





I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each)

West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to 1 any form of euthanasia for a long time to come. Opposition is 2 fierce, because of the shadow of the past. Countries 3 an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some 4 rules for voluntary euthanasia. By 5 to discuss it, they usher in something worse.

We watched while pride allowed unimportant battles to be 6 into the most important stands of the war-because we couldn’t7 and we couldn’t retreat and because it didn’t matter how many American8 were provided to prove that point. Now we are told that we have to 9 quietly while the American lives are lost so that we can exercise the 10 arrogance of Vietnamizing the Vietnamese.

Newspapers have two great advantages 11 television. They can be used by men as barriers 12 their wives. It is still the only effective screen against the morning features of the loved one, and, as such, performs a unique human 13 . The second advantage is that you can’t line a14 pail with a television set—it’s usually the other way 15 .

It is only lately that I have found how much science of genetics is 16 . Agronomists and the like have taken to 17 all sorts of vegetables and fruits-changing their 18 nature. This sounds wonderful and often is 19 . For the scientists have not as a rule taken any 20 whatsoever in the taste of the things they’ve tampered with!

My own lack of shame in the rioting then taking place in America 21 me. In one sense, I was the 22 of the ghetto child who through hard work and initiative was 23 himself toward a better life. I was the 24 , the exception. It was my life that was held up to Watts youth to 25 .

II. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter

on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)

26. These arguments have never been _________ accepted.

A. amply

B. drastically

C. perpetually

D. universally

27. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to _________ behavior.

A. unfamiliar

B. uncivilized

C. unsatisfied

D. uncommon

28. The emergency services said it was _________ that no one was seriously injured in the air crash.

A. miraculous

B. mysterious

C. ridiculous

D. relentless

29. Banks _________ receive money from their customers in two distinct forms: on current account, and on deposit account.

A. formally

B. narrowly

C. normally

D. particularly

30. The recession has _________ so many firms that many can no longer survive.

A. lessened

B. weakened

C. decreased

D. reduced

31. In science, a theory is a reasonable __________ of observed events.

A. explanation

B. excavation

C. expression

D. evaluation

32. Children do not learn what it is to lose and will __________ violence to release their


A. refer to

B. attribute to

C. point to

D. resort to

33.A sincere __________ is like the sunshine which can boost our morale.

A. compliment

B. supplement

C. accomplishment

D. complement

34. He was arrested when his __________ scheme to evade taxes came to light.

A. fake

B. fraudulent

C. false

D. foreign

35. This old room has not been much in use of late. No wonder it has such a_______ appearance.

A. vulgar

B. fancy

C. shabby

D. cheap

36. That little boy was so naughty that he tried to _________ feathers from a chicken.

A. flick

B. twist

C. pluck

D. toss

37. The task of a teacher _________ patience and conscientiousness.

A. commands

B. demands

C. amends

D. mends

38. She gave us unfailing _________ and became an essential part of our family.

A. devotion

B. inspection

C. exploration

D. indication

39. As we were saying goodbye, the train started with a_________.

A. shake

B. shiver

C. tremble

D. jerk

40. Parents should attach importance to their children’s _________ fr om adolescence to adulthood.

A. permission

B. position

C. transmission

D. transition

Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items III, IV, V.

Why I Came to College

(1) Why have I chosen to attend college? I have put this question to myself at many times and in various forms during the past three and a half months which have constituted the first semester of my freshman year. Have I come because of parental influence, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that I have come to college not for one single reason, but for many, and that it is something that I truly want to do.

(2) Originally, my parents did influence my opinions about education in general. My mother, an elementary school teacher, was always proud of my academic successes, but she never really pushed me or demanded that I achieve excellent grades. However, from the beginning of my schooling, my parents seemed to assume that I would attend college, and by the time I reached high school, I had become accustomed to that idea as well.

(3) When I entered high school, I enrolled in the college preparatory program offered there, looking ahead four years to college attendance. However, as I proceeded further through high school into my junior and senior years, I became genuinely interested in many of the subjects which I was studying. Chemistry, physics, and calculus were the courses which held my interest most strongly and I felt that I wanted to continue to study those areas beyond the high school level. Up to that point in my life, I had always claimed that I wanted to attend college. but didn’t realize why until my high school career drew to a close.

(4) Finally, I began to recognize in myself a strong drive to obtain knowledge. I knew that I would not be content to simply end my educational career with high school and enter the working world. I truly felt a need to continue learning in order to gain a better understanding of the world around me. My final decision to attend college seemed a natural one, and my choice of engineering as a field of study came easily as

well, since the profession fit well with my academic preferences.

(5) The fact that I enjoy learning and gaining knowledge was my main reason for choosing to enter college, but I must admit that it was not the sole reason. In today’s world, a college education has become almost essential if one wishes to compete in the job market. In the next several years, this trend will surely continue, with a Bachelor’s degree becoming almost indispensable if one wishes to find a worthwhile position, and a Master’s degree becoming highly desirable for advanced positions. Although it may sound materialistic, I felt that attending college was a practical and necessary step which I took to ensure a secure future for myself and my family. I made my choice to study engineering primarily on the basis of my love of mathematics and the physical sciences; however, the fact that it is a well-paid and respected profession did have some influence on my final decision to study engineering, rather than a pure science curriculum. Either field would have allowed me to study those subjects which hold my interest, but the decision to pursue the one which would ultimately be more profitable was not a difficult choice to make. (6) A third reason that I am attending college is that I have always hoped that I could make a contribution to the world. I knew that a career involving science and technology would give me the best opportunity to do this. I also knew that in order to pursue such a career, I would be required to go through college. Hopefully, this will enable me to someday make a contribution to the expansion of the frontiers of society’s knowledge, and to in some way benefit mankind.

(7) Finally, I chose to attend a diversified college, as opposed to a purely technical institute, because I feel that college should allow a person to grow in areas other than pure academics. It should also expose that student to a variety of social and political ideas, helping to expand his mental horizons. Attending Rutgers University has definitely allowed me to come into contact with a wide variety of lifestyles which could only be found together on a collegiate campus. Additionally, while I am able to major in a scientific field at Rutgers, I am able to simultaneously take courses which explore other fields of study and allow me to become a more diversified and well-rounded person. This overall gain of general knowledge which is available only to the college student is another reason that I was lured toward the pursuit of a higher education.

(8) Thus, I came to college not for one reason, but for several different ones. It was something that I had planned, even without fully knowing why, for several years. It was certainly the next logical step in my educational career after the completion of high school. However, only in my final two years of high school did I actually begin to recognize in myself the inherent desire to obtain information and learning which

pursue the other goals which I had set for myself. I also knew that I wanted to become a more diversified person, and that a college education was the best means to attain that end.

(9) Why have I chosen to attend college? Sometimes I am unsure of the exact reason myself. I am sure, however, that it is what I should do and what I want to do with the next four years of my life.

III. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)

41. According to the passage, the author came to college mainly __________.

A. out of his own will

B. because of social pressure

C. out of respect for his parents

D. because of financial attraction

42. The word “pondering” in Paragraph l can be best replaced by __________ .

A. answering appropriately

B. exploring thoroughly

C. dealing with efficiently

D. thinking carefully about

43. According to Paragraph 2, which of the followi ng is true about the author’s parents?

A. They were demanding.

B. They were open-minded.

C. They were indifferent to his future.

D. They were anxious about his future.

44. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “genuinely” in Paragraph

3 ?

A. really

B. completely

C. immediately

D. finally

45. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that _________ .

A. few people study for Bachelor’s degrees

B. a college degree means more than ever before

C. college education is required for a good future

D. a Master’s degree can guarantee advanced positions

46. Which of the following can best explain the word “indispensable” in Paragraph 5?

A. ingenuous

B. essential

C. advantageous

D. helpful

47. The author chose engineering mainly because _________ .

A. it was more popular

B. he could make more money

C. he was more interested in it

D. he could be more successful

48. College education was expected to make the author _________ .

A. realistic

B. technically sophisticated

C. intelligent

D. comprehensively developed

49. The author states in Paragraph 7 that _________ .

A. a diversified college can provide knowledge in various fields

B. a diversified college is the only place where a person can learn

C. higher education in a diversified college can ensure success in the future

D. a student can learn as many subjects as he likes in a diversified college

50. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to _________ .

A. advertise educational institutions

B. persuade people to obtain college degrees

C. emphasize the importance of higher education

D. express his understanding of today’s education systems

IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (10 points,2 points for each)

51. Have I come because of parental influence, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue?

52. When I entered high school, I enrolled in the college preparatory program offered there, looking ahead four years to college attendance.

53.Up to that point in my life, I had always claimed that I wanted to attend college, but didn’t realize why until my high school career drew to a close.

54.I knew that I would not be content to simply end my educational career with high school and enter the working world.

55.I also knew that I wanted to become a more diversified person, and that a college education was the best means to attain that end.

V. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)

56. Why did you decide to have higher education?

VI. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (20 points,2 points each for 57-60,4 points for 61,8 points for 62)










I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each)









9.I 10.D

11.K 12.E 13.U 14.J 15.F

16.B 17.X 18.Y 19.N 20.O

21.V 22.M 23.A 24.W 25.L


II. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)


【解析】句意:这些论点从来没有被普遍接受。A.amply adv. 1.充足地;广阔地;详细地;B. drastically adv.1.大大地;彻底地2.激烈地;C. perpetually adv. 1.永恒地2.终身地3.不断地D. universally adv. 全体地;一致地;到处,随时随地。根据句意,故选D。




A. unfamiliar a. 1.不熟悉的;不常见的;陌生的[(+to)],2.不熟知的;不通晓的;未见过的[F][(+with)] ;

B. uncivilized a. 野蛮的,未开化的;

C. unsatisfied a. 未得到满足的;不满意的;

D. uncommon a. 1.不寻常的;罕见的2.非凡的,杰出的。根据句意,故选B。



【解析】句意:紧急服务说没有人员在这次空难中受伤创造了奇迹。A. miraculous a. 1.神奇的;超自然的 2.奇迹般的;惊人的 3.能创造奇迹的;B. mysterious a. 1.神秘的;不可思议的2.诡秘的;C. ridiculous a.可笑的,荒谬的;滑稽的D. relentless a. 1.残酷的,无情的2.不间断的,持续的;坚韧的,不懈的。根据句意,故选A。



【解析】句意:银行通常接受其客户的资金是以两种不同的形式:目前的帐户,存款帐户。A. formally adv. 1.正式地;正规地2.拘泥形式地;形式上;B. narrowly adv. 1.狭窄地2.勉强地3.严密地;仔细地;C. normally adv. 1.正常地2.通常,按惯例;

D. particularly adv. 1.特别,尤其2.详细地,详尽地3.具体地,明确地。根据句意,故选C。



【解析】句意:经济萧条,许多公司被削弱,再也不能运营。A. lessen vi. 1.变小,变少;减轻vt. 1.使变小,使变少;使减轻2.【古】藐视;贬低减少的;B. weaken

vt. 1.削弱,减弱;减少2.使变弱;使变淡;C. decrease vi. 1.减;减少,减小[(+in/to)]vt. 1.减;减少,减小[(+to)];D. reduced vt. 1.减少;缩小;降低2.使处于(某种状态);使化为,使变为[(+to)]。根据题意,故选B



【解析】句意:在科学,理论是对所观察事件的合理解释。A.explanation n. 1.说明,解释[U][C][(+of/for)]2.辩解;辩明[U][C][(+of/for)][+(that)]3.(为消除误会等的)交谈,互相讲明[S];B. excavation n. 1.挖掘;开凿[U]2.开凿的洞穴(或山路等)[C]3.(发掘出来的)古迹;出土的文物[C];C. expression n. 1.表达;表示[U][C][(+of)]2.表情;脸色;声调[C][U];D. evaluation n.估价,评价;估算[C][U]。根据句意,故选A。



【解析】句意:孩子们不知道什么是该失去,用暴力释放他们的失望。A.refer to1.参考,查阅;涉及,提到;指的是2.提到;讲起;有关;涉及;参考;查阅;

B. attribute to attribute to1.把……归因于;把……归功于2.把……归因于,认为是……的结果;

C. point to 1.指向,指出2.指着3.意味着;

D. resort to 1.依靠,求助于2.光顾;常去(某地) 。根据句意,故选B。



【解析】句意:真诚的赞美,犹如阳光,可以提高我们的士气。A. compliment n.赞美的话;恭维;敬意[(+on)]2.问候;致意;道贺[P];B. supplement1.增补,补充[(+to)] 2.(书籍的)补遗;附录;(报刊等的)增刊,副刊[(+to)] 3.补给品;C. accomplishment n. 1.成就;成绩[C] 2.才艺,教养;造诣;技能[P1] 3.完成;实现[U];D. complement n.补充物, 补足物; 配对物[(+to/of)]。根据句意,故选A。



【解析】句意:当他的欺诈计划以逃避税被揭发时他被逮捕了。A. fake a. 假的,冒充的;B. fraudulent a. 1.欺诈的,欺骗的2.骗得的,骗取的;C. false a. 1.不正确的,谬误的;不真实的2.不诚实的;虚妄的3.不忠实的,无信义的[(+to)] D. foreign a.陌生的;不属于本身的;不适合的[F][(+to)]。根据句意,故选B。



【解析】句意:这栋老房子没有太大的后期使用。难怪这么破旧。A. vulgar a.


2.通俗的;大众的,庶民的[B];B. fancy a. 1.别致的;花俏的;花式的2.需要高度技巧的C. shabby a. 1.破烂的;破旧的2.邋遢的,肮脏的

3.破落的,破败的;D. cheap a.便宜的。根据句意,故选C。



【解析】句意:这个小男孩特别调频,竟然拔鸡毛。A. flick vt. 1.啪地轻打;轻弹[(+with)] 2.弹掉[(+off/away)]3.啪地开动[(+on/off)];B. twist vt. 1.扭转;扭弯;旋转,绞2.捻,搓;捻成,搓成;C. pluck vt. 1.采,摘,拔[(+from/out/off)][O1] 2.扯,拉D. toss vt. 1.抛,扔,投[(+to)][O1] 2.使上下摇动;把...抛来抛去。根据句意,故选C。



【解析】教师的工作需要耐心和良心。A. command vt.1.命令;2. 指挥,统率;控制B. demand vt. 1.要求,请求[+to-v][+that][(+of)] 2.需要;C. amend vt. 1.修订,修改;订正2.改进,改善;D. mend vt. 1.修理,修补;缝补2.改善,改良;纠正,改正3.使愈合;使恢复健康。根据句意,故选B。



【解析】句意:她对我们无穷的奉献,已经成为我们家庭的重要一员。A. devotion n. 1.献身;奉献[U][(+to)] 2.忠诚;挚爱,热爱[U][(+to/for)] B. inspection n.检查,检验;审视2.检阅,视察C. exploration n. [U][C][(+of)]1.勘查;探测;探索探究;2.调查;研究 D. indication n.1.指示;指点;表示[U][(+of)] 2.征兆;迹象;暗示[C][U][(+of)][+that]。根据句意,故选A。



【解析】句意:当我们要再见的时候,火车猛的动了一下。A. shake n. 摇动;震动; B. shiver n. 1. 颤抖2.寒颤C. tremble n. 震颤,发抖;震动D. jerk n.猛然地一拉(或一推,一扭,一扔等) 2.颠簸,摇晃。根据句意,故选D。



【解析】句意:从孩子青春期到成年,家长应重视孩子的转变。A. permission n.允许,许可,同意[U][+to-v];B. position n. 1.位置,地点,方位2.立场;态度;C. transmission n. 1.传送;传达[U]2.传染,传播[U] D. transition n. 1.传送;传达[U]2.传染,传播[U]3.转变。根据题意,故选D。


III. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)





【解析】题意:第一段中单词“pondering”可以用下面那个替换?ponder vt.反思;衡量。A.正确回答问题;B.仔细探索;C.有效处理;D. 仔细考虑。故选D。







adv. 真正地。A.真正地;B.完全地;C.立刻的;D.最终地。故选A。






【解析】题意:下列哪个能最好的释义第五段单词“indispensable”? indispensable a.必不可少的,必须的。A. 率直的;无邪的;B.基本的,必须的;C. 有利的;有助的;有益的;D.有帮助的。故选B。



【解析】题意:作者选工程学专业主要是因为什么?A.比较受欢迎;B.能赚更多的钱;C.他感兴趣;D.他能更成功。根据第五段内容“I made my choice to study engineering primarily on the basis of my love of mathematics and the physical sciences; however, the fact that it is a well-paid and respected profession did have some influence on my final decision to study engineering, rather than a pure science curriculum. Either field would have allowed me to study those subjects which hold my interest, but the decision to pursue the one which would ultimately be more profitable was not a difficult choice to make.”故选C。



【解析】题意:作者期望大学教育会使他怎样?A.现实;B.技术先进;C.理性;D.全面发展。根据文章倒数第二段“I also knew that I wanted to become a more diversified person, and that a college education was the best means to attain that end.”可知,作者想在大学全面发展,成为一个综合素质的人才。故选D。








IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (10 points,2 points for each)

51. 我来上大学是由于父母的影响还是因为我有自己追逐的目标?

52. 进入高中,我就开始大学的预备工作,展望四年的大学生活。

53. 就在那时,我还一直声称我想上大学,但是直到高中毕业才意识到上学的原因。

54. 我知道我不会满足于简单结束我的高中生活从而走向工作。

55. 我也知道我想成为一个更多元化的人,而大学教育是实现这个目标的最好方法。







V. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)









VI. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (20 points,2 points each for 57-60,4 points for 61,8 points for 62)

57. This solution way's malpractice lies in it nolonger widely to be suitable.

58. When this wealthy country does not have thechild has an empty stomach goes to bed, I will possibly be glad toteaching.

59. The American does compared to watches televisionmore matters only then to work and to sleep.

60. That kind thought that art should the viewpointwhich itself gets unhooked with politics be one politicalattitude.

61. The fish sauce leaves the water surface,flashes the body online another end to struggle. He closelyentrains the fish in the hand, takes the fishhook from betweenlips., n5

62. The talk among the ambitions and future-minded youth in Watts was on getting out so that careers could begin. And they did just that. The talented young people left Watts in droves. The one skill they had in common was the ability to escape the ghetto.














广东省自学考试实施细则 【法规类别】自学考试 【发布部门】广东省政府 【发布日期】1989.11.20 【实施日期】1990.01.01 【时效性】现行有效 【效力级别】地方政府规章 广东省自学考试实施细则 (一九八九年十一月二十日广东省人民政府颁布) 第一章总则 第一条为完善自学考试制度,发展我省自学考试事业,根据国务院《高等教育自学考试暂行条例》的规定,结合我省的实际情况,特制定本细则。 第二条本细则所称自学考试,是对自学者进行以高等教育或中专教育学历考试为主的国家考试,是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的新型教育形式。 自学考试的任务,是通过国家考试促进广泛的个人自学和社会助学活动,推进在职专业教育、初高中后专业教育和大学后继续教育,造就和选拔多层次多规格、德才兼备的专门人才,提高全民族的思想道德、科学文化素质,适应社会主义现代化建设的需要。

第三条凡在本省境内居住和工作的中华人民共和国公民,不受性别、年龄、民族、种族和已受教育程度的限制,均可依照本细则的规定参加自学考试。 港澳和台湾同胞、海外侨胞及外籍人士均可参加我省自学考试。 能遵守纪律、接受改造、积极学习的劳改、劳教人员,经批准后也可以参加自学考试。 第四条自学考试应坚持教育为社会主义服务的方向,讲求社会效益,保证人才质量。根据经济建设和社会发展的需要和开考条件的实际可能,设置考试专业。逐步实行用人部门委托开考专业。 第五条自学考试的学历层次,与普通高等学校和中专学校同学历层次水平的要求在总体上相一致。 第二章考试机构 第六条省设立自学考试委员会(以下简称“省考委”),在省人民政府领导和全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会(以下简称“全国考委”)指导下负责全省的自学考试工作。 省考委由省教育、计划、财政、人事、劳动部门的负责人,军队和有关人民团体的负责人,及部分高等学校的校(院)长、专家、学者组成。由省人民政府一位副省长任主任。 省考委的职责是: (一)贯彻执行国家关于自学考试的方针、政策、法规和业务规范,制定本省有关自学考试的文件; (二)在全国考委的指导下,结合我省实际拟定和公布开考专业,指定主考学校; (三)组织全省的自学考试工作;

自考 综合英语二 历年考试 真题 2007-10

全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(二)试题 课程代码:00795 I.语法、词汇。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points) 1. It is ______ good policy to keep physically fit, winter and summer alike. A. a B. an C. / D. the 2. Fifteen minutes______ for one who waits. A. seem a long time B. seemed long time C. seems a long time D. Seems long time ago 3. The judge awarded a large sum of money ______ hurt in the explosion. A. to them B. to those C. for them D. for those 4. If you pay the tailor beforehand he will do the job ______. A. all quickly the more B. quickly all the more C. all the more quickly D. the more all quickly 5. Even though I am quite a reserved person, I like ______ people. A. to be met B. meeting C. to have met D. met 6. By 1642, all towns in the colony of Massachusetts ______ by law to have schools. A. were required B. required C. was required D. had required 7. I ______ read a great deal though I don’t have much time for books now. A. used to B. have used to C. am used to D. was used to 8. As he ______ up since 4 a.m., he is, no doubt, very tired now. A. is B. was C. has been D. had been 9. We’ll have to go without him unless he ______ before our train departs. A. come B. comes C. has come D. will come 10. I still remember quite clearly the place______ I first saw a gorgeous sunset. A. when B. where C. whenever D. wherever 11. Is there any special reason______ you want me to wear my new suit to the party? A. how B. what C. why D. which 12. My kitten got lost again yesterday. I______ never have let it go by itself. A. might B. should C. would D. could 13. “Doesn’t your sister want to see that movie?” “Y es, but she says______ tonight.” A. she’d not rather go B. she’ll rather not go C. she’d rather not go D. she won’t rather go 14. The coat I saw in the department store is very nice, and I believe the color______ you perfectly well. A. fits B. suits C. matches D. keeps 15. If reading is to accomplish anything more than ______ time, it must be active. A. wasting B. spending C. passing D. costing 16. The committee, ______ noted professors and experts, will make a thorough investigation into this accident. A. consisting of B. forming of C. composed D. composing 17. She refused to ______ the door key to the landlord until she got back her deposit (押金). A. hand in B. hand out C. hand up D. hand over 18. We should always bear in mind that ______ decisions often result in serious consequences. A. emergent B. urgent C. spontaneous D. hasty 19. As a developing country, China must ______ the rapid development of world economy. A. meet with B. catch hold of C. keep pace with D. keep up with 20. Although I had several talks with her about the matter, she obviously ______ little notice of what I had said. A. paid B. attached C. took D. gave 21. Last week we bought some new ______ for our new house at the seaside. A. furniture B. property C. possession D. belonging 22. I ______ you that I had no intention of offending you. A. convince B. persuade C. guarantee D. assure 23. His friends are not happy with him because he always turns down their invitations ______ ill health. A. on the ground of B. on the strength of C. in view of D. by means of 24. Though small in size, this supermarket enjoys an excellent ______ for fair dealing. A. fame B. popularity C. name D. impression 25. Please put on a bright red dress, so that it would be easy for him to ______ you in the crowd. A. realize B. spot C. discover D. pick Ⅱ.完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points) The rat has many enemies and its greatest enemy is man. Nevertheless, it is the survivor. Although man has 26 an unending war against them, rats have 27 the world. In almost every country, from the 28 cold of the Arctic regions to the unbearable 29 of the tropics, rats are 30 thriving, increasing and multiplying. Apart from their ability to 31 themselves to varying climate conditions, rats possess another 32 that gives them an advantage in extending their boundaries. More so than most other animals, 33 snakes, mosquitoes and spiders, they induce fear. Why should this be so? Certainly they carry 34 and man is slow to forget the Black Plague 35 killed off millions of people in the fourteenth century. Also, rats have been known to bite 36 babies, but the number of such attacks is very much exaggerated. One reads 37 the danger of being attacked by “a cornered rat”, but this belongs to fiction; rats do not 38 your throat, as many would have us believe. 39 , it is diffic ult to believe that its appearance can be a sourc e of40 ; the common black or brown rat can almost be regarded as a frightful creature while its cousin, the squirrel, is quite pretty and gentle. 26. A. ended B. waged C. lost D. won 27. A. conquered B. mastered C. controlled D. spread over


2018年4月高等教育自学考试 薪酬管理 (课程代码06091) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题。 2.应考者必须按试题顺序在答题卡(纸)指定位置上作答,答在试卷上无效。 3.涂写部分、画图部分必须使用2B铅笔,书写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔。第一部分选择题 ―、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请.将其选出。 1.依据员工所拥有的知识和技术水平为员工支付薪酬的方式称为 A.基于配置的薪酬模式 B.基于能力的薪酬模式 C.基于市场的薪酬模式 D.基于岗位的薪酬模式 2.认为薪酬数量取决于劳动供求关系的经济学家是 A.李嘉图 B.亚当?斯密 C.穆勒 D.马斯洛 3.当劳动力需求曲线不变而劳动力供给曲线左移时,则会导致均衡工资率的 A.上升 B.下降 C.不变 D.不确定 4.在赫茨伯格的双因素理论中,保健因素不年f A.人际关系 B.工作条件 C.工作本身 D.工作环境 5.根据马斯洛的需求层次理论,反映的是爱和归属的需求层次是 A.生理需求 B.社会需求 C.尊麵 D.自我实现需求 薪酬管理试题第1页(共4页) 6.依据组织制定的不同工作价值等级支付对应的薪酬,这体现薪酬管理目标公平性中的 A.外部公平 B.内部公平 C.个人公平 D.制度公平 7.按照薪酬构成,企业的薪酬形式可以划分为 A.货币薪酬和非货币薪酬 B.保健性薪酬和激励性薪酬 C.统一薪酬和个性化薪酬 D.基本薪酬和可变薪酬 8.当前我国采用的主流工资形式是 A.资历工资制 B.职位工资制 C.能力工资制 D.结构工资制 9.在结构工资制构成中,根据企业的经济效益和员工实际完成的劳动的数量和质量支付给员工的工资形式是 A.基础工资 B.技能工资 C.浮动工资 D.效益工资


全国2010年4月自学考试综合英语(二)试题 课程代码:00795 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 I. GRAMMARAND VOCABULARY Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all) 1. I was shocked by the number of people who seemed to have nothing better to do with their time than ______ to know fish better. A. get B. gets C. getting D. got 2. Not all birds can fly , ______ do all birds build nests. A. not B. no C. never D. nor 3. Whe n you fall in love for the first time, it’s surprising ______ inconveniences you can put up with. A. that B. what C. which D. those 4. I know my limitations, so I won’t do anything ______ my ability. A. beyond B. under C. above D. below 5. The hosts apologized for ______ that some of their guests might be vegetarians. A. having not considered B. not having considered C. having not been considering D. not considering 6. Mrs. Smith locked both the front and the back doors before she went to bed ______ that someone might steal into the house at night. A. so B. for fear C. unless D. on condition 1 全国2010年4月自学考试综合英语(二)试题


薪酬管理复习题一 一、单项选择题(20分) 1.不属于浮动工资的是(A) A.基本工资 B.绩效工资 c.激励工资 D.加班工资 2. 国内学者认为的员工福利概念,广义上包括的层次是(A) A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.6个 3.需要寻找标杆企业的薪酬类型为(B) A.领先型 B.跟随型 C.滞后型 D.竞争型 4.指对多个薪酬等级以及薪酬变动范围进行重新组合,从而变成相对较少的职等以及相应较宽的薪酬变动范围的是(D) A.弹性薪酬 B.垂直型薪酬 C.薪酬宽带 D.宽带薪酬 5.对薪酬进行分析的弟一个学者是(A) A.亚当·斯密 B.李嘉图 C.穆勒 D.威廉·配第 6.劳动者大体上能够生活下去并不増不减地延续其后裔所需生活资料的价格是 (A) A.自然价格 B.市场价格 C.流动资本 D.劳动价格 7.目前,我国的社会主义工资理论认为工资分配的单位是(A) A.企业 B.全社会 C.职位等级 D.行业 8.维持生存理论的提出者是(D) A.亚当·斯密 B.杜尔格 C.马歇尔 D.威廉·配第 9.员工个人核心能力的特点是(B) A.价值型和统一性 B.独特性和扩展性 C.组织性和变化性 D.扩展性和竞争性 10.能力可以随着组织的需要而开发,在使用范围上可以扩张,在能力层次上可以提高,属于员工个人核心能力的是(C) A.价值性 B.独特性 C.扩展性 D.组织性 11.保障职工基本生活需要的工资是指(A) A.基础工资 B.技能工资 C.效益工资 D.浮动工资 12.科学工作分析的起始人是(A)

A.泰勒 B.西蒙 C.亚当斯 D.苏格拉底 13.职位评价的前提是(B) A.职位设计 B.职位分析 C.薪酬调查 D.职位调查 14.对于岗位设置比较稳定、规模较小的企业,比较适用的职位评价方法是(A) A.排序法 B.分类法 C.因素比较法 D.计点法 15.取决于企业或组织的职位结构和市场各个职位的薪酬水平是(D) A.市场薪酬线B、薪酬级别 C.工资范围 D.薪酬结构 16、可以代表企业职位结构的典型市场薪酬水平的是(A) A.市场薪酬线 B.薪酬级别 C.工资范围 D.薪酬结构 17.代表垂直工资结构,包括中等、最低、最高工资水平的是(C) A.市场薪酬线 B.薪酬级别 C.工资范围 D.薪酬结构 18.股权激励的理论基础是(B) A.市场分析理论 B.委托代理理论 C.薪酬管理说明 D.工资设计说明 19.代理成本的剩余损失是(D) A.实际成本 B.直接成本 C.间接成本 D.机会成本 20.股票期权的特点不包括(C) A.是一种权利而非义务 B.在到期日,股票期权可能没有价值 C.在到期日,股票期权一定有价值 D.在到期日之前,股票期权一定有价值 二、多项选择题(共10分) 21.薪酬包括(AC) A.经济性薪酬 B.直接经济性薪酬 C.非经济性薪酬 D.间接经济性薪酬 E.基本薪酬 22.薪酬的功能包括(ABCE) A.维持功能 B.保障功能 C.优化配置功能 D.成本控制功能 E.激励功能 23、按薪酬的稳定性,薪酬可分为(DE) A.短期薪酬 B.长期薪酬


2017年7月高等教育自学考试 现代企业人力资源管理概论试题 (课程代码11466) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四十备选项中只有一个是符台题目要求的,请将其选出井将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1.在管理活动中,如果劳动成果小于劳动耗费,则产出 A.无效益 B.零效益 C.正效益 D.负效益 2.对已经有了相当资源或荣誉的人,给予他的资源或荣誉越来越多,产生累积效果;而对于那些缺乏资源或没有荣誉的人,则不承认或贬低其价值,忽视他们的成绩和需求。这反映的是 A.马太效应 B.投射效应 C.晕轮效应 D.偏见效应 3.人力资源战略规划之短期规划通常是指 A.1个月至3个月 B.3个月至6个月 C.1年至3年 D.1年左右 4.人力资源规划的目的是 A.人力资源需求预测 B.人力资源供求平衡 C.人力资源供给预测 D.人力资源结构平衡 5.通过信息网络联系起来,在其内部进行规范的权力设置和明确的分工协作,并为实现某种特定目标而建立起来的实体叫 A. 组织 B.岗位 C.职位分析 D.组织框架 6.企业为了实现某一目标而把在不同领域工作的、具有不同知识和技能的人集中于一个特定的动态团体之中,共同完成某个项目。这是组织发展的 A.小型化 B.弹性化 C.虚拟化 D.扁平化 7.一种允许那些自己认为已经具备职位要求的员工申请公告中工作的自荐技术是 A.管理档案 B. 员工推荐 C.职位竞标 D.职位公告 8. 下列属于企业获得专业人员和技术人员重要来源的是 A. 广告 B. 校园招聘 C. 海外招聘 D. 就业服务机构 9. 员工已不大可能再得到职务晋升或承担更多的责任,尽管发展通道和更高层次的职位是清晰可见的,但在职务晋升时似乎被一层玻璃挡着,望而不可及。这种现象叫 A.技能老化 B.职业平台 C.结构型停滞 D.职业生涯高原


2010年7月高教自考综合英语二试题 课程代码:00795 I.语法、词汇。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(15 points) 1.She was invited to go to the ball but she did not even have ______ to go with her dress.A.a piece of jewelry B.piece of jewelry C.a jewelry D.one jewelry 2.I'd like to have ______ with you sometime this week about your approaching exams. A.a word B.some word C.some words D.one word 3.What _D______ honest man he is! A.a B./ C.the D. an 4.Tomorrow it will be cloudy, with a few sunny _A_____ . A.intervals B.periods C.steps D.instance 5.The coach felt that he was responsible ______his team's total failure in the championships.A.at B.for C.in D.on 6._______to the dinner party, he went to a movie to kill time. A.Not to be invited B.Not having been invited C.Having not been invited D.Not having invited 7.In many parts of the world the only _______ water supply lies below the ground.A.continuous B.permanent C.instant D.constant 8.He is determined to get _______ of the profit than he had been offered. A.ten percent more B.ten more percent C.more ten percent D.as many as ten percent 9.The temple was built on a hillside, _______was a pleasant,winding valley. A.by which B.under which C.below which D.down which 10.I would have gone with you,but I _______too tired. A.was B.had been C.must be D.must have been 11.Mark often attempts to escape _______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been fined B.to have been fined C.to be fined D.being fined 12.We didn't know his telephone number;otherwise we _______ him. A.would have telephoned B.must have telephoned C.would telephone D.had telephoned 13.That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _______ the police.


2017年4月高等教育自学考试 薪酬管理试卷 (课程代码06091 本试卷分为两部分,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 第一部分为选择题,第1页至第4页,共4页。应考者必须按试题顺序在“答题卡”上按要求填涂,答在试卷上无效。 第二部分为非选择题,第5页,共1页。应考者必须按试题顺序在“答题卡”上作答, 答在试卷上无效。 第一部分选择题(共35分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 以下不属于间接经济性薪酬的是 A.住房公积金 B.保险 C.股票期权 D.带薪休假 2.具有补偿性、单一性、较大灵活性特点的是 A.奖金 B.津贴 C.股票期权 D.带薪休假 3.不属于弹性薪酬模式的特点的是 A.员工忠诚度高 B.激励效应强 C.员工主动性强 D.员工流动率大 4.在工作分析的所有方法当中,应用最为广泛的是 A.访谈法 B.问卷调查法 C.参与法 D.观察法 5.反应特定员工在其所在薪酬区间中的相对地位的指标是 A.薪洲变动比率 B.薪?区间中值 C.薪比较比率 D.薪酬区间渗透度 6.股票期权的要素不包括 A.行权标的 B.行权价 C.行权形式 D.行权日期 7.员工的薪酬主要取决于绩效,基本薪酬处于非常次要地位的模式是 A.高稳定性薪酬包模式

B.高弹性模式 C.调和型薪酬包模式 D.折中型薪酬包模式 8.薪酬调查的数据一定要真实、可靠,这样才能进行正确统计分析,以下不是常用的统计分析的方法的是 A.数据排列 B.回归分析 C.比较分析法 D.频率分析 9.员工绩效工资不仅与本人绩效挂钩,而且也与部门绩效挂钩,在已知个人月度绩效考核系数为1.1,部门月度考核系数为1,岗位工资为2000元,绩效工资占岗位工资 比例为309%0,据此计算出月度绩效工资为 A.2200元 B.660元 C.1320元 D.785元 10.企业通过薪水平和薪酬结构进行薪酬控制,薪酬结构不涉及的是 A.基本薪酬 B.可变薪酬 C.法定福利 D.同行的薪酬 1.薪酬调查帮助企业了解其薪酬水平在市场中的位置,把握相关企业的薪酬政策和薪洲结构,以下不属于薪酬调査的目的的是 A.帮助制定新参加员工的起点薪酬标准 B.帮助查找企业内部工资不合理的岗位 C.为公司人事选拔和测评提供依据 D.了解当地工资水平并与本企业比较 2.常用的薪酬调查方法不包括 A.委托调査 B.调查问卷 C.访谈法 D.企业之间相互调查 3.美国哈佛大学教授斯金纳认为,人的行为只是因外部环境刺激所做的反应,受外部环境剌激所调节和控制,改变刺激就能改变行为,此理论是 A.强化理论 B.公平理论 C.双因素理论 D.期望理论 14.下列各项中不属于宽带型薪酬结构的作用的是 A.引导员工重视个人技能的增长 B.有利于专业人员的角色转变 C.能密切配合劳动力市场的供求变化 D.有利于职位轮换 15.职位评价的结果可以是分值形式,也可以是等级形式,还可以是排序形式,但人们最关心的是 A,职位与福利的对应关系



绝密★考试结束前 全国4月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(二)试题和答案 课程代码:00795 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. GRAMMARAND VOCABULARY Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all) 1. Mr. Johnson ______ rather not invest that money in the stock market. A. should B. could C. would D. must

2. Americans eat ______ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice many B. as twice as many C. as many as twice D. twice as many 3. In 1900, the energy derived from burning petroleum was only four percent ______ of coal. A. that B. this C. what D. which 4. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, ______ they have no schedules to keep. A. since B. even though C. so D. as if 5. In summer, she would sit in the garden enjoying the fresh air and the smell of the things she ______. A. was planting B. had planted C. has planted D. would plant 6. There ______ nothing more for discussion, the meeting ended earlier than expected. A. to be B. to have been C. being D. be 7. ______ we can hope for is to avoid complete failure in the coming game with that strong team. A. For the best B. With the best C. At best D. The best


广东省高等教育自学考试考试大纲生产作业管理课程(课程代码:)考试大纲 目录 一、课程性质与设置目的 二、课程内容与考核目标 第章现代生产管理概论 .生产与生产管理 .生产管理的内容 .生产过程 .生产类型 .现代生产管理的特征 第章生产系统的规划与组织 .生产系统的总体布置 .车间布置 .生产过程的时间组织 .流水生产组织 第章生产计划与生产作业计划编制 .生产综合计划 .工业企业的生产能力 .生产计划的安排 .生产作业计划的任务、分类与编制依据 .生产作业计划的编制 .生产作业控制 .生产作业统计及在制品管理 第章工作研究与工作设计 .工作研究 .劳动定额 .工作设计 .生产环境设计 第章企业资源计划() .企业资源计划概述 .物料需求计划()的基本原理 .制造资源计划() .企业资源计划() .的实施过程 .实施效果的评价 第章生产现场管理和作业排序

.生产现场管理概述 .现场管理的方法 .定置管理 .作业排序 第章项目管理 .项目管理概述 .项目管理的计划与控制 .项目管理组织 .网络计划技术 第章企业物流管理 .物料管理 .物料消耗定额和储备定额 .物料供应计划 .生产现场物料管理 .库存管理 第章设备管理 .设备管理概述 .设备的选择与评价 .设备的使用与维修 .设备更新与改造 .设备综合工程学与全员设备管理第章质量管理与质量管理体系认证 .族标准概论 .质量及质量管理的基本概念 .质量管理原则 .质量管理体系 .质量管理方法 .质量管理体系审核 第章生产管理技术发展与模式改变 .生产方式的演变过程 .生产方式的基本思想和主要方法 .精益生产方式() .计算机集成制造系统() .敏捷制造() 三、大纲的说明与考核实施要求 附录:题型举例


薪酬管理考试模拟试题二 1.下列选项中既能够作为薪酬设计的基础,又能够提供绩效考评标准,还能为员工晋升或职业发展提供参照的是() A. 岗位分析 B.岗位评价 C.职务分析 D.职务评价 2.某公司的销售人员销售业绩十分出色,该公司通过研究明确了究竟是什么使那些销售人员如此出色,并把这些要素归为支付工资的基础,该公司薪酬支付体系属于( ) A. 职位工资体系 B. 技能工资体系 C.能力工资体系 D. 绩效工资体系 3.某单位现执行的岗位工资标准(新一标准)起点为800元,止点为2240元,起止倍数为2.8倍,岗位级别较多,但岗别之间的差距小,只有125元,使得在责任大、贡献大、技术复杂性高的关键岗位不能多得,不利于关键岗位人才的稳定,为了解决次问题,我们可以实行( ) A.工资与职务挂钩 B.工资与技能挂钩 C.工资与资历挂钩 D.工资与专业挂钩 阅读材料分析4--7题: T公司是一家软件开发与销售的小型公司,近几年来业务发展迅速,管理工作急待改进。2010年底,新上任的人力资源部A经理决定首先开展工作分析。但是,没有想到在工作分析开展之初便困难重重。员工抱怨参与工作分析问卷和访谈占用了工作时间,而且担心会因为工作分析而使自己的工作职位发展变化甚至被公司淘汰,抵触情绪日甚。另一方面,公司高层领导认为A经理是在一些小事上浪费时间,要求他在15个工作日内完成公司68个职位的分析,并编写职位说明书。这样A经理只好放弃问卷法和访谈,转而从公司现有的规章制度中寻找各职位的工作联系,并结合自己的理解和参考书编写了职位说明书。这套说明书编写完后也没有得到实际应用。公司各项公司仍旧原样进行。半年后,公司高层领导让A经理根据职位说明书拟定研发经理、销售经理、管理人员绩效考核方案和薪酬方案。A经理有苦难言。 4.以上材料告诉我们,能够顺利开展工作分析的必要条件和基础是( ) A. 选择正确的工作分析方法 B.确保高层管理者支持和参与 C. 要以企业战略目标为基础 D.选择恰当的信息渠道 5. 根据以上材料,你认为下列哪种做法能够帮助避免A经理在开展工作分析之初时困难重重的局面( ) A.召开员工会议,进行宣传动员,取得员工的理解、信任和支 持 B.预先设计、协调工作分析流程 C.重新分析工作分析的总目标和总任 务 D.寻找其他信息收集渠道 6.根据以上材料,A经理编写的职位说明书不能应用实际工作的主要原因是( ) A.高层领导不重视 B.工作信息收集方法错误 C.脱离企业职位现状 D.收集信息来源有问题,脱离企业实际 7.下列对如何改善A经理工作方式描述错误的一项是( ) A.另外选取适当的方法进行信息收集 B.重新设计职位调查时间和方法,并争取获得领导和员工的支持


广东省自学考试管理系统(考籍管理部分)考生使用说明 由广东省自学考试委员会办公室自主研发的广东省自学考试管理系统(以下简称系统)已经在我省自学考试管理中全面使用。为了进一步规范操作,方便考生及时了解和使用系统办理自学考试考籍业务,保证考籍管理的各项工作顺利进行,现就考生如何使用系统的方法和需要进行的操作作出简要说明,供考生参考。 一、登录系统 考生凭准考证号和在预报名时设置的密码登录广东省自学考试管理系统(https://www.360docs.net/doc/0911504207.html,)。忘记密码的考生可自行在网上输入准考证号和身份证号设置新密码一次。如第二次忘记密码须由本人凭身份证和准考证到市、区(市)考办设置新密码。 二、考籍管理 1、基本信息维护(一般信息维护): 考生可自行在系统中更改和提交除姓名、性别、出生年月、身份证号和相片等之外的数据,如联系电话、工作单位等信息,不需要经过区(市)考办和省考办审批,可自行修改。 2、考籍更正:(更改姓名、性别、出生年月、身份证号和相片需要申请和审批) 考生在系统中提交申请→考生到区(市)考办上交有关材料→区(市)考办收集和核实考生有关材料,确认考生的申请→区(市)考

办向地级市考办上交考生材料→地级市考办根据考生在系统的申请 和相关材料初审→地级市考办向省考办上交考生材料和报表→省考 办审核(省考办审核通过后可以更正考籍数据)。 考生和市、区(市)考办可以在系统中查看申请的办理状态。 详细办理须知请查看《自学考试考生考籍数据更正办理办法》 3、合并准考证号成绩(省内转考) 凡持有广东省高等教育自学考试两个及两个以上准考证号参加 我省自学考试的考生,必须办理合并准考证号的手续,将其中一个准考证号(源准考证号,指将不再使用的准考证号)的各门课程合格成绩转入另一个准考证号(目的准考证号,指将继续使用的准考证号)上,实际上是将同一考生持有的不同准考证号中合格成绩进行合并,以后只须持后一个准考证号(转入后的准考证号)参加考试。 考生在系统中提交申请→考生到区(市)考办验核准考证、身份证的原件及上交复印件和缴交手续费→区(市)考办收集和核实考生有关材料和确认考生的申请→区(市)考办向地级市考办上交考生材料→地级市考办根据考生在系统的申请和相关材料初审→地级市考 办向省考办上交考生材料和报表→省考办审核。 考生和市、区(市)考办可以在系统中查看申请的办理状态。在考生办理合并准考证号成绩后,其源准考证号不能再使用。 详细办理办法请查看《办理合并准考证号成绩(省内转考)须知》 4、外省转入

自考 综合英语二 历年考试 真题 2004-04

全国2004年4月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(二)试题 课程代码:00795 Ⅰ.语法、词汇。用适当的词填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(25 points) 1.I should say confidence comes not ______from how other people look at us as from how we look at ourselves. A. so much B. as much C. this much D. that much 2.The George Washington Bridge is a double-deck bridge across ______Hudson River. A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. “Which books are yours?” “Oh, ______over there, of course.” A. this B. that C. these D. those 4. Television, ______ came into being in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s. A. that B. what C. which D. it 5. Many car accidents occur _______ drunk driving. A. due to B. thanks to C. because D. for 6. Finally after working hard for five years Jane ______ able to save her fare to Europe. A. is B. was C. will be D. would be 7.when we reached the cinema, the film _____ started, for there were no people at the entrance. A. should have B. ought to have C. had to have D. must have 8. The doctor suggested that the patient ________on a diet but he couldn’t resist the temptation of rich food. A. goes B. go C. went D. gone 9. Y ou’d better leave _____usual. The heavy traffic on Monday mornings may hold you up. A. early than B. early then C. earlier than D. earlier then 10. No sooner _______home than he was asked to go on another business trip. A. had he arrived B. he had arrived C. has he arrived D. he has arrived 11. The teacher emphasized that ______of us should read the essay three times. A. each everyone B. all and every one C. each and every one D. each someone 12. _____the false banknote looked genuine, it did not stand up to close examination. A. Since B. As C. Even as D. Even though 13.If you don’t hurry up, the train _______by the time we get to the station. A. has left B. will have left C. will leave D. would have left 14. When I ran into Mary at the supermarket yesterday, I smiled at her, but she ______me and walked on. A. missed B. overlooked C. ignored D. neglected 15. If you fail to adapt ______the quickly changing society, you will be behind the times. A. with B. against C. for D. to 16.My father is deeply concerned with the government’s ______policies. A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economics 17. In his 27-year imprisonment, Mandela, a South African leader, was ______his political rights. A. deprived of B. deprived off C. deprived from D. deprived with 18.Scientists have spent years researching into the ______of sleeping pills on the human brain. A. affect B. effect C. impact D. influence 19. Only a few people have ______to the confidential energy data. A. access B. admission C. permission D. entrance 20. CCTV reported that ______the snowstorm, at least five houses collapsed and three people were killed. A. on any account of B. on every account of C. on account of D. on this account of 21. The government is _______ every effort to reduce the accident rate in coal mines. A. taking B. making C. catching D. putting 22. The three sales representatives of this company will be ______with a trip to France. A. offered B. awarded C. rewarded D. given 23. Contrary ________popular opinion, eating less does not help you lose weight. A. to B. with C. against D. into 24. An inventor needs to have a creative and _____mind. A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D. imaging 25.The law protects equal rights for all citizens, _____race, religion or sex. A. without regard to B. with regard of C. regardless to D. regardless of Ⅱ.完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer .(15 points) A famous scientist who had made an important medical breakthrough was being interviewed. A newspaper reporter asked him why he thought he was able to be 26 more creative than the average person. He said that it all came from a(n) 27 that occurred when he was about two years old . He was trying to 28 a bottle of milk from the refrigerator 29 he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling the milk all 30 the floor. His mother came into the kitchen. 31 yelling at him, giving him a lecture or 32 him, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have 33 ! I have rarely seen such a huge pool of milk. Well, the 34 has already been done. Would you like to get 35 and play in the sea of milk for a few minutes before we clean it up ?” This scientist then remarked that it was at that moment 36 he knew he didn’t need to be 37 to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just 38 for learning something new, which is, after all, what 39 experiments are all about. Even if the experiment doesn’t 40 , we usually learn something from it. 26. A. still B. ever C. so much D. ever much 27. A. event B. incident C. story D. legend 28. A. take B. gain C. place D. return 29. A. where B. while C. which D. when 30. A. over B. through C. across D. on 31. A. In addition to B. In spite of C. Apart from D. Instead of 32. A. hugging B. kissing C. hating D. punishing
