跆拳道taekwondo 英文介绍[整理版]

跆拳道taekwondo 英文介绍[整理版]
跆拳道taekwondo 英文介绍[整理版]

跆拳道taekwondo 英文介绍[整理版] Taekwondo [ta?'k?ndo]

Taekwondo is the Korean martial art of hand-to-hand combat ['kɑmb?t]. Perhaps that should really be body-to-body combat, because in taekwondo the whole body must be trained to properly defend and attack.

There are some similarities between taekwondo and other martial arts, such as karate and judo, but there are several important differences.

For example, taekwondo uses quick, straight-line moves, like those which can also be found in Japanese martial arts, but taekwondo also uses flowing circular moves like the type of moves found in Chinese martial arts.

The main difference between taekwondo and other martial arts is the powerful kicking technique which taekwondo uses, and which gives taekwondo its name. In Kore an, tae means “to kick,” kwon means “to strike with the hand,” and do means “art.” Therefore, taekwondo can

be translated as “the art of kicking and punching.”

Paintings found in ancient Korean tombs indicate that a martial art similar to taekwondo has been practiced in Korea since about 50 B.C. Also, records of a specially trained group of young warriors called Hwarang[花郎道] explain how these young men

were taught subak (an early form of taekwondo) along with history ,philosophy, ethics, archery, riding, and sword fight. It was the begin

of taekwondo.

In fact, except to skill, taekwondo learners also have to learn etiquette. It’s an important thing for taekwondo learner. They have to have a good manners.

Represent “Nothing”.

Yellow is the color of earth. Learners just like seeds in earth, and they should lay a good foundation in this time.

Plants are green. Learners are growing up like a tree.

Blue is the color of sky.

Take care; learners in this time can attack you!

Learners are pretty good! They won’t scare dark any more.

Also some people say taekwondo learner shouldn’t wash their

belt. (It’s etiquette in ancient taekwondo) Sweat let the belt become black. The belt blacker means the learner has been studying it longer.
