


2017年山东省东营市中考数学试卷 参考答案与试题解析 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列四个数中,最大的数是() A.3B.C.0D.π 【分析】根据在数轴上表示的两个实数,右边的总比左边的大可得答案. 【解答】解:0<<3<π, 故选:D. 【点评】此题主要考查了实数的比较大小,关键是掌握利用数轴也可以比较任意两个实数的大小,即在数轴上表示的两个实数,右边的总比左边的大,在原点左侧,绝对值大的反而小. 2.下列运算正确的是() A.(x﹣y)2=x2﹣y2B.|﹣2|=2﹣C.﹣=D.﹣(﹣a+1)=a+1【分析】根据完全平方公式,二次根式的化简以及去括号的法则进行解答.【解答】解:A、原式=x2﹣2xy+y2,故本选项错误; B、原式=2﹣ C、原式=2﹣,故本选项正确; ,故本选项错误; D、原式=a﹣1,故本选项错误; 故选:B. 【点评】本题综合考查了二次根式的加减法,实数的性质,完全平方公式以及去括号,属于基础题,难度不大. 3.若|x2﹣4x+4|与A.3B.4C.6 互为相反数,则x+y的值为()D.9 【分析】根据相反数的定义得到|x2﹣4x+4|+=0,再根据非负数的性质得x2﹣4x+4=0,2x﹣y﹣3=0,然后利用配方法求出x,再求出y,最后计算它们的和即可.

【解答】解:根据题意得|x2﹣4x+4|+=0, 所以|x2﹣4x+4|=0,=0, 即(x﹣2)2=0,2x﹣y﹣3=0, 所以x=2,y=1, 所以x+y=3. 故选A. 【点评】本题考查了解一元二次方程﹣配方法:将一元二次方程配成(x+m)2=n 的形式,再利用直接开平方法求解,这种解一元二次方程的方法叫配方法.也考查了非负数的性质. 4.小明从家到学校,先匀速步行到车站,等了几分钟后坐上了公交车,公交车沿着公路匀速行驶一段时间后到达学校,小明从家到学校行驶路程s(m)与时间t(min)的大致图象是() A.B.C.D. 【分析】根据题意判断出S随t的变化趋势,然后再结合选项可得答案. 【解答】解:小明从家到学校,先匀速步行到车站,因此S随时间t的增长而增长, 等了几分钟后坐上了公交车,因此时间在增加,S不增长, 坐上了公交车,公交车沿着公路匀速行驶一段时间后到达学校,因此S又随时间t的增长而增长, 故选:C. 【点评】此题主要考查了函数图象,关键是正确理解题意,根据题意判断出两个变量的变化情况. 5.已知a∥b,一块含30°角的直角三角板如图所示放置,∠2=45°,则∠1等于()


山东省东营市胜利油田59中2017-2018学年第一学期九年级期末质量 检测 物理试题 (时间:60分钟,满分:100分) 注意事项:切记不要直接在试卷上答题。 一、选择题 1. 关于热现象,下列说法错误的是( ) 将沸点为12.3 ℃ 的氨乙烷喷到运动员扭伤的部位,是利用了氯乙烷迅速汽化吸热 B.向热汤中滴入香油会散发出浓浓的香味,是由于温度越高分子热运动越剧烈 C.用锯条锯木板时温度升高,是通过热传递改变内能 D.装着开水的暖水瓶瓶塞有时会弹起来,是由于瓶内气体对瓶塞做功 【答案】C 【解析】A、将沸点为12.3℃的氯乙烷喷到运动员扭伤的部位,是利用了氯乙烷迅速汽化吸热的特点,故A正确; B、向热汤中滴入香油会散发出浓浓的香味,是由于温度越高热运动越剧烈,故B正确; C、用锯条锯木板时温度升高,是通过做功改变木板的内能,故C错误; D、装着开水的暖水瓶瓶塞有时会弹起来,是由于瓶内气体对瓶塞做功,故D正确. 故选C. 【点睛】本题考查了学生对汽化吸热、分子运动、物体内能的改变方法的理解和掌握情况,设计的知识点较多,全面掌握基础知识是答题的关键。 2. 如图所示流程图是用来说明单缸四冲程汽油机的一个工作循环及涉及到的主要能量转化情况.关于对图中①②③④的补充正确的是() A. ①做功冲程②内能转化为机械能③压缩冲程④机械能转化为内能 B. ①压缩冲程②内能转化为机械能③做功冲程④机械能转化为内能

C. ①压缩冲程②机械能转化为内能③做功冲程④内能转化为机械能 D. ①做功冲程②机械能转化为内能③压缩冲程④内能转化为机械能 【答案】C 【解析】根据内燃机的工作过程可知,第二个冲程是压缩冲程,在此过程中活塞压缩气缸内的气体,将机械能转化为内能,气缸内的气体温度升高。第三个冲程是做功冲程,此时燃料燃烧生成的高温高压的燃气推动活塞对外做功,将内能转化为机械能。综上所述C正确。 点睛:内燃机的一个工作循环包括四个冲程:吸气冲程、压缩冲程、做功冲程、排气冲程,这四个冲程的顺序是一定的,不能改变。其中的压缩冲程和做功冲程进行了两次重要的能量转化:压缩冲程是机械能转化为内能;做功冲程是内能转化为机械能。 视频 3. 如图,下列关于电磁现象的表述不正确的是( ) A. 闭合开关,线圈转动,说明磁场对电流有力的作用 B. 用橡胶棒接触验电器的金属球,金属箔片张开,说明橡胶棒带电 C. 用丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒靠近纸屑,纸屑被吸引,说明玻璃棒有磁性 D. 给导线通电,导线附近的磁针发生偏转,说明电流周围存在磁场 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:A、闭合开关,线圈中有电流,在磁场力的作用下,线圈转动,说明磁场对电流有力的作用,A正确。B、“同种电荷相斥、异种电荷相吸”用橡胶棒接触验电器的金属球,金属箔片张开,说明橡胶棒带电,B正确。C、用丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒带正电,因为带电体具有吸引轻小物体的性质,玻璃棒靠近纸屑时,纸屑被吸引,不是因为玻璃棒有磁性,故C错误。D、通电导线周围存在着磁场,所以导线附近的磁针在磁场力的作用下发生偏转,D正确。 【考点定位】磁场对电流的作用验电器静电现象 视频 4. 我国未来自主建造的航母将采用自行研制的电磁弹射器,如图所示。电磁弹射器的弹射车与飞机前轮连接,并处于强磁场中,当弹射车内的导体通以强电流时,即可受到强大的推力。下列实验中,与电磁弹射


人教版七年级英语期末试卷及答案 既要方法,也要学习者的恒心、毅力。现在就到七年级英语期末考试,别忘面带微笑。下面是为大家精心推荐的人教版七年级英语下期末试卷,希望能够对您有所帮助。 人教版七年级英语下期末试题第一部分听力测试(25分) 一、听力(共20小题,1-15小题每题1分,16-20小题每题2分,共25分) 第一节:听录音,从A、B、C三个选项中选择音标或者单词。 1. A. / kri / B. / k / C. / kra / 2. A. / i p / B. / t i p / C. / d i p / 3. A. / p / B. / b / C. / b / 4. A. thirty B. early C. clearly 5. A. character B. calculator C. cassette 第二节:听问句,选择正确的答语。 6. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I was. 7. A. No, I don t know. B. It is expensive. C. By ferry. 8. A. Yes, it was. B. Yes, I was. C. Yes, she is. 9. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, they will. C. Yes, they are. 10. A. Have a good time! B. Why? C. Don t go there. 第三节:听短对话,根据对话内容,选择正确答案回答问题。

11. What did Jim do last Sunday? A. He went to the zoo. B. He stayed at school. C. He watched TV at home. 12. Which movie star does Sara like best? A. Jackie Chan. B. Zhou Xun. C. Liu Dehua. 13. What is Peter s uncle s job? A. A teacher. B. A worker. C. A doctor. 14. Where was Lingling last summer? A. In Beijing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Chongqing. 15. When was Lily born? A. On November 5, 1919. B. On November 20, 1990. C. On November 25, 1999. 第四节:听较长对话,根据对话内容,选择正确答案回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答第16-17小题。 16. Which is Wang Mei s favourite festival? A. Chinese New Year. B. Mid-Autumn Festival. C. Dragon Boat Festival. 17. Why does she like it? A. Because she can eat mooncakes. B. Because she can get a lot of presents. C. Because she can get some rice dumplings. 听第二段对话,回答第18-20小题。


2017新人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷 学校班级姓名 一、单项选择(20分) ( )1. –Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. –Hi, Jim. _______. A. Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you C. Good morning D. How do you do ( )2. –Do you know how to _______this word –Yes, B -A-L-L. A. spell B. read C. see D. meet ( )3. –Where _______ the socks --_______ on the bed. A. is; It’s B. are; They C. are; They’re D. is; It ( )4. This is my little sister. _______ name is Jenny, we all like_______. A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her D. Her; she ( )5. Please _______ these books to your school. A. take B. bring C. be D. do ( )6. There is a computer _______ the desk. A. on B. in C. under D. for ( )7. I have a TV. She also _______ a TV. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )8. This song sounds _______ , I like it. A. good B. bad C. well D. badly ( )9. –How many _______do you have ?–Let me see, my father has two brothers. A. cousins B. uncles C. sister D. aunts ( )10. –_______ you _______ TV every day—Yes, I do. A. Can; see B. Do; watch C. Is; watch D. Are; see ( )11. I like apples _______ bananas, but I don’t like pears.A. or B. and C. so D. because ( )12. They have hamburgers _______ lunch. A. at B. on C. in D. for ( )13. He wants _______ a dictionary in the store. A. buy B. and buys C. to buy D. buys ( )14. They like _______ after school. A. play the basketball B. play basketball C. to play the basketball D. to play basketball ( )15. She eats three _______ every day . A. the tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato ( )16. Let’s _______ sports. A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play ( )17. This is _______room. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily’s D. Lucy’s and Lily ( )18. Don’t give me so many hamburgers. My _______ is enough. A. food B. foods C. apples D. vegetables ( )19. --Do you think the English class _______ --No, we all like it. A. interesting B. boring C. lot D. a lot ( )20. –_______ –I like tennis and volleyball best A. What’s your favorite color B. What’s your favorite sport C. Do you like tennis or volleyball D. Can you play volleyball well 二、完形填空(15分) Today is Sunday. Brother and I 1 at home. We 2 to carry two boxes into the room. 3 box is big, but it’s light. My brother’s box is 4 , but heavy. We put 5 on the table. We can see 6 clothes in the boxes, but my 7 aren’t in them. I


七年级下英语期末试卷 听力部分 一.听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分) 第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。 1. How does Mike’s father usually go to work? A B C. 2. What can Linda do? . A. B. C. 3. What is the boy doing now? A. B. C. 4.Which is Bob’s favorite animal? . . A. B. C. 5. When did the train leave? A. B . C. 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6~7题。 6. Where is the hospital? A .Across from the park. B. Behind the library. C. Between the park and the library. 7. Which bus does the woman take to get to the hospital? A. No.8 bus. B. No.18 bus. C. No.80 bus.

听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10题。 8. Who are the two speakers? A. A teacher and a student. B. A mother and a son. C. Two students. 9. Is it the first time for Tony to be late for school? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. We don’t know. 10. Why was Tony late? A. Because he had too much homework to do last night. B. Because he watched an exciting football match. C. Because his mother didn’t call him to get up. 第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。 11. A. Park B. Zoo C. School 12. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. Sunday 13. A. football B. tennis C. basketball 14. A. Swimming B. Walking C. Talking 15. A. grandfather B. brother C. father 笔试部分 二.完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Mrs. Green 16 to work every day. She usually parks(停车) her car in the street 17 her office. One day after work, she got into her car and started driving 18 . Suddenly, she 19 a black car following her. The 20 was a big man. When she turned left, the black car turned left. When she turned right, the black car turned right. When she stopped 21 the traffic lights, the black car stopped 22 . She was 23 , so she drove quickly to the 24 . She was 25 to see that the black car also stopped behind her car. She jumped out of her car quickly and ran to a policeman. She asked for 26 and told him everything. The policeman quickly ran to the black car. Just then the driver in the black car came out and 27 the policeman, “I want 28 back this purse(钱包) to her. I think she 29 it on the street.” Mrs. Green’s face turned red. She thanked 30 man and the policeman. 16. A. drove B. drives C.is driving D. drive


【全国百强校】山东省东营市胜利第一中学2019届九年级(五 四学制)12月月考语文试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、字词书写 1.根据拼音写出汉字,给加点的字注音。 中国古典诗词凝聚了大量美好、文雅和高贵的文字。朗读这些动人的文字,可以帮助我们寻sù根源,远离低俗和粗鄙,裹挟着我们疲惫的心灵,抵达宁静和悠远的境界。 ①sù ________②挟__________ 二、选择题 2.依次填入下列句中空缺处的词语恰当的一项是() ①山东的国画创作受磅礴瑰丽的齐鲁文化的___________,源远流长,底蕴丰富。当今的山东画家既尊崇传统,又勇于创新,风格_________,为中国美术事业作出了突出的贡献。 ②无论脚步走多远,在人的脑海中,只有故乡的味道,熟悉而又___________,它就像一个味觉定位系统,一头_______了千里之外的异地,另一头则永远牵系着记忆深处的故乡。 A.滋润绚丽多彩顽固框定B.滋养绚丽多彩稳固锁定C.滋润多姿多彩稳固框定D.滋养多姿多彩顽固锁定3.下列加点词语使用错误的一项是( ) A.如果我们对身边的丑闻总是抱有一种安之若素 ....的态度,那么幼儿园虐童事件就不可能让我们真正痛心和思考。 B.最近,一些奇葩的名字引发广泛争议。有人给孩子起名“王者荣耀”,无独有偶 ....,济南一对夫妇给孩子起名“北雁云依”,被拒绝落户。 C.电影《芳华》上映后,许多参加过自卫反击战的老兵认为电影所反映的部队文工团 生活以及一些战争场面都与真实的情况大相径庭 ....。 D.世界那么大,我们想出去走走。可是去哪儿省钱又好玩?去哪儿舒适又安全?这些问 题,大家讨论了好久,莫衷一是 ....。 4.依次填入空缺处的句子最恰当的一项是() 全党要更加自觉地坚持党的领导和我国社会主义制度,;更加自觉地维护人民利益,;更加自觉地投身改革创新时代潮流,;更加自觉地维护我国主权、安全、发展利益,;更加自觉地防范各种风险,坚决战胜一切在政治、经济、文化、社会等领域和自然界出现的困难和挑战。 ①坚决反对一切分裂祖国、破坏民族团结和社会和谐稳定的行为


七年级英语试卷 时间:90分钟满分100分 一、单选题(每空1分,共15 分) ()1.1 study English hard because it is useful subject. A.a B.an C.the D. / ()2.Math is very difficult interesting. A.but B.and C.or D.so ()3.I like to eat some ______ for dinner. It’s very delicious. A.chicken B.salad C.pears D.tomatoes ()4.On Monday ,John has music lesson 45 minutes. A.on B.for C.At D.in ()5.一Is that woman your teacher ?一Yes, she teaches ____ English. A.we B.us C.our D. ours ()6.一Do you often play computer games? 一No. But my brother . A.has B.do C.does D. have ()7.comes before December but after October. A.September B.November C.August D. July ()8.Here are ______ pictures. And in the ______ picture ,you can see two dogs. A.five, five B.five, fifth C.fifth ,five D. fifth ,fifth ()9.—Amy?—She's OK. A.How's B.Who's C.What's D.Where’s ()10.My friend, Susan, was born ________the night of September 12th, 1999. A.at B.in C.on D.for ()11.一Do you like hamburgers for dinner? -- No,I don’t want _______. A.to eat it B.fat C.to be fat D.unhealthy ()12.一I don’t have ___ money to the book . What about you ? 一But I have ___ now . I can borrow you some . A.some ; some B.some ; any C.any ; any D.any ; some ()13.一What day is the third day of a week?一It’s _______. A.Tuesday B.Wednesday C. Monday D.Thursday


七年级(上)英语期末试题 满分120分 第1卷(选择题共85分) I.。听力测试(20分) A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(5分) 1.A. My name is Gina. B.My mother's name is Linda Green. C. My favorite subject is science. 2 A. Let's play basketball. B.Can you play the guitar? C. Is that your schoolbag? 3.A. How much are these socks? B.When is your birthday? C. Why do you like English? 4.A.Js the science book on the bookcase? B.He -doesn't have a volleyball. C.I don't like vegetables. 5.A. Does he play sports every Tuesday? B.Does the boy often go to the movies? C.Where do your friends have basketball? B)听录音,从每题三幅图中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一幅。每段对话听两遍。(5分) C)在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(5分) 11.A.Yellow. B.Green. C.White. 12.A.Six dollars. B.Seven dollars. C.Eight dollars. 13.A.On January19 th B.On January 18th. C. On February 20 th 14.A.A skirt. B.Adress. C.A bag. 15.A.Purple. B.Blue. C.Red. D)在录音中你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍(5分) 16.A.12. B.13. C.14.


二零一七年人教版七年级下册英语期末考试试题 考生注意::___________ 1. 考试时间90分钟 2.全卷共五道大题,总分100分。 一、单项选择。(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) ( )21. Jane plays _______tennis every Saturday. A.a B. an C. the D. / ( )22.—Would you like some _____ to eat? —Just a little, please. A. chicken B. orange C. carrots D. apples ( )23. —How was your School Day last week? —It was ______. I had so much fun. A. boring B. great C. noisy D. terrible ( )24. A good teacher is good _____ all problems in class. A. at B. with C. for D. to ( )25. My cousin _____ as a teacher five years ago. A. work B. works C. is working D. worked ( )26. —Tom, _______ do you like giraffes? —Well, because they are very tall and cute. A. where B. why C. when D. how ( )27. It is interesting for me ______ strawberries on the farm. A. pick B. picked C. picking D. to pick ( )28. Tom is not feeling well and doesn’t want to eat ______. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something ( )29. I ____ take a taxi to school because it’s too expensive. A. never B. always C. often D. usually ( )30.—What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired. —I _____ late to study for the final exam last night. A. picked up B. woke up C. stayed up D. put up ( )31.—How do you keep healthy? —I don’t eat much meat, _____ I do exercise every day. A. or B. so C. but D. and ( )32. Tom has a headache, so he _____ go to school today. A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t


第1页,总6页 …………○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 姓名:____________班级:____________学号:___________ …………○…………内…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 山东省东营市胜利第一中学2018-2019学年七年级(五四学 制)上学期期末考试数学试题 考试时间:**分钟 满分:**分 姓名:____________班级:____________学号:___________ 题号 一 二 三 总分 核分人 得分 注意 事项 : 1、 填 写 答 题 卡 的 内 容 用 2B 铅 笔 填 写 2、提前 15 分钟收取答题卡 第Ⅰ卷 客观题 第Ⅰ卷的注释 评卷人 得分 一、单选题(共10题) 1. 若点M 的坐标是(a ,b),且a>0,b<0,则点M 在( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 2. 下列说法错误的是( ) A .是9的平方根 B .的平方等于5 C . 的平方根是 D .9的算术平方根是3 3. 下列几组数中,不能作为直角三角形三边长度的是( ) A .1.5,2,2.5 B .3,4,5 C .5,12,13 D .20,30,40 4. 如果一个实数的平方根与它的立方根相等,则这个数是( ) A .0 B .正整数 C .0或1 D .1 5. 已知点A(a -1,5)与点B(2,b -1)关于x 轴对称,则(a+b)2018值为( ) A .0 B .-1 C .1 D .(-3)2018 6. 如图,在Rt△ABC 中,△C=90°,D 为AC 上一点,且DA=DB=5,又△DAB 的面积为10,那么DC 的长是( ) A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 4.5 7. 下面函数图象不经过第二象限的为( ) A .y=3x+2 B .y=3x -2 C .y=-3x+2 D .y=-3x -2 8. 已知x 轴上的点P 到原点的距离为3,则点P 的坐标为( ) A .(3,0) B .(3,0)或(3,0) C .(0,3) D .(0,3)或(0,3) 9. 如图是一个圆柱形饮料罐,底面半径是5,高是12,上底面中心有一个小圆孔,已知一条到达底部的


七年级英语试题 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分:卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等相关信息填写在试卷左侧密封线以内。 2. 请将卷I的所有试题答案A、B、C或D写在每一题前面的括号里,答案写在 横线上或是画对勾均为无效。 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在题前的括号里。 ( ) 1. —What’s t his in English? —It’s ________ orange. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I have a cat. ________ name is Mimi. A. It B. It’s C. Its D. It is ( ) 3. —Who is the girl ________ red? —She is my cousin. A. on B. in C. with D. for ( ) 4. There is some________ on the table. A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. banana ( ) 5. —Are these Chinese books? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they’re D. those are ( ) 6. The shoes are too small, so I want a pair. A. long B. short C. big D. small ( ) 7. —________ is your football? —It’s under the bed. A. Where B. What C. Who D. When ( ) 8. This is a picture of ________ family. A. Jenny B. Jenny’s C. Jennys’ D. Jennys ( ) 9. I don’t have a soccer ball ________ my brother has one. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 10. The man over there ________ young. A. look B. looks C. looks at D. looks like ( ) 11. Hey, Frank. Here ________ two apples for you and your friend. A. is B. be C. are D. am ( ) 12. My mother wants ________ to the supermarket to buy some fruit. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going


七年级上册英语期末试 卷及答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

初一英语学年度第一学期期终试卷 (考试时间:100分钟;满分:120分)得分_________ 1. Please _________ look at the blackboard. A. not B. don’t to C. don’t D. no 2. There _________ any money on the floor. A. are B. is C. isn’t D. aren’t 3. Let me help you _________ the box. A. to finds B. to see C. look D. find 4. I can’t speak _________ English. What’s that _________ English A. /, of B. in, in C. /, in D. the, / 5. Are Lily and Lucy in _________ class No, they are in _________ classes. A. the same, the different B. a same, a different C. same, different D. the same, different 6. Jim likes _________ TV after school. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. to see 7. The clothes are green. I want to _________. A. colour it red B. colour it to red C. colour them red D. colour them to red 8. _________ young man in a black shirt is _________ good worker. A. The, the B. The, a C. An, a D. An, the 9. It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time for _________. A. get to school B. go to school C. school D. schools 10. These books are Miss Li’s. Please give _________ A. her tem B. them to her C. it to her D. her it. 11. Mr Smith is forty, but he _________ very old. A. look B. looks like C. looks D. look like 12. This isn’t _________ skirt. _________ is on the clothes line.


学习必备欢迎下载 七年级(下)英语期末试题(总分85分) 一,单项选择(20分) 1)-What did you do last Friday? -Tim played_____soccer and I played_____piano. A.the,the B.the,/ C./,the D.a,the 2)-_____you go to the museum with your father yesterday? -Y es.W e_____there in the afternoon. A.Did;go B.Do;go C.Did;went D.Do;went 3)My cousin feels very tired,so he’d like____at home this week end. A.relax B.relaxed C.relaxing D.to relax 4)-_______________? -She is tall and thin. A.What is your sister B.What does your sister like C.What does your sister do D.What’s your sister like 5)-Where is your sister? -She_________my mom with cooking. A.helps B.helping C.is help D.is helping 6)His daugh ter is_________girl. A.a8-year-old B.an8-year-old C.an8-years-old D.a8years old 7)My grandma likes the big house_____a beautiful garden. A.with B.have C.has D.for 8)Helping others can mak e us______very happy. A.to feel B.feeling C.felt D.feel 9)-_____________? -It was very humid. A.How is the weather B.What is the weather like C.How was the weather like D.How was the weather 10)Hawk is talking_____a friend.They are talking____English. A.with;with B.with;in C.in;in D.about;about 11)His brother likes to____jokes.W e all like him. A.say B.tell C.speak D.talk 12)-What does your mothe r think of the news? -___________.She says it’s too boring. A.She doesn’t mind it. B.She wants it. C.She likes it very much. D.She can’t stand it. 13)-_______did you go last Sunday? -I went to the mountains. A.How B.Where C.When D.Why 14)_____talking!Keep quiet in the library. A.Don’t B.No C.Not D.Can’t 15)Linda can speak English very well.She always_______with her English teacher. A.studies for the test B.cleans the classroom
