




1. What's your major?


My major is accounting.


2. Do you like your major? Who chose this major foryou?


I like it very much. It's my decision.


3. What do you like most about your major?


Currently,China needs many human resources in accounting. By learning it,I can contributeto society.


4. What will you do in the future?


I always have a dream of being a successful businessman since I was a child. I will make effortsto achieve my target.


5. Can you tell me how you organize your timetable?


In the morning,normally I take lectures in the classroom. Then,after the lunch break, Ialways attend group work for about two hours. After that, I would like to stay at the library toexpand my vision. And during the night,I usually go out with my friends to have fun.


雅思Part1口语范文展示和解析:专业 major





1. What is your major?

I major in Business Administration. And I fin business is a fascinating world to explore. I am studying hard and hopefully one day I'll become a successful businessman.

1. 你的专业是什么?



2. Do you like your major and why?

Yes, of course. I like mymajor primarily because Iam very much into computerscience. Since young I'vealways been fascinated bythe stories of future technology, robots and super-computers. Secondly, IT is a huge market with wide profit margins. It has created a new generation of billionaires. It is promising major that is bound to bring me a good career in the future. That is precisely why I like my major.

Not really. Actually I didn't choose this major for myself. My parents chose it for me.

In addition, I find all the subjects I have to study for this major very boring. I don't

think I can learn much from them.

2. 你喜欢你的专业吗?为什么?






3. What courses/subjects do you study?

There is a wide range of courses I study. Some are compulsory while others are optional. The two major compulsory courses are College English, including intensive reading, extensive reading, speaking etc., and College Math, including calculus, probability and statistics and so on. In addition, I also have chosen to study Art History and Psychology, which can all enrich my understanding of human mind itself and the great works of human mind.




4. What is your favorite course/subject?

My favorite course/subject is _X, because, number one, it is very interesting. Number two, it is not very difficult to study. Number three, it is also very useful.

4. 你最喜欢的课程/科目是什么?


5. What is the most useful subject/course?

I think English is most useful subject. Because today communication plays such an important role is people's lives, especially when the world is becoming a global village, where English is the primary spoken language. And thus good training in spoken English gives a person a competitive edge and more opportunities than

those who can't speak it. It is really a hard question. Though I don't think all subjects are useful, yet I do think most of them can be useful in different ways and in different times of life. Nonetheless, I think communication skills are essential for one's social and academic life; since English has become the lingua franca in global communication, I would say English, as far as I'm concerned, is the most useful subject.

5. 最有用的科目/课程是什么?



































实际上,尽管背诵与记忆不能保证应试的成功,但如果应对策略得当,仍可取得较为满意的成绩。面对考官的时候虽然有其难度,但正因为面对的是人,这无疑也给了考生一个灵活应付的机会,这就要求考生在做好准备与热身的前提下 (be ready and warmed-up),作出灵活机敏的反应(be flexible and sensitive)。

雅思注重的是考生用英语交际的能力,其目的显然在于测试在英语国家学习和生活的能力(to survive and be O.K.),经过笔试之后的口试,不仅涉及到考生的语言能力,还涉及到考生运用英语交际的有效性(effectiveness),这必然与交际过程中所运用的交际策略与技巧密切相关。

因此,语言能力并非能绝对保障口语应试成功,同时考生也不要因语言难度而一筹莫展,忘记了运用简单的语言(甚至运用表情与体势语)策略性地达到交际的目的。关于这一点,可参考老师的指导及有关资料,再揉进个人的特长和个人风格,面试时处于放松状态(be relaxed),想象自己不是来被考的,而是来作一次小小的交流,这样,过关并非所想象的那样困难。

这里虽然不赘述具体的例子,但有一点须牢记在心,即交流在面试中既是最主要的也是最重要的(Communication is the main word in this text),因此,使交流顺利进行

10-15分钟 (to keep the communication going)才是至上之策。





斧凿之痕的印象(be natural)。




3.雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题






9.关于a well-paid job 雅思口语怎么回答



Part1: https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a18702631.html, ●What is your full name? ●How should i address you? ●Have you got any English name? ●Are there any special meanings about your name? ●Who gave you this name? 2.Studies or work ●Which school are you studying now? what is your major? ●Who choose the major for you before you entering your university? ●What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? ●Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most? Why? ●Do you like the school you are studying at? 3.Home ●Do you live in a house or a flat? ●Please describe the place where you live. ●How have you decorated your home (or, your room)? ●Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room)? (e.g., decorations) ●What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home)? 4.Hometown ●Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?) ●Do you think you'll always live there? ●Where do you live at the moment? ●Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?) ●What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? 5.Books & Reading ●Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?) C ●What (kinds of ) books do you like to read? C ●(Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read (for enjoyment)? ●Are you reading any books at the moment? N ●Did you read much when you were a child? 6.Newspapers & Magazines ●What kind of newspaper do you have in China? ●What is your favorite magazine? ●When did you begin to read newspaper? ●What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers? ●Which one do you prefer to read, newspaper or magazine?


雅思口语话题常见问题一:你要描述的人是谁?Who this friendis?/Who he or she is?/Who thisperson is?/Who the character was?/Who these two people are? 这个问题是几乎所有人物类话题的第一问,属于必答题。回答这一问题的时候,我们不但需要告诉考官这个人是谁(这是最基本的),而且要对所描述的他/她进行一些修饰,要让考官在没有见过这个人的情况下能够闭上眼仿佛看到这个人就正站在身旁一样。评书中所说的“此人眉分八彩,目若朗星,准头端正,齿白唇红”起的就是这一作用。比如我们来一起看看下面这段对人的描述: He is well oversix feet tall,has this long straggly brown hair. He has a perpetual look ofbemusement on his face,full-sleeve tattoos on both arms,and always wears some variation of a sleeveless leather vest,holey blue jeans tucked into his beat-up cowboy boots,and a cigarette between his lips at all times。 他身高六尺有余,头上散着棕色的头发。他的眼神既忧郁又总带有困惑。双臂从上到下布满了纹身。他总是身着各种无袖皮坎肩,把满是破洞的蓝色牛仔裤裤腿扎进那几双破旧的牛仔靴里,而且嘴里无时无刻的不叼着根烟。 如果我们作答的时候可以说出以上的描述,考官想不给你高分都不可能。因为在他们脑海中可以清晰的浮现出这个人的形象,他好像正在向考官们走来,嘴里吐着烟圈,马上要说“How are you doing,man?”了。所以,如果我们想让自己的作答能够使考官眼前一亮、记忆深刻,我们就要抓住细节来充分描述,比如说这个人身上比较有特点的地方:发型、体态、眼神、穿着等等。这些细节的描述远比那种范范的诸如“He‘s quite tall and strong with long hair on his head。”要生动的多,所得的分数自然也就相距甚远了。 建议:我们在练习时不妨把人物类话题归为老人、孩子、同龄人、公众人物这么几类,然后再分别用细节描述这几类人,使得在回答Who he or she is?时给考官一种活灵活现的感觉。 雅思口语话题常见问题二:你是怎么遇到这个人的?How you firstmet this person?/How you know this person?/How you know him/her?/How you know aboutthis person? 如果各位烤鸭对人物类的机经很熟悉的话,就不难发现这是另外一道在该类话题中出现的高频题。回答该题时,要让考官有一种是 “当事人”感觉。所以我们要把当时第一次见到所描述对象的场景详细的讲述给考官,细节的描述不但可以增加故事的真实性,而且还能

雅思口语 Part2&3 话题汇总

An Old Friend (P179) Describe a friend you have known for a long time. You should say: ?how you first met ?how you keep in contact ?what kind of person he or she is and explain how your friendship has lasted so long. Part 3 questions (P333) The Nature of Friendship ?Do you think having friends is important? ?What are some differences between friendship in the past and friendship today? Making (New) Friends ?How do people in your country meet (make) new friends? ?Where do people go to meet new people (make new friends)? ?What do you think is the most important factor when making new friends? ?Do you think it's easy for people to make friends with others who are (much) older or younger than themselves? ?Do you think the way people make new friends today is different to the way people used to make friends in the past? ?Do you think modern technology influences how people make friends? ?Do you like making new friends on the internet? ?What's the difference between making friends on the internet and making friends by face to face contact? ?Why do you think some people have problems making (new) friends? A Friend Who is a Good Leader Describe a friend who you think is a good leader. You should say: ?who this friend is ?how you first met this person ?how other people behave towards him/her and explain why you think he/she is a good leader. Leadership Qualities ?Would you like to (do you want to) be a leader? ?Why do some people not want to be a leader? ?Why do we need leaders? ?What abilities are needed to be a leader, for example, a company manager? ?What are the differences between a leader and other (ordinary) people?


雅思口语Part2人物类话题高分范文:我想见的人之抗疫英雄钟南山 上周四,申友雅思举办了一场雅思全科进阶公开课,涵盖听力、口语、阅读、写作四科。四位申友雅思名师亲自上 而我们Elaine老师则是分享了雅思口语Part2人物类话题的高分秘籍,深受本期学员的好评! 申友雅思名师Elaine:对外经贸翻译硕士,口语7.5分,有10+年英语教学经验,曾经1对1培训雅思考生,10课时口语提分1.5分! 本次公开课中,Elaine老师主要就以下几部分讲解雅思口语Part2人物类话题技巧: 答题注意事项与人物类话题拓展思路 人物类最新&高频话题精讲 人物类“移花接木”大法 申友雅思今天将分享其中一篇范文,该篇范文针对目前全球最关注的话题,分享了一位来自中国的英雄,可以说是非常贴合时事! 雅思口语Part2人物类话题:Describe a person you saw in the news who you really want to meet You should say: How you know about this person When and where do you want to meet him or her Why you want to meet this person And explain how you might feel after meeting the person As you know, in January 2020, it coincided with the Chinese lunar New Year, the year of the rat, China experienced one of the world's greatest catastrophes -- the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. During the outbreak, all Chinese people united to fight against the


第一节考试第一阶段话题总结 第一阶段主要是关于个人情况的介绍,考官会问一些具体的问题,内容涉及考生的工作、学习情况,家乡,爱好,以及关于身边的衣食住行等问题。 About yourself 1.What’s your full name? 2.What’s your English name? 3.Does your Chinese name have any special meaning? Literally:Lean on a sailing boat to see in the distance Make a good wish that Everything is going smoothly 4.Do you want to change your name? Smoothly & successfully Hometown and cities 1.Where do you come from? / Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? Wuhan, a large-sized city in the middle of china, and it is also a crucial city during revolution period in the history 2.Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people to live in? 3 aspects: @.local delicious food snack street : hot dry noodles , fried bread stick ,stinky tofu shrimp balls ,spicy hot noodles, hot hot hot, hot pot, spring rolls @shopping malls & amusement parks 国广&欢乐谷 @university city, esp.Wc district relatively high education standard 3.What aspects do you like best in your hometown? 4.What aspects do you dislike in your hometown? Larged-sized city large population crowded in the station competetion is fierce In the process of contruction of infrustracture ==road traffic jam 5.What landscapes surround your hometown? In the middle of china it is located in the jianghan plain the long river flows through crossover point of han river—tributary river view a place covered with lakes “city with thousand lakes” ---the east lake next to a basin named SICHUAN basin ---in the west of WH south direction ---old forest SHEN NONGJIA –tourist spot 6.What are the differences between your hometown and Beijing? Capital well-known boast of its long history political center More urbanized well-developed transportantion system\ **On the contrary, less modern , infrustractures are not completed in the middle snacks of north and south abundant choice tedious less stressed 7.What are the characters of local people in your hometown? Friendly and warm-hearted talkative esp. senor citizens


Part1: https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a18702631.html, What is your full name How should i address you Have you got any English name Are there any special meanings about your name Who gave you this name 2.Studies or work Which school are you studying now what is your major Who choose the major for you before you entering your university What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most Why

Do you like the school you are studying at 3.Home Do you live in a house or a flat Please describe the place where you live. How have you decorated your home (or, your room) Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room) ., decorations) What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home) 4.Hometown Where is your hometown (Or, what part of China do you come from) Do you think you'll always live there Where do you live at the moment Do you like your hometown (Why/Why not)


雅思口语人物话题经典举例 在雅思考试中,考官经常会以人物为话题考察考生的雅思口语部分。很多同学不知道如何有条理的展开话题。本文文都国际教育就雅思口语人物话题为例,帮助大家应对雅思口语考试。 雅思口语人物话题介绍步骤: 1. Name and introduction 在人物题中,我们首先要解决的就是要告诉考官这个人是谁,在这里可以用一两句话告诉考官要介绍的人的基本信息,如:姓名,职业,和你的关系等等。 2. Age and appearance 这个问题一般考官不会需要你描述,但作为考生在描述人物题的时候我们完全可以加入一到两句话描述这个人的年龄和外貌。 3. How you knew this person 这个问题一般作为四个小问题中第二个问题出现,需要注意的是这里我们可以加入更多的细节来回答这个问题,另外要注意的是这个问题我们往往需要用到过去时态去描述。 4. What he did 这两个问题是人物题的中需要重点描述的问题,需要我们加入更多的细节来进行补充。 回答这个问题时需要注意紧扣主题,用具体事例来体现。 5. How you feel about this person, Why you admire him 这个问题一般出现在四个问题中最后一个,问的是我们对此人的一些看法及原因。如果是Why的问题这里最好针对问题做出稍微详尽的解释。这也是考官重点关注的部分。 雅思口语人物话题介绍例子: Describe a famous person that you are interested in You should say Who this person is

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总 part 1

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总part 1 人物 1. Someone you would like to spend time with 2. An old person you respect 3. a person who is good at his/her job 4. A school friend 5. a teenager 6. a family you are familiar with (not your own) 7. A person you helped 8. a well-known person 地点 1. A tourist attraction 2. Workplace 3. a place with a lot of water 4. a city you visited 5. Cafe or restaurant 6. a place for shopping 7. a garden you’ve been to 物品 1. A book you recently read 2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child

3. A photo 4. A good law in China 5. Some interesting news 6. A special gift you gave to another person 7. An organization 8. A show/performance you watched 9. Something that you don't know but would like to learn 10. A white lie 11. an important letter that you received 12. TV program 13. second foreign language 14. a website 15. handicraft you made 16. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked 17. a film you watched recently 18. a magazine you like to read 19. an interesting animal 20. an electrical appliance that is useful to you 事件 1. an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to 2. family event (birthday party or wedding)


5. a teenager 2. Workplace

6. A special gift you gave to another person 13. second foreign language 20. an electrical appliance that is useful to you

3. A recent change in your life 4. A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child 5. some good advice you received 6. occasion when you were late 7. project or homework assignment 8. an enjoyable event 9. a time you helped someone 10. a visitor to you home (how you entertained him/her) A book you recently read 什么书 什么时候读的 为什么读 喜欢的和不喜欢的部分 Part 3 小孩应该读书还是看电视? What kind of books do children like reading? 小孩读书的好处? 家长应该怎样鼓励小孩多读书? Do you think people's reading habits have changed at all in the past few decades ? A game (not sport) you played when you were a child 什么游戏 游戏的举行地点 跟谁一起做游戏


雅思口语话题总结 PART 1 <1> JOB or MAJOR >>Are you working or studying now? >>What is your major?Do you like it?why?plan after graduate? >>Can you describe your daily work(study)? >>Are you satisfied with your current job? >>Do you want to change your job? >>What do you think of your future job? <2> SHOPPING >>What places do you often go shopping? >>What things do you often buy? >>Do the Chinese like to buy something through the internet? >>Who are more tend to do shopping? Man or Woman? Why? >>Describe a shopping center where you often go. >>What kind shop is popular among the young people in China? <3> HOUSEWORK >>Who do major housework in your family? >>Do you do housework in your home? What housework do you like to do? >>What are the changes of status of family members in Chinese families? >>What kind of housework do you think it is the most important? >>What benefits can we get from the improvement of technology? <4> FOOD >>What foods do you like or dislike? >>What food can you cook? >> What do you think about eating habits? How to change your eating habits? >> Compare the people’s food habit in modern time and in the past? >>What are the differences between having meals at home and going to restaurant? >>What is your favorite restaurant? Why? >>what kind of food do you like? Why? Do you find any problem in food nowadays? >>fast food, why choose ;why Chinese people prefer western fast food to Chinese one? Which brand of production is as famous as coke cola & McDonald’s and so on in China? <5> INDUSTRY >>Can you outline the industries in China? >>What is major industry of China? >>What technologies is China lack off? <6> ANIMAL >>Do Chinese like or dislike animal? Why? >>How to preserve the animals? >>What animals can people see in China? >>What is the most famous animal in China? >>What is the role of animal in China? What should animal be use as? <7> SPARE TIME >>Which period of whole day you like most? why? >>What do people do in their spare time? What do you like to do? >>Do you think the spare time you have currently is enough? Do you think spare time is important to you? Why? >>How to balance the time for working and entertainment? <8> TRANSPORT & TRAVELLING & CAR >> Have you ever been any other cities in china before? >>do you like to travel? why? >>do you like traveling alone or with other people? who &why? >>What's your favorite transport? >>What kind of new transport will appear in the near future?


雅思口语话题大全带答 案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Describe a good parent you know Well,I would like to about my mother’s roommate in college,I call her aunt hongchuan,she is perfect I will explain the reason hong is my mother’s best friend,there is a close relationship between our two mother told me that when I was a baby,aunt hong was always the one who babysit is not very beautiful but very intelligent. he knows how to dress elegant and cook delicious..she is a successful mother mainly because she educates her daughter in a smart way which make her daughter very hong treat her daughter in an eaqual way,she never poses up with poker face,in stead,she tries to make friends with her daughter which result in complete trust of her her daughter trust her mother,and talk everything to her mother,aunt hong knows everything about her daughter and then influence he daughter by her behavior in a positive way .finally,her daughter learned to be self-discipline and went to the peking university which is the best university in china. Describe a perfect holiday you want to have in the future


Describe a good parent you know Well,I would like to about my mother’s roommate in college,I call her aunt hongchuan,she is perfect mother.and I will explain the reason later.aunt hong is my mother’s best friend,there is a close relationship between our two families.my mother told me that when I was a baby,aunt hong was always the one who babysit me.she is not very beautiful but very intelligent. he knows how to dress elegant and cook delicious..she is a successful mother mainly because she educates her daughter in a smart way which make her daughter very successful.aunt hong treat her daughter in an eaqual way,she never poses up with poker face,in stead,she tries to make friends with her daughter which result in complete trust of her daughter.since her daughter trust her mother,and talk everything to her mother,aunt hong knows everything about her daughter and then influence he daughter by her behavior in a positive way .finally,her daughter learned to be self-discipline and went to the peking university which is the best university in china. Describe a perfect holiday you want to have in the future Well,I love this topic,I have dreamed to have a perfect holiday for so long.However,since I am very busy I have not


雅思口语话题之个人品质 个人品质相关的话题考点在雅思口语中常常会出现,下面小编为大家整理出一些素材,希望对大家有帮助。 雅思口语话题个人品质 Describe a character or personality of yours. You should say: what it is how it affects your life where you get it from and how you feel about it part2话题延伸: Describe a quality or skill you have. Describe a quality you really admire. Describe a good quality you or one of your family members has. Describe a good quality you find important for success. 雅思口语真题范文part2人物类:个人品质范文 Thank you very much for the topic. It’s kind of tough to talk about someone’s own personal characteristics as I believe, the way we judge ourselves differs from the perspective other people judge us. Nonetheless, we all have our own idea about our own characteristics and I would like to talk about my ability to stay calm even in the time of distress. I am not hot tempered and I try to remain clam no matter how severe the situation and I find it as a helpful characteristics. From my own experience I can say that, whenever I got very much vibrated and acted very promptly without giving much consideration about the situation, I did not take the right decision and I repentance for that. In my opinion that should be a common characteristics among other people but my personal experiences sometimes contradicts my opinion as I often find people who can’t remain calm in adverse situation and act very weirdly. So to say, this is not a rare quality but many people lack it.


浅谈雅思口语描述人物类话题 雅思口语第二部分的话题中,描述人物的题目始终是经久不衰的,延续了很多年。三立在线老师分析发现题目的范围也逐渐从描述身边的人物演变到如今的大小人物上,如老话题:描述一个朋友、家人、同学、邻居,到现在的公众人物(public person):描述一个电视/电台主持人、著名的艺术家、著名的外国人等。很多同学又开始觉得犯难了,觉得这些“大人物”离自己太遥远,不知从何说起。比如描述一个artist,考生的选择其实是比较多的,可以在painter、dancer、singer、photographer等进行筛选。但问题往往是大家的思路还是过于狭窄,能够想到的艺术家总是那几个,如Leonardo Da Vinci,Van Gogh等,先不说是否可以进行比较完整流畅的描述,首先会出现的就是话题重复、回答方式老套的现象。仅这一点,就足以让考官给一个不高的分数了,也就是我们所说的average point(5.0-5.5分)。 本文三立在线老师将介绍一个节选于描述艺术家的例子,一个国内比较著名的舞蹈家—邰丽华。 Tai Lihua, the disabled lead dancer of "The Thousand-handed Goddess of Mercy", impressed every audience by her refined performance but more by her spirit. In my eyes, she is not only a dancer on the stage, but a dancer who inspires people, especially for those who have disabilities. 这段内容首先是对这个人物进行总体介绍,让考官了解该人物是一个什么样人。When she was two years old, she caught a fever that damaged her hearing. She could no longer hear and started to live in a silent world.
