
Classical Civilization of China

Five Classics

诗经 Book of Poetry Classic of Songs

尚书 Book of History Classic of Documents

礼记 Book of Rites Record of Rituals

易经 Book of Divination Classic of Changes

春秋 Spring and Autumn Annals The Classic of Changes is replete with popular omen lore and auguries.

The Classic of Documents consists of historical documents and speeches from the early Chou centuries, though some of the materials are now know to be later forgeries. The Classic of Songs is an anthology of some three hundred poems dating mostly from the early Chou period.

The Record of Rituals is a collection of materials ranging from the broadest philosophical pronouncements to the most detailed rules for the conduct of everyday life.

The Spring and Autumn Annals is a brief chronicle of events between 722 and 481 B.C. that affected the state of Lu or occurred in that state.

Key words in Para. 3 Keywords in Para. 4

Analects the Collected Sayings Epic sacrifice crown martyrdom restore

Keywords in Para. 5

Great Three Religions

Key words in para 1

论语 史诗 牺牲 皇冠;加冕 殉道 恢复;复原 干预现存的社会秩序和关系 以合理的道德准则为基础 君子的五种美德 to tamper with the existing social order and relationships on the basis of sound ethical principles the five virtues of a gentleman 儒家与道家的教义巧妙地互相补充。 信徒;门徒 The doctrines of Confucianism and Taoism supplement each other neatly. disciple 基督教 伊斯兰教 佛教 Christianity Christian God Islam Muslim Allah Buddhism Buddhist


1. the Nile

2. the Hindu Kush

3. Jew

4. Judaism

5. monotheistic

6. the most obsessed and fanatical adherent 尼罗河 兴都库什 犹太人 犹太教 一神论的 最痴迷和狂热的支持者

Keywords in para 2 Keywords in para 3

Keywords in para 5 Keywords in para 6

Keywords in para 7 & 8 Keywords in para 9 & 10

The Chinese Empire Opening to the World

Keywords in para 1 Para 2, 3 and 4 Muhammad survive salvation observance the God of Abraham the Jewish prophet 穆罕默德 幸存 拯救 遵守,奉行 亚伯拉罕 犹太先知 拿撒勒的耶稣 Bedouin tribe be subjected to Arabia the Indus valley Mesopotamia genealogy patriarch pastoralist 贝都因部落 受… 阿拉伯半岛 印度河流域 美索不达米亚 血统;系谱 主教;家长,族长 田园诗等的作者 麦加 朝圣者;香客 克尔白 穿过沙漠地带的商队 多神论者 恶魔;恶鬼 穆斯林 Mecca pilgrim Kaaba caravan polytheist demon Moslem 传纪的;生平的 strain compromise resolve articulate 争端,冲突 在他那个动荡的社会 biographical 压力;张力;血统;种族 妥协;和解 解决 清楚地表达了 conflict in his disturbed society 尊敬;崇拜 经文;圣典 苦思冥想 可兰经;古兰经 Luther the Authorized Version revelation submission worship wcripture contemplate Koran 路德 钦定本 天启;神示;揭露 顺从 投降;放弃 圣坛;圣地 Deity Convert Ethiopia 经济抵制 shrine 神;女神 皈依者 埃塞俄比亚 Economic boycott 随着经济和人口增长的促进 继任的帝王们 防止饥荒 价格上涨 歉收年 随后的朝代 with the boost of economic and population growth successive emperors prevent famine inflated prices lean year subsequent dynasties 增加国家税收 广东话和美食 满洲 造成了相互间极度不信任的后遗症 防止骑马的游牧民的侵入 定期的侵扰农业产区和贸易航线 Increase state revenues Cantonese language and cuisine Manchuria create a heavy legacy of mutual mistrust to prevent infiltrations by the horse-riding nomads to harry agriculture areas and trade routes

