第四节 英汉介词比较与翻译 练习

第四节 英汉介词比较与翻译  练习
第四节 英汉介词比较与翻译  练习



1. There weren’t beyond twenty people present.

2. If it is beyond Jack, it is certainly beyond me.

3. The country is far behind its neighbors.

4. The painting is after the great master.

5. It’s a pity to leave Beijing without a taste of Beijing roast duck. It’s a famous dish in Beijing with local flavor.

6. These words are from the bottom of my heart.

7. Some people are only after fame and position.

8. Crows are among the smartest birds in the world with extra keen sight and hearing.

9. His conduct is beyond reproach.

10. When I was neither at the farm nor in school, I helped at construction sites by picking up wood and metal scraps.


1. Translate the following passage into Chinese.

It was a valley far removed from towns, and the road through it led to another village. The road was rough and there were no cars or buses to disturb the ancient quietness of this valley. There were bullock(小公牛)carts, but their movement was a part of the hills. There was a dry river bed that only flowed with water after heavy rains, and the color was a mixture of red, yellow and brown; and it, too, seemed to move with the hills. And the villagers who walked silently by were like the rocks.

The day wore on and towards the end of the evening, as the sun was setting over the western hills, the silence came in from afar, over the hills, through the trees, covering the little bushes and the ancient banyan(菩提树;[林]印度榕树). And as the stars became brilliant, so the silence grew into great intensity; you could hardly bear it.

2. Translate the following passage into English.




Poems (beginning with a preposition of each line)


In front of the china cabinet,

Between Momm and Tara,

Behind my breakfast plate

On my chair, I sit.







Across the street

In the mall

Within the shop

Down the aisles

Around the corner

Along the back wall

Before the clothes

Near the mirrors

Above the socks

Among the empty shelves Between two others

Sits the perfect pair of shoes --Dodie Mercer

Ridgway, Pennsylvania


On the board

In position

Among the pieces

With great pleasure

As I hit the clock

To my opponent

I said, "Checkmate!"

--Michael Mendonez

Piscataway, NJ


英汉语言对比与翻译练习 注意事项: 1.英汉语言句法/句式差别; 2.体会英汉互译句式转换规律; Sentences: 1.In praising the logic of the English language we must not lose sight of the fact that in most cases where, so to speak, the logic of facts or of the exterior world is at war with the logic of grammar. 2.邢夫人携了黛玉坐上,众老婆们放下车帘,方命小厮们抬起,拉至宽处,加上训骡,出 了西脚门往东,过荣府正门,如一黑油漆大门内,至仪门前,方下了车。 3.When about three hundred men had been landed from these vessels and were marching rapidly to camp, the Morini, who had been left by Caesar in a state of peace when he set out for Britain, were fired by the hope of booty, and surrounded the troops, at first with no very large number of folk, bidding them lay down their arms if they did not wish to be killed. 4.I had spent a long day on a hired mule before the mail carrier who had been my guide pointed to a cabin on the far side of a stream, mutely refused the money I offered, and rode on. 5.Mr. Kennedy apparently was hit by the first of what witness believed were three shots. 6.And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she know had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.. 7.The original members of the United Nations shall be the states which, having participated in the United Nations conference on International Organization at San Francisco, or having previously signed the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942, sign the present charter and ratify it in accordance with Article 110. 8.After watching the fish for some time, they asked me for pairs of several different kinds, pointing them out as they walked down the row of tanks. I netted their choices into a traveling container and slipped it into an insulated bag for transport, handing it to the boy. “carry it carefully,” I cautioned. 9.Sickness had robbed her of her confidence that she could carry the load. 10.Loneliness held the great masses of immigrants together, and poverty kept them down. 11.Starvation was a remote threat. 12.There is a crying need for a new remedy. 13.There was a mumbled conversation in the background. Then a man’s voice came on the phone. 14.The whole devastating experience sharpened my appreciation of the world around me. 15.She was always a crier any way. 16.The car wound through the village and up a narrow valley, following a thaw-swollen stream. 17.The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry because he had had no food for two days. 18.A long course of poverty and humility, of daily privations and hard words, of kind office and no returns, had been her lot ever since womanhood almost, or since her luckless marriage with George Osborne.(Vanity Fair chapter 57) 19.The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.

第四节 英汉介词比较与翻译 练习

第四节英汉介词比较与翻译练习 一)句子翻译: 1. There weren’t beyond twenty people present. 2. If it is beyond Jack, it is certainly beyond me. 3. The country is far behind its neighbors. 4. The painting is after the great master. 5. It’s a pity to leave Beijing without a taste of Beijing roast duck. It’s a famous dish in Beijing with local flavor. 6. These words are from the bottom of my heart. 7. Some people are only after fame and position. 8. Crows are among the smartest birds in the world with extra keen sight and hearing. 9. His conduct is beyond reproach. 10. When I was neither at the farm nor in school, I helped at construction sites by picking up wood and metal scraps. 二)短文翻译: 1. Translate the following passage into Chinese. It was a valley far removed from towns, and the road through it led to another village. The road was rough and there were no cars or buses to disturb the ancient quietness of this valley. There were bullock(小公牛)carts, but their movement was a part of the hills. There was a dry river bed that only flowed with water after heavy rains, and the color was a mixture of red, yellow and brown; and it, too, seemed to move with the hills. And the villagers who walked silently by were like the rocks. The day wore on and towards the end of the evening, as the sun was setting over the western hills, the silence came in from afar, over the hills, through the trees, covering the little bushes and the ancient banyan(菩提树;[林]印度榕树). And as the stars became brilliant, so the silence grew into great intensity; you could hardly bear it. 2. Translate the following passage into English.


英语知识 (3)分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此汉译时,有的可以拆句分译。 ①译成并列分句。 The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就象一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。 ②译成让步分句。 With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.这个设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。 ③译成真实或虚拟条件分句。 Mans warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some kind warmth.人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以长期在海水中生活。 ④译成原因分句。 We cannot see it clearly for the fog.由于有雾,我们看不清它。The machine is working none the worse for its long service. 这部机器并不因使用的时间长而性能变差了。 ⑤译成目的分句。 This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound..为了便于研究起见,通常将这门学科分为力学、热学、光学、电学和声学。 (4)不译:不译或省略翻译是在确切表达原文内容的前提下使译文简练,合乎汉语规范,决不是任意省略某些介词。 ①表示时间或地点的英语介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大都


幻灯片1 课后练习 ●blue films ●bluebottle ●Greenfly ●common criminal ●common informer ●hard labor ●free love ●blue-eyed boy ●bluestocking 幻灯片2 参考翻译 ●blue films 蓝色电影(×) ●淫秽电影(√) ●bluebottle 蓝瓶子(×) ●绿头苍蝇(√) ●greenfly 绿苍蝇(×) ●蚜虫(√) ●common criminal 普通罪犯(×) ●臭名昭著的罪犯(√) ●common informer 一般的告密者(×) ●职业告密者(√) 幻灯片3 参考翻译 ●hard labor 艰苦的劳动(×) ●(监禁)苦役(√) ●free love 自由恋爱(×) ●(无婚约的)自由性爱(√) ●blue-eyed boy 蓝眼睛男孩(×) ●宠儿(√) ●blue sky research/thinking 蓝天研究/思维(×) ●天马行空式的(√) 幻灯片4 翻译的原则与标准

1. 支谦与《法句经序》(229年) “天竺言语,与汉异音。云其书为天书,语为天语,名物不同,传实不易。” 开篇即强调了佛经翻译之难,即语言不同,语境不同,名物不同,翻译起来确实不易。幻灯片5 翻译的原则与标准 2. 道安与“五失本,三不易” 源自其在公元382年所作 《摩诃钵罗若波罗蜜经抄序》 译胡为秦,有五失本也。 一者,胡语尽倒,而使从秦,一失本也。 二者,胡经尚质,秦人好文,传可众心,非文不合,斯二失本也。 幻灯片6 翻译的原则与标准 三者,经委悉,至于叹咏,叮咛反复,或三或四,不嫌其烦,而今裁斥,三失本也。 四者,胡有义说,正似乱辞,寻说向语,文无以异,或千五百,刈而不存,四失本也。 五者,事已全成,将更傍及,反腾前辞,已乃后说,而悉除此,五失本也。 幻灯片7 ●“五失本”是: ●一、佛经词序多是颠倒的,汉译时改从汉语语法,容易失本; ●二、佛经文字质朴,而汉人喜欢文采,为适合汉语读者,译文作了润饰,容易失本; ●三、佛经的论述,往往不厌其烦,颂文更是翻三覆四,翻译时删繁就简,容易失本; 幻灯片8 ●四、佛经有“义说”(长行之后,另加的偈颂复述)类似汉人韵文后的“乱辞”(总结),


英语知识 在汉英翻译中可进行各种词类的转换,例如:汉语动词转换成英语名词、形容词、介词;汉语形容词或副词转换成英语名词;汉语名词转换成英语动词等等。其中,汉语动词转换成英语抽象名词尤为普遍。高校常用的翻译教材,如张培基、吕瑞昌、冯庆华等编撰的翻译教材均将这种转换列在第一位。请看以下各例: 例1.中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。 如不注意词性转换,译文可能是: The Chinese government undertakes not to use (that it will not use) nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries. 这种译文显得有些口语化,不够庄重。不如改用抽象名词non-use: The Chinese government undertakes non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries. 例2.禁止任何叛国、分裂国家、煽动叛乱及窃取国家机密的行为。 译文一:To prohibit any act of treason, acts to split the country, incite rebellion and steal secrets. 译文二:To prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition and theft of state secrets. 以上译文一使用split , incite, steal 等动词虽然语义正确,但似乎不够庄重。译文二使用抽象名词,因而显得文字严谨,适合正式法律条文的风格。 例3.技术引进合同应当订明下列事项:引进技术的保密义务,改进技术的归属和分享。 译文一:Provisions on the obligation to keep confidential the


2018考研英语介词翻译方法总结 英语中大多数介词含义灵活,一词多义多用。除了一些常用短语已有译法外,大量介词需要从其基本意义出发,联系上下文加以灵活处理。下面厚学君简明地介绍几种基本译法。 一、转译 英语中常用介词来表达动作意义。汉译时,可将介词转译成动词。 ①在作表语的介词短语中,介词常转译为动词,而连系动词则省略不译。如:This machine is out of repair.这台机器失修了。 ②在作目的或原因状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如:The plane crushed out of control.这架飞机失去控制而坠毁。The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用E这个字母表示电动势。 ③在作条件、方式或方法状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如:But even the larger molecules with several hundred atoms are too small to be seen with the best optical microscope.但是,即使有几百个原子的分子也是太小了,用最好的光学显微镜也看不见它们。 ④介词短语作补足语时,其中介词常转译成动词。如:Heat sets these particles in random motion.热量使这些粒子作随机运动。 二、增译

增词不是无中生有,而是要根据上下文特别是与介词搭配的动词或形容词的含义加得恰当。有不少情况,句中与介词搭配的动词或形容词不出现,如照原文结构无法把意思表达清楚,甚至易于误解时,这就需要增词。 如:That's all there is to it.那就是与此有关的全部内容。(原句中to=related to) The engineer was taken ill with consumption.It was flour on the lungs,the doctor told him at the time.这个工程师得了肺病、那是由于面粉对肺部的影响,当时医生这样对他说的。(on=effect) 因此,熟悉介词与动词或形容词的习惯搭配是增词并正确理解词义的一种重要手段。 三、分译 介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此汉译时,有的可以拆句分译。 ①译成并列分句。The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就像一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。


英汉语言对比与翻译作业 1. It is flattering to believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read, and very naturally it does not occur to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reflection. 翻译:认为自己的思想深奥,不可能表达得很清楚,让任何人都能理解,这是一种虚荣的念头。这样的作家当然不会想到,问题还是出在自己脑子缺乏精确思考的能力。 2. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession. 翻译:他有一种令人不安的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。 3.While the present century was in its teens, and on one sunshiny morning in June, there drove up to the great iron gate of Miss Pinkerton’s academy for young ladies, on Chiswick Mall, a large family coach, with two fat horses in blazing harness, driven by a fat coachman in a three-cornered hat and wig, at the rate of four miles an hour. (Thackeray)翻译:(当时)这个世纪刚过了十几年。六月的一天早上,天气晴朗。契息克林阴道上平克顿女子学校的大铁门前面来了一辆宽敞的私人马车。拉车的两匹肥马套着雪亮的马具,一个肥胖的车夫带了假头发和三角帽子,赶车子的速度是一小时四英里。(萨克雷)


介词翻译技巧(1) (1)转译:英语中常用介词来表达动作意义。汉译时,可将介词转译成动词。 ①在作表语的介词短语中,介词常转译为动词,而连系动词则省略不译。如:This ma chine is out of repair.这台机器失修了。 ②在作目的或原因状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如: The plane crushed out of control.这架飞机失去控制而坠毁。 The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用E这个字母表示电动势。 ③在作条件、方式或方法状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如: But even the larger molecules with several hundred atoms are too small to be seen with the best optical microscope.但是,即使有几百个原子的分子也是太小了,用最好的光学显微镜也看不见它们。 ④介词短语作补足语时,其中介词常转译成动词。如: Heat sets these particles in random motion.热量使这些粒子作随机运动。 (2)增译:增词不是无中生有,而是要根据上下文特别是与介词搭配的动词或形容词的含义加得恰当。有不少情况,句中与介词搭配的动词或形容词不出现,如照原文结构无法把意思表达清楚,甚至易于误解时,这就需要增词。 如:Thats all there is to it.那就是与此有关的全部内容。(原句中to=related to)The engineer was taken ill with consumption. It was flour on the lungs,the d octor told him at the time.这个工程师得了肺一病、那是由于面粉对肺部的影响,当时医生这样对他说的。(on=effect) 因此,熟悉介词与动词或形容词的习惯搭配是增词并正确理解词义的一种重要手段。 介词翻译技巧(2) (3)分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此汉译时,有的可以拆 句分译。 ①译成并列分句。 The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就 象一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。 ②译成让步分句。 With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.这个 设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。 ③译成真实或虚拟条件分句。 Mans warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without som e kind warmth.人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以长期在海水中生活。 ④译成原因分句。 We cannot see it clearly for the fog.由于有雾,我们看不清它。 The machine is working none the worse for its long service. 这部机器并不因使用的时间长而性能变差了。 ⑤译成目的分句。 This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications:mechanics,heat,light,electricity and sound.。为了便于研究起见,


英语翻译中介词译法的解析在英语翻译中,介词的翻译也是一个需要重视的问题,青岛翻译公司了解到,英语中大多数介词都有一词多用的用法,很多介词的翻译不能照本宣科,必须联系上下文,从其基本意义出发,进行灵活处理,才能够更好的进行翻译。那英语介词都有哪些翻译方法呢? (1)转译:英语中常用介词来表达动作意义,所以我们在进行汉译时,可将介词转译成动词。转译法在实际应用中又分为一下几种情况。 ①在作表语的介词短语中,介词常转译为动词,而联系动词则省略不译。 如:This machine is out of repair.这台机器失修了。 ②在作目的或原因状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。 如:The plane crushed out of control.这架飞机失去控制而坠毁。 ③在作条件、方式或方法状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。 如:But even the larger molecules with several hundred atoms are too small to be seen with the best optical microscope.但是,即使有几百个原子的分子也是太小了,用最好的光学显微镜也看不见它们。 ④介词短语作补足语时,其中介词常转译成动词。 如:Heat sets these particles in random motion.热量使这

些粒子作随机运动。 (2)分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此在英译汉是,拆句分译也是经常会使用的方法。一位青岛专业翻译公司老师说,而分译的句型选择可以有很多,这可以根据上下文来灵活处理,下面我们给大家介绍的是一些在分译中经常能够用到的句型和方法。 ①译成并列分句。 The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就像一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。 ②译成让步分句。 With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.这个设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。 ③译成真实或虚拟条件分句。 Mans warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some kind warmth.人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以长期在海水中生活。 ④译成原因分句。 We cannot see it clearly for the fog.由于有雾,我们看不清它。 ⑤译成目的分句。


The Assignment of a Contrastive Approach to Translation Between English and Chinese ( III ) 翻译下列句子或语段: 1.Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength to go on doing it. 想起母亲,他才鼓足勇气继续做了下去。 2.It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal. 要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。 3.China’s support is constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of social and economic development and the maintenance of national independence. 中国的支持始终鼓励我们去追求社会和经济发展,维护国家独立。 4.Robots have found application for the exploration of the outer space. 机器人已用于探索外层空间。 5.He’s a big eater. 他这人非常能吃。 6.Of the girl’s sensations they remained a little in doubt. 译文一:姑娘的心思他们一时还无法断定。 译文二:他们一时还无法断定姑娘的心思。 7.He is inexperienced in driving. 译文一:开车他没有经验。 译文二:他开车方面没有经验。 8.And am I not indebted to you for the bread I eat? 译文一:我眼下有口饭吃,还不是多亏了你吗? 译文二:还不是多亏了你,我眼下才有口饭吃。 9.I’ll make my own decision in marriage. 译文一:婚姻的事我自己做主。 译文二:婚姻上我要自己做主。 译文三:我的婚姻我做主。 10.父母爱护子女无微不至。 译文一:Parents’ love of their children is perfect and minute. 译文二:Parents love their children perfectly and minutely. 译文三:Parents are perfect and minute in loving their children. 11.一定要少说空话,多做工作。 译文一: There must be less empty talk and more hard work. 译文二:We should talk less and do more hard work. 12.德国入侵波兰在全世界引起轰动。 译文一: German’s invasion of Poland caused an enormous sensation throughout the world. 译文二:German invaded Poland and it caused an enormous sensation throughout the world. 13.上下班他一般坐地铁。 He usually rides subways to and from work. 14.端午节吃粽子。 People eat rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival. 15.这会儿正下着毛毛雨。 It’s drizzling at the moment. 16.不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了。 译文一: I have not seen autumn in the North for over ten years. 译文二: It is more than a decade since I last saw autumn in the North. 17.众庄客一头笑着,扶了洪教头,羞颜满面,自投庄外去了。 The tenants burst into laughter and supported the fully shamefaced Master Hong in going out of the house. 18.沉默呵,沉默!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。 Silence, silence! Unless one bursts out, he shall perish in this silence. 注意:请大家在做作业之前,仔细阅读课本中“刚性与柔性” (Rigid vs. S upple)、“静态与动态” (Static vs. Dynamic)两章内容。


英语介词翻译 英语中大多数介词含义灵活,一词多义多用。除了一些常用短语已有译法外,大量介词需要从其基本意义出发,联系上下文加以灵活处理。下面简明地从五个别方面介绍几种基本译法。 转译 转译:英语中常用介词来表达动作意义。汉译时,可将介词转译成动词。 ①在作表语的介词短语中,介词常转译为动词,而连系动词则省略不译。如: This machine is out of repair.这台机器失修了。 ②在作目的或原因状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如: The plane crushed out of control. 这架飞机失去控制而坠毁。 The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force. 通常用E这个字母表示电动势。 ③在作条件、方式或方法状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如: I leave the baby with my mother every day. 我每天都把婴儿交给我的母亲照顾。 ④介词短语作补足语时,其中介词常转译成动词。如: I had my son in the room all the day because of his mistake。 因为我的儿子翻错误,因此我让他在房间里呆了一整天。 . 增译 增译:增词不是无中生有,而是要根据上下文特别是与介词搭配的动词或形容词的含义加得恰当。有不少情况,句中与介词搭配的动词或形容词不出现,如照原文结构无法把意思表达清楚,甚至易于误解时,这就需要增词。如: That’s all there is to it.那就是与此有关的全部内容。 (原句中to=related to) The engineer was taken ill with consumption.It was flour on the lungs,the doctor told him at the time. 这个工程师得了肺一病、那是由于面粉对肺部的影响,当时医生这样对他说的。(on=effect) 因此,熟悉介词与动词或形容词的习惯搭配是增词并正确理解词义的一种重要手段。 分译 分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。 因此汉译时,有的可以拆句分译。


英语介词的翻译技巧 英语中大多数介词含义灵活,一词多义多用。除了一些常用短语已有译法外,大量介词需要从其基本意义出发,联系上下文加以灵活处理。下面简明地介绍几种基本译法。 (1)转译:英语中常用介词来表达动作意义。汉译时,可将介词转译成动词。 ①在作表语的介词短语中,介词常转译为动词,而连系动词则省略不译。如:This machine is out of repair.这台机器失修了。 ②在作目的或原因状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如: The plane crushed out of control.这架飞机失去控制而坠毁。 The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用E这个字母表示电动势。 ③在作条件、方式或方法状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如: But even the larger molecules with several hundred atoms are too small to be seen with the best optical microscope.但是,即使有几百个原子的分子也是太小了,用最好的光学显微镜也看不见它们。 ④介词短语作补足语时,其中介词常转译成动词。如: Heat sets these particles in random motion.热量使这些粒子作随机运动。 (2)增译:增词不是无中生有,而是要根据上下文特别是与介词搭配的动词或形容词的含义加得恰当。有不少情况,句中与介词搭配的动词或形容词不出现,如照原文结构无法把意思表达清楚,甚至易于误解时,这就需要增词。 如:That’s all there is to it.那就是与此有关的全部内容。(原句中to=related to) The engineer was taken ill with consumption.It was flour on the lungs,the doctor told him at the time.这个工程师得了肺一病。那是由于面粉对肺部的影响,当时医生这样对他说的。(on=effect) 因此,熟悉介词与动词或形容词的习惯搭配是增词并正确理解词义的一种重要手段。 (3)分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此汉译时,有的可以拆句分译。 ①译成并列分句。 The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就象一把筛


英汉语言系统对比与翻译 一、被动与主动 (一)英语多用被动式原因 1、施事的原因。 2、句法的要求。 (1)为了使句子承上启下、前后连贯、便于衔接。 (2)为了使句子平衡。 (3)修辞的考虑。 (4)文体的需要。 (二)汉英多主动式原因 1、汉语被动式的使用受到限制。 2、使用受事主语(Receptor subject)导致大量的“当然被动句”。 3、当不需要或不可能说出施事者的时候,汉语可以采用无主句或主语省略句来保持句子的主动形式。 4、当施事者难以指明时,汉语还可以采用通称(generic person)或泛称作主语。 5、当不便使用被动式时,汉语可采用某些转换式来表达被动意义。 (1)处置式(即“把字式”或“将字式”) (2)“为……所”式。 (3)“是……的”式。 (4)“……的是” (5)“……加以/予以”式。 二、物称与人称(Impersonal vs Personal ) (一)、英语常用非人称,主语汉语常用人称主语 1、用抽象名词或无生命的事物名称作主语。 2用非人称代词“it”作主语。代词“it”除了用来代替除人以外的生物或事物之外还广泛用作填补词expletive。 (二)英语常用被动式,采用物称表达法:汉语常用主动式,采用人称、泛称或隐称表达法。 三、静态与动态(Static vs. Dynamic) 1、名词化倾向是英语的特征之一 2、名词作为施事者对动词的替代 3、名词构成标题式短语对形容词的替代 4、名词优势引起的介词优势 5、动词的弱化 6、形容词副词对动词的替代 7、动词连用是汉语的常态 8、动词可以充当汉语的任何句子成份 9、汉语句子中的动词可重复重叠


五种英语介词的灵活翻译技巧 英语中大多数介词含义灵活,一词多义多用。除了一些常用短语已有译法外,大量介词需要从其基本意义出发,联系上下文加以灵活处理。下面简明地介绍几种基本译法。 英语中名词和介词用得较多,而汉语中动词的使用频率较高,因此,英译汉时英语中的名词和介词常常需要转换成汉语中的动词。当然其他的情况也很多,我们应根据实际情况进行适当的转换,使译文既能表达原意又能通顺、地道,符合汉语的表达习惯。下面我们来看一看英译汉时介词转换成动词的情况。 Their report should be before the British government tonight. 他们必须于今晚把报告递交给英国政府。 句中的介词“before”在这里转换成动词,译为“递交给”。 Millions of the people in the mountain areas are finally off poverty. 数百万山区人民终于摆脱了贫穷。 句中的介词“off”在这里转换成动词,译为“摆脱”。 I pay 60 pence for the book.我花了60便士买了这本书。 句中介词“for”在这里转换成动词,译为“买”。 He was in bed by eleven. 十一点时,他上床休息了。 句中介词短语“in bed”在这里译为动词短语“上床休息”。 再比如:

Plants can not live without water and sunlight. 植物离开水和阳光就不能生存。 He guided the man through the streets to the railway station. 他领着那个人穿过数条街道来到火车站。 You can not think how angry your mother was at the news then. 你想象不出你母亲当时听到那个消息有多恼火。 The social services department has specialists for each welfare category. 社会公益服务部拥有负责各个福利项目的专家。 At noon,she came home for lunch. 中午,她回家吃午饭。 Papers must be in by Monday. 在星期一之前必须把论文交上来。 The woman,with her two daughters arrived. 这妇女带着她的两个女儿到了。 增词不是无中生有,而是要根据上下文特别是与介词搭配的动词或形容词的含义加得恰当。有不少情况,句中与介词搭配的动词或形容词不出现,如照原文结构无法把意思表达清楚,甚至易于误解时,这就需要增词。 例1:That's all there is to it. 那就是与此有关的全部内容。(原句中to=related to)
