《剑桥国际少儿英语》第一册教案Our world

Our world

剑桥国际少儿英语Our world,Page 52-Page 53.
重点语言:复习Unit 7,8单元所学的语言点,颜色,have got, has got. 万圣节知识。
补充语言:Jack-O-lantern,pumpkin,Trick or treat,Bobbing for apples,mask,black cat,bat,spider,mummy,skull,ghost,witch.
复习Unit 7-8单元的语言点,学习关于万圣节的一些小知
2. 道具手掌两个。
1、【warm-up 热身】
① Greeting
T: Good morning !
Ss: Good morning !
T: How do you feel today?
Ss: …
② Learn about Halloween.
T:Which festivals do you know in western countries? Today we will learn about Halloween.学习万圣节的由来,习俗,象征,食物等词汇。
2、【Presentation 呈现】&【Practice 操练】
Review 7-8 呈现
① “Look at the picture. Who is she” 呈现小丸子图片。“Oh,
Look,What is it?“呈现老虎图片和叫声。
② “ Tiger catches the girl, can you help her. There are eight doors. The girl in the last door, you must pass nine levels.
③ 复习各单元words,chants,songs,sentences,stories,sounds.
Review 7-8 操练
① Match the words.
② Fun fun show.
③ Simon says.
Page52,Part 1:Listen and say the number 呈现
① “Look at the picture,Who can you see?”指着图3中的越野车中的Ben和Julie儿说:Look at Ben and Julie. They are at a safari park with their mum and dad.
② “What has safari park got?”播放第一段录音,学生找出问题的答案,全班一起核对答案。用同样方法学习其他几幅图片。
④ 播放录音,学生听快速指出是哪副图片。
Page52,Part 1:Listen and say the number 操练
Listen and touch.让两个学生比赛,老师播放录音。学生在听到老师的指令后去拍相应的图片。
3、【Production 任务实施】
① 活动用书第52页,活动4. Make true sentences.
说:Open your Activity Books at page 52, please. 指着猫,长颈鹿和×hands说;例句:Cats and giraffes haven’t got hands. 问:Is it true? 学生回答:Yes.让学生自己造句,然后起来说。
② 活动用书第52页,活动1. Read, draw, and color.
指着图片上的小丑说:Look at the clown. What’s his name? (Zito). What’s his name? (Milo).指着方框中的词组,领着学生一起读。让学生自己完成活动。
③ 活动用书第53页,活动4. Read and write.
说:Open your Activity Books at page 53, please. 让学生说出他们看到了什么(a monkey)。学生在空格处填写单词,全班一起核对答案。
4、【Test 测验】

5、【Homework 作业】
★ Write the words of Unit 7-8, 4 times for each word.

★ Finish Activity Book Page52-53 - ‘part 1,3,4’ .
★ Finish the Unit-Test.
★ Read 、listen and act the stories of Unit7-8.
