

Duty Honor Country

"Duty""honor""country"---those three hallowed words reverently dict ate what you want to be ,what you can be ,what you will be。They are you rallying point to

build courage when courage seems to fail,to regain faith when there seems to

be little cause for faith,to create hope when hope becomes forlor n.Unhappily,I possess neither that eloquence of diction ,that poetry

of imagination,nor that brilliance of metaphor to tell you all that t hey mean,

These are some of the things they build, They build your basic character ,They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation's defense, They make you strong enough to know when you are weak,and brave enough to face yourself when you are afraid,

They teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure,but humble and gentle in success ;not too substitute words for action;not to seek the the path of comfort ,but to face the stress and spur of difficulty challenge;to learn to stand up in the storm,but to have

compassion on those who fall;to master yourself before you seek to master others;to have a heart that is clean,a goal that is high ;to learn to laugh,yet never forget how to weep;to reach in to the future ,yet never neglect the past ;to be serious,yet never take yourself too seriously ;to be

modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true

greatness,the open mind of true wisdom,the meekness of true strength.They teach you in this way to be an officer and an gentleman.






西点军校法则读后感 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 西点军校法则读后感(一) 我读了《西点军校的经典法则》一书,读后掩卷深思,获益良多,归纳起来主要有以下几个方面。 第一、始终把工作放在第一位的责任心是干好工作的前提。“一进西点,学员就宣誓要忠诚,并把自己和平民百姓区别开来。学员接受了与职务相符的所有特权,也必须承担应尽的义务。摆在学员面前最棘手的标准是‘不容忍’条款。这一条款每天都提醒学员记住,要承担起神圣的职责,它远高于个人感情或友情。” 上面这段话出自《西点军校的经典法则》第一章。毋庸讳言,这本书讨论的是一个重要的问题就是:工作责任心。涉及此问题的书不少,但大多数书仅仅空洞地要求人们端正工作态度,而至于为什么这么做,所给的解释未能触动人们内心。 书中有一个小故事:一位马耳他王子地仆人在睡觉时都紧紧抱着主人的拖鞋,王子觉得他如此小心一定很忠臣,便委以重任,结果证明王子的判断是正确的,这个年轻的仆人最终当上了马耳他的军队司令,英明也传遍了整个西印度群岛地区。 从这个故事中我们可以发现,正确看待工作任务,明白学校交给你的工作是你的责任和使命,是端正工作态度干好工作的前提。一个真正有责任心的人,不会推卸责任,始终秉持爱岗敬业的理念,不放

过工作中的每一个细节,才有可能走向成功。 忠实地履行自己的职责,热爱本职工作。虽然在人的一生中,有无数次选择职业的机会,但是在某一个阶段,也许那份工作并不称心如意,既然选择了这份工作,就应该全力以赴,全身心地去热爱它,做好它。如果认为自己做的工作无足轻重,就放弃努力,则是完全错误的认识,任何一项伟大的事业,都是从平凡的小事开始做起的,所以说,一旦选择了这份职业,就应该坚持下去,努力去做好,这样自身的能力和职业道德都会得到很快的提高,从而去适应新的工作,承担更大的责任。责任无论大小,其中都必然包含着无数点点滴滴的小事,工作中,如果只抓了主要的环节,而忽视了那些小事,或者说不屑于去处理工作中的细节,必定会导致整项工作的失败,可以说,工作中无小事,每一项工作都是由一件件看似简单不足挂齿而实际上可能会影响全局的小事构成的。 第二、良好的团队精神是开展工作的基石。在工作生活中,很多时候,别人尊重你或对你有所忌惮,并不是你本身,而是顾虑你所在的强大的团队,如果你脱离了所在的团队,可能会发现原来自己其实是非常弱小的。 书中有一段话读来引人深思:没有一只鸟会飞得太高,如果它只用自己的翅膀飞升。所有的人都因在团队中得到互相的扶持而比单独奋战达到更高的目标。 团结就是力量,在工作当中,我们每天都要面对同事,与他们如何良好的相处,是我们能够把微小的力量凝聚在一起的关键。在团队


On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. Because while we gather here under open skies, we know that far beyond the Organ Mountains – in the streets of Baghdad, and the outskirts of Kabul – America's sons and daughters are sacrificing on our behalf. And our thoughts and prayers are with them. I speak to you today with deep humility. My grandfather marched in Patton's Army, but I cannot know what it is to walk into battle like so many of you. My grandmother worked on a bomber assembly line, but I cannot know what it is for a family to sacrifice like so many of yours have. I am the father of two young girls, and I cannot imagine what it is to lose a child. My heart breaks for the families who've lost a loved one. These are things I cannot know. But there are also some things I do know. I know that our sadness today is mixed with pride; that those we've lost will be remembered by a grateful nation; and that our presence here today is only possible because your loved ones, America's patriots, were willing to give their lives to defend our nation. I know that while we may come from different places, cherish different traditions, and have different political beliefs, we all –every one of us – hold in reverence those who've given this country the full measure of their devotion. And I know that children in New Mexico and across this country look to your children, to your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and friends –to those we honor today –as a shining example of what's best about America. Their lives are a model for us all. What led these men and women to wear their country's uniform? What is it that leads anyone to put aside their own pursuit of life's comforts; to subordinate their own sense of survival, for something bigger – something greater? Many of those we honor today were so young when they were killed. They had a whole life ahead of them – birthdays and weddings, holidays with children and grandchildren, homes and jobs and happiness of their own. And yet, at one moment or another, they felt the tug, just as generations of Americans did before them. Maybe it was a massacre in a Boston square; or a President's call to save the Union and free the slaves. Maybe it was the day of infamy that awakened a nation to a storm in the Pacific and a madman's death march across Europe. Or maybe it was the morning they woke up to see our walls of security crumble along with our two largest towers. Whatever the moment was, when it came and they felt that tug, perhaps it was simply the thought of a mom or a dad, a husband or a wife, or a child not yet born that made this young American think that it was time to go; that made them think "I must serve so that the people I love can live –in happiness, and safety, and freedom."


西点军校名言 1、遭遇挫折并不可怕,可怕的是因挫折而产生对自己能力的怀疑。只要精神不倒,敢于放手一搏,就有胜利的希望。——西点军校前校长伊·L·班尼迪克 2、“一个人的思想决定一个人的命运。”不敢向高难度的工作挑战,是对自己潜能的画地为牢,只能使自己无限的潜能化为有限的成就。与此同时,无知的认识会使你的天赋减弱,因为你的懦夫一样的所作所为,不配拥有这样的能力。“要想做大事,首先要能够处理小事才行,而且全力以赴。”发挥自己的长处能够让你的技能益发精进,而且一天比一天好,这样的改善一点一滴地累积起来之后,最后你的专长将会出现非常明显的精进。你们所具备的长处可以协助你们突破表现上的瓶颈,保障自己的事业生涯,提升自己对于公司的价值,以及为更上一层楼的表现做好准备。——巴顿将军:全力以赴 3、在好规则面前,懂得捍卫和遵守,生活中才会享受更多的明媚阳光。——西点校友、著名工程技术专家乔治·W·戈瑟尔斯 4、能否多坚持一分钟,是人才和平庸之徒的分水领。——西点著名学员、巴拿马运河的总工程师戈瑟尔斯 5、一个人想要征服世界,首先要战胜自己。——西点著名学者和教官约翰·阿比札伊德中将 6、西点学员中,有很多人都是“没有任何借口”这一理念最完美的执行者和诠释者。就是秉持着“没有任何借口”这一行为准则,成功把信送给加西亚将军。——伟大的罗文上校:没有任何借口

7、“军人的第一件事情就是学会服从,整体的巨大力量来自欲个体的服从精神。在公司中,我们更需要这种服从精神,上层的意识通过下属的服从很快会变成一股强大的执行力。”——劳恩钢铁公司总裁卡尔.劳恩:无条件执行 8、不客碰到什么障碍和困难,你都可以尝试把它成功地进行到底。——西点著名学子、美国军火大王杜邦 9、勤于动脑,敢于创新的人,才能争取的主动。——西点军校毕业生、美国线上前首席执行官詹姆斯·金姆塞 10、学会合作以毕业:有什么事大家要通风报信;训练中有必须一组人才能完成的任务;在训练中还会出现因你的同伴“死亡”,你将不得不一个人面对几个敌人的情况。 11、一个犯错众人担:军队是一个整体,一个人犯错,也会导致整个军事行动失败,所以经常是一个人犯错,全小队一起受罚。 12、要战胜别人,首先须战胜自己。——西点军校校友、著名工程学家蒙哥马利·C·梅格斯 13、强烈的成功欲望会使一个人忘记一切苦痛,迎来成功的一天。——西点毕业生、著名作家爱伦坡 14、若想在自己内心建立信心,即应像洒扫街道一般,首先应将相当于街道上最阴湿黑暗之角落的自卑感情除干净,然后再种植信心,并加以巩固。——西点著名校友、天才画家詹姆斯·A·M·惠斯勒


MacArthur: Farewell Address to Congress Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, and Distinguished Members of the Congress: I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride -- humility in the weight of those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me; pride in the reflection that this home of legislative debate represents human liberty in the purest form yet devised. Here are centered the hopes and aspirations and faith of the entire human race. I do not stand here as advocate for any partisan cause, for the issues are fundamental and reach quite beyond the realm of partisan consideration. They must be resolved on the highest plane of national interest if our course is to prove sound and our future protected. I trust, therefore, that you will do me the justice of receiving that which I have to say as solely expressing the considered viewpoint of a fellow American. I address you with neither rancor nor bitterness in the fading twilight of life, with but one purpose in mind: to serve my country. The issues are global and so interlocked that to consider the problems of one sector, oblivious to those of another, is but to court disaster for the whole. While Asia is commonly referred to as the Gateway to Europe, it is no less true that Europe is the Gateway to Asia, and the broad influence of the one cannot fail to have its impact upon the other. There are those who claim our strength is inadequate to protect on both fronts, that we cannot divide our effort. I can think of no greater expression of defeatism. If a potential enemy can divide his strength on two fronts, it is for us to counter his effort. The Communist threat is a global one. Its successful advance in one sector threatens the destruction of every other sector. You can not appease or otherwise surrender to communism in Asia without simultaneously undermining our efforts to halt its advance in Europe.


奥巴马获胜演讲全文 President-elect Barack Obama smiles as he gives his acceptance speech at Grant Park in Chicago Tuesday night, Nov. 4, 2008. 以下是奥巴马(Barack Obama)竞选总统成功后在芝加哥演讲准备的讲稿: If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled – Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America. It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day. It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America. I just received a very gracious call from Senator McCain. He fought long and hard in this campaign, and he's fought even longer and harder for the country he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. I congratulate him and Governor Palin for all they have achieved, and I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead. I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of


西点军校的励志名句大全 篇一:西点军校励志箴言 西点箴言???????????? 给他人面子,其实也是给自己面子。 尊重别人就是尊重自己 俗话说:“人活一张脸,树活一张皮。”说的就是我们应该尊重他人。 光劳利是纽约一家木材公司的推销员,他多年来一直与那些冷酷无情的木材审察员打交道,常常发生口角之争。虽然他最后赢了,但公司却总是赔钱,上司总是对他板着一副冷面孔,他常常也感到十分委屈。终于有一天,经过一番思索后,他决定改变策略,不再同别人发生口角。从那以后,他的情况得到了好转。 有一天早上,光劳利刚到办公室,办公室的电话铃就响了,一个人急躁不安地在电话里对他说:“光劳利,你们公司给我们的工厂运去的一车木材都不合格,我们已停止卸货,现在立即把货从我们的货场运回去。” 经过一番询问,光劳利才知道原来在木材卸下四分之一时,他们的木材审察员报告说这批木材低于标准50%,鉴于这种情况,他们拒绝接受木材。 光劳利得知消息后,立刻动身向那家工厂赶去,但一路上,他都一直在想怎样才能最妥当地应付这种局面。如果换作以前,在这情况下,他一定会找来判别木材档次的标准规格据理力争,根据自己做了多年木材审察员的经验与知识,力图使对方相信这些木材达到了标准,当然结果显示错的肯定是对方。 但是,这次光劳利决定改变做法,打算用最近学会的“说话”原则去处理问题。光劳利赶到场地,看见对方的采购员和审察员一副揶揄神态,好像摆开架势准备吵架。光劳利并没有生气,而是陪他们一起走到卸了一部分的货车旁,询问他们是否可以继续卸货,这样可以方便光劳利看一下情况到底怎样。除此之外,光劳利还让审察员像刚才那样把要退的木材堆在一边,把好的堆在另一边。 一会儿后,光劳利就发现问题之所在,对方审察得过分严格,判错了标准。因为这种木材是白松,而审察员对硬木很内行,却不懂白松木。审察白松木恰好是光劳利的专长。在这种情况下,光劳利并没有表示出反对他的木材分类方式,而是一边观察,一边提出了几个问题。光劳利在提问时,显得非常友好、合作,并告诉工厂审察员说,他们完全有权把不合格的木材挑出来。这样一来,审察员就变得热情起来,他们之间的紧张就开始消除了。 渐渐地,审察员整个态度都变了,他终于承认自己对白松毫无经验,开始对每一块木料重新审察并虚心征求光劳利的看法。他们最后接受了全部木材,光劳利拿到了全价的支票。 在工厂审察员弄错的情况下,光劳利并没有直接指出对方的错误,而是采取了一种委婉的方式,向对方提出了几个问题,慢慢地消除了彼此间的紧张感。在他的正确引导下,工厂审察员重新审察了木料,最终得到了愉快的合作。所以,婉言便能使批评在轻松愉快中进行,给他人留足面子,收到“直言”所收不到的效果。 不仅在批评别人时,要注意给别人留足面子,在生活的每个角落,我们都应该给他人面子,与他人和谐相处。 因此可以说,人人都有尊严,我们在要求别人尊重我们时,我们更应该多尊重别人。只有这样,我们才能得到别人的尊重。给他人面子,其实也是给自己面子。 推卸责任是对自我的侮辱 西点箴言???????????? 对于追求成功者来说,推卸责任是一种耻辱。 在生活、工作、社会交往中,每个人都有自己相应的责任。工作是一个完成既定目标的过程,对目标的坚持就是对责任的坚守。那些在工作中推三阻四,老是埋怨环境,寻找各


Duty Honor Country "Duty""honor""country"---those three hallowed words reverently dict ate what you want to be ,what you can be ,what you will be。They are you rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail,to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith,to create hope when hope becomes forlor n.Unhappily,I possess neither that eloquence of diction ,that poetry of imagination,nor that brilliance of metaphor to tell you all that t hey mean, These are some of the things they build, They build your basic character ,They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation's defense, They make you strong enough to know when you are weak,and brave enough to face yourself when you are afraid, They teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure,but humble and gentle in success ;not too substitute words for action;not to seek the the path of comfort ,but to face the stress and spur of difficulty challenge;to learn to stand up in the storm,but to have compassion on those who fall;to master yourself before you seek to master others;to have a heart that is clean,a goal that is high ;to learn to laugh,yet never forget how to weep;to reach in to the future ,yet never neglect the past ;to be serious,yet never take yourself too seriously ;to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true greatness,the open mind of true wisdom,the meekness of true strength.They teach you in this way to be an officer and an gentleman. 责任荣誉国家 责任、荣誉、国家---这三个神圣的词语,虔敬的告诉你们想成为什么,你们能成为什么,你们会成为什么。他们是你们重振旗鼓的据点,在勇气似乎消逝之时寻回勇气,在信心渺茫是重拾信心,在希望沦为绝望时创造希望。不幸的是我没有雄辩的口才,没有充满想象的诗篇,也没有富含技巧的隐喻去说明它们的全部含义。 它们构建了一些东西,它们构建了你的基本人格。它们把你们塑造成未来的国防守护人。它们让你坚强的知道自己何时软弱,让你勇敢到在畏惧时敢于面对自己。 它们教导你:在失败是保持自尊和坚定,在成功时保持谦卑和温和,不以空言代替行动;不寻坦途,而是面对困境的压力,以及挑战的鞭策;学习在暴风雨中屹立,但是对跌倒的人寄予同情;在你想控制别人之前先控制自己;有纯洁的心又高尚的目标;学会欢笑,但永不忘记何时哭泣;走向未来,永不忽视过去,严肃,但永远不要把自己看的太过认真;谦虚,以便你能记得真伟大的单纯,真智慧的开明,真力量的温驯。就这样,他们教导你即是军士又是绅士。


西点军校经典法则读后感 本文是关于心得体会的西点军校经典法则读后感,感谢您的阅读! 西点军校经典法则读后感 篇一:西点军校经典法则读后感 提起"责任、荣誉、国家",就会让人们想到西点军校。这座位于纽约哈德逊峡谷旁的美国陆军军官学校,在其200多年的历史里,培养3700名将军。但鲜为人知的是,二次世界大战后,在世界500强企业里面,西点还培养了1000多名董事长,2000多名副董事长,5000多名总经理,这是任何商学院都没有培养出这么多优秀的经营管理者。 是什么让一所军事类院校培养出如此多的政治、经济、商业等领域的人才呢?《西点军校的经典法则》一书,在整理大量西点案例并加以分析的基础上,归纳了"责任"、"荣誉"、"意志"、"勇气"、"热忱"、"服从"、"信念"、"尊重"、"忠诚"、"自发"、"团队"、"正直"、"竞争"13种西点人最典型的特征,也可以说这就是西点校训的升华。但是,令我感兴趣的是西点人对"忠诚"的解读,别有"美国风味". 首先,西点军校认为"忠诚胜于能力",这一点应该是无可厚非的,任何一个军队,只有在拥有忠诚的基础上,形成共同的价值观,才能有战斗力,否则就会一盘散沙。对于一位领导者也是一样,他宁可选择忠诚自己而能力一般的人,也不会选择能力强而别有用心的人。然而,西点军校对忠诚的解读,颇有难以服众的之嫌。西点人将忠诚等同于诚信,并作为西点荣誉制度的核心内容。 书中有这样一个例子,美国南北战争期间,北方一位上校接到命令,让他负责保护军用棉花。他向自己的长官保证说:"我决不会让一袋棉花丢失。"没过多久,一家棉花厂一连3次找到这位上校,希望他能够高抬贵手,把棉花卖出去,并且给得酬金越来越高,也就在此时,上校的儿子得了重病,急需医药费,面对这种诱惑,这位上校主动找到自己的上司,说明了情况,表示现在的诱惑对他来说太大了,自己无法实现自己的诺言,请求离职。他的上司也很钦佩他的正直诚实的品格,不仅同意了他的辞职,还为他解决了孩子的医药费。 与之形成鲜明对比的是,在我军历史上不乏这样一群人。他们奋不顾身堵住敌人的枪眼,毫不犹豫托起炸药包拉开导火索,任由烈火在自己身上燃烧而岿然


美国总统奥巴马制造的作文模板(第1期) Barack Hussein Obama 注定是一位传奇的美国总统,在他的任期之内,战争继续,但是却获得了诺贝尔和平奖。在他的任期之内美国经济从重创之中恢复,但是美国人们依旧群情激奋。应该这一切都与Barack Hussein Obama非凡的演讲天赋有着无穷的联系,但是人总是喜欢浅尝辄止,我们总喜欢仰望伟人,但是从来没有想到为人身上其实也有很多我们可以学习与借鉴的。 从今天开始,无老师就带着每一位考友探寻奥巴马演讲深处的秘密。奥巴马的演讲逻辑清晰,排比句众多,用词准确,绝对是我们每一个人作文模仿之佳品。无老师就本着尊重原文本身含义,尽量减少个人对其句意的修饰,同时最大程度上方便每一位考友使用为目的,尽最大努力,对奥巴马的众多演讲稿开刀,直接取出热腾腾的第一手华丽句子,来给我们每一位考友做成模板,直接使用。 今天是第1期,无老师会继续做下去,对于写作的追求是无穷无尽的,因为总有令人感动的句子出现,让我们欲罢不能。文章编辑方式为第一段是原文,第二段是制造完成的模板。为了保证考友们不会把模板理解错误,以及保证句意的理解,无老师把原文也放在了这里,而且力劝每一位考友首先研究原文的含义,然后再使用模板,绝对是事半功倍的选择! If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our Founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that XXXXX(论点一) is a XXXXX where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our XXXXX(论点二) is XXXXX in our time, who still questions the power of our XXXXX(论点三), this essay is my answer.用于最后一段结尾,进行总结 It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled —(cheers) — Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states; we are and always will be the United States of America. (Cheers, applause.) It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, the people who sent a message to the questionnaire conducted by the XXXXX team of Stanford university; all of these concluded the same result that XXXXX(观点).用于举例


Andy Xie: Good Tidings in 2011 The global economy may be coming up for a breach of fresh air in 2011. Fiscal and monetary policies around the world have been highly stimulated for three years. The additional monetary and fiscal stimulus measures by the U.S. could generate an upside surprise to its 2011 growth rate. Most emerging economies continue to grow rapidly. By the middle of 2011, most analysts may declare that the world has finally put the financial crisis behind. The reality is quite different. The global economy is kept afloat by massive monetary and fiscal stimulus around the world. The main problem in the global economy – high costs and declining competitiveness in the developed world, and inflation plus asset bubbles in the developing world continue unabated. Either inflation in the developing world or unsustainable sovereign debt in the developed world will spark the next crisis. China has an opportunity to gain immunity against the next crisis. The last crisis started in the U.S. If China hadn't reformed a decade ago, it could have started in China. An economic crisis in China would have prolonged the U.S.'s economic cycle by bringing down oil and other commodity prices, which would have improved the U.S.'s cash flow. The most likely candidates to trigger the next global crisis are the U.S.'s sovereign debt or China's inflation. When one goes down first, the other can prolong its economic cycle. China may have won the last race. To win the next one, China must tackle its inflation problem, which is ultimately a political and structural issue, in 2011. If China does, the U.S. will again be the cause for the next global crisis. China will suffer from declining exports but benefit from lower oil prices. On the other hand, if China has a hard landing, the U.S.'s trade deficit can drop dramatically, maybe by 50 percent, due to lower import prices. It would boost the dollar's value and bring down the U.S.'s treasury yield. The U.S. can have lower financing costs and lower expenditures. The combination allows the U.S. to enjoy a period of good growth. One could describe the global economy as a race between the U.S. and China, to see who goes down first. This coming year is China's opportunity. The Obama administration just passed a big tax reduction bill. This is happening even as the U.S. already has a massive fiscal deficit and the national indebtedness is the highest since the World War II. The Fed just reemphasized its commitment to QE 2. It has made its intention crystal clear: As long as the unemployment rate is high and inflation rate is low, it will continue with QE. I have argued several times before why the U.S.'s stimulus won't bring lasting growth. I'm not sure that the stimulus advocates in the U.S. believe what they say. The real intention for the new Obama tax cut is to get him re-elected in 2012. The mid-term election this year shows that, unless the U.S.'s unemployment rate drops significantly, he will lose his re-election bid then. The Fed's intention, I think, is to inflate away the U.S.'s debts. The U.S.'s household sector needs to cut its leverage by half to become normal again. If it is done through saving more, the U.S. economy will be weak for a long time, which would keep the fiscal
