第六单元 词类转换翻译法 作业

第六单元  词类转换翻译法 作业
第六单元  词类转换翻译法 作业


1. I had the impression that your brother was the director of the company.

2. He was a regular visitor.

3. A successful scientist must be a good observer.

4. Telecommunication means so much in modern life that without it our life would be impossible.

5. He is full in vigor, but fails in carefulness.

6. Party officials worked hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps.

7. When the switch is off . the circuit is open and electricity doesn’t go through .


1. 在我的印象中, 你哥哥是那家公司的董事长。

2. 他以前经常来。

3. 一个成功的科学家一定善于观察。

4. 电信在现代生活中的意义十分重大, 没有它就不可能有我们现在的生活。

5. 他劲头十足, 但不够仔细。

6. 党的干部吃简陋的饮食, 住寒冷的窑洞, 靠微弱的灯光, 长时间地工作。

7. 当开关断开时, 电路就形成开路, 电流不能通过。


1. The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort.


2. In those years the Republicans were in.


3. Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk.


4. The music is a gas.


5. The delegates at the conference unanimously expressed their determination to oppose hegemonism on the part of the two superpowers.

会上,代表们一致表示坚决地反对两个超级大国的霸权主义。(名词转为副词) 6. My suggestion is that he should quit somking at once.


7. A week after his prelude to the President's visit, China was in。


8. Official Moscow is going to object the proposal.


9.Saud was a frustrated man at that time.


10. We have known a simila r past of humiliation and exploitation.


11. Our age is witnessing a profound political change.


12. Xu Beihong’s drawings (paintings) of horses are exceptionally good


13. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.


14. Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.


15. He came to my home for help


16. At noon, she came home for lunch.


17. The people are with him.

人民拥护他. (系动词be+介词转为行为动词)

18. The woman, with her two daughters, arrived.


19. He was away before dawn.


20. Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them.


21. We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars.

我们反对一切战争,特别是反对王朝战争。〔系表结构+of 转为动词)22.Differences between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation.

各国社会制度不同,但不应妨碍彼此接近与相互合作.(to be+名十介~动)23.His real mission in life was to contribute, in one way or another, to the overthrow of capitalist society.

他一生的真正使命是想办法为推翻资本主义社会而作出贡献。(名十of一动)24.No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of people of the old generation back 36 years ago.

难怪老一辈的许多人见了这个就会想到36年前的往事(名十of短语~动宾结构)25.There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.



词类转换翻译法练习 转译成动词 1. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 2. In China, there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. 3. A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation. 4. The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 5. He is a good singer. 6. Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials. 7. You must be tired. Why don’t you take a rest? 8. I am anxious about his health. 9. Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life. 10. Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. 11. She opened the window to let fresh air in. 12. After careful investigation they found the design behind. 转译成名词 13. This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind. 14. To them, he personified the absolute power. 15. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 16. Most U.S. spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere after completing their missions. 17. He was treated very shabbily by the press during this period. 18. I was encouraged by our president. 19. They did their best to help the sick and the wounded. 20. Both compounds are acids, the former is strong and the latter is weak. 21. He was eloquent and elegant—but soft. 22. His whole family were religious. 转译成形容词 23. This issue is of vital importance. 24. The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 25. Our performance was a success. 26. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 其它词类转译 形容词与副词的互相转译 27. We must make full use of existing technical equipment.

第六单元 词类转换翻译法 作业

第六单元词类转换翻译法作业 1. I had the impression that your brother was the director of the company. 2. He was a regular visitor. 3. A successful scientist must be a good observer. 4. Telecommunication means so much in modern life that without it our life would be impossible. 5. He is full in vigor, but fails in carefulness. 6. Party officials worked hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. 7. When the switch is off . the circuit is open and electricity doesn’t go through .

参考答案 1. 在我的印象中, 你哥哥是那家公司的董事长。 2. 他以前经常来。 3. 一个成功的科学家一定善于观察。 4. 电信在现代生活中的意义十分重大, 没有它就不可能有我们现在的生活。 5. 他劲头十足, 但不够仔细。 6. 党的干部吃简陋的饮食, 住寒冷的窑洞, 靠微弱的灯光, 长时间地工作。 7. 当开关断开时, 电路就形成开路, 电流不能通过。 课后练习

1. The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。(名词转为动词) 2. In those years the Republicans were in. 那些年是共和党执政。(形容词转为动词) 3. Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk. 每天早上,她都要到湖区去散步。(名词转为动词) 4. The music is a gas. 这音乐妙极了.〔名词转为形容词) 5. The delegates at the conference unanimously expressed their determination to oppose hegemonism on the part of the two superpowers. 会上,代表们一致表示坚决地反对两个超级大国的霸权主义。(名词转为副词) 6. My suggestion is that he should quit somking at once. 我建议他立刻戒烟.(由于原文中的主语转译成了谓语,原文主语前的定语也相应地转译成主语.) 7. A week after his prelude to the President's visit, China was in。 在他为总统出访所作的序幕之行后一周,中国成了最时新的话题。(形容词转为名词〕 8. Official Moscow is going to object the proposal. 莫斯科官方准备反对此项提议.(形容词转为名词) 9.Saud was a frustrated man at that time. 沙特那时已受挫折(形容词转为动词) 10. We have known a simila r past of humiliation and exploitation. 在过去。我们都同样遭受到凌辱和剥削。(形容词转为副词) 11. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 我们的时代是深刻的政治变化的见证。(动词转为名词) 12. Xu Beihong’s drawings (paintings) of horses are exceptionally good 徐悲鸿画马画得特别好。(名词转为动词) 13. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood. 我非常感谢父亲,因为在我小时侯他总是不断地鼓励我。 14. Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty. 千百万山区人终于摆脱了贫穷(介词转为动词) 15. He came to my home for help 他来到我家,请求帮忙(介词转为动词) 16. At noon, she came home for lunch. 中午,她回家吃午饭。(介词转为动词) 17. The people are with him. 人民拥护他. (系动词be+介词转为行为动词) 18. The woman, with her two daughters, arrived. 这妇女带着她的两个女儿到了。(系动词be+介词转为行为动词) 19. He was away before dawn. 他在黎明前出发的〔系动词be+副词转为行为动词〕 20. Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them. 它们之间一直有着传统的友好关系。(副词转为形容词)


商务词类转译 词类转换是翻译中常见的技巧。就商务英语翻译而言,最常见的是名词、介词、形容词及动词间的互相转译。 一、名词与动词的互相转译 研究表明:英语的名词在词汇中占有绝对优势, 常用名词来表达汉语中用动词表达的概念(如抽象的行为名词) ,而且动词的兼类情况非常明显,加之英语有词形变化, 许多动词词尾加上后缀, 如-ment , - tion , - ance , - er , - or 等,即可变成名词。相反,汉语却以动词占优势,而且一个句子不限于用一个动词,可以几个动词连用。因此,英译汉时许多名词可译成汉语的动词;汉译英时动词也常译成名词(或介词+ 名词) 。 英语中具有抽象动作意义的名词汉译时常译成动词。 (1) The repeal of the Corn Laws by Great Britain in 1846 ended Britain′s long - standing policy protectionism. 1846 年英国废除《谷物法》,结束了英国长期存在的贸易保护主义政策。 (2)And in a best - selling book ,Lester Thurow told us that America would soon be going head together with a Germanled Europe in the struggle for world markets. 莱斯特·瑟罗在他的一本畅销书中断言,美国不久将要与德国领导的欧洲势均力敌地争夺国际市场。 原文中“struggle”为介词“in”的宾语,但汉语译文直接将它译成动词“争夺”,比原文来得更直接更传神。


Conversion词类转译练习 1. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 2. If the newspapers want to have a large circulation number, they must be informative, instructive and entertaining. 3. Difference between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation. 4. We are deeply convinced of the correctness of the reform and opening up policy and firmly determined to pursue it. 5. In those years the Republicans are in. 6. Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them. 7. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 8. Little by little they went along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean, making careful observation on the way. 9. Please let us know if our terms are acceptable. 10. The new contract would be good for 5 years. 11. The growing awareness by millions of Africans of their extremely poor and backward living conditions has prompted them to take resolute measures and create new ones. 12. We guarantee prompt delivery of goods. 13. He noticed a very close agreement between the two countries on the Taiwan issue. 14. These problems defy easy classification. 15. He personified the evil that was in the world. 16. On this question people of different age groups think differently. 17. He was motivated by a desire to reach a compromise.


词类转换翻译法 在英译汉的过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达式不同,就不能逐词对译。原文中有些词在译文中需要转换词类,才能使汉语译文通顺自然。 一、名词的转译 1.英语名词转译成动词 由动词派生的名词,具有动词意思的名词,以结尾表示身份或职业的名词等,这些名词都可以转译成动词。 【例1】The remembrance of these will add zest to his life. ×对于这些事情的回想将会增添他生活的乐趣。 【译文】回想起这些事情,会给他的生活增添乐趣。 【例2】He looked on the Convention as a fair and faithful representation of the people. ×他认为这次大会是人民的公正忠实的代表。 【译文】他认为这次大会公正忠实地代表了人民。 【例3】Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitutions and laws. ×其他政府活动则是各个州的责任,各州都有自己的宪法和法律。 【译文】其他政府职能则由各个州来承担,各州都有自己的宪法和法律。 【例4】The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 【译文】看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,我感到特别神往。 【例5】To my knowledge, some computers have gone missing. 【译文】据我所知,有几台计算机失踪了。 【例6】He was a good listener and they would like to talk with him. ×他是个好听众,所以他们喜欢同他谈话。 【译文】他善于听取别人意见,所以他们喜欢同他谈心。 1)由动词派生的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中出现比较多。 ·The government called for the establishment of more technical schools. 政府号召建立更多的技术学校。 ·Until 1972, all efforts by the two nations to curb the nuclear arms race had founded on one point: U.S. insistence on the right to make on-site inspections of the Soviet strategic arsenal and Russia’s refusal. 到一九七二年为止,美苏之间关于限制核军备竞赛的一切努力都在这一点上失败了:美国坚持有权视察苏方战略武器现场,而苏联则拒绝这样做。 ·Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经被用来探索宇宙。 2) 含有动作意味的名词(在记叙、描写文体中出现较多)往往可以转译成动词。 ·Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources. 越南战争不断消耗着美国的资源。 ·A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument


英语属印欧语系,汉语属藏族语系。英汉两种语言在词汇和语法结构方面有许多不同,在大多数情况下英译汉时很难将两种语言的词汇和结构一一对应。为了使译文符合汉语习惯,翻译时不必拘泥于原文表层结构,可以在忠实原文意义的前提下将原文中某些词的词类成分转换为汉语的其他词类或成分。下面是几个涉及词类转换的实例。 例2 This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high- energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields. 译文:这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业难以以高能量消耗这种美国耕作形式继续下去了,而这种耕作方式使投入少数农民就可获得高产成为可能。(副词particularly、名词energy转为形容词,形容词possible转为名词,介词with转为动词。) 英译汉中的词类或句子成分转换情况: 1、英语名词转译成汉语的动词、形容词或副词。在现代英语中,名词使用的范围比较广,不仅常用作主语、宾语、表语、同位语,还可以用作定语或状语。英语中许多名词含义灵活,翻译时需要从其基本意义出发,联系上下文加以灵活处理。 一般说来, 具有动作意义的名词或含有动作意味的名词往往可以转译为汉语动词;由形容词派生的名词和一些加不定冠词作表语用的名词往往可以转译成形容词。有些意义抽象的名词或名词短语与句子其他成分之间存在一定的逻辑关系时,可以根据其意义转译成汉语副词或相应的状语从句。 例如: 1) A glance though his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念馆的全景。(名词转译成动词) 2) We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem. 我们感到,解决这个复杂的问题是复杂的。(名词转译成形容词) 3)I had the fortune to meet him.


词类转换 英汉两种语言属于不同的语系,英语属于印欧语系,汉语属于汉藏语系。不同语系的语言,无论在词汇方面或在语法方面都有很大的差别。在科技英语翻译实践中,在很多情况下需要进行词类转换。所谓词类转换,是指把原文语言中的某一词类转移成汉语的另一词类而言。掌握翻译中的词类转换译法,就可使我们敢于脱离原文词类的限制,跳出原文词类的框框,用汉语的适当词类予以表达。 一,转换成汉语动词。 英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用得比较多,这是一个特点,在英语句子中只用一个谓语动词,在汉语中却可以几个动词或动词性结构连用。在英语中不少词类在汉译时往往可以转译成动词。 1,名词转换成动词 英语中大量具有动作意义的名词和动词派生出来的名词往往可以译成动词。 With a click of a mouse, information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the dizzying speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per second. 只要一点鼠标,来自世界另一端的信息便会以每秒绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。 China’s first atomic blast in october 1964 was a great shock to the world. 1964年10月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,全球为之震惊。 Can artificial fibers be used as substitutes for natural fibers? 人造纤维能代替天然纤维吗? We must place stress on the prevention of disease. 我们应以预防疾病为主。 This situation requires the formation of a new strategic frame. 这种形势要求制定新的战略框架。 The UN document calls for the settlement of the Middle East conflicts on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab ackowledgement of Israel’s right to exist. 联合国文件要求,以色列撤出所占土地,阿拉伯承认以色列的生存权利,在此基础上,解决中东冲突。 2,形容词转换为动词, 英语中某些表示状态,知觉。情感,态度,感受,感觉,信念等意义,在句中作表语的形容词以及同介词搭配构成句子表语或定语的形容词,通常可译成汉语中的动词。 The amount of work is dependent on the applied force and the distance the body is moved. 功的大小取决于所施加的力与物体所移动的距离。 The amount of work is equal to the product of the force by the distance. 功的大小等于力和距离的乘积。 Copper wire is flexible. 铜线容易弯曲。 While the Chinese are eager to import modern medical technology from the West, increasing members of Westerners are equally interested in adopting the traditional medical remedies of China. 现在中国人热衷于从西方国家进口现代化医疗技术,而越来越多的西方人则热衷于接受中医疗法。 其他一些和介词构成词组在句中用作表语或定语而且常可译成动词的形容词还有:


学号: 2009097311 哈尔滨师范大学 学士学位论文 题目词类转译法之名词转译成动词在英汉翻 译中的应用 学生刘婷婷 指导教师苏跃(副教授) 年级2007级 专业英语教育 系别英语教育系 学院西语学院

哈尔滨师范大学 学士学位论文开题报告 论文题目词类转译法之名词转译成动词在英汉翻 译中的应用 学生姓名刘婷婷 指导教师苏跃(副教授) 年级 2007级 15班 专业英语教育 2011年3 月

说明 本表需在指导教师和有关领导审查批准的情况下,要求学生认真填写。 说明课题的来源(自拟题目或指导教师承担的科研任务)、课题研究的目的和意义、课题在国内外研究现状和发展趋势。 若课题因故变动时,应向指导教师提出申请,提交题目变动论证报告。

课题来源: 教师指导下自拟题目 课题研究的目的和意义: 目的: 英汉两种语言在词汇和语法方面有一定的共同点,但差异也是明显的。例如,英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用得比较多。英语中的许多词,如名词、介词、形容词和副词在汉译时,往往可以译成动词。英语的词汇量很大,它吸收了大量的其他语言中的词汇,如法语、拉丁语、希腊语等。英语中的同义词和近义词很多,一词多义的现象非常普遍。同样,汉语中的同义词和近义词也十分丰富。汉语的词汇没有形态的变化,它主要靠词语、词序以及内在的逻辑关系来表达句子的含义。英语则通过词汇的各种形态变化来表达句子丰富多彩的语言关系和逻辑关系。由于英语和汉语在语法和表达习惯上存在很多差异,因此在翻译过程中有时必须改变原文中某些词句的词类或句子成分才能准确传达原文的意思。词类转译法就是实现这一目的的翻译方法。 意义: 翻译是一种跨文化的交流活动。翻译不仅是把一种文字用另外一种文字表达出来,而且还将两种不同的文化进行融合。英语和汉语在语法和词汇表达习惯上存在诸多差异,因此 在翻译过程中有时必须改变原文某些词句的词类或句子成分才能准确传达原文的意思。词类转译法就是实现这一目的的翻译方法之一,是翻译技巧中一个重要的组成部分。它的运用会直接影响到译文的质量。掌握了这种翻译技巧,会使译文更自然、更流畅、更符合汉语的表达习惯。只要我们不断学习,不断实践,注意观察,及时总结,我们就会在翻译的实践中逐步学会并掌握好词类转译法。 国内外同类课题研究现状及发展趋势: 国外: 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整的重新表达出来的语言活动。语言是思维的外壳,人类的思维是由存在决定的,而客观存在是可以认识的,因此一种语言所表达的思维内容,用另一种语言重新表达出来也是完全可能的。早在1959年,雅各布森从符号学的观点出发,将翻译分为:语内翻译,语际翻译,符际翻译。但国外对此课题的研究不是特别的多,在词类转译法方面的研究还不充足。A.F. Tytler 曾在 E ssay on principles of traslation中,对词类转译法进行了透彻的分析。 国内: 翻译不仅是把一种文字用另一种文字表达出来, 而且还是两种不同的文化的融合。因此在英译汉时务必要注意一些翻译技巧, 来使两种不同的文化进行交融, 其中较为重要的是词类的转译,国内通过大量的例句说明了在英译汉时词类的转译法的一些技巧运用, 特别是不同词类转译成动词的用法, 强调了词类的转译法在翻译中的重要性。我国的翻译事业有约两千年的光辉灿烂历史,早在西汉哀帝时代,有个名叫伊存的人到中国口传一些简短的佛经经句,但谈不上佛经的翻译。约两千年的翻译历史已为我们积累了一份宝贵的文化遗产。我们应当认真总结前人的翻译经验,批判地吸收前人从实践中总结出来的理论、方法,以便继续提高我们的翻译水平,发展我们的翻译事业。


词类转译技巧 有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同,就不能逐词对译,只能将词类进行转译之后,方可使译文显得通顺、自然;对词类转译技巧的运用须从四个方面加以注意。 1、转译成名词。 英语中的某些动词、形容词,翻译时可转换成汉语中的名词。 The earth on which we live is shaped a ball. 我们居住的地球,形状象一个大球。(动词转译) The doctor did his best to cure the sick and the wounded. 医生尽了最大的努力来治疗病号和伤员。(形容词转换) 2、转译成动词。 英语中的某些名词、介词、副词,翻译时可转译成汉语中的动词。 The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way. 没有专门的排泄系统,可用同样的方式加以说明。(名词转译) As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes on. 他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋子。 3、转译成副词。 英语中的某些名词、形容词,翻译时可转译成汉语中的副词。 When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor.

只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这些人争取过来。(名词转译) 4、转译成形容词。 英语中有些作表语或宾语的抽象名词,以及某些形容词派生的名词,往往可转译成汉语中的形容词。另外,当英语动词转译成汉语名词时,原来修饰该动词的副词也往往随之转译成汉语中的形容词。 It is no use employing radar to detect objects in water. 使用雷达探测水下目标是没有用的。(作表语的名词转译) The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man. 太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响。(副词转译) 词义的选择和引申技巧 在英译汉的过程中存在着一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又往往有几个不同的词义。我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手 1、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 They are as like as two peas. 他们相似极了。(形容词) He likes mathematics more than physics. 他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(动词)


浅谈词类转换法在翻译中的运用 【摘要】在英汉互译过程中,英语学习者不能按原有的语义结构生硬地把英语翻译成汉语或者把汉语翻译成英语,而是在翻译过程中必须要用一些恰当的语言表达方式使译文准确的反映原文的意思且能做到通顺、易懂,词类转换法正体现了这一目的。 【关键词】词类转换翻译 在英汉互译(英译汉或汉译英) 过程中经常会出现这样的问题:即译者按原有的语义结构生硬的把英语逐词逐句的翻译成汉语或把汉语翻译成英语。事实上,这样的译文尽管表面上看很协调,但因不能正确表达原文的意思而使我们陷入尴尬的境地。造成这种现象的原因主要是由于我们没有很好的理解和把握两种语言的差別。我们知道,英語属于印欧语系的分支—日耳曼语,而汉语则属于汉藏语系, 这两个语系在语法方面和词汇方面都有很大的区别。因此翻译时,译者就有必要用一些恰当的语言表达方式使译文既能准确地反映原文的意思又能做到通顺、易懂。怎样才能做到这一点呢?我们常有的方法之一就是词类转换法。词类转换法就是力求在不改变原文的意思的基础上使某些词的词性发生相应改变(如名词转换为动词等)。当然,这样一来就可能使源语言的句型发生改变, 因此这就要求我们相应地调整句子结构使译文既保证原文的意思又符合目标语的表达习惯和特征。下面我们就从英汉互译两个方面谈词类转换法在翻译过程中的运用。 一、英语翻译成汉语时的词类转换 〈一〉、名词转换为动词 英语中的很多词汇常具有多种词性,如“round”一词,即可以是介词、形容词,又可以是动词和名词。另外,英语的动词自身也可以通过改变形态而转化成名词,这就为名词转换为动词打下了基础。下面我们就介绍几种名词转化为动词的方法。 1、动词化的名词+介词+名词(或代词)结构 动词化的名词是指具有动词的语义特征和功能的名词。这一结构在翻译中常被译成动宾结构或主谓结构。 如:. The government called for the establishment of more technical schools. 政府号召建立更多的技术学校。 2、名词(或代词)所有格+动词化的名词结构。这一结构在翻译中也常被译成动宾结构或主谓结构,即将名词转化为动词。 如:1) William' choice as the leader came as a surprise. 威廉当选为领导出乎大家的意外。

汉英翻译技巧之词类转换法 Conversion

汉英翻译技巧之词类转换法Conversion ?Conversion: Conversion is also a common practice in Chinese-English translation. It is to change the part of speech into another. ?借刀杀人(v.—adj.) ?To sb. with a sword ?徐悲鸿画马画得特别好!(v.—n.) ?Xu’s of horses are exceptionally good. ?1. Verbs to be converted into Nouns. ?1) 林则徐认为,要成功地制止鸦片买卖,就得首先把鸦片销毁。 ?Lin Zexu believed that a successful of the trade in opium should be preceded by a of the drug itself. ?2) 邓小平在―十一大‖上说:―一定要少说空话,多做工作‖。 ?Deng Xiaoping said at the 11th Party Congress, ―There must be and .‖ (v.--n.) ?3) 绝对不许违反这个原则。 ?No of this principle can be tolerated. (v.—n.) ?4)采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。 ?The of this new device will greatly cut down/reduce the percentage of defective products. ?5) 他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。 ?He raising the quality of products in his speech. ?6) 中国人民百年以来不屈不挠、再接再厉地英勇斗争,使得帝国主义至今不能灭亡中国,也永远不能灭亡中国。 ?Thanks to the Chinese people’s unrelenting and heroic during the last hundred years, imperialism has not been able to conquer/subjugate/disintegrate China, nor will it ever be able to do so. ?7) 他们一不会做工,二不会种地,三不会打仗。 ?They don’t even know a thing about , nor about , nor about . ?8) 反对三峡工程的人说新形成的水库会淹没许多城镇和乡村。 ?to the Three Gorges Dam argued that the new reservoir(['rez?vwɑ:]) would flood many cities and villages.

8 词类转换法

词类转换法 B 练习一 (1) There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. 当今,人们经常讨论经济增长是否令人满意这一问题。 (2) For example, great efforts are made by the American tobacco industry to sell cigarettes in the Middle East and North Africa—where U.S. tobacco exports increased by more than 27% in 1974. 例如,美国烟草工业就力图在中东和北非推销香烟,在这些地区,美国烟草出口量在1974年增加了27%以上。 (3) They are not content with the data obtained from the experiment. 他们不满足于实验获得的数据。 (4) We are familiar with the fact that nothing in nature will either start or stop moving of itself. 我们都熟悉这样一个事实:自然界中没有一个物体自行开始或停止运动。 (5) In spite of the growth of other kinds of transport, railroads continue to be, as they used to be over years, the backbone of the transportation industry. 尽管其他各种交通工具都发展了,铁路仍然是运输业的骨干,正如它多年来一直是运输业的骨干一样。 (6) When she came back, the television was still on, for she had forgotten to turn it off when she left. 她回来时,电视仍然开着,因为她离开时忘记关了。 (7) Steps are being considered to speed up the plan lest we might be behind in the schedule. 我们正在考虑采取措施加速执行计划,以免落后于预定时间。 (8) As we know women in China are now freely taking part in work outside their homes. 我们都知道,中国妇女已经走出家门,自由地参加工作了。 (9) Most of its recent decisions have gone against the poor. 他们最近的大部分决定都不利于穷人。 (10) Workers are for cutting down the cost of production. 工人们都赞成降低生产成本。 练习二 (1) Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. 他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进的技术和工具等更为普通的东西。 (2) In the economic field, the international situation is characterized by a reexamination of traditional concepts and ideas concerning the relations between nations, the re division of wealth and the exercise of economic power. 在经济方面,国际形势的特点是重新审议涉及到国际关系、财富分配和行使经济权利的传统观念和思想。 (3) We Chinese people have deep sympathy for the oppressed and the exploited. 我们中国人民对受压迫的人和受剥削的人有深厚的同情心。 (4) It was not until early 40’s that chemists began to use the technique analytically. 直到40年代初,化学家们才开始将这种技术用于分析方面。 (5) Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.


翻译论文学院:外语学院专业:英语 班级:0902班(28号)学号:14091700357

词类转换法在《十七大报告》汉英翻译中的应用 ——动词的转换(湖南理工学院外国语言文学学院0902班湖南岳阳414006) 摘要:《十七大报告》的翻译属政论文翻译。由于汉英两种语言的差异,为了使译文更加符合英语的表达习惯和规律,在忠实于原文的前提下,必须把词类适当地加以转换,尤其是汉语动词的转换,使译文通顺自然,译者把汉语动词转换成名词(短语)、介词(短语)、形容词和副词等。 关键词:词类转换法、《十七大报告》、语言差异、汉英翻译 Application of Conversion in the Chinese-English Translation of Hu Jintao’s Report at 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China ——The Conversion of Verbs (College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Class 0902, Hunan 414006) Abstract:The translation of Hu Jintao’s Report at 17th Party Congress belongs to the translation of official text. Owing to the differences between English and Chinese and in order to make the translation match the English expression custom and rules, under being faithful to the target language, translators must convert the forms of the words to make the article smooth and nature, especially the conversion of the verbs. In this translation, translators convert the verbs into noun (phase), preposition (phase), adjective, adverb and so on. Key Words: the conversion of verbs; Hu Jintao’s Report at 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; language differences; Chinese-English translation; 引言: 党的十七大是在我国改革发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会。此次会议为我们继续推动党和国家事业发展指明了前进方向、提供了行动纲领;会议审议通过了党章修正案,
