广州版英语一年级I like green_余雪琴

广州版英语一年级I like green_余雪琴
广州版英语一年级I like green_余雪琴

案例名称:Grade 1 Unit 4 I Like Green

第一课时 Learn the colors



本节课是广州市教材小学英语(Success With English) Unit 4 I Like Green的第一课时,主要的颜色词汇有:red, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple. 在学生课标学习的基础上,教师利用网络的优势,为学生提供了3个小对话,指导学生进行自主学习。本节课融合了Story time部分重点句型”I like…”,并根据学生言语交际的需要,拓展了句型”What color do you like? “此外,教师还指导学生拓展学习了2个与本课学习主题相关的中文版改编的英文小故事(Little Bird and Seven Clouds & The story of the Rainbow),既融合新旧知,又丰富学生的语言积累,同时将情感教育渗透于英语教学中。





2.以旧句型”I have a… It is…”操练新词汇,以旧促新,使到学生可以说”I have a

bag/... It is red/…”,对单词的掌握达到更深层次。

3.熟练掌握句型”I like…”,初步掌握句型” What color do you like? “。初步达到集体


4.学生能够在师生对话的示范及key points的帮助下,联系自己的实际,运用所学词

句和旧知” Hello,… I have …. It is … What about you?”进行同位俩俩说,提高学






单的日常打招呼;e.g Hello/Hi! How are you? I’m fine. And you? 学会了能够运

用句型:What’s this? How many…? I have a … It’s new/old. What about you? 进




3.学生已经掌握了俩俩交际的方法,教师说“Work in pairs”时学生就能知道如何开


4.部分学生学前学过英语,认识部分颜色的单词,如yellow, orange, red等。





2.游戏激趣策略:将游戏和语言运用结合起来,以旧句型”I have a … It is …”操练


3.情景交际策略:通过情景的创设,在师生对话的示范和key points 的引导和帮助下,



读dialogue& story,丰富学生的语言积累,培养学生自主学习的能力。为了尊重学




1.供学生自主听读的资源:3 short dialogues; 2 stories(Little Bird and Seven

Clouds & the Story of Rainbow)

2.供学生交际的资源:Picture of the rainbow, 2 PPT& Key points (Let’s chat); 2

PPT for the stories.




教师引导语: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?... Do you remember the chant “one, two…” Now let’s chant for our teachers, OK! …

2.看图会话 (见下图)

教师引导语: OK, boys and girls, we have learnt about school things and numbers in the previous lessons. Now let’s look at the picture. Who can make a dialogue with Miss Yu?




第二环节: 故事导入,新知学习


教师引导语: Boys and girls, today the Rainbow family will come to our class. Do you want to know the Rainbow family? Now let’s say “Hello” to them. (彩虹家庭图如下)


教师利用学生资源促教,充分发挥小老师的作用,用“Hello, red./ Hi, green, how are you? ”等句型呈现颜色单词。小老师说上述句型,其他小朋友跟着打招呼。


在颜色呈现的基础上,教师帮助学生对个别发音较难的词进行正音,如orange, green,




教师利用学生所学句型: I have a … It is …,一人说颜色,另一人举起该颜色的物品并描述句子,将新词汇融入旧句型中进行运用。如:

A: Red.

B: I have a bag. It is red.



教师指导学生自主听读3个小对话( What color do you like?/ What’s your favourite color?/ Art Class),在听读之前,教师先通过示范说和请1-2名学生回答,提前渗透了句型”I like purple. What color do you like?”,之后再抛出问题,让学生带着问题有目的地去听读。

教师指导语: Boys and girls, I like the Rainbow family. Do you like the Rainbow

family? … Yes, they are beautiful. They have red, orange, yellow, blue and green colors. En…I like purple. What about you? What color do you like?… (请1-2名较好的学生回答) Good! What about they? Jiamin, …(用下图PPT将对话出现的人物呈现出来) What color do they like? Let’s listen to their dialogues.


D1: D2: D3:


3.反馈: 分两步进行反馈检查。


第2步:教师提供对话内容示范和相关的key points, 学生进行同位俩俩说,之后进行汇报表演(如下右图)。




第五环节: 拓展学习故事


教师指导学生拓展听读2个中文版改编的英文版故事( Little bird and Seven Clouds & the Story of Rainbow). 其中这两个故事教师已在课前让学生阅读的中文版的内容,学生对故事的情节有了一定的了解。

教师指导语: Boys and girls, have you read these two Chinese stories?(小

鸟和七彩云,彩云的故事) … Do you like the stories? Do you want to read the stories in English? Today Miss Yu will give you these two English stories. I hope you can listen and try to tell the stories. OK? While you listen, please speak loudly. (故事图见下,文本附加最后)

Little Bird and Seven Clouds The Story of the Rainbow




Story 1: 看图回答问题Story2: 看图排序




《I like green》是一节一年级英语跨越式的现场展示课例。本课例在“以语言运用为中心”和Blended learning(混合式学习)教学思想的指导下,为学生创设了比较真实的言语交际情境,提供了大量感知语言、实践语言的机会,使学生不断丰富语言,提高言语交际的能力,增强学习英语的信心。


本案例巧妙地运用了“整合”策略,充分体现了Blended learning(混合式学习)的优势:1.有知识经验和新知学习的整合


此外,在复习、新授、巩固等环节中,我注意旧知、新知、扩展内容的有机结合,实现语言的累积性发展。如在复习环节,教师通过看图说话,综合了前3个单元的词、句;在新授环节,学生通过向彩虹家庭打招呼的方式,既巩固了Unit 1打招呼的内容,也呈现了新知;在新单词巩固环节,让学生在游戏中说“I have …. It’s new/old. It’s red./…”就是第2单元重点句型和本课词句的有机结合;在句型运用环节,学生俩俩编对话的Key points(见上面的环节图片)就是Unit1、Unit2的词句和本课教学句型的综合运用。这种综合运用对于一周只有1节课而言的一年级英语教学来说尤为重要,从短短两个多月的试验可以看出,不仅学生学习的回生率相对于其他班低,更重要的是学生的语言越用越丰富。


在教学过程中,我注意引导学生“用中学、学中用”,使学生在言语交际的环境中学习新知,在运用语言的过程中巩固新知。新授、巩固、运用、扩展以及新旧知的综合都是在一定的语言交际情境中、根据言语交际的需要来融合新旧知,而不是停留在机械训练或者将新旧词句机械累加的层次上,这样不仅可以促进学生进一步掌握新知,使之在语言运用的过程中加深对词句的理解和运用能力,而且还可以有效地促进旧知的迁移运用,学生可以掌握旧知应用的语言环境,提高语言的灵活运用能力。如单词教学环节,我先是鼓励学生运用所学句型“Hello,…”、“Hi …. How are you? ”,创设富于趣味的打招呼情境呈现新知和融合新旧知;在呈现“I like ….”时,我又根据学生言语交际的需要扩展句型“What colour do you like?”,使之构成一个能用于真实交际语境的完整话语,为了交际而扩展,扩展是为了学生运用语言。







语言是在运用的过程中习得的,学习语言也是为了运用。在该案例中,我创设了真实的交际语境,并通过俩俩对话的方式以保证每一个学生都有充分的时间和机会进行言语交际。为了更好地帮助学生实现言语交际,我利用师生对话示范以及Key points帮助使学生从说什么、怎么说两个方面提供有效的指导。从课堂实施效果可以看出,尽管学生是才入学不多久的一年级学生,本案例的教学内容还是第一课时的内容,但绝大多数学生仍然能够做到教师所确定的教学目标,学生能够较好地利用文具,将新单词、新句型和旧知识结合起来自编成一段有情节的小对话。







【M1-M3单词听写】 听写情况: 【M1-M3知识考点】 1. 重点语法:一般过去时 2. 频率的表达 3. may,may be 与maybe的区别: may be是两个词,为情态动词may(可以,可能)+联系动词be,意为”可能是”.maybe 是一个词,意为”也许”,为副词,通常放在句首,做状语,不可作表语. may 是情态动词,"可以可能",may +动词原形如果后面有动词原形用may. 4. I am sorry to hear that. 5. 复习情态动词 用―should‖与―shouldn’t‖来陈述句子,委婉表达主语该做或不该做的事情, 后面加动词原形。 同样用法的情态动词还有:must , need , can, could, may, might… 6. ask sb to do sth: 叫某人做某事反义短语:ask sb not to do sth: tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人做某事 7. well: 1. 副词,好地; 2. 形容词,身体好good: 好的,只做形容词 8. keep a good diet. 保持一个良好的饮食习惯。 9.复习不规则形容词的比较级、最高级 good/ well—better – best , bad/badly—worse—worst many/much—more—most, little—less—least far—farther—farthest 10. 祈使句。祈使句是用来表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等语气的句子。 肯定祈使句有以下几种类型: 1)Do型----Do(表示行为的动词原形)+宾语+… Sit down, please. 2)Be型----Be+名词/ 形容词+… Be quiet! 3)Let型----Let+宾语(通常是第一或第三人称宾格)+动词原形+… Let’s go shopping. 第一人称,用let sb not do sth; 非第一人称,用don’t let sb do sth. 否定祈使句有以下2种类型: 1)Don’t型----Don’t+动词原形+… 2)No型----No+名词或动词ing形式. 11. 介词 A. 时间介词是用来表示时间的介词: 1)on表示在具体的某一天或具体的某一天的上午、下午或晚上。

广州版 三年级英语下册知识点

三年级英语下册 Module 1 colours 颜色 red 红blue 蓝yellow 黄green 绿white 白black 黑 pink 粉红purple 紫orange 橙brown 棕grey 灰 go 去to 到... idea 主意like 喜欢great好极了 look 看at 在look at 看funny 有趣的crayon 蜡笔 hat 帽子 Module 2 Positions 位置 where 什么地方where’s = where is 在什么地方robot 机器人 doll 玩具娃娃pencil-box 文具盒near 在...附近English 英语;英国的front 前面in front of 在...前面behind 在...后面beside 在...旁边 TV 电视,电视机schoolbag 书包over 在...上方 Module 3 Personal information 个人信息 how 怎么,怎样How old......?. ..... 几岁? guess 猜 happy快乐的birthday 生日Happy birthday 生日快乐 for 为,给little 小的may 可以May I...... ? 我可以...吗?telephone 电话number 号码,数字can 能够Can I......? 我能够...吗?zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Module 4 Fruits 水果 want想要get 得到fruit 水果banana香蕉grape葡萄apple苹果pear 梨some 一些but 但是Of course 当然then 那么,然后 Module 5 Relatives 亲人 grandpa /grandfather 爷爷;外公grandma/grandmother 奶奶;外婆father/dad父亲;爸爸mother/mum 母亲;妈妈uncle伯伯;叔叔;舅舅aunt姑姑;婶婶;舅母cousin 表/堂兄弟姐妹brother兄弟sister姐妹photo照片strong 强壮的heavy重的lovely可爱的big大的small 小的many 许多的How many....? 多少?who 谁? Module 6 Pets 宠物 cat 猫rabbit兔子dog狗bear熊duck 鸭子chicken 小鸡monkey 猴子fish 鱼horse 马whose 谁的


2020-2021学年广东省广州市越秀区六年级上期末英语试卷一.听力 1.听录音,选出你听到的单词,并将字母代号填在括号内,每题读三遍.(1)A.am B.is C.are (2)A.good B.morning C.afternoon (3)A.cake B.cat C.kite (4)A.up B.on C.down (5)A.mouth B.mother C.monster (6)A.sit B.sister C.stand (7)A.dog B.panda C.cat (8)A.one B.eight C.twelve (9)A.black B.green C.yellow (10)A.two B.five C.nine 2.听句子三次,找出句子中所含的信息,并将所选答案的英文字母编号写在相应的括号里.(1) A.meet B.meat C.met (2) A.quiet and polite B.quiet and polite C.quiet and diet (3) A.the most important B.the most interesting C.the most wonderful (4) A.During the Chongyang Festival,parents will give children lots of candy.

B.During the Spring Festival,parents will give children lovely monkey. C.During the Spring Festival.parents will give children lucky money. (5) A.Ms Li always has a smile on her face. B.Ms Li always has a smile on his face. C.Ms Li usually has a smile on her face. 二.听力(共1小题,满分5分,每小题5分) 3.(5分)听小对话及问题三次,选择正确的答句. (1)A.He had a broken finger.B.He can't get well soon.C.A and B (2)A.Yes,he is thin.B.No,he cried a lot.C.Yes,he does.(3)A.The Dragon Boat Festival B.The Spring Festival C.We don't know.(4)A.Get plenty of sleep B.to keep a good diet.C.Take exercise.(5)A.It's a beautiful city,B.It's a modern city.C.It's very hot.(6)It's near the school B.On foot.C.By bike.三.听力(共1小题,满分10分,每小题10分) 4.(10分)(1)What will John do for his mum on Mother's Day? A.He will sing to her. B.He will write her a letter. C.He will cook for her. (3)What is the little dog doing? A.He's eating. B.He's sleeping. C.He's drinking water. (4)Is the school singing contest in September? A.No,it isn't. B.No.It's in June. C.Yes,it is. (5)What docs Amy sometimes do on the weekend? A.She goes shopping.


2016年广州版小学英语三年级下册课文 Unit 1 I like red A: Janet, let’s go to play, OK? B:Oh, good idea. I have a kite. A:A kite? What colour is it? B:It’s red. A:Great! I like red. Let's go. Unit 2 Let’s colour it A: Look at t his picture. B: Oh, it’s a funny face. I have crayons. ['kre??n] Let’s colour it. A: OK. Let’s colour the nose red. B: OK. And let’s colour the hat green. A: That’s good. Unit 3 Where is my car? A: Let’s pl ay a game. Where is my car?

B: Is it in the box? A: No, it isn’t B: Is it under the chair? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it on the table? A: Yes, it is. Unit 4 Is it in your bag? A: Mum, where is my English book? B: Is it in front of the TV. A: No, it isn’t B: Is it behind your bed? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it in your schoolbag? A: Oh,yes. Unit 5 Happy birthday! A: How old are you? B: Guess. A:One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine.


小学英语六年级期末综合练习卷 (70分钟完成) 说明:请把选择题的答案编号写在题前的括号内。 一、听句子,选出句中含有的信息。(10分) ( )1. A. AW8963 B. AU8963 C . AW8563 ( )2. A. June 27th 2012 B. July 27th 2012 C. July 20th 2012 ( )3. A. hot and sunny B. cool and rainy C. warm and sunny ( )4. A. most delicious B. more different C. more delicious ( )5. A. Japanese B. Canadian C. American ( )6. A. Children’s Day B. Teachers’Day C. Women’s Day ( )7. A. a red dress B. a red coat C. a white dress ( )8. A. sea food B. dimsum C. ice cream ( )9. A. have a look B. have a bath C. have a cold ( )10. A. from Shanghai B. from Beijing C. from Guangzhou 二、听句子,写出句中所缺的单词。(4分) 1. It’s summer in China, and it’s ____________ in ____________ now. 2. Some people is __________ when in the_________ day. 3. The ____________baby is always in ______________. 4. Jack! Get up and get ___________ _____________. 三、听录音,给图写上英文大写字母编号。(6分)


新版广州英语六年级上期末练习题汇总 一、词汇题 A. 根据所给的提示,把下列英语句子补充完整,将答案写在相应的横线上。 1. My grandma sleeps _________ _________ (至少)9 hours each night. 2. Don’t eat _________ _________(太多)sweet or oily food. 3. The young lady _________ _________ _________ _________ (从自行车上摔下来)yesterday. 4. _________ _________(去年)we went to a trip to Japan. 5. I stayed at home _________ _________(一整天)last Sunday. 6. He took the medicine_________ _________ (三次)a day for one week. 7. We must _________ _________ _________ _________ (保持一个良好的饮食习惯) B. 读句子,用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 1. There are some____________ (goose) on the river. 2. Uncle Chen grows ____________ (rice) in this field. 3. Some _________ (sheep) are eating grass over there. 4. I can’t wait to get back home and see all my ___________ (friend). 5. Mr. and Mrs. Chen have three _________ (child). 6. I usually have lots of ____________ (homework) to do. 7. John has plenty of _________ (milk) for breakfast. So he is tall and strong. 8. When I get home after school, there is still much _________ (work) to do. 9. The _________ (street) are always crowded because there are too many_________ (car). 10. There are three _________ (box) of _________ (egg) in the fridge. C. 看图并根据首字母提示,填写下列单词中所缺的字母。 1. The man has a h___________. 2. He has a s___________ 3. The boy has a broken f___________. 4. My mother was very a___________ when I c___________ back home late last night. 5. The boy s___________ a lot every day. 6. We b___________our teeth every morning. 7. They s___________ a film yesterday. 8. The lady b___________ something in the supermarket yesterday. 9. He s___________ on the chair when he was tired. 10. There are three c___________. D.根据提示,写出句子所缺的单词。 1. After breakfast, I ________ a bike to school. (骑车) 2. I ________ my old friends very much. (想念) 3. Please ___________ me some paper. (给) 4. I would like to travel in the __________. (乡村) 5. There are some _________ on the farm. (绵羊) E. 看图并根据首字母提示填写单词,把下列句子补充完整。 1. The children are helping their father m__________ the c____________. 2. This is a p____________ for Mandy. 3. The traffic is very h_______________ and s______________ in this city. 4. The baby is sleeping, please be q________________. 5. There are forty-five s_____________________ in our class. Tim is the tallest. 6. My father is a manager. He works in a h_______________. 7. The water is very clean in the r___________________. 8. Go and wash your hands, Ben. They are very d________________. F. 看图完成句子。 1. They give presents to e_____________ o___________. 2. The lady was an E________ t________ two years ago. 3. Children get l___________ m____________ from the parents at Spring Festival. 4. Every weekend, they like to c____________ t_____________ for a big dinner. 5. We live in a m___________ and b____________ city. G. 根据句意填上合适的单词,首字母已给出。 1. The children are helping their father m____________ the cow. 2. This is a p____________ for Mandy. 3. The traffic is very h____________ in this city. 4. The baby is sleeping. Please be q ______________. 5. There are forty-five s___________ in our class. Tim is the tallest 6. My father is a manger. He works in a h ____________. 7. Alice usually goes to the s____________ once a week and buys lots of different things.


广州版一年级上册英语口语教学设计 广州版一年级英语上册教学设计Module 1 Hello, I’m Andy Content ‘LET’S CHANT’‘LET’S SING’Study Guidance Language Focus 1. saying hello to others 2. understand the Chinese name and English name Teaching Aims By the end of the lesson, the children will 1. be able to call their friends’English names and Chinese names 2. be able to introduce their two names 3. be able to chant 4. be able to sing the song 5. have confidence and want to communicate Teaching Procedure Preparation make sure that the children know their own English names Activity 1 meet Andy’s friends again Step1 take out Andy’s headdress, ask some pupils to put them on Step 2 ask the children to play as Andy’s friends Activity 2 song Step1 throw the ball out and the pupil who catches the ball may answer the question what’s your name Step2 listen to the music Step3 try to follow the music Step4 throw the ball to the pupils while singing and the pupils who catch the ball may sing along Activity 3 English names and Chinese names Step1 tell the pupils I am Ms Yang. My English name is pink. Step2 ask them to follow me Step3 ask them to do it one by one and tell them it’s a team game Activity 4 chant Step1 ask the pupils who named Mary, Sue, Pam, David, Drew, and Billy to come up to the


(解析)【秀】六年级(英语) 2017-2018学年第一学期期末测试及参考答案 笔试部分 六、选择最佳的答案填空,把其字母编号写在括号内 ()1--- _____ you happy yesterday? -Yes, I _____. A. Did. did B Were, was C Was, were ()2.---what did you _____ last night? -l _____ my homework. A did did B. do. do C. do, did ()3. Autumn is coming. let _____ fly a kite. A.we B. us C.our ()4. My hometown is _____ Guangzhou. It takes me 3 hours to go there by plane. A. far away from B. near C. next to ()5. There are 40 _____ in our class. We study together and help with each other for six years. A.teachers B. students C. books ()6. There are many cars in the street. It is ______ . I can’t read my book. A.quiet B. comfortable C. noisy ()7. I often ______ my mother ______ housework. A.help,in B.hep,of C.help, with ()8. Jiamin couldn't sleep well ______ it was very hot. A.Then B. so C. because ()9. Lily lived in Zhaoqing for three years, ______ she moved to Zhuhai. A.Then B. that C. if ()10. --- __________________ ---- I had a stomachache. A.What’s the matter? B.What did you eat? C.When did you have dinner? ()11. --- __________________ ---it's Christmas. A. Is Christmas the most important festival in England? 8. What is the most important festival in England? C. When is Christmas? ()12. --- __________________ --- I went to visit Hong Kong


Unit1 单词(带音标)与录音 单词录音 colour[?k?l?] 颜色;给......涂颜色 like[la?k] 喜欢 go[g??] 去 to[tu:] 到…… idea[a??d??]主意 red[red] 红色的 great[gre?t]太好了 yellow[?jel??]黄色 blue[blu?]蓝色 white[wa?t]白色 Unit1 课文与翻译 Unit 1 I like red A: Janet, le t’s go to play, OK B: Oh, good idea. I have a kite. A: A kite What colour is it B: It’s red. A: Great! I like red. Let's go. 珍妮特,我们去玩,好吗 哦,好主意。我有一只风筝。 一只风筝吗是什么颜色的 它是红色的。 真棒! 我喜欢红色。走吧。 重点内容与习题 1:What colour 的用法: What colour + is + 单数(物品) 例句:What colour is the desk What colour + are + 复数(物品) 例句:What colour are these books 练习: (1)What colour ______ the cat (选A) B. are (2)What colour are these ______(选B) A. flower B. flowers

2:like(喜欢)的用法: (1)I like + …. 例句:I like apples. (2)Do you like + 其他 回答:Yes, I / we do. No, I / we don’t. 例句:- Do you like your mother - Yes, we do. 练习: (3) I like red _____. (选B) 知识扩展: have的用法: (1)、表示“吃、喝”。 例句:I have meat for supper. (2)、表示“有”。 例句:I have a skateboard. 表“有”的问句:Do you have + 某物 答语:Yes, I/Wedo. No, I/We don’t. 例句:- Do you have a toy car - No, I don’t. (3)、表示“患(疾病)”。 例句:David had a cough yesterday. (4)、表示“举行、进行”。 We’ll have a meet tonight. (5)、组成一些常见的固定搭配。 have to 必须 have fun 玩得开心 have sth. to do with 与…有关 have a look 看一看 have a try 试一试 课后练习 一、选择不同类的单词,把其大写字母编号写在括号内。()1. C. yellow ()2. C. plane ()3. B. idea C. on


2019-2020学年广东省广州市花都区六年级(上)期末英语试卷 六、选出下列每组中不同类的单词。 1. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.() A.fat B.poor C.rest 2. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.() A.builder B.farmer C.better 3. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.() A.ride B.came C.met 4. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.() A.office B.matter C.store 5. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.() A.health B.toothache C.stomachache 6. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.() A.Children's Day B.festival C.Chongyang Festival 七、选出最佳答案. 7. I like this hotel,_____it's comfortable.() A.because B.but C.so 8. Mike often helps his mother_____housework.() A.for B.with C.to 9. There are________trees on my uncle's farm.() A.a little B.any C.a few 10. My grandmother knows the secret________good health.() A.to B.in C.on

11. We________to the countryside tomorrow.() A.go B.will go C.went 12. The children like________snowmen in winter.() A.make B.made C.making 13. Today is Tom's birthday,and I bought some presents for________.() A.his B.him C.he 14. Everything________clean in the large kitchen.() A.looks B.look C.looked 15. We________eat too much oily food.() A.must B.shouldn't C.should 16. We should brush________teeth twice a day.() A.our B.we https://www.360docs.net/doc/123462596.html, 17. I can't wait to________the food with my best friends.() A.share B.sharing C.shared 18. Mr Chen________in a small village when he was nine years old.() A.live B.lives C.lived 19. Chinese people play fun lantern word guessing games at the________.() A.Qingming Festival https://www.360docs.net/doc/123462596.html,ntern Festival C.Dragon Boat Festival 20. ﹣﹣﹣ ________ ﹣﹣﹣ I think I have a stomachache.() A.How are you? B.Where are you from? C.What's the matter with you? 21. ﹣﹣﹣ I cut the vegetables too fast and had a broken finger yesterday. ﹣﹣﹣________()


三年级英语下册 词汇 Module 1 colours 颜色 red 红blue 蓝yellow 黄green 绿white 白black 黑 pink 粉红purple 紫orange 橙brown 棕grey 灰 go 去to 到、、、idea 主意like 喜欢great好极了 look 瞧at 在look at 瞧funny 有趣的crayon 蜡笔 hat 帽子 Module 2 Positions 位置 where 什么地方where’s = where is 在什么地方robot 机器人 doll 玩具娃娃pencil-box 文具盒near 在、、、附近English 英语;英国的 front 前面in front of 在、、、前面behind 在、、、后面beside 在、、、旁边 TV 电视,电视机schoolbag 书包over 在、、、上方 Module 3 Personal information 个人信息 how 怎么,怎样How old、、、、、、?、、、、、、几岁? guess 猜 happy快乐的birthday 生日Happy birthday 生日快乐 for 为,给little 小的may 可以May I、、、、、、? 我可以、、、不? telephone 电话number 号码,数字can 能够Can I、、、、、、? 我能够、、、不? zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Module 4 Fruits 水果

want想要get 得到fruit 水果banana香蕉grape葡萄apple苹果pear 梨 some 一些but 但就是Of course 当然then 那么,然后 Module 5 Relatives 亲人 grandpa /grandfather 爷爷;外公grandma/grandmother 奶奶;外婆father/dad父亲;爸爸mother/mum 母亲;妈妈uncle伯伯;叔叔;舅舅 aunt姑姑;婶婶;舅母cousin 表/堂兄弟姐妹 brother兄弟sister姐妹photo照片strong 强壮的heavy重的lovely可爱的big大的small 小的many 许多的How many、、、、? 多少?who 谁? Module 6 Pets 宠物 cat 猫rabbit兔子dog狗bear熊duck 鸭子chicken 小鸡monkey 猴子 fish 鱼horse 马whose 谁的 句型 1 提议做某事 Let’s go to play、我们一起去玩。 Let’s go to the zoo、我们一起去动物园。 2 询问颜色 Do you have a pen? 您有钢笔不?

六年级上册英语期末测试 广州版

六上期末试题 六、选择方框内的单词,答案写在答题卡相应的横线上。6分 30. There are 12 in a year. 31.During Chongyang Festival,we usually climb the . 32.Tom eats too much candy. He may have a . 33.I was naughty back then.but now I ’m . 34.I prefer life because I can have fresh air and fresh food there. 35.Tom felt very excited because it was his visit to Hong Kong. 八、判断下列句子内容是否与实际相符,如相符请写T ,否则写F 。 7分 ( )38.At Dragon Boat Festival,people in China eat zongzi and row dragon boats. ( )39.At Mid-autumn Festival,people give lucky money to children. ( )40.We need plenty of fat. We should eat much oily food. ( )41.The traffic is always busy in big cities. ( )42.February is the first month in a year. ( )43.At Easter children go from door to door to say ”trick or treat ” and ask for candy. ( )44.Father Christmas is important at Christmas. 九、选择下列情景中最合适的语言,把正确答案的编号写在括号内。6分 ( )45.It ’s raining. I ’m going outside. A.Take your umbrella B.Take your T-shirt. C.Wear your sun-glasses. ( )46.I can ’t sleep because I have a headache. A.You should surf the net. B.You should take some medicine. C.You should do some homework ( )47.It ’s cold outside. A.Open the window. B.Close the window. C.Take the medicine. ( )48.Mike is hungry and tired. 36 333336 36.Christmas

六年级上册英语试题期末测试 广州版-最新学习文档

2019学年越秀六上英语期末试题 六、选出下列每组单词中不同类的词,把字母编号写在括号内。 ( )1.A.they B.we C.her D.she ( )2.A.felt B.take C.rode D.said ( )3.A.ham B.horse C.goat D.pig ( )4.A.simple B.angry C.store D.dirty ( )5.A.finger B.theatre C.school D.hotel ( )6.A.water B.juice https://www.360docs.net/doc/123462596.html,k D.beef ( )7.A.share B.jiaozi C.zongzi D.mooncake 七、选择最佳的答案填空,把其字母编号写在括号内。 ( )1.I was born 2019. A.in B.on C.at ( )2.There are two on the table. A.box of egg B.boxes of egg C.boxes of eggs ( )3.In the country there lived old man. A.a B.an C.some ( )4.We need two hours to finish our homework every evening. A.at least B.more C.less ( )5.The boys are going to help farmers fruits in autumn time. A.grows B.pick C.eating ( )6.I was fat and cute ,but I am slim and beautiful now. A.before B.now C.tomorrow ( )7.Don’t your car here. Children often play in the . A.water,water B.rain,rain C.park,park ( )8.----- you usually visit your friends during festival?


三年级英语语法点汇总 词法: 一人称代词 I 我you 你he 他she她it它 we 我们you 你们they 他们 二be动词:am are is “是” 顺口溜:我(I)用am, 你(You)用are, is连着他/她/它,复数全部都用are。 第一人称第二人称(第三人称单数) 例:I am your student. You are my teacher. He is my brother. She is my sister. It is my pet. This is my name. They are my friends. The boys are tall. We are friends. 三助动词do 助动词do本身没有意义,第一、二人称用do, 第三人称用does 否定形式是:don’t doesn’t 它可以帮助: 1. 构成否定句:主语+don’t/doesn’t+动词例:He doesn’t know the book. 2. 句子中的动词提问:把陈述句变成一般疑问句:Do/Does +主语/+动词…?还可以简短回答Yes, 主语+do/does. / No, 主语+don’t/doesn’t. 例:Does he know the book? --No, he doesn’t. 四方位介词 in 在...里面on 在..上面(接触)over 在...上方(不接触) under 在...下面behind 在...后面in front of 在...前面near 在...附近 beside 在...旁边 五冠词 1 不定冠词:a, an,表示数量“一”,用于初次提到的人或物。 其中an用在元音音素前, 其他都用a。 例:a pencil 一支钢笔 a book 一本书 an apple 一个苹果an eraser 一块橡皮擦an hour 一小时an egg 一个鸡蛋 2 定冠词:the表示特指、双方都知道的人或物、上文提到过的人或物 例:I buy a new bike. The bike is blue. 我买了一辆新单车,这辆车是蓝色的。 ◆练一练: ( )1.It is beautiful flower. A.a B.an C.the D.\ ( ) 2.It takes me hour to go to the school. A.a B.an C.the D.\ ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/123462596.html,puter on the table is Susan’s. A. A B. An C. The D. /
