Proud of you 文艺版中英文歌词

Proud of you 文艺版中英文歌词
Proud of you 文艺版中英文歌词

Proud of you

Love in your eyes 你含情脉脉

Sitting silent by my side 静静地坐于我身旁

Going on holding hands 一路挽着你的手

Walking through the nights 漫步整个夜晚

Hold me up hold me tight 抱起我抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky 高高举起让我摸到天Teaching me to love with heart 教我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 助我把心窗打开

I can fly 我会飞了……

I'm proud that I can fly 我为飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 给你展示最好的自己

Till the end of the time 直至时光停顿

Believe me I can fly 相信我,我能飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 给你展示最好的自己

The heaven in the sky 天上的乐园

Stars in the sky 天上的繁星

Wishing once upon a time 希望有一天

Give me love make me smile 爱的降临让我微笑

Till the end of life 直至我的一生

Hold me up hold me tight 抱起我抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky 高高举起让我摸到天Teaching me to love with heart 教我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 助我把心窗打开

I can fly 我会飞了......

I'm proud that I can fly 我为飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 给你最好的自己

Till the end of the time 直至时光停顿

Believe me I can fly 相信我,我能飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 给你展示最好的自己

The heaven in the sky 天上的乐园

Can't you believe that you light up my way 你可相信你已照亮了我未来No matter how that ease my path 我的前路如何已不重要

I'll never lose my faith 我决不会放弃我的信念See me fly 看我飞翔

I'm proud to fly up high 我骄傲的高飞

Show you the best of mine 给你展示最好的自己

Till the end of the time 直至时光终结

Believe me I can fly 相信我能高飞

I'm singing in the sky 我在空中歌唱

Show you the best of mine 给你展示最好的自己

The heaven in the sky 天上的乐园

Nothing can stop me 没有什么能够阻挡Spread my wings so wide 我要展翅高飞


小幸运钢琴曲教学简谱完整版 田馥甄在演唱《小幸运》时纯情满满,还原出了最真实的少女羞涩情怀,像回到S.H.E时代。《小幸运》就是以一个天真的少女在喃喃地诉说她暗恋的羞涩脸红、初恋的酸涩感动和转身遇到他时的庆幸满足。想不想学习用钢琴弹奏《小幸运》呢?今天给大家整理了小幸运钢琴曲教学简谱,希望对大家有所帮助。 小幸运钢琴版在线播放小幸运钢琴曲教学简谱小幸运歌词我听见雨滴落在青青草地 我听见远方下课钟声响起 可是我没有听见你的声音 认真呼唤我姓名 爱上你的时候还不懂感情 离别了才觉得刻骨铭心 为什么没有发现遇见了你 是生命最好的事情 也许当时忙着微笑和哭泣 忙着追逐天空中的流星 人理所当然的忘记 是谁风里雨里一直默默守护在原地 原来你是我最想留住的幸运

原来我们和爱情曾经靠得那么近那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨 一幕幕都是你一尘不染的真心 与你相遇好幸运 可我已失去为你泪流满面的权利但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼 遇见你的注定 她会有多幸运 青春是段跌跌撞撞的旅行 拥有着后知后觉的美丽 来不及感谢是你给我勇气 让我能做回我自己 也许当时忙着微笑和哭泣 忙着追逐天空中的流星 人理所当然的忘记 是谁风里雨里一直默默守护在原地原来你是我最想留住的幸运 原来我们和爱情曾经靠得那么近那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨

一幕幕都是你一尘不染的真心 与你相遇好幸运 可我已失去为你泪流满面的权利 但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼 遇见你的注定(oh~~) 她会有多幸运 小幸运创作背景《小幸运》是田馥甄继《LOVE!》之后第二次与电影合作音乐。。由JerryC谱曲,徐世珍及吴辉福共同填词,这首歌曲是根据电影《我的少女时代》创作的,Jerry C在谱曲前翻阅了两遍这个电影的剧本,才谱出了与电影相得益彰的曲子。 电影《我的少女时代》导演陈玉珊之所以选田馥甄来演唱《小幸运》,是因为她觉得演唱者田馥甄有着横跨年代的特殊属性,能够横跨五、六年级小学生,与18岁年轻人这两个世代,是非常具代表性的声音。陈玉珊把田馥甄放在一个很重要的位置,田馥甄的歌就是电影整个故事的一个非常重要的精神象征。

Because Of You(因为你)中英文歌词

I will not make the same mistakes that you did 我才不会重蹈你的覆辙I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery 我才不会让自己的心品尝苦涩I will not break the way you did,you fell so hard 我更不会像你一样崩溃,狠狠的坠落在地I've learned the hard way 我已经尝尽了苦涩的滋味to never let it get that far 却绝不会轻易去体会Because of you 因为你I never stray too far from the sidewalk 人生的轨道我从不敢偏离Because of you 因为你I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt 我学会用封闭内心来保护自己Because of you 因为你I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 我发现我不仅不相信我自己,连周围的人都开始怀疑Because of you 因为你I am afraid 我如此恐惧I lose my way 我迷失了轨道And it‘s not too long before you point it out 你随后便给我指出I can not cry 我不能哭Because I know that's

weakness in your eyes 因为在你眼中这就是脆弱I’m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life 我不得不强装笑颜在我生命中的每一天My heart can't possibly break 我的心不可能再破碎了When it wasn't even whole to start with 因为它从一开始就不完整Because of you 因为你I never stray too far from the sidewalk 人生的轨道我从不敢偏离Because of you 因为你I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt 我学会用封闭内心来保护自己Because of you 因为你I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 我发现我不仅不相信我自己,连周围的人都开始怀疑Because of you 因为你I am afraid 我如此恐惧I watched you die 我看着你死去I heard you cry every night in your sleep 我听见你呜咽着彻夜难眠I was so young 我还这么小You should have known better than to lean on me 你早该知道,为何还要将我依靠You never thought of anyone else 你从未想过别人You just


I will be right here waiting for you 此情可待英文歌词 Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn't stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you I took for granted, all the times That I though would last somehow I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby You've got me goin' crazy Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you I wonder how we can survive This romance But in the end if I'm with you I'll take the chance Oh, can't you see it baby You've got me goin' crazy Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes


小小的人儿啊是什么歌 篇一:小小智慧树的歌词 《小小智慧树》全部歌曲歌词 开场歌舞周一《你好》歌词: 你好,你好,点点头你好,你好,笑一笑你好,你好,拍拍手啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦我们都是好朋友点点头,笑一笑,拍拍手,笑一笑,点点头,笑一笑啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦,我们都是好朋友你好,你好,鞠个躬你好,你好,拍拍肩你好,你好,握握手,啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦我们都是好朋友,鞠个躬,拍拍肩,握握手拍拍肩,鞠个躬,拍拍肩啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦,我们都是好朋友 开场歌舞周二《我爱圆圈圈》歌词: 爸爸做个圆圈圈,变成大太阳,照呀照呀,暖暖照在我身上。妈妈做个圆圈圈,变成车轮转,转呀转呀,妈妈带我出去玩。宝宝做个圆圈圈,变成甜饼干,舔舔舔舔,饼干饼干香又甜。大家做个圆圈圈,变成小小船,摇呀摇呀,宝宝坐在船里面。啦啦啦啦啦啦,我爱圆圈圈,啦啦啦啦啦啦,我爱圆圈圈。 开场歌舞周三《神奇的手指》歌词: 手儿搓搓,手指点点,眼睛眨眨,头儿摇摇,我的手指多灵巧,我的手指变变变。一个手指头变成毛毛虫,爬呀爬呀,爬

一爬;两个手指头变成小白兔,跳呀跳呀,跳一跳;三个手指头,变变变,变成小花猫,喵喵喵;四个手指头,变变变,变成螃蟹,走走走;五个手指头,变变变,变成大老虎,嗷嗷嗷;我用手指头变变变,我的手指头真好玩。 开场歌舞周四《我爱蹦蹦跳》歌词: 蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,小白兔爱蹦蹦跳,蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,小青蛙爱蹦蹦跳,蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,我也喜欢蹦蹦跳,抬抬小脚蹦蹦跳,拍拍小手蹦蹦跳。蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,袋鼠妈妈蹦蹦跳,蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,袋鼠宝宝蹦蹦跳。蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,我也喜欢蹦蹦跳,扭扭屁股蹦蹦跳,转个圈圈蹦蹦跳。 开场歌舞周五《公共汽车》歌词: 公车上的轮子转呀转,转呀转,公车上的轮子转呀转,跑遍城市,公车上的门呀开开关关,开开关关,公车上的门呀开开关关,跑遍城市,公车上的人呀上上下下,上上下下,公车上的人呀上上下下,跑遍城市,公车上的雨刷,刷刷刷,公车上的雨刷,刷刷刷,跑遍城市,公车上的宝宝哇哇哭,哇哇哭,公车上的宝宝哇哇哭,跑遍城市,公车上的妈妈说嘘嘘嘘,嘘嘘嘘,公车上的妈妈说嘘嘘嘘,跑遍城市,公车上的轮子转呀转,转呀转,公车上的轮子转呀转,跑遍城市。 《小小智慧树》主题歌曲《我爱你》歌词: 我爱你,爸爸我爱你,妈妈我爱你,小鸟我爱你,大象我爱你,红花我爱你,绿草我爱你,朋朋我爱你,托托我爱


1 《像风一样自由》 我像风一样自由 就像你的温柔无法挽留 你推开我伸出的双手 你走吧最好别回头 无尽的漂流自由的渴求 所有沧桑独自承受 我给你温柔你拒绝接受 我给你双手真实的感受 我给你自由记忆的长久 我给你所有但不能停留 我像风一样自由 2 《故乡》 天边夕阳再次映上我的脸庞总是在梦里我看到你无助的双眼 再次映着我那不安的心我的心又一次被唤 那无尽的旅程如此漫长我站在这里想起和你曾经离别情景我是永远向着远方独行的浪子你站在人群中间那么孤单 你是茫茫人海之中我的女人那是你破碎的心 在异乡的路上每一个寒冷的夜晚我的心却那么狂野 这思念它如刀让我伤痛 你在我的心里永远是故乡总是在梦里我看到你无助的双眼你总为我独自守候沉默等待我的心又一次被唤醒 在异乡的路上每一个寒冷的夜晚我站在这里想起和你曾经离别情景这思念它如刀让我伤痛你站在人群中间那么孤单 那是你破碎的心 我的心却那么狂野 总是在梦里我看到你无助的双眼 我的心又一次被唤醒 总是在梦里看到自己走在归乡路上 你站在夕阳下面容颜娇艳 那是你衣裙漫飞 那是你温柔如水 3《浮躁》 每当我想往高处飞翔总感到太多的重量 远方是一个什么概念如今我已不再想

在每一次冲动背后总有几分凄凉 我只要不停的歌唱停止我的思想 太多的困扰不停地干着 不停地干着我的精神 我不停地弹着不停地唱着 直到所有的弦都断了 我不停地弹着不停地唱着 直到所有的力量尽了 每当我想往高处飞翔总感到太多的重量 远方是一个什么概念如今我已不再想 在每一次冲动背后总有几分凄凉 我只要不停的歌唱停止我的思想 有一种力量有一种力量 依然在我心中流淌 我不停地弹着不停地唱着 直到所有的弦都断了 我不停地弹着不停地唱着 直到所有的力量尽了 啦……啦…… 啦啦啦…… 有一种力量有一种力量 依然在我心中流淌 我不停地弹着不停地唱着 直到所有的力量尽了 4《the lazy song》 Today I don't feel like doin' anything I just want to lay in my bed don't feel like picking up my phone so leave a message at the tone cause today I swear I'm not doing anything I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan Turn the tv on throw my hands in my pants nobody will tell me I can't I'll be lounging on the couch just chillin in my snuggie click to mtv so they can teach me how to dougie because in the castle I'm the freckin' man oooh yes I said I said it

Because of You 歌词(带中文翻译)

精心整理BecauseofYou凯莉·克莱森(KellyClarkson) Iwillnotmakethesamemistakesthatyoudid我不会重犯你的错误Iwillnotletmyselfcausemyheartsomuch misery我不会让自己给内心填满痛苦Iwillnotbreakthewayyoudid我不会像你一般彻底崩溃 youfellsohard你饱受了煎熬 I'velearnedthehardway to neverletitgetthatfar我已经饱尝痛苦,决不让它越陷越深 Becauseofyou因为你 Inever stray toofarfromthesidewalk我从来不偏离生活的轨道太远 Becauseofyou因为你 IlearnedtoplayonthesafesidesoIdon'tgethurt我学会了呆在安全的一面以免受到伤害 Becauseofyou因为你 Ifindithardtotrustnotonlyme,我发现很难相信自己, buteveryonearoundme和周围的每一个人 Becauseofyou因为你 Iamafraid我感到害怕 Ilosemyway我迷失了方向 Andit'snottoolongbeforeyoupointitout在你为我指明道路之前不久。 Icannotcry我不能哭泣 BecauseIknowthat'sweaknessinyoureyes因为在你眼中那是一种懦弱 I'mforcedtofakeasmile,alaugheverydayofmylife以后的每一天,我都会强颜欢笑 Myheartcan't possibly break我的心也许无法再碎 Whenitwasn'tevenwholetostartwith因为本来就是一颗破碎的心 Becauseofyou因为你 Ineverstraytoofarfromthesidewalk我绝不会远离我的轨道 Becauseofyou因为你 IlearnedtoplayonthesafesidesoIdon'tgethurt我学会了呆在安全的一面以免受到伤害 Becauseofyou只因为你 Ifindithardtotrustnotonlyme,我发现很难相信自己, buteveryonearoundme和周围的每一个人 Becauseofyou因为你 Iamafraid我感到害怕 Iwatchedyoudie看着你的心渐渐死去 Iheardyoucryeverynightinyoursleep每一夜我都能听见你在睡梦中哭泣 Iwassoyoung我太年轻 Youshouldhaveknownbetterthantoleanonme你应该知道的而不是选择依赖我Youneverthoughtofanyoneelse你从未想过别人的感受 Youjustsawyourpain你只知道自己的痛苦 AndnowIcryinthemiddleofthenight现在我躲在深夜里哭泣 Over thesame damn thing因为那该死的同样的事情 Becauseofyou因为你 Inever stray toofarfromthesidewalk我绝不会远离我的轨道 Becauseofyou因为你 Ilearnedtoplayonthesafeside so Idon'tgethurt我学会呆在安全的一面以免受到伤害


Right Here Waiting(此情可待)中英文歌词 Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日, and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。 I hear you voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音, But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我的悲伤。 If I see you next to never, 如果再也不能与你相见, How can we say forever? 又怎能说我们到永远?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事, I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。 Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样, Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤, I will be right here waiting for you.我就在这里等候你。 I took for granted all the times 我一直认为 That I thought would last somehow. 你我会情长义久。 I hear the laughter, 我听见你的笑声 I taste the tear, 我品尝眼泪, But I can't get near you now. 但此刻不能接近你。 Oh,can't you see, baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂 You've got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。


大海 从那遥远海边 慢慢消失的你 本来模糊的脸 竟然渐渐清晰 想要说些什么 又不知从何说起只有把它放在心底茫然走在海边 看那潮来潮去 徒劳无功想把 每朵浪花记清 想要说声爱你 却被吹散在风里茫然回头 你在那里 如果大海能够 唤回曾经的爱 就让我用一生等待如果深情往事 你已不再留恋 就让它随风飘远如果大海能够 带走我的哀愁 就象带走每条河流所有受过的伤 所有流过的泪 我的爱…… 请全部带走 如果大海能够 唤回曾经的爱 就让我用一生等待如果深情往事 你已不再留恋 就让它随风飘远如果大海能够 带走我的哀愁 就象带走每条河流所有受过的伤 所有流过的泪 我的爱…… 请全部带走离歌 一开始我只相信 伟大的是感情 最后我无力的看清 强悍的是命运 你还是选择回去 他刺痛你的心 但你不肯觉醒 你说爱本就是梦境 跟你借的幸福 我只能还你 想留不能留才最寂寞 没说完温柔只剩离歌 心碎前一秒 用力的相拥着沉默 用心跳送你辛酸离歌 想留不能留才最寂寞 没说完温柔只剩离歌 心碎前一秒 用力的相拥着沉默 用心跳送你辛酸离歌 看不见永久听见离歌 飘摇 风停了云知道 爱走了心自然明了 他来时躲不掉 他走得静悄悄 你不在我预料 扰乱我平静的步调 怕爱了找苦恼 怕不爱睡不著 我飘啊飘你摇啊摇 无根的野草 当梦醒了天晴了 如何再飘摇 啊爱多一秒恨不会少 承诺是煎熬 若不计较 就一次痛快燃烧 我飘啊飘你摇啊摇 无根的野草 当梦醒了天晴了 如何再飘摇 啊爱多一秒恨不会少 承诺是煎熬 若不计较 就一次痛快燃烧 十年 如果那两个字没有颤抖 我不会发现我难受 怎么说出口 也不过是分手 如果对于明天没有要求 牵牵手就像旅游 成千上万个门口 总有一个人要先走 怀抱既然不能逗留 何不在离开的时候 一边享受一边泪流 十年之前 我不认识你你不属于我 我们还是一样 陪在一个陌生人左右 走过渐渐熟悉的街头 十年之后 我们是朋友还可以问候 只是那种温柔 再也找不到拥抱的理由 情人最后难免沦为朋友 直到和你做了多年朋友 才明白我的眼泪 不是为你而流 也为别人而流 我和我的祖国 我和我的祖国 一刻也不能分割 无论我走到哪里 都流出一首赞歌 我歌唱每一座高山 我歌唱每一条河 袅袅炊烟

Unit Three A Good Heart to Lean On

Unit Three A Good Heart to Lean On 教学目的: 1. to master the new words and useful phrases. 2. to learn about what has happened between the father and the son and how a simple, kind act of caring can change our lives. 3. to get acquainted with skills of developing a paragraph by examples. 4. to get acquainted with skills of reading for the key ideas in sentences. 教学重点: 1. Comprehension of the text Stressing the expression of phrases and focus on their applications in practical uses. Reading for the Key ideas in Sentences 2 Key sentence patterns Even though, Once…, When…, 3.Structured writing A paragraph of a General Point supported by Examples 教学方法: 用联想生成教学方法促进学生新旧知识的交融,用课堂提问小测验和考察背诵的方式巩固所学的知识,并有助于学生发音和记忆能力的提高。 教学过程: 1.Warm-up activities: (15 minutes) 2.Understanding the text (15 minutes) 3.Detailed studies of text (80 minutes) 4.Grammar and exercises (30 minutes) 5.Enrichment reading (60 minutes) 6.Writing practice (40 minutes) 作业: Assign homework: Recite the appointed paragraph Translation and after-class reading


Right here waiting 此情可待 Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日 And i slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。 I hear your voice on the line,电话里传来你的声音 But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我心中伤痛。 If i see you next to never, 倘若此生再也不能与你相见, How can we say forever? 又怎能说和你到永远? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。 I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你。 Whatever it takes,无论怎样变迁 Or how my heart breaks, 无论我多么悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。 I took for granted all the times 我一直确信 That i thought would last somehow. 你我能等到在一起的那一天。 I hear the laughter, 听着你的笑声, I taste the tears, 我流泪满面, But i can't get near you now. 可是此刻却无法接近你。 Oh, can't you see, baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道? You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do,无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么 I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks,无论怎样变迁无论我多么悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。 I wonder how we can survive this romance.我好想知晓我们的感情如何才能维系But in the end if i'm with you 但倘若最终能和你在一起 I'll take the chance. 我会奋不顾身 Oh, can't you see, baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道? You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。 I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你. Whatever it takes无论怎样变迁 Or how my heart breaks,无论我多么伤悲 I will be right here waiting for you.我就在这里等候着你 Waiting for you.等候着你

Amazing Grace(中英对照))

Amazing Grace amazing grace, 奇异恩典 how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me 甘甜的音符让我罪以得赦免 i once was lost, but now i'm found 我曾经的失去,今天被寻回 was blind, but now i see 迷失但得看见 ' twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved 如此恩典使我敬畏使我心得安慰how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed初信之时即蒙恩惠真是何等宝贵through many dangers, toils, and snares i have already come许多危险试练网罗我已安然经过 'tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home 靠主恩典安全不怕更引导我归家how sweet the name of jesus sounds in a believer's ear ,闻主之名犹如甘露 it soothes his sorrows, 慰我疾苦 heals his wounds and drives away his fear 给我安宁 must jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free 以己一身救赎世人 no, there's a cross for everyone and there's a cross for me. 舍弃自我跟随我主 when we've been here ten thousand years bright shining as the sun,将来禧年圣徒欢聚恩光爱谊千年we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun 喜乐颂赞在父座前深望那日快现


竭诚为您提供优质的服务,优质的文档,谢谢阅读/双击去除 陈以桐童话英文的歌词:陈以桐小幸运 英文歌词 是不是在找陈以桐的那首童话英文版的歌词?下面是!小编为你整理了这首的歌词相关的信息,希望对你有用! 童话英文版的歌词 don'tknowhowlong it'sbeenawhilesince youtoldmeyourfavoritestory

it'sbeenallofmymind drivingmecrazy anotherreason thatyou'recryingnow Iseethetearsinyoureyes theytellmeyoudon'tbelieve thatIcanbeyourprincecharming

maybeyoucan'tunderstand butwhenyousaidyouloveme mylifewaschanged andIwishyoucouldsee I'mwillingto betheone anyangelthatyoulove

withopenarmsIwillalwaysbethere youmustbelieve thatyouandmewillenduphappily inourownfairytalestory 你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的 我不可能是你的王子 也许你不会懂从你说爱我以后

我的天空星星都亮了 我愿变成童话里你爱的那个天使张开双手变成翅膀守护你 你要相信相信我们会像童话故事里幸福和快乐是结局 Iwillbe betheone

anyangelthatyoulove withopenarms Iwillalwaysbethere 童话英文歌词的演唱者信息 陈以桐(jasonchen),1988年11月12日出生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,美籍华裔流行乐男歌手、词曲作者,毕业于加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(ucLA)。 20XX年,陈以桐开始在视频网站youtube上传自己的翻唱视频;之后,因翻唱歌曲而被观众熟悉,并由此成为一名网络翻唱歌手。20XX年,陈以桐发行个人首张翻唱专辑《Thecovers,Vol.1》,从而正式出道;同年,他还发行个人


哆来咪 Doe, a deer, a female deer doe,一头鹿,一头小母鹿 Ray, a drop of golden sun ray,一线金色的阳光 Me, a name I call myself me是我在叫自己 Far, a long, long way to run far要跑很远很远的路 Sew, a needle pulling thread sew是针儿穿着线 La, a note to follow Sew la是跟着sew来的音符 Tea, a drink with jam and bread tea,喝茶加面包和果酱 That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) 这把我们又带回do 柠檬树 I'm sitting here in a boring room. 我坐在这——一间空屋子里 it's just another rainy sunday afternoon。 这也只不过是另一个下雨的周日下午。 i'm waisting my time, i got nothing to do. 除了消磨时间我没什模事情可做。 i'm hanging around, i'm waiting for you。 我四处张望,我在等待你的到来。 but nothing ever happens, and i wonder. 但是好像什莫事情也未曾发生,我不知道。 i'm driving around in my car.我开着车出去兜风。 i'm driving too fast, i'm drving too far。 我把车开得很快,开了很远。 i'd like to change my point of view。 我想换种方式生活,换个角度看世界。 i felt so lonely, i'm waiting for you. 我感觉到如此孤单,我在等你回来。 but nothing ever happens, and i wonder. 但是什莫事也未曾发生,我不明白为什莫会这样。 i wonder how, i wonder why。 我不知道怎莫办,我不知道为什莫会这样。yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky. 昨天你还给我讲那蓝蓝的天空会多莫美丽,生活会多莫美好。 and all that i can see is just a yellow lemon tree。 但是我看见的只有一株柠檬树。i'm turning my head up and down。i'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around. 我摆动着我的头,上下上下,不停的摆动着我的头。我前后左右的看。(我左看右看上看下看) and all that i can see is just another yellow lemon tree.(不管我怎莫看)它也只是一株黄色的柠檬树。 i'm sitting here, and i miss the power. 我坐在这里,身上没有了一丝力气。 i'd like to go out taking a shower。 我想出去展示一下我自己。 but there's a heavy cloud inside my mind.但是我心 中有着顾虑。有一片阴云载我心中挥之不去。 i feel so tired, and put myself into bed.我感觉如此的疲惫,回到了家里把自己扔到了床上。 where nothing ever happens, and i wonder。 也许什莫也没发生过,谁知道呢? I so lation is not good for me 孤立对我没有好处 I so lation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree 孤独啊我不想座上一棵柠檬树 i'm stepping around in a desert of joy. 我在快乐的沙漠中踱步。 baby, any how i get another toy。 宝贝,无论如何我要找到另一个玩具。 and everthing will happen, and you wonder。 然后,所有事情都会发生,然而这一切你不会知道。 I wonder how,I wonder why Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky and all that I can see It's just a yellow lemon tree I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning,turning,turning,turning, turning around and all that I can see It's just yellow lemon tree I wonder how,I wonder why Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky and all that I can see, and all that I can see and all that I can see. and all that I can see It's just a yellow lemon tree. 昨日重现 yesteday once more


英文歌曲歌词: Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh Over the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob-tail ring making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I 'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot He got into a drifted bank And we, we got upsot Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh What fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a 中文歌词《铃儿响叮当》 [美]比尔朋特词曲/程雨菲录词 1 啊冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上, 快奔驰过田野,我们欢笑又歌唱, 马儿铃声响叮当,令人精神多欢畅,我们今晚滑雪真快乐,把滑雪歌儿唱。 叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。 2 在一两天之前,我想出外去游荡, 那位美丽小姑娘,她坐在我身旁, 那马儿瘦又老,它命运不吉祥, 把雪橇拖进泥塘里,害得我们糟了殃。 叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。 3 白雪遍地,趁这年青好时光, 带上亲爱的朋友,把滑雪歌儿唱。 有一匹栗色马,它日行千里长, 我们把它套在雪橇上,就飞奔向前方。 叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。


当代经典英文歌曲歌词收集 当代经典英文歌曲集锦--来自“洪枫之家” 奥斯卡名曲歌词 1.昨日重现歌词- 卡朋特 when i was young i…d listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs when they played i…d sing along, it make me smile. those were such happy times and not so long ago how i wondered where they…d g one. but they…re back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i love so well. every shalala every wo…wo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they…re starting to sing so fine when they get to the part where he…s breaking her heart it can really make me cry just like before. it…s yesterday once more. (shoobie do lang lang) looking bak on how it was in years gone by and the good times that had makes today seem rather sad, so much has changed. it was songs of love that i would sing to them and i…d memorise each word. those old melodies still sound so good to me as they melt the years away every shalala every wo…wo still shines every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they…re startingto sing so fine all my best memorise come back clearly to me some can even make me cry


童丽《love10》专辑中英文对照歌词 童丽首张英文大碟,歌声集柔软、甜美、妩媚与纯净于一身,直抵人心。 (网上搜索的歌词,可能与专辑不对应,仅供歌迷参考) Going Home 回家 (1) Perfect Indian is he 他是完美的印第安人 (2) Lark In The Clear Air 晴空的云雀 (3) Don"t Keep Your Distance 阿根廷别为我哭泣 (4) Nocturne 夜曲 (6) Scarborough Fair 斯卡保罗市集 (7) Where’S My Love 我的爱在何方 (8) Make Believe It`S Your First Time 假装它是你的第一次 (8) Yesterday Once More 昨日重现 (9) Amaxing Grcae 奇异恩典 (10) Greensleeves 绿袖子 (11) Moon River 月亮河 (12) Because I Love You 因为我爱你 (13) Going Home 回家 注:也是圣诗。由 LIBERA 演唱最有名。.LIBERA是由一群男童高音(Boy Soprano)的孩子 们所参与的少年合唱团。沙特布莱曼演唱过。 Going home, going home回家,回家 I am going home我正要回家 Quiet like, some still day平静得一如某些沉睡的日子 I am just going home我正要回家 It's not far, just close by不会很远,就在邻近 Through an open door穿越一扇敞开的门 Work all done, care laid by工作已毕,将挂念搁置 never fear no more不再忧虑 Mother's there expecting me母亲正在那儿盼着我 Father's waiting, too父亲也正守候着 Lots of faces gathered there众多的乡亲齐聚在那儿 All the friends I knew还有所有我认识的朋友们
