

e to order, reason and rules.启蒙者主张理性是任何人思想与行动的唯一缘由。他们大力提倡秩序,理性及法律。

5. As a matter of fact, literature at the time, heavily didactic and moralizi ng, became a very popular means of public education.其实,当时的文学作品种充满了说教与道德理念,就已经成为大众教育的良好工具。

6. Famous among the great enlighteners in England were those great wr iters like John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele, the two pioneers of familiar essays, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defo e, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Henry Fielding and Samuel Johnson.英国著名的启蒙主义文学家有约翰.德莱顿,亚历山大.蒲柏,约瑟夫.艾迪森与理查.斯蒂尔(这两位是现代散文的先驱),乔纳森.斯威夫特,丹尼尔.迪福,理查.B.谢立丹,亨利.费尔丁和塞缪尔.约翰逊。

7. In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works.在文学领域,启蒙主义运动还使人们重新对古典时代的著作产生兴趣。

8. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity.他们认为理想的艺术应基于秩序,逻辑,确切及情感控制的基础上,而文学作品的价值评判标准应该看它是否为人文主义服务。

9. Thus a polite, urbane, witty, and intellectual art developed.由此一种温文尔雅,充满灵性的知识分子文学艺术发展起来。

10. Neoclassicists had some fixed laws and rules for almost every genre of literature.在几乎所有的文学形式中,新古典主义者们都设定了创作的规矩与条框。

11. Drama should be written in the heroic Couplets (iambic pentameter r hymed in two lines); the three unities of time, space and action should b e strictly observed; regularity in construction should be adhered to, and t ype characters rather than individuals should be represented.戏剧必须用英雄体偶剧(抑扬五音步的押韵双行诗)写就;时间,地点,事件三要素必须要


12. But it had a lasting wholesome influence upon English literature. (套话)但新古典主义对英国文学史产生过持久的全面的影响。

13. The poetic techniques and certain classical graces such as order, go od form, unified structure, clarity and conciseness of language developed in this period have become a permanent heritage.在这一时期出现的诗歌技巧与古典气质,如秩序,优美的格式,统一的结构,简明的语言都成为永恒的文学传统。

14. The mid-century was, however, predominated by a newly rising litera ry form---the modern English novel, which, contrary to the traditional rom ance of aristocrats, gives a realistic presentation of life of the common E nglish people.十八世纪中叶,还兴起一种崭新的文学形式----英国现代小说,这种文学与传统贵族的骑士文学相反,着重描写英国普通百姓的生活。

15. Among the pioneers were Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Tobias George Smollett, and Oliver Goldsmith.英国现代小说的先驱有丹尼尔.迪福,塞缪尔.理查德,亨利.费尔丁,劳伦斯.斯泰思,托比亚斯.斯摩莱特以及奥立弗.哥尔斯密。

16. From the middle part to the end of the century there was also an a pparent shift of interest from the classic literary tradition to originality and imagination, from society to individual, and from the didactic to the conf essional, inspirational and prophetic. 从十八世纪中叶至十八世纪末,还出现了古典文学传统向独创性与丰富联想性的转移,社会描写向个性描写的转移,说教向忏悔,鼓励及预示的转移。

17. Gothic novels---mostly stories of mystery and horror.哥特式小说----主


18. Jonathan Swift?s A Modest Proposal being generally regarded as the best model of satire, not only of the period but also in the whole Engli sh literary history.乔纳森.斯威夫特的《一个小小的建议》被公认为英国文学史上讽刺作品的经典。

(I)John Bunyan约翰.班扬

19. As a stout Puritan, he had made a conscientious study of the Bible and firmly believed in salvation through spiritual struggle.作为一个坚定的清教徒,他认真学习《圣经》,并深信人一定能通过精神上的奋斗得到拯救。

20. he made it possible for the reader of the least education to share th

e pleasure o

f readin

g his novel and to relive the experience of his chara cters.他的语言具体生动,情节鲜明真实,连没受过教育的人也能享受到阅读他的作品的乐趣。

21. Bunyan?s other works include Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinne rs, The Life and Death of Mr.Badman, The Holy War and The Pilgrim?s Progress, Part II.班扬其他的作品还有《罪人头目的赦免》,《拜得门先生生死录》,《圣战》以及《天路历程》第二部

22. The Vanity Fair.名利场(节选《天路历程》第一部)

The Pilgrim?s Progress is the most successful religious allegory in the En glish language. Its purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctri nes and seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakne sses and all kinds of social evils.《天路历程》是英文作品中最成功的宗教寓言。它的主旨是让人们遵循基督教教义,并通过不断战胜自身弱点与身外的邪恶来获得拯救。

(II)Alexander Pope 亚历山大.蒲伯

23. Pope, a very sensitive man, would strike back hard, and in the cons tant verbal battles he developed a style of biting satire. 蒲伯本身是个很敏感的人,自然要用笔墨来反击,在此期间,他发展了犀利的讽刺文体。

24. For him the supreme value was order---cosmic order, political order, social order, aesthetic order, and this emphasis on order found expressio n in all of his works.对他来说秩序有着至高无上的价值-----宇宙秩序,政治秩序,社会秩序,美学秩序。这种对秩序与理性的强调深入到了他各部作品中。

25. Pope made his name as a great poet with the publication of An Ess ay on Criticism in 1711. The next year, he published The Rape of the L

ock, a finest mock epic.1711年,他出版了散文《论批评》,从此奠定了他在诗坛的地位。次年,他又出版了《夺发记》,一部极妙的讽刺史诗。

26. Pope was the greatest poet of his time. He strongly advocated neocl assicism, emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical r ules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.蒲伯是当时最伟大的诗人,他大力提倡新古典主义,强调文学作品的优劣应由古典的秩序尺度,理性,逻辑,情感的克制,高雅的品位以及是否体面,正派来衡量。

27. He worked painstakingly on his poems, developed a satiric, concise, smooth, graceful and well-balanced style.他致力于诗歌创作,发展了讽刺,简练,通顺,优雅,平衡的风格。

(III)Daniel Defoe丹尼尔.笛福

28. His quick mind, abundant energy and never-failing enthusiasm alway s brought him back on his feet after a fall.他过人的才智,充沛的精力,旺盛而持久的热情总是使他在失败后能重新站起。

29. Robinson Crusoe, an adventure story very much in the spirit of the t ime, is universally considered his masterpiece.《鲁宾逊漂流记》是一部体现时代精神的游记历险小说,是笛福的代表作。

30. In most of his works, he gave his praise to the hard-working, study middle class and showed his sympathy for the downtrodden, unfortunate poor.在他大部分作品中,他都表达了对勤劳,坚强的中产阶级的赞誉,以及对破落不幸的穷苦人的同情。

31. Defoe was a very good story-teller.笛福很会讲故事。

32. His sentences are sometimes short, crisp and plain, and sometimes l ong and rambling, which leave on the reader an impression of casual na rration.他的语句时而短小干脆,朴素直白,时而又气势磅礴,泼墨如水,为读者留下了叙述自由悠闲的印象。

33. His language is smooth, easy, colloquial and mostly vernacular.他的措辞简朴易懂又口语化,有时甚至是俗语方言。

34. There is nothing artificial in his language: it is common English at its beat.他的语言毫无造作,完全是大众英语。

35. Robinson Crusoe: The novel consists actually of three parts. 《鲁宾逊漂流记》:整部小说分为三个部分

The realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson single-hande dly against the hostile nature forms the best part of the novel. Robinson is here a real hero: a typical eighteenth-century English middle-class m an., the pioneer colonist.其中对鲁宾逊徒手与恶劣的大自然作斗争的描述是小说最精彩的部分。在此,鲁宾逊是真正的英雄:一个典型的英国十八世纪中产阶级人士。

(IV)Jonathan Swift乔纳森.斯威夫特

36. In 1704 he published two powerful satires on corruption in religion a nd learning, A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Books, which establi shed his name as a satirist.1704年,他针对宗教和学术界的腐败出版了两篇犀利的讽刺小品,一为《桶的故事》,一为《书籍的战斗》。这两篇作品奠定了他在讽刺作品中的地位。

37. Even today Swift is still respected as a national hero in Ireland.直至今日,斯威夫特还被尊为爱尔兰的民族英雄。

38. In his opinion, human nature is seriously and permanently flawed. To better human life, enlightenment is needed.他认为人性永远有着严重的瑕疵,为了使人的生活更美好,人们需要启蒙。

39. In his writings, although he intends not to condemn but to reform an

d improv

e human nature and human institutions.在他的作品中,他提倡的不是谴责,而是采取行为改良人性与人为的机构。

40. His “A Modest Proposal ” is generally taken as a perfect model.他的《一个温和的建议》被认为是一篇完善的典范。

41. Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose.斯威夫特是一名优秀的散文作家。

42. He defined a good style as “proper words in proper places.” Clear, s

imple, concrete diction, uncomplicated sentence structure, economy and c onciseness of language mark all his writings---essays, poems and novels.他创立了一种良好的文风,即“在恰当的地方用恰当的词”。无论是散文,诗歌,还是小说,简洁,具体,精确,没有复杂的句式永远是他的写作风格。

43. Swift?s chief works are: A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Book s, The Drapier?s Letters(note:Drapier=Swift, alias), Gulliver?s Travels and

A Modest Proposal.斯威夫特的作品主要有《桶的故事》,《书籍的战斗》,《德拉皮尔的信》,《格列佛游记》和《一个温和的建议》。

44. Gulliver?s Travels: Jonathan?s best fictional work, the book contains f our parts. Its social significance is great and its exploration into human n ature profound. 《格列佛游记》:是斯威夫特最精彩的一部小说,全书分为四卷,它具有重大的社会意义,同时对人性的探索与揭示也是深刻的。

(V)Henry Fielding亨利.费尔丁

45. During his career as a dramatist, Fielding had attempted a considera ble number of forms of play.在他戏剧创作生涯里,费尔丁曾尝试过许多不同的戏剧模式。

46. Of all his plays, the best known are The Coffee-House Politician, Th

e Tragedy o

f Tragedies, Pasquin, and The Historical Register for the Ye ar 1736.他的作品中最有名的要数《咖啡屋的政治家》,《悲剧中的悲剧》,《巴斯昆》,《1736历史年鉴》。

47. a “comic epic in prose,” whose subject is “the true ridiculous” in hu man nature.“散文体喜剧史诗”,主题是人类本性中的荒唐,对人性进行了真实的讽刺。

48. The dominating qualities of the novel are its excellent character-portr ayal, timely entrances and exits, robustness of tone and hilarious, hearty humor.小说的突出特点是出色的人物刻画,及时的出场退场,笔调的遒劲及令人会心的幽默。

49. “The Great Man, properly considered, is no better than a great gang ster”----The History of Jonathan Wild the Great从某种意义上说,伟大的人


50. The History of Tom Jones is a masterpiece on the subject of human nature. 费尔丁的代表作《汤姆.琼斯:一个弃儿的故事》主题是对人性的讽刺。

51. the purpose of the novel was not just to amuse, but to instruct, the obj ect of novel was to present a faithful picture of life, “the just copies o f human manners,” with sound teaching woven into their texture, so as t o teach men to know themselves, their proper-spheres and appropriate manners.,小说不仅供娱乐,而且更有教育意义,他的小说的主旨是要真实地展示生活,使之成为“人类态度的完整拷贝”,并将说教巧妙的引入作品,教导人们认识自己,寻求适宜的人生态度。

52. Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the English nove l,” for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern no vel.费尔丁被一些人尊为“英国小说之父”,因为他为现代小说模式的创立作出很大贡献。

53. he was the first to set out , both in theory and practice, to write sp ecifically a “comic epic in prose,” the first to give the modern novel its s tructure and style.他第一个在理论与实践上创造了“散文体喜剧史诗”,并第一个为现代小说确立了结构和风格。

54. He “thinks the thought” of all his characters, so he is able to presen t not only their external behaviors but also the internal workings of their minds.作者以角色的口吻去“想”,因此不仅可以表述人物的外在行为,还可深入刻画其内心的思想活动。

55. Fielding …s language is easy, unlaboured and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous. His sentences are always distinguished by logic and rhythm, and his structure carefully planed toward an inevitable ending.费尔丁的创作语言自然流畅,通俗易懂,同时又栩栩如生并富有活力,他的句子以逻辑性和韵律性见长,小说结尾总是水到渠成,顺理成章。

56. Tom Jones, the novel consists of 18 books. Tom, the titular hero of the story, he became a national hero, he---honest, kind-hearted, high-spir

ited, loyal, and brave, but impulsive, wanting prudence and full of animal spirits.《汤姆.琼斯》共18卷,汤姆曾一度成为全国人民心中的英雄,他----诚实,善良,高尚,忠诚,勇敢,同时也有着易冲动,鲁莽和野性难驯的缺点。57. Tom Jones brings its author the name of the “Prose Home.” The pa noramic view it provides of the 18th-century English country.《汤姆.琼斯》为费尔丁赢得了“散文荷马”的盛名,小说为读者提供了一幅英国18世纪乡村与城市的宏伟的全景图。

(VI)Samuel Johnson塞缪尔.约翰逊

58. The years between 1737 and 1755, he did translations, wrote poems, essays and so on.1737年至1755年这段时间对他来说充满了艰辛:他做过翻译,写过诗,为书商编书,编辑杂志。

59. In his famous Literary Club, where he was surrounded with respect by the elite of the literary circles.在他的文学社里,周围围满了敬仰他的文学精英。

60. Johnson was an energetic and versatile writer. He had a hand in all the different branches of literary activities.约翰逊精力充沛,多才多艺,他还涉足各种各样的文学领域。

61. His chief works include pomes: “London”, and “The Vanity of Human Wishes”; a romance: The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia; a tr agedy: Irene.他的主要作品有诗歌:《伦敦》,《人类欲望的虚幻》骑士浪漫诗:《拉塞拉斯的历史》,《阿比西尼亚王子》;一部悲剧:《艾琳》。

62. As a lexicographer, Johnson distinguished himself as the author of t he first English dictionary by an Englishman----A Dictionary of the Englis h Language, a gigantic task which Johnson undertook single-handedly an d finished in over seven years.作为词典编撰者,约翰逊是编撰英文词典的第一个英国人,作品为《英文大词典》,这部巨著是塞缪尔.约翰逊花了七年时间独自完成的。

63. Johnson was the last great neoclassicist enlightener in the later eight eenth century. He was very much concerned with the theme of the vanit

y of human wishes.约翰逊是十八世纪下半叶最后一位新古典主义启蒙文学家,他十分关心人类欲望的虚幻,几乎他所有的作品都含有这样的主题。

64. His sentences are long and well structured, interwoven with parallel words and phrases.他使用的句子一般较长,但结构工整,包含有许多排比,对仗。

65. Reading his works gives the reader the impression that he is talking with a very learned man.读他的小说会给人一种感觉,他在与一位非常博学的人士对话。

(VII)Richard Brinsley Sheridan理查.比.谢立丹

66. The year 1777 saw the appearance of his masterpiece The School f or Scandal, which brought him quite a fortune.1777年,谢立丹的代表作《造谣学校》出版,使他大发其财。

67. His plays, especially The Rivals and The School for Scandal, are ge nerally regarded as important links between the masterpiece of Shakespe are and those of Bernard Shaw, and as true classics in English comedy.他的代表作《情敌》和《造谣学校》被认为是上承莎士比亚,下接萧伯纳的纽带,是真正的英国古典派喜剧。

68. In his play, morality is the constant theme.他的作品永恒的主题是道德。

69. The School for Scandal is mainly a story about two brothers, the hy pocritical Joseph Surface and the good-natured, imprudent, spendthrift Ch arles Surface. The play ends with great disgrace for Joseph and double bliss for Charles. It is a sharp satire on the moral degeneracy of the ari stocratic-bourgeois society in the eighteenth-century England. No wonder, the play has been Regarded as the best comedy since Shakespeare. 《造谣学校》主要讲述了两个兄弟的故事,一个是伪君子约瑟夫.萨尔菲斯,另一个是放荡不羁但心地善良的查尔斯.萨尔菲斯。戏剧的结尾约瑟夫名声扫地,而查尔斯既获得了美人的芳心,又获得了丰厚的遗产,而梯泽尔夫人在丈夫的感化下与其重归于好。《造谣学校》是对18世纪英国贵族资产阶级的道德败坏,对无聊的富人恶意的制造谣言,对上层社会骄奢淫逸的生活以及对在高贵生活方


(VII)Thomas Gray托马斯.格雷

70. he declined the Poet laureateship in 1757.1757年,他竟谢绝了授予他的诗人桂冠奖。

71. In contrast to those professional writers, Gray’s literary output was small.与其余专职作家不同,格雷作品极少。

72. His masterpiece, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” was publis hed in 1751. The poem once and for all established his fame as the lea der of the sentimental po etry of the day, especially “the Graveyard Scho ol”.1757年,他的代表作《写在教堂墓地的挽歌》出版这首诗奠定了他在当时作为感伤主义诗歌创始人的地位,尤其是从此他便成为“墓地诗歌”流派的代表。

73. His other poems include “Ode on the Spring”, “Ode on the Death of

a Favourite cat”and so on. (Ode:….赞,颂)他的其他作品还有《春之颂》,《伊顿公学展望》,《爱猫之死》等等。

74. A conscientious artist of the first rate, Gray wrote slowly and carefull y, painstakingly seeking perfection of form and phrase.格雷创作态度认真,作品诞生速度慢,却精益求精。

75. “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is regarded as Gray?s best and most representative work. In this poem, Gray reflects on death, the sorrows of life, and the mysteries of human life with a touch of his pers onal melancholy. The poem abounds in images and arouses sentiment i n the bosom of every reader, The poem has been ranked among the be st of the eighteenth century English poetry.《写在教堂墓地的挽歌》是雷格最优秀的代表作,创作历时八年,诗中内容与格雷的知己理查.韦斯特的去世有关。其中,格雷揭示了生与死的愁苦与神秘,并略述了自己忧伤的心情。诗中富于比喻,并给读者带来深深的伤感。这首诗被列为英国十八世纪最优秀的诗歌之一。

Chapter3 The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义

1. This urgency was provoked by two important revolutions: the French Revolution of 1789-1794 and the English Industrial Revolution which hap pened more slowly, but with Astonishing consequences.英国面临着新的发展动力:一是1789-1794年的法国资产阶级大革命,一是同时期英国内部的工业革命。

2. In 1832, the Reform Bill was enacted, which brought the Industrial ca pitalists into power.1832年“改革法案”在议会通过并实施。

3. The Romantic Movement, whether in England, Germany or France, ex pressed a more or less negative forward the existing social.浪漫主义运动,无论是在英国,德国还是法国,都表现相互对工业革命时期现存的社会经济制度及城市资产阶级的上升的否定态度。

4. The Romantics demonstrated a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers and philosophers. Where th eir predecessors saw man as a social animal, the Romantics saw him e ssentially as an individual in the solitary state.文学家摒弃了18世纪盛行的文学及哲学基调---理性,新古典主义文学家认为人是社会性的动物,而浪漫主义文学家认为人应该是独立自由的个体。

5. Thus, we can say that Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inne r world of the human spirit.因此,我们还可以说浪漫主义其实是将人们的注意力从外部世界—社会文明转移到内部世界---人类自己的精神实质。

6. The Romantic period is an age of poetry.浪漫主义时代也是诗歌的时代。

7. They believed that poetry could purify both individual souls and the s ociety.他们(浪漫主义代表诗人布莱克,华兹华斯,科勒律治,拜伦,雪莱及济恩)认为诗歌是医治社会顽疾的良药,可以净化人的灵魂。

8. Wordsworth defines the poet as a “man speaking to men,” and poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in e motion recollected in tranquillity.”华兹华斯认为诗人是对着广大人民讲话的


9. Imagination, defined by Coleridge, is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements.想象是在全无联系的各种元素上创立新型整体的一种超凡的官能。

10. The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also ele vate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration, regarding them as som ething crucial for true poetry.浪漫主义者不仅推崇想象,还强调灵感与创作的自发性,认为有这两种才智才能创造出真正的诗歌。

11. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic.浪漫主义者们还体现了强烈的民族精神。

12. To the Romantics, poetry should be free from all rules. They would t urn to the humble people and the common everyday life for subjects.浪漫主义诗人却打破这些格律,他们会在穷苦百姓及日常生活中找寻素材。

13. The two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen an

d Walter Scott.浪漫主义时期的代表小说家有简.奥斯汀与沃尔特.司各特.

14. Jane Austen?s view of life is a totally realistic one.简.奥斯汀对生活抱有完全的现实主义.

15. The major theme of Jane?s novels is love and marriage toward whic

h she holds on a practical idealism---love should be justified by reason a nd disciplined by self-control. She chooses to stay within the tiny field th at she knows best., she has become a popular classic and has been ad mired for her wit, her common-sense, her insight into characters and soc ial relationships. 简.奥斯汀作品的主题为爱情与婚姻,对于这个主题,奥斯汀抱有一种较为实际的理想主义---爱情必须有理智及道德准则的约束,她的作品的背景都很小却都是她熟知的,她的智慧,常识及对人物和人际关系深刻的洞察受到了大批读者的喜爱.

16. Walter Scott showed a keen sense of political and traditional forces and of their influence on the individual. He is the first major historical no velist.司各特表现出对政治与传统的力量及它们对个人的影响深刻的洞察力。他


17. Gothic novel, a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late eighteenth century, its principal elements are violence, horror, and the s upernatural.哥特式小说也是浪漫主义运动的一部分,它盛行于浪漫主义前期的1 8世纪末。这种小说的主要题材是暴力,恐怖及对超自然力(鬼神)的描写。

(I)William Blake威廉.布莱克

18. He was often misunderstood by other people, who would regard him as gifted but mad. He was recognized only posthumously.他经常遭到旁


19. Childhood is central to Blake?s concern in the Songs of Innocence a nd Songs of Experience, and this concern gives the two books a strong social and historical reference.他的两步诗集《天真之歌》和《经验之歌》中,童年是布莱克主要描述的中心,这个描述中心使作品富有社会与历史性的参考价值。

20. Blake?s Marriage of Heaven and Hell marks his entry into maturity. It plays the double role both as a satire and a revolutionary prophecy.布


21. The “marriage,” to Black, means the reconcilia tion of then contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.婚姻对布莱克意味着矛盾的


22. Blake felt bound to declare that “I know that This World is World of Imagination & Vision” and that “The Nature of my work is visionary or i maginative.”布莱克热切得宣布:“我认为人世凡尘是一个充满想象与幻想的世界,我的作品也如人世凡尘一样充满想象与幻觉。”

23. Blake writes his poems in plain and direct language.布莱克的语言直


24. Symbolism in wide rang is also a distinctive feature of his poetry.大


(II)William Wordsworth威廉.华兹华斯

25. The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge lived nearby, and the three men became known as the “Lake Poets”.诗人骚塞,科勒律治也居住在同一地城,三人并称为”湖畔诗人”。

26. In 1842 he received a government pension, and in the following yea r he succeeded Southey as Poet Laureate.1842年政府为他发了津贴,次年他压倒骚塞成为了“桂冠诗人”。

27. According to the subject, Wordsworth?s short poems can be classifie

d into two group: poems about natur

e and poems about human life.按照主题,华的短诗可分为两大类:关于自然的和关于人类生活的。

28. Wordsworth is regarded as a “worshipper of nature.”华被称为”大自然的膜拜者”。

29. Wordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literary int erest. The joys and sorrows of the common people are his themes.华认为普通人的普通生活应是文学的主题,她的作品大多描述普通百姓的喜怒哀乐。

30. His works contain “The Solitary Reaper”, “To a Highland Girl”, ”The Old Cumber land Beggar ” and “The Ruined Cottage”.他的作品包括《孤独的收割者》,《致高地姑娘》,《老坎伯兰的乞丐》和《被摧毁的茅屋》。31. In its daring use of subject mater and sense of then authenticity of t he experience of the poorest, “Resolution and Independence” is the trium phant conclusion of ideas first developed in the Lyrical Ballads.通过大胆


32. Wordsworth is a poet in memory of the past .华兹华斯是一个怀旧的


33. Wordsworth?s deliberate simplicity and refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a kind of pure and profound poetry which no othe r poet has ever equaled.华兹华斯对简洁朴素的风格的追求,对粉饰真实的厌恶使他的诗歌具有别人无法企及的纯净与深远之美。

34. he maintained that the scenes and events of everyday life and the s peech of ordinary people were the raw material of which poetry could an d should be made.他强调诗歌创作最要紧的是把握真实素材的来源,他的创作理论的核心便是普通人的生活经历,普通人的词汇语言都是诗人应该也能够汲取的素材。

35. William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poet ry, the focal poetic voice of the period.华兹华斯是英国诗歌史上的精英,是浪漫主义时期的杰出代表。

36. The most important contribution he has made is that he has not onl y started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self, but als o changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature.他对诗歌的巨大贡献在于

开启了现代诗歌,开创了运用百姓生活语言写诗的新道路,并号召人们回归自然。(III)Samuel Taylor Coleridge塞.泰.科勒律治

37. In 1798, the two men published a joint volume of poetry, Lyrical Ball ads, which became a landmark in English poetry. 1798年,他同华兹华斯合作出版《抒情歌谣集》,成为英诗发展的一座里程碑。

38. In addition to “The Ancient Mariner,” he wrote “Kubla Khan,” began writing “Christabel” and composed “This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison,” “Fr ost at Midnight,” and “The Nightingale,” which are considered to be his b est “conversational” poems.他创作了《古航海家之歌》,《忽必烈汗》,《子夜寒霜》,《夜莺》等名诗,这些都是他“对话诗”的代表。

39. Philosophically and critically, Coleridge opposed the limitedly rationali stic trends of the the 18th-century thought.在哲学与文学评论方面,科勒律治反对18世纪那种局限的理性主义潮流。

40. he advocated a more spiritual and religious interpretation of life, bas ed on what he had learnt from Kant and Schelling.他倡导了以坎特与斯凯灵理论的对人类精神化与宗教化的诠释。

41. He believed that art is the only permanent revelation of the nature o


绝密★考试结束前 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。全部题目用英文作答。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his ______ plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems.B A. 27 B. 38 C.47 D. 52 2. john Milton’s literary achievement can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last ______.C A. romances B. dramas C. great poems D. ballads 3. The novels of ______ are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower— class people.C A. John Milton B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding D. Jonathan Swift


剑桥少儿英语一级下知识点汇总 Unit 1 School Opening Day 重点词汇: 【默写】太好了great,又again,假期holiday,过得愉快have fun,担心worry,蜡笔crayon,练习exercise,水water,蛋糕cake,录音机radio,图画picture,卫生纸toilet paper,柠檬汁lemonade 【复习】橡皮eraser/rubber,尺ruler,书book,文具盒pencil-case,铅笔pencil,玩具汽车toy car,钢笔pen,眼镜glasses,球ball 重点句型: 见到你很高兴。Nice to see you. 见到你我也很高兴。Nice to see you, too! 你的假期过得怎样?How’s your holiday? 太棒了。It’s great. 不要担心。Don’t worry. 让我帮助你。Let me help you. 谢谢。Thanks. 不用谢。You’re welcome. 见到你回来真好。It’s good to see you back. 又见到你们回来太好了。It’s great to see you all again. Unit 2 “Doing”English in the classroom 重点词汇: 【默写】饮料drink,植物plant,水果fruit,时间time,名字name,食物food,家庭family,身体body,体育sport,数字number,颜色colour,动物animal 重点句型: 家养动物是什么?What’s house animal? 农场动物是什么?What’s farm animal?


Unit 1 School Opening Day 一、单元要点 1.知识概述 (1)复习见面打招呼时的用语; (2)能相互介绍问好; (3)能就颜色、年龄及喜爱的水果、动物等进行提问; (4)学习字母组合ee在单词中发的音。 2.单元重点词汇 名词: holiday假日,friend朋友,fun娱乐,fruit水果,animal动物,colour颜色,crayon 蜡笔eraser/ rubber 橡皮toilet paper 卫生纸radio 收音机exercise book 练习本picture book 图画本lemonade 柠檬汁water 水 动词: worry 着急wear穿,戴spell 拼写greet 致候introduce 介绍help 帮助bring 带来 其它词汇: great 伟大的new 新的all 所有的please 请favourite 最受喜爱的人或物fine 健康的almost 几乎wonderful 了不起的 3.交际用语 (1)Oops!噢!(表示惊讶和遗憾) Let me help you! 让我来帮你吧! (2)Where’s Pat? Pat在哪里? She’s coming. She’s with Anna now.

她马上就来了。她现在和Anna在一起。(3)Have fun! 玩得高兴!(4)It’s good to see you back.看到你回来真好。 (5)It’s great to see you all again.再次看到你们真高兴。 (6)Is she our new friend?她是我们的新朋友么? (7)How was your holiday?你的假期过得如何? It was great!真是太棒了! 二、单元学习 1.重难点知识讲解 ①Words and expressions: holiday 假日friend 朋友have fun 玩得高兴worry 着急,担心②Oops! 噢! Don’t worry!别着急。 Let me help you. 让我来帮助你。 ③Nice to see you! 很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。(熟人见面打招呼的用语。)Where’s Pat?Pat在哪里? She’s coming. She’s with Anna now. 她来了。她现在和Anna在一起。 ④This way, please. 请走这边。 ⑤It’s great to see you all again! 再见到你们真是太棒了! Is she our new friend? 她是我们的新朋友吗? ⑥It’s good to see you back. 看到你回来真是太好了! How was your holiday? 你的假期过得怎么样?

剑桥英语知识点总结(一级上 一级下)

剑桥少儿英语一级 知 识 点 汇 总

剑桥少儿英语一级知识点汇总 Unit 1 Hello, I’m Sam. 重点词汇: 【默写】一支钢笔 a pen,一支铅笔 a pencil,一个文具盒 a pencil-case,一把尺 a ruler,一本书 a book,一个书包 a bag,一块橡皮 an eraser 【认读】新的 new,展示 show,朋友 friend,我的 my,你的 your,他的 his,她的 her,我们的 our,他们的 their 重点句型:你好,请问你叫什么名字?Hello, your name, please? 我叫山姆。I’m Sam. 他的名字是比尔。比尔是我的朋友。His name is Bill. He is my friend. 她的名字是安。安是 我的朋友。 Her name is Ann.She is my friend. 这是我的新书。This is my new book. 把 你的钢笔给我看Show me your pen! 很高兴见到你。Nice to see you. 我很高兴见到你。Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。我叫帕特。I’m Pat. Unit 2 It’s a goat. 重点词汇: 【默写】马 horse,奶牛 cow,猫 cat,狗 dog,绵羊 sheep,鸭子 duck,兔子 rabbit,鸡chicken,青蛙 frog,乌龟 turtle,鱼 fish,山羊 goat 【认读】长的 long,尾巴 tail,微笑 smile,大象 elephant,蜥蜴 lizard 重点句型:这是什么?What’s this? 这是我的猫。This is my cat. 让我来试试。Let me try. 它是一 只山羊。It’s a goat. 我喜爱它。I love it. Unit 3 I like apples. 重点词汇: 【默写】苹果 apple-apples, pear-pears,梨香蕉 banana-bananas,菠萝 pineapple-pineapples,桔子 orange-oranges ,西瓜 watermelon-watermelons ,椰子coconut-coconuts,柚子 grapefruit-grapefruits,葡萄 grape-grapes,芒果 mango-mangoes,柠檬 lemon -lemons,桃子 peach-peaches, 【认读】喜欢 like,想要 would like/want,一些 some,特别喜爱的 favourite,水果 fruit 重点句型:你想要什么?What would you like? 我想要一些苹果。I’d like some apples./I want some apples. 要多少?How many? 你想要一个苹果吗?Would you like an apple? 是的。/不用,谢谢。Yes, please./ No, thanks. 你特别喜爱的水果是什么?What’s your favourite fruit? 我喜欢香蕉。I like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。I don’t like bananas. 你呢?How about you? 我也是。Me too.


《英美文学选读》复习指导资料 Part 1 English Literature An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature 一.重点:有关这部分的文学史内容 1.古代英国文学和中世纪英国文学的起始阶段 2.英国文学史上的第一部民族史诗----Beowulf 3.中世纪文学的主要文学形式-----Romance 4.Geoffrey Chaucer 的文学贡献 二.练习: 1. Choose the best answer for each blank. 1). The period of ______ English literature begins from about 450 to 1066, the year of ______. A. Old----Renaissance B. Middle---- the Norman Conquest of England C. Middle ---- Renaissance D. Old---- the Norman Conquest of England 2). The Medieval period in English literature extends from 1066 up to the ______ century. A. mid-13th B. mid-14th C. mid-15th D. mid-16th 3). Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national ______ of the Anglo-Saxons. A. sonnet B. essay C. epic D. novel 4). In The Canterbury Tales, ______ presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. William Langland 5). For the Renaissance, ______ was regarded as the English Homer. His reputation has been securely established as one of the best English poets for his wisdom, humor and ______. A. Geoffrey Chaucer----wits B. William Shakespeare----wits C. Geoffrey Chaucer----humanity D. William Shakespeare----humanity 6). After the conquest of 1066, three languages co-existed in England. They are ______, ______ and ______. A. Old English, Greek, Latin B. Old English, French, Latin C. Old English, Greek, French D. English, Greek, French 7). Geoffrey Chaucer is the greatest writer of the Medieval period in English literature. In ―The Legend of Good Women‖, he used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which is to be called later the ______. A. couplet B. blank verse C. heroic couplet D. epic 8). Thematically the poem ―Beowulf‖ presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggle against the hostile forces of the ______ world under a wise and mighty ______.


剑桥预备级下册知识点汇总 目录 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 (22) Unit 1 School is fun. (22) Unit 2 Classroom Olympics (22) Unit 3 You and I (33) Unit 4 They are my friends. (33) Unit 5 I like dogs. (44) Unit 6 Do you like oranges? (44) Unit 7 What’s Bobby doing? (44) Unit 8 What’s in the pizza? (55) Unit 9 Dress for Children’s Day (55) Unit 10 What are they doing? (66) Unit 11 Where are you going? (66) Unit 12 A song of opposites (77) Unit 13 The big man and the little people (77) Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda. (88) Unit 15 He’s got three sticks. (88) Unit 16 Game time (99) 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册知识点总结 (99) 一、问候用语: (99) 二、告别用语: (99) 三、感谢: Thank you ! Thanks 谢谢! (99) 四、书中句型: (99)

五、单词分类总结: (1111) 1. 颜色: (1111) 2. 水果: (1212) 3. 地点: (1212) 4. 衣物: (1212) 5. 动物: (1212) 6. 交通工具: (1212) 7. 文具: (1212) 8. 食物: (1212) 9. 物品: (1212) 10.表示方向和位置的词: (1313) 11. 数词: (1313) 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 Unit 1 School is fun. 重点词汇: 【默写】包bag,,书book,钢笔pen 【认读】铅笔pencil,文具盒pencil- case,橡皮eraser,尺ruler,黑板blackboard 【复习】操场playground,游泳池swimming pool,教室classroom,花园garden 重点句型: 你能看见什么?What can you see? 我能看见一本大书.I can see a big book. 这是我们的游泳池.This is our swimming pool. School is fun,school is fun,Drawing,singing and we are Number One. School is fun,school is fun,Reading,writing and we are Number One. Dancing,running,jumping and swimming.Dancing,running,jumping and swimming. We are Number One,We are Number One. Unit 2 Classroom Olympics 重点词汇:


1. …I glaneed back once. A wafer of a moon was shining over Gatsby's house, making the ni ght fine as before, and survi ving the laughter and the sound of his still glowing garden. A sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the windows and the great doors, endowing with complete isolation the figure of the host, who stood on the porch, his hand up in a formal gesture of farewell. A. lden tify the author and the title of the no vel from which this passage is take n. F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby B. The passage describes the end of an eve nt. What is it? It is a description of the end of a big party C. What implied meaning can you get from read ing this passage? The passage hints at the meaninglessness, spiritual emptiness and vanity of such a life of pleasure-seeking. There is a tragic sense that the party ”will be over. 2. My ton gue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this soil, this air, Born here of pare nts born here from pare nts the same, and their pare nts the same, I, now thirty-seve n years old in perfect health begi n, Hoping to cease not till death. A. Iden tify the poet and the title of the poem. Whitman, Song of Myself B. What do "soil" and "air" represe nt in the first line? America, his coun try, his n ative land C. What does the poet try to say in the above four lin es? I was born and nurtured by this land and shall from now on devote my whole life to the coun try. 3. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom bel onging to me as good bel ongs to you. I loafe and inv ite my soul, I lea n and loafe at my ease observ ing a spear of summer grass. ” (From Walt Whitman ' So ng of Myself ”) A. Who does myself ” refer to ? The poet himself and the America n people. B. How do you un dersta nd the line I loafe and in vite my soul? ” The line in dicates a separati on of the body and the soul. C. What does a spear of summer grass "symbolize? The phrase in dicates Whitma n ' optimism and experie nee. 4. "A nd the n ative hue of resoluti on/Is sicklied o 'r with the pale cast of thought." (Shakespeare, Humlet) A. What does the "n ative hue of resoluti on" mea n? determ in ati on (determ inedn ess, actio n, activity, ...) B. What does the "pale cast of thought" sta nd for? con siderati on (in decisi on, in activity, hesitati on,...) C. What idea do the two lines express? Too much thi nking (con siderati on,...) made (makes) activity (acti on) impossible. 5. "Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; /Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!" A. Ide ntify the poem and the poet. Shelley ' Ode to the West Wind B. What is the "Wild Spirit"? The West Wind; "breath of Autumn ' being" C. What does the "Wild Spirit" destroy and preserve? It destroys things that are dead, it preserves new life. 6. "Whe n the mini ster spoke from the pulpit, with power and fervid eloque nee, and, with his hands on the ope n bible, of the sacred truths of our religi on, and of sain t-like lives and triumpha nt deaths, and of future bliss or misery unu tterable, the n did Goodma nBrow n turn pale, dreadi ng, lest the roof should thun der dow n upon the gray blasphemer and his hearers. A. Ide ntify the title of the short story from which this part is take n. Hawthorne ' Young Goodman Brown B. What had happe ned in the story before this church sce ne? Brow n had atte nded a witches ' party where he saw many prom inent people of the village, the mini ster in cluded. C. Why was Goodma n Brow n afraid the roof might thun der dow n? Brow n was shocked by the mini ster, secretly a member of the evil club, who could talk about sacred truths of the religi on ope nly and un ashamedly. He thought God would punish such hypocrites dow n on them. 7. (A lot of comm on objects have bee n enu merated before, and here are the last two lines of There Was a Child Went Forth :) The horizon ' edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragranee of salt marsh and shore mud. These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every day. A. Who is the author of this poem? What is the title of the poem? Whitma n. There was a Child Went Forth B. What does the "Child" sta nd for in the poem? The young grow ing America. C. In one or two senten ces, i nterpret the implied meaning of the two lin es. The poet uses his childhood experie nee of grow ing up and lear ning about the world around him to imply that young America will grow and develop like that. D. How do you un dersta nd These became part of the child ”? It is interesting to reexamine the sequenee of the items list in this poem which became part of the child ". They reflect the natural process of a boy ' growth. At first, his world was limited within the barnyard. Later, he sought into fields and streets. Then, he became interested in something more mysterious —his fellow huma n bein gs. Fin ally, he was on the symbolic threshold of the outside world, the sea. He had grow n in to a young man from a boy. 8. And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, Whe n I am pinned and wriggli ng on the wall. Then how should begi n


英美文学期末复习资料1 (20%) 题型为选择题。 参考邮箱课件后选择题。 英美文学选读期末复习资料2 (30%) 题型为填空和名词解释 Literature refers to writings that are valued as works of art, esp. fiction, drama and poetry. Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry with over 3,000 lines, is regarded today as the national epic of the english people. Romance which uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period. Popular subjects for romances: King Arthur of Britain and the knights of the Round Table. A sonnet is a lyric invariably of fourteen lines, usually in iambic pentameter , restricted to a definite rhyme scheme . The 14th century is called “Age of Chaucer”. His masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales. An extended metaphor is often called a conceit. Soliloquy is a speech in a play which the character speaks to himself or herself or to the people watching rather than to the other characters. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy about two young “star-cross‘d lovers”whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. Francis Bacon introduced the essay as a literary form into the English language. John Donne is the leading figure of the“metaphysical school.” All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. In 1797 Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and the two poets became very good friends. They collaborated on a book of poems entitled Lyrical Ballads, first published in 1798 The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge lived nearby, and the three men became known as the “Lake Poets.” Jane Austen is the only important female author in the 18-19th century


剑桥少儿英语预备级知识点总结 目录 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 (2) Unit 1 School is fun. (2) Unit 2 Classroom Olympics (3) Unit 3 You and I (3) Unit 4 They are my friends. (3) Unit 5 I like dogs. (4) Unit 6 Do you like oranges? (4) Unit 7 What’s Bobby doing? (5) Unit 8 What’s in the pizza? (5) Unit 9 Dress for Children’s Day (6) Unit 10 What are they doing? (6) Unit 11 Where are you going? (7) Unit 12 A song of opposites (8) Unit 13 The big man and the little people (8) Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda. (9) Unit 15 He’s got three sticks. (9) Unit 16 Game time (10) 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册知识点总结 (10) 一、问候用语: (10) 二、告别用语: (11) 三、感谢:Thank you ! Thanks 谢谢! (11) 四、书中句型: (11)

五、单词分类总结: (13) 1. 颜色: (13) 2. 水果: (13) 3. 地点: (14) 4. 衣物: (14) 5. 动物: (14) 6. 交通工具: (14) 7. 文具: (14) 8. 食物: (15) 9. 物品: (15) 10.表示方向和位置的词: (15) 11. 数词: (15) 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 Unit 1 School is fun. 重点词汇: 【默写】包bag,,书book,钢笔pen 【认读】铅笔pencil,文具盒pencil-case,橡皮eraser,尺ruler,黑板blackboard 【复习】操场playground,游泳池swimming pool,教室classroom,花园garden 重点句型: 你能看见什么?What can you see? 我能看见一本大书。I can see a big book. 这是我们的游泳池。This is our swimming pool. School is fun,school is fun,Drawing,singing and we are Number One.


[转帖]英美文学选读学习技巧 我是外贸英语大专毕业的,为了拿到本科文凭,我的首选当然是英语专业,第一年我顺利就拿到8份单科毕业证书,今年四月我只剩听说与英美文学最难的二门。通过今年考试我感受很深,也领悟很多。我想这里开一个英美文学学习技巧话题,大家能交流一下学习经验或小窍门,为没通过或即将要考英美文学同学提供多一点信息和帮助。谢谢! 首先我想与大家谈论一下参考书,我能理解大家想偷机取巧的想法,参考书必定是比课本薄得多,看上去象精选集,但事实并非如此,实际考题说明一切。考题不会超大纲,答案自然都在书上。只不过来年考题会从越来越偏僻角落去选择,所以课本也就越发重要。我现在都能想象出题老师得意笑容,"我出的题难什么,都在书上"。 当我看完第一遍书时,其过程实在是艰涩痛苦,捏着厚厚书真觉得苦海无涯,望也望不到出头之日。但奇妙的感觉在后面,当我第二,三,四遍看完,当然到后面是以翻看形式了,书本捏在手上变得越来越薄了。我认为以课本为基础,在自己脑海中形成的超薄精选集才是正直实用有效的参考书,在网上是下载不到,书店里也买不到。你所需要做的是把这课本看懂,读透,翻烂。I don't want to say this is only choice, but it actually is, and an m ost direct and efficient way. Dont find too much resources, which cant easy your jo b, but increase your burden. 我看见许多人说背不出,或怎样背。大家都是这条路上过来的难兄难弟,多半白天要上班,晚上要背书,有段时间我近似绝望,怀疑自己提早进入老年痴呆症,健忘症。我不断弄混名字,作品,时期,英美不分。就现在考题看来,题型已不是单纯浅显记忆题,而是在此基础上的综合理解题,在今年的部分选择题,简答题里都是这样。如果不掌握最基本的(纯粹背的),PASS是绝无希望。这里我介绍自己的记忆方法,这方法帮我走出维谷,希望对你们会有些帮助。 我的方法是建立一个树枝结构。复习开始时面对的最大困惑是东西太多,无从下手,而且更糟是前背后忘记,忘得比背得快,简直是没天理,花下去的时间精力似乎打了水漂。当然要让每个作家都能象对Shakespeare一样一听就有个大概印象,没有充足广泛阅读量是无法做到的。既然太深一下子沉不到海底,我索性浮起来从面上抓,我的树枝结构应运而生。可以说书前的目录就是主树杆,每个时期是树枝,每个作家便是树叉,单是这样还是很抽像很难记,加上不同的"色彩形状的叶子",开始不用很多,节选作品,称号(e.g. the father of ..... or the Poet's Poet),相关术语(Whitman-free verse, Emerson-trascandentalis m),正是这些"叶子"使树叉有其独特之处,成为记忆的载体。这样我一下子把英美文学浓缩成二张卡片,在回家上班路上忙里偷闲时看一下,记一下,背一下。嗨,各位,这真得很有效噢,在很短时间内,我可以做出60%的选择题了,并将茫然无序的思路理清。Though my tree is still in winter, "if winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"。这也许可作为根基吧,但其巩固是在这棵树枝繁叶茂的过程中,基础巩固与细节化是相辅相承的。然后我准备了一份小册子,一页一位作家,每页再加上作家主要作品,风格,特点,作品情节,语言,人物描写,功献,第一或最后本作品,最成功作品,最....,通过你不断从课本中汲取,你的树会茁壮成长,并且由重点到细节,从记忆,熟悉,理解整个过程基本附合考纲要


剑桥少儿英语一级下册各单元知识点汇总 Unit1 School opening day. 单词:crayon蜡笔 rubber橡皮 toilet paper厕纸 radio收音机 exercise book 练习本 picture图片 lemonade柠檬汁 water 水 句型:1. Don’t worry! 不要担心。 2. Nice to see you, too. 也很高兴见到你。 3. Nice to see you again. 很高兴又一次见到你。 4. It’ s great to see you. 见到你很高兴。 5. Is she our new friend? 她是我们的新朋友吗? 6. -How was your holiday? 你的假期过得怎么样? -It was great! 很棒! 音标:ee |i:| Unit3 Lunch in the garden. 单词:burger汉堡包 chips薯条 noodles面条 carrot胡萝卜 milk牛奶chicken鸡肉 cookie曲奇饼 sandwich三明治 pizza比萨 pumpkin南瓜 onion洋葱 chocolate巧克力coffee咖啡 butter黄油 sausages香肠 fries薯条 juice果汁 beer啤酒 rice大米 cheese奶酪hot dog热狗 句型:1.-What would you like? 你想要什么? -I’d like… 我想要…… Can I have…? 我可以要些…… No Problem 没问题 Let’s buy…... 让我们买…… What shall we buy ?Any ideas? 我们买点什么?给点建议 I’m hungry now. 我现在很饿 Help yourself ,please! 请自便 音标: Unit4 We are having an English class. 句型: Hello ,everyone.Please work in group now. 大家好,现在请分组工作。 This is long ,which is short?It is over there. 这是长的,哪个是短的?它在那边。 Where is my shell? 我的贝壳在哪里? It is under your paper . 在你的纸下面。 Ah,here it is .thanks.啊,它在这,谢谢。 You are welcome! 不用谢!
