




我想开个账户。I’d like to open an account.

这是我的身份证。Here is my ID card.

其他的证件行吗Is other identification OK

你能告诉我怎么办理吗Could you tell me how to do it

你能告诉我开定期账户的程序吗Can you tell me the procedure for opening a time deposit account

开账户我必须存多少钱How much do I have to deposit to open an account

开一个储蓄账户的最低存款额是多少What’s the minimum deposit saving account 开活期账户有服务费吗Is there a service charge if I open a checking account

我想申请一张信用卡。I’d like to apply for a credit card.

我想要存折。I want a bank book.

我现在可以输密码了吗Can I press my pin number now

收手续费吗Is there a handling charge


我想存钱。I’d like to make a deposit.

有利息吗Is there any interest

利率是多少What’s the interest rate

我需要填写存款单吗Do I need to fill out the deposit slip

我需要填写取款单吗Do I need to fill out the withdraw slip

你能告诉我账户余额吗Could you tell me the account balance

我想把钱转到储蓄账户上。I’d like to transfer money in my savings account.

我想取美元。I want to make a withdraw of dollars.

请给我些零钱。Please give me some change.

能给我兑换块钱零钱吗Can I have change for a fifty

自动取款机在哪Where is the automatic teller machine


我把存折弄丢了。I lost my passbook.

我是来办理存折挂失的。I’ve come to report the loss of my bankbook.

你们能给我一个新的银行卡吗Can you give me a new bank card

我想销户。I’d like to close my account.

我想把账单先还清,然后再把信用卡账户消掉。I’d like to pay the bills first, and then close this credit card account.

我还欠这个银行钱吗Do I still owe money in this bank

我想把这个账户中的钱都取出来。I want to draw all the money in this account.


请给我一张汇款单。Give me a post order, please

我想汇,美元到北京。I’d like to send a sum of , dollars to Beijing.

这张表这样填对吗Is this form filled in properly

往北京寄元汇款的手续费是多少What’s the charge for a RMB remittance to Beijing 这笔钱要多久能汇到上海How long will it take to get to Shanghai

转账要花多长时间How long will it take to transfer the money

两个小时内能到账吗Will it arrive within two hours

金额是要用文字而不是阿拉伯数字写吗Should I write the sum of money in words, not digits

我在哪签名Where do I sign

我的朋友没有收到我的汇款。My friend didn’t receive my remittance.

我来问一下汇款到了没有。I’ve come to inquire about whether the remittance has arrived.

这笔汇款还没到。The remittance hasn’t arrived yet.

我可以在这儿兑换汇款单吗Can I have this money order cashed


你们这里办理外汇业务吗Do you handle foreign exchange here

我想换些外币。I’d like to change some foreign currency.

汇率表在哪Where’s the exchange rate list

如果我想把人民币换成加元怎么办What should I do if I want to exchange RMB for Canadian dollars

我想把人民币换成美元。I’d like to exchange RMB for US dollars.

我想换,元人民币的欧元。I’d like to exchange , RMB for Euros.

当前的汇率是多少What’s the current exchange rate



银行英语口语,银行常用英语情景口语对话 1、我想从户头里提出一些钱 May: I’d like to withdraw some money from my account. 我想从户头里提出一些钱。 Clerk: Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip, please? 可不可以让我看您的存折及提款单呢? May: Sure. 当然可以。 Clerk: Let me just make sure. You want to withdraw one thousand dollars? 让我确定一下。您要提1000 美元? May: That’s right. 是的。 2、您要办理什么业务? Clerk: What can I help you with? 您要办理什么业务? Denny: I'd like to deposit some money. 我要存钱。 Clerk: How much would you like to deposit? 您要存多少? Denny: Twenty thousand. 两万。 Clerk: Give me your money and passbook. 把您的钱和存折给我。 Denny: Here you are. 好的。 Clerk: Hold on. Please sign on the deposit receipt. 稍等. 请在这张存款凭条上签一下字。 Denny: OK. 好的。 Clerk: Please take good care of your passbook. 请收好您的存折。 3、帮我查一下卡里现在总共有多少钱吧 Mary: Hello, I'd like to deposit ten thousand RMB. 你好,我要存一万元。 Clerk: Please give me your money and bank card. 请把您的钱和卡给我。 Mary: Can you check the balance in my account? 再麻烦你帮我查一下卡里现在总共有多少钱? Clerk: Sure, hold on…Please sign on the sheet. 好的,稍等……请在这张单子上签一下字。 Mary: Done, here you are. 签好了,给。 Clerk: There's one hundred thousand now in your account. Please take care of your deposit slip.


英语口语:银行英语情景口语 银行英语口语-新开帐户 What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current account? 定期还是活期? Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money. 请告诉我你想存何种户头? There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。 Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。 Five yuan is the minimum original deposit. 最低起存款额是5元。 You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars. 你可随时以50美圆的起存额开立储蓄帐户。 Even one yuan is all right.

甚至一元也能够起存。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 We'd like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。 I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。 I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户? I want to open a deposit account with you. 我要开个储蓄帐户。 I'd like to open a deposit account with you. 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。


银行柜面英语口语(一)- 新开帐户 What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current account? 定期还是活期? Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money. 请告诉我你想存何种户头? There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。 Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。 Five yuan is the minimum original deposit. 最低起存款额是5元。 You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars. 你可随时以50美圆的起存额开立储蓄帐户。 Even one yuan is all right. 甚至一元也可以起存。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 We'd like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。 I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。 I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户? I want to open a deposit account with you.


银行常用英语口语情景对话 我收到了你们银行的汇款通知。 A:Could I take a look at it, please? Let me just check these details ... right.请让我看一看,好吗?让我检查一下内容……没错。 B:Mr CK Chen contacted me this morning and asked me to come in for the remittance.今天早上CK Chen先生与我联系,让我来接收汇款。 A:I've got the details here. 10,000 RMB sent by Mr CK Chen from Guangzhou. Could I see some ID? You passport, for example?我已经在这儿查到了详情。 CK Chen先生从广州汇来10000元。 我能看一下身份证件吗?比如,您的护照?B:Here you go. Can I deposit some into my account and take some in cash? I need 1,000 RMB for my expenses, you see.给你。 我能存一些到我的账户并且取一些现金吗?你瞧,我需要1000元来应付我的日常开销。 A:That's no problem. Could you please sign here? Here's the 1,000 RMB in cash,your passport back, and the remaining balance has been deposited in your account.没问题。 您能在这里签字吗?这是1000元的现金,护照还给您,余额已经存进您的账户了。 银行常用英语口语对话(二)A:Hello, you seem a little lost. Can I help


银行储蓄柜面常用英语100句 1.Good morning(Good afternoon ) 2.Please 3.Hello 4.Welcome 5.Welcome to deposit in ICBC 6.Welcome to use Peony Credit Card 7.Welcome to use ATM 8.Sorry 9.Please line up 10.Please wait a moment 11.Thank you 12.We'll glad to receive any suggestions to help us improve our service 13.Goodbye 14.Don't mention it (Not at all) 15.Hope to see you again 16.Demand(current)deposit 17.Demand(current)bankbook 18.Rate for current deposit 19.Time(fixed)deposit 20.Interest Rate for fixed deposit 21.Certificates of deposit 22.Flexible maturity deposit 23.Transferable certificate of large amount time deposit

24.Withdrawal form 25.The exchange rate for U.S.dollars 26.Termination of a deposit 27.Date due 28.Automatic teller machine(ATM) 29.The detailed list of interest 30.Peony Credit Card 31.Exchange U.S.dollars for Renminbi 32.What can I do for you? 33.May I help you? 34.We are open for business form 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m with no break at noon 35.We are open for business all week including Saturday and Sunday 36.I'd like to deposit(withdraw) 37.Which type of deposit do you prefer,time deposit or current deposit? 38.I prefer time deposit(current deposit) 39.Is it your first time to deposit here?I am going to open an account for you. 40.How long would you like to deposit for? 41.Pardon,I do not understand,Could you give me more details. 42.OK.The term of fixed deposit ranges form three month to five years,including three months,six months,one year,two years,three years and five years. The longer the term the higher the interest rate. 43.Partdon. 44.Could you fill in this slip in ink please. 45.You have made a mistake here,Please fill it in again



招呼客户 1.Welcome to our bank. 欢迎光临。 2.What can I do for you? 有什么能帮助您的 3.Which transaction would you like to do? 请问您想办理什么业务 4. Sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉让您久等了。 指引 1.Please take this number, when your number will be called please go to the counter, 请拿号,叫到号时请到相应柜台办理业务。 2.This is your turn, please go to NO. 3 counter. 到您了,请到3号柜台办理业务。 3.Please wait for a moment. /Just a moment, please. 请稍候。 4.Please follow me. /This way please. 请跟我来。/这边请。 5.Please go straight this way until the end. 请一直往前走直到尽头。 客户离开

1.Thank you for coming! 谢谢您的光临! 2.See you next time. 再见。 3.Be sure you didn’t forget anything. 请不要忘记您的随身物品。 4.Do you need to do another transaction? 您还需要办理其他业务吗 5.My pleasure. / At your service. 乐意为您效劳。 6.You are welcome. 不客气。 7.Thank you very much for your cooperation. 感谢您的配合。 兑换货币 1.Do you want to change some money? 2. 您需要换钱吗 3.How much do you want to change? 您需要换多少金额 4.Which currency do you want? 您想要兑换何种货币 5.What would you like it In which denominations


·银行柜面英语口语- Tell me the current rate for RMB, please. 请告诉我人民币的现价。 What's your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少? What's the dollar going for today? 美圆今天的售价是多少? Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars. 我们100美圆的现钞买入价是523元。 It's 200 French francs at today's selling rate. 今天的卖出价是200法国法郎。 The buying rate of U.S. dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars. 美圆现钞买入价是100美圆付460元。 Useful Phrases buying rate 买进价格 selling rate 卖出价格 And how much will it be in Japanese currency? 换成日本币是多少? How much would I get for 300 Japanese yen? 300日圆可兑换多少钱? I'd like to know the exchange rate for German marks. 我想知道德国马克的兑换率。 What rate are you giving? 你们提供的兑换率是多少? What's the exchange rate today? 今天的兑换率是多少? Please tell me what you would give me for my U.S. dollars. 请告诉我这些美圆可以兑换多少钱。 Please tell me the current rate for sterling. 请告诉我英国货币的现行兑换率。 If you'll wait a moment, I'll find out the rates of exchange. 请等一会儿,我查一下兑换率。 Please wait a moment. I'll find out the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and RMB. 请等一会儿,我查一下美圆对人民币的兑换率。 It's 470 yuan for 100 dollars. 100美圆可兑470元。 The exchange rate today is 200 yen to the pound. 今天的兑换率是一英镑可兑200日圆。 The rate for traveler's cheques is 300 yuan against 100 dollars. 旅行支票的兑换率是100美圆兑300元。 These dollars are worth 1,000 yuan.


甚至一元也可以起存。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 We 'd like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。 I have a checking account here. 我在 这里有一个支票存款帐户。 I think I 'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户?I want to open a deposit account with you. 我要开个储蓄帐户。 I'd like to open a deposit account with you. 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。 Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account? 请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗? Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account. 请告诉我开个储蓄帐户需要什么手续。 Will 100 yuan be enough for a minimum deposit? 100 元作最低存款额够吗? I'd like to know whether a 200 yuan deposit will be enough for opening a checking account. 我想知道开一个支票帐户200 元存款是否够。 Could you tell me how to operate this account? 请告诉我如何经管这个帐户好吗?Is there any minimum for the first deposit? 第一次储蓄有最低限额吗? How much does each account cost? 每个帐户要花多少钱? Useful Phrases current deposit, current account 活期存款 fixed deposit, fixed account 定期存款 fixed deposit by installments 零存整取 joint account 存款帐户 to ope n an acco unt 开户头 银行英语口语-存款 How much do you want to deposit with us? 你想在我们这存多少? How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你希望在你的户头上存多少? How much money do you plan to keep in your account on a regular basis? 你计划在你的户头上定期存放多少钱?


外国人在中国,用美元兑换人民币时与银行职员之间的英语情景对话。 银行职员: Can I help you? 需要办什么业务吗? 特蕾西: Yes. I'd like to change some money. 是的.我想兑换货币. 银行职员: Yes, madam. 好的.小姐. 特蕾西: What's the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar today? 今天人民币对美元的兑换率是多少? 银行职员: 8.32 yuan to the dollar. 1美元=8.32元. 特蕾西: It's the same as two weeks ago. 这跟两个星期前一样. 银行职员: That's right. The exchange rate here has been quite stable though it's subject to alteration. 对啊.兑换率虽有待改变.但已经在一段时间相当稳定了. 特蕾西: I see. I'd like to change 500 US dollars 我知道了.我想换500美元. 银行职员: You want to change 500 US dollars. So that will be 4160 Yuan? What denominations would you like? 你想换500美元.也就是4160元.你想要多大面值的钱币? 特蕾西: 100 Yuan notes would be better. By the way, could I buy some gold coins here? 最好是面值100的.顺便问一下.我能在这买些金币吗?


银行常用英语短句 1. Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? Hi, Mr, Jones. Can I help you? Excuse me, madam, but may I help you? Sir (miss), may I help you? 先生/女士/小姐, 请问,我可以为您做些什么吗? 2. Hello! 您好 3. How nice to see you again! I’m glad to see you again! It’s good to see you again! 很高兴再见到您! 4. Pardon? I beg your pardon. Beg your pardon. Would you mind repeating your question,please? 能再说一遍吗? 5. I’m sorry, but would you please speak more slowly. I couldn’t catch your meaning (follow you). 对不起,能否请您说得再慢些,我没能明白您的意思。 6. Do you mean that ….? 您指的是….吗?

7. Would you like to open a current account or a time saving account? 您想开立一个活期账户还是定期账户? 8. How much do you want to deposit (draw) your money? 您想存(取)多少钱? 9. What is your name? 请问叫什么名字? 10. May I ask your nationality? 请问您的国籍? 11. Might I ask your passport number? 请问您的护照号码? 12. Would you mind if I ask your account number? 请问您的账号? 13. 如果对于顾客拜托我们的事,我们能够完成的话,那么我们可以回答:Yes, sir(madam). Certainly, sir(madam). Of course, sir(madam). All right, sir(madam). With pleasure, sir(madam). 14. 如果对于顾客拜托我们的事,我们不能完成的话,那么我们可以回答:I’m sorry, sir(madam), but…… I’m afraid we cannot help you ,because……


银行柜台常用英语句子 1.你想开一个活期存款帐户吗?Do you like to open a current account? 2.请告诉我你想存何种户头?Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money. 3.你想开哪种帐户?What kind of account did you have in your mind? 4.定期还是活期?A deposit or current account? 5.支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。 There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings.6.你有多钱要存入呢?How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account?7.请填张存款单,写明要存的数额以及你的姓名,地址和工作的单位,好吗?Would you please fill in the depositing form, giving the sum of money you're to deposit as well as your name, address and professional unit?8.这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。 保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it.9.如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名。 Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check.10.我想开一个活期存款帐户。 I should like to open a current account.11.请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗?Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account?12.第一次储蓄有最低限额吗?Is there


银行基本业务英语口语 Unit1 Daily reception 日常接待 Useful Words and Phrases 常用词汇与短语head office 总行 branch 分行 sub-branch 支行 savings office 储蓄所 banking service manager 大堂经理 Practical Sentences and Patterns 实用句型Hello. 您好。 Good morning. What can I do for you? 早上好,我可以为您做些什么吗? Pardon? 能再说一遍吗? Would you mind repeating your question, please? 请重复一遍您的问题好吗? No problem. I’ll do it for you right away. 没问题,我马上为您办理。 Please go to counter No.1. It’s over there.

请到一号柜台办理,在那边。 Please wait a minute. 请稍等。 Would you mind showing me your passport? 请把您的护照给我。 Could you please fill in this form and sign your name here? 请填写这份表格并签上您的名字。 Please use Arabic numbers. 请用阿拉伯数字填写。 Please fill in your address and phone number here. 请您在此处填写地址和电话号码。 Please enter your code number. 请输入您的密码。 We are open for business from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with no break at noon. 我们的营业时间是上午8点半至下午4点半,中午不休息。 We are open for business all week including Saturday and Sunday. 我门星期六、星期日照常营业。 Thank you so much. 谢谢。 With pleasure. 不客气。


English manual Saying hello 打招呼 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上好!(下午好/晚上好) 2.Hello/Hi./Hey. 你好(嗨/嘿。) 3.How are you? 你好吗? 4.(I’m)great. Thank you./Thanks. 很好,谢谢! 5.(I’m)just fine. 还可以。 6.(I’m)not bad. 还不错。 7.I’m OK. 我很好。 8.I’m doing really well. 我很好。 Saying goodbye 说再见 1. Good-bye./Bye./Bye-bye. 再见。 2. Good night. 晚安。 3. See you later/tomorrow. 回头见!/明天见! 4. Have a good evening/a nice day. 祝你有一个愉快的夜晚 (一天) Introducing yourself 介绍自己 1. Hi. My name is Tom. 你好,我叫Tom。 2. I’m Tom. 我是Tom。 3.It is nice to meet you, Tom. 见到你很高兴,Tom。

Introducing someone 介绍某人 1. Tom, this is Helen. Tom,这是Helen。 2. Hi, Tom. It’s nice to meet you. 嗨,Tom!见到你很高兴。 3. Pleased/Good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Asking personal information 交换个人信息 1. What’s your name,please? 请问你叫什么名字? 2. What’s your surname? 你姓什么? 3. Where are you from? 你是哪儿的人? 4. Can I have your phone number? 能给留个您的电话号码吗? 5. How’s everything? 你怎么样? Asking about countries, nationalities, and languages 询问国家,国籍和语言1. -Are you from England? 你是英国人吗? -Yes, I am. 是的。 -No, I’m not. I’m from New Zealand. 不是,我是新西兰人。2. -Where is he from? 他是哪里人? -He’s from America. 他是美国人。


银行柜面英语口语 (一)- 新开帐户 What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current account? 定期还是活期? Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money. 请告诉我你想存何种户头? There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。 Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。 Five yuan is the minimum original deposit. 最低起存款额是5元。 You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars. 你可随时以50美圆的起存额开立储蓄帐户。 Even one yuan is all right. 甚至一元也可以起存。 Here is your passbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 I’d like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 We'd like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。 I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。 I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户? I want to open a deposit account with you. 我要开个储蓄帐户。 I'd like to open a deposit account with you. 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。 Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account? 请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗? Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account.


银行常用英语口语100句 1、请到1号柜台。 Please go to Counter No、1、 2、您得凭证金额大写填写有误,请您重填一份,因为金额不能涂改。The amount in figure is incorrect、Would you mind filling another one, because the voucher is invalid if altered、 3、您想开哪种帐户? What kind of accounts do you have in your mind? 4、您得账面余额为5600美元。 The balance on your account is five thousand six hundred US dollars、 5、您想开一个活期存款帐户吗? Would you like to open a current account? 6、请您把名字签在线上面。 Please sign your name on the dotted line, please、 7、这就是您得存折,存取款时请带来。 Here is your passbook、Please bring it with you when you deposit or withdraw money、 8、对不起,这张就是假币。 I'm sorry、This note is counterfeit、 9、按我国得法规与国际惯例,要没收假币,请您合作。 According to China's regulations and international practices, forged notes must be confiscated, thank you for your cooperation、 10、您在我行有储蓄账户吗? Do you have a savings account in our bank? 11、开一个账户有什么手续?


2019年银行关于外汇的英语口语篇一:银行英语口语-外汇率 银行英语口语-外汇率 TellmethecurrentrateforRMB,please. 请告诉我人民币的现价。 What'syoursellingrateforRMByuaninnotestoday? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少? What'sthedollargoingfortoday? 美圆今天的售价是多少? Ourbuyingratefornotesis523yuanfor100dollars. 我们100美圆的现钞买入价是523元。 It's200Frenchfrancsattoday'ssellingrate.

今天的卖出价是200法国法郎。 ThebuyingrateofU.S.dollarnotesis460yuanperhundreddollars.美圆现钞买入价是100美圆付460元。 UsefulPhrases buyingrate买进价格 sellingrate卖出价格 AndhowmuchwillitbeinJapanesecurrency? 换成日本币是多少? HowmuchwouldIgetfor300Japaneseyen? 300日圆可兑换多少钱? I'dliketoknowtheexchangerateforGermanmarks.

我想知道德国马克的兑换率。 Whatrateareyougiving? 你们提供的兑换率是多少? What'stheexchangeratetoday? 今天的兑换率是多少? PleasetellmewhatyouwouldgivemeformyU.S.dollars. 请告诉我这些美圆可以兑换多少钱。 Pleasetellmethecurrentrateforsterling. 请告诉我英国货币的现行兑换率。 Ifyou'llwaitamoment,I'llfindouttheratesofexchange. 请等一会儿,我查一下兑换率。
