


Medical Equipment(医疗器械)ambulance 救护车

ampoule 安瓿

bandage 绷带

cannula 套管,插管

defibrillator 除颤器

dressing 敷料

forceps 钳子

gauze 纱布

mask 口罩

needle 针

scissors 剪刀

syringe 注射器

thermometer 体温计

wipes 棉球

beside rails 床栏

hemostatic forceps 止血钳

ice bag 冰袋

laryngoscope 喉镜

sand bag 沙袋sphygmomanometer 血压计stethoscope 听诊器

pacemaker 起搏器


Department of a hospital(医院科室) alcohol酒精

ascorbic acid 维生素c aspirin 阿司匹林


dextrose 右旋糖,葡萄糖


dopamine 多巴胺



blood bank血库


cardiovascular surgery心血管外科

in-patient department住院部

laboratory department化验科

nursing department护理部

out-patient department(OPD)门诊registration挂号处


waiting-room 候诊室

test tube试管


first/second/third class attendance 一级/二级/三级护理

continual oxygen uptake 持续吸氧interrupted oxygen uptake间断吸氧take/check/test blood pressure 测血压take temperature 测体温

hypoglycemia 低血糖症

hyperglycemia 高血糖

hyperlipemia 高血脂

heart rate 心率

pulse 脉搏

temperature 体温

respiration 呼吸

dry rale 干啰音

moist rale 湿啰音

heart beat 心跳

heart sound 心音

heart murmur 心脏杂音

coma 昏迷

shock 休克

vital signs 生命体征

state of health 健康状况

artery 动脉

wrist 手腕

brachial 臀部的

auscultation 听诊

percussion 叩诊

palpation 触诊

inquiry 问诊

inspection 望诊

general checking-up 全身检查follow-up examination 随访检查consultation 会诊

diagnosis 诊断

recovery 康复

relapse 复发

focus(复foci) 病灶

X-ray examination X线检查Acidosis酸中毒

Administration n.给药

Admission n.入院

Allergic 过敏的,患过敏症的Anesthesia n.麻醉

Antibiotic n.抗生素

Anus 肛门

Asthma 哮喘

Bedpan 便盆

Bedsore 压疮

Blood transfusion 输血

Bowel 肠

Cuff 袖带

Diabetes metabolism 糖尿病

Neurosis 神经官能症

Viral myocarditis病毒性心肌炎

闭式引流-closed drainage

肥皂水灌肠-soapsuds enema

湿热敷-applying hot socks

冷敷-applying cold compresses

酒精擦浴-giving an alcohol sponge bath 皮内注射-endermic injection

皮下注射-hypertonic injection

肌内注射-intramuscular injection

输血-blood transfusion

输血浆-plasma transfusion

禁食-absolute diet (fasting)

普食-full diet

流质饮食-liquid diet

低蛋白饮食-low-protein diet

备皮-shaving the patient’s skin (shin prep) 麻醉-anesthesia

术前准备-preparing the patient for the surgery 术后护理-postoperative care

用弹性绷带-apply elastic bandages

心肺复苏-cardiopulmonary resuscitation


complete blood count (CBC) 全血细胞计数(血常规)

Red blood cell count (RBC) 红细胞计数

White blood cell count (WBC)白细胞计数

Hematocrit (HCT)红细胞压积/比容

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 血尿素氮

liver function test (LFTs) 肝功能测试[?liv?] [?f??k??n] [test]

Kidney function 肾功能[?kidni]

activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 部分活性凝血时间[??ktiveit] [?pɑ:??l][?θr?mb?'pl?s tin]

Prothrombin time (PT)凝血酶原时间

international normalized ratio (INR) 国际标准比率[?int??n???n?l][?n?:m?lai?zei??n] [?rei??u]

high density lipoprotein (HDL)高密度脂蛋白

low density lipoprotein e (LDL)低密度脂蛋白

arterial blood gas (ABG) 动脉血气[g?s]

ultrasound 超声

echocardiography心脏彩超 [ek?ukɑ:di'?gr?fi]

abdominal ultrasound 腹部超声

holter monitor (Holter) 24小时动态心电图[?m?nit?]

cardiac stress test 心脏运动试验[stres]

X-ray X线检查

Chest x-ray (CXR)胸片

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 核磁共振影像[m?g?netik] [?rez?n?ns]

angiogram 血管造影

computed tomography (CT) 计算机断层扫描术

chest CT 胸部CT

head CT 脑部CT[hed]

Increase CT scan 增强CT扫描

micro pump 微量泵

blood gas analysis 血气分析

opening snap: 开瓣音 | 二尖瓣开放拍击音 | 开放拍节音

murmur ['m?:m?]杂音

CK-MB 肌酸激酶同工酶(creatine kinase-MB)

troponin ['tr?p?nin, 'tr?u-]n. 肌钙蛋白

blood culture 血培养

radiograph ['reidi?uɡrɑ:f, -ɡr?f]n. 射线照片;X光照片

chest radiograph: 胸片 | 线检查

Holter ECG monitoring: 动态心电图

cardiac catheterization: 心导管检查

coronary angiography: 冠状血管造影术

percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: 经皮腔内冠脉成形术Radiofrequency catheter ablation: 经导管射频消融

Percutaneous intracoronary stent implantation: 经皮穿刺冠状动脉内支架安置术cardioversion: 心脏电复律


ejection fraction (EF)射血分数


心血管外科门诊Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic

门诊Outpatient Dept.


门诊治疗室Outpatient Treatment Room

诊室 1 Consultation Room 1

急诊科Emergency Dept.

急诊抢救室Emergency Room


灌肠室Enema Room

换药室Dressing Room

采血室Blood collection room

客服中心Customer Service

内科诊区Internal Medicine Consulting Area 内科病房Internal Medicine Ward

内科Internal Medicine Dept./ Internal Medicine


心脏外科cardiac surgery

外科Surgery Dept./ Surgery

手术室operating room (OR)

第一手术室Operating Room (1)

麻醉恢复室Anesthesia Recovery Room

麻醉准备室Anesthesia Preparation Room

外科病房Surgery Ward

小儿心脏科Pediatric Cardiology Dept.

放射科Radiology Dept./ Radiology CT室CT Room

CT检查室CT Examination Room

数字减影Digital Subtraction (DSA)

磁共振室Magnetic Resonance(MR) Room DR摄片室Digital Radiography (DR)Room 导管室Catheter Room



血液常规化验室Routine Test Lab of Blood Sample

血生化Biochemical Test of Blood

超声科Ultrasonography Dept.

心电图室ECG Room

病案科Medical Records Dept.

供应室Supply Room



病区Inpatient Area

输血科Blood Transfusion Dept.

血库Blood Bank

护理部Nursing Dept./ Nursing

医务部(处)Medical Administration Division 护理部Nursing Dept.

计算机中心Computer Center

信息科/信息办公室Information Center / Information Office

病案室Medical Records Room



Electrocardiogram (ECG) 心电图[i?lektr?u?kɑ:di?gr?m]

Normal ECG 正常心电图[?n?:m?l]

Abnormal ECG 不正常心电图[?b'n?:m?l]

Sinus rhythm (SR)窦性心律['sain?s] [?rie?m]

Sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速['sain?s][?t?ki'kɑ:di?]

Sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缓['sain?s] [br?di'kɑ:di?]

Sinus arrhythmia 窦性心律不齐['sain?s] [?'riθmi?]

Sinus arrest 窦性停搏['sain?s] [?'rest]

Sinus rhythm with short PR 窦性心律PR间期缩短['sain?s] [?rie?m] [wie] [??:t]

Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) 病态窦房结综合征 [sik] ['sain?s] ['sindr?um]

Atrial flutter (AF) 心房扑动['eitri?l] ['fl?t?]

Atrial fibrillation (Af) 心房颤动['eitri?l] [?faibri'lei??n]

Ventricular flutter 心室扑动[ven'trikjul?] ['fl?t?]

Ventricular fibrillation (VF)心室颤动[ven'trikjul?] [?faibri'lei??n]

Right bundle branch block (RBBB)右束支阻滞[rait] ['b?ndl] [brɑ:nt?] [bl?k] Complete right bundle branch block (CRBBB)完全右束支阻滞[k?m'pli:t] [rait] [?b?ndl] [brɑ:nt?] [bl?k]

Incomplete right bundle branch block 不完全右束支传导阻滞[?ink?m'pli:t] [rait] [?b ?ndl] [brɑ:nt?] [bl?k]

First degree atrioventricular block (AVB) 一度房室阻滞[f?:st][di'gri:] [?eitri?uven'trikjul?][bl?k]

Second degree atrioventricular block 二度房室阻滞['sek?nd] [di'gri:] [?eitri?uven'trikjul?] [bl?k]

Third degree atrioventricular block三度房室阻滞[θ?:d] [di'gri:] [?eitri?uven'trikjul?][bl ?k]

Second degree type Ⅰ/Ⅱatrioventricular block 二度Ⅰ/Ⅱ型房室阻滞['sek?nd] [di'gri:] [taip] [?eitri?uven'trikj?l?] [bl?k]

Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) 左室肥厚[left] [ven'trikjul?] [hai'p?:tr?fi]

right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)右室肥厚[rait] [ven'trikjul?] [hai'p?:tr?fi] Biventricular hypertrophy 双室肥厚[?baiven'trikjul?] [hai'p?:tr?fi]

Wide QRS rhythm QRS波增宽[waid] [?rie?m]

Prolonged QT QT间期延长[pr?'l??d]

Inverted T waves T波倒置[in'v?:tid] [weiv]

Pathological Q wave病理性Q波[?p?θ?'l?d?ik?l] [weiv]

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)急性心肌梗死[?'kju:t] [?mai?'kɑ:di?l] [in'fɑ:k??n] Old inferior myocardial infarction 陈旧性下壁心梗[?uld] [in'fi?ri?] [?mai?'kɑ:di?l] [in'fɑ:k??n]

Acute anterior myocardial infarction 急性前壁心肌梗死[??kju:t] [?n'ti?ri?] [?mai?'k ɑ:di?l] [in'fɑ:k??n]

Acute inferior myocardial infarction 急性下壁心肌梗死[??kju:t] [in'fi?ri?] [?mai?'k ɑ:di?l] [in'fɑ:k??n]

Acute posterior myocardial infarction 急性后壁心肌梗死[??kju:t] [p?s'ti?ri?] [?mai?'kɑ:di?l] [in'fɑ:k??n]

ST elevation ST段抬高[?eli?vei??n]

Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) 急性ST段抬高型心梗[??kju:t] [?eli'vei??n] [?mai?'kɑ:di?l] [in'fɑ:k??n]

Acute Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) 急性非ST段抬高型心梗[??kju:t] [n?n] [?eli'vei??n] [?mai?'kɑ:di?l] [in'fɑ:k??n]

ST-T changing ST-T改变['t?eind?i?]

Escape beat逸搏[is'keip] [bi:t]

Escape rhythm逸搏节律[is'keip] ['rie?m]

Atrial escape beat 房性逸搏 ['eitri?l] [is'keip] [bi:t]

Junctional escape beat交界性逸搏['d???k??nl] [is'keip] [bi:t]

Ventricular escape beat室性逸搏[ven'trikjul?] [is'keip] [bi:t]

Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)室性心动过速[ven'trikjul?] [?t?ki'kɑ:di?]

Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia 阵发性室性心动过速[?p?r?k'sizm?l][ven'trikjul?] [?t?ki'kɑ:di?]

Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia(PSVT)阵发性室上性心动过速[?p?r?k'sizm?l] ['su:pr?] [ven'trikjul?] [?t?ki'kɑ:di?]

Low voltage 低电压[l?u][?v?ultid?]

Left axis deviation 电轴左偏[left] [??ksis] [?di:vi?ei??n]

Right axis deviation 电轴右偏[rait] [??ksis] [?di:vi?ei??n]

Pacemaker signal 起搏脉冲信号 ['peis?meik?] ['sign?l]

Borderline ECG 边缘心电图(介于正常与不正常之间) ['b?:d??lain]

Last ECG 临终心电图[lɑ:st]

Wolf-Parkinson-White (WPW) WPW (预激)综合症[wulf] ['pɑ:kins?n] [wait]

Early repolarization (ER)过早复极[??:li] ['ri:p?ul?rai'zei??n]

Premature atrial contraction (PAC)房性期前收缩[?prem??t?u?]['eitri?l][k?n?tr?k?(?)n]

Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) 室性期前收缩[?prem??t?u?] [ven'trikjul?] [k ?n?tr?k?(?)n]

Junctional premature contraction交界性期前收缩['d???k??nl][?prem??t?u?][k?n?tr?k?(?)n]

Bigeminy 二联律[bai?d?emini]

Trigeminy 三联律[trai'd?imini]

high degree AV block高度房室传导阻滞[hai] [di?gri:] [ei] [vi:] [bl?k]

AV dissociation房室分离[ei] [vi:] [di?s?usi'ei??n]



2、chest pain 胸痛[t?est] [pein]

3、abdominal pain 腹痛 [?b'd?min?l]

4、nausea 恶心[?n?:zi?, ?n?:si?]

5、dry retching 干呕[drai] ['ret?i?]

6、vomit 呕吐[?v?mit]

7、vomitus 呕吐物 ['v?mit?s]

8、tachypnea 呼吸过速 [t?kip'ni:?]

9、dyspnea 呼吸困难[disp?ni:?]

10、orthopnoea 端坐呼吸[,?:θ?up'ni:?]


12、shortness of breath 呼吸短促 ['??:tnis][breθ]


14、dry cough 干咳

15、sputum痰 ['spju:t?m]

16、frothy sputum泡沫样痰['fr?θi] ['spju:t?m]

17、nosebleed 鼻出血['n?uzbli:d]

18、headache 头疼['hedeik]

19、dizziness 头晕[?dizini:s]20、syncope 晕厥[?si?k?pi]

21、coma昏迷 ['k?um?]


23、high blood pressure 高血压

24、hypotension 低血压[?haip?u?ten??n]

25、low blood pressure低血压[l?u]

26、thirst 口渴[θ?:st]


28、palpitation 心悸[?p?lpi'tei??n]

29、angina 心绞痛[?n?gain?]

30、insomnia 失眠[in?s?mni?]



33、polyuria多尿 ['p?li'j?ri?]

34、oliguria 少尿 [?li'gju?ri?]

35、anuria 无尿[??nju?ri?]

36、edema 浮肿、水肿[i:'di:m?]

37、pitting edema凹陷性水肿 ['piti?] [i:'di:m?]


39、cyanosis 紫绀,发绀 [?sai?'n?usis]

40、fatigued 疲乏无力的[f?'ti:gd]

Surgical care 外科护理

Preoperative care 术前护理

1. preoperative guidance 术前指导

2. take blood pressure 测血压

3. preoperative skin preparation 术前备皮

4. enema 灌肠

5. cross matching 交叉配血试验

6. skin sensitivity test 皮试

7. catheterization 导尿

8. administration before surgery 手术前给药

9. echocardiography 超声心动图

10. ECG 心电图

11. chest X-ray 胸片

12. laboratory tests 实验室检查

Postoperative care 术后护理

1. cheek vital signs 测量生命体征Pulse 脉搏

Temperature 体温

Respiratory 呼吸

BP-blood pressure 血压

2. administration / give drugs 给药

3. give IV fluids 静脉补液

4. ECG monitoring 心电监测

5. nutrition / diet care 饮食护理

6. personal and oral hygiene 个人及口腔卫生

7. oxygen inhalation 吸氧

8. sputum aspirator 吸痰

9. atomization 雾化

10. catheter care 尿管护理

11. skin care – prevent bed sore 皮肤护理-预防褥疮

12. prevention of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) 预防深静脉血栓

13. input-output charting 计出入量

14. documentation 护理记录

15. physical therapy 体疗

16. ventilator care 呼吸机护理

17. pacemaker care 起搏器护理


肾上腺素-adrenaline [?'dr??nla?n]

去甲肾上腺素-noradrenaline [?n??r?'dren ?l?n]

异丙肾上腺素-isoprenaline [?a?s??'pren?l?n]

多巴胺-dopamine ['d??p?m??n]

阿托品-atropine ['?tr?p?n]

硝酸甘油-nitroglycerin [?na?tr??'gl?s?r??n]

罂粟碱-papaverine [p?'p?v?r??n ,-r?n /-'pe?v-]

胃复安(甲氧氯普胺)-metoclopramide dihydrochloride



硝普钠-sodium nitroprusside ['s??d??m]

维拉帕米-verapamil [,v?r?'p?m?l]

地西泮-diazepam [da?'?zip?m]

吗啡-morphine['m?rf??n /'m??-]

哌替啶-pethidine ['peθ?d?n]

芬太尼-fentanyl 异丙嗪-promethazine [pr??'meθ?z??n]尼可刹米-nikethamide



氨茶碱-aminophylline [?,m??n??'f?l??n]


甘露醇-mannitol ['m?n?t?l]

肝素-heparin ['hep?r?n]

鱼精蛋白-protamine ['pr??t?m??n ,-m?n]

氢化可的松-hydrocortisone [?ha?dr??'k??t?z??n]

地塞米松-dexamethasone [,deks?'meθ?s??n]

强地松-prednisone ['predn?s??n]


胰岛素-insulin ['?ns?l?n /-sj?l-]




氯胺酮-ketamine ['k??t?m??n]






葡萄糖-glucose ['glu?k??s]

5%糖盐水-5% glucose in normal saline (GNS)

5%葡萄糖-5% glucose solution (GS) [s?'lu ??n]

生理盐水-normal saline (NS)['n??ml] ['se?la?n]

5%碳酸氢钠-5% sodium bicarbonate ['s??d??m] [ba?'kɑ?b?n?t]

氯化钾-potassium chloride[p?'t?s??m] ['kl??ra?d]

氯化钙-calcium chloride['k?ls??m]

葡萄糖酸钙-calcium gluconate ['glu?k?neit]

复方氯化钠(林格液)-compound sodium chloride injection['k?mpa?nd]

乳酸林格液-lactated Ringer’s solution (LR) ['l?kte?t] ['r???(r)] [s?'lu??n]碳酸氢钠-sodium bicarbonate ['s??d??m][ba?'kɑ?b?n?t]

右旋糖酐-dextran ['dekstr?n]

乌司他丁-ulinastatin (UTI)






乙醇-alcohol ['?lk?h?l]

碘-iodine [a??da?n /-d??n]

液状石蜡-liquid paraffin ['l?kw?d] ['p?r ?f?n]

甲醛(福尔马林)-formaldehyde [f?r'm?ld?ha?d /f??'m-]


过氧乙酸-peracetic acid





ascending aorta(AAo)升主动脉descending aorta(DAo)降主动脉arch of aorta 主动脉弓

aortic valve(A V)主动脉瓣

mitral valve(MV)二尖瓣tricuspid valve(TV)三尖瓣pulmonary valve(PV)肺动脉瓣inferior vena cava(IVC)下腔静脉superior vena cava(SVC)上腔静脉coronary sinus(CS)冠状窦atrium 心房

ventricle 心室

coronary artery(CA)冠状动脉circumflex artery(CIRC)回旋支anterior descending(AD)前降支pulmonary artery(PA)肺动脉azygos(Az)奇静脉subclavian artery(SA)锁骨下动脉external jugular vein 颈外静脉descending vein (dv) 垂直静脉arterial dorsalis pedis 足背动脉left bundle branch(LBB)左束支diaphragm (D) 横膈

common atrio-ventricular valve orifice(CA VO)共同房室瓣口cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB)

体外循环deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA)深低温停循环extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO体外膜肺氧合fraction of inspired oxygen(FiO2)

吸入氧浓度intermittent positive pressure ventilation(IPPV)间断正压通气CPAP 持续正压通气

positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)呼气末正压通气IMV 间歇指令通气

SIMV 同步间歇指令通气

CMV 容量控制

BE 剩余碱

intensive care unit(ICU)

重症监护病房central venous pressure(CVP)

中心静脉压systolic blood pressure(SBP 收缩压diastolic blood pressure(DBP)

舒张压MAP 平均动脉压

PCWP 肺动脉楔压

LVEDP 左室舒张末压

oxygen tension in arterial blood (PaO2)动脉血氧分压carbon dioxide tension in arterial


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。本文描绘并阐述了各系统的主要部分。 The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made. 骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。它对软组织及人体器官起到支持和保护作用,并牵动骨胳肌,引起各种运动。人体有206根骨头。骨形态不一,有长的、短、立方的、扁的及不规则的。许多长骨里有一个内层间隙,里面充填着骨髓,这即是血细胞的制造场所。 A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. 关节把骨与骨连接起来。颅骨不能运动,是由于骨与骨之间的连接太紧密。但其它的关节可允许活动,如一个平面上的前后屈伸运动,如肘关节;或是绕轴心旋转运动,如枢轴点允许头部转动。如果一根骨的球形末端插入另一根骨的臼槽里,大辐度的运动(如肩关节、髋关节)即成为可能。 Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult. 软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。它是骨连结的保护、缓冲层。它把肋骨与胸骨连结起来,也是鼻腔与内耳的结构基础。一个婴儿的骨骼就是由软骨组成,然后不断生长、


2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.


Chaper 1 psychoanalysis n. 精神分析brain n. 脑 intestine n.肠inflammation n.炎症endoscope n.内镜pancreas n.胰腺psychology n.心理学electrocardiogram n.心电图enteritis n.肠炎tumor n.肿瘤 muscle n.肌肉organ n.器官 abdomen n.腹(部)organism n.有机体,生物体surgeon n.外科医生surgery n.外科(学)malignant a.恶性的immune n.免疫 tissue n.组织molecule n.分子,微小颗粒urine n.尿液stool n.大便,粪便vertebra n.椎骨formula n.处方 cortex n.皮质,皮层appendix n.阑尾 thorax n.胸larynx n. 喉 pharynx n.咽 Chapter 2 kidney n.肾脏receptor n.感受器,受体chromosome n.染色体embryo n.胚胎 gene n.基因catabolism n.分解代谢

anabolism n.合成代谢infection n.感染puncture n.穿刺fat n.脂肪 spine n.脊柱exocrine a.外分泌的cartilage n.软骨spleen n.脾脏gallbladder n.胆囊digestive system 消化系统urinary a.泌尿的respiratory a.呼吸的uterus n.子宫skull n.头颅,头骨pelvic cavity 盆腔trachea n.气管esophagus n.食管bronchial tube 支气管aorta n.主动脉diaphragm n.横膈膜pleura(复,pleurae)n.胸膜urinary bladder 膀胱rectum n.直肠cartilage n.软骨umbilicus n.脐ovary n.卵巢 inferior a.下面的superior a.上面的skeletal muscle 骨骼肌striated muscle 横纹肌 Chapter 3 capillary n.毛细血管artery n.动脉chamber n.腔,小室atrium n.心房ventricle n.室,脑室,心室valve n.瓣膜 mitral a.僧帽状的,二尖瓣的breastbone n.胸骨




第二单元 骨质疏松与骨骼的危险因素 骨质疏松可能几十年也没有任何症状。因为除非骨折,它不会引起任何症状。有些骨质疏松性骨折数年后才能诊断出来。因此,只有发生带来痛苦的骨折时,患者才能意识到自己的骨质疏松。而骨质疏松症状和骨折部位有关。 脊椎骨折可引起严重的带状疼痛,疼痛从后背扩散到身体的两侧。几年时间,反复的脊椎骨折可引起身高变矮,脊椎弯曲和后背下端长期疼痛。脊椎弯曲使得患者出现驼背现象,通常称为“罗锅”。 日常生活中发生的骨折叫做压迫性骨折。例如:有些骨质疏松患者走路或下台阶时,脚部会出现压迫性骨折。 跌倒时通常发生髋部骨折。如果患有骨质疏松,非常轻微的磕碰都能造成髋部骨折。由于骨骼的质量较差,即使行外科手术治疗,髋部骨折也很难治愈。 根据国际骨质疏松基金会今天在世界骨质疏松日公布的报告披露,如果吸烟,每天饮酒两杯以上,不锻炼身体或饮食不佳,晚年就会患骨质疏松。 国际骨质疏松基金会主席Daniel Navid在迪拜召开的记者招待会上说:“预计到2050年,因骨质疏松造成的髋部骨折发生率,男性将增至310%,女性将增至240%。骨质疏松导致的骨折通常意味着疼痛,功能丧失,严重病例会导致死亡。” “战胜骨折”报告作者及国际骨质疏松基金会成员Cyrus Cooper教授说:“世界范围内,骨质疏松发病率正以流行病的发病增长——50岁以上,有1/3的女性和1/5的男性患骨质疏松性骨折。但是,如果人们年轻时就认识到骨质疏松的危害并采取适当措施,将对晚年时期的骨骼健康有着巨大的积极影响。” 国际骨质疏松基金会敦促人们接受国际骨质疏松基金会一分钟骨质疏松危险因素检查。此外,采取对骨骼有益的生活方式,如营养饮食,定期锻炼,不吸烟,不酗酒,这些都会有助于形成健壮的骨骼,防止骨折。 危险因素主要分为两大类:可修正的和不可修正的危险因素。尽管我们无法控制危险因素,如年龄,性别,家族史,但还是有些能减轻其影响的办法。 可修正的危险因素 可修正的危险因素主要源于不健康的饮食或生活方式的选择,包括营养不良,身高体重比偏低,饮食失调,喝酒,吸烟和缺乏锻炼。这些危险因素大部分直接影响骨骼健康,导致骨密度降低。(BMD) 喝酒 欧洲,北美洲及澳大利亚的研究表明,无论男性还是女性,每天饮酒量超过两杯会就加大骨质疏松和髋关节骨折的危险。 吸烟 吸烟同样增加人的骨折危险。国际研究已经表明,吸烟使髋关节骨折的危险增加1.5倍。在瑞典进行的研究表明,18到20岁的男性吸烟者,其骨密度降低。这项研究结果尤其令人担忧。因为它表明,年轻人吸烟可以降低骨质峰值——而骨质在20岁到25岁形成——因此增加他得晚年患骨质疏松的危险。 身高体重比偏低 身高体重比(BMI)偏低是检测人瘦的尺度,也可以用来提示患骨质疏松的危险度。医生认为,BMI在20到25之间是理想值。19以下表明BMI太低,有患骨质疏松的危险。 营养不良、饮食钙摄取量低 营养不良与BMI低紧密相连,它能影响骨骼健康。当饮食中钙的摄取量不足时尤其如此。钙是骨矿物质的基本成分,对肌肉,神经和人体的其它细胞也是十分重要的。 维生素D缺乏 主要通过皮肤暴露在阳光下获得的维生素D十分重要,因为它帮助从肠中吸收的钙进入到血液中。通常,儿童和成人每天把面部、手和胳膊暴露在阳光下10到15分钟就足够了。 饮食失调 饮食失调,如神经性厌食、贪食,也能引起骨质疏松。这些情况都能大大降低钙摄取量,加速骨矿物质流失。 运动量不足 久坐的人比经常运动的人更容易发生髋关节骨折。例如:每天坐9个小时以上的女性,其髋关节骨折的机率比坐6个小时以下的女性高50%。 经常跌跤 90%的髋关节骨折都源于跌跤。视力障碍、丧失平衡、肌肉神经紊乱,痴呆、卧床及老年人中常见的服用安眠药


常用骨科医学专业英语词汇 骨科ORTHOPEDICS 1、概论INTRODUCTION *fracture n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折 *open fracture 开放骨折 close fracture 闭合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 压缩骨折 shock n.休克 *deformity n.畸形 tenderness n.压痛 swelling n.肿胀 ecchymosis n.瘀斑 obstacle n.功能障碍 *bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染 spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤 surrounding nerve 周围神经 *fat embolism 脂肪栓塞 bedsore n.褥疮

arthroclisis n.关节僵硬 ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死 ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩 *traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎 hematoma n.血肿 *callus n.骨痂 heal n.愈合 *synovitis n.滑膜炎 *ligament n.韧带 *tendon n.肌腱 * pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 *reduction n.复位 *bone traction 骨牵引 *osteoporosis n.骨质疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨 *humerus n.肱骨 *rotation n.旋转 supracondyle n.髁上 blister n.水疱 pulsate n.搏动 thrombus n.血栓


Dear Sir: Thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is…., born in ...., ….city, ….province. I major in ……and I will graduate from the…….. Medical University in July, 2010. Hope a chance to work and develop in your department. During the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, I have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. With the help of my supervisor, I have successfully finished the subject “………” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, DNA extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. .. I passed the CET band 4 test in2006, after that, I tried my best to learn Medical English and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. I can manipulate computer proficiently and master Microsoft Office software, also be familiar with SPSS and Photoshop, etc. During three-year study in research, I studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. I benefit from working together with excellent colleague. I developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. My inter nship in college of ….. could qualify me for this job, and I believe I can be fit for the position quickly. I am looking forward to working in your department. If I am admitted, I will be thankful and try my best to work for you. Thank you very much. 简单一点的 Hello, everyone, my name is Alice, I am from Medical college of Xi’an Jiaotong University. My hometown is Xi’an, Shanxi province. I am so lucky to be here for this interview. At the very beginning, I would like to talk about my major. When I was an undergraduate student, I studied clinical medicine for five years in Jiaotong University. During my graduating education, my major is internal medicine, specifically, it’s about digestive diseases, like HBV, immune gastroenteritic diseases, and so on. I worked very hard on my study and clinical practice all through the past 8 years, and gradually, I have mastered a lot of useful knowledge and skills about my major. Em, as for my English, I have passed the CET-6 college English test, besides, in order to keep my interest of English,I also studied Advanced Oral English for one year,and now I am good at speaking and writing English.


cardiovascular diseases; 脑垂体的功能the function of pituitary; 泌尿道urinary tract; 分子molecule; 动脉artery; 内分泌学endocrinology; 呼吸困难dyspnea; 唾液saliva; 组织学histology; 血液循环blood circulation; 血液学hematology; 生理学physiology; 解剖学anatomy; 女性生殖系统femal reproductive system; 神经细胞nerve cell; 免疫学immunology; 消化不良dyspepsia; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 胚胎学embryology; 心理学psychology; 细胞学cytology; 原生质protoplasm; 细胞膜cell membrane; 细胞核nucleus; 细胞质(浆)cytoplasm; 脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid; 能半渗透的semipermeable; 分子生物学molecular biology; 碳水化合物carbohydrate; 有区别性的differentially; 使…完整intact; 根据according to; 遗传特性hereditary trait; 渗滤diffusion; 转换transaction; 蓝图blueprint; 染色体chromosome; 色素pigment; 排出废液excrete waste fluid; 散开disperse; 脉冲信号impulse; 核糖核酸ribonucleic acid; 损害正常功能impair the normal function; 污染环境pollute environment; 功能失调malfunction; 致病因子causative agents; 易受侵害的人群vulnerable groups; 局部化的感染localized infection; 花柳病venereal disease; 抗原与抗体antigen&antibody; 肌电图electromyogram; 多发性硬化multiple sclerosis; 心电图electrocardiograph; 疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease; 光纤技术fiber optic technology; 造血系统hematopoietic system; 致命的疾病fatal disease; 体液body fluid; 无副作用的治疗hazard-free treatment; 无侵犯的实验检查non-invasive laboratory test; 核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance; 葡萄糖耐糖实验the glucose-tolerance test; 乐观的预后optimistic prognosis; 超声波检测法ultrasonography; 病史medical history; 随访活动follow-up visit; 营养不良nutritional deficiency; 使细节显著highlight detail; 脑电图electroencephalogram; 缺血的组织blood-starved tissue; 肌纤维muscle fiber; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 消化道alimentary canal; 肌腹fleshy belly of muscle; 横纹肌striated muscle; 肌肉痉挛cramps of muscle; 肌肉收缩muscle contraction; 肌肉附着点attachment of the muscle; 肌肉放松relaxation of muscle; 动脉出血arterial hemorrhage; 止端insertion;起端origion;供血blood supply; 屈肌flexor; 蛋白分子protein molecule; 纤维结缔组织fibrous connective tissue; 伸肌extensor; 意志力willpower; 横切面transverse section; 起搏器pacemaker; 肌萎缩muscle atrophy; 重症肌无力myasthenia gravis; 弥散性局部缺血diffuse ischemia; 常染色体隐性autosomal recessive; 全身性感染systemic infection; 受累的肌肉muscle involved; 显著相关性significant correlation; 神经末梢nerve terminal; 自体免疫反应autoimmune reaction; 神经支配innervation; 肌营养不良muscular dystrophy; 慢性营养不良chronic mulnutrition; 先天性肌病congenital myopathy; 预期寿命life expectancy; 免疫紊乱immunologic derangemant; 发病高峰年龄the peak age of onset; 胸腺肿瘤thymoma; 呼吸肌受累the involvement of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎inflammatory myositic; 去神经支配denervation; 矿物质吸收mineral absorption; 机械应力mechanical stress; 骨基质有机部分the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟premature puberty; 蛋白溶解酶protein-digesting enzyme; 破骨细胞osteoclast; 松质骨spongy bone; 骨折fracture; 不规则骨irregular bone;


医学影像常见英语词汇头部急诊平扫 Emergent Head Scan 头部急诊增强 Emergent Head Enhanced Scan 头部平扫 Head Routine Scan 头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan 眼部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan 眼部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan 内耳平扫 Inner Ear Routine Scan 内耳增强 Inner Ear Enhanced Scan 乳突平扫 Mastoid Routine Scan 乳突增强 Mastoid Enhanced Scan 蝶鞍平扫 Sella Routine Scan 蝶鞍增强 Sella Enhanced Scan 鼻窦轴位平扫 Sinus Axial Routine Scan 鼻窦轴位增强 Sinus Axial Enhanced Scan 鼻窦冠位平扫 Sinus Coronal Scan 鼻窦冠位增强 Sinus Coronal Enhanced Scan 鼻咽平扫 Nasopharynx Routine Scan 鼻咽增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan 腮腺平扫 Parotid Routine Scan 腮腺增强 Parotid Enhanced Scan 喉平扫 Larynx Routine Scan

喉增强 Larynx Enhanced Scan 甲状腺平扫 Hypothyroid Routine Scan 甲状腺增强 Hypothyroid Enhanced Scan 颈部平扫 Neck Routine Scan 颈部增强 Neck Enhanced Scan 肺栓塞扫描 Lung Embolism Scan 胸腺平扫 Thymus Routine Scan 胸腺增强 Thymus Enhanced Scan 胸骨平扫 Sternum Routine Scan 胸骨增强 Sternum Enhanced Scan 胸部平扫 Chest Routine Scan 胸部薄层扫描 High Resolution Chest Scan 胸部增强 Chest Enhanced Scan 胸部穿刺 Chest Puncture Scan 轴扫胸部穿刺 Axial Chest Punture Scan 上腹部平扫 Upper-Abdomen Routine Scan 中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan 上腹部增强 Upper-Abdomen Routine Enhanced Scan 中腹部增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan 腹部穿刺 Abdomen Puncture Scan 轴扫腹部穿刺 Axial Abdomen Puncture Scan 颈椎平扫 C-spine Routine Scan


2018MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pints C. About 4 pints D. About 7 pints 2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work. C. Take some sleeping pills. D. Work harder to forget all her troubles. 3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor. B. He won’t complain anything. C. He is in good condition. D. He couldn’t be worse. 4. A. She is kidding. B. She will get a raise. C. The man will get a raise. D. The man will get a promotion. 5. A. Her daughter likes ball games. B. Her daughter is an exciting child. C. She and her daughter are good friends. D. She and her daughter don’t always understand each other.


医学生研究生复试英语自我介绍 lls than the knowledge ifself. Because in the mordern world ,as you know, knowledge is updating day and night, but if you prosess the ability of “how to learn”, then you can keep up with the development of society. In order to get the opportunity for this interview, I have been waiting too long and made pain-staking efforts to stay here. It’s the second year that I take the national postgraduate entrance examinations.I think that is my disadvantage . But every coin has two sides , that’s a lso my advantage to some extent. Because during the course of preparing the exam, I have developed good self-learning skills and time-planning abilities. I have found the most efficient learing method that conforms to me. Most importantly, I have developed a strong heart towards setbacks and difficulties. This experieces will be unfogettable throughout my life. I will never foget the time that I was told my score for the primary exam. Then I confirmed my believings----fortune always appreciate a hard-working man. Thank you for your attention! Good morning, dear professors.


医学英语课文知识总结 1.Seasonal Influenza (P18) Definition: Seasonal influenza is an acute infection caused by the influenza virus. Type: Type A: A1(H1N1) and A3(H3N2) are circulating among human Type B: Only influenza A and B viruses are included in seasonal influenza vaccines Type C: much less frequently than A and B Cause: 1. High risk: People with certain medical conditions, such as chronic heart, lung, kidney, liver, blood or metabolic diseases (such as diabetes), or weakened immune systems 2. Transmission: Spread by breathing in infected droplets Signs and symptoms: high fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, severe malaise, sore throat and runny nose Treatment: antiviral drugs such as adamantanes and inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase Prevention: vaccinate timely(most effective);covering mouth and nose with tissue when coughing, washing hands regularly 2.Diabetes (P25) Definition:Diabetes is a chornic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin,or alternatively,when thw body cannot effevtively use the insulin it produces. Type: Type 1 diabetes(previously know as insulin-dependent or childhood-onset)is characterized by a lack of insulin production. Type 2 diabetes(fromly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset)results from the body's ineffective use of insulin. Gestational diabetes is hyperglycaemia which is first recognized during pregnancy. Common consequences: Diabetes can damage the heart,blood vessels,eyes,kindneys,and nerves. Such as:retinopathy,neuropathy;tingling;pain;numbness,or weakness in the feet and hands;fool ulcers,even amputation;kidney failure;heart disease;stroke;cardiovascular disease. Prevent: achieve and maintain healthy body weigh;be physically active;blood testing;tabacco cessation; blood pressure control;foot care;morderate blood control, people with type 1 diabetes require insulin,people with type 2 diabetes can be treated with oral medication,but may also require insulin.screening for retinopathy;blood lipid control; screening for early signs of diabetes-related kindney disease. 5.Obesity And Overweight(P70) Defintion:Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.WHO defines “overweight” as a BMI equal to or more than 25 and “obesity” as a BMI equal to or more than 30. Reason: Energy imbalance ,unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Consequence:Cardiovascular disease,diabetes,musculoskeletal disorders,some cancer Prevention: Achieve energy balance and a healthy weight,limit energy intake, fruit,vegetables,legumes,whole grains and nuts.increase physical activity and limit sugar intake
