




I. 听力测试(共30分)



( )1. A. How do you do? B. I’m fine. C. Very good.

( )2. A. I’d l ike to. B. That’s right. C. It doesn’t matter. ( )3. A. Yes, of course. B. Thank you. C. Yes, I can.

( )4. A. Goodbye! B. Good idea! C. Don’t worry!

( )5. A. It’s nice. B. Well done. C. Sorry to hear that. ( )6. A. Not at all. B. OK, I will. C. It’s a pity.



( )7. A. Tom’s B. Jim’s C. Jack’s

( )8. A. Drinking. B. Swimming C. Shopping.

( )9. A. At 10:00. B. At 10:30. C. At 11:00.

( )10. A. In the museum. B. In the theater. C. In the bedroom.

( )11. A. A worker. B. A driver. C. A teacher.

( )12. A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Exciting.




( )13. Last winter vacation we had a trip to ________.

A. Sydney

B. London.

C. New York.

( )14. The weather there was ________ all the time.

A. cloudy

B. sunny

C. rainy

( )15. During our visit some ________ people gave us much help.

A. old

B. young

C. friendly

( )16. We took pictures, ________ and enjoyed ourselves very much.

A. swam in the sea

B. played basketball

C. flew kites


( )17. Great changes have taken place in Wei Hua’s school since ________.

A. one year ago

B. two years ago

C. three years ago

( )18. The students in Wei Hua’s class first ________.

A. teach themselves

B. ask some questions

C. take important notes

( )19. Many students like ________ because they can help each other in class.

A. doing sports

B. studying in groups

C. singing songs

( )20. The students in Wei Hua’s school are ________ all of the activities.

A. angry about

B. afraid of

C. interested in

II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)


( )21. Look! There is ________ cat in the tree.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )22. I go to school ________ bus every morning.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. by

( )23. Please send ________ best wishes to Mary.

A. I

B. me

C. my

D. mine

( )24. C ould you please get me some ________? I’m hungry.

A. apple

B. water

C. bread

D. egg

( )25. John, work hard ________ you will make much progress.

A. or

B. nor

C. but

D. and

( )26. I called you, but nobody answered. Where ________ you?

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

( )27. ________ may have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.

A. Somebody

B. Everybody

C. Nobody

D. None

( )28. –________ is that man over there? --He is Dick’s uncle.

A. Where

B. What

C. Who

D. Which

( )29. The government of Chongqing is building ________ cheap and good houses for the people.

A. thousand

B. thousands

C. thousand of

D. thousands of ( )30. –Mr. Wang, can I finish my homework tomorrow? --Sorry, you ________.

A. can’t

B. don’t

C. needn’t

D. won’t

( )31. The more you smile, the ________ you will feel.

A. happy

B. happier

C. happily

D. more happily

( )32. I’m glad to find that many trees ________ in our city last year.

A. plant

B. planted

C. were planted

D. are planted

( )33. We don’t know ________ it next. Let’s go and ask Mr. Li.

A. what to do

B. to do what

C. whether to do

D. to do whether

( )34. Betty will ring me up when she ________ in Beijing.

A. arrive

B. arrives

C. arrived

D. will arrive ( )35. –Do you mind if I turn on the TV? --________. My father is sleeping.

A. Better not.

B. Not at all.

C. No, I don’t mind.

D. That’s all right.

( )36. The woman asked the policeman where ________.

A. the post office is

B. the post office was

C. is the post office

D. was the post office

( )37. If you do things ________, usually you can’t do them well.

A. in a hurry

B. from now on

C. just now

D. at once

( )38. I ________ my hometown for a long time. I really miss it!

A. left

B. went away from

C. have left

D. have been away from

( )39. –Don’t take pictures here, please. – ________.

A. No way

B. Sorry, I won’t.

C. Here you are.

D. It’s a pleasure.

( )40. It’s very ho t here. Why not ________ your coat?

A. put on

B. try on

C. take off

D. turn off

III. 完型填空。(每小题2分,共20分)


It is very important to stay healthy. I have a neighbor. She is an old lady. She can do all the housework, 41 newspapers, watch TV and search on the Internet to learn something new. I often see 42 do taijiquan in the morning and dance in the evening. She looks young and beautiful 43 she is over seventy. Last week a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked 44 she kept so young and healthy. She replied with a smile:

I have a secret of staying young and healthy. It is quite 45 . Keep your mind active, take an interest in the world 46 you, and learn at least one new thing every day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as 47 you can. Don’t think you are too old to go back to 48 . I know a man who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he is a doctor. Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 and now he is good at 49 tennis. Some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future. In fact, no matter how old you are, you can make it.

Please tell the story to your family. It would be a good start to 50 the lady’s example. I hope all people will stay young and healthy.

( )41. A. look B. read C. see D. watch

( )42. A. her B. him C. other D. others

( )43. A. than B. since C. though D. because

( )44. A. what B. why C. who D. how

( )45. A. early B. dear C. easy D. late

( )46. A. under B. around C. above D. between

( )47. A. soon B. busily C. hardly D. often

( )48. A. place B. song C. school D. dance

( )49. A. buying B. losing C. sending D. playing

( )50. A. follow B. give C. make D. bring




How do you remember the way to your house? Where do dreams come from? It is your brain(大脑) that does these things. A British scientist showed that “sleep can improve one’s memory.” It’s not a dream for students to study when they sleep. In fact, your brains is working day and night. If you learn words before bed, a certain part of the brain may help you to remember the words while you sleep. What’s more, another scientist in the USA

found that there was a “talent button(天才按钮)” in the human brain. It might make a person more talented.

There are more interesting things about the brain. Your brain uses less energy than a fridge light. Just two bananas can give the brain enough energy to work for a whole day. According to some scientists, yawning(打哈欠) keeps our brains “cool”, which makes us think quicker.

Here are some pieces of advice to keep a good brain:

●Eat healthy food.

●Get a lot of playtime or exercise.

●Don’t drink or smoke.

●Use your brain a lot.

( )51. A British scientist found out that ________ could improve our memories.

A. drink

B. dreams

C. sleep

D. bananas

( )52. According to the passage, if we want to have a good brain, we should ________.

A. use our brains more

B. sleep fewer hours

C. work longer hours

D. remember fewer things

( )53. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Our brains only work in the daytime.

B. Our brains need much energy every day.

C. Smoking can keep our brains healthy.

D. Getting exercise is good for our brains.


Do you now that animals have love for each other and their children just like us humans? Let me tell you some moving stories of great animal parents.

Several years ago a heavy rain hit a town and made the river go up. When the rain stopped, people found that a dog swam to an island in the river twice a day for two weeks. Why did she do so? Her four children were there. The mother swam there every day to feed her babies. This true story moved many people.

Another story is about chimpanzees(猩猩). A scientist named Jane Goodall spent 4 years living with chimpanzees in Africa. She found that chimpanzees also cared for those that were hurt or got lost. “It is not only humans who have duties, animals also do,” she said.

Two birds in Chengdu also showed their parental(父母的) love. Their baby was hurt and fell on the street in the center of the city. Cars were driving past but the brave parents rushed down to the road and took the little bird away with their claws(爪子).

( )54. After the heavy rain, the mother dog swam to the island ________.

A. to look for food

B. to feed her babies

C. to move some people

D. to carry things to her owner

( )55. The scientist found chimpanzees ________.

A. cared for the hurt or lost ones

B. often left for a far place

C. always stayed in the same place

D. didn’t care about each ot her

( )56. The two birds rushed down and took the little one away because ________.

A. they didn’t like their baby

B. they were not kind enough

C. they wanted to teach their baby

D. they wanted to save their baby

( )57. From the passage we know ________.

A. dogs like to swim across the river in a heavy rain.

B. mother birds don’t want to save their children

C. animal parents love their children a lot

D. all animals want to move people very much


Bill was a boy of 15. His parents went to gambling(赌博) day and night. Nobody cared about hi. He always failed in his exams. So his teachers didn’t like him, nor did his classmates play with him.

Bill often slept in class because his heart was not in school. He almost gave himself up.

One day, Miss Jo nes, a new teacher, came to Bill’s class. She was a smiling, beautiful woman. Bill was in love! For the first time in his young life, he couldn’t take his eyes off his teachers; yet, still he failed.

It was Miss Jones’ class. She was asking a question. “I’d like the smartest boy to answer my question.” Then she said loudly, “Bill, please!”

Bill was surprised. And he stood up without a word.

“Just try it! I believe you can!”

After school, Miss Jones had a long talk with Bill. She told him that she cared about him and believed in him.

Bill thought a lot that evening. From then on he arrived at school on time every day. Miss Jones helped him with his homework in the afternoon. She even cooked delicious food for him. She told Bill, “Nothing is impossible if you put your heart in it.”

Later, Miss Jones gave another exam. Bill did it with all his heart. He was very excited to find that he had passed the exam. Now Bill discovered that not only could he learn, but he could do it well. A changed took place in Bill’s heart.

You see, one teacher saved one boy, it’s simple(简单的), really.

( )58. Bill always failed in the exams at first because he ________.

A. went gambling

B. talked in class

C. didn’t answer

D. gave himself up

( )59. Miss Jones changed Bill by ________.

A. doing homework for him

B. encouraging and helping him

C. giving Bill another exam

D. cooking delicious food for him

( )60. From the passage we can learn ________.

A. Miss Jones was a loving and careful teacher

B. Bill’s par ents cared about him very much

C. Miss Jones loved to answer Bill’s question

D. Bill didn’t like to play with his classmates

( )61. Which may be the best title for the passage?

A. Parents’ Day

B. A Lazy Boy

C. A Boy’s Change

D. A Strict Teacher


Shopping on the Internet is becoming more and more popular. Why do people use the Internet to shop? Some people say it is more convenient. They don’t have to leave their homes to order something; they can shop for anything they want at any time; they can find

things for sale that they can’t find in the stores near their homes. Still other people say they can find better prices on the Internet.

If you want to buy something on the Internet, you need a credit(信用) card. You have to type your credit card number and information on the website and send them to the store over the Internet. You have to be sure that the store will not use your information in the wrong way. You don’t want someone to get your credit card number, so be careful with it, beause people sometimes steal(窃取) credit card numbers from stores.

The Internet is also a good place to go window-shopping. Window-shopping is when you look at the things for sale in a store, but don’t plan to buy anything. In window-shopping you can see what kinds of things you are able to get and how much they cost. Some stores like Ross Stores have a website for information about their stores, but not for shopping. Some stores have a website for information about their stores, and can shop on-line there, such as Office De*pot, Payless Sh*oe Source, Sa*feway. Some stores like A*mazon are only for on-line shopping.

( )62. Some people use the Internet to shop because ________.

A. they can sleep all day long

B. they want to leave their homes

C. they want to play with their friends

D. they can get things with less money ( )63. The Chinese meaning of the word “convenient” in this passage is “________”.

A. 时髦的


C. 方便的

D. 可用的

( )64. If you want to shop on the Internet, you need ________.

A. an ID card

B. a credit card

C. an IC card

D. a room card

( )65. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.You can shop on-line at

B. You cannot shop on-line at rossstores.

B. C. You can only do window-shopping at amzon

D. You can do window-shopping and shop on-line at safeway



V. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)

66. My classmates are going to skate in the afternoon. (改为否定句)

My classmates ________ ________ to skate in the afternoon.

67. Mr. Zhao goes fishing every weekend. (改为反意疑问句)

Mr. Zhao goes fishing every weekend, ________ ________?

68. Bruce has art lessons twice a week. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does Bruce have art lessons?

69. I spend half an hour doing morning exercises every day. (改为同义句)

It ________ me half an hour to ________ morning exercises every day.

70. 请等待我们的好消息!(完成译句)

Please ________ ________ our good news!

VI. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)


A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?

B: Yes. Who’s that?

A: This is Tian Hong. Are you free this Saturday evening?

( )B: 71 .

A: I’ve got two tickets to Jay Chou’s concert. ( )____72 .

( )B: Certainly, I’d love to. He’s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation.

73 .

A: Let’s meet at the gate of the park at four o’clock.

( )B: 74 I want to buy him a gift.

A: OK. I’ll get there at three. Shall we go to the shopping center to buy the gift? ( )B: 75 See you then.

A: See you.

VII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共20分)


Now students’ English handwriting(书法)gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If 76 , here are four steps that really work!

◆Use paper with lines

Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight 77 of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. Be sure to 78 the lined space completely. And make sure those capital letters(大写字母) are written properly.

◆Slow down

If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids, going slower makes the handwriting clear. If you write too 79 , it’s hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more 80 .

◆Hold your pencil right

When you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much 81 . Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to be relaxed and don’t hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and cle an. If you do so, people will guess you are a student 82 a good habit.

◆D raw more pictures

Drawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control(控制) your pencil better 83 you are drawing pictures. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by 84 at home.

Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your 85 run up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course!







2. 特色课程(如:网球)钢琴……);

3. ……


1. 词数:80词左右,邮件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。

Dear Mr. White,

I’m glad to hear you’ll build an international school, and I’d like to give you some advice.

I hope I can enter the school.

Sincerely yours,










13—16 ABCA 17—20 BABC

II. 单项选择。(第小题1分,共20分)

21—25 ADCCD 26—30 DBCDA 31—35 BCCBA 36—40 BADBC

III. 完型填空。(第小题2分,共20分)

41—45 BACDC 46—50 BDCDA

IV. 阅读理解。(第小题2分,共30分)

51—53 CAD 54—57 BADC 58—61 DBAC 62—65 DCBC



66. aren’t going67. doesn’t go68. How often 69. takes, do 70.

wait for

VI. 口语运用。(第小题2分,共20分)

76. not 77. instead 78. fill/use 79. fast/quickly 80. mistakes

81. easier/nicer/better 82. with 83. when/while/as 84. yourself 85. fans (评分标准:用词正确而形式错误,只给1分)

VIII. 书面表达。(15分)

One possible version:

Dear Mr. White,

I’m glad to hear you’ll build an international school, and I’d like to give you some advice. I think the new school should be nice and pleasant. Students need bright classrooms to study in, modern libraries to open up their eyes, large playground to play different kinds of sports on. The school may provide students with some special courses, such as art, tennis or piano lessons. These courses can make students relaxed and encourage them to develop freely. It would be better for students to have some chances to practice in your company so that they can get some useful experience.

I hope I can enter the school.

Sincerely yours,

Zhou Shan






























中考英语真题试卷含答案 (全卷共八个大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 注意:全卷分为两卷,请将第I卷答案做在答题卡上,第II卷的答案做在答题卷上。 第I卷(共100分) I. 听力测试(共30分) 第一节:情景反应。(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应该题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( )1. A. How do you do? B. I’m fine. C. Very good. ( )2. A. I’d l ike to. B. That’s right. C. It doesn’t matter. ( )3. A. Yes, of course. B. Thank you. C. Yes, I can. ( )4. A. Goodbye! B. Good idea! C. Don’t worry! ( )5. A. It’s nice. B. Well done. C. Sorry to hear that. ( )6. A. Not at all. B. OK, I will. C. It’s a pity. 第二节:对话理解。(第小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应该题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( )7. A. Tom’s B. Jim’s C. Jack’s ( )8. A. Drinking. B. Swimming C. Shopping. ( )9. A. At 10:00. B. At 10:30. C. At 11:00. ( )10. A. In the museum. B. In the theater. C. In the bedroom. ( )11. A. A worker. B. A driver. C. A teacher. ( )12. A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Exciting. 第三节:短文理解。(每小题1.5分,共12分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应该题目的答案标号涂黑。 A ( )13. Last winter vacation we had a trip to ________. A. Sydney B. London. C. New York. ( )14. The weather there was ________ all the time. A. cloudy B. sunny C. rainy ( )15. During our visit some ________ people gave us much help. A. old B. young C. friendly ( )16. We took pictures, ________ and enjoyed ourselves very much. A. swam in the sea B. played basketball C. flew kites B ( )17. Great changes have taken place in Wei Hua’s school since ________. A. one year ago B. two years ago C. three years ago ( )18. The students in Wei Hua’s class first ________. A. teach themselves B. ask some questions C. take important notes ( )19. Many students like ________ because they can help each other in class. A. doing sports B. studying in groups C. singing songs ( )20. The students in Wei Hua’s school are ________ all of the activities.


英语调研测试试题 姓名_________年级_________ 得分___________ I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共26分) 31.There is ______ beautiful garden behind Mary’s house. A) a B) an C) the D) / 32. Dragon Head-Raising Day is a Chinese festival. It is ______ February 26 this year. A) at B) on C) in D) to 33. Linda is a new comer here, but she gets on well with_______ A) we B) our C) us D) ours 34. In the past, ______of the buses was air-conditioned. A) neither B) all C) none D) either 35. We should always be ______ our parents for giving us a good education. A) worried about B) thankful to C) afraid of D) surprised at 36. Now, children don’t have to pay ______ money for their education in Shanghai. A) many B) much C) a little D) a few 37. The fish tasted ______. Throw it away at once. A) badly B) bad C) nice D) nicely 38. _______ exciting the 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony was! A) How B) What an C) How an D) What a 39. Making real cards is ______ than making e-cards A) interesting B) more interesting C) most interesting D) the most interesting 40. A: Is Lucy knocking at the door? B: It______ be Lucy. She is in America now. A) needn’t B) mustn’t C) can’t D) may not 41. Richard caught a bad cold yesterday, ______ he had to stay at home. A) because B) but C) or D) so 42.A: How much will it cost to build the school library? B: About four ______ yuan. A) million B) millions C) millions of D) million of 43. My father won’t believe it ______he sees it with his own eyes. A) if B) when C) as D) unless 44. The students are going to take part in the maths contest tomorrow, ______? A) will they B) won’t they C) are they D) aren’t they 45. Li Ping was late again. He promised _______ late the next time. A) not to B) not to be C) don’t be D) not be 46. I don’t like noodles. I’d rather______ a bowl of rice. A) to have B) have C) having D) to having 47. Mr. Smith ______ in Shanghai since he left the army. A) lives B) lived C) has lived D) will live 48. Bill ______ progress if he studies harder than before. A) will make B) has made C) made D) would make 49. Linda can’t go shopping because she ______ some foreigners around our school. A) shows B) was showing C) is showing D) has shown 50. In our school students are allowed to ______ school uniform when they are at school. A) dress B) wear in C) wear D) dress up


福建省龙岩市名校2024届中考考前最后一卷英语试卷含答案 注意事项 1.考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。 2.试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。 3.考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、_____an old teacher Mr. Wang is! A.How B.What C.Where D.Why 2、_________ people attending the meeting is 2975 and about _________ are women. A.A number of , one fourth B.The number of, one fourth C.A number of, one fourths D.The number of, one fourths 3、— More and more people love __________ their riches on Tik Tok (抖音). — That should not be allowed on the Internet. A.giving off B.putting off C.showing off D.turning off 4、—Have you seen the film Monkey King? —Yes. I it three times. It is so interesting. A.saw B.have seen C.will see D.am seeing 5、In the past, we ________ got information from paper books. A.hardly B.mainly C.loudly D.recently 6、—Don’t throw rubbish everywhere, Please. Building a civilize(文明的)city is our duty. —. A.OK,I will B.Y ou are joking C.Take it easy D.Sorry, I won't 7、―terrible mess you have made! ―S orry, I will clear it up right now. A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 8、Only those _______ have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever get the skill to do difficult things easily. A.who B.whom C.which D.what 9、Robin is a great actor, he is also a good father. A.or B.but C.so D.and 10、The strawberries delicious. You can have a try. A.eat B.drink C.taste D.sound Ⅱ. 完形填空 11、Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was only 12 years old, Jeff had cancer. Doctor had to 1 off most of his right leg. Every day Jeff puts on an artificial(假肢). The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run. Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs, 2 . They decided to


中考英语真题及答案 中考是每个初中生都必须面对的考试,英语是其中不可或缺的一科。因此,了解中考英语的真题及答案是备考的关键。 一、听力 听力是中考英语试卷中的重要组成部分,占据了较大的比重。以下是一道中考英语听力题目: What did the man have for breakfast? A. Eggs and bread. B. Milk and bread. C. Bread and cheese. 答案:B

听力是考验考生听力能力的环节,要想在听力中取得好成绩,平时应该多训练,提高自己的听力水平。同时,在考试时一定要认真听题,注意听清题干,尤其是要注意听选项中的细节。 二、语法 语法是英语学习的重中之重,它是学好英语的基础。以下是一道中考英语语法题目: I'd like ______ you to meet my parents. A. to B. with C. and 答案:A

语法题目较为简单,但也不要忽视细节。在学习语法时,要掌握好基础知识,建立正确的语感,以及不断地练习,加强自己的语法应用能力。 三、完形填空 完形填空是英语考试中的难点之一。以下是一道中考英语完型填空题目: Bob wanted to see the new movie in the cinema, but he didn't have enough money. He saw an old man __1__ on a park bench. Bob went to the old man and asked him why he was sitting there. The old man said, "I am __2__ looking at the sky." Bob asked the old man his name and he said, "My name is John." Bob asked John, "Do you want to go to the movies with me? I don't have enough money, but I have __3__ for one movie ticket." A. reading B. sitting


中考英语试题及答案 【2023四川广安一诊卷】Shirley is the girl ________ taught me how to use WeChat (微信). A. whom B.which C.who D.when 【2023山东省临沂市中考模拟】18. This is the school _______ I studied three years ago. A. where B. when C. that D. which 【2023内蒙古通辽一模】( )39.Do you know the man _____ is sitting behind Nancy? A. what B. which C. what D. who 【2023内蒙古满洲里市模拟卷】It is the most beautiful city __________ I have ever visited. A. where B. that C. when D. which 【2023江苏扬州市江都区一模】7. --- There is too much smoke and fog these days. --- As a result, we looking for the new ways ______can help us prevent air pollution. A. that B. what C. who D. / 【2023江苏扬州市邗江区一模】14. According to the survey, women

________drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than ________who dont. A. who; that B. /; these C. who; those D. / ; / 【2023江苏苏州市二模】( )10. ─ Could you tell me who to ask for advice about my trip next week? ─ Can you see the girl is in red? She knows whether the place is worth . A. who; visiting B. whom; enjoying C. that; playing D. which; seeing 【2023南京市江宁区一模】12. The English-Chinese dictionary my fa ther bought for me many years ago is still of great help. A. whose B. that C. who D. when 【2023吉林省东北师大附中一模】49. True friends are those ________always take care of you and encourage you to succeed. A. which B. what C. whom D. who 【2023湖北鄂州四校一次联考】32.﹣Which song do you like better,Lucy? ﹣I prefer the song Little Apple_____ can attract many people.


初三英语中考真题及参考答案整理 初三英语中考真题及参考答案 学习的敌人,其实是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不 自满开头。为了便利大家学习借鉴,下面我细心预备了初三英语中考真题及答案内容,欢迎使用学习! 中考英语试题及答案 词汇与语法学问(共25小题;每题1.5分,共37.5分。) 从每个小题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一项,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边的括弧里。 ( )1. I don‘t know how to play bridge and ________. A. my wife doesn‘t neither B. my wife does either C. neither does my wife D. neither my wife does ( )2. He asked ________ since he had been chairman for seven years. A. not to have been re-elected B. to not be re-elected

C. not to be re-elected D. to have not been re-elected ( )3. The guests said that they wouldn‘t mind _______. A. to have a little light music B. have a little light music C. having a little light music D. that they have a little light music ( )4. Last night we caught a thief _______ John‘s car. A. when stealing B. that be stole C. to steal D. stealing ( )5. Without the invention of writing,a man ________ to remember so many things which he can write down or find in a book. A. is forced B. will be forced


中考英语试题及答案 英语 答题注意事项 1.本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至7页,第二卷8-10页。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。 2. 答案全部答在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 答选择题时使用2B铅笔,把答题卡上对应题号的选项字母涂满、涂黑。如需修改, 要用绘图橡皮轻擦干净后再选涂其它选项。 4. 答非选择题使用0.5mm黑色签字笔,在答题卡上对应题号的答题区域书写答案。注 意不要答错位置,也不要超界。 第一卷(选择题,共65分) 一、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I often have _______ egg and a glass of milk for _______ breakfast every day. A. an; / B. a; / C. an; the D. a; the 2. Look at the national flags below. Which represents China A. B. C. D. 3. Peter enjoyed _______ at his birthday party last night. A. he B. him C. himself D. his 4. —The charity walk begins _______ 9.00 a.m. Don’t be late. —No problem. A. in B. at C. on D. to 5. Mr Wu always spends a lot of time exp laining things to us. He is so _______. A. cool B. patient C. selfish D. unfair 6. —There is ______ milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home. —All right.


中考英语试题及答案 做英语试题的阅读理解,可以先看后面的问题,然后再读文章,找有用的有关的信息点,这样可以节约许多时间。每篇阅读理解也就只有5分钟的时间完成,所以去文章中找答案,找有用的信息就显得特别重要了。下面是我整理的中考英语试题及答案,欢迎大家阅读共享借鉴。 中考英语试题及答案1 阅读理解 What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is no. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further, he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works. The scientists knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different, any changes the

中考英语状语从句中考真题 含答案解析

中考英语状语从句中考真题含答案解析 一、初中英语状语从句 1.China Dream will be able to come true we try our best. A.unless B.until C.although D.as long as 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:只要我们尽全力,中国梦将会实现。考查连词。A. unless除非;B. until直到;C. although虽然;D. as long as只要。根据句意可知,是只要我们尽全力,中国梦将会实现。故选D 2.Tony has had to cook by himself ________ his mother went on business to Guangzhou. A.since B.after C.during D.when 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:自从妈妈去广州出差以来,托尼不得不自己做饭。A. since从……以来;B. after在……之后;C. during 在……期间;D. when当……时候。since后跟时间状语从句时,表示的是到目前为止的时间段,从句时态为一般过去时,而主句的时态为现在完成时,故正确答案为A。 3.______ Mike didn’t win the race , he was still wearing a smile on his face. A.If B.Since C.Although D.Because 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 句意:虽然迈克没有赢了比赛,但是他脸上仍然带着笑容。A. If 如果,引导条件状语从句;B. Since 由于,引导原因状语从句;C. Although 尽管,虽然,引导让步状语从句;D. Because 因为,引导原因状语从句。根据句意,故选C。 4.—Leonardo didn't win an Oscar he acted in The Revenant(荒野求生). 一Yeah. It was hard for him to realize this dream, but he never gave up.


中考英语真题试题(含答案)(39) 1.May 10.2017 marked the first Chinese Brands Day。celebrating the success of "Made in China". 2.The young mother will not leave her baby until she is sure he has XXX. 3."Do you enjoy Jay Chou's songs?" "Of course。my parents and I are fans of his." 4.The word XXX "raise". 5.China'XXX April 2 6.201 7. 6.I was XXX. 7.Drivers must ce their speed when driving near a zebra crossing. 8.Xu Yuanchong。a 96-year-old man。has dedicated most of his life to XXX. It was great。I went on a road trip with my XXX and had a lot of fun. XXX up markets for China and other countries along the route。It will provide XXX.

XXX has achieved 18 grand slam titles。making him one of the XXX。 Lin Tao。our monitor。is very organized and we should learn from him。He keeps all his things in good order. Last December。a man who stole a shared bike was fined 1,000 yuan by the police. I was XXX from eight o'clock to midnight last night。which is why I look tired today. Thanks for your advice about the red phone boxes in London。They are a symbol of English culture. John had a great May Day holiday。He went on a road trip with his friends。visited scenic spots。tried local specialties。and had a lot of fun. Not bad。You seem so happy。Could you tell me who you XXX?" When I was a kid。I used to XXX。I would help them with farming。Luckily。they had a caravan。a kind of car designed for people to live in while traveling。Every few summers。we would travel together around the US and Canada.


中考英语作文真题10篇及答案 一、材料作文 1.(2022年·江苏连云港)“双减”之后,如何让我们的暑假生活过得快乐而有意义?请你根据以下图片及文字提示,以“Happy Summer Vacation”为题给校报英语专栏写一篇短文,为同学们提供一些建议并说明理由。 图片 注意: (1)词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; (2)文中应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯; (3)文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息。 Happy Summer Vacation The summer vacation is coming. With more free time, how can we have a happy and meaningful vacation? Here is my advice.________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 【答案】例文 Happy Summer Vacation The summer vacation is coming. With more free time, how can we have a happy and meaningful vacation? Here is my advice. First, we can do some sports. We can go running every morning. It can help us keep healthy. Besides, we can do some housework at home. It’s necessary for us to learn some life skills and look after ourselves. What’s more, we need to read some books. Reading helps improve our knowledge and opens up a whole new world to us. We can also join some clubs, such as the Singing Club or the Dancing Club. It can help us develop our hobbies.


湖南省衡阳2023年中考英语真题 一、完形填空。(共10小题,计10分) 通读短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 In a small village, a boy named Mark lived with his father, a wise old man. One day, Mark told his father 1.that he made little progress in learning the guitar. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't improve. Mark asked his father for some help. "Follow me. I will lead you to the 2.hills around the village tomorrow. " said his father. The next day, they set out. The road was long and difficult, but Mark still 3.his father. As they got higher, the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to Mark was surprised 4.decided to help his father. With great difficulty, Mark helped his father climb the hill. Sometimes he 5.carried his father on his back. At the top, he put his father on the ground and laughed with 6.. "When you were a little boy, sometimes you 7.home with tears in your eyes. " said his father. "The elder children laughed at you. Do you remember why?" Mark nodded. He remembered that as a child, he and all his 8.called this hill Mount Impossible, because small children couldn't reach its top. "And today," said his father, "you not only climbed here, but also helped 9.to get here. " "I became bigger and stronger than before. " said Mark. "Instead of climbing Mount Impossible every day, you played on the smaller hills and became 10.at climbing. " said his father. "It became possible for you to climb Mount Impossible while you weren't even thinking about it. " 1.A.sadly B.quietly C.happily 2.A.high B.low C.small 3.A.caught B.followed C.refused 4.A.or B.and C.but 5.A.even B.never C.seldom 6.A.sadness B.joy C.embarrassment 7.A.gave back B.shouted back C.came back 8.A.friends B.students C.teachers 9.A.him B.me C.you 10.A.worse B.faster C.better


完整版)初三英语试题带答案 A。XXX Europe 34.The teacher asked the students to _____ their homework on time. A。hand inB。hand outC。hand overD。hand off 35.We should _______ the XXX it. A。care aboutB。care forC。care ofD。care after 36.The _______ of the film is very exciting。I can’t wait to see it. A。XXX 37.The _______ of the new XXX. A。XXX 38.The _______ of the book is very interesting。I can’t put it down. A。XXX 39.The _______ of the new building is very modern and unique. A。XXX

40.The _______ of the company is to provide high-quality products and services. A。XXX 答案:26.C 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.B 31.A 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.A 40.B 改写建议: 26.In 2005.the biggest supermarket opened and it was open for 12 hours every day. 27.How many times has the astronaut been to the space n。Three times. 28.XXX every day is a good idea. 29.XXX? 30.XXX. 31.Each of you should buy a map。Miss Amy said to Jim and Tom. 32.The cookies smell bad。You'd better throw them away.


武威市2023年初中毕业、高中招生考试 英语试卷 考生注意:本试卷含听力,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。所有试题均在答题卡上作答,否则无效。 听力部分 Ⅰ. 听力理解(分4小节,共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。 A B C D E 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 第二节:听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。 6. A. Sounds good B. Never mind. C. Thanks. 7. A. Math. B. Red. C. Monkeys. 8. A. Go ahead. B. OK,I will. C. You’re welcome. 9. A. In English. B. To the park. C. On foot. 10. A. Sorry to hear that. B. Have fun. C. Happy birthday. 第三节:听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 11. Who’s Cindy’s best friend? A. Peter. B. Helen. C. Bob. 12. Why will David go to Lanzhou? A. To take an exam. B. To study there. C. To visit his friends. 13. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. In a supermarket. B. In a bank. C. At home. 14. What’s wrong with the boy? A. He didn’t get enough sleep. B. He broke his leg. C. He lost his keys.
