[高三试题]2019-2020 学年高三上学期11月月考英语试卷(新高考卷)

[高三试题]2019-2020 学年高三上学期11月月考英语试卷(新高考卷)
[高三试题]2019-2020 学年高三上学期11月月考英语试卷(新高考卷)

2019-2020 学年高三上学期11月月考英语试卷(新高考卷)










1. What will the man do this weekend?

A. Borrow some money.

B. Walk around the lake.

C. Work at the hospital.

2. What does the man think highly of about the play?

A. The costumes.

B. The music.

C. The scenery.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A table tennis player.

B. An outstanding movie.

C. Yang Lan’s biography.

4. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At a box office.

B. At a post office.

C. At a railway station.

5. What do we know about the man?

A. He might miss this town.

B. He doesn’t like the new job.

C. He hasn’t been home for long.



6. What does the boy think of politics?

A. Difficult.

B. Boring.

C. Interesting.

7. What does the girl advise the boy to do?

A. Take notes carefully in class.

B. Read the textbook thoroughly.

C. Study the summaries of the lectures.


8. What’s wrong with the banana?

A. It is still green.

B. It isn’t in the kitchen.

C. It was bitten partly.

9. Why doesn’t the girl want to eat cereal?

A. She doesn’t like cereal.

B. She has to prepare the milk.

C. She ate the same thing yesterday.

10. What will the man do next?

A. Continue sleeping.

B. Make some pancakes.

C. Have a talk with the girl.


11. What is the most striking thing about volcanoes?

A. They kill people quickly.

B. They are beautiful scenery.

C. They can erupt suddenly.

12. Why is Mount Etna called the “Friendly Giant”?

A. It is very big.

B. It rarely kills people.

C. It attracts many tourists.

13. How many people visit Mount Fuji every year?

A. About 73,000.

B. About 300,000.

C. About 400,000.


14. Why is Jack going abroad?

A. To study.

B. To go shopping.

C. To visit his mother.

15. What did Jack’s mother buy for him?

A. Some hats.

B. Some shorts.

C. Some jeans.

16. Why doesn’t Jack pack a coat?

A. He wants to buy a new one.

B. There is no room in his suitcase.

C. It is unnecessary in such a warm climate.

17. What is the weather like in spring?

A. It’s rainy.

B. It’s windy.

C. It’s a little hot.


18. What is the theme of To Kill a Mockingbird?

A. Nature and humans.

B. Racial justice and respect.

C. Love between father and daughter.

19. When was the book published?

A. In 1930.

B. In 1950.

C. In 1960.

20. What does the famous courthouse become now?

A. A shop.

B. A museum.

C. A restaurant.





Thanks to technology, ride-hailing(打车)is as easy as opening an app on your phone. Ac-cording to Didi, China’s top ride-hailing app, 81.3 percent of passengers preferred using an online service last year. But just like many other modern high-tech developments, convenience comes with concerns.

Didi Chuxing announced a trial re-launch of its carpool(拼车)service, Didi Hitch(滴滴顺风车), in seven cities including Harbin, Taiyuan and Beijing from Nov 20. More than a year ago,

Didi suspended the service following the murders of two separate female passengers in May and August, respectively.

The re-launch comes with a range of new safety features. One of the new measures proved controversial. It carried out an 8 pm curfew(宵禁)on women, but allowed men to enjoy the service till 11 pm.

Many users complained on social media that the policy was sexist. According to CNN, the topic “#WomenCan’tTakeDidiAfter8PM#”was trending on weibo, with one post calling it “negative marketing and gender-biased(性别歧视的)”. It had gained more than 70,000 likes as of Nov 11.

After the strong public reaction, Didi Chuxing changed its decision. Both men and women will be able to use Didi Hitch between 5 am and 8 pm.

According to CNN, Didi Hitch had logged more than a billion total rides before its suspension, but it remains to be seen if the company can win back users’ trust.

Didi is not the only ride-sharing app to arouse public safety concerns, nor is it the only one to attempt special protections for women. The globally popular car-hailing services Uber and Lyft now require strict background checks and emergency SMS services that will automatically send a car’s description, license number, and current location to police, CBS news reported.

According to CNBC, one Boston-based ride-hailing service only hires women to drive and will only accept women or children under 13 as passengers. Despite all the safety features, riders should check their drivers’ number plates, ensure they are being taken on the correct route, and inform friends of travel plans.

21.The underlined word “suspended” in Paragraph 2 probably means __________.

A.improved on something

B.worried about something

C.stopped something for a time

D.took the responsibility for something

22.Why did Didi Chuxing change its Hitch curfews?

A.Because of its recent online risk analysis.

B.Because of the public’s negative reaction.

C.For the convenience of different users.

D.For the sake of safety problems of women.

23.The passage is probably taken from _________.

A.an advertisement

B.a textbook

C.a newspaper

D.a public speech


While we may think it feels good to complain, complaining has some bad effects associated with it.

Why isn’t complaining beneficial? Research shows that it connects our brain with negativity. The brain is designed to work efficiently. This means that when we repeat a thought, negative or positive, the nerve cells form a bridge between each other to pass information in a higher speed. Therefore, the next time we have a similar type of thought, it is more easily passed. This explains why certain thought patterns become habits.

Yet the harmful effects don’t stop there. A study show s that complaining causes the hippocampus(海马体), which plays a vital role in problem-solving, to become smaller.

In addition to causing brain damage, complaining also releases a stress hormone: cortisol(皮质醇), a kind of chemical the body produces when we meet with some danger. Constantly having a high level of cortisol results in high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and lower immunity(免疫力).

The ill effects of our complaining aren’t just limited to ourselves: they also involve those around us. We tend to mirror the moods of our friends. For this reason, we should be cautious about having stubborn complainers in our circle of companions.

The best way to deal with constant negativity is to develop a sense of gratitude. Just like complaining acts as a poison, gratitude acts as a medicine. Research shows it lowers cortisol levels by 23 percent, as well as reduces blood pressure and blood sugar. It also decreases tiredness and depression. Gratitude is the perfect cure for complaining, a behavior that steals our brain power, happiness and physical well-being.

What have you observed about the effects of complaining in your own life or in the lives of others? Have you noticed that when you are grateful, you feel better all around? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

24.What do Para. 2-3 mainly talk about?

A. The diseases caused by complaining.

B. The decrease of a vital part of our brain.

C. The bad effects of complaining on brain power.

D. The reason why certain thought patterns become habits.

25. What can we know about cortisol from the passage?

A. Gratitude is an effective cure for cortisol.

B. Our body produces cortisol when we feel excited.

C. Cortisol is a chemical that can cause brain damage.

D. Having a high level of cortisol can lead to many health problems.

26.What attitude does the writer take to stubborn complainers?

A. Grateful.

B. Tolerant.

C. Disapproving.

D. Skeptical.


It’s a common belief that the roles actors play might somehow reflect their true personalities. It’s usually not true, but British actress Phoebe Waller-Bridge, 34, is an exception.

Just like Fleabag, the character she played in the comedy-drama series of the same name, Waller-Bridge feels that her life is a mess. “It’s just really wonderful to know— and reassuring (令人欣慰的)—that a dirty ... angry, messed up woman can make it to the Emmys,” she said. She may be “messed up”, but Variety magazine calls her an “all-around icon”.

Last month, Waller-Bridge took home three Emmy awards for her work on Fleabag— best writing in a comedy series, best lead actress, and best comedy series.

Her success is partly because of her family. Descended(……的后裔)from British nobility, Waller-Bridge was brought up in a free environment. Her mother always told her, “You can be whatever you wan t if you imagine it.” So Waller-Bridge broke all the rules about what a “good” girl should do.

“Our laws and moral codes don’t apply—she lives ... without fear of consequence,” The Sun


That fearlessness extends to being authentic in her writing and acting.

Unlike the can-do heroines and strong, successful women in many TV dramas, Waller- Bridge shows a flawed but real character. The character Fleabag was a screw-up who always found a way to say or do the wrong thing. “It resonated with the lives of stressed-out women everywhere in reality—doing their best to find balance in their lives,” a viewer wrote on US movie website IMDb.

Villanelle in Killing Eve, another hit TV series developed by Waller-Bridge, was a little bit violent but showed no interest for the rules others created, which make many people see themselves in her.

“People have been scared to write characters like these. But I think, now, women are so relieved to have this new template(样板). And, aren’t we all a bit of everything?” Waller-Bridge said in an interview with Indian Express.

With such courage and sincerity(真诚), Waller-Bridge is, without a doubt, a “golden girl” in Hollywood, Australian news website The New Daily commented.

27.What is the article mainly about?

A. The popularity of the comedy-drama series Fleabag.

B. The similarities between Phoebe Waller-Bridge and the character she plays on Fleabag.

C. What helped Waller-Bridge succeed in comedy.

D. What inspired Waller-Bridge to take up writing and acting.

28. How did Waller-Bridge’s parents influence her growth?

A.They constantly encouraged her to be herself.

B.They pushed her to follow social codes.

C.They taught her to write and act when she was young.

D.They always reminded her to be curious and fearless.

29.The underlined phrase “resonated with” in Paragraph 7 probably means “__________”.

A.messed up

B.was in agreement with

C.had great effects on

D.paid attention to

30.What do Villanelle in Killing Eve and Fleabag in Fleabag have in common?

A.Both are courageous and organized.

B.Both are rebellious but strong and successful.

C.Both successfully find balance in their lives.

D.Both are much alike in character.



How to Make More Friends in Senior High

Get to know the people in your classes.These are the people you’ll see and interact with every day, so becoming friends with a few of them will give you a great support network throughout the school year. 31. __________ If you do already know them, ask them a question about their hobbies or family so that you can get to know them a little better.

Become involved in extracurricular activities or clubs. High school is a great place to find

people and clubs that share your interests. Sign up to be in the drama club — any club or activity that catches your attention and you think you’d enjoy. If your high school does not have a club that caters to your interests or passions, start one of your own! 32. __________This helps give admission committees a better idea about who you are as a person.

33.__________ Sports are a good way to get active while also being part of a close-knit(紧密合作的)team. Choose a sport you like, such as soccer, softball, basketball, or swimming, and work hard during practice and at games to make your team and yourself proud.

Reach out to people and make new friends. 34. __________ Start a conversation with som eone in the hall, sit with someone new at lunch, or offer to partner up with someone you’re not friends with for a class project. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to a complete stranger, say hello to the person whose locker is next to yours, or compliment(赞美)someone’s outfit in the lunch room.

Attend school events to broaden your experiences. Events such as school dances, sports and games are all an essential part of the high school experience. Even if you aren’t full of school spirit, try to go to at least one school event each season —you’ll likely end up making great memories. 35. ____________ Ask your friend to introduce you to people you may not know.

A.If you apply to college, include your activities on your application.

B.Ask someone in one of your cla sses if they’d like to get together to study.

C.Try out a sport to be part of a team.

D.Invite a friend or two to come along with you.

E.If you don’t know them, introduce yourself and st art a casual conversation.

F.Other extracurricular activities might include yoga, coding, or chess club.

G.Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, you can always meet new people and form new relationships.




When Matthew Shifrin turned 13, he got a lifechanging birthday present from his friend, Lilya Finkel.

It was an 843-piece Middle Eastern 36 palace. And with it were instructions that Finkel made 37 for it. Finkel invented a unique name for every one of the more than 800 pieces in the palace 38 . Then she spent countless hours typing building 39 in Braille (盲文) that spelled out how to 40 them all together.

His mind was 41 . As a blind person, Shifrin had never before been able to complete a Lego set 42 . Shifrin knew immediately that he had to help other blind children find the same 43 .

Shifri n says, “For blind people, Lego sets act as small 3D44 for real-life buildings instead of two-dimensional photographs. Lego bricks allow me to see things that are 45 to explore by touch.”

For years after that incredible Lego 46 , he created similar instructions for about 45 other Lego sets, together with Finkel, all published on a website they created, “Lego for the 47.”

Shifrin began 48 to Lego several years ago to discuss his work, 49 it was in 2017, when Finkel died of cancer, that he finally connected with the 50 person.

His years-long devotion 51 when the Lego company released its first audio and Braille building instructions. The project is a high-tech version of what Shifrin and Finkel did for their 52 .

It couldn’t h ave been completed without Shifrin’s53 — or without his determination.

He just 54 Finkel had been here to see it. “I think she’d be very glad that we came this 55 ,” Shifrin said.

36. A. Lego B. wood C. paper D. puzzle

37. A. directly B. especially C. strictly D. regularly

38. A. set B. collection C. tools D. series

39. A. rules B. skills C. requirements D. instructions

40. A. mix B. fix C. fit D. gather

41. A. blown B. challenged C. troubled D. eased

42. A. by all means B. at one time C. on his own D. more or less

43. A. truth B. connection C. balance D. independence

44. A. patterns B. designs C. replacements D. arrangements

45. A. natural B. impossible C. easy D. normal

46. A. experiment B. performance C. practice D. experience

47. A. Young B. Blind C. Curious D. Inventive

48. A. giving up B. spreading out C. reaching out D. showing up

49. A. but B. and C. so D. though

50. A. unique B. missing C. smart D. right

51. A. made up B. took off C. got through D. paid off

52. A. company B. website C. school D. friends

53. A. encouragement B. preparation C. involvement D. recommendation

54. A. hoped B. wished C. prayed D. expected

55. A. far B. long C. deep D. fast



The highly anticipated film Better Days(《少年的你》)was finally released on Oct 25. While Zhou Dongyu, the young actress who won the Golden Horse Award for Best Leading Actress,

surprised audiences.

Jackson Yee scored a success with the film. Talking about why he 63 (choose) the role, the 18-year-old star said he was interested in the theme of teenage bullying. “Beyond the problem

of school 64 (violent), the film also reflects on the mental growth of youth,” he told Global Times. In recent years, the pop star has been working as 65 activist and pioneer for Chinese youth.










Dear John,

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Li Hua



Ever done something you didn’t want to do, just to fit in? Or just because your friends wanted you to? That’s peer pressure. And just about everyone feels it at one time or another. Peers are people your age, such as your friends, who have experiences similar to yours. Your peers influence your decisions and behavior every day, and they can push you to make bad choices, even dangerous ones. But is peer pressure always bad?

Actually, peer pressure can sometimes be a good thing. Friends can give you the courage to try something you normally wouldn’t, like a new sport or taking part in the school play. Nicole S., 16, used to be afraid of singing in front of people. One time, her friends convinced her to sing karaoke with them. She ended up having fun! “Now I will sing anywhere, even with people present. Positi ve peer pressure helped me face my fear,” she says.

The people around you can also be bad influences, however. Maybe a star teammate tells you never to pass the ball to a certain player, or a popular student cheats on tests or sends mean texts. Should you try to be like them to fit in?

Peer pressure is powerful, but the ability to choose is yours. If a situation feels wrong, there’s a good chance it is wrong. Standing up for yourself and saying no isn’t always easy. But you might give voice to a bunch of peers that feel the same way you do. It can take just one person to speak out and change a situation. The main thing is not to compromise (妥协) who you are. The kind of coolness and popularity you think you may get by joining the crowd and doing risky things is temporary. Your character is with you for the rest of your life. Be who you are, not who others want you to be. People will respect you for standing up for yourself —even if it doesn’t seem like it right away.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________



1-5 CCABA 6-10 ACCBA

11-15 CBCAC 16-20 BABCB


21-23 CBC

24-26 CDC

27-30 CABD


31-35 EACGD



36-40 ABADC

41-45 ACDCB

46-50 DBCAD

51-55 DBCBA


56.acting 57. unexpected 58. named 59. supporting 60. was abandoned

61.accidentally 62. for 63. chose 64. violence 65. an




Dear John,

I’m writing to reply to your email regarding the Chinese idiom story competition you are going to participate in. It would be my great pleasure to help you prepare for the contest.

I would like to offer some suggestions before we meet. Firstly, as there are a great number of idioms to choose from, I recommend the most commonly used ones that come from interesting stories. Additionally, many idioms have their roots in ancient myths or historical facts. Thus, I advise fully researching their meanings and origins to gain an instructive and fascinating insight into the cultural history of China. In this way, your storytelling will be highly impressive and appealing.

I hope the suggestions above can be of some help to you. Could you please tell me when and where we can meet? I look forward to a further discussion with you.


Li Hua



Everyone may meet with peer pressure at one time or another. On the one hand, peer pressure can sometimes be beneficial. On the other hand, it can be harmful. The best way to deal with peer pressure is to choose wisely and be yourself.


Text 1

W: Are you going to the lake with us this weekend?

M: I wish I could get away for a while. But I have to take on some extra hours at the hospital. I really need the money.

Text 2

M: I really enjoy the play. The students did a great job with the scenery. I felt like I was back in the 18th century.

W: I wish you could say the same thing about the costumes.

Text 3

M: Hey, Kate, what are you watching?

W: Oh, it’s Yang Lan’s interview of Deng Yaping. Deng is the top table tennis athlete in my mind. Do you like her?

M: Yes. Deng is remembered by the world for her outstanding performance.

Text 4

M: Excuse me, could you tell me which line I’m supposed to stand in to buy plastic wrap and to post a package?

W: You can buy the plastic wrap here, but you’ll have to stand in line over there to post your package.

Text 5

W: I thought you were pleased about the new job and going to London.

M: I am. It’s just that I’ve been here for so long in this town and it’s hard to think of anywhere else as home.

Text 6

M: I’m going to have politics this term. I’m a little bit nervous of that subject because I’m not really good at it.

W: Don’t worry! I had that class last term. The lectures were very interesting, and the teacher made the students feel comfortable. You will love the class.

M: Well, wasn’t the test difficu lt?

W: Not at all. The teacher always hands out a summary of his lecture every class. If you study them thoroughly, you will not even need to read the textbook.

M: Thank you so much for your advice.

Text 7

W: Dad? What’s for breakfast?

M: Uh, there’s a b anana on the kitchen counter.

W: But dad, it looks like the cat took a bite out of that banana last night…Dad, wake up.

M: OK. Uh, there’s some cereal in the cupboard. Help yourself.

W: But there’s no milk.

M: Well, just mix up some powdered milk.

W: No way. Come on, Dad.

M: Uh, OK. I guess I could make some pancakes.

W: Uh, no. Last weekend you made pancakes, and they were as hard as a rock.

M: That bad? Alright. Wait! Why in the world are we having this conversation anyway? You’re 14 years old. Ma ke your own breakfast. I’m going back to bed.

Text 8

W: Dr. Purdy, what would you say is the most striking thing about volcanoes?

M: I think it’s the fact that they can erupt at any time.

W: Yes.

M: But not all volcanoes are dangerous killers.

W: Really?

M: Take Mount Etna in Sicily for example. It’s called the “Friendly Giant”, not because it’s big—though it is—but because its lava(火山岩浆) moves very slowly. This gives people time to escape. It’s not a killer volcano.

W: Oh, I didn’t know that about its la va.

M: It’s true. Also, people have recorded the number of deaths caused by Mount Etna for over 3,000 years, and it has only killed 73 people in all.

W: Wow!

M: Volcanoes are always changing. On the site of Mount Fuji in Japan, there were 2 other volcanoes there before the present one.

W: Amazing!

M: Mount Fuji is actually a very popular place for tourists, including the Japanese. It has about 400,000 visitors a year.

Text 9

W: Hey, Jack. Are you ready to study abroad?

M: Well, not really. I still have to prepare some clothes.

W: Well, what’s the weather like where you’re going?

M: Well, uh, it’s really hot in summer, so I’m going to buy some shorts and a few T-shirts.

W: What about the rest of the year?

M: People say that the fall can still be warm until November, so my mother has bought some jeans and a few casual shirts for me.

W: Will you need any warm clothes for the winter?

M: Well, the weather doesn’t get too cold, but it often snows in the mountains, so I’m going to pack a couple of warm sweaters, a jacket, and a hat. I don’t have room in my suitcase to pack a coat, so I’m going to wait until I get there and buy it when I really nee d it.

W: Are you going to take anything else?

M: They say it rains cats and dogs in spring, but again, I’ll just go to pick up a raincoat later on. Text 10

W: Millions of high school students have read To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel by Harper Lee offers moral lessons about racial justice and respect. It tells the story of a young girl named Scout and her father, Atticus Finch, a lawyer. He defends a black man wrongfully accused of raping a white woman. In the end, an all-white jury sentences Tom Robinson to death.

The book is set in the American South in the 1930s. But it was published over 50 years ago, on July 11th, 1960. It has been translated into more than forty languages and has sold over forty million copies. It won a Pulitzer Prize and is often required reading in high school.

Since then, Monroeville, Harper Lee’s hometown,has changed a lot. A number of African-Americans serve in the local government. The courthouse, made famous by the book, is now a museum. A small shop and a fast-food restaur ant called Mel’s Dairy Dream have replaced Harper Lee’s childhood home.





2020届高三上学期11月月考理综化学试卷 可能用到的相对原子质量:Fe:56 Al:27 Mg:24 O:16 H:1 Ba:137 S:32 C:12 第I卷(选择题,共126分) 一、选择题:本大题共13小题,每小题6分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的。 7.化学与生产和生活密切相关,下列说法错误的是() A.“硅胶”的主要成分是硅酸钠,可用作干燥剂和催化剂的载体 B.用SO2漂白纸浆和用活性炭为糖浆脱色的原理不相同 C.氢氧化铝、碳酸氢钠都是常见的胃酸中和剂 D.废旧钢材焊接前,可依次用饱和Na2CO3溶液、饱和NH4Cl溶液处理焊点 8.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是() A.1mol的CO和N2混合气体中含有的质子数为14 N A B.常温下pH=1的盐酸溶液中的H+离子数目为0.1N A C.0.2 mol Al与足量NaOH溶液反应,生成氢气的体积为6.72L D.1mol FeI2与足量氯气反应时转移的电子数为2N A 9.下列离子方程式错误的是() A. 向Ba(OH)2溶液中滴加稀硫酸:Ba2++2OH-+2H++SO42-=BaSO4↓+2H2O B. 酸性介质中KMnO4氧化H2O2:2MnO4-+5H2O2+6H+=2Mn2++5O2↑+8H2O C. 等物质的量的MgCl2、Ba(OH)2和HCl溶液混合:Mg2++2OH-=Mg(OH)2↓ D. 用双氧水和稀硫酸处理印刷电路板:Cu+H2O2+2H+ =Cu2++2H2O 10.氯原子对O3的分解有催化作用: O3+Cl === ClO+O2ΔH1; ClO+O === Cl+O2ΔH2 大气臭氧层的分解反应是O3+O===2O2ΔH,该反应的能量变化如图: 下列叙述中,正确的是( ) A.反应O3+O===2O2的ΔH=E1-E3 B.B.O3+O===2O2是吸热反应 C.ΔH=ΔH1+ΔH2 D.D.2O2===O3+O 是放热反应 11.一定量的Fe、FeO、Fe2O3、Fe3O4的混合物中加入350mL 2mol?L﹣1的稀硝酸恰好使混合物完全溶解,放出2.24L NO(标准状况),往所得溶液中加入KSCN溶液,无红色出现.若用足量的H2在加热条件下还原相同质量的混合物,所得到的铁的物质的量为()A.0.21 mol B.0.25 mol C.0.3 mol D.0.35 mol 12.将几滴KSCN(SCN-是“类卤离子”)溶液加入含有Fe3+的酸性溶液中,溶液变成红色。


重庆市南开中学2020届高三化学11月月考试题(含解析) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 K 39 Cu 64Zn 65 Rb 85在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题意。(每小题6分,共42分) 1.下列变化中,气体反应物既被氧化又被还原的是 A. 金属钠露置在空气中迅速变暗 B. 露置在空气中的过氧化钠固体变白 C. 将氨气与氯化氢混合,产生大量白烟 D. 充满二氧化氮的试管倒扣在水槽中,试管内液面上升 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】A. 金属钠与氧气反应生成氧化钠: ,氧气被还原,故A 错误;224Na+O =2Na O B. 露置在空气中的过氧化钠固体变白:,二氧化碳化合价2222322Na O +2CO =2Na CO +O 不变,则该反应中的气体既没有被氧化也没有被还原,故B 错误; C. 将氨气与氯化氢混合,产生大量白烟: ,无化合价不变,责该反应不34NH +HCl=NH Cl 是氧化还原反应,故C 错误; D. 充满二氧化氮的试管倒扣在水槽中,试管内液面上升:,二2233NO +H O=2HNO +NO 氧化氮的氮元素化合价既升高又降低,则该反应中的气体既被氧化又被还原,故D 正确;故答案为:D 。 2.下列条件下,可以大量共存的离子组是 A. 某无色透明溶液中:Na +、Cu 2+、SO 42-、OH - B. 含有大量CH 3COO -的溶液中:H + 、K +、SO 42-、NO 3- C. pH=11的溶液中:Na +、K +、Cl -、CO 32- D. 0.1 mol/L 的H 2SO 4溶液中:K +、Ba 2+、Cl -、NO 3- 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】A. 某无色透明溶液中,Cu 2+与OH -反应生成蓝色沉淀,不能大量共存,且Cu 2+在溶液中为蓝色,故A 错误; B. 含有大量CH 3COO -的溶液中,CH 3COO -与H +结合形成弱电解质醋酸,不能大量共存,故B


湖北省武汉钢铁集团公司第三子弟中学2017届高三化学上学期第三次(11 月)月考试题 时间:90分钟满分:100分 第I卷选择题(共54分) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 O-16 C-12 Na-23 Mg-24 Si-28 Cu-64 I-127 W-184 一、选择题(本题共18小题,每小题3分,只有一个选项符合题目要求) 1.化学与生活、社会密切相关,下列说法正确的是() A.SO2可以用来漂白纸浆、毛、丝、草帽辫、增白食品等 B.通信光缆的主要成分是晶体Si,太阳能电池的材料主要是SiO2 C.高锰酸钾溶液、酒精、双氧水都能杀菌消毒,都利用了强氧化性 D.氨很容易液化,液氨气化吸收大量的热,所以液氨常用作制冷剂 2.下列说法正确的是() A.烧碱、冰醋酸、四氯化碳均为电解质 B.胆矾、冰水混合物、四氧化三铁都不是混合物 C.分离胶体和某盐溶液,可用过滤的方法 D.SO2、SiO2、CO均为酸性氧化物 3.下列说法正确的是() A.HClO中氯元素化合价比HClO4中氯元素化合价低,所以HClO4的氧化性强 B.已知①Fe+Cu2+=Fe2++Cu ②2Fe3++Cu=2Fe2++Cu2+,则氧化性强弱顺序为:Fe3+>Cu2+>Fe2+ C.已知还原性:B->C->D-,反应2C-+D2=2D-+C2和反应2C-+B2=2B-+C2都能发生 D.具有强氧化性和强还原性的物质放在一起就能发生氧化还原反应 4.下列几组顺序排列不正确的是() A.沸点高低:HI>HBr>HCl>HF B.热稳定性大小:HF>H2O>NH3>PH3 C.熔点高低:金刚石>食盐>金属钠>冰 D.微粒半径大小:S2->Cl->F->Na+>Al3+ 5.从海带中制取单质碘需要经过灼烧、溶解、过滤、氧化、萃取、分液、蒸馏等操作。下列图 示对应的装置合理、操作规范的是()


湖北省黄冈中学2013届高三上学期11月月考数学(理)试题 (2012-11-3) 一.选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是 符合题目要求的. 1.sin(1920)-的值为( ) A .32 - B .12 - C . 32 D . 12 解析:sin(1920)sin(2406360)sin(18060)-=-?=+,即原式sin60=-,故选A . 答案:A 2.命题“x ?∈R ,20x >”的否定是( ) A .x ?∈R ,20x ≤ B .x ?∈R ,20x > C .x ?∈R ,20x < D .x ?∈R ,20x ≤ 解析:全称命题的否定是特称命题,易知应选D . 答案:D 3.已知集合{P =正奇数}和集合{|M x x ==,,}a b a P b P ⊕∈∈,若M P ?,则M 中的运算“⊕” 是( ) A .加法 B .除法 C .乘法 D .减法 解析:由已知集合M 是集合P 的子集,设* 21,21(,)a m b n m n =-=-∈N , ∵(21)(21)a b m n ?=--42()12[2()1]1mn m n mn m n P =-++=-++-∈,∴M P ?,而 其它运算均不使结果属于集合P ,故选C . 答案:C 4.已知某几何体的侧视图与其正视图相同,相关的尺寸如下图所示,则这个几何体的体积是( ) A . 8π B . 7π C . 2π `D . 74 π 解析:依题意该几何体为一空心圆柱,故其体积2 2 37[2()]12 4 V π π=-?=,选D . 答案:D 5.已知A 、B 两点分别在两条互相垂直的直线20x y -=和0x ay +=上,且AB 线段的中点为 俯视图 正 视 图 侧视图 3 4 1


浙江省高三上学期11月月考数学试题 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、填空题 (共14题;共15分) 1. (1分) (2020高一上·上海月考) 满足的集合有________个 2. (1分) (2017高一上·西城期中) 已知幂函数的图象过点,则 ________. 3. (1分) (2017高二下·淮安期末) 若函数的最小正周期为,则正数k=________. 4. (1分)若sinθcosθ>0,则θ在第1 象限. 5. (1分) (2020·枣庄模拟) 已知是的外心,且,,,若 ,则 ________. 6. (1分) (2018高三上·连云港期中) 若tanα= ,且角α的终边经过点 P(x , 1),则 x=________ 7. (1分) (2016高三上·苏州期中) 曲线y=x﹣cosx在点(,)处的切线的斜率为________. 8. (1分) (2019高二上·德惠期中) 函数在处的切线方程是,则 ________. 9. (1分)已知点A(﹣1,1)、B(1,2)、C(﹣2,1)、D(3,4),则向量在方向上的投影为________ . 10. (1分)设f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且当x>0时,f(x)=x2﹣3,则f(﹣2)=________ 11. (2分) (2020高二上·洛阳月考) 在中,角,,所对的边分别为,,,如果,,面积为,那么 ________. 12. (1分) (2017高二下·太原期中) 若函数f(x)=x3+(k﹣1)x2+(k+5)x﹣1在区间(0,2)上不单调,则实数k的取值范围为________. 13. (1分) (2018高二下·深圳月考) 已知函数在上单调递增,则实数的最大值是________.

广西省桂林中学2015届高三11月月考理综试题 Word版含答案

桂林中学2015届高三年级11月月考 理科综合测试题(2014.11.8) 考试时间150分钟 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题本卷共21小题,每小题6分,共126分) 一、单项选择题(本题包括13小题:生物1—6小题,化学7—13小题。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。在每小题列出的四个选项中,请选出符合题目要求的一项填入答题卡中。) 可能用到的相对分子质量:Cu-64 Na-23 H-1 O-16 C-12 Ba-137 Cl-35.5 1.下列物质或结构具有相同化学本质的是: A.肾上腺素、胰岛素 B.噬菌体遗传物质、HIV遗传物质 C.生长素、生长激素 D.DNA探针、大肠杆菌质粒 2.下列关于细胞结构和功能的表述正确的是: A.在线粒体中,葡萄糖被彻底氧化分解,释放大量能量 B.在蓝藻细胞中,由叶绿体完成其光合作用 C.在浆细胞中,内质网和高尔基体特别发达 D.在癌变的细胞中、大多数酶的活性降低 3.禽流感病毒的遗传物质是RNA,病毒表面带有H系列和N系列的不同糖蛋白。下列说法与事实不符的是: A.该病毒RNA的复制在宿主细胞中完成 B.该病毒RNA发生变异会导致糖蛋白的改变 C.H、N系列的不同糖蛋白决定病毒的特异性 D.病毒表面的糖蛋白不能被B淋巴细胞识别 4. A.AaX B X b 、AaX B Y B.BbX A X a、 BbX A Y C.AaBb 、AaBb D.AABb 、AaBB 5.对下列四幅图的描述不正确的是: A.图甲中a阶段用X射线照射可诱发突变,b阶段用秋水仙素处理能抑制纺缍体的形成 B.图乙中的温度在a时酶分子结构未被破坏,但活性较低 C.图丙中bc段和de段的变化的原因相同 D.图丁中在有丝分裂的过程中,cd段着丝点分裂,属于有丝分裂后期 6.下列有关实验材料和实验现象的传述,正确的是:

2019-2020年高三11月月考试题 理综(化学部分答案不全)

2019-2020年高三11月月考试题理综(化学部分答案不全) 考试时间15 0分钟 出题人:潘健、陈庆华、陈小萍审题人:王杰飞、陆惠金、伍灵芝第Ⅰ卷(选择题本卷共21小题,每小题6分,共126分) 一、单项选择题(本题包括13小题:生物1—5小题,化学6—13小题。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。在每小题列出的四个选项中,请选出符合题目要求的一项填入相应科目的答题卷中。) 可能用到的相对原子质量:C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 S:32 Mg :24 Al :27 1.人体细胞有丝分裂时,产生的四分体个数是 A.46 B.23 C.4 D.0 2.用质量浓度为0.3g/mL的蔗糖溶液来做植物细胞质壁分离实验,当植物细胞发生质壁分离时,原生质层和细胞壁之间的空隙充满了。 A、细胞液 B、蔗糖溶液 C、空气 D、清水 3.食物中的蛋白质经消化后的最终产物是。 A、多种氨基酸 B、各种多肽和氨基酸 C、CO2、H2O和尿素 D、多种氨基酸、CO2、H2O和尿素 4.、实验表明,Mo是硝酸还原酶和固氮酶中不可缺少的组分,植物生活在缺Mo的营养液中,新生组织易发生变形,出现色斑。由此可见,Mo在植物体内的存在形式是。 A、离子状态 B、分子状态 C、不稳定化合物 D、稳定化合物 5.某种遗传病受一对等位基因控制,下图为该遗传病的系谱图。下列叙述正确的是 A.该病为伴X染色体隐性遗传病,Ⅱ1为纯合子 B.该病为伴X染色体显性遗传病,Ⅱ4为纯合子 C.该病为常染色体隐性遗传病,Ⅲ2为杂合子 D.该病为常染色体显性遗传病,Ⅱ3为纯合子 6.设NA为阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法不正确的是: A.标准状况下,2.24L C2H6 和C2H4所含碳原子数为0.2 N A B.2 L pH=1的盐酸与醋酸溶液中氢离子数均为0.2 N A C.1.6gNH-2含有电子数为NA D.1mol Cl2与足量的烧碱反应转移的电子数为 N A 7.某溶液中含有HCO3-、SO32-、CO32-、CH3COO-等4种阴离子。向其中加入足量的Na2O2固体后,溶液中离子浓度基本保持不变的是(假设溶液体积无变化) :


芜湖市沈巷中学2013届高三11月月考 地理试卷 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。全卷满分100分,考试时间:90分钟。所有答案均在答题卷上,否则无效。考试结束后只交答题卷。 第I卷(选择题共44分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共22小题,每小题2分,满分44分,选择题的答案请填到答题卷上。) 读“安徽省年太阳辐射分 布图”,回答1~2题。 1.甲地年总辐射量,可能 是() A.3300 B.4600 C.4500 D. 3500 2. 淮北平原是我省太阳 辐射最丰富的地区,其原 因是() ①纬度高,正午太阳高度 大 ②海拔最低 ③降水最少,晴天多 ④夏季昼最长 A .①② B .②③ C .①④ D.③④ 古人造字,蕴含着某些地理知识,如“间”—“门里有日午间到”,午间即正午,如图。据此回答3~5题。 3. 图中房屋的朝向可能是() A .座东朝西 B .座西朝东 C .座南朝北 D .座北朝南 4 .秋分日北京时间11: 30时,某地正好“门 里有日午间到”,且屋内地面光照面积与门的 面积相同,则该地可能位于() A.四川盆地 B. 华北平原 C.塔里木盆地 D . 东北平原 5.如果图中房屋位于我省,当正午屋内地面光 照面积不断增大时,下列叙述可信的是() ①该地正午太阳高度逐渐减小②太阳直射点向南移 ③该地昼不断缩短④该地肯定昼短夜长 A .①②③ B .②③④ C.①②④ D .①③④ 下图为我国部分地区一月等温线分布示意图。读图完成6~7题。

6.8℃等温线大致呈东西走向,其影响因素主要是() A.海岸线 B.地形 C.纬度 D.大气环流 7.昆明和台北纬度位置相近,但温度差异较大,主要原因有() ①地势高低②寒潮影响③距海远近④洋流影响 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④ 读经纬网图,回答8~10题。 8.设A、B两地和B、C两地之间的最短距离分别为L1和L2,则()A.L1和L2 相等B.L1约为L2的一半 C.L2约为L1的1.5倍 D.L1约为L2的两倍 9..若飞机从图中B点飞往D点,沿最短航线飞行,合理的方向是()A.一直向东 B.一直向西 C.向西南→西→西北 D.向东南→东→东北10.若C、D两地同时在晨昏线上,则下列说法一定成立的是()A.北京处于全球新一天的范围 B.北半球昼长夜短 C.芜湖市沈巷中学早晨18点日落 D.B点的日出方向为东北方 11. 举世瞩目的上海世博会开幕式在2010年4月30日20点在世博文化中心举行。上海世博会开幕时,和上海处于同一日期的范围约占全球的()A.二分之一 B.三分之一C.三分之二D.全部


2019高三年级12月月考文科综合试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分300 分。考试时间150 分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共35 题:共140 分) 读我国某区域河、湖水位变化示意图,该区域内湖泊与河流有互补关 系,回答下列各题。1.关于该河流和湖泊的位置关系可以确定的是 ( ) A.湖泊位于河流的源头 B.湖泊地势高于河流 C.湖泊与河流相通 D.湖泊地势低于河流 2.关于该区域河、湖水文特 征,叙述正确的是( ) A.时间点③比时间点①河、湖之 间水体补给更快B.湖泊水位与 河流水位同步变化 C.一年中大部分 时间湖水补给河 水D.湖泊储水量 最小的时间点是 ② 坡度是坡面与水平面的夹角;等坡度线是地

表坡度值相等的点连成的线。下图为我国南方 某局部地区等坡度线图,图中数字代表坡度。读 图完成下列小题。 3.图中河流( ) A.甲河段流速最快 B.乙河段流 水堆积作用最明显C.大致由西向东流 D.流向不能确定 4.图示区域( ) A.M 地坡度最陡 若有滑坡、泥石流发生,西部的可能性大于东部 土层深厚、土壤呈酸性D.处于东南季风迎风坡 江西三清山是花岗岩山岳峰林地貌的一个天然博物馆,被中外专家一致称为是“西太平洋地区最美的花岗岩区”。其中“东方女神”、“巨蟒出山”两处标志性造型景观,为世界“绝景”。读图,完成下列小题。 5.形成图a风景的岩石属于图b中的是( ) A.A B.B C.C D.D 6.形成该景观地质作用的外力作用是( ) A.流水侵蚀 B.风力侵蚀 C.冰川侵蚀 D.风化和重力崩解 中国华为技术有限公司(简称“华为”),研发投入大,技术发展迅速,1996 年已成为国内电信设备行业龙头。为谋求进一步发展,华为确立对外投资战略,在海外建立多家合资或独资的子公司:巴西(1997 年)、印度(1998 年)、中东和非洲(2000 年)、东南亚和欧洲(2001 年)、美国(2002 年)。2012 年初,华为成为全球最大的电信设备制造商;目前其产品与服务已覆盖170 多个国家和地区。据此完成下面各题。


高三理综 第Ⅰ卷 (共126分) 一、选择题 1.高等动物细胞内的某结构,经检测其内含有核酸、蛋白质等物质,且在新陈代谢过程中该结 构既能消耗水,又能产生水,既能消耗ATP又能产生ATP,则该结构 A.产生的ATP主要用来进行暗反应合成糖类等有机物 B.能用光学显微镜观察,但是需要用甲基绿将其染成绿色 C.可能是线粒体,但进行有氧呼吸的生物细胞不一定含有该结构 D.可能是细胞质基质,在此处进行呼吸作用可以产生二氧化碳 2.PCNA是一类只存在于增殖细胞的阶段性表达的蛋白质,其浓度在 细胞周期中呈周期性变化(如图),检测其在细胞中的表达,可作为 评价细胞增殖状态的一个指标。下列推断错误 ..的是 A.PCNA可能与染色体的平均分配到细胞两极有关 B.曲线表明PCNA可能辅助DNA复制 C.PCNA经核糖体合成,可能主要在细胞核内发挥作用 D.肝癌病人体内的PCNA可能含量较正常人高 3.如图是利用某农作物品种①和品种②培育作物新品种的几种方法,叙述正确的是( )。 A.③与⑥是同一个物种 B.过程Ⅵ需要限制酶和DNA聚合酶两种工具酶 C.过程Ⅴ使用的药剂作用于有丝分裂的间期 D.过程Ⅶ产生的变异具有不定向性 4.右图甲中4号为M病患者,对1、2、3、4进行关于M病的基因检测,将各自含有M病基因或正常基因的相关DNA片段(数字代表长度)用层析法分离,结果如下图乙。下列有关 分析判断正确的是 A.长度为9.7单位的DNA片段含有M病的致病基因 B.系谱图中3号个体的基因型与1、 2的基因型相同的概率为2/3 C.乙图中的个体d是系谱图中的4号 D.3与一M病基因携带者结婚,生一个M病孩子的概率为1/6 5.某家族中有白化病和色盲的致病基因,右图为基因型为AaX B X b个体 ① a b


试卷第1页,总8页 高三年级十一月份月考应届化学试卷 命题人:李家朝审题人:叶道胜 (时间:90分钟总分:100分) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H :1C:12O:16N:14Cu:64 S:32Ag :108Sr:88K :39Cl:35.5 一.选择题(20x3=60分,单选) 1.新冠病毒由蛋白质外壳和单链核酸组成,直径大约在60~100nm ,化学知识在新冠肺炎的疫情防控中发挥着重要作用,下列说法正确的是()A .新冠病毒是一种胶体 B .84消毒液和医用酒精均可杀灭新型冠状病毒,二者消毒原理不同 C .酒精溶液中乙醇的体积分数越大,消毒效果越好 D .“84”消毒液(有效成分:NaClO )可与洁厕灵(主要成分:盐酸)混合使用2.设N A 为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是( )A .同温同压下,等质量的CO 和N 2所含原子数均为2N A B .0.1mol 12 C 18O 2的中子数比质子数多2.6N A C .向含1mol FeI 2的溶液中通入等物质的量的Cl 2,转移的电子数为2N A D .足量的铜片与含4mol HNO 3的浓硝酸充分反应生成二氧化氮分子数为2N A 3.在溶液中加入足量Na 2O 2后仍能大量共存的离子组是( )A .Ca 2+、Fe 2+、NO 3—、HCO 3— B .H +、Ba 2+、Cl —、NO 3— C .K +、AlO 2—、Cl —、SO 42— D .Na +、Cl —、CO 32—、SO 32— 4.下列实验的反应原理用离子方程式表示正确的是() A .用双氧水和稀硫酸处理铜印刷电路板Cu+H 2O 2+2H +=Cu 2++2H 2O B .用惰性电极电解氯化镁溶液2Cl —+2H 2O Cl 2↑+H 2↑+2OH —C .标准状况下,将1.12LCO 2气体通入1L0.1mol/L 的KAlO 2溶液中: CO 2+2H 2O +AlO 2—=Al(OH )3↓+HCO 3— D .用酸性高锰酸钾标准溶液滴定草酸: 2MnO 4-+16H ++5C 2O 42-=2Mn 2++10CO 2↑+8H 2O 5.下图所示实验装置,能达到对应实验目的或现象描述正确的是() 1

(参考)2019年九年级化学上学期11月月考试题(含解析) 新人教版

(参考)2019年九年级化学上学期11月月考试题(含解析) 新人教版 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列变化中,属于物理变化的是() A.大米发生霉变 B.冰融化成水 C.木材变成木炭 D.葡萄酿成美酒 2.正确的实验操作对实验结果、人身安全非常重要.下列实验操作正确的是() A.点燃酒精灯B.滴加液体 C.加热液体D.读取液体体积 3.水是生命的源泉,下列“水”中属于纯净物的是() A.矿泉水B.井水C.蒸馏水D.自来水 4.小李学习了水的有关知识后,自制了如图所示的简易净水器,下列说法正确的是() A.该净水器中的活性炭起吸附作用

B.该净水器可以降低自来水的硬度 C.该净水器能起到杀菌消毒的作用 D.该净水器可将自来水变为蒸馏水 5.下列物质由离子构成的是() A.氢气B.氯化钠C.水D.二氧化碳 6.用分子的观点对下列现象解释错误的是() A.花香四溢﹣﹣分子在不断运动 B.酿制美酒﹣﹣分子本身发生改变 C.空气液化﹣﹣分子间间隔改变 D.汽油挥发﹣﹣分子体积变大 7.下面是4位同学对分子、原子、离子的描述,其中正确的是 () A.B.C.C D. 8.“酒香不怕巷子深”说明了() A.分子之间有间隔B.分子总是在不断运动 C.分子的体积变大D.化学变化中分子可分 9.诗词、名著是中华民族灿烂文化的瑰宝.下列诗句或名著事件的描述中只涉及物理变化的是() A.野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 B.伐薪烧炭南山中 C.只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 D.春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干 10.人们在阳光照射的树林里,会感到空气特别的清新,其原因是树林里有极少部分的氧气被转化成具有杀菌消毒作用的臭氧(O3).下列关于臭氧和氧气的说法正确的是() A.它们之间的转化是物理变化B.它们之间的转化是化学变化C.它们同属于一种物质D.它们的性质完全相同


2019届高三英语11月月考试题 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How does the woman feel? A.Excited.B.Calm. C.Scared. 2.Why was Jane late? A.She had an exam. B.She talked to a teacher. C.She stayed up last night. 3.Who makes the best-looking dumplings? A.Bobby. B.Kristen. C.Sarah. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.At an airport. B.In a hotel. C.At a bus stop. 5.What will the woman do next? A.Buy the shoes at $150. B.Pay at the full price. C.Go to another store. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How long has the woman worked in the present company? A.3 years. B.4 years. C.7 years. 7.Why does the woman want to leave? A.She wants to make a change. B.She can’t get along well with others.


陕西省城固县第一中学2017届高三物理11月月考试题 (满分110分,考试时间90分钟) 第一卷(50分) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分。其中第1----7每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个 选项符合题目要求,选对得5分;第8----10每小题有多个选项符合题目要求。全部选对得5分,选对但不全得3分,有选错得0分。 1、物理学发展史群星璀璨,伽利略、牛顿、法拉第等许多物理学家为物理学的发展做出了巨大贡献,以下说法正确的是() A.伽利略理想斜面实验证明运动不需要力来维持,牛顿用扭秤实验测得万有引力常量 B.法拉第提出“场”的概念,并发现了电流的磁效应 C.库仑研究了静止点电荷之间的相互作用的规律,并测定了元电荷的电荷量 D.焦耳研究了电流生热的相关规律,牛顿在前人的基础上总结出了牛顿三定律 2、减速带是交叉路口常见的一种交通设施,车辆驶过减速带时要减速,以保障行人的安全。当汽车前轮刚爬上减速带时,减速带对车轮的弹力为F,下图1中弹力F画法正确且分解合理的是() 3、如图2所示,横截面为直角三角形的物块ABC的质量为m,AB边靠在 竖直墙面上,物块在垂直于斜面BC的推力F的作用下处于静止状态,若直角 三角形的物块ABC受到的力可视为共点力,则物块受到的静擦力() 图2 A. 等于mg B. 小于mg C. 大于mg D. 条件不足,无法判定

4、如图3所示,与轻绳相连的物体A 和B 跨过定滑轮, 质量m A <m B ,A 由静止释放,不计绳与滑轮间的摩擦, 则A 向上运动过程中,轻绳拉力( ) A .T=m A g B .T >m A g C .T=m B g D .T >m B g 5、假设太阳系中天体的密度不变,天体直径和天体之间距离都缩小到原来的一半,地球绕太阳公转近似为匀速圆周运动,则下列物理量变化正确的是( ) A .地球的向心力变为缩小前的一半 B .地球的向心力变为缩小前的161 C .地球绕太阳公转周期变为缩小前的 4 1 D .地球绕太阳公转周期变为缩小前的一半 6、一个电子只在电场力作用下从a 点运动到b 点的轨迹如图4虚线所示,图中一组平行实线可能是电场线也可能是等势面,则以下说法正确的是( ) A .无论图中的实线是电场线还是等势面,a 点的场强都比b 点的场强小 B .无论图中的实线是电场线还是等势面,a 点的电势都比b 点的电势高 C .无论图中的实线是电场线还是等势面,电子在a 点的电势能都比在b 点的电势能小 D .如果实线是等势面,电子在a 点的速率一定大于在b 点的速率 7、如图5所示,斜面与水平面夹角为 ,在斜面上空A 点水平抛出两个小球a 、b ,初速度分别为v a 、v b ,a 球落在斜面上的N 点,而AN 恰好垂直于斜面,而b 球恰好垂直打到斜面上M 点,则( ) v a b 图5


广东省广州市113中学【精品】高三11月月考化学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列关于自然界中氮循环的说法错误的是 A.氮肥均含有NH4+ B.雷电作用固氮中氮元素被氧化 C.碳、氢、氧三种元素参与了自然界中氮循环 D.合成氨工业的产品可用于侯氏制碱法制备纯碱 2.环之间共用一个碳原子的化合物称为螺环化合物,螺[3,3]庚烷()是其中的一种。下列关于该化合物的说法正确的是 A.与甲苯(C7H8)互为同分异构体 B.1mol该化合物完全燃烧时消耗10mol O2 C.所有碳原子均处同一平面 D.一氯代物共有3种(不含立体异构) 3.N A是阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法中正确的是 A.4g甲烷完全燃烧转移的电子数为2N A B.11.2L(标准状况)CCl4中含有的共价键数为2N A C.3 mol SO2和1mol O2于密闭容器中催化反应后分子总数为3N A D.1L 0.1mol·L-1的Na2S溶液中HS-和S2-离子数之和为0.1 N A 4.下列实验中,所采取的分离方法与对应原理都正确的是() A.A B.B C.C D.D

5.短周期主族元素W、X、Y和Z的原子序数依次增大,W的气态氢化物的水溶液可使酚酞变红,W与X可形成一种红棕色有刺激性气味的气体,Y的原子半径是所有短周期主族元素中最大的,Z原子最外层电子数与W原子的电子总数相同。下列说法中正确的是 A.W的氧化物对应水化物均为强酸 B.简单离子半径:W<X<Y C.简单氢化物沸点:Z<W D.Y与Z形成的化合物的水溶液呈碱性 6.一种钌(Ru)基配合物光敏染料敏化太阳能电池的示意图如下。 电池工作时发生的反应为: Ru II Ru II *(激发态) Ru II*→ Ru III+e- I3-+ 2e-→3I- Ru III+3I-→Ru II++ I3- 下列关于该电池叙述错误的是( ) A.电池中镀Pt导电玻璃为正极 B.电池工作时,I-离子在镀Pt导电玻璃电极上放电 C.电池工作时,电解质中I-和I3-浓度不会减少 D.电池工作时,是将太阳能转化为电能 7.一定温度下,三种碳酸盐MCO3(M:Mg2+、Ca2+、Mn+)的沉淀溶解平衡曲线如图所示。下列说法错误的是()


新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区第二中学【精品】高三11月月考 化学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列关于Fe(OH)3胶体的叙述中,正确的是( ) A .制备Fe(OH)3胶体的化学方程式是FeCl 3+3H 2O Fe(OH)3↓+3HCl B .在制备Fe(OH)3胶体的实验中,加热煮沸时间越长,越有利于胶体的生成 C .Fe(OH)3胶体微粒能吸附阳离子,从而使Fe(OH)3胶体带有一定电荷 D .Fe(OH)3胶体能够吸附水中悬浮的固体颗粒并沉降,达到净水目的 2.下列有关化学用语使用正确的是( ) A .碳酸氢钠在水中的电离方程式:NaHCO 3=Na ++H ++CO 32— B .Cl -的结构示意图: C .H 2的摩尔质量是2g D .NaOH 俗称烧碱 3.工业制取高纯硅的反应流程如下,其中有两个反应类型相同,这两个反应的类型是 22Cl H C 24ΔSiO Si(SiCl Si ???→??→???→高温高温粗)(纯) A .置换反应 B .复分解反应 C .分解反应 D .化合反应 4.N A 代表阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是 A .HNO 3作为氧化剂得到的电子数一定为3N A B .0.4mol?L -1Na 2SO 4溶液中,所含的Na +和SO 42—总数为1.2N A C .常温常压下,16gO 3含有的氧原子数为N A D .12gNaHSO 4在熔融状态下可以电离出的阳离子数目0.2N A 5.将足量的气体通入下列各溶液中,所含离子或分子还能大量共存的是:( ) A .通入足量Cl 2:SO 2、Ba 2+、Cl -、K + B .通入足量NH 3:Fe 3+、Cl -、Ba 2+、Al 3+ C .通入足量SO 2:Na +、S 2-、OH -、AlO 2- D .通入足量CO 2:K +、Ca 2+、Cl -、NO 3- 6.有下列三个反应: ①Cl 2+FeI 2=FeCl 2+I 2②2Fe 2++Br 2=2Fe 3++2Br -③Co 2O 3+6HCl=2CoCl 2+Cl 2↑+3H 2O 。下列说


2019届高三英语11月月考试题 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18. 答案是B。 1.When will the man return the car? A.At 5:30. B.At 5:00. C.At 4:30. 2.What are the speakers talking about? A.A fancy restaurant. B.A birthday celebration. C.A family reunion. 3.What does the woman advise the man to do with the puter? A.Have it repaired. B.Get a second-hand one. C.Buy a new one. 4.Why does the man e to the police station? A.To make an appointment. B.To express his thanks. C.To get his car back. 5.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers? A.Husband and wife. B.Patient and dentist. C.Student and teacher. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.What course will the man take? A.puter programming. B.Data progressing. C.Hardware managing. 7.Which schedule is suitable for the man? A.On Monday evenings. B.On Tuesday evenings. C.On Thursday evenings. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.What do Swedish people plain about when they visit England in winter? A.The bad weather. B.The cold houses. C.The long night. 9.Which season does the man probably like best?. A.Winter. B.Spring. C.Summer. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.How did the woman get to know about the job? A.By listening to the morning news. B.By reading a newspaper ad. C.By calling an employment service. 11.Why was the woman interested in the job? A.To improve her French and Italian. B.To use her precious experiences. C.To work close to her family. 12.What was the woman supposed to do next? A.Send a written application as soon as possible.


福建省高三上学期化学11月月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共7题;共14分) 1. (2分) (2017高二下·淄川期中) 下列关于自然界中氮循环(如图)的说法不正确的是() A . 氮元素均被氧化 B . 工业合成氨属于人工固氮 C . 含氮无机物和含氮有机物可相互转化 D . 碳、氢、氧三种元素也参加了氮循环 2. (2分) (2017高二下·株洲期中) 在C5H12的各种同分异构体中,所含甲基数目和它的一氯取代物的数目与叙述相符的是() A . 2个﹣CH3 ,能生成3种一氯代物 B . 3个﹣CH3 ,能生成3种一氯代物 C . 3个﹣CH3 ,能生成2种一氯代物 D . 4个﹣CH3 ,能生成2种一氯代物 3. (2分) (2017高一上·成都期中) NA表示阿伏伽德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是() A . 25℃,1.01×105Pa,11.2L Cl2含有的分子数小于0.5NA B . 物质的量浓度为0.5 mol/L的MgCl2溶液中,含有Cl﹣个数为1NA C . 1molFeCl3与沸水反应生成NA个Fe(OH)3胶粒

D . 常温下,23 g NO2含有2NA个氧原子 4. (2分) (2019高三上·南昌月考) 为实现下列实验目的,依据下表提供的主要仪器,所用试剂合理的是() 选项实验目的主要仪器试剂 A分离Br2和CCl4混合物分液漏斗、烧杯Br2和CCl4混合物、蒸馏水 B鉴别葡萄糖和蔗糖试管、烧杯、酒精灯葡萄糖溶液、蔗糖溶液、银氨溶液 C实验室制取H2试管、带导管的橡皮塞锌粒、稀HNO3 D测定NaOH溶液浓度滴定管、锥形瓶、烧杯NaOH溶液,0.1000mol/L盐酸 A . A B . B C . C D . D 5. (2分) (2016高一下·乐清月考) 下列各组性质比较中,不正确的是() A . 元素最高化合价:Al>Mg B . 金属性:Al>Mg C . 酸性:H2SO4>H3PO4 D . 原子半径:Cl>F 6. (2分) (2016高二下·衡阳期中) 将锌片和铜片按如图方式插入柠檬中,电流计指针发生偏转.则下列说法中正确的是() A . 该装制能将电能转换为化学能


2020—2021学年度上期高2018级半期考试 文科数学答案 一、选择题:本题共12小题,毎小题5分,共60分。 1—5 BCCDD 6—10 ADADC 11—12 CB 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。 13.充分不必要 14. 1a ≥- 15 16. 12π 三、解答题:共70分。 {}1111111 1111-1-117.3232(1),3 3321(2)23 3 +2=2,32,1,3(4) 2 2 3 3(5 ) 2 33 +2=3,=32(7) 22 (2)n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n S a n S a n a a a a a a a b b S a a b b a a +++++++=-∴=-+∴=--∴= +∴+∴==-∴==∴∴?∴?-解:(1),,分(),分为以为首项,为公比的等比数列分()()分-1121() 12233=,=1()(9) 233313 <1,<1()(12 ) n n n n n n n c T T T m m ??-?????∴=--∴∴≥()分恒成立,没有等号扣一分分 7 1 7 2 21 18.4,43,()()140 ??7414011228523523 (8 ) (2)2022 51023732022 73 (12 ) i i t i t t y t t y y t b a y b t y t y ====--=-?=-=∴==-?==+=?+=∴∑∑解:(1)故有,解得故回归直线方程为分由该回归直线预测该地区年的年用电量预测该地区年的年用电量为万千瓦时 分 19.解.(1)图甲中∵ 且, ∴,?=∠90ABD ,即. ……………1分 图乙中,∵平面ABD 平面BDC ,且平面ABD 平面BDC =BD ∴AB ⊥底面BDC ,∴AB ⊥CD . ……………………………3分 又,∴DC ⊥BC ,且 ∴DC 平面ABC . …………………………6分 045A ∠=45ADB ∠=AB BD ⊥⊥90DCB ∠=AB BC B =⊥
