


Practice 1




Practice 2








Practice 3





















Practice 4

根据卡内基〃麦伦大学(Carnegie Mellon University) 的研究,使用因特网可能会导致心理健康程度下降。






Passage 1

Three New Yorks

There are roughly three New Yorks. There is , first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulences as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter—the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. Third, there is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something.

Of these three trembling cities the greatest is the last—the city of final destination, the city that is a goal. It is this third city that accounts for New York’s high-strung disposition, its poetic deportment, its dedication to the arts, and its incomparable achievements.

Commuters give the city its tidal restlessly; natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion. And whether it is a farmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart, it makes no difference; each embraces New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company1[1]

Passage 2

My Garden

Jack Lee leaned back in his garden chair, twirled a glass of champagne and said: “My garden is the ideal place to have breakfast. There are very few days of the year when I can’t sit out here in the sun at 7 am.”

1[1] Consolidated Edison, Inc. is one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the United States. The company provides a wide range of energy-related products and services to its customers.

Jack, until recently chairman of the South Australian Film Corporation, first visited Australia to direct films such as the original A Town Like Alice. With his Australian wife, Isabel, he has lived in the same Woollahra house for 20 years.

The first part of the house was built in 1842, added to in 1860 and again in 1890. It has had an interesting and, at times, chequered career. According to legend, the house was bought by the Earl of Jersey, a one-time Governor of NSW2[2], for his

2[2] NSW refers to New South Wales, Australia.

Passage 5

Versatile Man

It is, perhaps, no accident that many of the outstanding figures of the past were exceptionally versatile men. Right up until comparatively recent times, it was possible for an intelligent person to acquaint himself with almost every branch of knowledge. Thus, men of genius like Leonardo da Vinci or Sir Philip Sidney engaged in many careers at once as a matter of course. Da V inci was so busy with his numerous inventions that he barely found the time to complete his paintings; Sidney, who died in battle when he was only thirty-two years old, was not only a great soldier, but a brilliant scholar and poet as well. Both these men came very near to fulfilling the Renaissance ideal of t he “universal man”, the man who was proficient at everything.

Today, we rarely, if ever, hear that a musician has just invented a new type of submarine. Knowledge has become divided and sub-divided into countless, narrowly-defined compartments. The specialist is venerated; the versatile person, far from being admired, is more often regarded with suspicion. The modern world is a world of highly-skilled “experts” who have had to devote the greater part of their lives to a very limited field of study in order to compete with their fellows. With this high degree of specialization, the frontiers of knowledge are steadily being pushed back more rapidly than ever before. But this has not been achieved without considerable cost. The scientist, who outside his own particular subject is little more than a moron, is a modern phenomenon, as is the man of letters who is barely aware of the tremendous strides that have been made in technology. Similarly, specialization has indirectly affected quite ordinary people in every walk of life. Many activities which were once pursued for their own sakes, are often given up in despair: they require techniques, the experts tell us, which take a life-time to master. Why learn to play the piano, when you can listen to the world’s gre atest pianists in your own drawing-room? Little by little, we are becoming more and more isolated from each other. It is almost impossible to talk to your neighbor about his job, even if he is engaged in roughly the same work as you are. The Royal Society in Britain includes among its members only the most eminent scientists in the

mistress. And, for a while, it suffered the fate of many Victorian mansions by becoming a boarding house for 30 people.

country. Y et it is highly disconcerting to find that even here, as one of its Fellows put it, at a lecture only 10% of the members can understand 50% of what is being said!

Passage 6

The destruction of our natural resources and contamination of our food supply continue to occur, largely because of the extreme difficulty in affixing legal responsibility on those who continue to treat our environment with reckless abandon. Attempts to prevent pollution by legislation, economic incentives and friendly persuasion have been met by lawsuits, personal and industrial denial and long delays - not only in accepting responsibility, but more importantly, in doing something about it.

It seems that only when government decides it can afford tax incentives or production sacrifices is there any initiative for change. Where is industry's and our recognition that protecting mankind's great treasure is the single most important responsibility? If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems, that time is now.

We are being asked, and, in fact, the public is demanding that we take positive action. It is our responsibility as professionals in environmental health to make the difference. Y es, the ecologists, the environmental activists and the conservationists serve to communicate, stimulate thinking and promote behavioral change. However, it is those of us who are paid to make the decisions to develop, improve and enforce environmental standards, I submit, who must lead the charge.

We must recognize that environmental health issues do not stop at city limits, county lines, state or even federal boundaries. We can no longer afford to be tunnel-visioned in our approach. We must visualize issues from every perspective to make the objective decisions. We must express our views clearly to prevent media distortion and public confusion.

I believe we have a three-part mission for the present. First, we must continue to press for improvements in the quality of life that people can make for themselves. Second, we must investigate and understand the link between environment and health. Third, we must be able to communicate technical information in a form that citizens can understand. If we can accomplish these three goals in this decade, maybe we can finally stop environmental degradation, and not merely hold it back. We will then be able to spend pollution dollars truly on prevention rather than on bandages.

Today it is peaceful and well-tended; just minutes from the City, the garden is quiet, spacious and private.

In the early morning, Jack likes to listen to the sounds of the garden. The trees are full of birds. Wind bells chime faintly in a lemon tree and, if the wind is in the right direction, he can hear the faint rumble of the first plane landing.

Passage 3

Lateral Thinking

Edward De Bono

A father is busy putting decorations on to the Christmas tree but as quickly as he puts them on his two-year-old son pulls them off. He is about to put the child in a play pen when his wife suggests that it might make more sense to put the tree in the

play-pen and leave the child outside. Instead of keeping the child away from the tree one can keep the tree away from the child. Lateral thinking involves moving sideways to look at things in a different way. Instead of fixing on one particular approach and then working forward from that the lateral thinker tries to find other approaches.

Y ou cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper. A committee that is convinced that parking meters are the only way to control city parking will spend its time deciding what meters to use, where to put them and how to patrol them. A lateral thinker would look at other approaches: letting people park anywhere they liked so long as they left their headlights on; giving people licences which would allow them to park free in town only one day a week and so encouraging car sharing; visible licences that the motorist would pay for if he wanted to park anywhere in town.

Our thinking traditions are very firmly based on logical thinking in which we start off with a certain way of looking at things and then see what we can deduce from that. This can be called vertical thinking since it involves building on what is accepted as traditional. V ertical thinking is for using ideas and lateral thinking is for changing them.

Most of our thinking does not take place at the logical stage but at the perceptual stage which precedes this. Lateral thinking is to do with changing perceptions and finding new ways of looking at things. Lateral thinking is the practical process of creativity. There are various deliberate techniques such as the use of stepping stones (produced, for instance, by reversing the usual situation). Lateral thinking turns

creativity into a tool. In a patterning system such as the mind provocation is as important as analysis—and more important for changing ideas.


(Translate the underlined part)


汉英翻译篇章练习 Practice 1 近读报纸,对国内名片和请柬的议论颇多,于是想起客居巴黎时经常见到的法国人手中的名片和请柬,随笔记下来,似乎不无借鉴之处。 在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒喧几句甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开。只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会主动掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强。 法国人的名片讲究朴素大方,印制精美,但很少有镶金边儿的,闪光多色的或带香味儿的,名片上的字体纤细秀丽,本人的名字也不过分突出,整张纸片上空白很大,毫无拥挤不堪的感觉。 Practice 2 我想,教师要给学生的,是一把开启知识宝库的钥匙,而不是把学生的脑子变成一个容器。教师的工作是启发学生,通过自己的思考、实践、试验去求得知识,鼓励他们大胆提出问题和不同意见。经过研讨,得出自己的结论,而不是由教师包办代替。 我喜欢那些爱提“怪”问题的学生。提不出问题的,不能算是好学生。 其实,学习就是一个不断出错误和改正错误的过程。年轻人要学,我们自 己也要学。一句话,教育是要使人从无知变成有知,从愚昧变成聪明,从野蛮 变成文明,而不是相反。 就说这流行音乐吧,我就不如年轻人懂得多。我有个习惯,自己不懂得东西,绝不轻易反对,而是努力去学懂它。 你看吧,大街上姑娘们大声谈笑,我行我素;小伙子也穿红戴绿。中国人胆子大起来了,不那么缩头缩脑了。你还能拿年轻人头发长短、裤脚大小来衡量谁是好学生谁是坏学生吗? Practice 3 我所追求的幸福 在西方流传着一句据说是来自古老中国的谚语,只是我在中国从未听说


2016年6月大学英语四级段落翻译预测 大学英语四级段落翻译预测一 别在意外表,因为外表的东西往往不真实,也别在意财富,因为再多的财富也会有用完的一天。找一个能让你绽放笑容的人,因为一个笑容就能让灰暗的一天变得明亮。去做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人,因为人生短暂,机会错过了可能就不会再有。只有不断的尝试才能让你变得强大,永远怀抱希望你才会开心,幸福。 Don’t go for looks which often deceive you. Don’t go for wealth which would be used up however amazing it is. Go for someone who will make you smile because a smile is enough to render a dark day bright. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; become the one you want to be, because one’s life is short and once you let the chance slip through your fingers it may not come to you again. Only when you keep trying can you become strong; only when you cherish hopes can you remain cheerful and happy. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测二 七夕节——中国人的情人节 中国人也有一天是奉献给爱情的。这就是农历七月初七的七夕节,常被人成为中国的情人节。这一传统浪漫节日源自一个古老的传说:年轻的牛郎和织女分居银河的两岸,终年隔岸苦苦相望而无法相会。玉皇大帝可怜这对恋人,传令天下喜鹊在七月初七这天夜晚全部飞到银河上来。架起鹊桥,好让牛郎、织女在桥上相会。 “Qi Xi Jie” ----Chinese Valentine’s Day The Chinese also have a day devoted to “love” that is “Qi Xi Jie”, or the seventh of the seventh month on the Chinese lunar calendar. Often called “Chinese Valentine’s Day”. This romantic traditional festival originated from a old legend: Niu Lang and Zhi Nv were fairies living on opposite sides of the Milky Way. They have been waiting for each other for a year but can not meet. Feeling sorry for the two lonely sprites, the Jade Emperor ordered all magpies must flock over the Milky Way to form a bridge so that the couple could meet there on the seventh night of the seventh month. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测三


How to Translate from Chinese to English 汉译英翻译技巧 课程教案 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department Heilongjiang University Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department

Chapter One I.Teaching Objectives On completion of this chapter, students should be able to: 1.be well acquainted with the basic method and techniques needed for translating from Chinese to English 2.be well informed with the basic rules concerning translating from Chinese to English. II.The Points to Be Highlighted 1.verb without subject changed into verb with subject. 2.paralleled sentence without connections changed into complex sentence with connections. 3.implied cohesion changed into clear cohesion.back conclusion changed into front conclusion. III.T eaching Procedures and Contents 1.Greetings Talking about the Weather 2.Warm-up 1) 天气不错,是吧? 2) 今天天气看上去不错。 3) 看来天气要放晴。 4) 雪开始下小了。 5) 现在已经开始掉小雨点了。 1) Lovely day, isn’t it? 2) It looks to be a promising day. 3) It seems to be clearing up. 4)The snow is beginning to let up. 5) I can feel some small drops of rain now. 3.Body 翻译的方法 “词词对应,句句对应”是把直译绝对化,事实上很难办到,勉强这样做时往往弄得文字别扭,意思歪曲。另一方面,意译如果离原意太远就不能称之为翻译,是不受欢迎的。“语言是翻译之敌”。在翻译的具体过程中,语言时时都在束缚着译者,不少译者眼中只盯着原文的词,句和结构这些属于语言层次的东西,成了它们的奴仆,难以从中解放出来。结果,翻译出来的东西只是一种文字层次的转换,徒具形式,而原文的意义和精神却没有得到很好的传达。翻译的方法应该是:译者在读第二遍原文时,不是逐词逐句分析,而是对全段意思作深层次的掌握,以便从整体上进行翻译,像口译那样把原意尽量传达出来;具体翻译时虽然也适当考虑原文结构,形势却可于原文大不一样。然后再对照原文复核,使之更加切合原意。 规律 汉语是意合式语言而英语是形合式语言,从汉语译成英语便是从意合改为形合。所谓规律也就是指进行这种转变时通常会遇到的问题及处理方法。 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department


汉译英: 1徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全 国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书 本上的结论。他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多很不可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全 靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多 奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名 山,反复观察变换的奇景。 Xu Xiake toured and investigated 16 provinces in his lifetime, covering almost the whole of China/ the whole country. When he was carrying out his investigations, he never took blind belief in the conclusions in the books. Instead he found a lot of unreliable points in the geographic records taken by his predecessors. In order to make his investigations reliable and thorough, he seldom traveled by carriage or boat. Instead, he took long, arduous trips on foot almost all the time, climbing mountains and hills. In order to learn about the truth of nature, he always chose to conduct investigations in mountainous areas with dangerous roads and in lonely / untraveled woods, where he discovered a lot of magnificent peaks and beautiful sights. ( During his life time, Xu Xiake visited and explored 16 provinces, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. He never blindly accepted the conclusions given in books in his exploration. He found that many of the geographical records by other people before him were inaccurate ( He found many inaccuracies in the travel notes on geography written by his predecessors ) . He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time


Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.如今,作为东方艺术的一颗璀璨的明珠,京剧不仅在中国各地喜闻乐见,而且已被全世界人民广泛接受。 2.根据所表演角色的性别、年龄和社会地位的不同,演员角色分成四类:生(男角)、旦(女角)、净(花脸男角)、丑 (丑角)。 3.京剧的独特艺术魅力使它经久不衰:它创造了一种台上台下演员观众相互交融的美学欣赏与享受。 4.他曾成功地塑造了许多古代中国妇女的形象,完美地表现了她们的温柔、优雅和细腻。 5.梅兰芳也是把京剧介绍到国外的第一人。 6.作为中国的文化瑰宝,京剧必将获得全中国和全世界人民越来越多的喜爱。 Key to Exercise I. 1.Today, as one of the glowing pearls of oriental arts, not only has Beijing Opera been widely enjoyed all over China, it has also been well received all over the world. 2.According to the gender, age and social position of the different roles which they play, actors and actresses are divided into four categories: sheng (male roles), dan (female roles), jing (male roles with facial paintings) and chou (clowns). 3.The uniqueness of Beijing Opera makes its artistic charm so everlasting: the creation of an aesthetic co-appreciation between the actors and actresses on stage and the audience off stage. 4.Mei Lanfang had created very successfully various images of ancient Chinese women and expressed their tenderness, elegance and subtlety. 5.Mei Lanfang was also the first person who introduced Beijing Opera to foreign countries. 6.Being a great treasure of the Chinese culture, Beijing Opera will surely be more and more appreciated by people in China and in the whole world. Exercise II. Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. 著名的京剧武生徐力先生最近接受了我们舞蹈学校的邀请,担任高级舞蹈教员。武生是京剧中的一个重要生角。武生的特点是武艺好,身手矫健敏捷。武生演员常通过在舞台上翻滚武打(tumbles, tweists, and somersaults)来表现他们高超的武艺。武生的动作准确有力,是大量艰苦训练的结果。 中国古典舞蹈和民族舞蹈的舞台技巧和身段(floor skills and postures)大多来自中国传统戏曲的武功(acrobatic skills)。我们舞蹈学校非常荣幸能够请到徐先生教授女子班毯子功(floor skills)和男子班的功夫课。有关课程安排请点击此网址。 Key to Ex. II Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. A Rare Opportunity The famous Beijing Opera performer of Wu Sheng (acrobatic male role), Mr Xu Li, recently accepted an engagement with our Dancing School. Wu Sheng is a very important role in Beijing Opera. It requires a high level of acrobatic skills. Wu Sheng actors often show off their skills with tumbles, twists, and somersaults on the stage. These skills and movements require great precision in timing and strength, which takes a lot of training and exercise. Many of the floor skills and postures of classic and ethnic Chinese dances were originally from the acrobatic skills of traditional Chinese operas. Our dancing school is very fortunate to have Mr Xu Li to teach our Floor Skills class for girls and Kungfu class for boys. For class schedule, please click HERE. Exercise III. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.齐白石以革新水墨画和毕生献身于这项中国的传统艺术形式而闻名于世。 2.他在几天后把那幅画重画了很多次,但是总比不上他当天即兴完成的作品。 3.兰亭序的极高的艺术价值促使更多书法家临摹王羲之的字体。 4.一个好的书法家所写出来的字必须充满生气,活力并具备完美的形体。 5.书法是一门艺术,它需要清醒的头脑以及对毛笔有全面的掌握。 6.这个年轻演员认识到自己的演技还差,无法与他老师的演技相提并论。 Key Exercise III.


5.汉英句法对比 ?句子的概念 ?汉语句子强调语义,表示语义终止的标点符号根据句子语义和语气来确定,具有突出的“以意统形”的特点。 ?英语句子强调形式和语法结构:首词第一个字母大写,句末用句号、问号或叹号;大多数句子有主语和谓语。 ◆句子的类型 ?汉语句式: 按功能,可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。按结构,可分为单句与复句。 ?英语句式: 按功能,可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。 按结构,可分为简单句与复杂句(并列句和复合句) ?汉英句式异同 ?汉英都有陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句四大类。汉英陈述句基本相同,句尾都用降调。汉英疑问句都是用升调,句尾加问号,这是相同之处。 ?汉语疑问句分特指问、反复问、是非问、选择问和反问五种,而英语只有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意问句四种。 ?汉语的是非问句和英语的一般疑问句相当,但语序不同。汉语是非句是陈述句式,或在陈述句尾加“吗”、“吧”表示。英语一般疑问句的谓语动词“ to be”,“to have”和助动动词或情态动词都放在主语之前。如:Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗? 汉语的特指问句和英语的特殊疑问句相当,但词序却不尽相同。汉语特指问句的词序和陈述句相同,而英语的特殊疑问句则一定要把疑问词放在句首,其句式是“疑问词+ 一般疑问句”。如:What are you doing? 你在干什么? 汉语的选择问句和英语的选择问句相同,只是词序不同。汉语的选择问句仍然是陈述句的词序,英语则是一般疑问句的词序。如:你去看电影,还是去看戏? Are you going to cinema or to theatre? 对于英语反意疑问句的翻译则要把握原文意思,用最恰当汉语形式来表达。如:He is your teacher, isn't he? 译文(1) 他是你老师吧?(表示猜测) (2) 他是不是你老师?(表示怀疑) (3) 他是你的老师,对吗?(表示没把握) (4) 他是你的老师,不是吗?(表示肯定) 汉语的反复问句是用肯定否定相叠表示疑问的,英语中没有与它相当的形式。译成英语用一般疑问句即可。如:这本书是不是你的?Is this book yours? 汉语的反诘问句可用否定形式表示肯定意思,也可用肯定形式表示否定意思。可以用英语的反意问句或一般问句来翻译。如:她不是没进城吗?She has not gone to town, has she? 你不能走快点吗?Can't you walk a little faster? 汉语的祈使句和英语的祈使句通常都没有主语,句子都用降调,句末用句号,语气较强的用叹


英译汉篇章翻译练习(2) Proverbs are the popular sayings that brighten so much Latin American talk, the boiled-down wisdom that you are as apt to hear from professors as from peasants, from beggars as from elegances. Brief and colorful, they more often than not carry a sting. When a neighbor?s dismally unattractive daughter announced her engagement, Imelda remarked, “You know what they say, Senora: …There?s no pot so ugly it can?t find a lid.?” And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, “Little fish does not eat big fish.” One afternoon, I heard Imelda and her daughter arguing in the kitchen. Her daughter had quarreled with her husband?s parents, and Imelda was in sisting that she apologized to them. Her daughter objected. “But, Mama, I just can?t swallow them, not even with honey. They talk so big until we need something; then they?re too poor. So today when they wouldn?t even lend us enough to pay for a new bed, a ll I did was say something that I?ve heard you say a hundred times: …If so grand, why so poor? If so poor, why so grand?” “Impertinent!” snorted Imelda. “Have I not also taught you, …What the tongue says, the neck pays for?? I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders. And before you go to beg their pardon, change those trousers for a dress. You know how your mother-in-law feels about pants on a woman. She always says, …What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!” Her daughter made one more try. “But Mama, you often say, …If the saint is annoyed, don?t pray to him until he gets over it.? Can?t I leave it for tomorrow?” “No, no and no! Remember: …If the dose is nasty, swallow it fast.? You know, my child, you did wrong. But, …A gift is the key to open the door closed against you.? I have a cake in the oven that I was making for the Senora?s dinner, I will explain to the Senora. Now, dear, hurry home and make yourself pretty in your pink dress. By the time you get back, I will have the cake ready for you to take to your mother-in-law. She will be so pleased that she may make your father-in-law pay for the bed. Remember: …One hand washes the other, but together they wash the face.?”


汉英翻译技巧 第一节汉语无主语句的英译处理 一、祈使句对应为祈使句 e.g. 小心轻放。Handle with care. 量体裁衣,看菜吃饭。Fit the dress to the figure and fit the appetite to the dishes. 宁为鸡首,不为牛后。Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 二、采用英语的被动结构译出 采用英语被动结构翻译的汉语无主语句一般的情况:一是某些表示事物存在的无主语句;二是有些句子突出宾语部分,在翻译时可以不用补出主

语而用原句中的宾语来充当主语。e.g. 这儿将修建更多的居民大楼。More apartments will be built here. 利用发电机,可以将机械能转变为电能。 The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by a generator. 在合同中,详细地规定了双方必须履行的各种条件。 In the contract, all kinds of conditions which both sides should follow were laid down in detail. 没有爱心,就无法了解人生。 Life cannot be understood without much charity. 三、采用倒装语序

e. g. 地下埋藏着大量的金银。Hidden underground is a wealth of gold and silver. 随着一声吼叫,忽的从树林里窜出一只老虎来。 Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes. 山里住着个老和尚。 In the mountain lived on an old monk. 四、采用THERE BE 结构 例句:没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺利。 Without facility, there would be no difficulty; without difficulty, there would also be no facility. 剩下的时间不多了。


汉英翻译 正确确立单句的主干: 1主语的确立: 英语主语的严格性,只能由名词(或)代词,例如We can solve the problem. This problem can be solved in many ways.)或具有名词语法功能的语言单位(如动词不定式、动名词、名词性从句>一般指主语从句,例如To solve this problem needs patience. Working ingeniously >adj.有独创性的,具有创造才能的adv. working ingeniously有才能地,巧干> may help you learn English well. It is not known yet whether they will return today.)来充当。 2.直接用原文的主语 1) 如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。 Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities. 2) 如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。 If vocabulary is the “building materials”for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts”of writings. 3.替换主语以符合英语表达 1) ①鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,②他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,③这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。 Lu Hsun was a man of unyielding integrity, free from all sycophancy-拍马屁,奉承or obsequiousness-谄媚; this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people. 原文由意义上相互联系,结构上却相互独立的三个小句组成复句。主语分别为名词“骨头”、代词“他”和“这”。译者将①②合为一个分句,改原来作定语的“鲁迅”为主语,同时舍弃了“骨头是最硬的”这个在汉语中比喻人的品格“刚正不阿”的形象,以 a man of unyielding integrity 这一意译的方式取而代之;“性格”(this quality)一词原在句③充当谓语的述宾结构中的宾语,现改作主语,译文曲尽原意,语言自然。如若搬照原文的主语,死译硬译,则成为典型的中式英语。试比较一下译文: Lu Hsun’s bones were the hardest; he was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness; this is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people. 2) 胎又瘪了。 We’ve got another flat tire. The tire turns flat again? 3) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints. (刘鹗《老残游记》,杨宪益、戴乃迭译) 试比较一下译文(不好): We can’t judge people from their appearance, just as we can’t measure the ocean by pints. 4.找出译文中合适的主语 1) 在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。 The constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history helped form a great many


英语汉译英段落翻译练习 过度包装浪费资源、污染环境、危害社会利益,于国家、社会和个人都是有百害而无一利,应坚决予以杜绝。要建立朴素的包装理念,提倡适度包装。建设节约型社会conservation-mindedsociety,社会、企业和个人都有责任。个人要建立绿色消费观,提倡朴素消费。如果人际交往中重情谊轻礼品,重实际轻面子,这样过度包装就没有生存的土壤。社会应加大宣传力度,引导朴素、理性的消费观念,培育健康的社会风貌。 参考翻译: Over-packaging should be forbidden due to itswasting resources, polluting the enviromnent,endangering social interest, which will do nothingbut harm to the country, society and individuals. Weshould establish the idea of packaging simply andadvocate proper package. It's the common responsibility of society, enterprises and individualsto construct a conservation-minded society. Individuals should build up. a view of greenconsumption and advocate plain-consuming. If everyone emphasizes friendship rather thangifts, content rather than surface in social relationship, over-packaging can by no means exist.Our society should further advocate the concept of plain and reasonable consuming so as tofoster a healthy social atmosphere. 信用卡credit card是由银行发行的卡,持卡人可以凭卡赊购buy on credit 商品和服务。使用信用卡最大的好处就是能给持卡人带来极大的方便。人们可以使用信用卡赊购他们需要的东西,并在一段时期内付淸欠款,而不必随身携带大量的现金。但如此的便利也带来了一些问题,如恶意透支malicious overdraft。还会剌激使用者超前消费,容易产生月光族。在消费的时候,使用信用卡会促使消费者更加冲动地购物,甚至购买一些平时不怎么用的商品。 参考翻译: A credit card is a card issued by a bank,allowing its holder to buy goods and services on credit.The most obvious advantage of credit card is the huge convenience it brings to card holders.People can use the cards to buy what they want on credit and pay off the debt over a period of time instead of carrying a large sum of cash with them.But such convenience also brings such problems as malicious overdraft and overconsumption which will easily reduce the card users to“moonlight group”.When shopping,consumers


我不知道他们给了我多少日子;但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了。 I don’t know how many days I am entitled to altogether, but my quota of them is undoubtedly wearing away. 这并不是谦虚客气的话,这是真的事实。(我说的话) I did not make this remark out of mere modesty and courtesy. I truly meant what I said. 如果没有摩擦,运动的物体永远不会停止。 A moving object would never come to a stop if there were no friction 我们二三十岁的人比不上六七十岁的前辈,他们虽然老的老了死的死了,但是他们才是真正活到现在活到将来。 We in our twenties or thirties cannot compare with our elders in their sixties or seventies. Today they may be advanced in years or even passed away, but they will, nevertheless, live forever and ever. 液体没有固定的形状,气体也没有。Liquids have no definite shape; nor have gases. 我不出去跑步或散步,而是一下床就干活儿。 Instead of going out for a jog or walk, I’ll set about my work as soon as I’m out of bed. 他宁愿饿死,也不愿行窃。He will die of hunger before he steals. 他虽然贫穷,但无论如何也不会说谎。Poor as he was, he was above telling a lie in any case. 我们决不辜负全国人民对我们的希望。We will live up to the expectations of our people. 那些黑人挣到的钱几乎不够养家糊口。 The negroes barely earn enough money to keep their families alive. 他显然有不同的想法He evidently thinks otherwise. 把瓶盖儿盖好,要不汁液就洒出来了。 Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill. 不了解这一点,就不能得到起码的知识。 Unless we grasp this point we shall never be able to acquire even elementary knowledge. 部队宁可绕道走,也不踩庄稼。 The troops would rather take a roundabout way than tread on the crops 无产阶级不把大多数人争取到自己方面来,就不能取得胜利。 The proletariat cannot be victorious unless it wins over to its side the majority of the population. 子曰:“不患人之不己知,患不知人也。” The Master said, (the good man) does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. His only anxiety is lest he (should) fail to recognize theirs. 名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成,…… If language is incorrect, then what is said does not concord with what was meant; and if what is said does not concord with what was meant, what is to be done cannot be effected. 我想:希望本无所谓有,无所谓无。 I thought: hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. 他在上面费了很多力。He took no little pain over it. 我对你万分感激。I couldn’t thank you enough.完全同意I couldn’t agree more. 直到喷气发动机发明以后,飞机才能以超音速的速度飞行。 Not until the invention of the jet engine could airplanes travel at supersonic speeds 智者千虑,必有一失。Even the wise are not always free from errors. 他想找一个可靠的人帮助工作。He wanted to get someone reliable to help in the work. 医生为救病人,尽到了一切必要的努力。The doctor did everything necessary to save the patient.
