Zidane arrive from Juventus for a world record fee of €71million. Further high profile signings were made in 2002 and 2003 when Ronaldo and England captain David Beckham were brought in by the club to further strengthen the squad of stars. This policy of buying the best players has earned Real Madrid the new nickname of “Los Galacticos”. The last few seasons however has seen a minor downturn for the fortunes of the club – three seasons since their last league victory and four since their last European triumph are not going to please many fans of the club. Huge pressure is put on the manager and the last couple of years has seen a fairly quick turnover of staff; this isn’t a club that is used to losing so when the results don’t come it is usually the manager who catches the bullet. Last season they saw the title go to rivals Barcelona and their European run came to an end against Juventus in the quarter finals – results that a ren’t acceptable at the Bernebéu and they’ll be looking to improve on them this season and bring home some silverware.
