


I.Before Class Begins 课前

Belling 打铃

The bell's rung.铃响过了。

Has the bell rung / gone ?铃响过了吗?

Is that the bell?是打上课铃吗?

Will the bell ring soon?就要打铃了吗?

The bell will ring in no time/in a minute.就要打铃了。

How many minutes are there to go?还有几分钟?

How long is there to go ?

How much longer have we got ?

There are still five minutes to go (until the bell goes).(离响铃)还有五分钟。The bell will ring in five minutes.

There goes the bell.铃响了。

There's the bell.

Is that the first bell or the second bell?是预备铃还是上课铃?

The second bell has rung / gone.上课铃响了。


It is nearly time for class. Hurry up!就要上课了,快点!

Come on./ Step on it!快点,快走。

Quick! The bell is ringing.快点!铃响了?

You'd better hurry.你最好快点。

You'd better get a move on.

Hurry up, or you'll be late.快点,不然,你就要迟到了。

There goes the bell. Pm just in time. Let's go in.正响着铃呢,我们正赶上。我们进


Hurry up so that we can start the lesson.快点,我们就开始上课了。

Please / Let's get everything ready for class.请把上课用品准备好。

Be ready for class.准备上课。

Class is about to begin.就要上课了。

Are you ready for class?准备好了吗?

Are you ready to begin ? 准备开始吗?

Have you got everything ready for class ? 上课用品准备好了吗?

It's time to start now.该开始上课了。

Lets start our lesson now, shall we ?我们现在开始上课好吗?

Now we can get down to...我们可以开始。。°

Let's get started.我们开始吧。

I hope you are all ready for today's English lesson?我希望你们都作好了上今天的英语课的准备。

Be quiet, please!请安静!

Silence, please!

I don't want any more noise.请不要讲话。

Fm waiting for you to be quiet.我在等你们安静下来。

We won't start until everyone is quiet.你们安静下来才开始上课。

Stop talking now so that we can start.

Settle down now so we can start.

I think we can start.我想现在可以上课了。

Where did we stop / leave off last time?上次我们上到哪儿?

How far did we get last time ?

Where did we finish / stop reading last time ?上次我们读到哪儿?

What were we talking about last time ?上次我们讲些什么?

Let me refresh your memory. Last time we talked about...我来提醒一下。上次我们讲……

If I remember correctly / rightly, we were on page 42.

Last time we got to line 20.上次我们讲到第42 页。

If you can recall what I said last time about…假如你能回忆起上次我讲的关于......

Lets revise some of the things we did last time.让我们复习上次我们上的一些内容。

Where was I ?上次我教到哪里了?(多半对自己发问)

Who has finished ?谁做好了?

Who has done them all ?谁已经全部做好了?

Have you all finished ?你们全都准备好了吗?

Anybody not finished ?有谁没做完吗?

How far have you got ?你做完了多少?

Which question are you on ?你在做哪一题?

Where are you up to ?你做到哪里了?

Who's next?下一个是谁?

Whose turn is it next ?下一个轮到谁?

Who is the next one to try ?下一个谁来试试?

Your tum.轮到你了。

You next.

Now you.

You're next.

Who hasn't had a turn ?还有谁没轮到?

Who else is there ?

Who's left ?

You have already had a turn.你已经轮到过一次了。

II.Class Begins 开始上课

Greetings 问候

Good mourning, everybody / boys and girls / Children.

Sit down, please?

Hello, everyone/dass?同学们好。喂,規芳。

Hello there, Wei Fang.喂,魏芳。

Let me introduce myself. My name is M「/M「s/Miss?…I'm your new English teacher.让我作自我介绍。我是。… 先生/夫人〃卜姐。我是新来的英语教师。

I f m a teacher trainee and I'll be teaching you English this week. I f ve got five lessons with you.我是实习教师,本周将教你们英语。我将给你们上五节课。

Registering 点名

I'll just make / check the register?.现在我就点名了。

Now I'm going to call the roll?

Is everybody here ?都到齐了吗?

Are you all here ? / Are you all present ?

Who is on duty today ?今天谁值日?

Absence 缺席

Is there anyone absent ?有谁缺席?

Who is absent ? / Any one abse nt ?

Who isn't here ?

Who is absent / missing today ?今天谁缺席?

What's the matter with Tom today ?汤姆今天怎么啦?

What's wrong with Tom today ?

Has anybody any idea where Mary is today ?有谁知道玛丽在哪儿?Why is Green absent ?格林为什么缺席?

I don't know why he is absent.

He's ill / sick.他病了。

He's not well.他不舒服。

He's got a cold. / He's caught a cold.他感冒了。

He has asked for sick leave.他请病假了。

He's on sick leave?

He's got leave to be absent.他请假了。

He's on leave?

He's asked for personal leave.他请事假了。

He's absent on business.他因公务请假了。

He went home on leave?他请假回家了。

He has got something important to do?他有要紧的事。

He has been kept at home by something important.他在家有要事a

I haven't seen him today.我今天没有看见他。

He wasn't here yesterday, either.他昨天也没来。

He wasn't feeling very well, so he went home?他有点不舒服.所以回家去了。He's at the doctor's.他去看医生了。

He's gone for an X-ray / a medical examination.他去X 光透视/体检了匚

He has probably missed the bus.他可能没赶上公共汽车。

He has got a temperature?他发烧了。

Lateness 迟到

May I come in ?我可以进来吗?

Yes, please do./ Yes, of course you may.当然可以。

Why are you late ?你为什么迟到?

Where have you been ?你上哪儿去了?

We started ten minutes ago.我们上课已有十分钟了。

What have you been doing?你一直在做什么?

Did you oversleep, miss your bus ?你睡过头了,没赶上公共汽车?

I'm sorry I'm late.请原谅,我迟到了。

Fve been to see the doctor.我刚才去看医生了。

I missed my bus.我没赶上公共汽车。

I overslept because I stayed up too late last night.我睡过头了,因为昨晚睡得很迟。

Our clock was slow?我家钟慢了。

I see. Well, sit down and let's get started.我知道了,好吧,坐下,我们开始吧。

That's all right. Sit down and we can start.没关系,坐下吧,我们可以开始了。

Go to your seat. We have already begun the lesson.到座位上去.我们开始上课了。

Come earlier next time. Don't be late any mo「e.下次早点来,别再迟到了。

Try not to be late next time.下次别迟到了。

Try to be here on time next time.下次要准时来上课。

Don't let it happen again.下次别再发生这样的事。

Let this be the last time.但愿这次是最后一次。

That's the second time this week.这是本周内第二次迟到了。

I'll have to report you if you're late again.如果你再迟到,我就得向上报告了。

III.The plan which the lesson will follow / Warming up 宜布教学目的/准备活动

Now let's begin (the class).现在开始上课。

Have you prepared your lessons?功课准备好了吗?

Did you look over your lessons?功课看过了吗?
