







Marketing experience shows that the weight of the product may have an important impact on the consumer experience and willingness to purchase,such as the Titanium Ultra-light tableware and the Coca-Cola heavy-glass bottle.However, the specific relationship between product weight and purchase intention is still unclear.Based on the tactile sensory channel of consumer experience products,this paper explores the relationship between product weight,perceived quality of consumers and purchase intention by using Intelligent touch screen electronic products as materials.

Based on the theoretical background of sensory marketing,psychological ownership and diminishing marginal utility,this paper analyzes the second-hand data and situational experiment data by using the data analysis method of Variance Analysis,Bootstrap and Regression,drawing the following conclusion:Experiment 1shows that product weight and purchase intention showed a significant inverted U-shaped relationship;in addition,the weight of the product interacts with the consumer's body shape,but the moderating effect is not significant.Experiment2 shows that product weight and perceived quality showed a significant inverted U-shaped relationship,and perceived quality had a partial mediating effect between product weight and purchase intention.Experiment3shows that the product material(leather/metal/glass)and the consumer's body shape(BMI-thinner/ normal/overweight)have a significant moderating effect on the product weight and perceived quality.

The marketing value of the research results is mainly reflected in product design,production and marketing activities,for example,the product segmentation market(material and weight)and consumers for market segmentation(BMI)strategy to improve marketing performance.In view of the fact that product perceived quality is a partial mediating effect,the potential mediate variables and moderate variables can be dug up in the future,and enrich the subdivision research in the field of product tactile.

Key words:Weight;Perceived quality;Purchase intention;Psychological ownership;




学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书.........................................................I 摘要...........................................................................................................................................II Abstract.................................................................................................................................III 插图索引...............................................................................................................................VII 附表索引..............................................................................................................................VIII 第1章绪论. (1)

1.1研究背景及意义 (1)

1.1.1研究背景 (1)

1.1.2研究意义 (2)

1.2研究内容 (2)

1.3研究方法与技术路线 (3)

1.3.1研究方法 (3)

1.3.2技术路线 (3)

第2章理论基础与文献综述 (5)

2.1感官营销 (5)

2.1.1感官营销概念 (5)

2.1.2感官营销组成 (5)

2.1.3触觉概述 (6)

2.2心理所有权理论 (6)

2.3边际效用递减规律 (7)

2.4重量研究综述 (7)

2.5感知质量影响因素综述 (9)

2.6感知重量影响因素综述 (11)

2.7总结与模型推理 (12)

2.7.1本章小结 (12)

2.7.2模型推理 (13)

第3章产品重量对购买意愿的直接效应检验 (14)

3.1前测实验 (14)

3.1.1重量差异感知T检验 (14)

3.1.2重量配对样本T检验 (14)

3.2实验目的 (15)

3.3实验假设 (15)

3.4.1自变量 (16)

3.4.2因变量 (16)

3.4.3控制变量 (16)

3.5实验设计与操作 (17)

3.5.1样本描述 (17)

3.5.2实验材料及设计 (17)

3.5.3实验操纵 (18)

3.6数据分析及结果 (19)

3.6.2控制变量分析 (19)

3.6.3球形检验重量与购买意愿关系 (20)

3.6.4重量的作用分析 (21)

3.6.5购买意愿均值比较 (21)

第4章产品重量与购买意愿的中介效应检验 (24)

4.1实验目的 (24)

4.2实验假设 (24)

4.3实验变量及其测量 (25)

4.3.1自变量 (25)

4.3.2因变量 (25)

4.3.3中介变量 (25)

4.3.4相关变量 (25)

4.4实验设计与操作 (26)

4.4.1样本描述 (26)

4.4.2实验材料及设计 (26)

4.4.3实验操纵流程 (26)

4.5数据分析及结果 (27)

4.5.1感知质量信度效度检验 (27)

4.5.2控制变量检验 (28)

4.5.3球形检验重量与感知质量的关系 (29)

4.5.4重量的作用分析 (30)

4.5.5感知质量均值比较 (30)

4.6中介效应检验 (32)

4.6.1逐步回归分析 (32)

4.6.2Bootstrap方法 (32)

4.6.3检验结果分析 (33)


第5章产品重量与购买意愿之间有中介的调节效应 (36)

5.1实验目的 (36)

5.2实验假设 (36)

5.3实验变量及其测量 (37)

5.3.1自变量 (37)

5.3.2中介变量 (37)

5.3.3因变量 (37)

5.3.4相关变量 (37)

5.4实验设计与操作 (38)

5.4.1样本描述 (38)

5.4.2实验材料及设计 (38)

5.4.3实验操纵 (38)

5.5数据分析及结果 (39)

5.5.1控制变量分析 (39)

5.5.2材质调节效应回归分析 (40)

5.5.3材质调节效应Bootstrap检验 (42)

5.5.4BMI调节效应回归分析 (42)

5.6实验结果与讨论 (44)

结论 (46)

参考文献 (49)

附录A攻读硕士学位期间所发表的学术论文 (58)

附录B实验变量英文量表 (59)

附录C实验问卷 (61)

致谢 (67)


图1技术路线图 (4)

图2感官营销概念模型 (5)

图3研究模型 (13)

图4产品重量与购买意愿关系 (22)

图5产品重量与感知质量关系 (31)

图6产品材质调节效应 (41)

图7消费者体型调节效应 (44)



表 3.1重量水平差异感知T检验 (15)

表 3.2配对样本T检验 (16)

表 3.3实验1样本构成统计 (18)

表 3.4购买意愿量表信度分析 (20)

表 3.5购买意愿KMO与Bartlett球形检验 (20)

表 3.6购买意愿量表因子分析结果 (20)

表 3.7控制变量单因素方差分析 (21)

表 3.8Mauchly's球形度检验 (21)

表 3.9多变量检验 (21)

表 3.10被试内效应检验 (22)

表 3.11重量对购买意愿T检验结果 (22)

表 3.12重量对购买意愿单因素方差分析结果 (23)

表 3.13交互作用回归分析结果 (24)

表 4.1实验2样本构成统计 (26)

表 4.2感知质量信度分析 (28)

表 4.3感知质量KMO与Bartlett球形检验 (28)

表 4.4感知质量量表因子分析结果 (28)

表 4.5控制变量单因素方差分析 (29)

表 4.6Mauchly's球形度检验 (29)

表 4.7多变量检验 (29)

表 4.8被试内效应的检验 (30)

表 4.9被试间效应的检验 (30)

表 4.10感知质量均值 (31)

表 4.11感知质量Bootstrap中介检验 (33)

表 5.1实验3样本构成统计 (38)

表 5.2控制变量单因素方差分析 (40)

表 5.3材质调节效应回归分析 (40)

表 5.4回归分析β值检验结果 (41)

表 5.5材质调节Bootstrap检验 (42)

表 5.6体型调节效应回归分析 (43)

表 5.7回归分析β值检验结果 (43)
