


Ciqikou is an old town preserved in sprawling modern Chongqing, about an hour's drive from the city center. It's an old sleepy town built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although it's preserved as a tourist town, you don't have to pay to get in. The town's name, Ciqikou, means porcelain harbor, and the community prospered from the porcelain trade.

Today it offers a glimpse of the peaceful laid-back life in the Sichuan countryside and is somewhere to take a break from the busy commercial world of Chongqing.

A number of old courtyard compounds still stand here. Small as it is, the town used to have several temples, and one of them, a Taoism temple, had been turned into an elementary school.

What makes the school special is one of its students. Nobel Prize Winner Samuel CC Ding, who we know as Ding Zhaozhong in Chinese, once studied here. A small classroom, small stool and desk, oil lamp, blackboard, and a picture of Doctor Sun Yet-san, that's the custom of the time.

The old town has only two main streets and they've been taken up by all kinds of shops. The teahouse puts on a diverse range of entertainment shows staged from time to time. One of the shows is the famous Sichuan show 'Changing the face'. The biggest secret is how the performer changes his masks. In this performance, he has to switch masks something like nine times. It's such a difficult trick that sometimes it does not work, but the audience will always forgive him.

The show originated from an old show in Sichuan called Nine Changes. There was a knight-errant called Baiyong who brought hope to many poor and unfortunate people. Every time he showed up, he changed his masks nine times. It's a way of indicating that he would help people but not ask anything in return. He did not let people know whom he was. Today it's purely a show of skills.

Changing’s skyline today is dominated by modern highrises and skyscrapers. But more than half a century ago, during the Second World War, the Japanese forces bombed the city for five years. But the Chinese were not alone in fighting against the Japanese. Among all the others, is General Joseph Stilwell.

For two years, General Joseph Warren Stilwell lived here in Chongqing as chief commander of the US forces in the China-Burma-India Theatre during World War II. General Stilwell was a true friend of the Chinese people as well as a Chinese linguist. He is also remembered for directing the road project from Ledo, in Assem, India through India and Burma to Yunnan, in Southwest China. The road was open to traffic in 1945 and named after the general. Today his former residence has been turned into a museum commemorating his contribution to the fight for peace.

You will find plenty of war relics in Chongqing. One unusual place is the former site of the provisional government of the Republic of Korea. In 1910, Japan took over the Korean peninsula. Nine years later, the Korean people set up their provisional government in Shanghai. Before these people eventually returned to their country, the government was stationed in Chongqing for five years. It also set up its own army in Chongqing. The small compound housed fully-fledged government departments including Treasury, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Another spot that is linked with history is well kept today. The former barracks of the French Marine forces have been turned into a chic bar, coffee shop and restaurant strip. Built in 1902, the compound used to house the French navy soldiers at a time when China was mired in civil war and haplessly fending off foreign invaders. Here in Chongqing, along the Yangtze River, the French set up a base for their marines so they could guarantee military supplies.

The barracks were built in front of the Yangtze River was built for the navy soldiers. If you come at night, with a friend or not, the cool wind from the river will come over and give you some real treat.

The French being French, they even built a stone wine cellar in the barracks. The area blends the contemporary style with the remains of history, becoming a fantastic place for urban citizens to come for a night out.

Recommended itinerary

Arrive in Chongqing from Guangzhou by plane – spend one yuan and 20 minutes taking buses to Ciqikou –Stay in the town for as long as you like with accommodation fee ranging from 20 yuan to 160 yuan per night – Back to Guangzhou by plane

Mao Xue Wang, a famous local dish, is basically made of duck blood, eel, pork, sausage and bean sprout.


New?Zealand geography & geology Spectacular glaciers, picturesque fiords, rugged mountains, vast plains, rolling hillsides, subtropical forest, volcanic plateau, miles of coastline with gorgeous sandy beaches - it’s all here. No wonder New?Zealand is becoming so popular as a location for movies. Lying in the south-west Pacific, New?Zealand consists of two main islands - the??and the?.??and many smaller islands lie offshore. The North Island of New?Zealand has a 'spine' of mountain ranges running through the middle, with gentle rolling farmland on both sides. The central North Island is dominated by the Volcanic Plateau, an active volcanic and thermal area. The massive Southern Alps form the backbone of the South Island. To the east of the Southern Alps is the rolling farmland of Otago and Southland, and the vast, flat Canterbury Plains. Discover summer in New?Zealand:All things sun, sea & sand Opposite to that of the northern hemisphere, New?Zealand’s balmy summer season runs from December to?February. With average high temperatures ranging from 70F?to 90F Being an island nation, you’re never far from the sea in New?Zealand. Make the most of long, hot summer days with beach picnics, kayaking, snorkelling, sailing or swimming – the list is endless!? During this time of year our native Pohutukawa tree blooms a vibrant red, justifying its name as New?Zealand’s ‘Christmas Tree’. Swim with dolphins, walk coastal trails and feast on delicious seafood –for kiwis, summer is all about indulgence and celebrations. It’s a great time of year to learn to surf. Places like?,??and??are surfing meccas. Rotorua’s?, dotted with enormous Redwood Trees, are dappled with shade – the perfect way to stay cool! Heli hiking on ancient??is a great activity for the hotter months, when there are clear skies and little rain.


描述:城市历史街区的改造是一把双刃剑,既要延续城市的文脉,又要给该地区带来经济效益,实现可持续发展。本文通对磁器口古镇历史街区的保护与开发的介绍,就其现状存在的问题进行反思,以期为磁器口古镇以后的发展提供一... 【摘要】城市历史街区的改造是一把双刃剑,既要延续城市的文脉,又要给该地区带来经济效益,实现可持续发展。本文通对磁器口古镇历史街区的保护与开发的介绍,就其现状存在的问题进行反思,以期为磁器口古镇以后的发展提供一些建议。 一、前言 重庆磁器口古镇(原名龙隐镇)距今已有一千多年历史,它位于重庆市沙坪坝区西北部,东临嘉陵江,背靠歌乐山,距沙区中心仅3公里。古镇始建于公元998年宋真宗咸平年间,清朝初期,因盛产和转运瓷器,得名磁器口,是中国唯一位于大城市都市核心圈的历史文化古镇,是嘉陵江下游历史著名的商业码头。古镇保存着老重庆的建筑风貌,历史文化民风民俗,是老重庆的缩影,也是重庆历史文化名城中最重要的传统历史街区。其中核心区域的磁正街、横街与黄角坪巷的历史建筑保存基本完好。 磁器口古镇具有典型的巴渝沿江山地城镇建筑风格。街区随着地形的起伏变化形成若干个曲径通幽和富于转折变化的小街巷。街巷的建筑依山就势,错落有致,地面由石板铺成,沿街店铺林立。古镇的建筑大多是明清建筑风格,有小天井四合院建筑,有穿斗木壁结构的小青瓦民居,有砖木结构和砖石结构的院落,也有民国时期中西合璧的近代建筑。各种建筑相连成片,构成独特的山地沿江城镇建筑景观和风貌。 二、磁器口古镇保护与开发现状 (一)保护整治前存在的问题 解放后,由于主要交通从轮船转变为机动车,以及航运码头的变迁,磁器口的区位优势逐渐消失,加上产业不发达,经济慢慢落后,社区便逐渐衰败下来。到90年代,磁器口附近仅有几个濒临破产的工厂,而居住其中的也多是收入较低的弱势群体。至此,它已经丧失了交通枢纽、小型工业和手工业企业驻地、工商业等城市功能。 由于长时间的萧条,街区的物质性衰败也随之而来。至2000年,磁器口街区的传统建筑中35%以上属于质量较差的建筑,15%属于危房,面临倒塌危险;基础设施(水、电、气等)和环境卫生设施(厕所、垃圾集运)等严重滞后,使居民的生活环境和生活水平受到严重影响,并由此而导致居民乱搭、乱建、乱架(电力、电讯线)、乱堆(垃圾)等自发行为,破坏了传统的空间环境特色;而且这些乱搭、乱建、乱架、乱堆行为又埋下了许多安全隐患,增大了火灾、雷击等事故的机率。 (二)保护与开发措施


Hello everyone, we will introduce you New Zealand custom which contains Traditional Māori art festival etiquette. Maori Carvings:The early Maori without words,they cut mark recorded history in the wood,thereby forming a unique Maori woodcarving.traditional Māori art was highly spiritual and in a pre-literate society conveyed information about spiritual matters, ancestry, and other culturally important topics. Hongi:A hongi is a traditional Māori greeting in New Zealand. It is done by pressing one's nose and forehead (at the same time) to another person at an encounter.It is used at traditional meetings among Māori people and on major ceremonies and serves a similar purpose to a formal handshake in modern western culture, and indeed a hongi is often used in conjunction with one, can also be interpreted as the sharing of both party's souls. Waitangi Day /wa??t??i/the Treaty of Waitangi was signed commemorates a significant day in the history of New Zealand. It is a public holiday held each year on 6 February to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, Annual commemorations of the treaty signing began in 1947. The 1947 event was a Royal New Zealand Navy ceremony centring on a flagpole which the Navy had paid to erect in the grounds. The ceremony was brief and featured no Māori. From 1952, the Governor General attended, and from 1958 the Prime Minister also attended, although not every year. Burning stone baked rice:New Zealand Maori often use geothermal to steambeef, mutton, potato and other food.They produced "Burning stone baked rice", pumpkin, sweet potatoes, pork, beef, chicken, fish , and then sprinkle with salt, pepper and other edible. They expressed their hospitality with this kind of food. Hunting: New Zealand arefamous for their "green". Although the territory is mountainous and hills which occupy more than 75% of the total area, The four seasons is neither hot nor cold . Plant growth is lush, the forest coverage rate reached 29 percent, accounting for half of the natural farm or ranch land area. So it’s very suitable for hunting.and the folks all over the world go to New Zealand for hunting.


重庆磁器口—闹市边的古镇 Ciqikou is an old town preserved in sprawling modern Chongqing, about an hour's drive from the city center. It's an old sleepy town built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although it's preserved as a tourist town, you don't have to pay to get in. The town's name, Ciqikou, means porcelain harbor, and the community prospered from the porcelain trade. Today it offers a glimpse of the peaceful laid-back life in the Sichuan countryside and is somewhere to take a break from the busy commercial world of Chongqing. A number of old courtyard compounds still stand here. Small as it is, the town used to have several temples, and one of them, a Taoism temple, had been turned into an elementary school. What makes the school special is one of its students. Nobel Prize Winner Samuel CC Ding, who we know as Ding Zhaozhong in Chinese, once studied here. A small classroom, small stool and desk, oil lamp, blackboard, and a picture of Doctor Sun Yet-san, that's the custom of the time. The old town has only two main streets and they've been taken up by all kinds of shops. The teahouse puts on a diverse range of entertainment shows staged from time to time. One of the shows is the famous Sichuan show 'Changing the face'. The biggest secret is how the performer changes his masks. In this performance, he has to switch masks something like nine times. It's such a difficult trick that sometimes it does not work, but the audience will always forgive him. The show originated from an old show in Sichuan called Nine Changes. There was a knight-errant called Baiyong who brought hope to many poor and unfortunate people. Every time he showed up, he changed his masks nine times. It's a way of indicating that he would help people but not ask anything in return. He did not let people know whom he was. Today it's purely a show of skills. Changing’s skyline today is dominated by modern highrises and skyscrapers. But more than half a century ago, during the Second World War, the Japanese forces bombed the city for five years. But the Chinese were not alone in fighting against the Japanese. Among all the others, is General Joseph Stilwell.


虽然是在网站上找的,但是还是费了不少的力,希望对你有帮助那我的辛苦也就没有白费了! 1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.


重 庆 磁 器 口 旅 游 资 源 分 析 院校:地理与旅游学院 专业:11级城乡规划 学号:20110514661 姓名:张绿芳 教师:毛长义

目录 一.磁器口古镇的基本情况范围及区位条件 地理环境 历史文化背景 二.市场预测 三.项目效益分析 四.存在的问题 基础设施不完善 交通堵塞 环境污染 防火防灾安全隐患 五.解决方法

一.磁器口的基本情况 范围及区位条件 磁器口 ◆磁器口古镇地处重庆市最具文化氛围的沙坪坝区北部,东北临嘉陵江与江北区相望,东南邻沙坪坝街道,南与覃家岗镇相望,西接童家桥街道与井口镇,西北同石井坡街道紧相连接,占地面积为43.58公顷。 ◆磁器口古镇距重庆市第二商业中心——沙坪坝三峡文化广场约 3.5公里,距重庆市政府驻地约15公里,是重庆市主城区内唯一的古镇。 ◆相对于重庆市其它古镇,磁器口交通区位最好。有国道、省道、高速公路等从这里经过;至江北国际机场只有20分钟车程;至重庆

火车北站(沙坪坝站)4公里;至菜园坝火车站约15公里;至朝天门码头约18公里。 ◆磁器口为沙磁文化的发源地,地处最具文化氛围、文化气息的沙坪坝区,仅高校学生便是磁器口旅游业的一个潜力极大的市场,古镇旅游有很好的市场区位。 ◆磁器口位于嘉陵江畔,歌乐山东侧,这里有山、有水、有岸,环境优雅。 综上所述,磁器口市场区位、交通区位、环境区位都比较好,为发展旅游业提供了良好的区位条件。 地理环境 磁器口位于重庆嘉陵江畔,属低山丘陵地形,辖区北部从石井坡和童家桥境内向西而入的金碧山、马鞍山伸展到东部江边。中部地区位于马鞍山与凤凰山之间,是一个较大平坝,东西是低洼的河岸和一片数百亩的鹅卵石碛坝。从歌乐山流下的小街溪和从杨公桥流入境内的新街溪穿插在凤凰山、马鞍山之间,将磁器口分割成新街(金沙街),磁器口正街(金蓉正街)和金碧正街三部分。 历史文化背景


5篇介绍重庆磁器口的导游词范文 磁器口古镇位于重庆市沙坪坝区嘉陵江畔,始建于宋代,拥有"一江两溪三山四街"的独特地貌,形成天然良港,是嘉陵江边重要的水陆码头。曾经"白日里千人拱手,入夜后万盏明灯" 繁盛一时。下面是我收集整理的5篇介绍重庆磁器口的导游词范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 5篇介绍重庆磁器口的导游词范文(一) 各位游客朋友们,大家好,欢迎大家来到山水之都——重庆,我是这次重庆之行的导游罗XX,大家可以叫我小罗或者罗导。 重庆位于中国的西南部,长江上游,四川盆地东部边缘,东邻湖北、湖南,南靠贵州,西接四川,北连陕西。重庆辖区东西长470千米,南北宽450千米,总面积8。24万平方千米,是我国面积最大的城市,人口约2945万人。重庆在历史上曾三次建都,也是著名的山城、水城、桥都和温泉之都。我们重庆呢,北有大巴山,东有巫山,东南有武陵山、大娄山,海拔差异巨大、起伏不平,可谓"山中有城,城中有山",是座名副其实的山城。同时在长江干流重庆段,汇集了嘉陵江、渠江、涪江乌江、大宁河五大支流等上百条小河流,加上长寿湖、小南海、青龙湖等湖泊,使得重庆的年平均水资源总量在5千亿立方米左右。每平方米的水面积居全国第一。所以重庆这座山城是屹立于水中的,是

名副其实的山水之都。 千年古镇,重庆缩影。各位游客朋友们,我们现在来到的就是沉底了千年沧桑的古镇磁器口。古镇磁器口位于市区近郊,面积1。18平方公里,因明清时盛产及转运瓷器而得名。磁器口有一个美誉,游客朋友们知道是什么吗? 其实史书记载兴镇始于宋真宗咸平年间至明代形成水陆 交汇的商业码头,清末民国时期达到极盛,古人诗赞繁华"白日里千人拱手,入夜后万盏明灯"故有"小重庆"之美誉。磁器口原名龙隐镇,传说明朝初年朱元璋之孙允汶皇帝被四叔朱棣篡位后削发为僧来到了重庆,隐避于宝轮寺中,天王殿墙上有"龙隐禅院"四个字,故将原有的"白岩镇"改为了"龙隐镇"。在1920xx年的时候呢,地方乡绅集资创建了"蜀瓷厂",瓷器的地质很好、品种繁多、名声渐大、产品远销省内外。渐渐的"磁器口"名代替了"龙隐镇"。 来到古镇磁器口不得不说的就是其茶馆文化。昔日在这千年古镇中,随处可见茶馆。当年的水手、袍哥大爷、闲杂人等都喜爱出入此件。在陪都时期,这一个小镇的茶馆达100多个,其特色是"书场茶馆",又称艺人茶馆,是品茗欣赏民间艺术的地方。特别是晚上能在茶馆登台说书的人,都是上品的高手,所以人们称之为"品仙台"。说书人都是挂牌说书,看谁有绝技高招,谁能招徕更多的茶客,谁就能得到红包。直到如今,茶馆仍是磁器口一景,百米来长的老街上便有13家茶馆,家家茶客满座,古风


论重庆磁器口古镇规划与建设存在问题与解决对策 Talk about Ciqikou ancient town of Chongqing on plan and construction in the solve program 生命科学与技术学院园林景观设计2班学生雷茜闵 指导教师娄娟 摘要:本文以主要针对重庆磁器口古镇规划与建设而提出相应的问题,从而对问题提出科学性和可行性的建议。主要从居民生存状况、古镇旅游管理方面进行论述。因此,重点保护重庆磁器口古镇历史文化。 关键词:居民生存状况重庆磁器口历史街区保护保护 Abs tract: Countering Ciqikou ancient town of Chongqing on plan and construction ,posing something wrong .Thereby, posing the scientific and feasible of construction about these problem. From the living of residents、tourism of town and so on to talk .Therefore, it is very important to protect the town of history and cultural. Key words : living condition of resident Ciqikou of Chongqing protection of historic district protection 引言:古镇规划与建设在小城镇规划中是最重要的环节,一个城镇的社会、经济、文化、人文、环境等都是体现在规划与建设中。然而,城镇的规划与建设中存在很多问题,会影响居民的生活和城镇发展。为了城镇更美好,进而提出系列问题进行提出建议。 1.重庆磁器口古镇概况 重庆磁器口是一座具有千年历史的古镇, 位于重庆城西郊, 沙坪坝区西北部, 东部濒临嘉陵江, 南北为清水溪和凤凰溪环绕, 发展历史已有1800余年(图1)。明朝时期这里逐步形成了水陆交汇的商业码头, 并在清末民国时期达到极盛,名扬巴蜀大地。解放后, 因为陆路交通的发展, 昔日这个热闹非凡的水陆码头发展逐渐走向衰落。改革开放以后, 随着经济建设的发展, 人们由过去对物质层面的需求转向对精神层面的追求, 人文意识逐步回归, 乡土文化的保护也开始为


英文版的重庆导游词 重庆中文导游词相信你们看的多了,那今天就给你们分享一下英文版的重庆导游词,希望你们喜欢。 E v e n i n g S c e n e s o f C h o n g q i n g T h e R e d S t a r P a v i l i o n i n t h e P i p a s h a P a r k, t h e K a n s h e n g P a v i l i o n i n t h e E l i n g P a r k,a n d a p l a c e c a l l e d Y i k e s h u o n t h e N a n s h a n M o u n t a i n a r e v i n t a g e p o i n t s f o r o b s e r v i n g t h e n o c t u r n a l s c e n e s o f t h e m o u n t a i n c i t y o f C h o n g q i n g.A t n i g h t t h e e n t i r e c i t y i s i n u n d a t e d i n a n o c e a n o f l i g h t s, w h i c h f o r m a c o l o r f u l t h r e e-d i m e n s i o n a l p a i n t i n g, w i t h w a v e s o f t h e Y a n g t z e a n d J i a l i n g r i v e r s g l i s t e n i n g a g a i n s t t h e m o o n l i t,s t a r s p a n g l e d s k y. S i t e s o f t h e P r o v i s i o n a l C a p i t a l C h o n g q i n g f i g u r e d i m p o r t a n t l y i n m o d e m C h i n e s e h i s t o r y. D u r i n g t h e W a r o f R e s i s t a n c e a g a i n s t J a p a n, i t w a s t h e p r o v i s i o n a l c a p i t a l o f C h i n a u n d e r t h e K u o m i n t a n g r u l e f r o m N o v e m b e r 1937 t o O c t o b e r 1945. V e s t i g e s o f t h a t p e r i o d a r e s t i l l t h e r e i n a n d


磁器口游记 今天是我们来到重庆的第一天,我们准备去磁器口玩。我一听到磁器口这个名字,觉得应该是卖陶瓷这种东西的吧,于是我有点不想去了,天气还那么热,可是我又不能自己一个人待在宾馆里吧,于是只好跟妈妈一起去了。 中午,我们到达了磁器口,站在磁器口旁边的一座大桥上往下看是一条快枯竭的小溪,原本它应该是一条宏伟的江吧,因为从它还保留在石壁上的青苔可以看得出来。我立刻想起我学过的一篇课文《大瀑布的葬礼》。突然桥猛烈的抖了起来,我们都以为是地震了呢,转头一看,原来是大桥上开过了一辆大卡车。 我们下了桥,进了磁器口里的巷子,我一看,原来这不是卖瓷器的,而是一个很大的集市。哇!这里的人好多呀!我惊叹到,好像五湖四海的人都聚到这里来了。已经中午了,我们要找个地方吃饭,于是来到了一家餐馆。我拿起菜单一看,全都是辣的菜,哎呀!我最不能吃辣的了,连学校的辣土豆丝都要把我辣的掉眼泪了。于是我问妈妈,怎么这里的菜都是辣的呀?妈妈说:“重庆人爱吃辣是因为重庆常年潮湿,吃辣的能去除体内的寒气。”我瞬间明白了在重庆的几天为什么每顿饭都要吃辣的了。 妈妈点了微辣的炒鸡杂和几道小菜,结果鸡杂端上来是一窝红红的汤,里面放着鸡肉、鸡肝和鸡心。我夹了一块鸡肉放着嘴里,好辣呀,辣的我好喷火了,我赶紧拿起水,咕咚咕咚的喝了下去。 吃过饭后我们开始逛磁器口了,有许多好吃的、好玩的和好看的,各种各样的商品,琳琅满目,让我目不暇接。妈妈给我买了一份重庆老酸奶,上面还加了一些红豆。我吃了一口,嗯,酸酸甜甜的味道真是不错。我们又逛了磁器口的好多条街,吃了很多以前没有吃过的小吃,撑得我肚子都疼了起来。 在磁器口的出口,我看到了有人在卖一些仿真的小蛇,那些小蛇做得活灵活现,我和弟弟


New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Māori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa, commonly translated as land of the long white cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes Tokelau; the Cook Islands and Niue (self-governing but in free association); and the Ross Dependency, New Zealand's territorial claim in Antarctica. 新西兰是由两个主要的自转(北岛和南岛)和许多较小的岛屿组成的西南太平洋岛屿国家最引人注目的是斯图尔特岛和查塔姆群岛。新西兰土著毛利人名称是教徒,通常译为长白云之乡。新西兰的领域还包括托克劳;库克群岛、纽埃(自由结盟的自治但);和罗斯属地,新西兰的南极的领土主张。 New Zealand is geographically isolated, situated about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) southeast of Australia across the Tasman Sea. Its closest neighbours to the north are the Pacific islands of New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. The country's sharp mountain peaks owe much to the earthquakes and volcanic activity caused by the clashing Pacific and Indo-Australian Plates. The climate is mild and temperate and most of the land was originally covered in forests of podocarp, kauri or southern beech. During its long isolation New Zealand developed a distinctive fauna dominated by birds, a number of which became extinct after the arrival of humans and introduced mammals. 新西兰是地理上的孤立,位于约2000 公里(1,200 mi) 东南的澳大利亚跨塔斯曼海。其最接近的邻国向北太平洋岛屿新喀里多尼亚、斐济和汤加。该国的锋利的山峰,归功于地震和火山活动引起的矛盾冲突的太平洋和印度-澳大利亚板。气候是温和和温带和podocarp、贝壳或南部的山毛榉林原本覆盖着的大部分土地。在其长期隔绝,新西兰开发独特的动物以鸟类为主,其中若干绝种了人类抵达后和介绍哺乳动物。 Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 AD and Europeans first made contact in 1642 AD. In 1840 a treaty was signed between the Māori and British, making New Zealand a colony of Britain. The colony became self governing in 1852 and was made a Commonwealth realm in 1947. During liberal reforms in the 1890s New Zealand became the first country to extend voting rights to women and to develop a system of compulsory arbitration between unions and employers. Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the country's head of state and is represented by a Governor-General. The Queen's role is limited and executive political power is exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister. New Zealand has close ties with Britain, Australia, the United States and several Pacific Island nations. 原住民定居新西兰1250–1300 AD 和欧洲人第一次做的接触1642年广告。1840 年毛利人和英国,使新西兰的英国殖民地之间签署了一项条约。香港成为自我规管在1852年和1947 年了英联邦的境界。在1890 年代自由化改革在新西兰成为了延长妇女的投票权,工会与雇主之间强制仲裁制度发展的第一个国家。作为新西兰女王伊丽莎白二世,是国家的国家元首,并由总督。女王的角色是有限和由内阁由总理行使行政的政治权力。新西兰有着密切的联系,


重庆磁器口导游词5篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游 客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体 之一。下面是小编收集整理的重庆磁器口导游词5篇范文,欢迎借鉴 参考。 重庆磁器口导游词5篇(一) 亲爱的游客朋友们大家好,我是你们今天的导游,一起陪你们游 览今天的磁器口古镇,希望我们在一起的时光能够友好而愉快。因为 磁器口很近,所以我们很快就能到达古镇,在接下来的时间里,我将 带领大家前往素有“千年古镇”和“小重庆”之称的磁器口参观游览。 各位朋友心目中一定有这样一个问题,这样的古镇在中国有的是,它到底独特在哪里呢?想要得到答案,各位朋友请随我一同去游览一翻。 现在我们所处的位置就是磁器口了,大家现在所看到的这块牌坊 便是磁器口古镇的大门,有人说:“走进这里,就感觉时光仿佛回到 从前,让人做了一场数载的梦。”大家有没有这样的感觉呢?现在你们 可以在这留个影做纪念。好了,大家留完影,就和我一起踏入磁器口。现在我们脚下的是磁器口正街的一条支路,前方会比较窄,大家一定 要紧跟着一起走。 磁器口原名叫“白岩场”,传说明朝初年朱允炆被迫削发为僧来渝,隐避于宝轮寺,故将原“白岩场”改名为“龙隐镇”。清朝初年,因盛产和转运瓷器,而得名磁器口。作为嘉陵江边重要的水陆码头, 那经历千年不变的浓郁纯朴的古风,令其成为重庆江州古城的缩影和 象征。

一条小巷、一户人家,一不小心你就站在了三千年的历史上了, 这种感觉,在磁器口您随处都能感受到。所以磁器口是一座真实的活 着的古镇,不信看看脚下,大家是不是觉得比刚才走的路光滑多了, 这就是着名的“一条石板路,千年磁器口。” 现在我们来到的是磁器口正街,据传它始建于明代,那时在街两 旁植有芙蓉,盛开芙蓉花,名金蓉正街,又称大街。请看,路两旁是 一栋栋古色古香的灰瓦房,多为竹木结构,雕梁画栋,窗花户棂图案 十分精美。板墙青瓦在绿树溪河映衬下,素雅清淡,韵味无穷,用一 位游客的话形容:仿佛是唐宋间延至现在的一个清淡的梦。国内外很 多世界知名建筑大师到重庆都把磁器口作为必看的地方之一。 各位朋友,这间店铺就是巴渝百年老字号聚森茂酱园作坊,最早 由张正刚创办,1885年靠20两银子起家。1892年张正刚之子张杰三 继承后取名“张记聚森茂酱园”。到了三、四十年代,重庆注册的酱 园达130多家,但聚森茂和另外两家知名度最高,是具有深远影响的 老字号酱园坊。 大家看,这个墙壁雕有龙的图案,在墙壁前闭着眼睛转上几圈, 然后向着墙壁对直走,如果能够摸到正中的珠子,说明好运就会降临 到他的头上,朋友们不妨都试一试。 我们现在的位置是磁器口横街,它与正街相交,长240米,宽2.5米,着名的宝轮寺就位于这条街上。大家看铺面一个紧接着一个,铺 里摆满了各式各样的民间艺术品,丝绸精品、精美的少数民族布娃娃 与蜡染装饰布、能奏出悠扬乐声的云南葫芦丝、千姿百态的大红中国结,大家觉得美不美? 在道路的两边,大家可以看到有很多卖小吃的地方。大家不要着急,等会我们参观完了,大家就可以尽情购买了。磁器口的小吃呢, 最着名的有陈麻花、古镇鸡杂、软烩千张、毛血旺等等。每到节假日,
