


二0一一年山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平考试英语试题 (考

试时间:120分钟:满分:105分)友情提示:Hi,亲爱的同学欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你你答题成功! 1.请务必在指定位置填写座号,并将密封线内的项写清楚 2.将第一卷的1一50小题的答案涂在答题卡上,请将第IV大题的答案写在第二卷的相应位置上。第一卷(共60分)第一部分听力测试〈25分)

Ⅰ.听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。你将有10秒钟的时间完成有关小题和阅读下一小题。(共5小题,每小题1分.共5分) 1.

A. It's 7 o'clock.

B. 7 clocks.

C. At 7 o'clock. 2. A. OK, Ms Clark. B. Sorry, Ms Clark. C. Thank you, Ms Clark. . 3. A. Yes, there is one next to the post office. B. Yes, it is. It's on the Bridge Street. C. Yes, you are right. 4. A. I usually go shopping with my mother. B. Once a month. C. At weekend. 5. A. Sorry, I don't like it. B. OK, thanks. 1 like coffee without anything C. No, thanks. 1 prefer black coffee. 8. A. He was hard-working. B. He is lucky. C. He was lazy. 9. A. A 6-year-old girl. B. How to take care of pets. C. Dogs. 10. A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. Ⅲ. 听对话,回答问题。对话读两遍,你将有十秒钟的时间完成有关小题。(共5小题,每小题一分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. What does Terry think of his job? A. It pays well. B. It's boring. C. He likes it. 12. What does the woman wish to do? A. She wishes to have a lot of money. B. She wishes to stop working now. C. She wishes to find a better job. 听第二段对话,回答第11-12小题。 13. Who is new here? A. Lisa. , B. Dave. C. We don't know. 14. Why does Dave come to Lisa? A. Because he lives next door. B. Because the radio is too loud.

C. Because he wants to offer help. 15. Where is the Chinese restaurant? A. In the next neighborhood. B. Next door. C. Two blocks from here. Ⅳ. 听短文,完成下面的任务。请将此题的答案写在第二卷相应的横线上。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)听


的内容。 A. Amy B. Dad C. Mom D. Brother E. Sister (1) email 1 ________ (2) email 2____(3) email 3____(4) email 4_____(5) email 5 ______


阅读下面的内容,短文将读两遍。 (6) Today was warm and sunny. Amy's father and______ went for a walk in the park. (7) One night, something___________ happened in Dad's story. (8) Yesterday Tom made Amy laugh by telling her a funny (9) Brother had a bad day_________ ________. (10) In Sister's email, she said she ______ all her family. 第二部分笔试(35分)Ⅴ. 单项选择,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共20小题,每题1分,共20分)16. ― Could you please pass me the book? A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldn't C. Sure. Here you are D. No, that's no problem 答案:C 【解析】考查交际用语。

根据Could you please pass me the book? “请你把书递给我,好吗?”可知这是一个表示请求的一般疑问句,故答案选C,意为“当然可以。给你。” 17. Harry Potter is so interesting a book that lots of teenagers like to read _ A. it B. this C. that D. one 答案:A 【解析】考查代词的用法。由句意可知Harry Potter这本

书很有趣,以至于很多年轻人都喜欢读“它”。空缺处是再次提及这本书,故答案选A。it=the+名词单数,特指。18. ― Have you seen______ pen? I left one here this morning. ― Is

it___________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a; the 答案:B 【解析】考查冠词用法。两个空缺处均是泛指,且都是以辅音因素开头的单词,故答案选B。

19. The magazine___________ be Lily's, for we can find her name on the cover. A. may B. might C. could D. must 答案:D 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。由we can find her name on the cover“我们在封皮上发现了她的名字”可推知这本杂志有“一定”是丽丽的,

故答案选D,意为“一定”,语气最强;而其他三个选项都具有“可能”之意,语气较弱,故排除。 20. Basketball has a history of nearly 300 years. Today it is still loved by______ the young___ the old. A. both...and... B. either... or... C. not...but...

D. neither...nor... 答案:A 【解析】考查连词的用法。由关键词still “仍旧”可推知具有将近三百年历史的篮球至今仍被老人和

年轻人所热爱,故答案选A,意为“……和……两者都”。 21. Tom rushed into the house______ his mother was cooking. A. as B. before C. while D. after 答案:C 【解析】考查连词的用法。从句意可以看出rushed into the house与was cooking是同时发生的,故答案选C,意为“当……时候”,引导过去将来时。 22. Hello! I'm very glad to see you. When_________ you_________ here? A. did; arrive B. will; arrive C. have; arrived D. are; arriving 答案:A 【解析】考查动词时态。从I'm very glad to see you.“很高兴在这里见到你。”可知问的是“过去”什么时候“到达”的,故答案选A,一般过去时。 23. In the piano contest, my brother didn't play well and I did_ A. very well B. much better C. very good D. even worse 答案:D 【解析】考查副词的比较等级。由题干中的my brother和I可以看出是两者比较;又由并列连词and可知前后是承接关系,即“哥哥弹得不好,我弹得更不好。”,故答案选D。 24. You will achieve nothing _ you work hard. A. if B. unless C. when D. that 答案:B 【解析】考查条连词的用法。根据You will achieve nothing“你什么都做不成。”和you work hard.“你努力工作。”可知二者是表条件的假设关系,故答案选B,意为“除非”,与if…not同义。25. ― Look! There is a horse racing program on TV now. ― Hmm .... It __exciting. A. seems B. looks like C. feels D. seems like 答案:A 【解析】考查连系动词的用法。由exciting“令人兴奋的”可知谓语动词必须为连系动词,而a horse racing program“赛马节目”是要“看起来”才合适的,故答案选A,意为“看起来”。26. ― I sugg est buying her a Teddy Bear for her birthday. ―_____someone else brings

the same present? A. If B. What C. What if D. How about 答案:C 【解析】考查连词的用法。根据句意I suggest buying her a Teddy Bear for her birthday.“我建议她生日送只泰迪熊。”可知答案选C,意为“如果……将会怎么样?”表条件的假设关系。27. ― I of ten chat with my friends on the Internet. ― You are so smart! Will you please tell me____? A. how to do B. how to do it C. how to use D. when can I use it 答案:B 【解析】考查“疑问词+动词不定式”。宾语从句必须为陈述语序,且句中连词在句中充当一定的成分,故答案选B。意为“怎么做”。 28. My car alarm is always______ whenever my neighbor's cat goes under my car. A. going off B. going out C. breaking down D. setting off 答案:A 【解析】考查动词词组的辨析。根据句意“当邻居家的猫无论何时跑到我车底下。”可猜测汽车报警器都会“响”,故答案选A,意为“发出响声”。29. ― How is your English study? Not bad. But I_______ learning English grammar. A. am interested in B. am good at C. have a little trouble D. have no trouble 答案:C 【解析】考查固定短语的用法。have trouble doing sth.意为“做某事遇到了困难”;答语说“还不错。但是……”,由这个转折词可以看出说话人在语法学习上遇到了一定的麻烦,故答案选C。30. ― I wonder _ _. ― I'm afraid we'll be late. A. how we can be on time B. what we are going to do C. why we get to school late D. if we will arrive at the meeting on time 答案:D 【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。由上句的“I wonder…”及答语,可以看出宾语从句的引导词应为if,故答案选D,句意为“―我怀疑我们是否能按时到会。―恐怕我们会迟到。” 31. Tom__________ his father, because they both are cheerful and easygoing. A. looks like B. takes after C. doesn't take after D. isn't like 答案:C 【解析】固定短语辩析。take after和look after 都含有“像……一样”之意,但是look like主要是指表面像,而take after指性格、气质等方面像。又题意可以看出该题正确答案应选B。 32. Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they_______ the Forbidden City. A.

will be shown up B. will be shown around C. will show around D. will show to 答案:B 【解析】考查一般将来时被动语态的用法。短语show up意为“揭露”,show around意为“带领……看”,此处明显是指那些人被领着参观紫禁城,每次都要被带着去参观,故选B。 33. Your donation_________ and the money will be used to help the students from poor families. A. is greatly appreciating B. appreciates C. has appreciated D. is greatly appreciated 答案:D 【解析】考查一般现在时被动语态的用法。and 前的句子要用一般现在时,根据句意“你的捐款受到高度赞扬,这笔捐款将被用于帮助贫困家庭的学生。”故答案要选D。

34. ―________ you________ the Beatles' story? ― Yes. And their songs are popular. A. Did; hear B. Do; listen to C. Have; heard of D. Have; listened to 答案:C 【解析】句意为“―你听过甲壳虫乐队的故事吗?―是的。他们的歌曲很受欢迎。”hear of 意为“听说……”,故答案选C。 35. Some parents might worry that their children's hobbies can _______ schoolwork. A. get the way of B. get on the way of C. get on well with D. get in the way of 答案:D 【解析】动词短语辩析。句意为“一些家长或许会担心他们孩子的爱好会妨碍孩子们的学业。”短语get in the way of意为“妨碍,阻止”,故选D;选项C是“和……相处融洽”。Ⅵ. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,做出正确的判断或选出最佳答案。A篇为判断正误正(A)误(B)B、C篇为选择题。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) A Want to say "hello" from Disneyland? Send a post card! Beautiful scenes of paradise (乐园), wild animals, silly pictures ― you can find them all in one place. Where? On a post card! Have people always sent post cards? No. Before post cards, people liked sealed letters. The idea for the first decorated (装饰) post card came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card with decorations would be a great way to send a note. Then in the late 1800s, post cards with pictures appeared. By law, people had to write their note on the front ――on the

picture! The back was only for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided-back post card. Then people could write their note on the back left side and put the address on the right. During the early 1900s, the golden age of post cards, picture post cards became a craze of the world. In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million post cards. Today, post cards are the third most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins. 36. We can see some silly pictures on the post cards. 37. Post cards were produced before sealed letters. 38. In 1861, the first decorated post card appeared. 39. Post cards were most popular during the early 1900s. 40. Stamps, coins and post cards are the most popular collections in the world. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍的是明信片的发展历程及在社会上的地位。 36. B【解析】由第一段可知在on a post card我们可以看到Beautiful scenes of paradise (乐园), wild animals, silly pictures,而不仅仅是silly pictures。 37. B【解析】由. Before post cards, people liked sealed letters.“在明信片之前,人们喜欢戴印章的信。”可知信早于明信片。 38. A【解析】由第三段第一句话可知第一张被修饰的明信片于1861年现身于世。 39. A【解析】根据第三段的倒数第三句可知在二十世纪初明信片是最受欢迎的。

40. A【解析】根据最后一段的最后一句可知邮票、硬币和明信片是

当今世界最受欢迎的收藏。 B Here's an interview to a pilot about his life. (R=Reporter; P= Pilot) R: How much time do pilots actually spend flying a plane? P: It varies (WES'J) from about 20 minutes on some domestic (区别) flights to as much as 18 hours on international flights. It all depends on if the flight is a short- or long-haul flight. R: Do pilots take breaks during flights or do they fly the whole time? P: Yes, we take breaks during long-haul flights. Airlines assign (指派) three or four pilots to long flights. We take turns flying the plane. R: If pilots are traveling all the time, how do they deal with jet

lag (时差)? P: Jet lag is annoying for almost all pilots. I try to go to sleep as I would at home. R: How important is it to know the weight and size of the plane you are flying? P: It is very important. We weigh almost everything put into the airplane and make estimates (估计) according to the number of people on each flight. R: Do pilots eat the airplane food? P: Yes, we eat business class food! Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious if you don't hate eating lobster (龙虾) every day! The pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices so that if one of the dishes causes food poisoning, only one of them will be sick. That way, at least one pilot will always be well enough to fly the plane! 41. The number of pilots depends on _. A. how many hours a plane flies B. what kind of planes they are C. the airline companies assign D. what the pilot likes 42. In order to know the weight of the airplane, the pilots must know_ __. A. the weight of everything put into the plane B. the number of people on the plane C. the weight of the things and people on the plane D. the importance of the weight 43. What's the Chinese meaning of the word "poisoning" in the passage? A. 中毒 B. 难吃 C. 缺少 D.浪费 44. What does the pilot think of the airplane food? A. Airplane food is more delicious than lobster. B. The pilot suggests having airplane food instead of lobster. C. The pilot doesn't like the airplane food at all. D. Airplane food is as delicious as lobster. 45. What question doesn't the reporter ask in the interview? A. How to keep passengers safe? B. How long do pilots actually spend flying a plane? C. How to deal with jet lag? D. How to take breaks during flying. [来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K] 41.

A 【解析】由It all depends on if the flight is a short- or long-haul flight.“都取决于这架飞机是长途的还是短途的”可知

答案选A。 42.C 【解析】由We weigh almost everything put into

the airplane and make estimates (估计) according to the number of people on each flight.可知如果要知道飞机的重量,除了要称

飞机上所有事物的重量还要知道飞机上的人有多重,故答案选C。43. A 【解析】由he pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices…“飞机上的飞行员应该吃不同的饭菜……”和only one of them will be sick.“只有一个生病”可

知答案选A。 44.D 【解析】由Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious可知飞机上饭菜很美味可口,故答案选D。45.A【解析】通读全文可知记者就是没有问道如何保证乘客的安全,故答案选A。 C Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around. So, more and more teachers are letting students have a ball. By sitting on exercise balls instead of chairs, teachers find students' posture (姿势) and attention improve. Dottie Pownall, a fifth-grade teacher in West Virginia, USA, has been using balls as chairs since December 2008. "The students love them", she says. Pownall took a survey of her students. She found that 80% of the students thought sitting on the balls helped them pay more attention to what they were learning. The teacher, Pisa Witt, felt so strongly about the use of balls as chairs, she started Witt Fitt. This company encourages the use of the balls. And the company educates not only teachers but also students on how to use them. "Our products are used in 24 states, three provinces in Canada, Puerto Rico ('波多黎各) and Japan," says Witt. "Research shows that sitting on the balls makes them sit up straighter. You can slouch (低头垂肩地坐) on a ball," says Witt, "but it feels awful." Because the students are moving, their blood (血液) increases. That carries more oxygen (氧气 to the brain (大脑), so the kids have more energy and can focus longer. "Furthermore, they're fun." says Pownali. 46. What will happen if a student sits on a chair all day in school? The student will _________.

A. pay more attention to his lessons

B. be fun

C. like to move around

D. sit up straighter 47. How long has Dottie Pownall used the balls? A. About three years. B. Only one year. C. In 2008.

D. Since he was a fifth-grade teacher. 48. In how many countries are the balls used as the students' chairs? A. Four. B. Three.

C. Two.

D. One. 49. Teachers choose balls instead of chairs because sitting on balls helps the kids___________. A. improve the students' posture and attention B. slouch on the chairs C. have fun D. Both A and C are correct answers. 50. Which is better for kids to study in class, sitting on a chair or sitting on a ball? A. Sitting on a chair. B. Sitting on a ball. C. They are the same. D. We don't know. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。通过学生们坐在球上学习的积极作用论证了这一做法的有效性和实

用性。 46.C 【解析】由第一句话Sitting on a chair all day in scho ol can make anyone want to move around.“在学校里坐在椅

子上太久了就想四处走动一下。” 可知答案选C。 47.A 【解析】根据第二段第一句中的since December 2008“自从2008年12月份起”可知到现在大约三年了,故答案选A。 48. A 【解析】通读全文可知这种balls在文中在这四个国家应用:USA, Canada, Puerto Rico ('波多黎各) and Japan,故答案是A。 49. D 【解析】由第一段


50. B【解析】通读全文可知本文讲的是坐在球上学习的好处,故答

案B正和此意,所以答案选B。第二卷(共45分)Ⅶ.综合填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) A. 用所给词的适当形式填空,每空限用一次。(7分)copy, rise, experience, save, regard… as…, mention, be 1. _____________ careful to look both ways before you cross the sheet. 2. ―I_____________ my money so I can buy a car. ― So am I. 3. Good boy! You're doing such a good job of_________ materials for me. 4. The old teacher used to get up before the sun _____so that he could catch the early bus to work. 5. Every baby_____ the apple of the parents' eye. 6. As

a volunteer, she___________ love and hate, sadness and happiness in. the past ten years. 7. He thinks it

necessary____________ his sister in his speech, who has supported him in his university study. 1. Be 2. am saving 3. copying 4. rose 5. is regarded as 6. has experienced 7. to mention B. 选择恰当的单词填空,将答案填写在文章下面的横线上,每词限用一次(有两个是多余的)(8分) anyway, impossible, succeed, another, no, six, once, plan, after, because When he decided to produce his V-8 motor, Henry ford chose to make an eight- cylinder (汽缸) engine-block in one piece. But the engineers said that was 8___________ Ford said, "Produce it ______9_____." "But," they replied, "it is impossible." "Go ahead," Ford said, "and stay on the job until you 10 , no matter how much time is required." Six months passed and nothing happened. Another 11 months passed, and still nothing happened, The engineers tried every possible 12 to carry out (执行)the orders , but lire request (要求) seemed impossible. At the end of the year, the engineers again informed Ford they had found _ 13 way to carry out his orders. "Go right ahead," said Ford. "I want it, and I'll have it." They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke (轻触) of magic, the secret was discovered. Ford had won 14 more! Henry Ford was successful 15 one of his principles of success is that he believe what he wants. If you can do this, you can equal (与……相当) your achievements in any calling for which you are suited. 8. ______________ 9. _____________ 10. _______________ 11._____________

12.______________ 13 . _____________ 14. _________________ 15. _______________

8.impossible 9. anyway 10. succeed 11. six 12. plan 13. another 14. once 15.because Ⅷ. 阅读表达(共15分) A 阅读下面图示,完成短文,每空词数不限(每空1分,共5分) Here are the steps

for___________________ hand wash! First, wet your hand with water. Then put some soap on your hands. And lather(形成皂沫)at least 15 seconds. _________________________, rinse your hands______________________ Dry _________________________ with some paper towel or a hand dryer. Finally,

please________________________ to turn the taps off with towel 答案: correct; Then; with water; your hands; remember B 阅

读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。. Breaking Bad Eating -Habits Have you heard the expression "You are what you eat"? Well, do you like who you are'' If not, break some bad eating habits and feel better about yourself. Bad habit 1: ______________ Many packaged ( = in small bags) foods, such as frozen (纤维) dumplings ,rice rolls and instant noodles (方便面) have lots of fat and calories (热量). The solution: Read the instructions to find the healthiest foods that are low in salt and nigh in fiber Also check to make sure they have ingredients such as vegetables and grains When possible, use packaged foods as part of a "home-cooked" meal. For example frozen (纤维) dumplings with fresh vegetables are better than dumplings alone. Bad habit 2:_____________________________________________ People without breakfast don't have enough energy they need to get through the morning. Eating breakfast improves your concentration, memory (冰冻的) and mood. The solution: Always keep a kind of quick foods like yogurt. Or have a standing order a! breakfast place. Bad habit

3:_________________________________________________ It takes your body at least 20 minutes to "tell" your brain that you are full, So last eaters usually eat more than people who eat slowly. The solution: Try to slow down. Try eating at least some of your meals without I V, hand phones or computers. Use a plate or bowl when you eat. Bad habit 4:______________________

______________ Healthy snacks between meals are fine. But when you snack instead of having real meals, you will not eat your meals regularly. Plus, snack foods such as chips and sweets aren't very satisfying That makes it easy to overeat. The solution: To get more energy, allow yourself two healthy snacks a day. Choose snacks that will make you feel full. Try fruit, yogurt or nuts. As we all know, bad habits can be broken. Take the first step toward a healthier eating routine(常规)――star following these tips today! 1. 给文中的横线处选择合适的标题,并将其字母代号填写在下面的横线上.(2分) a. You are a fast eater.

b. You often don't eat breakfast

c. All your meals come in packages.

d. You snack too much. Bad habit 1:_____ Bad habit 2:_____ Bad habit 3:_____ Bad habit 4:_______ Bad habit 1:_c_ Bad habit 2:_b Bad habit 3:_a___Bad habit 4:d_______ 2. 列举出文中提到的三种packaged foods: (1 分) _______________

____________________ ___________________ 3.根据上下文,将文

中划线句子译成汉语(2分) It takes your baby at least 20 minutes to “tell” your brain that you are full. 4.根据文章内容完成句子。(2分) No eating breakfast is bad influence on

your_________________, _____________,____________ and

__________________________ 5.回答问题;How can you eat snacks healthily? (至少答出两种方式) (2分)



________________________________________ 6.从文中找出与所给

句子意思相同或相近的句子。(1分) Your heaith depends on the food you eat.


____________________ 答案: 1. c;b;a;d 2. frozen (纤维) dumplings ,rice rolls and instant noodles 3. 吃饱一顿饭至少

要花费20分钟的时间才适合于大脑的接受程度。 4. your

concentration, memory; and mood. 5. (1)eat less snacks(2)Try fruit, yogurt or nuts. 6. Ⅸ.书面表达 (共15分) 假设你喜欢的老师是Mr. Wang 或者Ms. Wang.请根据下面的提示,以My favorite teacher 为题目,用英语写一篇短文。要求:1. 必须包

括①description ②friendship ③the best quality 三个方面的内容,括号内的提示可以任意选择或可以适当发挥。 2.文中不得出现

真实姓名或学校。 3.字数(80-100)(文章题目和开头已经给出,

不计入总次数)①description (appearance, character…) favorite teacher ②friendship (an event between you; the story of becoming friends) ③the b est quality (kind; warm-hearted; strict; helpful…)

My favorite teacher My favorite teacher is




____________________ 参考答案: My favorite teacher is Ms. Wang. She is a 36- year-old woman. But she is tall and has long straight hair. And she often wears black pants and a white shirt. She teaches us English. We all like listening to her. Her classes are very interesting and creative. Because she has different ways of teaching. But she is very strict with us in everything. She is warm-hearted. We all know she is always ready to help others. When we are in trouble, she can try her best to help us. We all like her, and she likes us, too.



1.青岛市2017年中考英语试题及答案 (考试时间:100分钟;满分:90分) 温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功! 1.本试卷分为第 I 卷和第 II卷两部分,共五道大题。第 I卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解,共 30个小题;第 II 卷包含:综合填空 A、B、C,阅读表达 A、B、C 和书面表达。 2.所有题目均在答题卡.上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第 I卷(共 30分) I. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共 15小题,每小题 1分,共 15分) 1.L ook! There is ______ bottle on the table. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.M y father gave me a bike on my ______ birthday. A. ten B. a tenth C. the tenth D. tenth 3. —Which is your new English teacher? —The young lady ______ red over there. A. with B. in C. on D. for 4.F ruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one ______. A. candy B. cake C. banana D. hamburger 5.J ack’s mother was so tired. She fell asleep ______ she lay down on the bed. A. until B. as soon as C. unless


山东省青岛市2020年中考英语真题试题 (考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分) 说明: 1.本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共五大题。第I 卷包含单项选择和阅读理解,共30 小题;第II 卷包含综合填空A、B、C,阅读表达A、B 和书面表达。 2.所有题目均在答.题.卡.上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第 I 卷(满分 30 分) I. 单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)从每小题所 给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 1.Could you please put some in my cup? I’d like sweet coffee. A.sugar B. salt C. ice D. pepper 2.We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy. A.a B. an C. / D. the 3.Jack is happy. Ms. Wang, an excellent teacher, teaches math this term. A.he B. him C. himself D. his 4.It’s my daughter’s birthday today. She’s years old. A.eighteen B. eighteenth C. the eighteen D. the eighteenth 5.More and more people in Qingdao go to work subway now. A.with B. on C. in D. by 6.This book be Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on it. A.can B. may C. must D. might 7.Anna her brother like listening to soft music. A.Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8.Allen always behaves , so many people like him. A.easily B. politely C. friendly D. lively 9.—I can’t find my mobile phone. —Don’t worry. Maybe you it at home.


青岛市二〇一七年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分) 温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功! 1.本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共五道大题。第I 卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解,共30 个小题;第II 卷包含:综合填空A、B、C,阅读表达A、B、C 和书面表达。 第I 卷(共 30 分) I.单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共15 小题,每小题1 分,共15 分) 1. Look! There is ______ bottle on the table. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. My father gave me a bike on my ______ birthday. A. ten B. a tenth C. the tenth D. tenth 3. — Which is your new English teacher? — The young lady ______ red over there. A. with B. in C. on D. for 4. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one ______. A. candy B. cake C. banana D. hamburger 5.Jack’s mother was so tired. She fell asleep ______ she lay down on the bed. A. until B. as soon as C. unless D. although 6.Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels ______ when getting on it. A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy 7.— Can I come today or tomorrow? —______ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Each D. None 8. ______ we work at English, the better grades we will get. A. Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest D. The harder 9. Teenagers have to be 18 years old before they ______ to drive a car. A. are allowed B. allowed C. will be allowed D. allow 10. — ______ do you go to a movie? — Twice a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far 11. These oranges look nice, but ______ very sour. A. feel B. taste C. sound D. look 12. We should keep quiet in the cinema. We ______ speak loudly. A. can B. must C. needn’t D. mustn’t


青岛市二○一七年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间:100分钟;满分:90分) 温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功! 1.本试卷分为第I 卷和第II卷两部分,共五道大题。第I卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解,共30个小题;第II 卷包含:综合填空A、B、C,阅读表达A、B、C和书面表达。 2.所有题目均在答题卡.上作答,在试题上作答无效。 .. 第I卷(共30分) I. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1.Look! There is ______ bottle on the table. A. a B. an C.the D. / 2.My father gave me a bike on my ______ birthday. A. ten B. a tenth C. the tenth D. tenth 3. —Which is your new English teacher? —The young lady ______ red over there. A. with B. in C. on D. for 4.Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one ______. A. candy B. cake C. banana D. hamburger 5.Jack’s mother was so tired. She fell asleep ______ she lay down on the bed. A. until B. as soon as C. unless 6.Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels ______ when getting on it. A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy 7. —Can I come today or tomorrow? —______ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorro w. A. Either B. Neither C. Each D. None 8.______ we work at English, the better grades we will get. A. Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest D. The harder 9.Teenagers have to be 18 years old before they ______ to drive a car. A. are allowed C. will be allowed D. allow 英语试题第1页(共8页)


绝密★启用前 山东省青岛市2019年初中学业水平考试 英 语 (考试时间:100分钟;满分:90分) 说明: 1.本试卷分为第I 卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共六大题。第I 卷包含单项选择、完形填空和阅读理解,共40小题;第Ⅱ卷包含词汇运用A 、B ,阅读表达A 、B 和书面表达。 2.所有题目均在答题卡... 上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第I 卷(满分40分) I.单项选择(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. —Lucy, how about going to the ______? —Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure. A. library B. cinema C. museum D. concert 2. Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in ______ east of China. A. an B. / C. the D. a 3. As middle school students, we ______ follow the public rules wherever we go. A. would B. should C. might D. could 4. The high speed train ______ Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 5. My brother has a healthy living habit. He ______ stays up late, and he is an early bird. A. usually B. hardly C. often D. always 6. The English Speech Competition ______ the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out 7. ______ special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting. A. What B. What a C. How a D. How 8. Friends are like books. You don’t need a lot of them ______ they are good. A. or B. and C. as long as D. as soon as 9. To make rivers ________ than before, everybody is supposed to protect them. A. dirty B. dirtier C. clean D. cleaner 10. —Could you tell me ________ tomorrow? —It will be sunny. A. what will the weather be like B. what the weather will be like C. when will the weather be sunny D. when the weather will be sunny II.完形填空(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 A gift is necessary when one is invited to visit friends in China. After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host. Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person who gives 11 . To show the respect, it may be 12 to explain what the gift is. Bringing some nutrients and tonics (营养品、补品) to the elders in the family is a good idea. Y ou can 13 prepare some small gifts for the spouse (配偶) or kids of the host. The host usually makes full 14 by carefully tidying up the house and 15 a lot of delicious dishes. 16 the meal is well prepared, the host may say to the guest politely, “My preparation is not enough, please excuse me for my poor treat.” As a guest, you should make the host believe that there is plenty to eat by praising the food. While eating, the elders will use chopsticks to 17 food for guests as a tradition and ask them to eat 18 . As a guest, you should accept their goodwill readily. But nowadays, the younger people do the traditional way less. After dinner, tea and fruit are usually served. When the guests are to leave, the host may still politely ask them to stay. They don’t have to take it 19 and they can try to find a good time to leave. This doesn’t mean that leaving early is always a good idea as the host may feel that the guests are not satisfied with the treat. Finding the right time to leave 20 the situation. 11. A. it B. them C. that 12. A. necessary B. careful C. comfortable 13. A. too B. also C. either ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效----------------毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


青岛市二○一八年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分)说明: 1.本试卷分为第I卷和第I I 卷两部分,共五大题。第I卷包含单项选择和阅读理解,共30 小题;第I I 卷包含综合填空A、B、C,阅读表达A、B 和书面表达。 2.所有题目均在答.题.卡.上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第 I 卷(满分 30 分) I. 单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)从每小题所给的 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 1.Could you please put some in my cup? I’d like sweet coffee. A.sugar B. salt C. ice D. pepper 2.We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy. A.a B. an C. / D. the 3.Jack is happy. Ms. Wang, an excellent teacher, teaches math this term. A.he B. him C. himself D. his 4.It’s my daugh ter’s birthday today. She’s years old. A.eighteen B. eighteenth C. the eighteen D. the eighteenth 5.More and more people in Qingdao go to work subway now. A.with B. on C. in D. by 6.This book be Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on it. A.can B. may C. must D. might 7.Anna her brother like listening to soft music. A.Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8.Allen always behaves , so many people like him. A.easily B. politely C. friendly D. lively 9.—I can’t find my mobile phone.


山东省青岛市2019年初中学业水平考试 英语答案解析 第I卷 I.单项选择 1.【答案】A 【解析】句意:——露西,去图书馆怎么样?——听起来不错!读书能给我们带来很多乐趣。A. library图书馆;B. cinema电影院;C. museum博物馆;D. concert音乐会。根据“Reading books can give us much pleasure.”可知,要去的地方与阅读有关,一定是去图书馆,故答案为A。 2.【答案】C 【解析】句意:青岛是一座美丽的城市,位于中国东部。表示方向的名词前面不能用不定冠词a/an;in the +方位名词+of,表示在……方向,故答案为C。 3.【答案】B 【解析】句意:作为中学生,无论去哪里,我们都应该遵守公共规则。A. would将会;B. should应该;C. might可能;D. could可以。should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作“应该”、“应当”。故答案为B。 4.【答案】D 【解析】句意:青岛到北京的高速列车现在开得更快了。乘坐火车只需要三个小时。A. from从……起,来自;B. among在(其)中,……之一;C. in在……里;D. between在两者之间。between…and…,在两者之间,可以连接两个并列的成分,故答案为D。 5.【答案】B 【解析】句意:我哥哥有一个健康的生活习惯。他几乎不熬夜,而且是早起的人。A. usually通常;B. hardly 几乎不;C. often经常;D. always总是。健康的生活习惯应该是不熬夜,故答案为B。 6.【答案】D 【解析】句意:英语演讲比赛激发出她的潜能(使她表现出她最好的一面)。结果,她现在更活跃了。A. checked out核实,查实;B. tried out试验,测验;C. left out排除,不包括;D. brought out使显现,使表现出。bring out the best in somebody意为“把某人最好的一面表现或显露出来”。故答案为D。 7.【答案】A 【解析】句意:我们上的课多么不寻常啊!我们学到了很多剪纸的知识。感叹句的基本结构:How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语+其他! What+(a/an)+(形容词)+名词+主语+谓语+其他! 题干中的中心词classes是可



青岛市二○一八年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分) 说明: 1.本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共五大题。第I 卷包含单项选择和阅读理解,共30小题;第II 卷包含综合填空A、B、C,阅读表达A、B和书面表达。 2.所有题目均在答题卡上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第I 卷(满分30分) I.单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15分)从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I. Could you please put some in my cup? I’d like sweet coffee. A. sugar B. salt C. ice D. pepper 2.We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy. A. a B. an C. / D. the 3.Jack is happy. Ms. Wang, an excellent teacher, teaches math this term. A. he B. him C. himself D. his 4.It’s my daughter’s birthday today. She’s years old. A. eighteen B. eighteenth C. the eighteen D. the eighteenth 5. More and more people in Qingdao go to work subway now. A. with B. on C. in D. by 6. This book be Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on it. A. can B. may C. must D. might 7. Anna her brother like listening to soft music. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also


2020年山东省青岛市中考英语试卷 I.单项选择(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项. 1.(1分)What_________unusual school trip we had! I will never forget it.() A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.(1分)You'd better not hang out after school_______telling your parents.They may worry about you.() A.by B.with C.without D.after 3.(1分)Li Lei didn't play computer games last weekend.__________,he worked as a volunteer in an old people's home.() A.Instead B.Certainly C.Though D.Gradually 4.(1分)Please remember to_________the electricity and water before you leave the laboratory.() A.take off B.shut off C.go off D.put off 5.(1分)﹣Is this hat_______________? ﹣No,the red one is_________.() A.Lucy's;her B.Lucy;her C.Lucy's;hers D.Lucy;hers 6.(1分)Teachers expect all their students___________progress day by day.()


青岛市二○一六年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间:100分钟;满分:90分) 友情提示:Hi,亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功! 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷两部分,共五道大题。第I卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解,共30个小题;第II卷包含:综合填空A、B、C,阅读表达A、B和书面表达。所 有题目均在答题卡上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第I卷(共30分) I.单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1.David is ______ eight-year-old boy with short black hair. A. / B. a C. an D. the 2.Nancy took her temperature and found she had a ______. A. cough B. toothache C. cold D. fever 3.—______ do you usually share happiness with? —My parents and my best friend. A. Who B. Whose C. What D. How 4.I like hiking in the forest because the air is pretty ______. A. free B. dirty C. polluted D. fresh 5.Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! I have ______ important to tell you. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 6.Tim is going to give his father a surprise ______ Father’s Day. A. in B. at C. on D. by 7.Rules are helpful to us, ______ we have to follow them. A. so B. but C. or D. because 8.We have worked so long. Shall we stop ______ a rest? A. have B. to having C. having D. to have 9.The girl in the classroom ______ be Sarah. She has gone to the library. A. may B. must C. can’t D. needn’t


山东省青岛市2019年中考英语试题 第 I 卷 I.单项选择 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项 1.— Lucy, how about going to the ? — Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure. A. library B. cinema C. museum D. concert 2.Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in east of China. A. an B. / C. the D. a 3.As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go. A. would B. should C. might D. could 4.The high speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 5.My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird. A. usually B. hardly C. often D. always 6.The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out 7.special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting A. What B. What a C. How a D. How


D. the eighteenth D. by D. might D. Not only; but also A. although 青岛市二o —八年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间:100分钟;满分: 90分) 说明: 1. 本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共五大题。第I 卷包含单项选择和阅读理解, 共30 小题;第II 卷包含综合填空A 、B 、C ,阅读表达A 、B 和书面表达。 2. 所有题目均在答题卞上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第I 卷(满分30分) I.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. Could you please put some ____ in my cup? I’d like sweet coffee. A. sugar B. salt C. ice D. pepper 2. We should have ____ breakfast every day to keep healthy. A. a B. an C. / D. the 3. Jack is happy. Ms. Wang, an excellent teacher, teaches ____ math this term. A. he B. him C. himself D. his 4. It’s my daughter’s birthday today. She’s ___ years old. A. eighteen B. eighteenth C. the eighteen 5. More and more people in Qingdao go to work __ subway now. A. with B. on C. in 6. This book ____ be Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on it. A. can B. may C. must 7. ___ Anna _______ h er brother like listening to soft music. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or 8. Allen always behaves _____ , so many people like him. A. easily B. politely C. friendly D. lively 9. — I can’t find my mobile phone. —Don’t worry. Maybe you ______ it at home. A. forgot B. missed C. lost D. left 10. It is raining heavily, __ none of the students are late for school. B. but C. so D. because 英语试题第1页(共8页)


2019年山东省青岛市中考英语试题与答案 (试卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟) 一、单项选择(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.— Lucy, how about going to the ? — Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure. A. library B. cinema C. museum D. concert 2.Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in east of China. A. an B. / C. the D. a 3.As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go. A. would B. should C. might D. could 4.The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 5.My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird. A. usually B. hardly C. often D. always 6.The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out 7. special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting. A. What B. What a C. How a D. How 8.Friends are like books. You don't need a lot of them they are good. A. or B. and C. as long as D. as soon as 9.To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them. A. dirty B. dirtier C. clean D. cleaner 10.— Could you tell me tomorrow? — It will be sunny. A. what will the weather be like B. what the weather will be like C. when will the weather be sunny D. when the weather will be sunny 二、完形填空(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 A gift is necessary when one is invited to visit friends in China. After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host. Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person


2019 年青岛市初中学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分) 说明: 1.本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共六大题。第I 卷包含单项选择、完形填空和阅读理解,共40 小题;第II 卷包含词汇运用A、B,阅读表达A、B 和书面表达。 2.所有题目均在答.题.卡.上作答,在试题上作答无效。 第I 卷(满分40 分) I. 单项选择(本题10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. — Lucy, how about going to the ? — Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure. A. library B. cinema C. museum D. concert 2. Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in east of China. A. an B. / C. the D. a 3. As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go. A. would B. should C. might D. could Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only 4. The high-speed train about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 5. My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird. A. usually B. hardly C. often D. always 6. The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out 7. special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting. A. What B. What a C. How a D. How 8. Friends are like books. You don’t need a lot of them they are good. A. or B. and C. as long as D. as soon as 9. To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them. A. dirty B. dirtier C. clean D. cleaner


山东省青岛市二〇一三年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 第一卷(共40分) I.单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 1. -- Where are the ____ students? __ They are playing football with ____ students from Hilltop School. A.boys,/ B.boys,the C.boy,/ D.boy,the 2. -- ____ it is today! -- Yes.Shall we go hiking? A.How fine weather B.What fine weather C.What a fine weather D.How fine the weather 3. -- ____ of volunteers will be needed for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition in QingDao. -- Let's go and ____ them. A.Thousands,join B.Thousand,be a member of C.Three thousand,take part in D.Thousands,be in 4.Dave has ____ friends here,so he often stays at home by himself and feels lonely. A.many B.a few C.few D.several 5.I'm ____ building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to lives in. A.against B.on C.in D.for 6.Don't meet an "Internet friend" alone, ____ something dangerous may happen to you. A.but B.and C.or D.yet 7.Excuse me,sir.You ____ open the door before the train stops. A.mustn't B.needn't C.may not D.don't have to 8. -- Do you konw ____ the girl in blue is? __ I'm not sure.May be a teacher. A.whose B.how C.what D.which 9. -- How much is the ticket to Central Park? -- A one-way ticket ____ $40,and you can ____ another $20 for a round-trip. A.costs,pay B.cost,spend C. pay,spend D.spends,pay 10. -- How do you like the scarf? -- Very much.It feels ____. A.hard B.sweet C.cool D.soft 11. I still remember my first teacher ____ we haven't seen each other for many years. A.for B.because C.since D.though 12. It is ____ that Mr.Guo sailed across th world by himself ____ within about 130 days. A.terrified,successful B.scary,successfully C.amazing,successfully D.convincing,successful 13. If you have trouble pronouncing these words,you can repeat them over and over again ____ you are comfortable with them. A.unless B.if C.until D.while
