
电影剧本的创意.txt鲜花往往不属于赏花的人,而属于牛粪。。。道德常常能弥补智慧的缺陷,然而智慧却永远填补不了道德空白人生有三样东西无法掩盖:咳嗽 贫穷和爱,越隐瞒,就越欲盖弥彰。 编剧是个技术活,需要很多设计和格式安排方面的知识——但在实施你的设计之前,必须得先有一个创意。最简单的开始创作一个新电影剧本的方法是写出故事的论述或者提纲。这个提纲可以随便写在任何地方,长度从5页到15页都行,要列出剧本逐个场景的分析。这个创意将来就将扩展成一整部剧本,所以要综合运用多种手段好好创作。
Popular Genre
Study current movie trends to help increase the chances of selling your script. Read trade papers such as "Variety" and "Entertainment Weekly" to see what movies are currently selling and gaining popularity. Try to find things that will be popular in the future so you can be ahead of the game. Apply this genre to your script, with something that will make it unique and stand out from the crowd. For example, if sci-fi movies are popular, try a different spin on a sci-fi movie such as making it a spoof or comedy.
Comedy movies have been successful for years, but they are one of the hardest scripts to write. Generally, the rule is that a comedy should feature at least three jokes per page. When writing a comedy, write in as many jokes as possible. You can edit the bad jokes out through editing and your script will be left with a lot of solid jokes. A comedy is based on jokes, but it should also have a solid story base. For example, movies such as "40 Year Old Virgin" and "Four Christmases" feature dozens of laughs, but they had a solid story structured around those jokes.
Animation movies have expanded greatly since the expansi

on of CG movies, and movie studios are always looking for the next animation hit. When writing a CG movie, there are no considerations for budget because everything can be created on the computer. This does not mean there should be explosions just to have explosions, the script should have structure. Remember the audience as well. Animated movies typically have a target audience of children aged five to 12---remember this when structuring your story and writing dialogue. Not everything should be straight-forward, but it should be simplified. Study other animated movies to understand this.
MOW Scripts
An MOW script is also known as a "Movie of the Week" script. These scripts are typically shorter than a standard script and range from 70 to 90 pages. These scripts are created exclusively for television and networks such as the Hallmark Channel, Lifetime and SoapNet. The movies are low-budget, so they feature minimal scene locations, actors and are dialogue heavy. Example genres for "Movie of the Week" scripts are drama, true crime stories and romantic comedies.
MOW剧本是每周电影(“Movie of the Week”)剧本的缩写,这种剧本通常比一般的剧本短小,在70~90页之间。这类剧本是专为像豪马电影台、一生电影和肥皂剧网这类的电视和网站而创作的。这类电影预算较少,所以常采用最少的拍摄地点和演员,并且对话占很大比重。典型的适合“每周电影”的类型是剧情片、真实犯罪故事和浪漫喜剧。
Another option for writing a music script is adapting a current piece of literature. This process can help writers break into the business easier, but it may be hard to find a literary property available. Before writing, find the book you want to adapt and find out if the rights are available. Call the book's company and ask to speak to person in control of the book's film rights. You will usually be forwarded to the author's agent where you can pitch your idea on the adaptation and possibly gain the option to write it for free.

