




Unit 1

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.

Creative Writing

Topic: How to start creating 1)________________ for the stories

One way to do it: to come up with 2) ________________

How to create fictional characters

—Base them on 3) ________________

—4) ________________ several people's traits into one character

What are the procedures

—Make a list of interesting people you know

—Make notes about their 5) ________________ attributes —Combine characteristics from several people to form one


Benefit of having a character sketch:

—To 6) ________________ your characters personality so that it remains 7) ________________ throughout your story

. getting to know your characters like a friend Two things to keep in mind while writing character sketches:—Do think about 8) ________________

—Don't make your character into 9) ________________

Some terminology

—Major characters: 10) ________________ characters

—Minor characters: flat characters

Unit 2

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.

Art History

Topic: How to 1) ________________

Aspects to evaluate a piece of art:

# identify 2) ________________

—According to Greek philosophers: Beauty and arts are based on imitation

—Aesthetics in today's definition : Taste is bound by time and tied to a society, a given set of

3) ________________

# identify 4) ________________

—determined by the author

# describe it

—the 5) ________________ of the piece

. large, oil on canvas, a person or a landscape

# 6) ________________ it

—the elements you may analyze: 7) ________________, characters, or themes

. wheels and spheres represent 8) ________________

# 9) ________________ it

—meaning you may identify:

. obvious meaning and implied meaning

# 10) ________________ it

—your opinion

. powerful or boring


# Keep all the above steps in mind and try them next time you go to an art museum

Unit 3

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.


Topic: childhood amnesia

Meaning: People 1) ________________ anything that happened before the age of three.

First documented in 1893

Possible reasons for children amnesia

a. Childhood memories are 2) ________________.

b. Children form memories of things prior to age three

but 3) ________________ them later.

c. Children before three lack some 4) ________________

for memory.

—tied to the theories of Jean Piaget

—tied to 5) ________________ in children

Some theoretical and lab testing evidence:

Piaget's theory of cognitive development: children younger than two years old

—lack language;

—but may have 6) ________________ because they recognize faces.

A lab study in the 1980s

Participants: under the age of two

Research method: 7) ________________


—Step 1: adults used props to demonstrate an action that had two steps;

—Step 2: children participants' immediate imitation;

—Step 3: children participants' 8) ________________ imitation one or

more months later;


—a) in both types of imitation tasks: 9) ________________ of the

objects used, the steps involved, and the order of the steps;

—b) faster rate of forgetting among the youngest children;

—c) the development of recall did not depend on language development.

Conclusion to the question concerned

Cause of childhood amnesia: maybe a 10) ________________ rate of forgetting

Future research: what is the rate of forgetting for children under the age of three

Unit 4

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.

Environmental Science

Topic:1) ________________

An example: Dust Bowl in the United States

Nature: a term to describe an 2) ________________ disaster

Location: the southern Great Plains region

Length: 3) ________________

Phenomenon: dust and sand cover everything

Consequence: a) people having difficulty breathing and eating

b) crops destroyed

c) land and people's lives 4) ________________

Causes for this environmental problem:

Farmers 5) ________________ much of the grassland to grow wheat and other crops

Livestock such as cattle 6) ________________ and damaged the grassland

People who rented the land did not take good care of it

Some people did not realized that 7) ________________ took a long time to form and could be damaged in a short time

8) ________________ such as new tractors destroyed the


The weather such as drought

Measures taken:

The government effort: 9) ________________

—identified the stretches of grassland at risk and turned them into permanent grassland

—helped educate farmers to practice10)________________

Unit 5

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.



—the effect of vegetation on the urban climate

—ways of planning our 1) ______________________ better LARGE-SCALE IMPACT OF TREES

—they can make cities more or less 2) ______________________—in summer they can make cities cooler

—they can make inland cities more 3) ______________________ LOCAL IMPACT OF TREES

—they can make local areas

- more 4) ______________________

- cooler

- more humid

- less windy

- less 5) ______________________


Temperature regulation:

—trees evaporate water through their 6) ______________________

—building surfaces may reach high temperatures

Wind force:

—tall buildings cause more wind at 7) ______________________ level

—trees 8) ______________________ the wind force


— trees have a small effect on traffic noise

—9) ______________________ frequency noise passes through trees


—trees require a lot of sunlight, water and 10) ______________________ to grow

Unit 6

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.



·world’s highest, coldest and windiest continent

· more than 1) ____________________ times as big as the UK · most of the area is classified as 2) ____________________ RESEARCH STATIONS

· international teams work together

·3) ____________________ is integrated with technical support

·stations contain accommodation, work areas, a kitchen, a 4) ____________________ and a gym

· supplies were brought to Zero One station by sledge from a 5) ____________________ at the edge of the ice 15 km away

· problem of snow build-ups solved by building stations on 6) ____________________ with adjustable legs


· average daily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately 7) ____________________ kilocalories

· rations for field work prepared by process of freeze-drying RESEARCH

The most important research focuses on climate change, including

- measuring changes in the ice-cap (because of effects on sea levels and 8) ____________________ )

- monitoring the hole in the ozone layer

- analysing air from bubbles in ice to measure 9) ____________________ caused by human activity


Many openings for 10) ____________________ people including - research assistants

- administrative and technical positions

Unit 7

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.

The Sleepy Lizard (tiliqua rugose) DESCRIPTION

· They are common in Western and South Australia

·They are brown, but recogonisable by their blue 1) _________________

· They are relatively large

Their diet consists mainly of 2) _________________

Their main predators are large birds and 3) ___________________ NAVIGATION STUDY

One study found that lizards can use the 4) _______________ to help them navigate.


·Observations show that these lizards keep the same 5) __________ for several years.


· Possible reasons:

-to improve the survival of their young

(but little 6) _________________ has been noted between parents and children)

-to provide 7) _________________ for female lizards TRACKING STUDY

-A study was carried out using GPS systems attached to the 8) ____________ of the lizards

-This provided information on the lizards’ location and even the number of 9) ____________ taken

-It appeared that the lizards were trying to avoid one another -This may be in order to reduce chances of 10) ____________________

Unit 8

Lecture Listening

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks.

Ocean Biodiversity

Biodiversity hotspots

· areas containing many different species

·important for locating targets for 1) ____________________· at first only identified on land

Boris Worm, 2005

· identified hotspots for large ocean predators, . sharks · found that ocean hotspots:

-were not always rich in 2) ____________________

-had higher temperatures at the 3) ____________________

-had sufficient 4) ____________________ in the water

Lisa Balance, 2007

· looked for hotspots for marine 5) ____________________· found these were all located where ocean currents meet Census of Marine Life

· found new ocean species living:

-under the 6) ____________________

-near volcanoes on the ocean floor

Global Marine Species Assessment

· want to list endangered ocean species, considering:

-population size

-geographical distribution

-rate of 7) ____________________

· Aim: to assess 20,000 species and make a distribution 8) ____________________ for each one

Recommendations to retain ocean biodiversity

· increase the number of ocean reserves

·establish 9) ____________________ corridors . for turtles)· reduce fishing quotas

·catch fish only for the purpose of 10 ) ____________________

Unit 9

Listening to short passages and summarizing the main idea

Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to some short passages twice. After each passage, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, you should summarize the main idea of each passage in one sentence and write your answers on the Answer Sheet. You should write no more than 20 words. Short passage 1

What is this passage mainly about

_______________________________________________________ ____________

_______________________________________________________ ____________

Short passage 2

What is this passage mainly about

_______________________________________________________ ____________



Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! Listening skills: Making inferences Listen to the dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear 1 (A) She’s too busy to go to the concert. (B) She'll go with the man soon. (C) She prefers to go to the movies instead. (D) She'll go with the man next time. 2 (A) The man should check in the car before it is too late. (B) The purse might be in the car. (C) The woman might find the purse around the car. (D) It is too late to look for the purse. 3 (A) She likes a CD on thieves and robbers. (B) The man looks like a pirate. (C) She will probably buy the CD. (D) She won't buy the CD. 4 (A) The singer might win in a beauty contest. (B) The singer is a very pretty woman. (C) The singer is unattractive. (D) No votes were cast for the singer at the beauty contest.


1. There are also some parts of the island that still reflect how it used to look before urban development took over 2. The macaques have grown accustomed to being fed, so __they look to humans as a source of food. 3. As the monkeys depend more on humans for food, they venture further from _their natural habitat. 4. These macaques are French species so they live __on the edges of the rainforests 5. After all, the macaques __are essential to maintaining_ the rainforest’s ecosystem. 1.What activities will be held to promote public awareness of protecting biodiversity? Answer: Summit forums and knowledge competitions. 2. How many plant species on the planet are on the edge of extinction presently? Answer: 34,000 plants. 3. What human activities have contributed to the decline of animal species on the earth? Answer: Hunting and fishing.crucial 1. When it comes to intelligence,_, there has always been one fundamental_question: Is intelligence a function of nature? Is it simply encoded in a child’s genes? 2. If we take two identical twins,_chances are that they will be as intelligent as each other 3. If we put identical twins in different environments, we would find differences in their intelligenceseveral years later, which indicates that_environment does play a crucial role in 4. _Investing in quality pre-school opportunities_ clearly helps give children from poverty-stricken areas the chance at a stronger start in school and in life. 5. We will _take a hard look at this compelling data and begin investing greater sums at the early childhood level 1. In 1999, Time named Einstein as Answer: the Person of the Century 2. Einstein hated the system of learning by rote and he said it Answer: destroyed learning and creativity 3. What award did Einstein win in 1921?Answer: The Nobel Prize for Physics. 1. Science fiction is another way to sensors_ the future. 2. It’s a kind of writing that blends real science with _fantasy_. 3. For instance, _predict can show if someone is in your home and where they are at all times. 4. The stuff of _cutting-edge scientific research today is tomorrow’s household technology. 5. And high-tech _consumer products could be available in your future home 1. Technology is developing very fast and affecting our lives.T 2. Robots are developing more human characteristics and doing very simple and safe jobs.F 3. Robots can do perfectly everything we can imagine and improve our future lives.F 1. A leading US scientist has predicted that computers will be more intelligent than humans by 2029.F 2. Dr. Kurzweil is an innovator in various fields of computing.T 3. Things we see in science fiction movies will never happen in reality.F


新编实用英语视听说初级教程(上)原文 Unit 1 ICON THEA TER: Tourists Don: Here we are! Kate: Finally! Don: Let?s find a hotel. I?m tired. Kate: NO. I?m hungry! Let?s find a restaurant first. Don: OK, OK. Well, there are a lot of restaurants here. Let?s go to the Bombay Palace. Kate: No way! Idon?t like Indian food. It?s too spicy! Don: I love Indian food! Spicy food is delicious. Kate: How about that restaurant? Let?s have crepes! Don: What are crepes? Kate: crepes? Crepes are a French dish. Don: French dish? Oh, French food is expensive. Kate: No, it?s not. French food is delicious! Don: Look at that restaurant! The Mil ano! Let?s have Italian food! Kate: Oh, I don?t know. Italian food is very heavy! I?m on a diet. Don: So what?s your suggestion? Kate: Um…I?m not sure. Uh… I don?t know. Don: Japanese food? Kate: No way! I don?t like Japanese food. Let?s have sushi. Don: Sushi is Japanese food. Kate: Is sushi Japanese? Really? Don: How about Chinese food? Kate: Y es, good idea! Let?s have Chinese food. Chinese food is delicious, and it isn?t expensive. Don: Ok. Let?s go to that Chinese restaurant. Kate: Oh, no! It?s closed! Don: Oh, it?s late! Look! The French restaurant is closed! Look. The Brazilian restaurant is closed! Brazilian restaurant is closed! Kate: All the restaurants are closed! Don: Let?s find a hotel. Kate: Y es. Don: Where can we go? Kate: Let?s go to the Glitz Hotel. Oh, no, it?s too small. How about the Plaza Hotel? No, it?s expensive! Hey! How about the Grand Hotel? No, it?s ugly! Don: Oh, no! Not again! ICON INTERVIEWS: What are your favorite kinds of food? Interviewer: So, what are your favorite kinds of food? Loy: I like … uh … hamburgers, uh … pasta, and pizza. Doug: I would say my favorites are Thai food and Italian food. Hailey: Uh … my favorite dish is h ot pot. Do you know that? Craig: Pizza and pretzels and probably donuts. Interviewer: What?s your favorite kind of food? Roxanne: My favorite kind of food is Chinese food, yes. Interviewer: What?s your favorite Chinese dish? Roxanne: My favorite Chinese d ish, I would say … um…moo-shoo pork. Y eah.


Part1 Exercise2 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C Exercise3 1.football,basketball,baseball 2.steady,boyfriend 3.guess,realized 4.broke,up 5.in,group 6.save,up 7.here,comes 8.happened,to 9.not,at,all 10.except,for Part2 Listening2 Exercise1 1)kind 2)gold 3)heartless 4)love 5)songs 6)says 7)touch 8)lifetime 9)gone 10)happens 11)feelings 12)speed listening3 exercise1 B Part3 Practice1 1)gaze 2)sighs 3)touch 4)hugs 5)such 6)words 7)praises 8)understands 9)lends 10)holds Practice2 Exercise1 C Exercise2 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F Practice3 1)learning 2)admire 3)vocabulary 4)loving 5)relationship 6)connections 7)experiences 8)remembering 9)proud 10)try 11)body 12)expressions 13)willingness 14)fears 15)pace 16)best 17)jokes 18)fondness 19)laugh 20)with Practice4 Exercise1 D Exercise2 1.unsuccessful,marriages 2.failed,relationships 3.dreamed,of 4.words,action 5.men,natural Part4 Section1 Section2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B Section3 1.perfect 2.half,full 3.ashamed 4.failure 5.apologized 6.house 7.side 8.flower,seeds 9.watered 10.pick

大学体验英语视听说教程 UNIT 1McDonald’s Business

丁伟电气102 1:McDonald’s Business Model: The Three-legged Stool Script McDonald’s Corporation (MCD) is one of the leading fast-food restaurant chains in the world, touching the lives of people every day. As the world’s largest chain of restaurants, it primarily sells hamburgers, chicken, french fries, milkshakes, soft drinks, etc. The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald. Initially, they just owned a hotdog stand. But after establishing the restaurant they served around 25 items, which were mostly barbecued. It became a popular and profitable teen hangout. Their introduction of the “Speed Service System” in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. The present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc on April 15, 1955. In effect, Kroc opened his first and the overall ninth restaurant in Chicago, Illinois, and gave birth to McDonald’s Corporation. In 1958, the restaurant chain sold its 100 millionth hamburger. In 1960, Kroc renamed his company as “McDonald’s Corporation”. In 1961, Kroc convinced the McDonald brothers to sell the business rights to him in the company. Thus he purchased the brothers’ equity for a s um of $2.7million and led to its worldwide expansion.


New Standard English Book 4 Unit 1 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together. 3. the true statements are 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with 2.How did he end up in London 3.the least experienced person 4.He’s good at his job 5.He’s confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English 8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) Outside view 2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4. 4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job 2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1.professional job coach 2.research on the position and the company 3.having not practised with some of the questions 4.how you present yourself 5.what the interviewer is actually looking for 6.preparation,presentation and understanding 7.in relationship to the job 8.some examples in your life 9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. Listening in Passage 1


第一单元 Outside view 1. 1 2 3 4 2.interview techniques lead in looking for boils down 3.professional job coach doing research practiced with present yourselfinterviewerpresentation and understanding in relationship to the jobsome examples dealing with problems 4. 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 5.what Samantha was doing wrong in her first job interview what she should do in future interviews Talk 1.B C A C 2.C A D Passage 1 1. 2.B D A D C Passage 2

Unite test DBACA BCDAD BDBC 第二单元 Outside view 1. 3 4 6 1.It's best suited to the download generation. Although the interview says "No one in the industry is suggesting the conventional bookshop is dead", the figures discussed indicate that the conventional bookshop will lose out to digital publishing. Downloadable books sell more than hardbacks and paperbacks. The e-book is delivered in a very convenient way. 2.undergoing a fundamental change600consuming content get it editedclick of a few buttons earning money for an author never really catch on Talk 1.B D A D 2.C B A Passage 1 1.20 once ten discussion travel writing 2.D A C B Passage 2 1. 1-B 2-G 3-E 4-A 5-D 6-F 7-C 2.literary specialist close linkswell-known writers the memorial literary historyrecent series of films the home ofsuccessful films English-speaking world

大学体验英语视听说原文unit 2

Unit 2 Lesson 1, Audio “Most people you meet know more about comics than I do,” laughs Naif Al-Mutawa, creator of The 99, the world’s first comic-book series whose superheroes are based on Islamic culture. “Strength, honor, truth, mercy, invention, generosity, wisdom, tolerance—these are some of the superpowers possessed by my heroes,” emphasizes Al-Mutawa. “No one hero has more than a single power, and no power is expressed to the degree that God possesses i t,’’ he adds. There are 99 young heroes from 99 countries, from all walks of life. All of them are Muslim, but not all are Arabs, and the number is almost evenly split between boys and girls. As Al-Mutawa explains, whenever these characters collaborate to solve problems, there is an implicit message of tolerance and acceptance, a theme central to the series. Unlike many comic book heroes, the 99 do not use weapons. “They use the gifts they have within themselves,” Al- Mutawa notes, adding that “The 99 is not about what kids shouldn’t be doing. It’s about learning how to use the power within them to make a difference.” Although the series is not religious, it aims to communicate Islamic virtues which are, as viewed by


Unit1 Activity 2 Boy: Hey, Grandma, what’s in this box Grandma: Oh, nothing really… Just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is ! B: No, I don’t. I really don’t G: Well, it’s something you keep. It’s something that giv es you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What’s this G: Now don’t go just digging around in there! ... Hmmm, let’s see…. that’s my first diary. B: Can I…. G: No, you can’t read it! It’s personal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, ok…. Well then, what’s that It has your picture in it. G: That’s my passport. YOU can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What’s that big book G: My yearbook. It’s my high school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that’s old! G: That’s about enough out of you, young man. I think it’s time we put this box away and… Activity3 At the age of thirteen, I took my first trip alone. I went to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. I felt very nervous about traveling so far, but my mother said, “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me. My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home. I stayed there for two weeks, and I had so much fun with them! It was my first time in Los Angeles, and I saw lots of really interesting places. In the end, I didn’t want to go home! Activity4 Making memories A popular new hobby is scrapbooking---making beautiful books to hold special memories. Scrapbook pages can include photos, drawings, journal entries. It’s not hard to make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years. Here are the steps.. 1. Choose a theme for your scrapbook pages. Some examples: “School days,” “ Family travel,” “Memories of my grandparents,” “ Baby’s first year.” 2. Select photos for each page. Two or three really good photos are better than ten so-so photos. 3. Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos. Look for old newspaper clippings, postcards, tickets, report cards, letters--- anything made of paper. Use your imagination! 4. Design the pages. Put photos and keepsakes together on each page and move them around until you find a layout that you like. 5. Glue your photos and keepsakes into place. Then decorate your pages with felt pens, paint, and stickers. Use your imagination! 6. Label your pages. This is the most important step! Remember to write down the “5 Ws” of your photos: Who,


Whether English should be removed from the College Entrance Examination and give your reason? What is the aim of the reform? What are advantages and disadvantages? Are you agree with the reform that Samaritan 见义勇为[s?'m?ritn]will be taken into consideration in favorable scoring policy in college entrance examination and please give your reason. 教科书/作业答案 Unit1 Basic listening practice: CDABC Listening in: task 1: While the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly getting excellent marks, she says she read an article on studing and remembering. It talks about principles like “ Mental Visulization”, that is, creating a picture in one’s mind of what is to be remembered. This reminds the man of the principle “Association”, “Consolidation”new material into what one has already learned sixteen “Distributed Practice”shorter several days a muscle exercise Task2: FTFFF Task3: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.D Further listening: task 1:ABDDC carrots, eggs, bananas, and milk (2) lost keys (3) a giant carrot and a banana hanging from it (4) a giant milk carton pouring milk over the carrot and banana (5) an egg-shaped UFO flying across the sky (6) The sound of the keys might remind you of having placed them in a drawer. The cold touch of the keys might remind

英语(大学英语视听说 上机答案)

英语(大学英语视听说上机答案) 第一单元 12/19 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching background work on hoping for break may be it By the way 1A/5 she doesn’t work…… her sch…… she has…… she did not…… she often 1B/5 kind of it’s about right I did past three years paid of earned break the case in comparison to depends on a lot harder in general my roommate way too for myself a balance 2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood 2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don’t 4)enough 5)Let’s 6)to walk 3/5 1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing 5/5 sorry I don’t I’m sorry That’d be —— 第二单元 3/19 money Goss They this on nick 8/19 couldn’t has lost won’t- 10/19 Tali Make He New story she can’t believe


Unit 1 Access to success Listening to the world Sharing Scripts Part 1 V: Hi. There are a lot of things that I’d like to do but I’ve never done before. I’m not really a daredevil, so things like bungee jumping are not really my cup of tea, but I do know that trying new things makes you feel good. Today, I’m going to talk to people about trying new things and achievement. How do you feel about trying new things? Part 2 Ml: I’m up for trying new things. Depends what they are, obviously, um, some things I wouldn’t try, but I’d give most things a go. M2: I always enjoy trying new things. I like to meet new people and, try new food, see new places, see different things. It’s always nice to see that. Wl: I love to try new things. I love to travel. W2: If you try new things, you get more out of life, I think. M3: I’m always up for new things. I love traveling; I love trying exotic new foods, all that sort of stuff; seeing new cultures. Part 3 V: What stops you from trying new things? W2: Fear, probably. M2: Time and money complicates trying new things. It’s hard to find time to travel and it’s hard to afford enough money to travel as well. Ml: Er, I suppose, if it was dangerous and I could get injured. M3: Probably, at the moment, school - I don’t have a lot of time;I’ve got a lot of work. Money, as well. Wl: If it’s very dangerous; or …if my stomach just can’t handle it; or if I don’t have money. Part 4 V: What have you achieved in your life that makes you feel proud? M2: I’m very proud that I was able to go to Ethi opia and build houses for people who needed it. And, being a part of that team was really special to me. Ml: I’ve written plays and people come to see the plays and enjoyed them. And um, I’ve gone out and performed in front of, er, I suppose, thousands of people now and they’ve laughed. Wl: I guess um, finishing school, um, with a high level and - so far not a lot - but I’ve learnt French better than I thought I would, so, I’m proud of that, I guess. I’m still learning. M3: Probably proudest achievement is getting A grades in my end-of-year exams - helping me to get a place in university. W2: Well, I feel that I’ve become er, quite a good person and I guess I’m proud of that. Part 5 V: Who do you admire for their achievements and why? M3: Probably business leaders such as Richard Branson um, as he started off, you know as, as hardly
