




I. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.

Come to 共计come up with 想出,提出,赶上disturb 打扰get to 达到,开始program计划Typical典型的involve 包含,潜心于fee from actually gap间隙,缺口,空白Nevertheless然而communicate current 现在的worthwhile值得的

1.Being a sailor(水手) _ involves__ long periods of time away from home.

2.I'm sure she'll __ actually _ like her new job as a nurse.

3.This year's fall in profits(利润) was not unexpected._ Nevertheless __ , it is very disappointing.

4.The Tibetans(西藏人),- coming to -- feudal serfdom (封建农奴制),隶have made remarkable achievements towards the building of a socialist society.

5.Though Washington, D.C. is the seat of government of the United States, New York is _ fee from ___ the nation's most important city.

6.He was so disturbing____ to hear of his mother's illness that he could no longer concentrate on his studies.

7.A typical____ summer day in that area is hot and dry.

8.Mr. smith kept thinking hard, but failed to _come up with___ a workable plan.

9.You ought to spend more of your time on some _worthwhile___ reading.

10.The new theory has __ get to ___ be widely accepted.

11.The government is taking effective(有效的) measures to overcome __ currently__ difficulties.

12.It is necessary that young and old people should _ communicate ____ more with each other.

13.I am afraid there is a great ___gap__ between your viewpoints(观点) and mine.

14.It is thoughtless of them to allow their children to watch whatever __program__ is on television.

II. Fill in the blanks with the given words or expressions in their proper forms:

1. hear/hear of

(1)Would you please speak louder? The students sitting at the back can't _ hear __ you.

(2)People in that mountainous district have not even __hear of ___ TV sets or recorders(录音机).

(3)We jumped with joy when we ___ hear ____ their success.

(4)I seldom ____ hear of ____ him complain.

2. mistake /fault

(1)Whose ___ mistake ____ is it that you failed in the exam?

(2)She is the brightest student I have ever taught. There is no __fault ___ about it.

(3)Cathy was in such a hurry that she took her sister's bag by _ mistake ____.

(4)Laziness is his only _ fault _____.

III. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

whoever whatever whichever

wherever whenever however

1. If we work with a will, we can overcome any difficulty, __ whatever _____ great it is.

2. ___ Whoever ___ asks to see the manager, tell him to wait until ten.

3. Henry will lend me ___ whichever ____ dictionaries I need.

4. The bandits (土匪) found themselves surrounded on all sides. ___ wherever ____ way they turned, they couldn't escape.

5. Come and see me ___ whenever __ you want to.

6. ___ Whatever _____ the criminal (罪犯) may hide, the police will seek him out.

7. ____ Wherever ____ spits (吐痰) in a public place will be fined (罚款).

8. As university graduates, we are ready to go _ wherever ____ we are needed most.

9. Take whichever _____ of the three paintings you like best.

10. We will go on with the project __ whatever ___ obstacles (障碍) we may meet.

11. ____ Wherever ___ Father says "Not bad", he really means "Very good".

12. ___ However ____ hard I tried, I still couldn't unlock the door.

IV. Study the following pairs of words and use them correctly in the given sentences:

1. heart / mind

(1)The bad news broke my __heart______ .

(2)Tom works very hard and never loses __ mind _____ in face of difficulties.

(3)I promise that I will always keep your warnings in __ heart ___ .

(4)To my __mind_____, this guy is a good - for -nothing (无用的人).

(5)Were you in your right __ mind _____ when you did such a foolish thing? I think you must have been out of your _ mind ______ .

(6)Don't take his rude words too much to ___ heart _____. He often speaks like that.

2. find / find out

(1)He became so interested in her life story that he decided to ___ find out___

more about her.

(2)The librarian promised to __ find _____ me the book I wanted.

(3)I'll try and ___ find out ___ who broke the transistor (晶体管收音机)

(4)I _ find _____ this to be true in all the cities I visited.

(5)Two of the young men were sent to town to _ find out_____ about the situation there.

(6)The wind was blowing all night. But the next morning. I __ find ____ the rice shoots (秧苗) standing up straight, not a bit damaged.

V. Fill in the blanks with words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.

Potential differ universe make notes compared to

Physical look into recall involve complicated Equipment damage amount put ... to good use

1.More than two substances(物质) __ involved_____ in this chemical reaction.

2.If you don't know how to __ put ____ your books __ to good use

____, give them to others.

3.If we compare our earth with the moon, we will find that the former __ differ ___ from the latter in many ways.

4.The ___ amount __ of money one earns is not the only measure of success.

5.In the earthquake many houses were _ damage _____ and some were destroyed.

6.The police are ___ looking into ___ the records of all those ___ involved____ in the crime(罪行).

7.The multiple origins (多种来源) of the English language make it a _ complicate_____ one for the non - native speakers to learn.

8.These young people have a potential____ for learning which has been neglected.

9.__ Compared to ____ most women of her time, she was indeed very fortunate.

10.Americans who were old enough can clearly __ recall ___ what they were doing on November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was assassinated (暗杀) in Dallas.

11.His new theory might hold the key to understanding how the _ universe ____ came into being.

12.A _ physical _____ examination is required for a marriage license (证书).

13.Knowledge of the use of specialized equipments ____ is important in any technical field.

14.Students often, but not always, find it necessary to __ make notes _____ of their professors' lectures.


1. Peter, why didn’t you go to the flower show? (B) --- I think it’s something ______ pleasant. A. far more B. far less C. too much D. much too 2. The rainy season is coming and let’s make full use of the ______ days to dry whatever is needed to dry before the next dry season. (B) A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. sunny last few 3. Americans eat ______ as they actually need every day. A. twice as much protein B. twice protein as much twice C. twice protein as much D. protein as twice much (A) 4. The Chinese Educational Department suggests teachers should receive ________ education to catch up with the _______ development. A. farther; late B. farther; later C. further; lately D. further; latest (D) 5. --- Goods imported from abroad are ______ those made in China. --- Yes. Some of the goods made in China are of high quality. A. not always better than B. always as good as C. no better than D. no longer better than (A) 6. He was lying in hospital ______, with his ribs broken. A. half dead B. deadly C. dying D. died (A) 7. The young pigeons which I bought _______ last month are able to fly _____ now.


2015年第一学期国家开放大学形考答案大家在看的时候,一定要看清答案的顺序,不要盲目的跟着本章答案选择,一定要看定顺序。 国家开放大学形考任务1 一、单项选择(每题5分,共计10分) 1、请将你认为不适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。() 答案:国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的大学 2:请将不能客观地描述国家开放大学学习方式的选项选择出来。() 答案:只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务 二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分) 3:制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对) 4:远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。(错)5:在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。(对) 6:在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。(错) 7:纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。(错) 国家开放大学形考任务2 一、单选题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分) 1:开放大学学制特色是注册后年内取得的学分均有效。() 答案:8 2:不是专业学位授予的必备条件。() 答案:被评为优秀毕业生 3:是专业学习后期需要完成的环节。() 答案:专业综合实践 4:转专业后,学籍有效期从开始计算。() 答案:入学注册时 5:不是目前国家开放大学设有的学习层次。() 答案:小学、初中 二、判断题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分)

6:办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,本科转专业还应是同科类相近专业。(对) 7:自愿退学的学生可重新报名参加国开学习,学生原来获得的学分,可按免修免考的有关规定进行课程或学分替换。(对) 8:入学后第一个学期可以转专业。(错) 9:申请转专业的同时不可以申请转学。(错) 10:入学后第一个学期可以转学。(错) 国家开放大学形考任务3 一、单选题(每题1分,共计4分) 1:国家开放大学门户网站网址是() 答案:https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a2442535.html, 2:学生使用空间资料管理功能上传的资料不能共享给其他同学浏览。(错)3:进入课程页面后,学生只能按顺序一章一章的进行系统学习。(错) 4:下面哪些作业类型不属于形成性考核() 答案:毕业论文 二、多选题(每题1分,共计4分) 5:国家开放大学课程考核方式通常采用()相结合的方式进行。 答案:形成性考核、终结性考核 6:依据在考试时是否允许学生携带、使用相关的学习资料参加考试,考试一般又可分为() 答案:开卷、半开卷、闭卷 7:国家开放大学专科起点本科层次学历教育的学生必须参加试点高校网络教育部分公共基础课全国统一考试(简称统考),所有学生都要参加的统考科目包括() 答案:《大学英语》、《计算机应用基础》 8:学生参加考试时必须要携带的证件有() 答案:身份证、准考证、学生证 三、判断题(每题2分,共计12分) 9:已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历(含本科)的学生,可免考全部教育


第五单元 Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. A. She is upset with her daughter's school. B. She has nothing for her to do where she is. C. She is starting her own company. D. She has a new job. 2. A. He's too lazy. B. It's summertime. C. He can't see them. D. They look good. 3. A. She didn't want to answer while relaxing. B. She didn't notice that it was ringing. C. She didn't want to leave her bath. D. She was asleep at that time. 4. A. The man wants to marry the woman. B. The woman wants to marry the man. C. The man and woman are married. D. The man's mother wants the two to marry. 5. A. The woman is cleaning the home. B. The man is inviting the woman to stay. C. The man and woman live together. D. The man doesn't want the woman to move. 6. A. On the street. B. In the woman's home. C. With his mother. D. In his own place. 7. A. The man has a title he fought for. B. The man only had a couple of days to train. C. The man is a boxer with an upcoming fight. D. The man has trouble when he trains for fights. 8. A. The woman is talking on her mobile phone. B. The woman wants to bring home some milk. C. The man has picked up some bread.


草坪学复习题 草坪学作业答案 第一章 一、草坪的概念是什么? 是指以禾本科草或其他质地纤细的植被为覆盖,并以它们大量的根或匍匐茎充满土壤表层的地被,是由草坪草的地上部分以及根系和表土层构成的整体。 二、草坪草的概念是什么? 是构成草坪的植物。具体地讲,是指能够形成草皮或草坪,并能耐受定期修剪和人、物使用的一些草本植物种或品种。 三、草坪与草坪草的区别是什么? 草坪与草坪草是两个不同的概念。草坪草只涉及到植物群落,是指作为地面覆盖的草本植物。草坪则代表一个较高水平的生态有机体,它不仅包括草坪草,而且还包括草坪草生长的环境部分。 四、草坪对人类社会的贡献有哪些? 草坪对人类社会的贡献主要有:1 绿化美化环境,2调节小气候,3净化空气,4 降低噪音,5用作运动场,减少运动员受伤,提高竞技水平,6保持水土,7作为优质饲料。 五、世界上第一台内燃收割机是在哪一年由谁发明的?何时用于草坪修剪中?世界上第一台内燃收割机是在1830年由Edwin Budding发明的,1832年用于草坪修剪中。 第二章 一、草坪草的特性有哪些? 1.耐践踏性强。 2. 耐强度低修剪。 3. 叶片多数,一般小型、细长、直立。使草坪具一定弹性。 4.多为低矮的丛生型或匍匐茎型,覆盖力强,能形成地毯状草皮。 5.分布广泛,适应性强,再生能力强,损伤后能迅速恢复。 6.易建成大面积草坪,即要求草坪草结实率高,容易收获,发芽性强;或匍匐茎发达,能强而迅速地向周围空间扩展。 7. 无刺无毒,无不良气味,叶汁不易挤出 二、冷季型草坪草的主要特征是什么?作为草坪草应用的主要有哪几个属? 冷季型草坪草特征: 最适生长温度是15~25℃,分布华北、东北、西北。耐寒,绿期长,一年中有春秋两个生长高峰期,夏季生长缓慢,并出现休眠现象。生长迅速,品质好,用途广;可用种子繁殖,也可用营养繁殖;抗热性差,抗病虫能力差,要求管理精细。管理费用高。冷季型草坪草中作为草坪草应用的主要有以下四个属:早熟禾属、黑麦草属、羊茅属和翦股颖属。 三、草地早熟禾的主要优点是什么? 草地早熟禾的主要优点是:叶片质地好,坪观品质好,根茎发达,再生能力强。抗寒,较耐热,绿期长。 四、高羊茅的主要优点是什么?


I. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below. (答案填写单词前的大写字母编号。每空2分,共20分) 1. As a teacher he was highly respected for his industry, patience, and his ability to F knowledge. 2. Unless a firm can J its products and services to remain ahead of the competition, the margin of profitability will be significantly reduced, with an attendant loss of market share. 3. Depressed people can of course make G and unwise decisions, and I made one such decision when, during my second term at Berkeley, I decided to give up my London flat. 4. He wrote to them, wishing every one of them and their families a truly Happy Christmas and a very H /K New Year. (H和K两个选项一样。) 5. About three years ago, she started reading E about her grandfather because she wanted to learn the truth for herself. 6. For health reasons the president has decided to A his planned visit to Italy. 7. This book is the product of several years of B between two leading universities. 8. The new club strives to educate its members to I service to the community. 9. Though he didn’t have much to give, he was C with his money. 10. Father’s Day is a day on which the people of many countries express their D and appreciation for their fathers by giving them gifts or greeting cards. II. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the phrases or expressions given below. (答案填写词组前的大写字母编号。每空2分,共20分) 1. I don’t want to scare you unnecessarily, but you Q face facts. 2. As four days of talks M , the opposing sides were still unable to agree on a temporary ceasefire in the region. 3. The only thing on sale that N was a little French clock. 4. For better health you must S eating too much. 5. The UN Secretary General believes that if member countries would act O , the problem might be solved more easily. 6. The doctor asked her to try to keep drinking to a minimum while she is pregnant, K her own health and her baby’s. 第一页

国家开放大学英语(3) 期末参考答案讲解

说明:本课程期末复习内容包括三部分: 1.教材Unit 6,Unit 12,Unit 18三个复习单元; 2.中央电大印发的《开放英语(3)期末复习指导》(2011.4印刷版)内一套样题和两 套模拟题; 3.英语II (1)期末复习提纲2011-6(如下) 英语II(1)期末复习提纲2011-6 一、交际用语 1.-Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? D -_______________. A. It‘s not very far from here B. The supermarket is very large C. The goods there are very expensive D. Sorry, sir. I‘m a stranger here myself. 2.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. C — ____________________. A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now D. Tell me your ID number 3.Afternoon, sir. Where to? A — ___________________. A. Please get me to the airport B. please pick me up next time C. I‘ve been to t he airport D. The plane will take off in an hour 4.— Can I help you to get it down? C — . A. No problem B. Yes. Let‘s get it C. Thanks. It‘s so nice of you D. It‘s no trouble at all 5.—I‘m trying to call Marie, but there‘s no answer.D — . A. I didn‘t realize that B. Here is a message for her C. I‘m really sorry about it D. Really? May be she‘s out 6.— Are you sure about that? D — . A. You needn‘t worry about that B. I like the idea. C. Oh, no. I‘m afraid of that D. Oh, yes. I‘m absolutely positive 7.— Would you like to see the menu? A — . A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clear C. I hear the food here is tasty D. The setting is very comfortable 8.— What if my computer doe sn‘t work? B — .


《草坪学》复习题 一、名词解释 1.草坪 草坪即草坪植被,通常是指以禾本科草或其它质地纤细的植被覆盖,并以他们大量的根或匍匐茎充满土壤表层的地被,是由草坪草的地上部分以及根系和表土层构成的整体。 2.分蘖 当腋芽从叶鞘内与母枝平行向上长出,形成新的地上枝条的分枝称为鞘内分枝。 3.暖地型草 草坪草生长的最适温度在26℃?32℃的称为暖地型草。 4. 1/3修剪原则 草坪修剪应遵循1/3的修剪原则,即任何一次修剪,被剪去的部分占草坪总高度的1/3以内。 5. 客土 当草坪坪床严重污染或草坪严重退化时,可以肥沃的壤土和沙壤土为主,厚度不少于20?30cm进行换土。 6.喷播 喷播是以水为载体将草坪种子、生长素、土壤改良剂、复合肥等通过专用设备喷洒在坡面生成草坪,达到绿化效果。 7.茎基 茎基是生长叶、根、枝条,是草坪草伸长的关键器官,也是碳水化合物的储藏器官,在草坪草营养中极其重要。 8.鞘外分枝 是指匍匐茎和根状茎均来至茎基的腋芽,茎基的腋芽突破腋芽叶鞘,横向延伸形成水平方向的茎,并在其节上形成不定根和新枝条。 9.冷地型草 草坪草生长的最适温度在15℃?25℃的称为冷地型草。 10.封育 是指草坪因受到过度践踏,在一定时间内限制草坪的使用,使之得以恢复的措施。 11.他感作用 是指植物在生长过程中会分泌一些物质,抑制周围植物的正常生长,又称为颉抗作用。 12.草皮 是指草地上可以剥离、并可移植到他处,生长成草坪的前期产品,是由草坪草的叶、茎、根和附带的土壤构成。 二、单选题 1. 下面哪一项措施对无土草毯生产有特殊意义:( C )。 A 修剪 B 施肥 C 加设种植网 D 灌溉 2.在东北地区,对已建成的草坪,通常于秋季禾草休眠前进行一次灌溉,叫做浇(A )。 A 封冻水 B 开春水 C防旱水 D催芽水 3.下列冷地型草草种中耐热性最强的是:( C )。 A草地早熟禾 B多年生黑麦草 C高羊茅 D匍茎翦股颖


形考任务1 正确的答案是“对”。 1.同学们,在学习了“任务一”的相关内容后,请将你认9入学后第一个学期可以转学()。 为适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来? 正确的答案是“错”。 正确答案是:国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别 10申请转专业的同时不可以申请转学()。 与普通高校的新型大学正确的答案是“错”。 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 国家开放大学是为没有条件参与全日制校园学习的人群 形考作业3 提供学习资源的大学 1国家开放大学门户网站网址是()。 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资 正确答案是:https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a2442535.html, 源 2进入课程页面后,学生只能按顺序一章一章的进行系统2.请将下列适用于国家开放大学学习的方式选择出来? 学习()。 正确答案是:在网络上阅读和学习学习资源正确答案是:错 在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 3课程实践环节一般根据老师的安排如期完成即可,通常在集中面授课堂上向老师请教问题不作为形成性考核成绩记录()。 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 正确答案是:错 3制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时4下面哪些作业类型不属于形成性考核()。 地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对) 正确答案是:程序题 4在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,5国家开放大学考试通常采用()相结合的方式进行。 可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。正确答案是:形成性考核,终结性考核 (对)6国家开放大学专科起点本科专业的学生必须参加网络统 5远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方 考。网络统考的科目包括()。 法并不重要。(错)正确答案是:《大学英语》,《计算机应用基础》,《大 6纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。学语文》,《高等数学》 (错)7按是否开卷进行分类,一般又可分为()。 7在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程正确答案是:开卷,半开卷,闭卷 讨论。(错)8参加考试时必须要携带的证件有()。 正确答案是:身份证,学生证,准考证 形考任务29已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历(含本科)的学生, 1开放大学学制特色是注册后()年内取得的学分均 可免考全部统考科目。 有效。正确的答案是“对”。 正确答案是:810在入学注册时年龄满40周岁的非英语专业学生可免考 2请问以下是专业学习后期需要完成的环节? “大学英语”。 正确答案是:专业综合实践正确的答案是“对”。 3请问以下不是专业学位授予的必备条件?11论坛不需要登录。 正确答案是:被评为优秀毕业生正确的答案是“错”。 4学生本人要在学期开学后()内向学籍所在教学点12任何人博客内容浏览者都可以看到并可以进行评价。 提出申请,并填写《国家开放大学学生转专业审批表》,正确的答案是“错”。 经国开分部审核批准后,即可办理转专业手续。 13QQ群可以随意加入,不需审核。 正确答案是:3周 正确的答案是“错”。


英语测试题及答案 为大家收集的英语测试题及答案,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语测试题及答案1 I. 单项选择(15分) 1. Mr Johnson _________ a child at the start of the 1950s. A. is B. are C. was D. were 2. -How about the young lady? -It’s hard to say, but her voice _________ beautiful. A. sounds B. hears C. listens D. smells 3. The temperature was below zero. It was difficult to _________ the car. A. move B. got C. begin D. start 4. John Lennon and Paul _________ the main songwriters of the Beatles in 1960s. A. are B. is C. was D. were 5. -What do you usually do on Sundays? -We _________ at the guitar group. A. enjoy B. have good times C. enjoy ourselves D. like ourselves 6. -May I help you with some jeans, sir? -Yes, I’d like to try on the blue _________. A. pair B. one C. two D. ones 7. More and more people in Beijing can talk and write _________


试卷编号NO:二、填空(19*1分=19分) 《草坪学》试题1、世界上第一台内燃收割机是1830年由发明的,1832 学号:姓名:年用于草坪修剪中, 题号一二三总分 2、粗茎早熟禾主要用于气候凉爽的建植草坪。 3、冷季型草坪草中作为草坪草应用的主要有:属、分数 黑麦草属、羊茅属和翦股颖属。一、名词解释(7*3分=21 分) 4、暖季型草坪草中作为草坪草应用的主要有:属、野牛草属、 1、草坪: 狗牙根属、地毯草属、蜈蚣草属、钝叶草属、雀稗属、画眉草属。 5、就常规而言,草坪的建立大体包括,, 和四个主要环节。2、草坪草: 6、草坪的疏松作业方式主要有两种“:和。 7、草坪病害的发生必须具备三个条件,即存在大量、 大量和适宜病害发生的,三者缺一不可。3、混播: 8、草坪地下害虫主要包括、和等。 9、是腐霉菌侵染的最适条件;褐斑病主要发生在 月;币斑病发病的适温为℃。4、草坪修剪的1/3原则: 三、简答题(6*10分=60分) 1、草坪对人类社会的贡献有哪些? 2、、草坪草的特性有哪些? 5、表施土壤: 3、冷季型草坪草的主要特征是什么? 4、暖季型草坪草的主要特征是什么? 5、在选择草坪草种建植草坪时,应考虑哪些要素? 6、草坪杂草: 6、草坪草种的选择原则是什么? 7、选择性除草剂:

用作运动场,减少运动员受伤,提高竞技水平(6)保持水土(7)作为优《草坪学》试题参考答案质饲料。 一、名词解释(7*3分=21分)2、答题要点: 1、草坪:是指以禾本科草或其他质地纤细的植被为覆盖,并以它们大量的(1)耐践踏性强。(2)耐强度低修剪。(3)叶片多数,一般小型、细长、 根或匍匐茎充满土壤表层的地被,是由草坪草的地上部分以及根系和表土 直立。使草坪具一定弹性。(4)多为低矮的丛生型或匍匐茎型,覆盖力强, 层构成的整体。 能形成地毯状草皮。(5)分布广泛,适应性强,再生能力强,损伤后能迅2、草坪草:是构成草坪的植物。具体地讲,是指能够形成草皮或草坪,并速恢复。(6)易建成大面积草坪,即要求草坪草结实率高,容易收获,发 能耐受定期修剪和人、物使用的一些草本植物种或品种。 芽性强;或匍匐茎发达,能强而迅速地向周围空间扩展。(7)无刺无毒,3、混播:是指用两个以上草种或品种来建植草坪的方法。 无不良气味,叶汁不易挤出。 4、草坪修剪的1/3原则:是指草坪每次修剪时,剪掉的叶片部分应少于叶3、答题要点: 片总量的1/3。最适生长温度是15~25℃,分布华北、东北、西北。耐寒,绿期长,一年 5、表施土壤:是将砂、土壤和有机肥适当混合,均一地施入草坪的作业。 中有春秋两个生长高峰期,夏季生长缓慢,并出现休眠现象。生长迅速,6、草坪杂草:任何植物当它出现在人们不愿意它出现的草坪之中时就称它 品质好,用途广,可用种子繁殖,也可用营养繁殖。抗热性差,抗病虫能 为草坪杂草。力差,要求管理精细,管理费用高。 7、选择性除草剂:有选择性地杀死杂草,而对草坪草不产生严重杀伤作用。4、答题要点: 二、填空(19*1分=19分)最适生长温度是25~35℃,长江流域及江南地区。耐热,一年中仅有夏季 1、EdwinBudding 一个生长高峰期,春秋生长较慢,用途广,可用种子繁殖,也可用营养繁2、房前屋后、树下 殖,常用营养繁殖,抗病虫能力强,管理相对粗放;绿期短,品质参差不3、早熟禾 齐。 4、结缕草 5、答题要点: 5、坪床的准备,草种的选择,种植过程种植后的幼坪养护(1)欲要求的草坪品质和用途;(2)建坪成本;(3)管理水平及管理费用 6、划破草皮打孔的高低;(4)所要求的草坪投入使用的时间等。 7、感病的寄主植物致病力强的病原物环境条件6、答题要点: 8、地老虎蛴螬蝼蛄(1)选择在特定区域已表现出能抗最主要病害的草种及其品种;(2)确保


国家开放大学学习指南”形考任务答案 形考任务一 一、多选题(每题 5 分,共计10分) 1、同学们,在学习了“任务一”的相关内容后,请将你认为适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。(CDEF) A. 国家开放大学的学习参与活动必须要到校园中和课堂上 B. 国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式相同的大学 C. 国家开放大学是为没有条件参与全日制校园学习的人群提供学习资源的大学 D. 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 E. 国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别与普通高校的新型大学 F. 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资源 2、请将下列适用于国家开放大学学习的方式选择出来。(ABCD) A. 在集中面授课堂上向老师请教问题 B. 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 C. 在网络上阅读和学习学习资源 D. 在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 二、判断题(每题 2 分,共计10分) 3、制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。 4、在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email 、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。 对错 5、远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。 对错 6、纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。

7、在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。 对错 形考任务二 一、单选题(每题 2 分,共计10分) 1、开放大学学制特色是注册后()年内取得的学分均有效。 A. 10 B. 5 C. 3 D. 8 2、请问以下是专业学习后期需要完成的环节? A. 专业综合实践 B. 了解教学计划 C. 入学测试 D. 课程形成性评价 3、请问以下不是专业学位授予的必备条件? A. 毕业论文成绩达到学位授予相关要求 B. 通过学位英语考试 C. 被评为优秀毕业生 D. 课程成绩达到学位授予的相关要 求 4、学生本人要在学期开学后()内向学籍所在教学点提出申请,并填写《国家开放大学学生转专业审批表》,经国开分部审核批准后,即可办理转专业手续。 A. 1 周 B. 2 周 C. 3 周 D. 4 周 5、转专业后,学籍有效期仍从()开始计算。 A. 入学注册时 B. 转专业后学习开始的时间 C. 提出转专业申请的时间 D. 转专业批准的时间 二、判断题(每题 2 分,共计10分) 6、办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,本科转专业还应是同科类相近专业()。 对错 7、入学后第一个学期可以转专业()。


高考英语语法练习选择题(附答案) 1. "_____ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations. A. How a great success B. What a great success C. How great success D. What great success 2. Ms Nancy didn't mind at all ______ to the ceremony. A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited 3. We must remember that _____fashion is not the most important thing in _______ life. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the 4. It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set free. A. was; since B. is; that C. will be; when D. was; before 5. The professor said he could talk on _____ interested the audience. A. any topic B. which topic C. whichever topic D. the topic he thought it 6. Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents. A. children are allowed B. are children allowed C. children will allow D. will children allow 7. Modern science and technology has _____ communication between people far apart. A. made convenient B. made it convenient C. made it convenient for D. made it convenient to 8. I heard that you really had a wonderful time at John's birthday party, _____? A. didn't I B. didn't you C. hadn't you D. will you 9. The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things _____ to teach you the art of learning. A. as B. that C. than D. but 10. No matter how frequently _____ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people. A. performing B. performed C. to be performed D. being performed 11. _____ their real economic situations, they got some relief fund from the government. A. Considering B. Considered C. Having been considered D. Being considered 12. Tina _____ have known the truth, or she would have told us. A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. needn't 13. There are some police cars in front. What do you suppose _____? A. is the matter B. is happened C. is the wrong D. the trouble is 14. _____ of water makes Death Valley a desert, but it is by no means devoid. A. Lacking B. Being lack C. Because of lack D. Lack 15. In recent years much more emphasis has been put______ developing the students productive skills. A. onto B. in C. over D. on 16. A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising. A. as results B. which results C. the results of it D. the results of which 17. The organization broke no rules, but ______had it acted responsibly. A. neither B. so C. either D. both 18. Many workers were organized to clear away remained of the World Trade Center. A. those B. that C. what D. where 19. My train arrive in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there ______by then. A. would leave B. will have left C. has left D. had left 20. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____his arguments in favor of the new theory. A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base 21 . ________evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulated. A. If being B. It is C. There is D. There being 22. Professor Wang , _______ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students. A. knowing B. known C. to be known D. having known 23.In fact Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than ____ in New York. A. to stay B. stayed C. stay D. having stayed 24.You ____ him so closely; you should have kept your distance. A. shouldn't follow B. mustn't follow C. couldn't have been following D. shouldn't have been following 25. There has been a great increase in retail sales , ____﹖ A. does there B. isn't there C. hasn't there D. isn't it 26. It is the news ____ most parents of the hope that there is a safe and socially approved road to a kind of life they themselves have not had, but their children can.


选择题 1. A fter the war, a new school building was put up _(D. where) 2. A head of me I saw a woman_(A. who) 3. A new idea began to _(A. emerge) 4. A great man shows his greatness_(D. by) 5. B eing engaged in the research work,... _.(B. except to) 6. Both O. J. Simpson and Jim Brown have been_(A. ranked) 7. Before he left the While House, the president made a _(D. farewell) 8. Breakfast is the important_(D. meal) 9. By nine o’clock, all the Olympic .....(D. above which) 10. Can those_(C. seated) 11. Doctor Green went on with his experimen...(A. for all) 12. During these ten years, many new methods have been_(A. adopted) 13. Do you think Mary will call her old friends as soon as she _(B. gets) 14. Danny left word with my secretary _(B. that) 15. Don’t forget to _(A. cable) 16. —Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mum? —____Wait till you are old enough, dear.(D. I’m afraid not) 17. He can hardly understand what the teacher has said, _(B. neither can I) 18. He is the only one of the students who_(D. has) 19. He doesn’t dare to leave the house _(A. in case) 20. He reached London in 1994, _(B. where) 21. —How did you get in touch with the travel agent, Robin? —Oh, that’s easy. I surfed the Internet... _(C. of which) 22. He_____his father in appearance but not in height.(C. resembles) 23. He can hardly understand what the teacher has said, _(B. neither can I) 24. Have you heard ____ news? The pieceof _(C. the, /) 25. —Have you finished the book? —No. I’ve read up to_(D. where) 26. He felt _(D. ashamed) 27. I certainly didn’t intend to _(A. upset) 28. If you want a pen, look inside the _(B. drawer) 29. In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _(B. reference) 30. I calld Hannah many times yesterday evening,...(A. was talking) 31. It is highly ____ that he come here tomorrow to join us.(A. desirable) 32. If you don’t _____ somking you will never get better.(B. give up) 33. If you just stay in this city for a few days, we can give you a _(B. temporary) 34. I never realized that someday I would be married to a _(C. genius) 35. I am afraid it was a____for you to do this.(A. bother) 36. In order to do a good performance in the examination,..._(B. reference) 37. I have bought a story book _(A. in which) 38. If you don’t mind, I _(B. would rather) 39. It is requested that every student _(D. write) 40. I have no _(B. cash)
