人教版七年级上册英语 Unit3课时作业练习(无答案)

人教版七年级上册英语 Unit3课时作业练习(无答案)
人教版七年级上册英语 Unit3课时作业练习(无答案)


第1课时(Section A 1a-2d)


1.That (铅笔)i s n o t m i n e.

2.T h i s i s h e r(盒子).

3.T h i s i s a(字典)

4.I s t h i s y o u r(书包)?


1.E x c u s e(I),i s t h i s y o u r r u l e r?

2.-I s t h a t y o u r c u p?-N o,(m y)i s w h i t e.

3.—A r e t h o s e h i s E n g l i s h b o o k s?-N o,t h e y a r e(h e r).

4.T h a t i s n o t(J a n e)e r a s e r.

5.M y p a r e n t s a r e(t e a c h e r)i n a m i d d l e s c h o o l.



i s a c o m p u t e r.


i s a b i k e.


-I s a b a c k p a c k?-,. 4.-喂,你是罗斯吗?-不,我是玛丽。

-H e l l o,i s R o s e?-,i s M a r y.


-W h o i s k n o c k i n g a t t h e d o o r?-m e.


T h i s i s E n g l i s h.


t h a t p e n c i l b o x?


g o i n g t o t h e p a r k t o d a y?


M a r y’s b o o k.


1.T h i s i s m y p e n c i l b o x.(改为一般疑问句)

p e n c i l b o x?

2.I s t h i s h i s g r e e n p e n?(做否定回答)

3.I s t h i s d i c t i o n a r y y o u r s?(改为复数句)

t h e s e y o u r s?

4.t h i s,y o u r,i s,p e n?(连词成句)

5.T h e s e a r e y o u r p e n s.(改为同义句)

T h e s e p e n s.

第2课时(S e c t i o n A G r a m m a r F o c u s–3c)


1.—I s t h i s y o u r p e n?-Y e s,i t i s.

2.-I s t h a t h i s s c h o o l b a g?-N o,i t’s n o t.

3.-I s t h a t h e r p e n c i l?-Y e s,i t’s.

4.-A r e t h e s e b o x e s?-N o,t h e y a r e n’m i n e.

5.-A r e t h o s e r e d p e n s F r a n k’s?-Y e s,t h e y a r e.a r e r e d.


()1.-I s t h i s r e d b a g y o u r s?-N o,i t i s n’t.i s t h a t b l a c k o n e.

A.Y o u r


C.M y

D.M i n e

()2.-H i,T o m.I s t h a t y o u r b a g?

-N o,i t’s M a r y’s.A n d t h e s w e a t e r n e a r t h e b a g i s,t o o.

A.m i n e

B.y o u r s

C.h e r s

D.h i s

()3.T h e t e a c h e r a s k s,“e v e r y o n e h e r e?”

A.I s

B.A r e

C.A m

D.D o

()4.-?-Y e s,I a m.

A.W h a t i s C i n d y

B.Y o u a r e C i n d y

C.A r e y o u C i n d y

D.W h o i s C i n d y

()5.-y o u f r o m A m e r i c a?

-N o.I f r o m E n g l a n d.

A.A r e;a r e

B.A r e;a m

C.I s;a r e

D.I s;a m


1.T h i s i s a b o o k.(改为一般疑问句)

a b o o k?

2.I s t h i s a n e r a s e r?(对划线部分提问)

,i t.

3.H e i s M r.S m i t h.(改为一般疑问句)

M r.S m i t h?

4.I s h e L i M i n g?(做否定回答)

5.I s t h a t h e r k e y?(改为陈述句)

第3课时(S e c t i o n B1a-2c)


n o t e b o o k w a t c h c l a s s r o o m l i b r a r y l o s e

1.T h e r e i s a b a g i n t h e a n d f o u n d b o x

2.S o m e b a s k e t b a l l s a r e i n7E,a r e t h e y y o u r s?

3.I l o s t m y t h i s m o r n i n g.I d o n’t k n o w t h e t i m e.

4.-W h a t’s i n t h e b a g?-O h,a a n d a n I D c a r d.

5.T h e r e a r e m a n y b o o k s i n t h e s c h o o l.Y o u c a n g o a n d b o r r o w s o m e.


m u s t与n e e d的用法

1.W e h e l p h e r.

2.W e g o t o s c h o o l o n t i m e.


()1.-W h a t’s t h i s?-.

A.Y e s,i t i s

B.Y e s,i t’s

C.I s t h i s a m a p

D.I t’s a m a p

()2.I t i s r i n g.I t i s r i n g.

A.a;m y

B.a n;I

C.a n;m y


()3.-.I s t h i s h i s p e n c i l?

-,I d o n’t k n o w.

A.S o r r y;E x c u s e m e

B.H e l l o;O h

C.E x c u s e m e;S o r r y

D.H i;E r

()4.—H o w d o y o u s p e l l“b o x”?--.

A.I t’s a b o x


C.A b o x

D.Y e s,i t i s

第4课时(S e c t i o n B3a—S e l f C h e c k)


1.H e r e i s a s o f k e y s.

2.I s t h i s y o u r I D c?

3.H i s b o o k s a r e i n h i s g r e e n s.

4.Y o u c a n c M s.G r e e n a t678-8751.

5.I s t h i s y w a t c h?


()1.I m y w a t c h.I m u s t i t.

A.f i n d;l o s t

B.l o s t;f o u n d

C.f o u n d;l o s e

D.l o s t;f i n d ()2.T h a t s e t o f k e y s G i n a’s.

A.a m

B.i s

C.a r e

D.b e

()3.I s t h a t y o u r c o m p u t e r g a m e t h e l o s t f o u n d c a s e?

A.a t;a n d

B.a t;b u t

C.i n;a n d

D.i n;b u t

()4.A r e y o u r b o o k s?

A.i t

B.t h i s

C.t h a t

D.t h e y

()5.S o m e a r e i n t h e l i b r a r y.

A.g i r l s

B.b o o k

C.o r a n g e

D.k e y


I n t h e l o s t a n d f o u n d c a s e:

A:C a n I h e l p y o u?

B:I c a n’t f i n d m y1..

A:I s i t o n t h e d e s k?

B:N o,2.i s n’t.

A:I s3.y o u r b a c k p a c k?

B:N o,i t4..M y b a c k p a c k i s5..T h a t o n e i s s m a l l.

A:W h a t a b o u t t h i s o n e?I s i t6.?

B:N o,7.i s b l u e.T h i s o n e i s g r e e n.

A:H o w a b o u t t h a t o n e o v e r t h e r e?

B:Y e s,8.i s m y b a c k p a c k.L o o k,i t h a s m y n a m e9.I t. T h a n k y o u v e r y m u c h.

A:Y o u a r e10..


《Unit 1 Festivals around the world Warming Up & Reading》Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.He ________ (award) the Nobel Prize and received a reward of several thousand dollars. 2.The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyes ________ (fix) on the wall. 3.You like Jazz very much, but do you know ________ origin of Jazz? 4.I think Tom, as the head of a big department, should either study regularly ________ give up his job. 5.The oldest man in my village has a firm ________ (believe) in the value of cold baths. 6.With time going on, changes will take ________ as we have expected. 7.I am a bit worried because it seems ________ our boss has found out something about the accident in the workshop. 8.Although I admire you ________ your work on soil, I think you should apologize ________ the villagers ________ the water pollution. 9.She looks forward to ________ (walk) in the flower-lined garden every spring. 10.The old man living here is usually serious ,so some naughty boys decided to play a trick ________ him the other day. 11.________ fun it is to have a chance to experience life in space! 12.Every now and then I went to the library ________ (collect) information about the subject. 13.She hopes to gain some experience ________ working abroad for two years. 14.Many people were starved ________ death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies. 15.Please don't do anything harmful ________ our nature, or we humans will have no fun ________ each other. 答案:1.was awarded 2.fixed 3.the 4.or 5.belief 6.place 7.as if 8.for; to; for 9.walking 10.on 11.What 12.to collect 13.by 14.to 15.to; with Ⅱ.选择短语并用其适当的形式填空 be covered with; take place; in memory of; dress up; as though; play a trick on; look forward to; day and night; have fun with; either ... or 1.I do not hope that this thing ________ again. 2.The stone pavilion (公园中的亭) is ________ a famous poet. 3.Do I need to ________ for the concert? 4.Sometimes the boys would ________ their teacher. 5.We ________ your visit. 6.The boss made them work ________. 7.He loves to learn, travel, and ________ others. 8.She dolled herself up ________ she were a girl of eighteen. 9.The bandit (土匪;强盗) in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, ________ alone ________ in a group. 10.The country which ________ cherry tree flowers looks as though it is covered with pink snow. 答案:1.takes place 2.in memory of 3.dress up 4.play a trick on 5.look forward to 6.day and night 7.have fun with 8.as though 9.either; or 10.is covered with Ⅲ.根据汉语提示完成句子 1.He is always ________________________ (对我们搞恶作剧) and we find him ______________________ (难以相处). 2.________________________ (随着时间的流逝), it is becoming larger and larger.(with复合结构) 3.He opened his mouth ________________________ (似乎要说什么). 4.________ he could not come ________(要么……要么……)he did not wan t to. 5.Most of the people ________________________(被邀请来参加晚会的)were his old schoolmates.

牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B Unit2 ReadingⅠ课时作业(含答案)

7B Unit 2 Neighbours Period2(ReadingⅠ) 一、翻译词组 1.某物坏了________________________ 2.买东西_______________________________ 3.愿意做某事______________________ 4.各种各样的问题_______________________ 5.帮助老人________________________ 6.很幸运做某事_________________________ 7.在某方面帮助某人_________________ 8.分享他们不同的技能__________________ 二、单词拼写 1.His dream is to go into_______(大学). 2.I'm very_______(幸运的)to have a friend like you. 3. There are some_______(社会的)workers to help you in our neighbourhood. 4. You need to_______(检查)it before you hand in your homework. 5. We should learn as many different_______(技能)as we can. 6.- Can you help me to solve the_______(问题)? - With pleasure. 三、单项选择 ( )1. Sometimes we need _______to talk to. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. something ( )2. Usually we _______a class meeting on Friday afternoon. A. have B. there are C will have D. are going to have ( )3. -_______ is Jack? - He is fixing his bike in the garden. A. When B. Where C What D. How ( )4. - Is Millie going to read in the reading club this afternoon? - No, _______. A. she is B. she isn't C. she will D. she won't ( )5. Peter often helps his sister with_______ homework A. her B. she C. hers D.his ( )6. You can get_______ in the centre if you want. A. a help B. help C some helps D. helps ( )7. - What do you need? -I need someone_______ my toy plane. A. fix B. fixing C fixes D. to fix ( )8. There is some_______ on the desk. A. computer B computers C water D. waters ( )9.I like my_______ because they are very kind. A. family B. house C room D. home 四、完型填空 Today, I'll talk about the problems we have these days. The problems of dogs and the objects falling from windows are getting 1 . We have received a lot of letters 2 such problems, so it's time to work out these problems. Some dogs aren't taken good care of, and they 3 make mess (粪便) on roads and in gardens. This makes our community dirty. I'd like to tell the dog-owners that 4 behavior is too bad, and they are always making people feel unhappy.


2014年新目标七年级英语暑假作业(四) Class: Name: Marks:(满分100分) 一. 根据所给词的适当形式填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.I don’t want ________(wash) my feet every day. 2.My home is next to a bank.You can find it _______(easy). 3.There wasn’t much ______(rain) last year. 4.It’s a _________(sun) day today.Let’s go for a picnic 5.How many ________(zoo) are there in your city? 6.Who is your favorite _________(sing)? 7.I’d like some ________(mutton) in the soup? 8.Frank wanted to do things __________(different). 9.David was _________(luck) to have such good parents 10. The ______(nature) world is very beautiful. 二、单项选择。(每韪1分,共15分) ( )1. --What about _____ a picnic tomorrow?—Good idea. A.have B.to have C.having D.has ( )2. When you visit the zoo,you should ________ dangerous animals. A.hear from B.learn from https://www.360docs.net/doc/0e13917684.html,e from D.keep away from ( )3. Jeremy Lin is _________ famous _______all the basketball fans in China know him. A.too;to B.enough; to C.so;that D.as;as ( )4. Ellen _______ to Australia last year and visited many places of interest there A.go B.went C.will go D.is going ( )5. --__________?----Sorry ,I’m afraid you can’t. A.Could you go to the movies with me B.May I have a look at the photo C.What can I do for you D.Can you tell me the way to the bank ( )6. It was rainy outside but Cindy didn’t take ________ umbrella with her. A.a B.an C./ D.the ( )7. –Was Kate born ________ winter?---Yes ,she was born _____12th ,December,2002. A.in;on B.on;in C.at;on D.in;at ( )8.---What _______ do you have to obey at home?—I have to get up early and clean my bedroom every day. A.plans B.rules C.wishes D.gifts ( )9. –Is the bookstore ________ your home ?----No,it’s ________ my apartment .It’s only about five minutes’ walk. A.next to;away from B.close to ;far from C.far from ;close to D.near here;far away ( )10. Remember________ me after you get there. A.calls B.to call C.calling D.called ( )11. –What will you do tomorrow ?—I will _________ the coming English exam. A.listen to B.give up C.look for D.prepare for ( )12. --________ do you go to the library ?—Three times a week. A.How often B.How much C.What time D.How far ( )13. –What do you usually use the computer ______?—I usually use it ________ movies A.for ;to watch B.with ;for watching C.for ;in watching D.in ;to watch ( )14. –I’m going to Hawaii for my summer holiday.--________! A.Have a good time B.You are so smart C.I’m afraid not D.It doesn’t matter ( )15. -- ________?---Well,I don’t like it at all. A.What is your Chinese teacher like B.What do you think of the present C.Which bus should I take D.What else can you do 三.完形填空。(每题1分,共10分) Spring is a good season to fly kites. Flying kites is a very good ____1__ in spring, and a lot of people like it . You _____2____ fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the play ground. There are many ____3____ kinds of kites. Some


七年级英语元旦假期作业(一) 一、选择填空。 ( )1.There will be a baseball game ____ Saturday afternoon. A. on B. in C. at D. / ( )2. -What can I do for you, sir? -I'd like two________. A. bowl of rice B. bowls of rices C. bowls of rice D. bowl of rices ( )3. My brother is clever, and he can make lanterns ______ an orange. A. from B. out C. for D. out of ( )4. Would you like ______ tea? A. some B. any C. every D. no ( )5. Our teacher often tells us _________ our homework first. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does ( )6. Every day, I spend two hours _______my homework. A. finishing to do B. finishing doing C. to finish to do D. to finish doing ( )7. There ________New Year parties this afternoon. A. are going to have B. is going to have C. are going to be D. is going to be ( )8. Don’t use _______ time to play computer games. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( ) 9. The news is really and everyone is in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interesting ; interested C interested; interesting D. interested; interested ( )10. This pair of trousers is ____. Can I ____. A enough cheap; try on them B cheap enough; try them on C enough cheap; try on it D cheap enough; try it on ( )11. Mrs. Green is ________ an old coat today. A. puting on B. wearing C. putting on D. wearing on ( )12. ---How much ____ this pair of shoes _________ ? --- Thirty yuan. A. does…take B. do…cost C. do…spend D. does…cost ( )13. --- He is never late for school. --- ______. His teacher is angry with him. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. No, he isn’t. D. No, he is. ( )14.Tom seldom eats vegetables ____ fruit.


Unit 2 Neighbours 单元语法专练 一般将来时 1.概念:一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。常用的时间状语有tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,soon,in a week,next week/month等。 2.构成: (1)肯定句。 ①主语+be(am/is/are)+going to+动词原形+其他。例如: I’m going to attend a meeting next week.我下个星期要参加一个会议。 ②主语+will+动词原形+其他。例如: I’ll go and visit her next Friday.下周五我要去拜访她。 ③主语+shall+动词原形+其他。例如: This time next week I shall be in Scotland.下周的这个时候我就在苏格兰了。 注意:shall 的主语一般为第一人称。 (2)否定句。 分别在be,will,shall后面加not构成否定句;will not和shall not可缩写为 won’t和shan’t。例如: He isn’t going to marry Jane in May.他不打算在5月份和简结婚。 She won’t do it tomorrow.她明天不会做这件事。 (3)一般疑问句。 分别将be,will,shall放于句首,构成一般疑问句。例如: Are you going to America by boat or by plane?你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? Will you do it tomorrow?明天你要做这件事吗? (4)特殊疑问句。 由“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”构成。例如: Where are you going to spend your summer holidays?你准备到什么地方去过暑假? What will you do tomorrow?明天你要做什么? 3.注意事项: (1)will除了用于一般将来时中,还可表示意愿、邀请、要求等。例如: I’ll be glad to help you.我很乐意帮助你。 Will you go shopping with me?你愿意和我一起去购物吗? Will you please not talk?请不要讲话好吗? (2)shall用于第一人称I或we作主语的一般疑问句中,还可表示征求对方的意见或提出建议。例如: Shall we have a rest?我们休息一下好吗? (3)be going to常表示根据迹象判断要发生某事。例如: Look at those black clouds!It’s going to rain.看那些乌云!要下雨了。 (4)there be结构的一般将来时形式:there will be或there be(is/are) going to be。例如: There is going to be a party this weekend.这个周末将有一次聚会。


练习一 一、DCCBBDDCDB 二、 1、fifth 2、minutes 3、easily 4、friendly 5、shelves 6、 usual 7、brother’s 8、colourful 9、quietly 10、healthy 三、DFAEC 四、CBACBDDAAC 五、1、spend or 2、Shall we 3、different from 4、less than 5、too young to 六、DCBCA 七、1、Chen Hua wrote this invitation letter 2、The students of Class 3, Grade 7. 3、At Wang's Reatuarant on Nanjing Road 4、On Saturday,30th May. 5、Yes,there is. 6、It's in Wangfu Street 练习二 一、DCDBABCABB 二、1、knives 2、third 3、qucikly 4、driver 5、lives 6、 teeth 7、lovely 8、poisonous 9、western 10、loaves 三、EDBFA 四、BBCDAADCDA 五、1、There are in 2) goes by bike 3) How cold 4) for supper 5) How much cost 六、BBCAB 七、CADBBDACDC 练习三 一、ADCBCDBBDB 二、1) underground 2)outside 3)daytime 4)birthday 5)everybody 6)goldfish 7)footbridge 8)bookshelf 9)notebook 10)postcard 三、EACFB 四、BCDCADBCBD 五、1)another am free 2)Does belong to 3) when she was 4)is fond of 5) above ninth 六、BADAA 七、is cooking is writing writes tells had went were saw didn't want went was went saw felt wrote live is will go will see will be (提示:空隙较小的是在同一条 横线上的词语)


东苑中学七年级英语快乐周末 教师寄语:Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.你的时间有限,所以别浪费时间去过别人的生活。 我的座右铭: 一、根据图片内容写出单词 1.There are some __________on the desk. 2.The little girl wants to eat some _________. 3.His _________is on December 29. 4.The little mouse(老鼠)likes to steal(偷)some________. 5.Are there many _________on the tree? 二、单项选择 ( )6. ---is it _______English book?-------No, it’s ______Chinese book? A.a;a B. an; a C. an; an D. a; an ( )7. Her mother ________watch TV every day. A.isn’t B. don’t C. aren’t D .doesn’t ( )8. Mary plays sports_____. A.everyday B. an every day C. every day D. every days ( )9.My mother likes volleyball. She thinks it is ______. A.fun B. boring C. difficult D. hard ( )10.---______does your father have ______lunch? chicken and tomatoes. A.What; for B. What; / C. How ; for D. how/ ( )11.I have ____cat. ______name is Mimi. A.a;It’s B. an ;It’s C. the ; It’s D. a; Its ( )12. -------Does your English teacher do very ______? ------------Yes, she does. A.good B. nice C. great D. well ( )13. ------Does he play sports? No, ____. He only watches them ___TV. A.he does; on B. he does ; in C. he doesn’t ;on D. he doesn’ ( )14. We have no food for ________lunch in the fridge. A./ B. the c. a d. dinner ( )15.We never eat salad. We ____it. A.like B. dislike C. unlike D .likes ( )16. Is that man _____? A.running star B. a running stars C.runner star D. a runner star ( )17. she likes watch TV.________he doesn’t like doing house work. A.and B. or C .so D. but ( )18. She like pears. Do you like ______? A.them B. it C. one D. that ( )19. look! There are many ____on the desk. A.strawberry B. salad C. oranges D rice ( )20. ----Does your mother _____carrots? ---------No,__________.


课时作业(26) 综合知识检测 Ⅰ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.They reached an agreement that would be ________ (benefit) to both sides. 答案beneficial 2.I have a very busy life with no time ________ (sit) around feeling sorry for myself. 答案to sit 3.________ (badly wound), the whale soon died. 答案Being badly wounded/Having been badly wounded 4.Please look after my house during my ________ (absent). 答案absence 5.I saw James ________ (hold) up in the water by Old Tom. 答案being held 6.Anyone will be punished if he ________ (obey) the laws. 答案disobeys 7.I could see he was terrified of ________ (abandon) by us. 答案being abandoned 8.I am happy ________ (find) many things I can do. 答案to have found/to find 9.________ pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and


Unit 7 It’s raining Section A (20分钟50分) Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分) 1. I like s and warm days. I don’t like rainy days. 2. Mum is c dinner right now. 3. —How’s the w there? —Terrible. It’s windy and cold. 4. Thank you for t a message for me. 5. —Could you help me with my English? —Sure, no p . Ⅱ. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空(5分) 1. —What weather! —I can’t go shopping. 2. In the north of China, it often in winter. 3. It’s and I think it’s going to rai n. 4. —What’s Tom doing? —He’s math. 5. It’s outside. Please take an umbrella(雨伞)with you. Ⅲ. 单项选择(10分) 1. —the weather in Shanghai? —It’s raining. A. How’s; like B. What’s; like C. What does; like D. How does; like 2. —I t here right now. How about Boston? —It’s windy. A. snow B. snows C. is snowing D. snowing 3. —, Mary? —Great!


2020英语七年级下册暑假作业答案 英语练习一(基础训练)第一题 1.D 2.H 3.E 4.F 5.I 6.A 7.J 8.C 9.B10.G 第四题.1.B2.C3.A4.D5.B6.C7.B8.D9.C10.C 练习二(水平提升)第二题 1.tolive 2.sitting 3.friendly 4.isputting 5.teacher'swww.oh100.co muntries7.mine8.togrow 练习七 五,dbcbddccdb 六,wayokalongondrivehowtakebyand 七,1,drivescartofactory 2,i'mafaid 3,tryingto 4,shalltake 5,goingtohold 6,straightseebright 7,thewayto 8,goingtoraintakeumbrella 9,whoshallinvite 10,arelookingforwardtovisiting 练习八

二,badabdabbc 三,1,robbers 2,areplanning 3,turning 4,seeing 5,foreighers 6,cheapest 7,surprised 8,willdo 9,raing 10,doesn'teat 四,towaygoalongpassgobyfindyouright 五,1,favouritefootballplayerabove 2,straightonuntiltrafficlights 3,surprisedtherewrongwithwork 4,waittoruntowards 5,failedin 6,latermorefineart 7,willtaketo 8,chooseanylike 练习一


您好:年级统一发放的暑假自主学习课程表的英语作业是本班暑假英语作业的一部分,家长可以按照表上日期督促检查孩子作业。在此基础上我对 作业稍作调整,详细情况如下: 一。阅读放假前分发给大家的阅读版报纸,划出不会翻译的句子和优美的句子。从每张报纸上选出至少10个优美句子和一篇文章摘抄到本子上,背诵后默写一遍,并批改订正。二。背诵八年级上册课本10个单元的单词(可以参考暑假自主学习课程表的安排),听录音熟读每个单词后,把每个单词抄写三遍(带词性),听写一遍,批改之后把错误单词订正三遍,然后再听写一遍错误的单词,如果还有错误请继续背诵,听写,批改,订正直至掌握全部单词(凡是第一遍听写错误的单词请把错误单词的汉语意思按顺序抄写到纠错本上,以备将来翻看). 三。八上课本共有10个单元。每单元Section A 2d英语对话, Grammar Focus重点句型和Section B 文章抄一遍,默写一遍,批改后错误之处订正三遍,并把默写错误的句子抄写到纠错本上。请认真背诵默写直至掌握全部并完成课本上的题 四。部分已经听读完七年级典范英语书的同学可以听读八年级典范书,其余同学先听读完典七再听读八年级典范英语书。八年级典范书自行购买。每本典范英语书都要先听三遍,读三遍,并把书后的单词汉语意思标注到书内相应的单词下面。从每本书摘选15个单词,15个句子,背诵后听写一遍,批改订正,并用英语写一篇故事梗概,不少于100字。 五. 把八年级蓝皮系列的完形填空和阅读理解专练做完,做题时标划出不认识的单词和不会翻译的句子。自己对照答案批改,不理解的错题可参看答案解析。 五。英语课本中英语文章的汉语意思和知识点讲解可参考八上红皮《英语教材全解》,把《英语教材全解》书中每单元整理出来的重点短语和句型抄写一遍听写一遍,并批改订正。选做与课本教材配套的《五·三》或《轻巧夺冠》等练习题,也可选做《45套》中招试题的阅读理解题。 六。至少学唱五首英文歌曲,欣赏五部经典英语电影并写下观后感,可中英文交替写,全英文更好。 请大家至少准备三个本。一个本用来抄写,默写,听写,批改订正。一个本用来摘抄报纸,典范课本,习题资料等书籍上的优美单词和句子。还有一个错题本用来整理暑假期间自己写错的单词,句子和习题。 每天的作业都要标注日期和作业内容。 暑假是一个查漏补缺,培优补差的好机会,希望大家根据个人情况认真复习,预习,祝您们度过一个安全愉快而又有意思的假期!


《Unit 2 Healthy eating Warming Up & Reading》 Ⅰ.语法填空 1.He sat in his company ________ (feel) very frustrated. 2.I'm ________ (curiosity) to know what has happened there. 3.I haven't the ________ (strong) to lift this stone. 4.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man live ________ (health). 5.You shouldn't eat too much ________ (sugar) food. 6.Being too proud of a small success is his biggest ________ (weak). 7.Tina is overweight. Her mother told her not to eat any ________ (fat) food. 8.Come inside Yong Hui's ________ (slim) restaurant. 9.Wang Peng felt more ________ (hope) as he drove back home. 10.Want to feel fit and ________ (energy)? 答案:1.feeling 2.curious 3.strength 4.healthily 5.sugary 6.weakness7.fatty 8.slimming 9.hopeful 10.energetic Ⅱ.用适当的介词或副词填空 1.________ the end of the street there is a history museum. 2.The doctor will be free ________ ten minutes. 3.The robber wanted to get away ________ money, only to be caught. 4.We prepared the room ________ the party. 5.The wine is made ________ grapes. 6.Every day people throw ________ lots of rubbish. 7.The beauty of the city is more ________ words can describe. 8.He is doing research ________ American literature. 9.I'm tired ________ having the same kind of food every day. 10.It will be an easy thing for you to win ________ your kingdom in this game. 答案:1.At 2.in 3.with 4.for 5.from 6.away 7.than 8.on 9.of 10.back Ⅲ.完成句子 1.I'm ______________________________ and hope to lose some weight before Christmas.(diet) 我打算下周节食,并且希望在圣诞之前能够减轻一些体重。 2.You ______________________________ the disadvantages.(balance) 你必须权衡好生活在农村的利与弊。 3.If you place orders now,we would ______________________________.(discount n.) 如果你现在订购,我们会给你九五折。 4.John strongly hopes to ______________________________.(win) 约翰强烈希望能重新赢得他父亲对他的爱和信任。 5.If you cheat in the exam ______________________________.(get) 如果你考试作弊,你将不会逃脱惩罚的。 6.There ______________________________ when you are very tired.(nothing) 当你非常疲劳的时候,没有什么比好好休息一下更好的了。 7.______________________________, so no one believes him.(lie n.) 他经常撒谎,所以没人相信他。 8.I can't ______________________________ in this way.(have) 我不允许他们这样浪费时间。 答案:1.going on a diet next week 2.have to balance the advantages of living in the country against 3.give you a 5% discount 4.win back his father's love and trust again 5.you'll never get away with it 6.is nothing better than a good rest 7.He often tells lies 8.have them wasting their time Ⅳ.完形填空
