



Question : What is more astonishing than a 6000 ton whale on a flatbed truck being driven down the street ?

Answer : A 6000 ton whale on a flatbed truck exploding and raining blubber (fat of whales ) all over the sidewalk .

That’s what happened in Taiwan recently, when a dead sperm whale being shipped to the Halobios Research Centre for an autopsy (尸体解剖) developed an extremely bad case of gas and blew up before it reached its destination .

The whale was found alive on a Taiwan beach last weekend, and died shortly after it was discovered. Since the 56-foot whale was the largest whale ever beached on Taiwan’s shores , scientists wanted to study it and perform an autopsy for educational purpose .

Obviously, too much time passed between when the animal died and the time it was set to be moved to the autopsy location, because it had already started to go bad .When things rot , they give off gases as a by-product . In the whale’s case , the gases were trapped in its belly . The pressure inside the rotting creature grew so much that it popped like an over-filled balloon . Unfortunately , it was on a truck in the middle of the city of Taiwan at the time; cars and shops lining the street were covered with whale bits an d juices , much to their owners’ discouragement . According to news reports , traffic was tied up for hours while officials tried to clean up the streets .

Newspaper editors worldwide were probably smiling to themselves , since they had a ready-made headline; several reports about the inciden t were titled “There She Blows!” after the famous line from the book Moby Dick .

1.The purpose of the question at the beginning of this news report is to ______.

A.explain the reason B.sell newspapers

C.attract readers D.give an immediate answer

2.The whal e’s explosion is the result of _________.

A.pressure from gases building up in the creature as it began to rot

B.the long transport of the creature from the beach to the center

C.the extremely busy traffic in the streets it passed by

D.the quick process of rotting of the animal

3.What is the correct order of the incidents ?

a. The whale was set to a flatbed truck .

b. The whale was discovered .

c. The whale exploded .

d. The whale died .

A.b; c; a ; d B.d; c; b; a C.b; d; a; c D.d; b; a; c

4.What do we know from the last paragraph ?

A.Some newspaper editors were laughed at .

B.Moby Dick is the name of a woman writer .

C.All the newspapers reported the story under the same title .

D.The title “There She Blows!” is taken from the book Moby Dick .


The three biggest lies in America are : (1) “The check is in the mail.” (2) “Of course I’ll respect you in the morning .” (3) “It was a computer error.”

Of these three little white lies , the worst of the lot by far is the third . It’s the only one that can never be true . Today , if a bank statement cheats you out of $ 900 that way , you know what the clerk is sure to say : “It was a computer error .” Nonsense . The computer is reporting nothing more than what the clerk typed into it .

The most annoying case of all is when the computerized cash register in the grocery store shows that an item costs more than it actually does . If the innocent buyer points out the mistake, the checker , bagger and manager all come together and offer the familiar explanation : “It was a computer error .”

It wasn’t, of course . That high-tech cash register is really nothing more than an electric eye . The eye reads the Universal Product Code; that ribbon of black and white lines on the package; and then checks the code against a price list stored in memory . I f the price list is right , you’ll be charged accurately .

Grocery stores update the price list each day; that is , somebody sits at a keyboard and types in the prices . If the price they type in is too high , there are only two explanations : carelessness or dishonesty . But somehow “a computer error” is supposed to excuse everything .

One reason we let people hide behind a computer is the common misunderstanding that huge , modern computers are “electric brains” with “artificial intelligence.” At some point there might be a machine with intelligence , but none exists today . The smartest computer on earth right now is no more “intelligent” than your average screwdriver (螺丝刀). At this point in the development of computers the only thing any machine can do is what a human has instructed it to do .

1.We are told that a high-tech cash register is really just ______.

A.a simple adding machine B.an electric instrument of sight

C.a way to keep employees honest D.an expensive piece of window dressing 2.Grocery store price lists are updated by________ .

A.an employee B.a telephone receiver C.an adding machine D.a typewriter 3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true ?

A.That high-tech cash register is anything but an electric eye .

B.The grocery stores update the price list every other day .

C.There is no machine with intelligence today.

D.There are four biggest lies in America .

4.Which of the following describes the main idea of the passage ?

A.Computers are stupid and inefficient .

B.Computer errors are basically human errors .

C.Computers can help department stores update the price list .

D.Supermarket price errors are often made through dishonesty .


Robots frequently star in science fiction movies and books. But, that wasn’t enough and they’ve begun jumping off the screen and into r_____1____. So if you have some things you’d like a robot to do, you’d better make a(n) l_____2____ right now. They may be here faster than you can snap your fingers.

Last week in HongKong, for example, customers were attracted to a restaurant not because of the

food, but because of a robot waiter. The robot g____3_____ customers and took their orders. The customers could give the names of the dishes they wanted by tapping on the robot’s screen to complete the order. Robot Waiter 1, as it’s known, can only take orders --- it still can’t serve. But restaurant owners say they have plans to add another robot-waiter to the s____4____ in the near future.

At the end of last month, a robot Albert Einstein was on display in NewYork. He not only gave physics grades but also r______5____ different faces with a camera in his eyes. And in October, hundreds of robots around the world will show up in Suzhou for the RobotCup, a World Cup Soccer Game --- for robots.

Some people are afraid of the robot revolution --- sci-fi novelist Isaac Asimov d_____6____ this in his work “Robot revolution, the making of I”. But many more people can’t wait to e____7___ the fascinating world that robots can bring us in the future.


I'm Susan Clark with the Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

Young Mister Smith had an idea for his employer. It was an idea for saving money for the company by increasing prices. At the same time, Smith suggested that the company sell goods of

less value.

If his employer liked the idea, Smith might be given more pay. Perhaps he might even get a better

job with the company.

Business had been very slow. So Mister Smith's employer thought a few minutes about the idea. But then she shook her head. "I am sorry, Smith," his employer said. "It just will not wash." Now, the meaning of these English words should be, "It will not get clean." Yet Smith's idea did not have anything to do with making something clean. So why did his employer say, "It will not


Most word experts agree that "it will not wash" means it will not work. Eric Partridge wrote that the saying probably developed in Britain in the eighteen hundreds. Charlotte Bronte used it in a story published in eighteen forty-nine. She wrote, "That wiln't wash, miss." Mizz Bronte seems to have meant that the dyes used to color a piece of clothing were not good. The colors could not

be depended on to stay in the material.

In nineteenth century England, the expression came to mean an undependable statement. It was used mainly to describe an idea. But sometimes it was used about a person.

A critic once said of the poet Robert Browning, "He won't wash." The critic did not mean that the poet was not a clean person. He meant that Browning's poems could not be depended on to


Today, we know that judgment was wrong. Robert Browning still is considered a major poet. But very few people remember the man who said Browning would not wash.

Happily for the young employee Smith, his employer wanted him to do well in the company. So the employer "talked turkey" to him. She said, "Your idea would be unfair to our buyers. Think

of another way to save money."

A century ago, to talk turkey meant to talk pleasantly. Turkeys in the barnyard were thought to be speaking pleasantly to one another. In recent years, the saying has come to mean an attempt to

teach something important.

Word expert Charles Funk tells how he believes this change took place.

He says two men were shooting turkeys together. One of them was a white man. The other was an American Indian. The white man began stating reasons why he should get all the turkeys for himself. But the American Indian stopped him. He told the white man, "Now, I talk turkey to


Mister Smith thought of a better idea after his employer talked turkey to him. He was given an increase in pay. So if your idea "will not wash," try "talking turkey" to yourself and come up

with a better idea.


High school students in Asia often do better than American students on international math and science tests. Experts say part of this is because schools in countries like China and South Korea do better at preparing students to take tests. Yet some of these same countries want to learn what makes American students good at creativity and critical thinking.

Foreign educators often visit Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, near Washington. This past summer, seventy-five school principals visited from China.

Evan Glazer, the principal of Thomas Jefferson, says the school combines science and math with literature and other liberal arts.

EV AN GLAZER: “Curriculum, when it’s seen within one particular context, you’re really just developing knowledge and skills. But if you want to look at the complexity of real problems and original solutions, it requires people to come at them from different angles. And so we foster a lot of team teaching, with pairing up teachers from different disciplines so that, when they’re offering challenges to students, that they hav e a variety of perspectives as they approach problems.”

The admissions process is intensely competitive. Thomas Jefferson is part of the Fairfax County Public Schools but serves a wider area. The number of students from families of Asian ethnicity at the school reached fifty percent this past year.

The program was created in partnership with local businesses in nineteen eighty-five. The goal was to improve education in science, math and technology.

Some students do university-level research in fields such as microelectronics, neuroscience and biotechnology. Students can also learn from working with professionals, says Mr. Glazer.

EV AN GLAZER: “We certainly cultivate a culture of inquiry and research so that students can do original work. That’s part of our m indset. But I think, as Americans, I think we pride ourselves in our ability to constantly generate new ideas for the benefit of humanity.”

In East Asia, the focus of high school is often to prepare students for college entrance exams. But Mr. Glazer says in recent years China has been developing experimental schools. These offer more student-centered learning the way many top American schools do.

EV AN GLAZER: “And I think that’s part of the American mindset that we’ve had pride in as a country for so many years -- of the idea that everyone can bring original ideas. And I think East Asia senses that, and they certainly see the benefit to our innovation as a country.”

He points out that as East Asian countries consider greater freedom for their schools, American education is headed in the opposite direction. Most states have recently approved common standards in math and reading.

EV AN GLAZER: “In China and in Korea there is a strong interest in trying to get students to be more creative. And in America there is a strong interest in standardization. And, you know, the reality is we don’t operate in one world or the other. It’s trying to find that right balance."


《英语报刊阅读》试题(A 卷) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao ’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder. The reform will take effect in two directions. State —financed students will begin


初二英语报刊阅读四 (1) Question : What is more astonishing than a 6000 ton whale on a flatbed truck being driven down the street ? Answer : A 6000 ton whale on a flatbed truck exploding and raining blubber (fat of whales ) all over the sidewalk . That’s what happened in Taiwan recently, when a dead sperm whale being shipped to the Halobios Research Centre for an autopsy (尸体解剖) developed an extremely bad case of gas and blew up before it reached its destination . The whale was found alive on a Taiwan beach last weekend, and died shortly after it was discovered. Since the 56-foot whale was the largest whale ever beached on Taiwan’s shores , scientists wanted to study it and perform an autopsy for educational purpose . Obviously, too much time passed between when the animal died and the time it was set to be moved to the autopsy location, because it had already started to go bad .When things rot , they give off gases as a by-product . In the whale’s case , the gases were trapped in its belly . The pressure inside the rotting creature grew so much that it popped like an over-filled balloon . Unfortunately , it was on a truck in the middle of the city of Taiwan at the time; cars and shops lining the street were covered with whale bits an d juices , much to their owners’ discouragement . According to news reports , traffic was tied up for hours while officials tried to clean up the streets . Newspaper editors worldwide were probably smiling to themselves , since they had a ready-made headline; several reports about the inciden t were titled “There She Blows!” after the famous line from the book Moby Dick . 1.The purpose of the question at the beginning of this news report is to ______. A.explain the reason B.sell newspapers C.attract readers D.give an immediate answer 2.The whal e’s explosion is the result of _________. A.pressure from gases building up in the creature as it began to rot B.the long transport of the creature from the beach to the center C.the extremely busy traffic in the streets it passed by D.the quick process of rotting of the animal 3.What is the correct order of the incidents ? a. The whale was set to a flatbed truck . b. The whale was discovered . c. The whale exploded . d. The whale died . A.b; c; a ; d B.d; c; b; a C.b; d; a; c D.d; b; a; c 4.What do we know from the last paragraph ? A.Some newspaper editors were laughed at . B.Moby Dick is the name of a woman writer . C.All the newspapers reported the story under the same title . D.The title “There She Blows!” is taken from the book Moby Dick . (2)


Passage 1 ?Our Class This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together I.?仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(错) ( )1. There is an American boy in our class. ( )2. Mary is an English girl. ( )3. She likes rice, tea, and bread. ( )4. We are good friends. ( )5. There are twenty-four girls in our class. II.?在A, B, C中选出一个最佳答案 ( )1. How many students are there in the class A. Twenty-five B. Fifty-five C. Fifty ( )2. What does Mary like eating dog and bread ( )3. What does she like drinking A. Apple juice. B. Cola C. Orange juice and milk ( )4. What do the Chinese students like eating and drinking A. Rice and tea B. Bread and milk C. Bread and Passage 2 ?Betty and Kitty Betty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different (不同的)hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps(集邮). She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different


《英语报刊阅读》课程教学大纲 课程编码:30614003 学分:2 总学时:36 说明 【课程性质】 英语报刊阅读是全日制英语专业本科高年级阶段的一门专业任意选修课,开设时间为第五学期。 【教学目的】 1. 通过为学生提供一定数量的英美报刊阅读,使学生了解国际重大时事,获得最新信息,增加国际知识,提高独立阅读的能力。 2.通过课堂讲授,使学生了解世界主流英文报刊,了解英文报刊阅读常识,提高对信息分析、判断的能力。 3.通过课堂讲授与课后练习,提高学生阅读报刊文章并进行摘要写作的能力。 【教学任务】 此课程教学旨在使学生大致了解英美等英语国家报刊的基本特点,初步掌握阅读英语报刊的技能,学会运用各种工具书和各方面的知识,了解英语报刊的内容和实质,进而在提高学生语言能力的同时提高综合能力和知识水平。 【教学内容】 英语报刊阅读主要包括英语国家报刊简介、英语报刊中的术语、新闻的写作等报刊知识以及报刊文章选读,所选的文章主要来源于国内的21st Century 、China Daily 以及美国《读者文摘》、《今日美国》、《时代周刊》及《新闻周刊》等报刊以及部分互联网文章。选材注重思想性和代表性及学生的实际英语水平。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则:在《英美报刊阅读》课程当中,强调学生思维能力的培养,我们要有意识地思维能力的培养有机地融合在英语专业技能、英语专业知识和相关知识课程的教学中。要努力为学生创造发表个人见解的机会,对不同的意见和看法要采取鼓励和宽容的态度。 教学方法:以讲授为主,辅以学生查阅相关资料,探究式学习。 【先修课程要求】 可以在第一、二、三、四学期开设了基础英语,以及第二,三学期的英语阅读课的基础上开设此课程。


考试科目:英美报刊选读考试时间:120分钟试卷总分100分 题号Part I 60 % Part II 30% Part III 10% 卷面 分 100 % 折合 分 70% 平时 分 30% 总分 得分 评卷 教师 得分 一、Reading Comprehension(60%) Passage 1 The rules of etiquette in restaurants depend upon a number of factors: the physical location of the restaurant, e. g. rural or urban? the type of the restaurants e. g. informal or formal; and certain standards that are more universal. In other words, some standards of etiquette vary significantly while other standards apply almost anywhere. Learning the proper etiquette in a particular type of restaurant in a particular area may sometimes require instruction, but more commonly it simply requires sensitivity and experience. For example, while it is acceptable to read a magazine in a coffee shop, it is inappropriate to do the same in a more luxurious setting. And if you are eating in a very rustic setting it may be fine to tuck your napkin into your shirt, but if you are in a sophisticated urban restaurant this behavior would demonstrate-alack of sophistication. It is safe to say, however, that in virtually every restaurant it is unacceptable to indiscriminately throw your food on the floor. The conclusion we can most likely draw from the above is that while the types and locations of restaurants determine etiquette appropriate to them, some rules apply to all restaurants. 1. What Is the main purpose of the passage? a. To point out the differences between rules of etiquette in different countries. b. To teach the reader how to tuck a napkin in his/her shirt. c. To help people from rustic areas learn. d. To explain that standards of etiquette are both variable and universal. 2. According to the passage, which of the following is a universal rule of etiquette? . a. Tucking a napkin in your shirt. b. Not throwing food on the floor. c. Reading a magazine at a coffee shop. d. Eating in rustic settings. 3. What does the word “it” in line 8 refer to? a. Proper etiquette.


四年级阅读理解训练 Class One,Grade Four It is Tuesday today. Boys and girls are all at school。They usually come to school by bus. Their teacher is at school,too. The teacher’s name is Gu Yan. She is young. She usually comes to school on foot. Look at the classroom of Class One, Grade Four. In this room, you can see a boy and a girl. The boy is eleven. His name is Jack. The girl is Emma. She is twelve. John is Jack’s friend. He is an American boy. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F. ( )1.Boys and girls are all at home today. ( )2.The boys and girls go to school by bus. ( )3.Miss Gu is not old. ( )4.Miss Gu usually goes to school by bike. James Is Ill James is a primary school(小学) student. He’s in Grade(年纪)Three now. He has a round face and wears glasses. He likes playing football and swimming. But today he doesn’t go to school. He’s ill.He’s in bed. He had a bad cold. He must stay in bed for a week. 根据短文选择正确的答案 ( )1.James is a student. A.primary school B.middle school C.senior school ( )2.Jame is in Grade . A.Too B.Three C.Two ( )3.Jame likes . A.basketball B.football C.table tennis ( )4.James is in bed because . A.he is tired B.he is ill C.he is sleepy ( )5.James must stay in bed for . A.a day B.a week C.two weeks


课程名称:英语新闻讲义 任课老师: 国际交流学院 对外汉语2011级1班

UNIT 1 CHIRSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR WILL STOP PRINTING DAILY V ACABULARY Harbinger/?hɑ?.b?n.d???/ Witch hazels are the harbinger of spring. Is this news a harbinger of good days to come? n.先驱,预告者,通示(…即将来到)者 vt. To signal the approach of; presage(often something unpleasant). Batter/?b?t.??/ Their idealism has been battered. The movie took a battering from critics. v.strike repeatedly with hard blows;to repeat violence and assault v. censure, criticize, or defeat severely or thoroughly. Circulation 循环、流通、传播、发行量Newsprint 新闻纸 Freelance A freelance journalist. I work freelance from home. A journalist who freelances. a.independent or uncommitted in politics or personal life ad. Earn one’s living in such a way n. vi. Bureau[?bj??r??] Even-handed a.fair and impartial in treatment or judgement ad. Even-handedly n. Even-handedness Baron 男爵、巨头、贵族 PHRASES Pick up readers through sensational, so-called.. Yellow Journalism Nationally distributed newspaper Prove a harbinger of A steep rise in the cost of Weekday print edition Distinguish itself by The trend of the day USEFUL EXPRESSION Abandon its weekday print edition,choosing instead to put daily news on it’s … It’s the first nationally distributed newspaper to make such a move… “……”said XXX,who added that …… Eddy wanted a paper that would distinguish itself by providing even-handed news when the trend of the day was to pick up readers through sensational, so called “yellow journalism”whose art was perfected by warring [adj.] newspaper barons like Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph. It’s motto is “to injure no man, but to bless all mankind”


《英语报刊阅读》试题(A卷) Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non—compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder.


Passage 1 Our Class This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together I. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(错) ( )1. There is an American boy in our class. ( )2. Mary is an English girl. ( )3. She likes rice, tea, and bread. ( )4. We are good friends. ( )5. There are twenty-four girls in our class. II.在A, B, C中选出一个最佳答案 ( )1. How many students are there in the class? A. Twenty-five B. Fifty-five C. Fifty ( )2. What does Mary like eating? A.hamburger B.hot dog C.Cakes and bread

高中英语教学案例分析 高二报刊阅读

高中英语教学案例分析——社会主义核心价值观进课堂 高二英语报纸阅读课 李玮艳 摘要:文章分析了高中英语教学中的报纸阅读课教学及如何在课堂中融合社会主义核心价值观的问题,在课堂教学中利用了文本材料的高时效性和语言知识的介绍,旨在提高学生的学习效率和提升学生语言素养。 关键词:高中英语教学;案例分析;社会主义核心价值观 一、教材分析 上海学生英文报(Shanghai Students' Post)是面向广大中学师生英语学习的辅导类报纸,它紧扣上海地区英语二期课改的教学大纲,在内容上具有很强的时效性,因此在平时教学中的使用率是很高的。这堂课选取的文本是2017年3月21日上海学生英文报的头版文章:The Music of Language. 改文章的执笔者是特约撰稿人Larry White,他就时下很热门的节目《朗读者》引发的阅读热给出了自己的见解和思考。 该课旨在拓宽学生的视野,在英语语言欣赏方面给他们一些建议和方向,同时训练他们对文章信息准确地捕捉和概括,并当堂给学生一次实际运用语言表达自己观点的机会,让阅读理解和口头表达两种能力在一堂课上得到结合,提高学生的能力。同时教师在课堂上将引导学生就相关内容进行结合社会主义核心价值观的思考,将德育渗透进课堂中。 二、学情分析 授课对象为高中二年级学生,他们对英语的认知较高一阶段有了进一步的发展,逐渐形成了用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,也具有一定的英语思维和表达能力。不论是口头还是书面,平时都有一些语言表达的训练,让学生们学习将现实生活中的思考与语言学习结合起来,学会用英语表达自己的观点和见解。但是班级中学生的学习能力和表现毕竟还是会参差不齐,因此在课堂教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,既要运用鲜活真实的语言资料调动学生的积极性,也要有学术专业的知识内容让学生们有所学习领悟,同时在互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、教学目标 1. 理解文章的内容和结构以及作者的意图和观点。 2. 理解和学会应用文章中涉及的相关词汇。(例如convey, rhythm, be awakened to, tackle, imitate等)


四年级英语阅读理解专项训练题 (一) Betty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps. She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too. ( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister. ( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers. ( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks. ( ) 4. They’re twelve years old. ( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday. (二) My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall. ( ) 1. This is Lily’s house. ( ) 2. There are four rooms in the house. ( ) 3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room. ( ) 4. There are two chairs and a desk in fat her and mother’s room. ( ) 5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room. (三) Do You Want Me To Tell a Lie? Mummy: Which apple do you want, Dick? Dick: The biggest one, Mummy. Mummy: What? You should be polite and pick the little one. Dick: Should I tell a lie just to be polite, Mummy? 1. Mummy have two pears. () 2. Dick wants to eat the big one. ( ) 3. Mummy wants Dick to eat the big one. ( ) 4. Dick eats the big on e, because he doesn’t want to tell a lie. ( ) (四) A: Mum, it’s Teacher’s Day. I’d like a card for my teacher. B: OK, here’s a green one on the desk. A: Thank you, Mum. what’s the time, please. B: It’s seven now. A: Oh, I’m late. Where’s my school bag? 1 / 4


The characteristics of English News Headlines Number: Name:

The characteristics of English News Headlines Abstract: the news headline is an important part of English news, because the title is the readers to get as much information as possible in the shortest possible time language media, plays a unique role in the news. For the reader, read the headline is the first step of reading English newspapers. English news headlines are numerous and varied, but has its internal rules and characteristics, has its own unique title words, grammar and rhetoric. This paper examines some of the characteristics of English news headlines from the vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric in three aspects: simple, general, ellipsis, fresh, interesting. Language learning is a process of practice, for English learners, reading English newspaper is a shortcut to modern English pulse. The news headline is the first step of reading newspaper readers learn English, and many readers initially reading English newspaper, the problem the first encounter is the title. Just started reading English newspaper readers generally encountered such a problem: the title words realize, you don't understand or not fully understand. Because the newspaper headlines are simple, elliptical, humorous, not only to the main content of highly summarized news, play a role in the finishing touch, but also for the fascinating to try to put the title winning new innovation and full of color, make the reader "fall in love at first sight". 1.vocabulary Brief summary is one of the major features of news headlines, in order to achieve this objective, the English news headlines are widely used terms, abbreviations and the so-called "small" (Midget Words). 1.1 NOUN Making "noun has the very strong expressive function, but also has extensive grammar tolerance (Grammaticality). It can act as a variety of part of speech, syntactic concept can be expressed by simple structure form complete." Noun (gerund, including compound nouns) can be widely used for word type caption or replace the adjectives (noun reduplication), phrases and clauses. (1)with the noun word type caption Entrepreneurs(创业者发迹史) Wineswomanship(妇女酗酒问题) (2) the noun reduplication Miracle Rescue (神奇般获救) Taiwan’s UN Entry Proposal Opposed (台湾进入联合国提议遭到反对)
