









妈妈我想对你说日记 妈妈,在此我先对你们说一声谢谢!为的是感谢你们的养育之恩,我还要道一声,你们辛苦了,为的是感谢你们为了我奔波劳累。 妈妈,你们视我为明珠,把我捧在手上,不敢太用力地握,怕捏碎;又不敢握太松,又怕掉落地上。就这样,我在你们的呵护下健康欢乐的成长。 妈妈,我想对您说声谢谢!因为您每次在我受挫折时,鼓励我告诉我“失败乃成功之母”,不要泄气,继续努力总有一天会成功。这句话鼓励着我,这股勇气窜到了我身上。 妈妈,我想对您说声我懂了!我懂得您平时教育我,批评我是为了让我能成才就好像园丁只有不停地给花儿浇水,种子才可以慢慢长大,变成娇艳的花朵。 妈妈,我也想对您说声我懂了!我知道您教我做人的道理,不为别的,只想让我成为一个好人,就像红烛只是想照亮别人出发点,就这么的单纯。妈妈,我真的想对您说声对不起!因为我有时会误解,您付出了汗水,可是,现在我已不是那无知的小小孩,从此我会将心比心,来体谅您。妈妈,虽然我不会永远的得到第一,但是我知道我是你们的唯一。虽然你们普普通通,但你们的爱是独一无二的,是别人给不了我的。虽然我有时候不理解你们,但是我会努力的控制。 总之,千言万语也道不尽,说不清您对深深的爱! 最后:妈妈,我想对您说;"让我用爱为你打造爱的天堂!愿你永远健康快乐!“ 总有一个人将我们支撑,总有一种爱将我们包围。这个人就是母亲,这种爱就是母爱! 2 或:妈妈,我有一肚子的话想对你说,可是每次说到嘴边又咽了下去。今天,我就借写作文的机会,请您听听女儿的心声吧! 记得有一天,您从街上买来一个木箱子,把一些东西装进去,此刻您爱不释手,脸上流露出欣喜的神情,令我十分好奇。有一次,您忘了给箱子上锁,我本来就有的好奇之心情不自禁地涌了上来。打开箱子一看,里面整齐的摆放着一条毫无褶皱鲜红的领巾和一本厚厚的画册。我仔细地翻看了里面的相片,全都是您儿时和伙伴一起玩的快乐画面。原来里面隐藏的是您的童年呀!此时的您是多么的童真,多么的幼稚!忽然我的头脑也冒出与您一样的想法:就是把自己的童年也留下来,那该多好呀! 打那以后,我一针一线缝制出一只歪歪扭扭的鸭子形状的荷花包,尽管它歪歪扭扭,还是我付出了许多劳动的成果呀。我的手被磨出几个泡,我也是格外的兴奋,格外的高兴。可您走进我的房间,当着我的面没有一点理由可讲就扔了出去,还说:“都这么大了,还玩这种玩具!”您知道我此时此刻的心情是多么的难受吗? 还有一次,我凭着记忆画几幅画出来。本想多画一些自制一本画册。可您走进来说:“如果把您画画的时间用在学习上那该多好啊,你却偏偏把时间浪费,去画一些无聊的图画。”我正要向您解释,您毫不手软地把它扔进了火炕,此时我心凉透了。 妈妈,您可知道那些天你扔的、烧的是什么吗?今天借我写作文的机会告诉您:你扔的、烧的是我的童年呀!学习固然重要,但孩子的快乐,您不能不给予


难忘的母亲节_有关母亲节的英语作文400字带翻译 我盼星星、盼月亮,终于盼到了母亲节,因为在母亲节这一天,我们可以回报母亲对我们的关爱。 I look forward to the stars, the moon and finally mother's day, because on Mother's day, we can return our mother's love for us. 老早就听说,有人在母亲节里举行一些与母亲有关的节目进行联欢、比赛。于是,这一天妈妈也如法炮制办起了一个《母亲节》感恩联欢会,并且以比赛的形式举行,根据你的表演评分,表现好的还有奖品。 I've heard for a long time that some people hold some programs related to mothers on Mother's day to get together and compete. So on this day, my mother did the same thing to hold a mother's Day Thanksgiving party in the form of a competition. According to your performance score, there are prizes for good performance. 我们的比赛一共有四个项目:一、自己写一篇赞美妈妈的诗歌并朗诵;二、才艺表演;三、母亲节知识抢答;四、给妈妈洗脚活动。最后评出一、二、三等奖及鼓励奖。 There are four items in our competition: first, write a poem to praise mother and recite it; second, talent performance; third, answer for knowledge on Mother's day; fourth, wash feet for mother.


关于母亲节英语作文及翻译 关于母亲节英语作文及翻译 篇一:关于母亲节英语作文 Today is mother's day in May 13th, is the mother of the world festival, in this day, I want to give my mother a bunch of flowers, because in other days, she often is the most fortunate in the family. Morning mother to us to cook, and again in the evening to check my homework, every now and then we will see her temples, two white hair. Remember once in a term because of poor grades, was scolded by my mother, at that time I felt very unhappy, do not understand mother why that is. But now I know, mom is good for me, what parents do not succeed, hope female cheng feng. I know my mother at that time called me very uncomfortable, but hit is pro, scold is love, she had to use “mean” words to me, so I can get up again, and strive to read. Even though my mother is strict with me, my mother loves me very much. Put ginger in it makes me think of my sick time, is a serious cold, I was wearing cotton padded clothes, quilt, lying in the bed,


感恩母亲节英语精选作文(中英文) Today is Mother's Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework,others are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy,it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that. My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night. She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need. This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this,"I love you, mother!" I am going to put it under her pillow. 今天是母亲节。我知道一些同学打算帮妈妈做些家务,还有一些同学打算给妈妈买些花。我只是想对妈妈说一声,我非常爱她。但是对我来说这样表达我啲情感有点儿难,因为我是个男孩。我觉得只有女生才这样做。 我妈妈是个非常善良的人。她对我照顾得无微不至。她自己很少花钱,但能给我买我需要啲任何东西。 这次我一定要表示我对她的爱。我打算送她一张写有“我爱你,妈妈”啲卡片,我还打算把它放在她的枕头下面。 12


有关我的妈妈日记锦集10篇 有关我的妈妈日记锦集10篇 我的妈妈日记篇1 我的妈妈今年40岁,身材不高不矮,不胖不瘦,长长的头发又黑又密,大大的眼睛,浓浓的眉毛,鼻子下面一张小嘴巴。 妈妈非常勤快,她每天要干很多事,除了上班,要为我们全家做饭、洗衣服、打扫卫生,还要辅导我学习。 一次,妈妈下班很晚,爸爸不在家,我们吃完饭,天已经很晚了,妈妈让我先上床睡觉,她自己抱着一大堆衣服去洗,听着妈妈忙碌的声音,我很快进入了梦乡......第二天,我穿上了干净的校服,可是妈妈早已精疲力尽,看着妈妈,我心疼极了。我对妈妈说:“妈妈,你真辛苦!”妈妈摸摸我的脑袋,笑着说:“宝贝知道疼妈妈了,为你们服务,妈妈很开心!” 我想,如果有一台机器可以自动干活,妈妈就不用这么累,如果一天有25个小时,妈妈就可以多休息一会儿了。我爱妈妈,我一定帮妈妈干些力所能及的事。 我的妈妈日记篇2 我妈妈是个严格的人,我做错了一点事妈妈就会骂我的。 有一天,我在写作文写着写着就觉的这篇作文写的不好然后我就用修正带都涂掉,可是被妈妈看见了就马上骂我说:”你这笨蛋!不

会写在草稿纸上的啊!然后再写在周记本上!知不知道?“ 我就马上拿来草稿本来写作文,可我不知道写什么作文,我就跟妈妈说:”我不会写作文啊!妈妈“妈妈就把手机给我:” 看说这里有你的照片。“我看了还不会,妈妈就骂了我一顿。 这就是我妈妈。 我的妈妈日记篇3 我的妈妈长着一头乌黑乌黑的头发,大大的眼睛、挺挺的鼻梁,又红又厚的嘴唇,长着两排洁白的牙齿,苗条的身材。妈妈不喜欢穿高跟鞋,爸爸每天都对妈妈说:“你的身材非常苗条,要穿高跟鞋就更漂亮了。”妈妈却说:“如果穿的话,会对脚不好的。” 我的妈妈很能干,很会炒菜。妈妈炒的菜非常好吃。她最拿手的菜是青椒土豆丝,妈妈答应我今天吃青椒土豆丝,。她先把土豆削皮,然后左手按住菜,右手拿起刀,一刀一刀的切着,把土豆切成一根一根的长条。她又拿起青椒,把青椒洗干净,然后又切成一个个小碎片。开始炒菜了!妈妈先把锅放在火上,立刻窜出碧蓝碧蓝的火苗。等锅烧热之后,把油倒进锅里,发出来“滋—滋—”的声音。妈妈把切好的土豆丝和青椒放进锅里,土豆和青椒熟透了,再把盐、糖、味精放进去,反复翻炒几下,美味的青椒土豆丝就出锅了。 我和爸爸吃了几口,连说好吃,妈妈炒的青椒土豆丝甜丝丝、酸溜溜、香喷喷的。 我爱我的妈妈! 我的妈妈日记篇4


写母亲节的英语作文 篇一:关于母亲节的英语作文 关于母亲节的英语作文 母亲节英语作文1 母亲节就要到来了,我想说,“我的妈妈是世界上最美丽的女人。”mother?sdayiscoming,andievenwanttosay,“mymumisthemostbeautifulwo manintheworld.” 我还记得那一天我买了一束康乃馨给我妈妈。我永远都不会忘记她接过花时的微笑。母亲节是非常美好的。我们一起吃了一个小小的蛋糕,温馨地谈话。istillrememberthedayiboughtabunchofcarnationformymum.iwillneverforg etthesmilewhensheacceptedtheflowers.Thatmother?sdaywaswonderful.we hadasmallcake,awarmtalk. 我觉得妈妈是家庭中最重要的人。我的妈妈是很伟大的。我爱她。我希望她快乐,不仅仅只是在母亲节。更重要的是,我希望她永远健康快乐。iconsidermumasthemostimportantpersoninafamily.mymumisagreat,great mum.iloveher.iwishherhappynotonlyonthemother?sday.moreimportantly,i wishheralwayshappyandhealthy. 母亲节就要来临了。我想为我妈妈做一些特别的事。谢谢世界上所有

的母亲。祝您母亲节快乐。 mother?sdayiscoming.idecidetodosomethingspecialformymum.Thanksall mothersintheworld.Happymother?sday. 母亲节英语作文2 mother?sday ofallthefestivalinwesterncountries,ithinkmother?sdaywhichisalwaysonthe secondSundayinmayeveryyearisbetterthananyotherfestival. notonlyintheforeigncountriesbutalsoinchina,mother?sdayhasbecomemore andmorepopularinrecentyears.it?saspecialholidaytoshowourlovetomother s.manychildrenwilldosomespecialthingsfortheirmomonthatday,suchasbuyi ngagiftoflove,helpingtodothehouseworkandsoon.Sendingapinkorredcarnat ionisalwaysthebestchoicetotheirmom.inmyopinion,it?stimetotakeactionsto dosomethingtoletmomsenjoythewholedayandfeelourlove. 母亲节英语作文3 Todayismother?sday.iknowsomeofmyclassmatesaregoingtohelptheirmoth erswiththehousework,others.aregoingtobuysomeflowersfortheirmothers.i wanttosaytoherthatiloveherverymuch.Butasaboy,itisabitdifficultformetosh owmyheart.ithinkonlygirlscando that. mymotherisverykind.Shetakescareofmedayandnight. Shespendslittlemoney,butbuysanythingformethatineed. Thistimeimustshowmylove.iamgoingtogiveheracardandwritelikethis,”ilov


关于母亲节主题的英语作文5篇 母亲就像火一样,只有在你觉得冷的时候,你最需要她的时候,她总能给你温暖和光亮。下面小编整理有关母亲节英语作文,欢迎阅读。 篇一:有关母亲节英语作文 班主任交代说要带卡纸回校,因为母亲节。 是的,是我的生日让我记住了母亲节即将来临。记得去年的生日就在母亲节。这个生日过了,母亲节也是来了的。 是否我们做的多了,就没有了意义,是否当别人要求我们做时,一切都失去了一片心。 母亲收到我的贺卡,算是很多了吧!从幼儿园再到三年级开始每年都送贺卡。这种形式,貌似已经固定下来了。母亲节,其实对于我和妈妈貌似都已经失去了意义,照常过,我说爱你,也失去了当初的激动,记得三年级送妈妈贺卡的时候,里面还夹着我唯一的零花钱20元。是四张五元的。当时我们就在床上玩。也清楚地记得那天,我生病刚好去看病,是一家私人诊所,那家的儿子告诉他爸说那天是母亲节,他爸说,那得跟他母亲说点什么啊。 回家的路上,妈妈说,她的祝福呢?幸好是那时我早有准备,否则,妈妈和我都会难堪吧。 去年的母亲节,同样是送了妈妈贺卡,告诉她我爱她,记得当时

自己是说:我知道你爱我,我爱你就同你爱我几分我就爱你几分一样。只是当时觉得一句我爱你太单调且说了那么多年没意思了,所以就说了这么一句。妈妈很认真地把我写的话看了,但是,后来,我发现,她不再把那贺卡给收起来,包括后来的感恩节,妇女节之类的卡纸,妈妈都不再收藏起来了。 当时自己有点失望吧,只是感慨,是不是一件事情做多了,就没有意义了? The head teacher told me to bring the paper back to school because of mothers day. Yes, it was my birthday that reminded me of the coming of mothers day. Remember last years birthday on mothers day. Mothers day is coming, too. If we do more than we do, it makes no sense to us if we are asked to do it. My mother has received my card, which is a lot! CARDS are sent every year from kindergarten through third grade. This form seems to have been fixed. Mothers day, in fact, to my mother and I seem to have lost its meaning, as usual, I said I love you, has lost its original excited, remember the third grade mother greeting CARDS, with my only inside pocket money - $20. Its four five dollars. We were playing in bed. Also clearly remember that day, Im just sick to go to a doctor, is a


母亲节英语作文 篇一:母亲节的英语作文 母亲节Themother’sday Themother’sdayisadaythatweexpressoursincerelythankstoourmother.Thisyear,themot her’sdayisonmay11th.Themother’sdayfirststartedfromancientGreek,thentheamericansdecidedthatthesecond Sundayofmayisthemother’sday.onthisspecialday,themotherswillreceivepresentsfromtheirchildren.Th egiftscouldbeanything.itisawaythatthechildrenshowtheirloveandcaretothei rmothers. 母亲节是我们向母亲表达真诚谢意的节日。今年的母亲节是5月11日。母亲节最早起源于古希腊,随后美国人将5月的第二个星期天定为母亲节。在这个特别的日子,母亲会收到孩子们的礼物。礼物可以送任何东西。这是孩子们向母亲表达自己的爱与关心的日子。asstudents,wedon’thavetoomuchmoneytobuyexpensivegiftstoourmother,butitdoesn’tmeanthatwecan’tdoanythingtoexpressourthankstoourmothers.wecandosomethingtoo.ihave afewsuggestions.Forexample,wecanmakeabreakfastforourmother,ormake


我的妈妈日记范文三篇 妈妈今天给我买了几块蛋糕,我高兴地吃起来。剩下两块时,我对妈妈说:妈妈,你吃吧!妈妈笑着回答说:我不吃,妈妈忙着呢。 每当我遇到不认识的字问妈妈时,她总会指着字典说:你去问问它吧,妈妈忙着呢。 每次我看到有趣的课外书时,总想让妈妈也享受这种快乐。但她总会说:你看吧,只要你快乐,我就快乐,妈妈忙着呢。 现在,我才明白妈妈忙着呢这句话的含义。她是关心我,让我多吃点。她是想让我从小养成独立学习的好习惯。她是想让我快乐,让我从书中找到快乐,妈妈什么都为我着想。所以我应该好好学习,不辜负妈妈对我的期望! 世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像个宝每当听到这首熟悉的歌曲,我就想起了我亲爱的妈妈! 我的妈妈是一名教师,她每天起早贪黑、不辞辛苦地工作,可是她下班回家,还要拖着疲惫的身体为我洗衣、做饭、辅导功课,看到妈妈头上的汗珠,我心疼地说:妈妈,你累吗?妈妈笑着说:不累,只要你好好学习,妈妈再苦再累心里也是甜蜜的。听了妈妈的话,我

被深深地感动了!我一定要好好学习,天天向上!取得优异的成绩,报答妈妈的养育之恩! 妈妈对我的爱像天上的星星数也数不完,我爱我的妈妈,我为我有这样的好妈妈感到骄傲、自豪! 我的妈妈很关心我。她不但关心我的学习,还很关心我的身体。每天早上我一起床,妈妈就说:快来洗脸刷牙!我一听到,就赶紧洗脸刷牙。每天早上送我上学的时候,妈妈就说:在学校多运动!我回答说:知道了!还有,每天放学,我写完作业,妈妈都要专心致志地检查我的作业。 妈妈还说:品德是最重要的,你要养成好的品德!我明白了妈妈爱我的心和对我无限的期望,我暗暗下定决心,一定要做个品学兼优的好孩子。 模板,内容仅供参考


关于母亲节英语作文范文带翻译:难忘的母亲节 我盼星星、盼月亮,终于盼到了母亲节,因为在母亲节这一天,我们可以回报母亲对我们的关爱。 I look forward to the stars, the moon and finally mother's day, because on Mother's day, we can return our mother's love for us. 老早就听说,有人在母亲节里举行一些与母亲有关的节目进行联欢、比赛。于是,这一天妈妈也如法炮制办起了一个《母亲节》感恩联欢会,并且以比赛的形式举行,根据你的表演评分,表现好的还有奖品。 I've heard for a long time that some people hold some programs related to mothers on Mother's day to get together and compete. So on this day, my mother did the same thing to hold a mother's Day Thanksgiving party in the form of a competition. According to your performance score, there are prizes for good performance. 我们的比赛一共有四个项目:一、自己写一篇赞美妈妈的诗歌并朗诵;二、才艺表演;三、母亲节知识抢答;四、给妈妈洗脚活动。最后评出一、二、三等奖及鼓励奖。https://www.360docs.net/doc/0b4147350.html, There are four items in our competition: first, write a poem to praise mother and recite it; second, talent performance; third, answer for knowledge on Mother's day; fourth, wash feet for mother.


Mother's Day is a happy holiday, I was so looking forward to its arrival! The mother to let me grow up, every weekend and vacation for us to cram run around here and there, even today, is still learning for me to live and work, as a result the feet from several blisters even grind up thick cocoon... Today, mother's Day is coming. I decided to do one thing ---- my mom for mother's feet, wash away the fatigue, wash away the mother mother foot of dust. First of all, I want to buy some carnations, to a pot of boiling water, when the water is boiling, smoking, and pour it into the basin, and then, put the petals into the basin, let the water rippling carnation fragrance... Well, now everything is ready except one crucial element. I called up my mother, so she put her foot into it through a strong smell of the basin, I got to hand it to the mother's feet, my hand, will wash away the day tired mother. No. Are so many years of hard! I touched her mother long calloused soles of the feet, in the heart very afflictive, mother love touch my head, she is very happy, always say:" my son has grown up, sensible, mother is very pleased." I told my mother I wanted to study hard but also learn how to do housework, help mother to share the burden of the family. Today is mother's day my mother and I have a very happy mother's day, who is established, it is the world's best season, which makes the mother has to accept the blessings and rewards of the day, even if it's just words, even just a small thing, also can let mothers really warm the heart! 母亲节是所有妈妈的节日。在这个节日里,我的妈妈非常高兴,可是妈妈要上班。我想,该送什么礼物给妈妈呢? 妈妈是一位白衣天使,平时工作很忙,但是还要抽空来照顾我,辅导我的学习。我一直都想送一份礼物给妈妈,正好今天是母亲节,爸爸也在上班,不如我就给他们一个惊喜吧。 我左想右想,想出了个好主意,就是做一张卡片给妈妈。主意一定,我赶快行动起来。我拿出笔、卡纸、彩笔。我在卡纸的左边画了一个笑脸,右边画了一颗心,再涂上颜色。我在“心”的下面写了一句话:妈妈,我爱你!又在画的上面写上:祝母亲节快乐!终于完工了!


我的妈妈日记合集八篇 我的妈妈日记篇1 我的妈妈在我眼里就是最漂亮的。她的个子不高,扎了一个马尾辨。她的嘴巴小小的,鼻子不高不低,眼睛黑黑的、亮亮的,看上去有神。妈妈的脾气很急。如果我有错,妈妈就发火。有一次,我数学口算错一题,妈妈就严厉批评我。还有一次,我跟弟弟玩,不留意把弟弟弄哭了,妈妈也批评我,还让我向他道歉。妈妈很关心我。上次我生病的那天,在晚上我睡觉的时候,妈妈还起床给我吃药,量体温。我要用我的好成绩来报答妈妈。妈妈就是个劳碌命,一天到晚都做事。家里做家务,幼儿园里教小孩,自我还要去读书。真就是忙也忙不来。但对我的学习一点也不放松,每一天要给我检查作业和签名。妈妈不爱养宠物,也不爱看电视。一有空就看书,每隔一个星期,就要带我去一次图书馆。 妈妈喜欢吃鱼类,我说她属小猫咪;妈妈喜欢啃骨头,我说她就是小黑狗;妈妈喜欢吃猪肉,我说她就是小老虎。妈妈不挑食,我要向她学习。我觉得妈妈很不错,我很喜欢妈妈。 我的妈妈日记篇2 我的妈妈非常漂亮。她长着弯弯的眉毛,一双水汪汪的大眼睛,红红的嘴唇,脸上总带着微笑。她的头发黄黄的、卷卷的很好看。 我的妈妈是一位小学教师,在学校教语文。妈妈教学很认真,很

爱她的学生,学生们也很爱她,但是没有一个人比我更爱她,因为她是我的妈妈 我的妈妈心灵手巧,经常帮助我给芭比娃娃做衣服。有上衣、裤子、裙子……妈妈做的衣服非常漂亮,穿上正合适 我的妈妈很爱干净,一有空就把房间收拾的干干静静的。 我爱我漂亮的妈妈,永远、永远……祝天下所有的妈妈:幸福、快乐,永远美丽 我的妈妈日记篇3 我的妈妈是一名普通的小学教师。她,齐耳短发,衣着朴素,一双大眼睛,让人感到和蔼可亲。 记得有一次,妈妈感冒了,在床上躺了一下午。恰在晚饭后,我也觉得不舒服,头晕得厉害。外面风雨交加,一片漆黑,爸爸又不在家,妈妈看到我痛苦的样子,背起我就走,天下这么大的雨,医院离家又远,怎么走呢?妈妈,您还有病……”“没什么。”妈妈打断了我的话,背着我向医院走去。一路上,妈妈不住地咳嗽。”我打着手电,撑着雨伞,妈妈一步一滑,几次差点摔倒。到了医院,妈妈又不停地忙开了,就这样,妈妈忙了一整夜。由于雨淋,妈妈的病加重了,躺在床上,我见了不禁扑在她怀里哭着说:“妈妈,亲爱的妈妈,您真好。” 我的妈妈,她不仅关心我,而且也特别关心她的学生。 记得有一次,妈妈很晚才回来并说还要走。我听了生气地说:“妈妈,这么晚怎么又要走呢?”妈妈听了,转过头,用手摸着我的头和


《关于母亲节的英语作文》 关于母亲节的英语作文(一): The mother line, wandering clothing leaving thick seam, Italy to the fear of delay who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments? The famous Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao's several lines,lively and vivid expression of the mother's deep affection and gratitude to their mother。 Mother love is great, the love of my mother 's meticulous mother not only in the everywhere in the life care, often inquire after sb。's life, still learning encouragement, be good at giving systematic guidance mother usually tells me, great and little famous scientists study hard story, teach me to want to be example with them, learn from them,to do a a diligent, civilized, polite good all-round development of children a mother to me like the spring sunshine brings me warmth as in reading daughter, I always warn myself to study hard, with excellent results to repay his mother。 Today is mother's day, it is Sunday, I changed the previous Sunday the habit of sleep, make one's way noiselessly to ground up, took out two eggs from the refrigerator, and then imitate the grandmother usually boiled method, in the pot with water, lit the gas stove after the water is boiled in boiling water, to beat two eggs, not while the two white oval eggs in a pot in the formation of a I turn off the gas,from the cabinet took out two bowls, each bowl with each containing an egg, a bowl for the grandmother, a bowl to the mother。 When my mother took me on the egg, excitedly asked me: how do you think of this to my eggs? I smiled and said to her mother: your grandmother and prepare breakfast for me, today is mother's day, I think I made a breakfast as a mother's Day gift for you! Listen to me, my mother hugged me and said: you are a good boy! My mother and I tightly hold together,my heart welled up in a warm heat flux。 关于母亲节的英语作文(二): Today is Mothers Day。 I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others 。are going to buy some flowers for their mothers。 I want to say to her that I love her very much。 But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart。 I think only girls can do that。


母亲节感恩二年级英语作文5篇 母亲节(Mother s Day),是一个感谢母亲的节日.母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花,而中国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草.以下是整理的小学生母亲节英语作文相关资料,希望帮助到您. 母亲节英语作文1 In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers. Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said Happy Mother s Day ! to her and gave her the flowers. My mother was very happy; she smiled and said, How wonderful the flowers look! Thank you! Also, we told her we were going to do all the housework for our beloved mother, and she could take a rest for a day. In the beginning, we were e_cited about all the work we can do at home. Before long, we found that the housework seemed to be endless, There was cooking and washing, and cleaning to do, and there was shopping to do, too . During the dinner hour, the kitchen seemed so busy. My father was making a salad, my sister was baking a pie for dessert, and I was washing rice and vegetables, and there were many other things to do. Finally, the dinner was ready; it was two hours behind the usual schedule. The food was not as delicious as my mother s. Nevertheless, my mother and father enjoyed it, and felt very proud of their daughter and son.ter and son. 母亲节英语作文2 Today is Mother’s Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that. My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night. She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need. This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write


我的妈妈写人日记800字 我的妈妈是一名普通的小学老师,可能是当教师的缘故,我感觉她平常表情比较严肃,但是她大大的眼睛里却透露着慈祥。我非常喜欢我的妈妈! 我妈妈对工作非常认真。有一次,妈妈打电话给我说:“周昱,妈妈今天有事,晚回家一会儿,你和爸爸一起吃饭吧!”我还想问她为什么要晚回来,但还没等我开口,妈妈就已经把电话挂了。我心想:妈妈到底是有什么事,非要晚回来呢?难道是有人请她吃饭,还是学校有什么活动……总之,妈妈今天晚回来一定是有原因的。 我已经学习完了,正要*看书,忽然听到楼道里响起了妈妈的脚步声。“妈妈回来了!”我赶紧去把门打开,只见妈妈满头大汗地走了进来。后来我知道妈妈是因为作业没有改完,加班在学校批改作业。 现在,妈妈为了提高她们班学生的阅读写作水平,她让班上同学在校信通建立博客,鼓励学生多写文章、多与博友交流,但由于她白

天工作忙,评论学生的博文成了她每天晚上的必修课,经过她的不懈努力,她带的班级被评为第六届“书香班级”。 我的妈妈很会鼓励我,给我自信。有一次单元测试,我的数学只考了八十多分。我很懊恼,心想妈妈看到了以后会不会说我呢?我心里没底。回到家,我小心翼翼地把卷子拿出来给妈妈,让她签字。我一面在心里祈祷着:但愿妈妈不看我的分数,赶快给我签字。一面观察妈妈的表情,妈妈大概看了一下我的卷子后,转过身来,微笑着对我说:“我知道这不是你的真实水平,只要你在做卷子的时候稍微细心一点,考上九十分是没有问题的。”听了妈妈的话后,我那颗悬着的心就放下来了。 过了一会儿,妈妈又说道:“周昱,过来,我想和你谈谈话。”我走到妈妈面前,想听听妈妈想和我谈点什么。妈妈说:“你认为你这次考试发挥出你的水平了吗?”我摇摇头,没有说话。妈妈接着说:“没关系,看,八十多分已经离九十分不远了,再加把劲儿,一定能考好,祝你下次单元测试考个好成绩!”我自信地点点头。 这就是我的妈妈,一位普普通通的妈妈,但我却非常喜欢她。


关于母亲节的英语作文 以“今天是母亲节”为题,写一篇叙事性的英语作文。在母亲节这一天,你为妈妈做了哪些事情?你是如何表达对妈妈的爱? 以下是本人为大家提供的三篇关于“今天是母亲节”的范文,供大家学习参考。 It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home. When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, bu t he was very happy. When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His mother said, "Thank you,my child!" 今天是母亲节。孙峥觉得应该为妈妈做点事,他决定帮妈妈做些家务。放学回家的路上,他去商店买了食品。到家后,他尽全力做些好吃的,尽管他并不擅长烹任。做完饭,他又打扫了房间。他感觉有些累,但仍然很高兴。 当父母回来后,看见干净的房间和并不太荚味的菜,他们依然很高兴。他们一起吃了晚饭。妈妈说:“谢谢你,孩子
