


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学二试题解析 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸... 指定位置上. (1) )若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤? 在0x =处连续,则( ) (A)12 ab = (B)12 ab =- (C)0ab = (D)2ab = 【答案】A 【解析】00112lim lim ,()2x x x f x ax a ++→→==Q 在0x =处连续11.22b ab a ∴=?=选A. (2)设二阶可导函数()f x 满足(1)(1)1,(0)1f f f =-==-且'' ()0f x >,则( ) ()()1 1 110 1 1 1 10()()0 ()0()()()()()A f x dx B f x dx C f x dx f x dx D f x dx f x dx ----><>


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试真题及答案 英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer‘s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 5 out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual 7 — instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they‘ve apparently learned is when to 8 . Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That‘s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we‘ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I‘ve ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive. 1. [A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine 2. [A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened 3. [A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4. [A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority 5. [A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward 6. [A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along 7. [A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C]inevitable [D] gradual 8. [A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think 9. [A] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different


2017年考研数学一真题 一、选择题 1—8小题.每小题4分,共32分. 1.若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤? 在0x =处连续,则 (A )12ab = (B )1 2 ab =-(C )0ab =(D )2ab = 【详解 】0001112lim ()lim lim 2x x x x f x ax ax a +++→→→-===,0lim ()(0)x f x b f -→==,要使函数在0x =处连续,必须满足11 22 b ab a =?=.所以应该选(A ) 2.设函数()f x 是可导函数,且满足()()0f x f x '>,则 (A )(1)(1)f f >- (B )11()()f f <- (C )11()()f f >- (D )11()()f f <- 【详解】设2()(())g x f x =,则()2()()0g x f x f x ''=>,也就是()2 ()f x 是单调增加函数.也就得到 () ()2 2 (1)(1)(1)(1)f f f f >-?>-,所以应该选(C ) 3.函数22(,,)f x y z x y z =+在点(1,2,0)处沿向量(1,2,2)n =的方向导数为 (A )12 (B )6 (C )4 (D )2 【详解】 22,,2f f f xy x z x y z ???===???,所以函数在点(1,2,0)处的梯度为()4,1,0gradf =,所以 22(,,)f x y z x y z =+在点(1,2,0)处沿向量(1,2,2)n =的方向导数为 ()01 4,1,0(1,2,2)23f gradf n n ?=?=?=?应该选(D ) 4.甲、乙两人赛跑,计时开始时,甲在乙前方10(单位:米)处,如图中,实线表示甲的速度曲线1()v v t =(单位:米/秒),虚线表示乙的速度曲线2()v v t =(单位:米/秒),三块阴影部分的面积分别为10,20,3,计时开始后乙追上甲的时刻为0t ,则( ) (A )010t = (B )01520t << (C )025t = (D )025t > 【详解】由定积分的物理意义:当曲线表示变速直线


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学(一)试卷 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的 (1 )若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤? 在0x =处连续,则( ) (A)12ab = (B)12ab =- (C)0ab = (D)2ab = (2)设函数()f x 可导,且()()0f x f x '>则( ) (A)()()11f f >- (B) ()()11f f <- (C)()()11f f >- (D)()()11f f <- (3)函数()22,,f x y z x y z =+在点()1,2,0处沿向量()1,2,2n 的方向导数为( ) (A)12 (B)6 (C)4 (D)2 (4)甲乙两人赛跑,计时开始时,甲在乙前方10(单位:m )处,如下图中,实线表示甲的速度曲线()1v v t = (单位:m/s )虚线表示乙的速度曲线()2v v t =,三块阴影部分面积的数值依次为10,20,3,计时开始后乙追上甲的时刻记为0t (单位:s ),则( ) (A)010t = (B)01520t << (C)025t = (D)025t > ()s (5)设α为n 维单位列向量,E 为n 阶单位矩阵,则( ) (A) T E αα-不可逆 (B) T E αα+不可逆 (C) 2T E αα+不可逆 (D)2T E αα-不可逆 (6)已知矩阵200021001A ????=?????? 2100200 01B ????=??????100020002C ????=??????,则( ) (A) A 与C 相似,B 与C 相似 (B) A 与C 相似,B 与C 不相似 (C) A 与C 不相似,B 与C 相似 (D) A 与C 不相似,B 与C 不相似


2017年考研政治真题及解析(完整版) 一、单项选择题:1~16小题,每小题1分,共16分。下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的。请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。 1.某地区进入供暖季后,常常出现雾霾。而一旦出现大风天气或等到春暖花开后,雾霾就会散去或减少。从该地区较长时间数据变化看,经过人们努力制霾污染物排放总量在持续降低。但在某些时段,环境空气质量污染指数会迅速攀升,甚至“爆表”。这种看似“矛盾”的现象,凸现了大气污染防治的一个特点。天帮忙极重要,但人们努力才是根本。“人努力”与“天帮忙”直接的关系对我们正确处理主观能动性和客观规律性之间辩证关系的启示是 A.尊重事物的客观规律是正确发挥主观能动性的前提 B.人们有意识的思想活动是掌握客观规律的根本前提 C.认识活动是客观规律性与主观能动性相统一的基础 D.尚未认识的外在自然规律对人的实践活动起着至关重要的作用 【参考答案】A 2.有人认为,既然人的意识是对客观外部世界的反映。那么人脑海里的“鬼”“神”意识就是对外在世界上鬼、神真实存在的反映。这种观念的错误在于 A.夸大了意识的能动作用 B.把意识看成是物质的产物 C.认为意识是对存在的直观反映 D.混淆了人类亦是自然演化的阶段 【参考答案】C 3.某企业投资汽车生产,生产一辆汽车所耗费的生产资料价值为15万元。支付给工人的工资为5万元,假定市场的平均利润率为10%,那么,在自由竞争条件下,该汽车的生产价格是 A.20万元 B.20.5万元 C.21.5万元 D.22万元 【参考答案】D 4.从历史发展的角度看,资本主义生产资料所有制是不断演进和变化的。当今资本主义社会,居主导地位的资本所有制形式是 A.私人资本所有制 B.法人资本所有制 C.私人股份资本所有制 D.垄断资本私人所有制 【参考答案】B 5.从中华人民共和国成立到社会主义改造基本完成是我国从新民主主义到社会主义的过渡时期。这一时期,个体经济向社会主义集体经济过渡的形式是 A.国营经济 B.私人资本主义经济 C.合作社经济 D.国家资本主义经济 【参考答案】C 6.2010年是“十三五”规划开局之年,也是推进供给侧结构性改革的攻坚之年。推进供给侧结构性改革,是适应我国经济发展新常态的重大决策。其根本目的是 A.加快政府职能转变 B.提高供给质量满足需要 C.深化价格、财税、金融、社保等领域基础性改革 D.推进“去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板” 【参考答案】B 7.


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding ―yes!‖ 1 helping you feel close and 2to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4getting sick this winter. In a recent study5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs6 the participants’ susceptibility to developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus .People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8with a cold,and the researchers9that the stress-reducing effects of hugging10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe12. ―Hugging protects people who are under stress from the13 risk for colds that’s usually14 with stress,‖ notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging ―is a marker of intimacy and helps15 the feeling that others are there to help16difficulty.‖ Some experts 17the stress-reducing , health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called ―the bonding hormone‖18 it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mother and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it19 in the brain, where it 20 mood, behavior and physiology.


全国硕士研究生入学统一考试真题试卷《数学三》试题 一、选择题:1—8小题.每小题4分,共32分. 1 .若函数10 (),0x f x ax b x ?->?=??≤? 在0x =处连续,则 (A )1 2ab = (B )12 ab =- (C )0ab = (D ) 2ab = 2.二元函数(3)z xy x y =--的极值点是( ) (A )(0,0) (B )03(,) (C )30(,) (D )11(,) 3.设函数()f x 是可导函数,且满足()()0f x f x '>,则 (A )(1)(1)f f >- (B )11()()f f <- (C )11()()f f >- (D )11()()f f <- 4. 若级数211 sin ln(1)n k n n ∞ =?? --??? ?∑收敛,则k =( ) (A )1 (B )2 (C )1- (D )2- 5.设α为n 单位列向量,E 为n 阶单位矩阵,则 (A )T E αα-不可逆 (B )T E αα+不可逆 (C )2T E αα+不可逆 (D )2T E αα-不可逆 6.已知矩阵200021001A ?? ?= ? ???,210020001B ?? ?= ? ???,100020002C ?? ? = ? ??? ,则 (A ),A C 相似,,B C 相似 (B ),A C 相似,,B C 不相似 (C ),A C 不相似,,B C 相似 (D ),A C 不相似,,B C 不相似 7.设,A B ,C 是三个随机事件,且,A C 相互独立,,B C 相互独立,则A B U 与


2017年考研英语二真题及答案解析 跨考教育英语教研室 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring [答案][C] warning 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty [答案][A] inequality 3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction [答案][D] prediction 4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured [答案][A] characterized 5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom [答案][B] meaning 6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless [答案][B] Indeed


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 数学(一)试题 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分.下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的.请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸... 指定位置上. (1 )若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤? 在0x =处连续,则 (A) 12 ab =. (B) 12 ab =- . (C) 0ab =. (D) 2ab =. 【答案】A 【详解】由0 1 lim 2x b a + →==,得12ab =. (2)设函数()f x 可导,且()'()0f x f x >则 (A) ()()11f f >- . (B) ()()11f f <-. (C) ()()11f f >-. (D) ()()11f f <-. 【答案】C 【详解】2() ()()[]02 f x f x f x ''=>,从而2()f x 单调递增,22(1)(1)f f >-. (3)函数2 2 (,,)f x y z x y z =+在点(1,2,0)处沿着向量(1,2,2)n =的方向导数为 (A) 12. (B) 6. (C) 4. (D)2 . 【答案】D 【详解】方向余弦12cos ,cos cos 33 = ==αβγ,偏导数22,,2x y z f xy f x f z '''===,代入cos cos cos x y z f f f '''++αβγ即可.

(4)甲乙两人赛跑,计时开始时,甲在乙前方10(单位:m)处.图中,实线表示甲的速度曲线1()v v t =(单位:m/s),虚线表示乙的速度曲线2()v v t =(单位:m/s),三块阴影部分面积的数值一次为10,20,3,计时开始后乙追上甲的时刻记为(单位:s),则 (A) 010t =. (B) 01520t <<. (C) 025t =. (D) 025t >. 【答案】C 【详解】在025t =时,乙比甲多跑10m,而最开始的时候甲在乙前方10m 处. (5)设α为n 维单位列向量,E 为n 阶单位矩阵,则 (A) T E -αα不可逆. (B) T E +αα不可逆. (C) T 2E +αα不可逆. (D) T 2E -αα不可逆. 【答案】A 【详解】可设T α=(1,0,,0) ,则T αα的特征值为1,0,,0 ,从而T αα-E 的特征值为 011,,, ,因此T αα-E 不可逆. (6)设有矩阵200021001A ?? ?= ? ???,210020001B ?? ?= ? ???,122C ?? ? = ? ??? (A)A 与C 相似,B 与C 相似. (B) A 与C 相似,B 与C 不相似. (C) A 与C 不相似,B 与C 相似. (D) A 与C 不相似,B 与C 不相似. 【答案】B 【详解】,A B 的特征值为221,,,但A 有三个线性无关的特征向量,而B 只有两个,所以 A 可对角化, B 则不行. .(7)设,A B 为随机事件,若0()1P A <<,0()1P B <<,则(|)(|)P A B P B A >的充分必要条件 (A) (|)(|)P B A P B A >. (B) (|)(|)P B A P B A <. (C) (|)(|)P B A P B A >. (D) (|)(|)P B A P B A <.


2017全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 管理类专业学位联考综合能力试题 一、问题求解(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共45分)下列每题给出5个选项中,只有一个是符合要求的,请在答题卡上将所选择的字母涂黑。 1、甲从1、 2、3中抽取一个数,记为a ;乙从1、2、 3、4中抽取一个数,记为b ,规定当a b >或者1a b +<时甲获胜,则甲取胜的概率为( ) (A )16 (B )14 (C )13 (D )512 (E )12 【答案】E 【解析】穷举法: 满足a b >的有(2,1)(3,1)(3,2);满足1a b +<的有(1,3)(1,4)(2,4); 共六组,因此概率为 61 342 =? 2、已知ABC ?和'''A B C ?满足'''' ::2:3AB A B AC AC ==,',A A π∠+∠=则ABC ?和'''A B C ?的面积比为( ) (A (B (C )2:3 (D )2:5 (E )4:9 【答案】E 【解析】特值法: 假设2,''''3,'2 AB AC A B A C A A π ====∠=∠= , 则11 :'22:334:922 S S =????= 3、将6人分成3组,每组2人,则不同的分组方式共有( ) (A )12 (B )15 (C )30 (D )45 (E )90 【答案】B 【解析】分组分配:均匀分组,注意消序 222 642 3 3 15C C C A ??= 4 记123,,σσσ分别为甲、乙、丙投中数的方差,则( )

(A )123σσσ>> (B )132σσσ>> (C )213σσσ>> (D )231σσσ>> (E )321σσσ>> 【答案】B 【解析】计算方差、比较大小 ()()()()()()()()()222 12 2 2 222 2 3255585=56 3 542454=423 87479714 =73 3 x x x σσσ-+-+-= =-+-+-= =-+-+-= = 甲乙丙,,, 因此,132σσσ>> 5、将长、宽、高分别为12、9、6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余,则能切割成相同正方体的最少个数为( ) (A )3 (B )6 (C )24 (D )96 (E )648 【答案】C 【详解】正方体的棱长应是长方体棱长的公约数,想要正方体最少,则找最大公约数即3,因此得到的正方体个数为 1296 24333 ??= 6、某品牌电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( ) (A )80% (B )81% (C )82% (D )83% (E )85% 【答案】B 【详解】假设降价前是1,则降价后为()()1110%110%81%?--= 7、甲、乙、丙三种货车载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车的载重量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车载重量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙分别各一辆车一次最多运送货物为() (A )125. (B )120. (C )115. (D )110. (E )105. 【答案】E 【解析】设甲乙丙分别载重量为,,a b c ,由题得 2295337245353150b a c a b a c b b b a c =+?? +=?++==?=??+=? ,因此 所求3105a b c b ++== 8、张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接到了45名同学的咨询,其中的9位同学下午又咨询了张老师,占张老师下午咨询学生的10%,一天中向张老师咨询的学生人数为()


x 1 ( x )2 u u ? ( 1 , 2 , 0 ) 2017 全国研究生入学考试考研数学一真题解析 本试卷满分 150,考试时间 180 分钟 一、选择题:1~8 小题,每小题 4 分,共 32 分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答.题.纸. 指定位置上. ?1- cos (1) 若函数 f (x ) = x > 0 ,在 x = 0 处连续,则( ) ? ax ?? b , x ≤ 0 (A ) ab = 2 【答案】(A ) (B ) ab =- 2 (C ) ab = 0 (D ) ab = 2 【 解析 】由连续的定义可知: lim f (x ) = lim f (x ) = f (0) , 其中 f (0 )= l i m f x (=) , x →0- x →0+ 1 x →0- 1 lim f (x ) = lim = lim 2 = 1 ,从而b = ,也即 ab = ,故选(A )。 x →0+ x →0+ ax x →0+ ax 2a 2a 2 (2) 若函数 f (x ) 可导,且 f (x ) f '(x ) > 0,则( ) (A ) f (1) > f (-1) (B ) f (1) < f (-1) (C ) f (1) > f (-1) (D ) f (1) < f (-1) 【答案】(C ) 【解析】令 F (x ) = f 2 (x ) ,则有 F '(x ) = 2 f (x ) f '(x ) ,故 F (x ) 单调递增,则 F (1) = F (-1) ,即 [ f (1)]2 >[ f (-1)]2 ,即 f (1) > f (-1) ,故选 C 。 (3)函数 f (x , y , z ) = x 2 y + z 2 在点(1, 2, 0) 处沿向量n = (1,2,2)的方向导数为( ) (A )12 (B ) 6 (C ) 4 (D ) 2 【答案】(D ) 【 解 析 】 gradf ={2xy , x 2, 2z } , 将 点 (1, 2, 0) 代 入 得 g r a d f ={ 4 , 1 , 则 ?f = gradf . = ?1 2 ?2= 。 ?u { 4 , 1? , 0 } ?. ?3 3 ?3 (4) 甲、乙两人赛跑,计时开始时,甲在乙前方 10(单位:m )处,图中实线表示甲的速度曲线v = v 1(t ) (单位:m/s ),虚线表示乙的速度v = v 2 (t ) ,三块阴影部分面积的数值依次为10、20、3 ,计时开始 1- cos x , 1 1


2017年全国硕士研究生历史入学统一考试真题与答案 一、单项选择题:1~20小题,每小题2分,共40分。 1.主要分布于黄河上游地区的新石器文化是()。 A.仰韶文化 B.龙山文化 C.马家窑文化 D.河姆渡文化 2.西汉与匈奴的“和亲”始于()。 A.汉高祖 B.汉文帝 C.汉武帝 D.汉元帝 3.魏晋时期玄学盛行,玄学家研究的三个重要文本被称为“三玄”,它们是()。 A.《周礼》《诗经》《论语》 B.《大学》《中庸》《论语》 C.《论语》《孟子》《孝经》 D.《老子》《庄子》《周易》 4.东林书院著名楹联“风声雨声读书声,声声人耳;家事国事天下事,事事关心”的作者是()。 A.李贽 B.王守仁 C.顾炎武 D.顾宪成 5.明清之际兴起了一批手工业发达、商业繁盛的市镇,其中号称“天下四大镇”是()。 A.佛山镇、景德镇、汉口镇、朱仙镇 B.佛山镇、景德镇、汉口镇、盛泽镇 C.佛山镇、景德镇、盛泽镇、朱仙镇 D.景德镇、汉口镇、朱仙镇、盛泽镇 6.普遍装备洋枪洋炮的清朝军队开始出现在()。 A.第一次鸦片战争期间 B.太平天国战争期间 C.中法战争期间 D.甲午中日战争期间 7.下列文献中,首先提出了建立“中华共和国”的是()。

A.《兴中会宣言》 B.《警世钟》 C.《革命军》 D.《中国同盟会革命方略》 8.袁世凯之后,依次继任中华民国大总统的是()。 A.黎元洪、冯国璋、段棋瑞、徐世昌、曹锟 B.段棋瑞、黎元洪、冯国璋、曹锟、徐世昌 C.黎元洪、冯国璋、黎元洪、曹锟、徐世昌 D.黎元洪、冯国璋、徐世昌、黎元洪、曹锟 9.20世纪20年代,中国共产党正式确立国共合作的方针是在()。 A.中共一大 B.中共二大 C.中共三大 D.中共四大 10.20世纪60年代开始,中国进行以战备为中心的“三线建设”,下列属于“大三线”的省区是()。 A.四川、贵州、云南 B.湖北、吉林、云南 C.山东、贵州、福建 D.四川、江西、贵州 11.古埃及新王国时期,曾率军在麦吉多与卡迭什为首的联军会战的是()。 A.图特摩斯一世 B.图特摩斯三世 C.雅赫摩斯 D.拉美西斯二世 12.世界历史上已知最早的法典是()。 A.《乌尔纳木法典》 B.《汉漠拉比法典》 C.《亚述法典》 D.《赫梯法典》 13.著有《沉思录》,被后人称为哲学家的罗马皇帝是()。 A.国拉真 B.哈德良 C.安敦尼·庇乌斯 D.马可·奥勒略


2017年考研英语一(答案及解析) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) from each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding "yes!" ___1__ helping you feel close and __2___to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a ___3__ of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you __4___ getting sick this winter. In a recent study ___5__ over 400 healthy adults,researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs ___6__ the participants' susceptibility to developing the common cold after being ___7__ to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come ___8__ with a cold, and the researchers __9___ that the stress-reducing effects of hugging ___10__ about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. ___11__ among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe __12___. "Hugging protects people who are under stress from the ___13__ risk for colds that's usually__14___ with stress," Notes sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging "is a marker of intimacy and helps __15___ the feeling that others are there to help ___16__difficulty." Some experts ___17__ the stress-reducing,health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called"the bonding hormone" __18___ it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mothers and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it___19__ in the brain, where it __20___ mood, behavior and physiology.


2017年全国硕士研究生管理类联考综合试题答案解析 一、问题求解:第1—15小题,每小题3分,共45分. 下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中, 只有一项是符合试题要求的. 请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑. 1.某品牌的电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( )。 (A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85% 【答案】B 【解析】(1-10%)(1-10%)=81%,答案81%。 2.张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接受了45名同学的咨询,其中的9人下午又咨询了张老师,占他下午咨询学生的10%,一天张老师咨询的学生人数为( )。 (A )81(B )90(C )115(D )126(E )135 【答案】D 【解析】上午45人咨询,有9人下午再次咨询,9÷10%=90,总人数为45+90-9=126,选D 。 3.甲、乙、丙三种货车的载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车满载量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车满载量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙各1辆载满货物为多少? (A )125吨 (B )120吨(C )115吨(D )110吨(E )105吨 【答案】E 【解析】甲乙丙等差数列:答案105 设1辆甲、乙、丙的载重量是x,y,z 吨,有 29530315035105240x y x x z y x y z x z y z +==????+=?=?++=????+==?? 。 4. 12x x -+≤成立,则x 的取值范围( )。 (A )(]-1∞,(B )3-2? ?∞ ???,(C )312??????,(D )(]1+∞,(E )3+2??∞???? , 【答案】B 【解析】绝对值不等式:|x-1|+x ≤2,|x-1|≤2-x ,x-2≤x-1≤2-x ,x ≤3/2。
