
Catch-phrase need to know

Yuppie (young urban professional)(雅皮士,高富帅)

Informal for (y)oung (U)rban (P)rofessional, or Yup. turned into yuppie in the 1980's.

A term used to describe someone who is young, possibly just out of college, and who has a high-paying job and an affluent lifestyle. Can now be used to describe any rich person who is not modest about their financial status. Yuppiedom (yuppie-dum)is a term used to describe an involvement in being a yuppie.

Yuppie-I'm going to go drive my ferrari to the seafood place for a $500 lobster. Average person-I'm gonna fuck your wife, take your time with the lobster.

Osrie (old suburb retiree)

Hypster (文艺青年)

A pretentious person with money, youth and a sense of cultural and intellectual superiority.

A Yuppie Hipster if you will.

People who try to be cool for the sake of feeling superiority. Makes hipsters look bad (if that is possible). Lacking in humor, overcompensating by

mean spirited sarcasm and Irony.

土豪:fat cat; high roller(挥金如土的人);

newly rich; upstart, provincial tycoon,

rural rich, vulgar tycoon, Beverly Hillbilly; rich redneck;

robber baron

女汉子: butch woman/ girl; cowgirl, tomboy

软妹子——grily girl;时尚御姐——fashionista; 脑残女——valley girl;百合女——Yuri。

Hillbilly is a term (often derogatory) for people who dwell in rural, mountainous areas primarily in Appalachia but also parts of the Ozarks in the United States.

Memory foam 记忆棉

jack squat

Google is a Hi tech company, a field that we know jack squat about. bugger all absolutely nothing,zilch ,zero ,nowt;'Polite' or mixed company version of Jack(ass) S__t, i.e. "nothing at all" which is 1970s southern U.S. student slang


usually used as a farewell and sometimes as a greeting or toast. Sometimes the long shots pay off the biggest. 长线钓大鱼

The best way to learn is to learn from the best名师出高徒

Gold digger 拜金女

is slang for a greedy person (stereotypically a woman) who only dates (and subsequently marries) wealthy partners with the (typically) sole intention of exploiting said wealth. The term is usually pejorative.


Jinx 乌鸦嘴


1. I just had a super-duper meal in the restaurant.我刚刚在餐厅吃了一顿超级大餐.

Super-duper 是一种加强语法的说法,程度上比Super 还要再高一级。比方说我要跟老美说我的网页有多棒,我就可以说:Welcome to my super-duper website! 还要小心提醒一句,super-duper 是个比较childish的话,如果你要一

本正经地说的话,听起来会怪怪的,建议大家谈笑的时候用。 2. I can't believe you said this is a tiny-little mistake.我不敢相信你说这是微不足道的错误。

跟Super-duper 正好相反,当你要特别强调某件东西或是事情微不足道时,就可以用tiny-little 来形容。比方说蚂蚁,你就可以用tiny-little 来形容,例如:Hey! Look at those tiny-little creatures. 不过我最常听到的tiny-little 多半是跟mistake 连用。一个人为了强调自己犯的错其实没什么大不了的,就可以说It is just a tiny-little mistake.

Twerking 电臀舞

专利流氓(Patent Troll),又称专利蟑螂、专利鲨鱼,是指那些没有实体业务、主要通过积极发动专利侵权诉讼而生存的公司。

龙女,气场大的女人,母老虎(The Dragon Lady)、苏丝黄(Suzy Wong)、艺妓(The Geisha Girl)



Bromeo 男闺蜜

Fag hag 腐女

Fangirl / fanboy 二次元


Gayriage 同性恋婚姻


Social bubble

Showrooming 先逛实体店后网购

Charter school 实验学校

Showdown 摊牌

Goosebumps 鸡皮疙瘩

Casting couch 娱乐界潜规则

All-seeing eyes 全能之眼

Coming out of the closet, or simply coming out, is a figure of speech for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people’s self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Captain army中属于上尉;海军中属于上校。

Rule of law 法治

Rule by law 法制

Slow food 慢食运动is an international movement founded by Carlo Petrini in 1986. Promoted as an alternative to fast food, it strives to preserve traditional and regional cuisine and encourages farming of plants, seeds and livestock characteristic of the local ecosystem. It was the first established part of the broader Slow Movement.

Geek out

To enthuse about a specific topic, not realizing that most people listening will fail to understand it.

Sorry, I didn't mean to spend fifteen minutes discussing the definition of decimate. I guess I geeked out for a bit.

To do geeky things; to act geeky; to speak of geeky things.

Hey guys, let's geek out tonight and have a code-a-thon!

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

From George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman.

John Knight 周恩来

Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.


If I Stay


Xi Dada / Uncle Xi


China's New Normal


Hunting Tigers and Flies




The Belt and Road Initiatives


Free Rider

Low cut dresses and corseted cleavages. 低胸装和挤胸装。It is too revealing. 太露。

Umm, you know, well, just… are called filler s

Hit the big screen (movie)

Is on air (tv shows)

Trypophobia 密集恐惧症

Acrophobia 恐高症

Stenophobia 狭室恐惧症

Claustrophobia 幽闭恐惧症

Yosemite [j?u?semiti]优山美地

San Jose [sɑnho?ze] 圣何塞

loving vs Virginia 种族通婚判例

brick-and mortar store 实体店

Wannabegirls 外围女


A freebie of a bundle sale

Bundle sale的意思是“捆绑销售”,freebie则表示“赠品,免费品”,所以合起来就可以表达“充话费送的”。

例句:My mom said I was a freebie of a bundle sale.


7. 能靠长相吃饭,却偏偏要靠才华

One could live off one’s appearance, but instead lives off one’s talent.
