


II. Listening Skills

Listening for Rents or Charges

1. M: Look at this ad! “One bedroom apartment, with kitchen and bathroom.” It’s close to our

school, and the price is only $250 a month.

W: But I want an apartment at least $50 cheaper.

Q: What is the highest rent the woman is willing to pay?

B) $200.

2. M: Laura, I really hate to ask this, but I think I’m going to be five days late with this month’s

rent. Do you think you could help me out?

W: I’m afraid I can’t. It’s $350! I haven’t much money. I have to save hard to pay my own rent; and it’s almost twice as high as yours.

Q: How much is the man’s monthly rent?


3. M: Okay, Mrs. Smith, I’m all packed and ready to move out. There’s just the matter of the

$500 damage deposit and I’ll be off.

W: Well, Rob, there’s also the matter of some cigarette burns on the carpet and a hole in one of the walls. Those damages will cost $100 to repair.

Q: How much is the landlady willing to give back to the man?


4. M1: Frank, we need to talk about this month’s utility bill. It’s $220, and I’ve give you half the amount. Why are you asking for $50 morre?

W2: Don’t you think you should pay a little bit more than that? You have an extra heater in your bedroom. And you have been taking two hot showers a day, sometimes for almost an hour. I think you should be thankful I’m only asking for $160.

Q: How much is the second speaker asking the first one to pay?


5. M: Why are you still staying here? The girls on this floor are so noisy! You can get an

apartment off campus for just a little more money. Perhaps $450 a month. W: Well, actually, I was planning to pay the extra $50 to move there. But I changed my idea when I learned those noisy girls will move out next term.

Q: What is the rent for the girl’s dorm?


III. Listening In

Task 1:Living with Roommates

Living with roommates in college dorms, one is likely to have problems as well as success.

Some students report more unhappy relationships with their roommates than they do the opposite. One reason for this is that it’s human nature to pick out a person’s negative aspects more easily than to realize his or her positive ones. Living in a college dorm, you will certainly se both the strong points and shortcomings of your roommates. But you’ll be more likely to remember those unhappy moments between you and talk about them. You may often tend to tell war stories about someone who spilled their breakfast all over you, but seldom will you talk about the pleasant conversation you had with someone over breakfast. This selective memory does you no good at all! Therefore, if you want to enjoy better relationships with your roommates, you must work hard to view them as people and make yourself fully aware that they’re going to have some faults—and so are you!






Task 2:Interviewing a Rental Agent

M: Hi. Are you Jane from the rental agency?

W: Yes. Nice to meet you. I take it you’re Tim.

M: Yeah. Well, I just started to look into moving off campus. It seems that all the good places are going fast.

W: That’s right; you gotta be quick. Let me tell you a little about this apartment. It’s a one bedroom, one living room apartment, with a bathroom and a kitchen. T he furnishings are all new. There are hardwood floors, these large windows in the front, and it tends to be a quiet neighborhood.

M: And how about the transportation?

W: Well, from the bus stop down the block you can always catch buses onto campus, or into the city.

M: Ok. How about the rent?

W: The rent is $300 per month.

M: Is there a security deposit?

W: Yes. You must first pay the security deposit, which is one month’s rent, and the last month’s rent. Then, normal monthly payment begins.

M: And, would mind if I have a roommate?

W: Of course not! Whatever you like.

M: Well, the place looks good. I’ll definitely be in touch.

W: Ok. Here’s my business card. Give me a call if you have any questions.

M: Will do.

1. He intends to move off campus.

2. The apartment consists of a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen.

It is equipped with hardwood floors and new furnishings, and is located in a quiet neighborhood.

3. From the bus stop down the block people can always catch buses onto campus, or

into the city.

4. It is $300 per month.

5. He has to first pay the security deposit, which is one month’s rent, and the

last month’s rent.

Task 3: Off-campus Apartments

In many colleges and universities, the rapid increase in the number of resident students has made on-campus dormitories increasingly crowded. Thus even some of the

least attractive off-campus apartments now seem to be in great demand. As a result,

real estate owners tend to purchase as many properties as they can near college campus

for the sole p urpose of renting them out yo students. “College towns” have sprung

up across the country where there are large numbers of houses filled with students tenants. To find an apartment that’s “right” for you, first determine exactly how

much you can spend. Don’t waste your valuable time seeing apartments you can’t afford. Use newspaper classified ads, apartment guides and the Internet, to make a

list of “candidates” in your price range and needs. First consider how much travel

time you can afford each day. The next question: will you have a roommate to share

the costs? Will you be able to afford the apartment if your partner moves out? Furthermore, be sure to consider the potential costs of utilities carefully. Sometimes utility costs are included in the rent. This arrangement often gives a clearer picture of monthly costs.

resident dormitories apartments demand properties rent right spend afford roommate moves costs

Task 4: Roommate Wanted

20-year-old two 3-bedroom preferred responsible respectful north walking distance private

air conditioning high speed $275 utilities

IV. Speaking Out

Model 1 It’s all my fault.

Now Your Turn

Professor: Everyone should be here by now. Where’re they?

David: Well, there was a notice posted on the bulletin board, but maybe not everyone saw it.

Professor: Did anyone put up a notice in the regular classroom?

David: Well, I think nobody did.

Professor: Really?

David: I hate to say it, but I don’t think the re st of the class is coming. Professor: It’s all my fault. I should have told them all on the last class.

Model 2 I didn’t do that.

Now Your Turn

Electrician: Wasn’t I just here several days ago for an electrical problem? Ashley: I guess you’re mistake n.

Electrician: Oh man! Look what you’ve done! You can’t plug all these appliances into one socket. It’s too much overloaded!

Ashley: I’m sorry, but I didn’t do that.

Electrician: The truth is, you college kids never learn!

Model 3 I’m afraid you’re r ight

Now Your Turn

James: Well, you see, when you get up, you always take a long shower—one hour sometimes.

John: That’s not true! I do have a shower every morning, but I don’t think I spent that long.

James: But when you use the bathroom, you always lock the door.

John: I’m sorry. I just like my privacy.

James: Well, the fact is that others need to use the toilet too. Do you think we should go downstairs to the gas station to use the public toilets?

John: I’m afraid you’re right. I promise I’ll take a q uick shower later, and keep the door open.

V. Let’s Talk

Jack: Hey, Anne, long time no see!

Anne: Yeah, whatcha’ been doin’?

Jack: Oh, not much, just hanging around my suite.

Anne: Oh, you got a suite this year? I remember last year you were in a triple. I mean, thouse rooms were really supposed to be for two people, but they stuffed three of you in them.

Jack: Right. That’s why I got to bid first for my room this year. And now me and five other guys are in a suite.

Anne: So it’s three rooms for two p eople each?

Jack: Right. And how about you? Where are you living this year?

Anne: I’m out in the Hillside Community, I really like it there. It’s a little further away from the Academic buildings, but it’s nice and quiet. You know, I’m not much of a partygoer.

Jack: I know. Last year our crazy floor used to keep you up all night! Do you remember when the RA caught me with beer in my room? I had to do 15 hours of building service!

Anne: That RA was so strict! In Hillside, since it’s mostly an older c ommunity, there are no regulations about alcohol. However, Sunday through Thursday, and Friday and Saturday after 1 a.m. are all “quiet hours”.

Jack: Is it more expensive to live up there? Iknow the apartments are really nice. Anne: Yeah, a lot more. It’s about $2,000 a semester.

Jack: Whoa. My room is just $1,400 for a year per person.

Column A Column B


1.was in a triple last year.

3.now lives with five other students in a suite.

4.once had to do 15 hours of building service.

7.has got to pay $1,400 for a room a year.


2.is now out in the Hillside Community.

5. believes that the RA was too strict.

6. has got to pay about $2,000 for an apartment a semester.

8.doesn’t like noisy roommates.

For Reference


B, ask A why he/she wants to move out.

Why? Is your roommate really that hard to live with?

A, make your complaint.

I’m afraid so. He/she snores loudly, and it keeps me up all night!

B, ask A whether he/she has tried to solve the problem.

Well, isn’t there anything you can do about it? Have you talked to him/her? A, express your disappointment.

I have, but he/she says there’s nothing he/she can do about it. I know it’s not his/her fault.

B, make your suggestion.

I think you can suggest he/she go to see a doctor. They can help people who snore. A, make comments on B’s suggestion.

.Well, if he/she agrees, that would be a good idea. And I don’t have to move out.

For Reference


A, greet B and show your surprise for having not seen him/her for days.

Hi, Dave. I haven’t seen you for days. Where have you been?

B, tell A that you’re not on campus very often.

Hey, John. It’s good to see you. I’m not living in the dorm now.

A, ask B why.

What’s up? Anything unhappy?

B, give your reason.

Well, I just wanted a little more freedom. And… some of my roommates were making me crazy.

A, make comments on what B says.

I know what you mean. It’s really inconvenient to share a single room with several other people.

VI. Further Listening and Speaking


Task 1: The Residence Hall

The University Residence Hall houses 339 students. It is conveniently located on campus, and

provides comfortable, fully air-conditioned room for male and female students. As an integral part

of the educational program, it is more than a place where students can eat and sleep; it is a living

unit in the true sense of the term. Here students from all parts of the country and all corners of the

world are assigned to room without regard to race, religion, color or national origin. They enjoy

many opportunities to make new friends with all kinds of people and can also enjoy many

voluntary educational, social, culture and recreational activities provided by the Residence Hall

staff, in cooperation with the Residence Hall Council. The experience here will contribute as much

to students’ development as will their coursework and study, and ultimately to the sound education

needed for effective citizenship in the community.

1. on campus air-conditioned rooms 339

2. the educational program a living unit eat and sleep

3. all parts of the country assigned to rooms national origin

4. make new friends educational activities

5. students’ development the sound education citizenship

Task 2: Arrangements for Moving

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’ve called this meeting to discuss our new campus which is

opening fully next year. We plan to move our students to the new facilities in groups, so please

listen carefully. They Agricultural Science students won’t move at all. As you know, their new

facilities were opened last year, and they are well placed for both laboratory and classroom space.

The Arts students, however, are a different case. History students are all moving, but unfortunately

Their teachers will be left in the old building, as the new office accommodation isn’t yet ready.

Better news for engineers. Your faculty, staff and students, are already in the process of moving to

the new campus. The lab is already in operation. The move for the engineers should be completed

next week. The old engineering building will be taken over by the Philosophy Department. The

Faculty of Law has been moved downtown. This leaves vacant the premises previously occupied

by the lawyers. The planning committee is accepting suggestions for the way school buildings

could be used. So, if you have further doubts or questions, please let us know. Thank you.

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

Task 3: Top of the World

Such a feeling’s coming over me

There is wonder in most everything I see

Not a cloud in the sky

Got the sun in my eyes

And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream

Everything I want the world to be

Is now coming true especially for me

And the reason is clear

It’s because you are here

You’re the nearest thing to heaven that I’ve seen

I’m on the top of the world looking Down on creation And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I’ve found ever since

You’ve been around

Your love’s put me at the top of world…


人教版一年级上册第八单元测试卷 一、单选题 1.8++=8+7,横线上可以填( ) A. 1、6 B. 2、4 C. 3、3 2. 9+7=( ) A. 5 B. 12 C. 14 D. 16 3.小明家养了6只,5只,一共养了________只鸡.( ) A. 1 B. 12 C. 11 D. 3 4.美术教室原来有5个同学在打扫卫生,后来又有9个同学一起来帮忙.美术教室现在有______个同学在打扫卫生.( ) A. 15 B. 14 C. 13 D. 12 二、判断题 5.判断,正确的填“正确”,错误的填“错误”. (1)5+8=14 (2)3+9=13 6.6+9=9+6。 7.判断,正确的填“正确”,错误的填“错误”. 三、填空题 8.在里填上“+”或“-”. 7 5=12 9.7和________合成10,6和________合成10,5和________合成10。计算进位加法时,用的是________法。计算7+5时,把5分成________和________先算________,再算________。 10.在横线里填数,使横线上下得数相同。

________ ___ _____ ________ 11.看图列式 ________ 12.9+9=________+________+9。 四、解答题 13.帮小动物找位子. 14.看图列式。 五、综合题 15.投飞镖

(1)小红第1次投中7分,第2次投中8分,两次一共投中多少分? (2)小明投两次,最多能得多少分? (3)小明是第1名,小兰是第2名,她可能得________分。 六、应用题 16.数一数,再完成下题。 17.数一数,完成下题。


最新部编版四年级语文上册精编单元试卷 第八单元检测卷 1.给划线的字选择正确的读音。 扎 ________(zāzhā zhá)针无能为 ________(wéi wèi)力 百发百中 ________(fā fà) 骨 ________(gǔ gū)髓 即 ________(jí jì)使纪昌 ________(jì jǐ) 聚 ________(jì jù)精会神 2.根据课文内容填空。 (1)飞卫告诉纪昌,要学会射箭,首先要________。文中叙述了________和________这两件事,说明了纪昌学习态度的虚心和认真,也说明了纪昌做事情有毅力和恒心。纪昌的基本功扎实以后,飞卫才让他学________和________。 (2)扁鹊第一次见到蔡桓公,发现蔡桓公的病在________,劝他治疗,而蔡桓公的态度是________;过了十来天,扁鹊告诉他,他的病在________,蔡桓公听了________;十来天后,扁鹊又告诉他,他的病发展到________,蔡桓公听了________;又过了十几天,扁鹊老远望见蔡桓公就________;最后,扁鹊________,蔡桓公病死了。 3.按要求写词语。 ①近义词:拜见──________高明──________理睬──________

②反义词:高明──________ 容易──________喜欢──________ 4.概括课文《扁鹊治病》、《纪昌学射》的主要内容。 5.看拼音,写词语。 xī mén bào pài chū tú dì qǔ xí fu (___________) (_________) (_________) (_________) yān hàn fú dǎn xiǎo yìng bī (______)没 (______)灾漂(______) (___________) (__________) 6.读课文,回答问题。 1王戎“看道边李树多子折枝”,此时,他会想些什么?(用文中的话回答) ______________________________________________ 2王戎与诸小儿相比有哪些过人之处?(多项选择)() A.仔细观察B.善于根据有关现象进行推理判断 C.会对脑筋D.先人后己,懂得谦让 7.老百姓都明白了巫婆和官绅都是骗钱害人以后,你想说点什么?想对谁说? ________________________________________________ 8.为加点字选择正确的释义。 闹:①喧哗,不安静;②干,弄,搞;③发泄(感情);④扰乱,搅扰;⑤发生(灾害


新视野大学英语第三版读写教程 3 汉译英答案 Unit1 汉译英原文:如今,很多年轻人不再选择" 稳定" 的工作,他们更愿意自主创业,依靠自己的智慧和奋斗去实现自我价值。青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改 善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正是让中国经济 升级换代的力量。尤其是在当前,国家鼓励大众创业、万众创新,在政策上给 予中小企业支持,这更加激发了年轻人的创业热情。 Keys:Nowadays, many young people no longer choose "stable" jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people's life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China's economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses . Unit 2 汉译英原文:实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation )是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为“中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、 人民幸福。中国梦,是让每一个积极进取的中国人形成世世代代的信念:只要 经过不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活。人们必须通过自己的勤奋、勇气、创意 和决心迈向繁荣,而不是依赖于社会和他人的援助。每个中国人都是中国梦的 参与者和创造者。中国梦是民族的梦,也是每个中国人的梦。 Keys:Realizing the great national rejuvenation, which we define as the Chinese Dream, has been the greatest Chinese expectation since modem times. It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve their prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese .


Unit 8 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor Put in Use ①Imagine you are a doctor. An overseas student from Englandis suffering from a toothache. He is coming to you for help make a conversation with him by filling out the blanks. Key: (1). the matter (2). very well (3). have a look (4). worry (5). some medicine (6). stop the pain (7). Take the tablets (8) several times a day ②Role-play the following conversation with your partner by putting the Chinese version into English. Key: (1). What’s w rong? You look very pale. (2). Oh, your leg is bleeding. You’d better lie down. Does that feel better? (3). I have the first-aid kit here. Let’s stop the bleeding first. (4). You should go to see a doctor immediately. Want me to accompany you to the hospital? ③Tourists may suffer from different kinds of illness. Imagine you are a tour guide. You notice that one of the tourists doesn’t look very well. Talk with her and try to give her some help.


第八单元测试题(一) 一、看拼音写词语。 二、多音字组词。 三、把下列成语补充完整。 ()精会神不言而()奋不()身精妙绝() ()尽全力万马奔()千()一发无影无() 四、选词填空。 连续陆续继续 1.早晨,同学们从四面八方()来到学校。 2.那毛毛细雨,()下了两天两夜。 3.我们要()努力,不断提高自己的文化水平。 当然虽然既然竟然 4.你()答应和他一块看,就应该准时去。 5.在科学不发达的时期,人们()不可能正确解释日出日落的现象。 6.去年种了一株桃花,不料今年()开了几朵花,()少得很,但总算已经开花了。不仅……还……不但……而且……如果……就……即使……也…… 7.()你考试得了一百分,()不能骄傲。 8.他()聪明过人,()学习也很用功。 9.()明天晴天,我()到你家来。 10.这座建筑()形式优美,结构()非常坚固。

五、按要求改写句子。 1.扩句: 我登过泰山。 2.缩句: 坚韧的小草可以骄傲地嗤笑养育在花房里的盆花。 3.把两句话合成一句话: 我们请王校长。王校长到我们班参加班会。 4.改成“被”字句: 我们把操场打扫得干干净净。 5.修改病句: (1)清晨,阳光从东方慢慢升起来。 (2)我们从小要养成讲卫生的好风气。 (3)这件洁白的衣服真白。 六、阅读短文,完成练习。 成语与广告 国内最先动用成语作为广告词的已不可考证。至今令人印象深刻的广告用语是日本人做的,用的也不是成语,是俗语,说“车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车”。蓦然回首,如今满街跑的丰田车,早已无人称奇。 由俗语到成语,广告人像约好了似的,一窝蜂地将广告词结成了一对。你有“‘咳’不容缓”(药品),我有“‘骑’乐无穷”(山地车);你有“默默无‘蚊’”(蚊香),我有“无可替‘带’”(透明胶带)……没人预告,亦未履行合法手续,成语已经“嫁”给了广告,并堂而皇之地添丁进口,毫无汗颜,合适吗? 意见显然难以统一。有的人认为没什么不合适,以成语或“篡改”之后的成语充当广告词,借用了成语本身具有的“知名度”,移花接木,貌合神离,既广而告之,又易于传诵,而且颇具中国特色的文化气息,一举多得,焉有不妙?有的人认为不合适,因为广告词贵在新意,然而现在大批广告人一古脑地全跑到成语中去偷梁换柱,并自诩高明,成语之林也就快成为广告用语的木材基地了。还有人认为对于广告记忆和传播得最多的人群是中小学生。如此这般移花接木,偷梁换柱,最终将误导中小学生把“广告用语”当成“成语词典扩大版”去研习、记忆,其负面影响令人担忧。 1.请将下列“广告用语”改正为正确的成语。 “咳”不容缓()默默无“蚊” () “骑”乐无穷()一“明”惊人() 2.你还能从第二、三自然段中找出四个成语吗? 3.广告人使用“默默无蚊”是想表达什么意思?


新视野第三册第八单元 Unit 8 Section A Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning 1. Pre-reading 1. 1 Background information Cloning: The process of making a genetically identical organism through nonsexual means. DNA: (deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸) the chemical at the center of the cells of living things which controls the structure and purpose of each cell and carries genetic information during reproduction. 1. 2 Topic-related video 1. 3 Topic-related discussion 2. While-reading 2. 1 Global reading 2.1.1 Understand the major details of the text 1.Could a cloned child share personality characteristics with the original? No, a cloned child and original could only resemble in appearance. 2.How would a child feel if he were to be used as an organ donor. He would be psychologically hurt. 3.What is the gravest concern about human cloning for society? The creation of a new and disrespected social class: the clones. 2.1. 2 Understand organization of the text(五号字,斜体) 1)Main idea of the text The essay focuses on one central theme: the legal and moral implications of cloning. It lists a number of questions about the legal and moral implications that arise from cloning and provides answers to those questions from up-to-date knowledge. 2)Text structure analysis Part 1 (Para.1) With the success of cloning an adult mammal, the world was suddenly brought into the reality of human cloning. Part 2 ( Paras.2-3) This part is about the world’s strong and immediate responses in the wake of Wilmut’s announcement. Part 3 (Paras.4-18) This part offers complete or partial answers, from the up-to-date knowledge, to t he six questions on the legal and moral implications of cloning. Part 4(Para.19) This part is intended to reaffirm the author’s opinion that, although the list of questions could go on, people are just beginning to wonder about the future of the world after cloning. 2. 2. 1 Words and phrases 1)Implication


Your answer Correct answer (1) First (2) not only (3) but also (4) Also (5) Instead (6) More importantly (7) though (8) Moreover (9) In fact (10) Last but not least (11) for example FTFTF BDCAC Your answer Correct answer (1) his bicycle (2) of sand (3) suspicious (4) empties (5) analyzed (6) nothing (7) ride (8) the border (9) week (10) thorough examination

(11) unusual (12) happens (13) appears (14) between (15) smuggling (16) Bicycles ABDCD Blake Smith. He claimed to have been outdoors all morning, painting the porch ceiling, but his jeans were clean. A logical explanation for this contradiction is that Blake went inside toward the end of his painting job, changed his clothes, then came out again to finish. Why would he do that? His original shirt and trousers were covered in blood -- Pete's blood. (7), (3), (2), (4), (6), (8), (5), (1). Your answer Correct answer (1) everyone (2) freeze (3) tall (4) long coat (5) shorter (6) red jacket (7) his gun (8) the clerk


共2页,第1页 共2页,第2页 密 校名 班级 姓名 座号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 五年级语文科第八单元检测卷 评分: 一、基础。(41分) 1、读拼音,把词语端正地写在括号里。(8分) m ín sh ān di ǎn l ì hu ì j í s ù j ìng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) d àn sh ēng xi é sh āng zh ān y ǎng b ào f ā ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2、把下列词语补充完整。(8分) ( )山( )水 ( )山( )海 专心( )( ) ( )( )正正 ( )面( )方 大( )无( ) 夜以( )( ) 情不 ( )( ) 3、按要求写句子。(6分) (1)广场上爆发出一阵掌声。(改为夸张句) (2)朝鲜战场上我们有多少优秀儿女献出了生命,他们的父母难道就不悲痛吗?(改为陈述句) (3)晚上九点半,游行队伍才完全全部走出会场。(修改病句) 4、根据课文内容、“资料袋”和“日积月累”填空。(11分) (1) (时间),中央主力红军进行长征,行程约 ,于 (时间)到达陕北,于陕北红军胜利会师。 (2) (时间),中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立,在 举行典礼。 (3)青山处处埋忠骨, 。 (4) ,只把春来报。 , 。 (5)全国的老百姓就是我们 。反过来讲,我们进行的斗争,也正是为了 。 5、默写。(8分=4+4) (1)这庄严的宣告, 一齐欢跃起来。 (2)《七律·长征》后四行。 二、阅读。(34分) 1、联系课文内容填空或作答。(15分=6+4+5) (1)《七律·长征》的作者是 。其中总领全诗的句子是 。诗中生动地概述了 ,赞颂了 。 (2)“两股‘红流’分头向东城、西城的街道流去,光明充满了整个北京城。”这里把 比作两股“红流”。“光明”不仅指 , 而且象征着 。 (3)《毛主席在花山》叙述了毛主席在花山村时的三件事:① 。 ② 。③ 。表现了毛主席 的革命情怀。 2、阅读课文片段,完成练习。(9分=1+2+4+2) 丁字形的广场汇集了从四面八方来的群众队伍。早上六点钟起,就有群众的队伍入场了。人们有的擎着红旗,有的提着红灯。进入会场后,按照预定的地点排列。工人队伍中,有从老远的长辛店、丰台、通县来的铁路工人,①他们清早到了北京车站,一下火车就直奔会场。郊区的农民是五更天摸着黑起床,步行四五十里路赶来的。到了正午,②天安门广场已经成了人的海洋,红旗翻动,像海上的波浪。 下午三点整,会场上爆发出一阵排山倒海的掌声,中华人民共和国中央人民政府主席毛泽东出现在主席台上,跟群众见面了。三十万人的目光一齐投向主席台。 (1)用“~~~”画出选文第一自然段的中心句。 (2)依序读划线句子,并填空。 ①“直奔”的意思是 ,表现了人们的心情 。 ②这句话运用了 和 的修辞手法,描述了天安门广场的 ,表现了参加典礼人们 的心情。 (3)选文第二自然段表现了 。

新视野大学英语读写教程第三册第七、八单元课后答案 (1)

新视野大学英语读写教程第三册第七单元课后练习答案 Unit 7 SECTION A Comprehension of the text Ⅰ 1 His success comes from his personality. 2 16 hours 3 His time management skills. 4 The joke is that his receptionist id the hardest working person in the world. 5 He flies commercial whenever possible and never checks his baggage. He also has no time for tourism of any kind. 6 Gates runs his company mainly through three methods: he sends out a hundred e-mail messages or more a day(and night);he meets with the top managers about every month; and what’s most important ,he holds two or three small view meetings a day with teams of people who work hard creating the company’s various products. 7 Paul Allen .The writer described him as a dreamy visionary. 8 he says ht hopes to be running Microsoft for another 10 years and then promises to focus intensely on his family and give his money away. V ocabulary Ⅲ. 1. modernize 2. interpret 3. distributing 4. punctually 5. Conservation 6. maximum 7. exported 8. Conquer 9. classification 10. recreation Ⅳ 1. by name 2. in high gear 3. turned out 4. At times 5. as to 6. stem from 7. put in 8. on the subject of 9. in the interest of 10. work on Ⅴ 1. D 2. G 3. N 4. B 5. I 6. M 7. E 8. J 9. L 10. A Ⅵ


Uint8 II. Listening Skills Listening for Rents or Charges 1. M: Look at this ad! “One bedroom apartment, with kitchen and bathroom.” It’s close to our school, and the price is only $250 a month. W: But I want an apartment at least $50 cheaper. Q: What is the highest rent the woman is willing to pay? B) $200. 2. M: Laura, I really hate to ask this, but I think I’m going to be five days late with this month’s rent. Do you think you could help me out? W: I’m afraid I can’t. It’s $350! I haven’t much money. I have to save hard to pay my own rent; and it’s almost twice as high as yours. Q: How much is the man’s monthly rent? A)$350. 3. M: Okay, Mrs. Smith, I’m all packed and ready to move out. There’s just the matter of the $500 damage deposit and I’ll be off. W: Well, Rob, there’s also the matter of some cigarette burns on the carpet and a hole in one of the walls. Those damages will cost $100 to repair. Q: How much is the landlady willing to give back to the man? B)$400. 4. M1: Frank, we need to talk about this month’s utility bill. It’s $220, and I’ve give you half the amount. Why are you asking for $50 morre? W2: Don’t you think you should pay a little bit more than that? You have an extra heater in your bedroom. And you have been taking two hot showers a day, sometimes for almost an hour. I think you should be thankful I’m only asking for $160. Q: How much is the second speaker asking the first one to pay? B)$160. 5. M: Why are you still staying here? The girls on this floor are so noisy! You can get an apartment off campus for just a little more money. Perhaps $450 a month. W: Well, actually, I was planning to pay the extra $50 to move there. But I changed my idea when I learned those noisy girls will move out next term.


第八单元提升练习 一、读拼音,写字词。 ī xīng()瓢虫治好了棉花jiě jie()的 bìng()。 2.一tiáo()蛇pá()过来gēn()山yáng()道bié()。 二、有趣的汉字。 三、读一读,填一填。 蜘蛛蝴蝶蚂蚁 蚯蚓蜻蜓蝌蚪 我发现这些字,表示它们和有关。 四、选词填空。 难过难受发明发现 1.我( )棉花姑娘生病了。 2.是谁( )了火药? 3.小丽犯了错,心里很( )。 4.爸爸生病了,看上去很( )。

五、我来爬楼梯。 六、想一想,连一连。 小壁虎的尾巴拨水 小鱼的尾巴赶蝇子 老牛的尾巴再生 燕子的尾巴掌握方向 七、把句子补充完整。 1.他正忙着。 2. 像。 3.您把行吗? 八、课内阅读。 不久,棉花姑娘的病好了,长出了碧绿碧绿的叶子,吐出了雪白雪白的棉花。她咧开嘴笑啦! 1.照样子,写一写。 例:碧绿碧绿的叶子 碧绿碧绿的 碧绿碧绿的 例:雪白雪白的棉花 雪白雪白的 雪白雪白的

2.文中“她”指的是。 3.“她咧开嘴笑啦!”运用拟人的手法,使句子刚加生动、具体。我也会用这样的修辞手法写句子。 九、课外阅读。 公鸡和青蛙 一天,公鸡对青蛙说:“我的本领最大,太阳是我叫出来的。”青蛙说:“你夜里能把太阳叫出来吗?”公鸡边走边说:“能!” 这天夜里,公鸡大声叫起来。过了一会儿,外面真的亮了。公鸡可高兴了。哪想,主人把公鸡关了起来。原来,公鸡看到的是电灯的光。 第二天,太阳从东方升起来了。 1.选文共有个自然段。 2.下列说法正确的是( )。 ①太阳是公鸡叫出来的。 ②太阳是从东方升起来的。 3.用“”在文中画出公鸡说的话。 十、看图写话。 仔细看图,图中都有谁?发生了什么事?把你看到的、想到的写一写。


五年级语文上册第八单元试卷及答案 评价等级优良达标待达标 在相应等级 上划“√” 同学们.“危急时刻”这一主题单元.给你们留下了许多感人的故事.你们也一定积累了很多知识.进步了很多很多。接下来将是你们大显身手的好机会.预祝你们取得好成绩! 第一部分日积可累展示厅 一我能给下列加点字选择正确读音.用“—”标出。(6分)秩序﹙zhì chì﹚恐吓﹙ xià hè﹚剖析﹙pōu pāo﹚ ··· 攸关﹙yōu yù﹚按捺(nà nài)争执(zhì zhí)··· 二.我能读准字音.写对字。(8分) Wěi kàng cóngróng tuānjí wēiruò ()()()() jǐngrányǒuxù shēngsǐyōuguān yān xūnhuǒliǎo ()() ( ) 三.我会比较.还会组好听的词。(10 分) 欧()遣()虑()泊()端()殴()遗()虚()舶()湍()四.我能把下列词语补充完整。(8分) 良()美()()泪()眶莫()一()不()所()()()是非神机()()()旗()鼓风()浪()五.我能给带点的字选择合适的义项。(6分) 1.逼:①给人以威胁②强行索要③靠近.接近④﹙书﹚狭窄 ⑴逼迫﹙﹚⑵逼近﹙﹚逼债﹙﹚ 2.垂:①低下②流传到后世③向下流或滴④接近 ⑴永垂不朽﹙﹚⑵垂头丧气﹙﹚⑶生命垂危() 六.我能按要求写三个四字词语。(6分) 1.形容惊慌.恐惧的成语。 心惊胆战. 2.表现人的行为.品质的成语。 奋不顾身. 七.句子加工厂.我能按要求改写下列句子。(10分) 1.我找到了木匣。我懂得了一个深刻的道理。﹙把这两句话 合并成一句话﹚。 。 2.这样的美景.谁都称赞它是伟大的奇观。﹙改为反问句﹚ 。 3.那位情报部的中尉顺手拿过藏有情报的蜡烛。﹙缩写句子﹚ 。 4.读了这本故事书使我深受感动。﹙修改病句﹚ 。 5.教室里静悄悄的。(改为夸张句)


Task 1 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10 Task 1Task 2Task 3 Model 1Model 2Model 3 Task 1Task 2Task 3 Listening Task 1Listening Task 2Listening Task 3Viewing & speaking Task 1Viewing & speaking Task 2 Unit 8 Here is a darker side of society. Done with this task. Your current score: 89% Unit 8 test Next Directions: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordings for Parts I, II and III. They wil played continuously. Once the recording starts playing, please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'U Quiz' link in the menu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording. Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink. B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend. C. Ensure that nobody puts anything harmful into your drink. D. Be sure to shake the drink before you take it. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She will run as fast as she can. B. She will defend herself. C. She will be scared to death.


1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. $600. B. $800. C. $900. D. $1,500. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Tell the girl to keep quiet during a certain period of time. B. Ask the girl to move out immediately. C. Ask the girl not to invite her friends home. D. Ask the girl not to have parties in the afternoon. 3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. An apartment with a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen. B. An apartment with a bedroom, a bathroom and a living room. C. An apartment with a bedroom and a bathroom. D. An apartment with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. 4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. $240. B. $300. C. $420. D. $480.


Unit 8 II. 1. mount 2. resembles 3. implication 4. prohibits 5. deliberate 6. debate 7. classified 8. guidelines 9. split 10. generated IV. 1. within reach 2. fall into 3. in terms of 4. get around 5 . regardless of 6. referred to 7. What if 8. in the first place 9. concerned about 10. identical to V. 1. K 2. E 3. M 4. O 5. F 6. H 7. N 8. A 9. I 10. B VI. 1. Duties 2. emotions 3. interests 4. experience 5. responsibility 6.love 7. characteristics 8. memories 9. information 10. belief Word Building VII. 1. transposition 2. transatlantic 3. transmigrants 4. transformed 5. transnational 6. transoceanic 7. transshipped 8. transported VIII. 1.non-existent 2. non-stop 3. non-art 4. non-college 5. non-productive 6. non-profit 7. non-fiction 8. non-violent Sentence Structure IX. 1. What if I say no 2. What if they don’t know 3. What if we can’t finish it on time 4. What if this happens to us someday 5. What if he has lied to us X. 1. The Bosnian peace talks are continuing in Geneva today with the new proposals at the top of the agenda. 2.All of Southern Africa is suffering from a severe drought with Mozambique and Zimbabwe among the worse-hit countries. 3. The Europe Summit in Paris is drawing to an end with the US in danger of being completely isolated. 4.With the King in prison, the chief commander came to power and ruled the country. 5. With stability itself under threat, the reforms deserve all the support they can get. Translation XI. 1.It sounds like a good idea, but what if it’s a trick? 2.Cities and towns in this area suffered a lot from the earthquake with Jiujiang and Ruichang among the worst-hit. 3.He complained that they should not have got involved in it in the first place. 4.For Mary’s sake, I can lend you my car to get around your transport problem. 5.In theory it’s feasible to clone a child to harvest organs, but in practice it would be psychologically harmful to the child. 6.He published an article under the name of Braver which stresses the idea that the process of cloning animals would work for humans as well. XII. 1.你说你不会把时间浪费在约会上,但如果遇到吸引你的男子,你会怎么办呢? 2.为了帮助艾滋病患者,需要有新的措施,地方社团、非政府机构、政府和国际组织之间要建立密切的合作关系。 3.上周,该国际传出消息说,他们正密切关注该地区的情况。 4.在导致数百人死亡的污染事件发生之后,政府开始起草环境保护指导方针。 5.正如这篇文章的作者所警告的,克隆人类可能是一件使人更加悲伤而非更加高兴的事。 6.在一些西方国家,有些父母准备克隆孩子,目的是进行非致使非致命器官的移植。 XIII. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A
